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The Divinity and Humanity of Christ

Word RTF

Question:  I have some questions about how Jesus could be a man and God at the same time. How important is this to being saved?

Response:  Jesus Christ is truly a man (since His incarnation: Phil.2:6-11). Jesus Christ is also truly God (Col.2:2 Greek). Only in this way could God die for our sins - through the humanity of the Son, Jesus Christ. This is the mystery of the gospel (Col.2:2).  

Please read Part 1 of "Essential Doctrines of the Bible in Outline: Theology: The Study of God" to find out more about the Trinity. More in that series will follow eventually that will be helpful on this point, but it will be a while. Until then, I would recommend Major Bible Themes by Chafer and Walvoord (Grand Rapids: revised 1974).

Of this you may be certain: Jesus Christ is the great divider between those who are being saved and those who are perishing (Matt.10:32ff; 1Jn.2:22). Unless one confesses "Jesus as Lord", which necessarily includes acknowledging His divinity and humanity, His whole person and His work on the cross, there is no salvation (Rom.10:9). He is a true man but He is not only a man; He is also God, for "in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form" (Col.2:9).

Seek God in the word and you will find the Word - all He is in truth, all He can be to you.

Please see also the following links:

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

Jesus is God and man.

Jesus is God.

Part 4A:   Christology:  The Study of Jesus Christ

Written in the love of Christ,

Bob Luginbill

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