Bible Study Videos (in the Khan Academy style)
by Curtis Omo, B.A., M.Div., S.T.M.
{updated: 9/16/15}
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on the new website--bible
2 Thessalonians 3:5-18; Separating from undisciplined believers; working for a living.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:4: Future suffering but blessed; the beautiful side of evil.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-15: Operative power of deception.
2 Thessalonians 2:10: Doctrine of Signs and Wonders.
2 Thessalonians 2:5-9: Holy Spirit as restrainer; Antichrist.
2 Thessalonians 2:4:Apostasy; man of lawlessness.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3: Coming of Christ and Our Gathering to Him.
2 Thessalonians 1:6-12:
Revelation of Christ brings relief to believers but vengeance to the
2 Thessalonians 1:1-5: Persecutions and afflictions.
1 Thessalonians
5:14-28: Final admonitions.
1 Thessalonians 5:11-13: Respecting those who teach us.
1 Thessalonians 5:3-10: The Thief at Night.
1 Thessalonians 4:18-5:2: The Day of the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:10-17: Christian living; resurrection and transformation of believers at the coming of the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-9: Vessel of honor; rejecting the Spirit, brotherly love.
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13:
Judgment Seat of Christ.
1 Thessalonians
2:13-20: Believer's evaluation for reward.
1 Thessalonians 2:7-12: Apostle's sacrificial service; Kingdom of God.
1 Thessalonians 2:1-6:The apostolic team's ministry to the Thessalonians.
1 Thessalonians 1:10 cont.: Wrath of God.
1 Thessalonians 1:5-10:
imitating mature believers; accompanying events of Christ's coming.
1 Thessalonians 1:1-4:
Introduction; Silvanus,Timothy, ekklesia, election.
Psalm 110:4-7: A Royal Psalm
James 5:12-20: Oath-taking, calling elders for sickness, confessing sins to others,effective prayer.
James 5:7-11: patience under persecution; suffering of Jeremiah and Job.
James 5:4-6: Doctrine of the Last Days VII-IX; LORD Sabaoth.
James 5:1-3: warnings to the rich; Doctrine of the Last Days I-VI..
Psalm 110:1-3: A Royal Psalm.
James 4:8-17: drawing near; being exalted; making plans without God.
James 4:5-7: the Spirit's longing; grace to the humble; resisting the devil.
Psalm 7: A Lament Psalm: praying for deliverance from enemies.
Psalm 7: A Lament Psalm: praying for deliverance from enemies.
Psalm 6: A Lament Psalm: calling for God's mercy when very ill.
Psalm 6: A Lament Psalm: calling for God's mercy when very ill.
James 4:1-4: root cause of quarrels in church; asking God in the correct way; spiritual adultery.
James 3:13-18: Dark wisdom; wisdom from above.
James 3:1-12: Bible teachers; control of the tongue.
James 2:14-26: faith and works; saving faith; dead faith.
James 2:9-13: the law of liberty; mercy over judgment.
James 2:1-8: favoritism and faith; who is really poor and rich; the royal law.
Psalm 5: A Lament Psalm
Psalm 5: A Lament Psalm
Psalm: A Song of Trust
Psalm: A Song of Trust
James 1:19-24: the importance of listening, receiving the implanted word, doing the word.
James 1:14-18: How sin occurs in our life; temptation, lust, sin and death; avoiding sin.
James 1:12-13: Crown of life; Doctrine of the Crowns; God is untemptable; Holiness and Righteousness of God.
James 1:5-11: Asking for wisdom; being double-minded; humble believer; passing of the rich.
James 1:1-4: Introduction; Why our faith is tested.
Psalm 3 for Children
A Lament of David.
Psalm 2 for Children
A Royal Psalm
Psalm 1 for Children.
Introduction to the Psalms; Psalm 1.
Colossians 2:18-19: Warning about false teachers; Christ's system of providing spiritual nourishment to his church.
Ephesians 4:14-16; Agape love; being equipped for service.
Ephesians 4:11:continue qualifications of the teacher; academic training; Eph. 4:12: equipping of the saints.
Ephesians 4:11: Doctrine of the Spiritual Gift of Teacher.
Ephesians 4:11: the evangelist; gift or not; pastor, elder, overseer.
Satan's Counterfeits continued: Test the spirits; Test the spiritual gifts.
Satan's Counterfeits: Gifts and Miracles--False miracle-workers, False prophets, False teachers, False apostles; Tribulation period.
Gift of prophecy continued: sign gifts; prophecy goes idle.
We continue on the gift of prophecy going idle and look at the periods of miracles and abeyance.
We continue on the gift of prophecy and its use in the early church; contrasted with tongues; ecstatic utterances; tongues of angels; the gift of prophecy going idle.
1 Corinthians 14:1-25: The gift of prophecy within the church assembly.
John the Baptist, the greatest Old Testament prophet; New Testament gift of prophecy; Tongues and prophecy.
Doctrine of Apostleship continued; Old Testament prophets.
Col. 1:19-23: Potential of believer not remaining in the faith; Ephesians 4:11: Doctrine of Apostles.
Ephesians 4:7-10: God's gift to every believer; Christ's Victorious Proclamation in Sheol; Christ's Ascension and Session; Christ filling all things.
Introduction and Review: True meaning of believe; Repentance OT and NT; Christ's call for commitment; Luke 8: four levels of receptivity to the Word of God.
Matt. 2:9-23: Flight to Egypt; Herod's massacre; return to Nazareth.
Matt. 2:1-11: Visit of the Magi; the star; King Herod; the gifts.
Matthew 1:20-25: the angel's revelation to Joseph; The name Jesus; Emmanuel.
Luke 2:38-39: the remnant; Matt. 1:1-17: The genealogy of Jesus; Matt. 1:18-19: Mary pledged; Joseph's predicament.
Luke 2:34-36: Simeon's prophecy continued. Luke 2:37-38: Anna the Prophetess; the redemption of Jerusalem; Redemption.
Lu. 2:25-33: The Prophecy of Simeon; the consolation of Israel.
Luke 2:18-24:about shepherds; Mary and Joseph follow the law of Moses: circumcision, purification; offerings and presentation of the first born male.
Luke 2:16-17: The Shepherd's Visit; Peace between God and man, Rom. 5:10. Living by faith.
Luke 1:45-66: Mary's song.
Daniel 11:32-37: The Jewish Rebellion; character of the Antichrist.
Daniel 11:31-35: Antichrist's takeover of the temple; what believers do; targeting of believers; betrayal of believers.
Daniel 11:25-30: The Antichrist's takeover of Babylon; First campaign to the South; al Mahdi; Second Campaign to the South.
Daniel 11:22-24: Apparent assassination and resurrection of the Antichrist; Rev. 12:18-13:4,12-14; his alliance and rise to power; why the Antichrist invades the South; His deception, Matt. 24:4-8.
Daniel 11:21; Rev. 18:18:20-24: sins of Babylon; Rev. 19:1-3: Reaction in heaven; Ezek. 38:1-3: Identification of Gog, Magog, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
Daniel 11:21; continue on the rise of the Antichrist and identification of his home country; Rev. 17:16-18: Babylon the great city; Rev. 18:1-19: destruction of Babylon; laments over Babylon.
Daniel 11:21: Babylon the Great; Rev. 14:8; 16:19;17:1-15; the great harlot; the scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns.
Daniel 11:33-35: Interpretation about Antiochus IV; falling of believers; refining of believers; time of the end; Daniel 11:21: interpretation about the Antichrist.
Daniel 11:21-32: Future history of Antiochus IV Epiphanes; his military power and political strategy; his alliance and deceit; his rise to power; his campaigns to the South; abomination that causes desolation.
Daniel 11:3-20: Future history of Alexander the Great, the didachoi, kings of the North and South.
Daniel 10:13-11:2: The angel and the prince demon; Daniel's reaction to the angel; the angel's stand with Michael; three more kings of Persia.
Daniel 10:1-13: the appearance of the angel; Daniel's reaction; prince of Persia.
Daniel 9:27: the gap between the 69th and 70th week, Acts 1:6-8; Lu. 21:7-28; times of the Gentiles, Zech. 14:3; Rebuilding the tribulational temple, Rev. 11:1-12; Zech. 14:1-4.
Daniel 9:25-26: 70 weeks explained; rebuilding Jerusalem, coming of the Messiah the Prince, 1260 days, lunar calendar.
Daniel 9:24: Seventy sevens; the six acheivements at the end of the 490 years; Millennial temple.
Daniel 9:16-23: Daniel's prayer request based on God's righteous; Gabriel's arrival.
Daniel 9:12-15: Covenant blessings and cursings, Lev. 26:1-46; Five rounds of cursing for Israel.
Daniel 9:5-11: Daniel's prayer; the remnant; confession for the nation; Book of the Covenant.
Daniel 9:1-4: Setting of the prayer; Why 70 years of discipline; Daniel's prayer; The Tetragrammaton; "adonay."
Daniel 8:23-27: the stern-faced king; the Antichrist's activities, 2 Thess. 2:9-10; his source of power; His destruction of people, Rev. 13:2; his stand against Christ; Antiochus's death.
Daniel 8:15-23: Gabriel ordered to explain vision to Daniel; identification of ram and goat; four horns are four kingdoms; the stern-faced king.
Daniel 8:11-14: Antichrist as the small horn; his worldwide worship; time of the rebellion; believer's betrayal; endurance to the end.
Daniel 8:11-12: Satan, Satan's three stage final fall; dual interpretation with Antiochus and the Antichrist.
Daniel 8:9-10: the Diadochoi; Seleucid dynasty; the little horn as Antiochus; " the abomination that causes desolation."
Daniel 8:1-8: setting of the vision; the ram; expansion of the Median-Persian empire; the one-horned goat; Alexander the Great; battle between the ram and goat; the four-horned goat.
Dan. 7:25-28; More on the Antichrist; his persecution of believers; his judgement; the Millennial Kingdom.
Daniel 7:22-25: the Antichrist wages war against believers; Second Coming of Christ brings relief; Judgment and believer's receive the kingdom; the fourth beast; the ten horns; the Antichrist and his activities.
Daniel 7:15-21: the angel's summary explanation of the vision; believers will rule in the Millennium; Antichrist wages war on believers.
Daniel 7:10-14: the fiery throne of judgment, judgment on the little horn, Ancient of Days, Son of Man. Ps. 2.
Daniel 7:6-9: the third beast, Greece; the fourth beast,Rome, ten Horns, the revived Roman empire, the little horn; the final kingdom.
Daniel 7:1-5: Daniel's vision of the Four Beasts; four winds of heaven; the great sea; the first two beasts.
Daniel 6:21-28; Daniel in the lion's den; his miraculous deliverance; guardian angels; Ps. 34:4-7;91:9-16; Faith in the face of death.
Daniel 6:10-20:Daniel has to face the issue of either obeying God or the King and commit idolatry; public and private prayer; the conspiracy against Daniel; Daniel cast into the lion's den.
Daniel 5:26-6:9:The interpretation of the writing on the wall; fall of Babylon; King Cyrus and the return of the Jews to the land; God's Law vs. the King's Law; age and service; the plot against Daniel.
Daniel 5:12-25; God's sovereignty and the King's sovereignty;Daniel prepares the King for the interpretation of the writing on the wall; Why such confusion?
Dan. 5:1-11; King Belshazzar and the writing on the wall; Daniel's entrance; Taking advice from elders.
Daniel 4:23-37;The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream; grace period, nationalism; divine discipline of leaders.
Daniel 4:9-22:The dream and its interpretation by Daniel; angelic watchers; God's sovereign rule over mankind; Babylon as a symbol for certain nations.
Daniel 4:1-8: Nebuchadnezzar has a terrifying dream; gods and demons; The Holy Spirit and prophets.
Outline of Major Events: Original Creation to Eternity; Believers in the Devil's World; Final Fall of Satan.
Luke 10:16-20:Satan's present fall, Kingdom power; 1 Cor. 13:1-3: counterfeit miracles, tongues. Characteristics of the last days. Satan's power to do miracles.
Isaiah 14:13-14; pride of Satan, Lucifer, the mountain of assembly and Satan's calculated coup.
Ezekiel 28:15-19; Isaiah 14:1-12; Satan's sin and trade; Cultural background and myths.
We examine the creation, personality and fall of Satan. This includes a study on several related topics like ancient cherubs, Satan's jeweled garment, his place on earth--his role as the anointed guardian cherub, Eden, the garden of God and the holy mountain of God. Ez. 28:1-14
Dan. 3:21-30; Faith facing deliverance or death; Theophany; Christophany; Misusing God's name.
Daniel 3:8-20:The accusations against the Judeans; standing on principle.
Daniel 3:1-7: The Image of Gold; State Religion; Ex. 20:3-6: Mosaic Law on worshipping idols; The two-choice test of faith.
Daniel 2:44-49. The Fourth Kingdom, its two stages; The prophetic fourth kingdom and evidence that it is a confederation of kingdoms in the future; Daniel and his friend's promotion.
Daniel 2:32-43. The statue and its interpretation.
Dan. 2:22-31; Daniel before the King; diviners; last days; Omniscience of God
Daniel 2:15-21; Daniel acts on the King's decree; his prayer and praise; growing spiritually as a youth.
Daniel 2:3-14; Dreams and visions; Daniel's prudent discretion
Daniel 2:1-2; The King's advisers; magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers; What the Bible says about witchcraft, sorcery, astrology and related activities and how believers are to view them today.
We finish Daniel 1 and conclude with Daniel's test of faith; finals before the King; graduation from Babylon Academy and promotion into the into the King's service.
Daniel is a major source for learning to live by faith, future history, prophectic events and understanding the sovereignty of God. There are many lessons for all of us.
Judaea under the Seleucids; Antiochus IV, Hasmonian family including Mattathias to Simon, Herod. An overview of Rome. Babylon in Isaiah 13,21:Rev. 17 and 18.
Future History continues with prophecies of Malachi, Mal. 3:8 ff., of Elijah, Mal. 4:4-6 cf. Rev. 11:3-6, the end of the Persian Empire, the Rise of the Greeks; Alexander, and succeeding Greek dynasties.
This series covers the period at the close of the Old Testament and
between the two Testaments; Lesson 1: Persia, Malachi, the
blessing-judgment cycle; The Tithe
Gen. 1:28-2:3. God's blessing on mankind; Man's rule over earth and animals; Culture; eating of plants and animals; Sabbath; Gen. 9:3;Rom. 5:12
Genesis 1:20-26. We first look at the fifth day and some key terms: living, creatures and sea monsters. We also begin to look at day six and the creation of man and woman and what it means to be created in the image of God.
Gen. 1:9-18 Day three and four of creation; Contrast between light of vs. 3 and lights of vs. 14; Principle of separation.
We continue to look at the important topic of interpreting poetic passages in its proper literary genre and look at some examples: Is. 40:22;Ps. 74:12-14. Creation Genesis 1:6-8, a second day.
We finish the First day with Gen. 1:5;Hebrew Cosmology or how the ancient Hebrews viewed the universe.
We continue on the subject of creation and related subjects.
We begin a new series called Major Themes of the Bible. Our first lesson is on Creation.
We briefly look at the last three wisdoms books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.
This lesson begins with Esther; an overview of 1st and 2nd Chronicles; The Wisdom Books of Job and Psalms.
Pt. 5 discusses the deportations to Babylon, the Exile and the returns. Lamentations, Ezra, Nehemiah are put into perspective.
The Southern Kingdom of Judah's kings are briefly looked at along with the prophets and events of those days. This gives us a good background for studies to follow.
1st and 2nd Kings. A brief look at Solomon followed by a look at the
Northern Kingdom of Israel and their kings to their fall by Assyria in
722 B.C. The prophets Elijah, Elisha and prophets of Israel are also
We continue with the next five books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth 1st Samuel and 2nd Samuel.
This is an overview of our Bible book by book. We look at some timelines to get an idea on the dating of these events and the order.
The Good Heart Pt. 2 is complete.
Here is the next installment of our Basic Training Series: The Good Heart.
Part 4 continues on the Hardness of Heart of the believer, examining key passages in both the Old and New Testament.
Hardness of Heart Pt. 3 covers several more categories of people in
Scripture who had hardness of heart including Israel, unbelievers and
Here is pt. 2 of hardness of heart. We continue with Pharoah's case and then move into the New Testament.
Here is the next topic in our BT series. Hardness of Heart is an
essential doctrine to understanding the importance of properly
responding to biblical truth, resulting in accelerated spiritual growth
or a hardening process that leads to apostasy.
This lesson is on keeping your walk with God.
In this lesson, we look at Scripture on what it means to walk with God and how to do it.
Here is Pt. 3 on God, which concludes the attributes of God. We also look at the Trinity; how the members of the Trinity relate to each other. We also look at the role of the Holy Spirit in regeneration.
Here is part 2 on the First Things Children's Series (CS) on God. We continue on the attributes.
This is the first lesson in a series that teaches children some of the
first things they should know about God, the Bible, the Spirit, prayer,
confession, etc.
We continue our study of fellowship with God; Divine Discipline: punishment and/or training.
We look at what it means to have fellowship with God in Pt. 1.
We continue in Rom. 6 and examine legalism both in Jesus' day and today. We dig deeper in what it means to live under grace.
In Rom. 5:20-6:14, we cover how to live under grace in the power of the
Spirit and break away from the sinful way of life; preventive measures
that help us from habitually falling back into sin by living under grace
and not the law.
This lesson continues what it means to live by the power of the Spirit; the crucified flesh. Then we go to Rom. 8:5 ff. which covers how we are to think–now that we are in the Spirit; the unbeliever is not able to please God.
We look briefly at the transitional nature of the book of Acts. As the
New Covenant is phased in, the Old Covenant is phased out. We begin to
look at how to be led by the Holy Spirit, which is key to the
Christian's walk.
This Part 1 of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit briefly explained to
provide background for his ministry in our lives today.
The Teacher in Scripture; Parents as Teachers; Qualifications of Teacher; Selecting a Bible Teacher.
The importance of the Word of God in our lives; Inspiration of
How to be saved.
John 3:16-18; Free-will, the sinner's condition, faith, works.
General Revelation; Internal evidence of
God. God reveals himself within man so that no one is without
excuse. Romans 1:16-32.
God reveals himself to everyone through General Revelation. Ps. 19; Christ expects commitment from his followers. Luke 14:25-33
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