MP3 Audio Files courtesy of Chris Berquist
Note: Files marked by asterisk have been completely re-mastered in a new AI voice through the good offices of Chris B. and the generosity of Angel H. New labels courtesy of Emma C.
*Introduction: Hebrews 'King of the Epistles'
Part 1: Authorship, date and background to Overview and paraphrase chapter 1
Part 2: Overview and paraphrase chapter 2 to chapter 13 and Conclusion to Introduction
*Chapter 1: The Son of God superior to Angels
Part 2: Covenants to Summary and paraphrase of chapter 1 overview
Part 3: Summary and paraphrase of chapter 1 overview to Verse by verse commentary: verse 3
*Chapter 2: The purpose of the Incarnation of the Son
Part 1: Introduction to Verse by verse commentary: verses 6 through 8 (part one)
Part 2: Verse by verse commentary: verses 6 through 8 (part one) to verse 11
*Chapter 3: Jesus' superiority to Moses and the negative example of the Exodus generation
Part 1: Introduction to Verse by verse commentary: verses 1 through 2
Part 2: Verse by verse commentary: verses 1 through 2 to verses 10 (part two) through 11
Part 3: Verse by verse commentary: verses 10 (part two) through 11 to verses 17 through 19
*Chapter 4: The true Sabbath rest, the Word, and our New High Priest
Part 2: Verse by verse commentary: verses 4 through 5 to verses 12 through 13
Part 3: Verse by verse commentary: verses 12 through 13 to verse 16
*Chapter 5: Jesus Christ our true High Priest, His sacrifice for us, and the reversion of the Jerusalem Church
Part 1: Introduction to Verse by verse commentary: verses 1 through 3
Part 2: Verse by verse commentary: verses 1 through 3 to verses 11 through 14
Part 3: Verse by verse commentary: verses 11 through 14 to end
*Chapter 6: The hope that anchors us
Part 1: Introduction to Verse by verse commentary: verses 4 through 8
Part 2: Verse by verse commentary: verses 4 through 8 to verses 19 through 20
The Satanic Rebellion part 1: Satan's Rebellion and Fall from Grace
The Satanic Rebellion part 2: The Genesis Gap
The Satanic Rebellion part 3: The Purpose, Creation, and Fall of Man
The Satanic Rebellion part 4: Satan's World-System, Past, Present and Future
The Satanic Rebellion part 5: Judgment, Restoration and Replacement
Coming Tribulation part 1: Introduction: (Rev.1:1-20)
*(1) Part 1: [I Definition and Overview of the Tribulation to III General character of the Tribulation: Maintaining faith: In spite of warfare, plague and catastrophe ]
*(2) Part 2: [III General character of the Tribulation: Maintaining faith: In spite of the extreme Divine judgments that will drastically change conditions on earth to IV The Biblical sources for the history of the Tribulation 1) Hermeneutic issues b) The "Day of the Lord" paradigm 4) Other terms d) "The last day"]
*(3) Part 3: [IV The Biblical sources for the History of the Tribulation 1) Hermeneutic issues c) The Cycle of Judgment, Restoration, Replacement to 2) Biblical sources for the end times a) Old Testament: The Prophetical Books: Isaiah through Malachi: Judgments on the nations]
*(4) Part 4: [IV The Biblical sources for the history of the Tribulation 2) Biblical sources for the End Times a) Old Testament: The Prophetical Books: Isaiah through Malachi: Judah, Tyre and Assyria: types and antitypes of Israel to V The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Rev 1:1-20: Jesus Christ's Revelation: from Jesus Christ: 2) The Firstborn from the dead]
*(5) Part 5: [V The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Rev 1:1-20: Jesus Christ's Revelation: from Jesus Christ: 3) The ruler of the kings of the earth to VI Conclusion: The true focus of our hope ]
Coming Tribulation part 2A: The Seven Churches (Revelation 2:1 - 3:22)
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction to The Seven Churches 2:1-3:22 to 1) Ephesus: "Era of Transition": Christ's particular message to Ephesus: 3) False Apostles: "fruit test"]
*(2) Part 2: [1) Ephesus: "Era of Transition": Christ's particular message to Ephesus: 3) False Apostles: "fruit test" to 2) Smyrna: "Era of Persecution": Christ's self-description to Smyrna: "The One who is The First and Last"]
*(3) Part 3: [2) Smyrna: "Era of Persecution": Christ's particular message to 3) Pergamum: "Era of Accommodation": Centralisation of power and homogeneity of bureaucracy]
*(4) Part 4: [3) Pergamum: "Era of Accommodation": development of the centralized church to 4) Thyatira: "Era of Compromise": 2) Tolerance of Jezebel]
*(5) Part 5: [4) Thyatira: "Era of Compromise": 2) Tolerance of Jezebel to 5) Sardis: "Era of Corruption": Christ's promised rewards: 2) "not erase his name"]
*(6) Part 6: [5) Sardis: "Era of Corruption": Christ's promised rewards: 3) "acknowledge his name" to 7) Laodicea: "Era of Degeneration": Charles Darwin vs Charles Hodge]
*(7) Part 7: [7) Laodicea: "Era of Degeneration": "those who stand firm" to Christ's promised rewards: 1) The one who wins victory]
Coming Tribulation part 2B: The Heavenly Prelude (Revelation 4:1 - 7:17)
*(1) Part 1: [I Introduction: The Heavenly Prelude to The Earthly Tabernacle and Temple as a Type of the Heavenly Temple: 3) The Holy of Holies: The throne: 1) 'The Throne is awesome and impressive']
*(2) Part 2: [I The Earthly Tabernacle and Temple as a Type of the Heavenly Temple: 3) The Holy of Holies: The Throne: 2) 'The Throne has the form of a chariot' to The Sea: "Waters above as separating seas"]
*(3) Part 3: [I The Earthly Tabernacle and Temple as a Type of the Heavenly temple: 3) The Holy of Holies: The Throne: The Sea: 1) "sluices" in the heavens to III The restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit: 2) The Mystery of Lawlessness]
*(4) Part 4: [III The restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit: 3) The restraint of the man of lawlessness to IV The Seven Seals: (Rev 6:1-17) 5) The Slain: The Great Persecution (9-11): 'opening of the fifth seal']
*(5) Part 5: [IV The Seven Seals: (Rev 6:1-17): 6) The Earthquake: Divine Judgment and the Second Advent (12-17) to V The sealing of the 144,000: (Rev 7:1-8): The 144,000: The course of the ministry of the 144,000: 1) Some particulars of their ministry: will be connected to the two witnesses]
*(6) Part 6: [V The sealing of the 144,000: (Rev 7: 1-8): The 144,000: The course of the ministry of the 144,000: 1) Some particulars of the ministry: special selection of sealing before official selection to VII Signs of the Coming Tribulation: possible indications that Tribulation is about to begin: 3) the conclusion of the two millennia]
Coming Tribulation part 3A: The Tribulation Begins (Revelation 8:1 - 11:14)
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction: I The Seventh Seal (Rev 8:1-5) to II The Great Apostasy 1) d) Prophecies of the Great Apostasy: 3) Matt 24:3-13 ]
*(2) Part 2: [I The Great Apostasy 1) d) Prophecies of the Great Apostasy: 3) Matt 24:3-13 to 3) Cause of the Great Apostasy a) The unleashing of the "mystery of lawlessness"]
*(3) Part 3: [3) Cause of the Great Apostasy a) The unleashing of the "mystery of lawlessness" to c) The rise of false teaching 1) persuasiveness of tribulational false teaching]
*(4) Part 4: [3) Cause of the Great Apostasy c) The rise of false teaching 1) persuasiveness of tribulational false teaching to 4) The persuasiveness of co-opted organizations]
*(5) Part 5: [3) Cause of the Great Apostasy: 4) The persuasiveness of co-opted organizations to III The Trumpet Judgments: (Rev 8:6-9:21) 4) The effects of the Seven Trumpet Judgments on believers]
*(6) Part 6: [III The Trumpet Judgments: (Rev 8:6-9:21) 1) Vegetation stricken (8:6-7) to 5) The First Woe: Demon harassment (9:1-12)]
*(7) Part 7: [III The Trumpet Judgments: (Rev 8:6-9:21) 6) The Second Woe: Demon destruction (9:13-19) to V The Two Witnesses and the ministry of the 144,000: (Rev 11:1-14) 1) Two olive trees and two lampstands ]
*(8) Part 8: [V The Two Witnesses and the ministry of 144,000: (Rev 11:1-14) 1) The two olive trees and two lampstands to Conclusion of The Second Woe]
Coming Tribulation part 3B: Antichrist and his Kingdom
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction to II The Origin, Character and Rise of Antichrist 1) The origin of Antichrist a) Antichrist's "paternal" origin]
*(2) Part 2: [II The Origin, Character and Rise of Antichrist Christ 1) The origin of Antichrist a) Antichrist's "paternal" origin to c) Antichrist's national origin: 5) Characteristics of Babylon: a) Symbolism]
*(3) Part 3: [II The Origin, Character and Rise of Antichrist 1) The origin of Antichrist c) Antichrist's national origin: 5) Characteristics of Babylon: b) Excessive wealth to 3) The rise of Antichrist]
*(4) Part 4: [II The Origin, Character and Rise of Antichrist 3) The Rise of Antichrist to III The Kingdom of the Beast 2) The seizure of revived Rome]
*(5) Part 5: [III The Kingdom of the Beast 2) The seizure of revived Rome to VI The Second Campaign against the South ]
*(6) Part 6: [VI The Second Campaign against the South to VIII The "Abomination of Desolation" and the "session" of Antichrist 3) The Revelation of Antichrist]
Coming Tribulation part 4: The Great Tribulation (Revelation 11:15 - 15:4)
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction: I The Seventh Trumpet (The Third Woe): verse by verse commentary Rev 11:15-19 to III War in Heaven: Rev 12:7-12 "Joy and woe"]
*(2) Part 2: [IV The Dragon's Persecution of Believing Israel: Rev 12:13-17 to V The Beast out of the Sea: Rev 12:18-13:3 1) The Biblical symbolism of the Beast out of the sea]
*(3) Part 3: [V The Beast out of the sea: Rev 12:18-13:3 2) The Kingdom of the Beast: Rev 13:2b-3 to VI The Beast's Prophet and the Worldwide Anti-Christian Religion: Rev 13:4-18: 1) The Anti-Christian Religion and it's worldwide expansion: Rev 13:4-10: The forty two months (Rev 13:5b)]
*(4) Part 4: [VI The Beast's Prophet and the worldwide Anti-Christian Religion: Rev 13:4-18 1) The Anti-Christian Religion and its worldwide expansion: Blasphemy against the Name, Dwelling and People of God (Rev 13: 6) to 3) The Mark of the Beast: Rev 13:16-17 2) 'The placing of the Mark is most likely carried out by the clergy of the Beast's religion']
*(5) Part 5: [VI The Beast's Prophet and the worldwide Anti-Christian religion: Rev 13:4-18 3) The Mark of the Beast Rev 13:16-17 3) 'The pressure to receive the Mark' to VII The Great Persecution: Rev 14:1-15:8 4) The Number of the Martyred ]
*(6) Part 6: [VII The Great Persecution: Rev 14:1-15:8 5) General Persecution and Imprisonment to 1) The Martyrdom of the 144,000: Rev 14:1-5]
*(7) Part 7: [VII The Great Persecution: Rev 14:1-15:8 1) The Martyrdom of the 144,000: Rev 14:1-5: The 144,000 to 5) The vindication of the Martyrs: Rev 15:1-8: The song of Moses]
Coming Tribulation part 5: Armageddon and the Second Advent
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction I The Bowl Judgments: Rev 16: 1-21 to 6) Preparation for Armageddon (12-16): "like a thief"]
*(2) Part 2: [I The Bowl Judgments: Rev 16:1-21 to 6) Preparation for Armageddon (12-16): "Armageddon" to II Judgment on Babylon: Rev 17:1-19:4 3) Fallen is Babylon: Rev 18: 1-3: verse 2 ]
*(3) Part 3: [II Judgment on Babylon: Rev 17:1- 19:4 3) fallen is Babylon: Rev 18:1-3 Verse 3 to 6) The lament for Babylon: Rev 18:9-19 ]
*(4) Part 4: [II Judgment on Babylon: Rev 17:1-19:4 7) Heavenly Rejoicing over Babylon: Rev 18:20-19:4 to III The Beast's Armageddon Crusade: The Jewish resistance ]
*(5) Part 5: [III The Beast's Armageddon Crusade: The Siege Begins to V The Resurrection of the Lamb's Bride Rev 19:6-10: The Resurrection body ]
*(6) Part 6: [V The Resurrection of the Lamb's Bride Rev 19:6-10 The Resurrection body to VII The Second Advent and Armageddon : Rev 19:11-21 4) The seizure of the Beast and his false prophet 19: 20]
*(7) Part 7: [VII The Second Advent and Armageddon: Rev 19:11-21 5) The Battle of Armageddon (21) to 6) The humbling of the wicked and the joy of the redeemed ]
Coming Tribulation part 6: Last Things: The Millennium and New Jerusalem
*(1) Part 1: [Introduction: 1) The victory of the Messiah to I The Second Advent Judgments: 6) The Regathering and Purging of Israel a) The Regathering of Israel]
*(2) Part 2: [I The Second Advent Judgments: 6) The Regathering and Purging of Israel a) The Regathering of Israel to 7) Judgment and Reward of the Church b) Order of Judgment 3) 'Parable of the Talents and the Minas']
*(3) Part 3: [7) Judgment and Reward of the Church; b) Order of Judgment 4) 'Millennial offices' to d) The Rewards: Level 1 Rewards: 2) 'Thorny ground believer']
*(4) Part 4: [7) Judgment and Reward of the Church d) The Rewards: Level 1 Rewards: 3) 'Good works and genuine production' to Higher Rewards: Level 4 Rewards: The Crown of Glory: The 'Love' level of completed ministry]
*(5) Part 5: [7) Judgment and Reward of the Church d) The Rewards: Higher Rewards: Level 4 Rewards: The Crown of Glory: The 'Love' level of completed Ministry to III The Millennial Rule of Jesus Christ 4) The most profound blessing of all: The presence and personal rule of Jesus Christ d) The Millennial administration 1) Language]
*(6) Part 6: [III The Millennial Rule of Christ 4) The most profound blessing of all: The presence and personal rule of Jesus Christ d) The Millennial administration 2) Economics to d) Spiritual blessings of the Millennium: 1) The presence of Messiah, the true object of worship ]
*(7) Part 7: [III The Millennial rule of Christ d) Spiritual blessings of the Millennium: 2) The pouring out of the spirit to V Final disposition of Satan and his Angels: "The Lake of Fire"]
*(8) Part 8: [V Final disposition of Satan and his Angels: "The Lake of Fire" to VI The Last Judgment 2) The Great White Throne of Jesus Christ: The Last Judgment of the unbelieving dead 2) Their expunging from the Book of Life]
*(9) Part 9: [VI The Last Judgment 2) The Great White Throne of Jesus Christ: The Last Judgment of the unbelieving dead 2) Their expunging from the Book of Life to VI New Jerusalem and the Eternal state 2) The Descent of the New Jerusalem ]
*(10) Part 10: [VI New Jerusalem and the Eternal state 3) The Advent of the Father to 7) The Gemstone Foundations and the tribal gates of New Jerusalem: North-side tribes]
*(11) Part 11: [VI New Jerusalem and the Eternal state 7) The Gemstone Foundations and the tribal gates of New Jerusalem: Martyrdom and Eternal Rewards to 10) The Blessed Eternal State of the Saved: 5) our sharing of God's Reign: "they will reign forever and ever"]
Coming Tribulation part 7: Preparing for Tribulation: A Tribulational Code of Conduct
*(1) Part 1: [I The Importance of Alertness: Rev 22: 6-21 to II Tribulational code of conduct: 1) Do take shelter from the storm: 4) Deception]
*(2) Part 2: [II Tribulational code of conduct: 1) Do take shelter from the storm: 5) Time, effort and true preparation to 10) Do not fear persecution and martyrdom ]
*(3) Part 3: [II Tribulational code of conduct: 10) Do not fear persecution to IV Preparing for Tribulation 3) ability and responsibility to encourage ourselves and each other ]
*(4) Part 4: [IV Preparing for Tribulation 4) ability and responsibility to stand fast with determination and without compromise to V The Kingdom of God: A Warning from Christ ]
Bible Basics 1: Theology
I. The Essence of God; & pt.1 of The Persons of God: The Trinity
II. The Persons of God: the Trinity [old version; some overlap with first part]
Bible Basics 2A: Angelology
Bible Basics 2B: Eschatology
Bible Basics 3A: Biblical Anthropology
Bible Basics 3B: Hamartiology
Bible Basics 4A: Christology
Bible Basics 4B: Soteriology
Bible Basics 5: Pneumatology
Bible Basics 6A: Peripateology
(12) Biblical Vocabulary, Analogies and Role Models for Spiritual Growth (pt. 1)
(13) Biblical Vocabulary, Analogies and Role Models for Spiritual Growth (pt. 2)
Bible Basics 6B: Ecclesiology
(4) The Mystery Age and the Mystery Complement; Israel and the Church
(5) The Time of Transition to the Present Status Quo (pt. 1)
(6) The Time of Transition to the Present Status Quo (pt. 2)
Bible Basics 7: Bibliology
(5) The Transmission of the Bible (pt. 1): The Completeness of the Bible
(6) The Transmission of the Bible (pt. 2): The Present Form of the Bible
(8) The Chronological Order & Composition of the Books of the Bible; & Languages of the Bible
Exodus 14
Peter's Epistles
*Lesson #27: Three False Doctrines that Threaten Faith: Part 1: Intro to Tribulational Security; Part 2: Tribulational Security to Preserving your Eternal Life
*Lesson #28: Personal Salvation and Progressive Revelation (1Pet 1:8 -12)
*Lesson #29: Maintaining a Sound Christian Offense in our Spiritual Warfare (1Pet 1: 13)
*Lesson #30: Sanctification in Time: Christian Defense in our Spiritual Warfare (1Pet 1:14-16)
*Lesson #31: Basic Christian Orientation to Life and Eternity (1Pet 1:17-21)
*Lesson #33: Three Analogies for the Christian Life (1Pet 2:1-10): Part 1: Introduction to 'A Holy Priesthood to Offer Spiritual Sacrifices' (v.5); Part 2: 'Spiritual Sacrifices' (v.5) to 'Now Granted Mercy' (v.10)
*Lesson #34: A Christian Code of Conduct (1Pet 2:11-25): Part 1: Intro to 'Servants Subordinate Yourselves to Your Masters With All Respect' (v.18); Part 2: 'Not Only to Those Who Are Good' (v 18) to 'Sheep Going Astray but Now Turned Back' (v.25)
*Lesson #35: Undeserved Suffering in Marriage and in Life and the Example of Christ (1Pet 3:1-22): Part 1: Paragraph One (vv.1-7) to 'True Biblical Humility'; Part 2: 'Not Repaying Evil for Evil or Slander for Slander' (v.9) to 'Eager For Good' (v.13); Part 3: 'Instead Lift Up Christ' (v.15) to 'Jesus Christ' (v.22)
*Lesson #36: Undeserved Suffering on the Cusp of the End Times (1Pet 4:1-19): Part 1: Paragraph One (vv.1-6) to 'For the Benefit of Your Prayers' (v. 7); Part 2: 'Maintain Your Love' (v.8) to 'Fiery Ordeal' (v.12); Part 3: 'Rejoicing in Participating in Christ's Sufferings' (v.13) to 'Those Who Are Suffering' (v.19)
*Lesson #37: Shepherding the Flock and Resisting the Devil (1Pet 5:1-14): Part 1: Paragraph One (vv.1-4) to 'The Crown of Glory' (v.4); Part 2: Paragraph Two (vv.5-11) to 'Your Fellow Believers Are Undergoing the Same Suffering' (v. 9); Part 3: 'The God of All Grace' (v.10) to 'Peace to Those in Jesus Christ' (v.14)
*Lesson #38: The Primacy of the Word of God (2Pet 1:1-21): Part 1: Introduction to 'Virtue of Knowledge' (v.5); Part 2: 'Self-control, Perseverance and Godliness' (v. 6) to 'The Direction and Agency of the Holy Spirit' (v. 21)
*Lesson #39: False Teachers, False Teaching and False Organizations: A Preface to 2nd Peter Chapter 2: Part 1 [1) Introduction to key passages on False Teaching and False Teachers to 2) False Teaching: The Devil's Three Lies]; Part 2 [2) False Teaching: The Devil's Three Lies to 3) Characteristics of False Teachers: Comparison to Book of Jude: Verse 8]; Part 3 [3) Characteristics of False Teachers: Comparison to Book of Jude: Verse 9 to 4) Characteristics of False Groups: Groups that emphasize religious experience over the Bible]; Part 4 [4) Characteristics of False Groups: a) A separate society to 6) False Teachers and False Teaching in the Tribulation: f) The Exponential Rise in False Teaching: 1) c) A Scapegoat]; Part 5 [6) False Teachers and False Teaching in the Tribulation: f) The Exponential Rise in False Teaching: 2) Antichrist's Tribulational false religion will be exceptionally persuasive to 4) Christian organizations co-opted by Antichrist will be exceptionally persuasive: g) The characteristics of Antichrist's new religion: 1)b) Its ultimate place of worship]; Part 6 [6) False Teachers and False Teaching in the Tribulation: f) The Exponential Rise in False Teaching: 4) Christian organisations co-opted by Antichrist will be exceptionally persuasive: g) The characteristics of Antichrist's new religion: 1) b) Its ultimate place of worship to 7) Testing for false teaching, false teachers and false groups: c) Testing the group]
*Lesson #40: False Teachers and False Teaching (2Pet 2:1-22): Part 1: Introduction to 'Angelic Powers' (v.11); Part 2: 'Like Dumb Animals' (v.12) to 'Apostasy of Those Who Once Believed' (vv.20-22)
*Lesson #41: The Day of the Lord Perspective (2Pet 3:1-18): Part 1: Paragraph One (vv.1-2) to 'Everything Laid Bare' (v.10); Part 2: 'Holy Conduct and Expectation' (v.11-12A) to Doxology
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