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Believers in the World XV

Word RTF

Question #1: 


Response #1:  

I'm awfully sorry to hear this, my friend. I certainly know from experience what a load and a drain and a drag emotional upsets like this can be.

I am praying for you in this and will continue to do so.

One thing to keep in mind, even though it is difficult to do when the heart is aching, is that God is indeed working out all things together for good. Perhaps this is part of a sequence of events which will bring ___ to the Lord once the anger dissipates and the reality of ___'s stupidity sets in.

I have been under a very severe trial myself, but I have tried to remain faithful to the Lord and to keep trusting Him completely to work it out for the good. The sea has not yet parted, but the waves are moving in that direction through events that He clearly has set in motion. And while this trial which has consumed things for a month or so now was never something I would have chosen, there are clear indications that the end result will be that things will be much better than before, solving some otherwise insoluble problems in its wake.

So please try to encourage yourself in the Lord as David did in a time of dire straits. I am certain that God knows exactly what He is doing and why. Our job is to trust Him that this is so, and wait on His deliverance.

Wait on the LORD;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!
Psalm 27:14 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2: 


Response #2:  

Of course I won't be posting your messages.

Emotional upheaval is the worst of the worst, far worse, in my experience, than physical pain.

"I will leave it in the Lord's hands." That is exactly the right thing to do – really, the only thing to do.

Problems where there is no human solution, nothing that we can do, nothing that we have done to bring the problem about, are in some ways the best tests – "best" for us, because a) we are not tempted to scheme (since there is nothing we can do), and b) because it surely isn't our fault. This is the sort of test Job faced. Under these sorts of circumstances, we are really forced to rely on the Lord, and this is the time to do so with all of our heart.

When it comes to mature believers who are beginning to make a noticeable difference for the Lord, and when the evil one can't find any vulnerability in that believer him/herself, it is not uncommon for the devil to attack those near and dear instead. That is exactly what he did with Job, killing his children; and then motivating Job's wife to become exasperated with him; and then motivating his friends to become convinced that Job's "secret sinning" must be at the root of his troubles. Job was fine as long as he keep being faithful in his attitude. He DID hurt, mind you. Who wouldn't, under such circumstances? But, like you, he relied on the Lord, even though to human eyes all was lost. And in the end, all was restored – and better than before to a wonderful degree.

" I will repay you double what the swarming locust has eaten."
Joel 2:25 NABRE

" Return to the stronghold,
You prisoners of hope.
Even today I declare
That I will restore double to you."
Zechariah 9:12 NKJV

That promise is easy to lose sight of when we are hurting. We don't need to feel down on ourselves when we are hurting on account of things that would pain anyone. We do need to do as you are doing and keep trusting the Lord to bring us through the trouble safe and secure and happy on the other side.

I'm keeping you in my prayers for deliverance here, my friend.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3: 


Response #3: 

I was going to write you if I didn't hear anything.

Things DO get better . . . just as soon as we bring ourselves around to putting the matter entirely in the Lord's hands. Praying for a godly result (as opposed to what we might wish for but know in our hearts is not the right thing), and doing so in faith, leaving it in Christ's lap, and pushing forward in faith is the way to begin to have peace in all such situations.

Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you.
1st Peter 5:7 RSV

This seems to me to be clearly a test launched at you because of your spiritual progress and incipient ministry efforts. The enemy "can't have that!" And as mentioned, loved ones who are not following the Lord closely usually provide excellent wedges with the capability of upsetting us. But of course we're never going to be tested beyond what we can actually take (1Cor.10:13), even though such tests can be very hard. Testing like this is necessary to refine and toughen our faith – and if we are determined to handle them correctly, they also bring us closer to Jesus and deepen our relationship with Him. Exercise is often a load we'd like to avoid and hard while we are doing it – but we like the results.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4 NIV

Wonderful photos, my friend! I'm pleased to see that the Lord is giving you joy in the face of suffering.

I'm praying for you in this trial.

In my own case, I'm at the point I mentioned above: long or short, it's in the Lord's hands, and I am confident that He is working it out for good in every way [n.b., deliverance was swift – and complete. Praise the Lord!].

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4: 


It seems like everyone around me is getting worse. Many of the people I pray for seem to be digging their heels in and won't listen to sense, wisdom or reason. I realise now that it is all impossible and pointless without Jesus Christ. What happened to me, being born again is a miracle like no other. I realise what an impossible thing it is for a person to change, absolutely impossible without Jesus.

Another thing, people rarely stay still so if they are not 'getting better' through Christ then they can only be getting worse. That is what I am seeing over and over again, people getting worse and worse. It might not always be a sudden slide downhill and it may only be an incremental slide downwards but it is definitely that direction of travel. Even if people make minor adjustments here and there and there is some improvement, some good days amongst the bad, it is only the miraculous heart change of being born again that can change a person for the better. Even after this, this walk must be maintained and fought for.

The Lord has shown me how little I can do to change others and the impossible chaos of people around me. It HAS to come from them, has to be on their own lips, a want to change. Only Jesus can change them. I see also with myself that if I don't press on then I always cede ground every time so it has to be ongoing, this pushing on and on to the promised land. Not much time left though now.

Yes things are hotting up more and more each day (and I am not just talking weather). We can do this though, through Him. It is all possible, through Him. I do know this and I am putting it in His hands and waiting on Him. Amen!

God and His grace are sufficient.

In Jesus,

Response #4: 

"[I]t is all impossible and pointless without Jesus Christ". That is the truth. But WE do have Jesus Christ. He is our life, so our death is nothing but gain (Phil.1:21). So we have a right, even a duty and an obligation to disengage from the things of this life so as to concentrate on the fight we are fighting to best serve our commanding officer (2Tim.2:4). There is no actual happiness down here, no actual security, apart from what we have in our Lord. Everything else is a myth. That doesn't mean that we are not happy about the good things the Lord gives us or that we are not distressed when things go awry. But we do have the ability in the Spirit to take such tests in our stride, even if our feelings are hurting for a spell. In the end, there are no tears in New Jerusalem (Rev.7:17; 21:4), and THAT is where our home actually is, in the presence of our Father and our dear Savior, in company with all of our brothers and sisters forever.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
John 14:1-3 NIV

Good words of wisdom here, my friend – I certainly hope you'll allow me to post this one some day.

Yes, we can't throw a switch and change others. They are here to chose too. "I am putting it in His hands and waiting on Him. Amen!" Amen indeed!

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5: 

Thanks Bob,

There is extra pressure being applied in my life. I feel the screws tightening as it seems that there is more than one test for me. I am being pulled in two different directions and I know that both of them are wrong. The direction with ___ is about giving up and being a dropout where as my family it is about pursuing money and status and being a social climber. I know both these positions are wrong and both extreme ways to live life.

___ doesn't want to spend time with my family as he has been stuck with social climbers and the pressures of that in the past and it almost broke him. The problem is that whenever I see my family, I seem to have to 'keep up' and throw money around. It isn't like this with ___ but ___ are trying desperately to get closer and closer to the upper classes and I just can't afford their company. It is always posh restaurants and stately homes and we have to spend, spend, spend to fulfil this addiction to pretending that they are part of the nobility. They work at a stately home and spend all their free time visiting stately homes and palaces or trying to make their house into a stately home. It is exhausting Bob and I will have to talk to ___ about it as I feel as though I am being priced out of ___'s life. I have to pay to see ___.

___ said 'well you'll have to work very hard to keep up with them'. But Bob, I don't WANT to keep up. I don't want that life as we can't create Eden here. We cannot create paradise ourselves. Of course I want to work and have my own business but I want a modest and simple life. ___ said it is just that __ wants 'nice things'. Bob, I am so weary of this world that a whole stately home full of things couldn't make me feel any less weary. It is all unsatisfying here isn't it.

They cannot understand that someone's life is not obsessed around money and status. They assume I must be envious and want it for myself. I don't want it Bob. I just want to go home and be with my Lord. It is true it is all vexatious and wearying. Everything apart from our Lord.

In Jesus,

Response #5:  

I certainly commend your good priorities, my friend. Our Lord told us that our lives do not consist in the abundance of possessions (Lk.12:15) – to say nothing about status or "conspicuous consumption". There is no happiness down that road. But of course there is no true happiness in this life whatsoever apart from Jesus Christ: without Him, it's all a myth that dissolves into nothing at the slightest touch (see the link). In the devil's world, all there is is pseudo-happiness, myth-happiness – to the extent that those running after it can ever get to the place of convincing themselves that they even have it in the first place. And death makes a mockery of it all (Lk.12:13-31).

(7) We have brought nothing into this world – and are not able to take anything out of it. (8) So if we have daily sustenance and coverings for our bodies, we will be content with these. (9) Those who want to get rich fall into temptations, traps, and many senseless and harmful lusts – the kind which swamp men['s hearts] to their destruction and damnation. (10) For the love of money is a root [cause] of all evils – [and it is] in the pursuit of which [love of money that] some have wandered away from the faith (i.e., become apostates) and have pierced themselves through with many pains.
1st Timothy 6:7-10

Most of us have more than food and clothing. If we have a roof over our heads then we really have cause to thank our Lord for His generous provision to us. But our happiness lies in our relationship with Him.

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
John 14:2 KJV

Here on earth, we may not have stately mansions, but we do have one with our name on it in New Jerusalem. If we are really interested in having a "really nice place", doesn't it make sense to seek an eternal one, and not one made of dust and destined to be completely destroyed in a very short time, relative to eternity? From a purely self-interested perspective, giving our all to our Lord is the only thing that really makes any sense whatsoever . . . especially considering the terrible alternative.

It is amazing how these weak bodies can be so greatly influenced by the system of lies the devil has set in place. But we believers know the truth – and the truth has set us free from all that rubbish.

(7) But whatever I had gained [in my former godless life], compared to Christ I have come to consider these things as losses. (8) Indeed, I consider everything to be a loss compared to the surpassing importance of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord, for whose sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and consider [everything I have lost] as garbage, compared to gaining Christ, (9) and being found in Him – not having a personal righteousness [developed] through [following] the [Mosaic] law – but having that righteousness [that comes] through faith in Christ, that righteousness [that comes] from God based on faith.
Philippians 3:7-9

You've made the right bargain, my friend – and your continued fighting of this fight is working out for you an eternal weight of glory you'll never regret. Keep your eyes on the goal, my friend.

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6: 


I am just realising something about praying and deliverance. It suddenly occurred to me that when we pray for deliverance through one thing then we will always need to pray for another.
For example - when we pray that a sick relative won't die then even if they are delivered, it doesn't mean they will never die in the future. Even Lazarus who was raised from the dead would again die one day. (Though now he lives with God).

I am starting to look at deliverance differently now. Before I just wanted a problem to be taken away from my life but then I realised that once one problem was removed then another one filled its place. It started to feel endless and at one point I felt a sort of despair at it. I am now instead of looking at the trial/problem, instead of fixating on the deliverance, I am now looking long at the Deliverer.

So really the deliverance can be anything, great or small. It is the Deliverer that is the heart of it. What I am realising is that I am completely reliant on God for everything in my life. That He is where every good thing comes from. That I need Him at every second of every day. So I am realising that through prayer and deliverance I am learning to trust and rely on Him more and more. It isn't as though the deliverance itself is incidental but what I am learning is that it is Him that I should focus my attention on.

HE is the Deliverer and the deliverance. He is our rock and our fortress. He always hears us. He never fails. Whatever it is, He is always there. So I see how important these trials are. They don't end as one follows another but that is a good thing. By repeatedly going through them we are learning to trust and rely on Him. We are learning about Him, His character, His faithfulness, His love and provision, His omnipotence and His power.

Even when we are delivered through one trial, there will be another and another as long as we are here. But as long as we are responding in faith then these are for our good! We can truly feel joy in our afflictions then as it is perfecting our faith as long as we draw nearer to Him!

I realise that I was looking at it all wrong. At times I would get frustrated or even angry at the trials I was going through. I would think of them as an obstacle to my life. As though "If only X was removed from my life, then I would have an idyllic life". This is a lie from Satan though. This is no idyll here and Cosmos Diabolicus is no paradise. It will always be tribulation here in Satan's kingdom especially so for believers.

Jesus said that we will have no peace here only tribulation but in HIM we have peace. We also have the surety that one day we WILL enter into HIS kingdom where there will be everlasting peace.

1 Peter 2:20
For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.

2 Cor 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

2 Cor 4-17
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

I think of all the times I have written to you about my trials and that I moaned and groaned over them hoping they would end. If only I bore them patiently and trusting His deliverance and the perfecting of my faith. I am learning now though, learning and growing in faith. I realise now how important testing is. As you have said Bob, no one enjoys it, going into the fire. As long as we trust Him though and respond with ever greater faith, we will be perfected through it, through all our trials. This will give Him glory. This is true worship of God. Amen!

In Jesus,

Response #6: 

It's an excellent perspective, my friend: we are here to focus on the One who delivers us and not just the deliverance itself. If only the children of Israel had held onto that perspective when they were brought safely through the Red Sea! They celebrated their deliverance but quickly forget the One who had wrought it.

That said, we are human and we do need rest and respite. We learn to "rest to pass the test" but after it is over, there is no problem with appreciating the fact that it is over – even though IT won't be over until it is ALL over. As I say, for us who believe the end is really the beginning of everything for which we hope. And as my dear departed dad used to say, "everything is always over": a good perspective to hold onto when the current trial, whatever it is, seems to be going on endlessly. It doesn't. Even Job's troubles came to an end . . . about five minutes after he finally lost patience (also good to keep in mind).

We do want to be ever "on the alert" (see the link), but we are also human. We do grieve for our losses – even Jesus wept (speaking of Lazarus). On the one hand, we know that we will all be resurrected – but as Jesus grieved even knowing what He was about to do, so we grieve, even though we know all will be well with us and those we lose . . . on the other side.

For indeed [Epaphroditus] was sick almost unto death; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
Philippians 2:7 NKJV

We know that Paul, great believer that he was and an apostle writing here under the inspiration of the Spirit, had the proper perspective – but he was still relieved when Epaphroditus recovered, and that was a godly reaction.

As in all things, it's good to hang onto both things (Eccl.7:18). On the one hand, we never want to lose this wonderful perspective of yours, realizing that we belong to Jesus Christ and He will deliver us come what may, that "all this" is temporary with only the truth, the Lord and His people really meaning anything in this rotten world, and that regardless of the waves of testing to come, we will be blissful with our dear Savior on the other side if we but remain faithful here and now. On the other hand, He is merciful: He loves us and knows that we are not made of bronze or stone (Job 6:12).

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body
And refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8 NASB20

But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Even soldiers in combat conditions are "taken off the line" from time to time – otherwise everyone would eventually break down. We are allowed to enjoy those times of "R & R", but we are also right to do as you are doing, remembering that we'll no doubt be called back into the fight soon enough. If on the one hand we can avoid giving up under fire when things go on and on, waiting instead on the Lord's deliverance which WILL come, and on the other avoid getting too comfortable, too "fat and sassy" when we are in a period of respite, concentrating instead on using the opportunity to strengthen ourselves spiritually, we will be fulfilling the biblical mandate to "grasp the one and not let go of the other" (Eccl.7:18 NIV). Courage under pressure and caution in respite, enjoying the one because we are looking to our deliverance and not losing focus in the other since we know that in the conflict in which we are involved, that is the right approach for spiritual safety.

Keeping you in my prayers for a time of respite, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7: 

Thanks Bob for this,

As you know I have experienced abuse in my life. I am not sure if I told you the amount and scale of it though.

As there was abuse at home, I was then bullied all through my school life and even at times by teachers. I even had friends at university who tried to bully me. After that bullying in most of the jobs I had was a pretty regular pattern (I went through two grievance procedures in two separate jobs as I was being bullied by managers.) Also the majority of boyfriends I had abused me too.
Most of the abuse was psychological or bullying. The odd time it was physical or sexual.

I have had to be honest with myself Bob that I have found some of these instances of abuse hard to forgive and I'll admit that I was still carrying some of them around with me. I think I found the memories of child abuse hardest to let go of.

After reading your email last night, I prayed to the Lord to forgive me for holding on to these memories of abuse and the bitterness they caused me in my heart for holding on to them. I admitted to the Lord that I found it hard in some cases to forgive child abuse but I told Him that I trusted Him and that I wanted to be forgiven of my sins so last night in prayer I forgave all those who abused me who came to mind.

I think I felt as though, if I let go of the memory of it (as I have this deeply and overdeveloped sense of fairness and a hyper vigilance towards it) I thought those people were 'getting away with child abuse' but I know that God sees all and we all need to give an account at the judgement seat for all we have thought, said and done. No-one is more perfect and righteous in His judgement than our Lord. Truly though I realised that I really don't want those people (even the ones who abused me as a child) to go to an eternal hell. There are many of the same people on my prayer list as I do pray for their salvation even if they are very hard hearted.

I don't know what it is with me. I don't experience abuse anymore as such but I do sometimes have to navigate some psychological mind games from my family at times. Sometimes the pain and 'unfairness' of this trips me up and I have a habit of recalling past traumas of abuse in the past and recall the memory angrily as though it had just happened. I know this is really bad for me to hold onto this and keep it alive in my heart. What you wrote gave me back the fear of the Lord again and so I have forgiven those people and I will actively work on this so that if any memory resurfaces I will endeavour to pray to the Lord for help with it so I am always forgiving and not carrying it along with me.

I realise that as we wrestle not with flesh and blood, all these past instances of abuse were demonically led and so I can more clearly see the spiritual war waged around me even as a child, even before I became an unbeliever. The sad thing is that although I wasn't perfect, I tried to behave well as a child, was very academically studious and prized honesty and being truthful above all things. By the time I went to college I had realised all the suffering I had already experienced both from children and adults alike for telling the truth and trying to behave. I was lonely as I didn't have any friends and I realised that you don't have many friends when you do the right thing.

I remember being in a History A Level class and a sort of voice told me that they would help me with my problems and help me to be popular. I realise now that the 'voice' was demonic. It sort of asked me if I wanted this 'help' and I sort of agreed to it and I think at that point I invited a demon in to possess me without really understanding what I was doing. It was really uncanny as literally seconds later I told this really loud joke in the classroom to disrupt the teacher and the whole class laughed at my joke and then I realised within moments what it was like for the whole room to admire you and want to be your friend. I became the class clown at that point and regularly had people rolling around with laughter. It was an uncanny and unnatural gift to suddenly become a gifted comedian overnight with unrivalled wit but I realise now that it wasn't me but the demon speaking through me. Everyone in the room was laughing at the wit of the demon and admiring the demon, not me (I was just a conduit for them to get worship through me.)

After that moment, I went completely off the rails with my life. It is true that I became very popular almost overnight and had many friends and was thrust into the centre of the most popular kids at college. This trend continued at University and my time working. I never had a problem gathering the most desirable and popular teens and then adults around me most of my life but I was also dreadfully unhappy. My life was completely chaotic and I didn't seem to care for my life or the lives of others. I went from hedonism to nihilism very easily.

I have to say that I might have shocked the enemy though. He may have thought that losing all those popular friends (I have lost almost all of them now) now that I am a believer would've been really hard for me to do and be a real stumbling block but it wasn't. I was already walking away from a lot of people even before I became a believer as I was realising that even these 'friends' of mine were always abusing me all the time.

There have been other things that I have had to let go of that were more painful sacrifices to make but giving up immense popularity wasn't one of them. Like I said, it was causing me so much pain anyway and I noticed just how fickle these people really were, never truly with me when I was suffering the most in my life. It was actually a great relief, a great unburdening when I completely walked away from it all. I went through a period then of spending a great deal of time alone and walking outdoors and trying to process all the things that have happened in my life.

Maybe what the enemy hadn't figured out was that I was tempted by popularity as a teen to join his side but the enemy doesn't really 'get us' the way he thinks he does. You see I was always a quiet and studious child and was happy to be so. I didn't really want popularity at all, I just wanted the bullying to stop. When I was at my most popular and gregarious I wasn't truly myself anymore. I had become unrecognisable even to myself, the whole thing was an act, a lie and pretence. I wasn't being the real me and was so far away from my true personality that I was really empty and miserable inside. (I wonder if this is how it works with celebrity and how the enemy traps people on a merry go round they never get off of and why it often ends in drug addiction and suicide.)

I know that other believers write to you about how lonely our walk can be at times. I have to say though that with people (especially unbelievers) you only really get trouble and very rarely any peace. I know we all long to have face-to-face fellowship with true believers but I for one am ready to wait that little while longer until the Second Advent so that I can meet all the other believers before going onto the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, confident that as long as I abide in this precious faith of mine that I will live in blissful eternal life with my Lord and Saviour and surrounded by true believers and friends, not forgetting the greatest believers who ever lived.

As this is going to be so wonderful and permanent and beyond comparison, I am willing to be patient and wait just the little while longer to have true fellowship and true friendship that will last forever in a place where I will never experience abuse or bullying from people or demons ever again!

(If you would like to publish this testimony to encourage others Bob, I will be very glad for you to do so.)

In Jesus,

Response #7:  

Thank you for this, my friend, and thanks for your willingness to share.

I definitely hear you about people. Calvinism has the "T" right, namely, "total depravity" (or as my old pastor used to say, "people are no damned good"). They are only people, after all. They have sin natures. They have problems. They have baggage. They have history. They are beset by all of the troubles and pressures that we are (though of course we believers also have our own particular pressures from the evil one and his minions – which are worth it considering the special help we have: the truth and the Spirit). This is why relationships are not the key to happiness that popular media suggests they should be. The problems of person A combined with the problems of person B do not offset each other but only aggravate each other.

But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.
1st Corinthians 7:28b NIV

You are a prize of grace, my friend! And I applaud your spiritual wisdom for recognizing and seeing celebrity for what it is: pottage. Worse than that. From whom are we getting approbation? From PEOPLE who are sinful and flawed and only of any worth to the extent that they have committed their lives and ways to the Lord. Much better to be concerned about the opinion of Jesus Christ alone.

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:8-9 NKJV

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8: 


Response #8: 

Apologies for the delay. It was a difficult weekend and Monday, well, it's Monday (and I'm feeling a bit under the weather too).

First, I rejoice that you have recovered! And I rejoice that you can see the blessing this illness turned out to be for you, liberating you from pointless concern about physical death. As our Lord said:

"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Luke 12:4-7 NIV

The Lord is holding us in the palm of His hand (Jn.10:28) and no one can separate us from Him or His love (Rom.8:38-39).

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 NIV

Amen? We prefer to be with the Lord. We are only down here after salvation to serve Him. And while others may be wasting all of their time, we endeavor to strive to make good use more and more of our time for Him and His Church. That is what we are rewarded for, after all: growth, progress and ministry. I rejoice to see you making progress with all three!

As to your family, I don't know the story, of course, but we see in your report the necessity of always being consistent in our walk and in our witness. Otherwise, the evil one will use any chink in our armor whatsoever to give those watching us "an excuse" to disregard whatever truth we are sharing. We can't be perfect; but we can all do better day by day in attempting to walk ever closer to the Lord.

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Titus 2:7-8 NIV

Again, apologies for the delay and the brevity. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers every day, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9: 

Hello Dr Bob,

I'm so sorry that niece and her husband are suffering. I grieve with her as all the other mothers who are praying for her do. While there's few words of comfort right now, I recall what you told me those many years ago when I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. You said to me that all the people who are on earth are here for a time and purpose. It's not until The Father breathes the Breath of Life that a spirit is given. So that child may be here for a short time but we know that they return back to The Father from whence they came. (I'm sure I'm paraphrasing and deconstructing your wise words but at the time they were of great comfort to me.)

Now, 15 years later and in our 50s it's clear that we would have been much older than when our son & daughter were born and having a teenager and a grandchild seems foreign.

I agree with you that Job lost everything and he has no idea that The Father was allowing him to be tested in every way Satan could conceive to show the Father that we only love Him & Praise Him when things are good. But Job trusted through his trials and was rewarded for enduring.
That child will be in Heaven and will know His parents, I believe (please correct me if my thinking is wrong) and I also believe that they themselves will go on to become wonderful parents to a healthy, happy child, when the Lord deems it to be [n.b., it did in fact happen – the Lord is good!].

Speaking of children, I'm going to have to email you again and relate 2 things that have happened with both our daughter & granddaughter. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts & insights.

As to my situation, yes I still have to have the other surgery bc this one was really to remove the things that needed to go and to have pathology rule out cancer. Unfortunately, the problem that was removed can grow back until I have the hysterectomy. We have tentatively planned that for November since I did so well with the surgery last week but I'll have to have at least one post op appointment & maybe another sonogram before November. So please keep me in prayer until all this is finished.

I'll be in prayer for your family as you all go through this difficult time and I'll be in touch soon.

In Our Savior's Love,

Response #9:  

Thanks for this – I really appreciate it.

Do feel free to write me about the other issue you mention.

Sorry to hear that you're not "done" just yet. I would also imagine that it's going to take a couple of months for you to be feeling 100% after major surgery like this. I'll be keeping these things in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10: 


Response #10:  

I am keeping you in prayer daily, my friend.

Just remember, if we have a godly fear of the Lord, we have nothing to fear from anything in this life.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise — in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Psalm 56:3-4 NIV

So let's not let this world or anything in it get to us too much, and let's delight ourselves in reverencing the One who is control of absolutely everything.

The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
Psalm 19:9a NIV

But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:18-20 NIV

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.
Psalm 111:10 NIV

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.
Isaiah 11:2-3a NIV

And in so doing, in trusting Him – because He is in control and He is the One we are to revere rather than taking account of anything or anyone in this world – we will be given the strength to do whatever we need to do.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 4o:29-31 NIV

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2nd Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV

(12) I know how to handle humiliation; I also know how to handle prosperity. I have learned by experience in each and every way how to handle being abundantly provided for and being impoverished, being in prosperity and being in a state of deprivation. (13) I have the strength to endure all [extremes] in the One who empowers me to do so.
Philippians 4:12-13

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11: 

I am filled with joy to have found your website. I was searching the topic of soul sleep and stumbled across your site. I thoroughly examined that point of view a few years ago and found it to be a false teaching. I came back to it because I was studying scripture with some Jehovah's Witnesses that came to my door. They believe in soul sleep. I showed them clearly in scripture where that doctrine is disproved.

I am overjoyed by your explanation of 2 Corinthians 5:1-3 and John 14:1-4. It makes perfect sense! I am so happy for the clarification! I also recently listened to a Scholar who is an expert on near eastern languages and cultures of the Bible. He commented on 1 Corinthians 5. He said that the Hebrews and all near eastern civilizations believed the spirit is always housed in some kind of body after death or otherwise. It would be foreign to their way of thinking to have a spirit running around without a body.

Your explanation of the soul being a mistranslation of nephesh/psyche/person is very helpful. It gave much more clarity than what I had to Genesis 2:7. I kept going back and forth on whether humans were body/soul/spirit or just body/spirit. I read your explanation of Ecclesiastes 12:7. I'm still working on wrapping my mind around what you said. The problem I have with your answer is that the statement was made BEFORE the Messiah was resurrected from the dead. Your answer that the 'spirit returning to God does not imply either a positive or negative disposition', must mean that the spirit returns to God for Him to do with it as He pleases such as send it to a good place or a bad place. Of course, that would depend on how the person lived their life while in the physical body because God is just.

Once again, thank you so much for making your work available on the internet. I can only read a little bit at a time because the formatting makes the print extremely small. I cannot enlarge it because it runs off the page. Alas, at 67 years of age, my eyes are weak and old. It takes me so much longer to study and grasp things than when I was younger.

Respectfully Submitted

Response #11:  

Good to make your acquaintance, and thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words.

On your question, it is true that "the spirit departs" passage (Eccl.12:7) was written before Christ's ascension and His "taking captivity captive" (Ps.68:18; Eph.4:8) in bringing all of the previously departed Old Testament believers into the third heaven with Him (where we will also go when we depart, unless it is our lot to still be here when the resurrection occurs). The phrasing, "returns to God who gave it" doesn't specify the exact location, and since God is omnipresent can (and does) mean "back into His direct possession" (as opposed to being temporarily "independent" in a body on earth). So this verse is true before and after the cross and resurrection, even though while the spirit's of unbelievers still go to Torments, the spirits of believers are now taken into the third heaven (link).

On displaying Ichthys, all postings, including email postings, also have a Word/RTF version associated with them. If you download and open that file in Word (or whatever word-processing program you use), you should be able to increase the font size as much as desired without losing any of the text. There are other work-arounds as well (let me know if the above doesn't work for you and I'll try to figure something else out).

Happy Thanksgiving!

In Jesus Christ our Lord,

Bob L.

Question #12: 

Doc I need to ask something that's been weighing heavily on my heart...I heard a song, it was in Japanese I believe, where the writer was expressing their despair in life and even suicidal urges, and the song was meant as a desperate attempt to reach out for help...I also heard sometime after the song released they took their life.

You say there can be no sympathy for those in Hell, and if someone who's an unbeliever gives in to despair to the point of ending their life, they probably did go there if you're honest about it...but I can't help but feel far too much sympathy and even some sense of grief over this person and their despair, I felt the same several times after all. And when the thought came up that I'm "being hard hearted" or "wicked" for these feelings...I nearly lost it. Thoughts that I hate that person because they died probably without accepting Christi in their last moments drove me to madness I could not bear for even a second.

Doc...all I want is to hear an answer, even one like "there's a chance they accepted Christ in their last moments" will put my mind and spirit at peace. To be frank, I cannot live with this, being genuinely so sad and almost mournful over this and yet having this uncertainty that I may be wrong for that...the mere thought of such basic compassion being "evil" in any case drives me to nearly a similar despair.

Response #12:  

I did say a prayer . . . for you. And of course it is true, as I have affirmed many times, that we are most always left with some uncertainty about some of the departed at least – and how much more regarding this situation where you have never met the individual personally. And that really is the point. Reading your email, it sounds as if you're not even sure about the suicide.

It might be prudent, given your history, to avoid exposing yourself to things that you know are going to be potential trouble (said as a friend in Christ).  But in terms of our eternal perspective as Christians . . .

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
1st Thessalonians 4:13-14 KJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13: 


Response #13: 

I'm very happy to hear that things went so well at the funeral and that the gospel was given; also that this has resulted in closer ties.

My Latin PTL quit yesterday so I am scrambling trying to find a replacement. Not so easy to do. If worse came to worse I'd have to teach the extra class myself and that would make for a very difficult semester (and year), so prayers appreciated there!

Re: "No joke - I could write a book about my life!" God has already done that for you . . . and for us all. We just need to keep turning the pages one day at a time . . . and we already know the end of the story.

Thanks for those prayers!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14: 

Good morning Professor,

I don’t know what to write, just really wanted to write you. These have definitely been very trying moments for us.

The pain has been excruciating and just watching my face swell daily has been very scary, if it was an arm or a leg, it would have been much less so. Have barely had anything to eat since Wednesday, just liquids I manage to swallow a bit of and then the hospital has been giving me some intravenous dextrose sugar but it’s been a clear MIRACLE that pangs of hunger haven’t plagued me, our Lord reminding me of who He is. __ spoke to me this morning and all it took away all of my fears. Fears of leaving him when we just started, leaving our newborn, or losing our baby, leaving my dad and siblings in such a chaotic home etc. He reminded me of his basis for living, simple trust in whatever the Lord decides because His decisions are perfect. He said it’s not that he has zero fear of death but dying in Christ was simply taking us to a better place while living here was an opportunity to gain more rewards and not stand before Him so empty handed.

This has helped me look at this situation in new light, no longer in fear of all the negative outcomes and also not with prayers of “I shall not die in Jesus name”. I’m simply grateful for how merciful He has been and I do want to live, why? To gain more rewards to present to Him. If it pleases him to grant that, I’ll be extremely happy, if not, then I’ll be with him and I’m very fine with that. It’s not like I deserve either circumstance.

I’m very grateful to you for teaching me and for shaping this wonderful man I enjoy.

Thank you Professor.

Response #14: 

I have been praying for you, my friend, and for __ too. I am hopeful to hear from you two soon of your complete recovery.

I also want to compliment you on your courageous faith! This is one of the most encouraging emails I've ever received. It's one thing to praise the Lord when all is well. When a person is in a serious medical situation, well, let's just say I've seen many a believer waver and waffle under that kind of pressure. As my dear dad said one time when he was in the hospital, "It's different when it is you!". But YOU are shining your light in wonderful faith, and I appreciate that so much! This is a good work of faith indeed.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16 NKJV

Thank you for thinking of me and writing me in spite of your tribulation. Keeping you in prayer all the way to the end of this particular trial. [n.b., the Lord did answer all of our prayers on the website. Praise Him!].

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15: 

So Doc...if somehow we know for certain a family member died without knowing the Lord, does that just mean we aren't allowed to grieve or feel bad about their death because "there can be no sympathy for those in Hell"? Oh let me guess, the Spirit if you're close to the Lord will give you the ability to do so?

What rot I say. Why would God let us have such close bonds, such genuine love only to have us deny it and savagely hate the person in question as soon as they die? That's not the loving and understanding God I know.

But perhaps this is exactly why He barely ever lets us know if one we love died in Him or not for certain. After all such an idea wouldn't be realistic for many to accept and swallow, much less right away.

Though Jesus Himself did weep for Lazarus even though he wasn't saved. What do you think on this?

Response #15:  

I've never read anywhere that "we're not allowed to grieve". Quite the opposite (see below). As mentioned more than once, we may have a good indication about the status of the departed, but we'll have to wait until we're on the other side ourselves to know for certain. I don't understand the rest of paragraph one.

I'm quite sure that Lazarus was a believer (Jn.11:3). And our Lord knew that He was going to bring him back to life . . . and yet He still wept for him. That shows us beyond question that mourning the loss of those we love is no sin nor in any way wrong or misguided. It would be a mistake to think otherwise. If we have a loved one who passes of whom we are sure they are saved, while that indeed is great comfort to us, it doesn't mean we don't hurt on account of the loss. It's just that we believers face the end – for ourselves as well as for all we love whom we know are believers – with a completely different point of view from that of this temporary world.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16: 

__ was talking to me last week about mom's funeral. After the service we went back to a local pub for a buffet. It was a beautiful day and we all ended up spilling outside. ___ said that a man drove into the car park with his car windows down playing some Irish music very loudly and then drove straight back out again. We were born in Ireland then moved over to England when we were children, as you know. Someone joked when they heard the music and said that's your mom. I didn't see it but __ said she thought it was strange. She then told me that a week or so after the funeral she bumped into ___ who her that her daughter had said she had "seen" mom walking behind ___ at the pub and mom was smiling. She told __ that ___ is "really sensitive to things like that". So ___ asked me about it because she wasn't sure as a Christian what my beliefs were on this sort of thing. I said to her that I believe what is written in the Bible and that what my __ said goes against what the Bible teaches. When a Christian dies they go straight to heaven to be with God. They never come back to "visit" anyone. The same goes for anyone who is in hell. I said that I don't know what my ___'s reasons are for what she had "seen" but that it was probably just in her imagination. ___ said she agreed with me and she said people's minds can do funny things. I also said that when people are grieving it's like they're on high alert and notice things that they wouldn't normally think anything of. Like the man playing Irish music in his car. ___ made me laugh. He doesn't believe in anything, including the Lord (yet), and when he heard all of this he joked that the man in the car must have been dropping mom off! I very briefly mentioned to ___ about light and darkness and how Satan deceives people. But I didn't go into too much detail. __ is still unsure about what she believes but she does occasionally ask me questions. So I'm taking it steady and answering her questions without it getting too complicated for her yet. I'm still praying for ___. She says she believes in God but she's believing all of this other stuff as well. She's grieving too and she was very emotional when she was speaking to ___.

___ also asked me if believers in heaven could see what is happening here on earth. I said that I think there's a possibility that they can but their attention would be taken up by the beauty of the Lord and their life with Him. I also thought about part 2B of the Coming Tribulation where you write that the sea of upper waters is not only a separating barrier between God's heavenly temple and the world below, but also an access point. And that the heavenly sea of "waters above" seems also to act in the capacity of an "observation port" of sorts for the heavenly throngs witnessing the events unfolding on the earth below. So this is something I could share with her too just as more information about her specific question. She also asked me about who Satan actually is. So I'm working on writing down the answers to her questions. Briefly about how Satan was a previously perfect creature, the preeminent angel, how he used his free-will to rebel against the Lord, how sin began with him etc. I've already shared the gospel with her and she listened very carefully. I'm going to write that down for her too.

Is there anything you would add about any of this, Bob?

I made sure the gospel was included in the funeral service. But isn't it brilliant how the Lord can use the lies to open up opportunities for me to teach the truth to those who are showing an interest - my own precious daughter. He's amazing!

I have a little bit more to share from the funeral but I'll leave it for another time.

Thanks so much for your prayers for me and my family, Bob. I'm keeping you and yours in mine too.

In Jesus

Response #16: 

I think your plan is wonderful. In any case, this is the sort of thing that's not really possible for a third party to "fine tune". When it comes to those about whose salvation we are not sure, I always try to steer things back around to the gospel, since whatever other information we may give them, even if it's true and well presented, is not going to be fully digestible before they are saved.

"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved."
Acts 16:31

It is wonderful how the Lord works things out – and a sign of spiritual growth when we start seeing these things more clearly than in the past.

Thanks also for the permission to post, my friend!

Keeping you and your family in my prayers daily and always grateful for yours. Long day tomorrow with a fac meeting after teaching four. Lots of Covid flying about and everyone's really tired.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17: 

It’s been a tough year with the loss of our beloved son who went home to be with Jesus after his battle with ALS.

Through it all God has been, and continues to be good and faithful to the whole family.

We pray all the best for you in this coming year.

Blessings to y’all.

Response #17:  

While it's good to hear from you, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. That is a devastating disease, for certain. Knowing that those we love are saved and with the Lord when they depart makes all the difference in the world (Is.57:1-2).

I wish you both great comfort and compensatory blessing the new year.

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., that is a wonderful Christmas card.

Question #18: 

Hi Bob,

Thank you for your kind words re the loss of our dear son inlaw. He will be greatly missed – and yet I must say his 50 years on earth were well spent loving on people including especially our daughter and their 4 kids, 20 down to 14 years in age. They were raised for Jesus and that is the best equipping for their success going forward, even minus their dad. He was also headmaster of a Christan school and had the opportunity to speak into thousands of young lives. His memorial service spoke volumes as to his impact. God was glorified. And we rest in that.

Attached is our business Christmas/Chanukah card. Same verse as our family card, and the message of this card is a micro-bible study that has gone out to hundreds of folks with whom we’ve worked and in some cases continue to work with – Jews and Gentiles, believers and skeptics on their journeys, two IDF officers now in the toy industry in Israel and Netherlands, a few millionaires who have it all yet have nothing. It’s a great cross-section of humanity. And fortunately for them all, our great God faithfully is shaking everything that can be shaken so that as many as possible might turn to Him in these crucial days. As you well know, oh man of the word that you are, that’s blender-mix of Haggai 2 and Hebrews 12:27-28.

Blessings to you, friend. May our great God breathe on these senior years of His faithful saints. I humbly lift my hand to that prayer as well.

Love you much. You are a massive blessing to the kingdom of God.

Response #18: 

Another wonderful card, my friend – and a great witness!

Your son in-law was clearly a very special man of God. It's hard to know why so many of the good ones are taken home early and some others (myself included) are left down here – except for the Isaiah passage previously quoted. Yes there is going to be a lot more shaking – but will there be any awaking? Continue your good witness, my friend. I have confidence that it's not completely in vain.

(10) "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
(11) So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:10-11 NKJV

In our dear Savior, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Bob L.


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