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Eschatology Issues CXIX

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Question #1:

One last thing I wanted to run by you. So I was sitting in job training class and we discussed the subject of workforce harassment. The issue of transgender people came up and according to the company, if, for example, a man wishes to identify as a woman, you have to call him a "her" if they tell you that is how they want to be called. Now, some suggested that neutral pronouns like "you" or using phrases like, "that person" is a good option to avoid such a scenario. But, as others can attest, the issue has arisen before (although it is extremely rare) where someone called a transgender person by the actual sex they are and not by the gender they wished to identify as. The rules of the company state that you must call someone by the gender they claim even if that isn't their actual sex. If you don't do that and they take issue with it, they can report you to HR for "harassment" and then automatic termination would result (absolutely ridiculous). So I wanted to ask, is this an area of application or (because it's the rules laid down by the company) a matter where we need to submit to authority and obey the rules and call the person what they wish to be called?" I lean in the direction that it is an area of application but I'm not 100% on that. Even if it wouldn't be wrong to call them the gender they want me to call them to appease them, I don't think I could do it in good faith with a clear conscience because claiming to be a woman doesn't make you a woman! You aren't a woman no matter what you want to call or style yourself.

Just a sign of the times of course but another one of the rules (there were a few others that were quite dumb) was that if another employee of the company manages to track down the web/social media history of another person (going back as far as 10 years!) and they find something inappropriate or offensive that was said by that person (or just something they find as distasteful, the "tracker" can report the poster for harassment which will result in job termination. Even our class instructors and many of the people in the class commented that such a rule is very unfair. The person may have changed a lot since then and, quite frankly, it's really nosy and isn't anyone else's business what so and so said 5-10 years ago on social media. One example they gave was a guy on facebook who commented on the rioters in Philadelphia "they should all be shot." Sure, that was wrong, but to intentionally pick on any employee and go tracking down their web history over something they said years ago sounds ridiculously extreme. Then again, perhaps some of it depends on what a person says, but even then.

The above isn't anything that is an issue for me because (especially as a believer and a pastor teacher at that) I watch what I say on social media and don't actually post hardly anything at all, so that isn't something I'm ever worried about. So it is a good lesson for people in general to watch what they post, but the above rule just seems so stupid (even some of my classmates agreed). America is really leading the way in stupidity when it comes to these things so that now many companies and even the government want to spy on, control, manipulate, and guilt-trip people into doing what they want them to do (another sign the Tribulation is very close). Of course Satan and his forces are behind it all and he is using these people as servants for his wicked agenda.

In Christ,

Response #1:

Unfortunately, this is the sort of stuff that almost everyone out there in the work force is having to deal with these days, even in the military (which partially explains why recruitment has dropped through the floor).

The way I handle this at the university is to call everyone by their name, that is "Fred" instead of "he/him/his" etc. It's very rare that you actually have to use gender pronouns since these only exist in the third person, and we only use the third person for people who are not present. I have no problem with calling a student "Rutabaga" if that is what the role sheet says "its" name is: students at our uni have the right to designate their "call" names on the role sheet I receive, so unless it's some kind of blasphemous incantation (one student one time wanted to be referred to as "Bodacious Athena"), I have no problem with that. Every organization, yours included, will have a policy about "what the person's name is", so just use their name (my best advice: I have no idea whether Rutabaga wants to be seen as a him, her, it or something else, and really don't care).

On posting on social media, I'm with you: don't post on social media. When email first came out, it soon became evident that one should be VERY reluctant to put anything in any electronic communication that might cause heartburn if printed on the front page of the New York Times. That is still true today (in spite of the greatly reduced circulation since then of said publication), and doubly so of social media because while email has the (often misguided) assumption of privacy, social media is DESIGNED to let other people see it. So why should we be surprised when they do? And if what we have posted is thought provoking (for whatever reason), why should we be surprised if there is "blow back"? I agree that it is not fair (i.e., "We don't just have standards, we have DOUBLE standards!"), but life is what it is. Since this sort of thing is totally avoidable, best just to avoid it, in my opinion. If a person's ministry is reaching the unsaved via social media, there may be persecution for that, but probably not if the Christian in question keeps things to the gospel and avoids unnecessary political and social commentary.

Re: "America is really leading the way in stupidity", well, it's always nice to be first at something. Seriously, this is also no surprise. Babylon will be the power-base for antichrist and the original center for his religion, so it's no wonder that the rot starts here. My main issue of curiosity on this point is whether the beast will be someone who exploits this growing and disturbing trend or, on the other hand, exploits the reaction to it. Maybe some of both.

"Of course Satan and his forces are behind it all", yes, and that is the important thing to remember. It won't be long until our Lord returns and puts him along with all who have followed him and persecuted us in their place . . . the lake of fire.

The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Revelation 20:10 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Dear Bob,

So many people around me are repetitively saying 'we need peace on earth' without thinking through properly what would need to happen for that to be a living reality. Of course like everything else in this world there is true peace which is an inner peace (spiritual peace) that is bestowed to individuals who embrace the truth of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Unfortunately there is also the counterfeit though too, where there is an outer 'peace' of a type that is brought on by external pressure rather than internal change.

All of this study on cults and cultish behaviour have helped me along seeing the 'big picture' as it were. When people go on and on about peace on earth, they really haven't thought things through properly. Of course real peace on earth will be a wonderful thing and a true living reality under Jesus' millennial reign but people will claim we have peace under the dreadful leadership of the Antichrist even when things are anything but peaceful -- so how can this be so?

It occured to me that there can only be a type of world peace under two types of living conditions, either under a complete dystopia or a complete utopia. So it would either come at a time when things have never been at their lowest or when things have never been better. What this means is that a type of dystopian 'peace' (or counterfeit peace) is where everyone overrides their myriad differences of opinion, personality, politics, nationality, religion, sex and race etc to embrace one strong leader (or one 'big idea') because things are absolutely at their worst!

We have so many differences and are so polarised right now in the world and I was struggling to see how the whole world would unite under the Antichrist but then you have to look towards cults to get your answer. Cults always have charismatic and seemingly strong and powerful leaders that immobilise many different people together into one mind under one 'big idea'. There can be different reasons why people embrace this big idea. Some people are born into it and don't know any other way, some people are scared to speak out against it although they know it is false, others are in it for themselves as they may benefit from the cult through power, ambition or money, but there is also what Eric Hoffer calls 'the True Believer'. This is a person that genuinely believes in the cult through brainwashing and an eventual full mental embrace of what the cult represents on the surface. The True Believer actually believes the cult is idyllic and the true way despite their desperate living conditions, they actually believe that darkness it light. The other people don't really 'believe' in the cult but only support it or go along with it through fear, laziness, ignorance of anything better or through a craven ambition for power. So although a great many people can embrace one cult, one charismatic leader and one 'big idea'.. their reasons for doing so can differ as much as individual personalities can differ. It is never just one reason.

Another thing about cults is that just as there are different reasons why people stay in a cult, there are also different reasons why people initially join. Some people may be vulnerable and isolated and long to have a type of family around them. Others may feel overwhelmed by their free will and long for conformity and a place where they are told what to do and think. Others may see the cult for what it really is and see how they can exploit the cult for their own benefit. There are the ones who are born into it and have a 'learned helplessness' to acquiesce to the regime. Again we have the 'True Believer' who really fully embraces the purported creeds and dogma of the cult as they truly believe it to be the best way towards gaining a world peaceful and idyllic utopia.

Every cult presents itself as utopian on the outside but inside they are always dystopian. People stay in cults when they realise that the promise was never delivered upon (and that they were deceived into thinking their dystopia was a utopia) for different reasons. Some see it as false but realise they can cynically exploit it to their own advantage to become a big fish in a small pond. Others see it as the sunk cost, that leaving the cult will lose all the time, money and resources they put into it. They may also be aware that going against the cult results in 'shunning' whereby you not only lose the familial support of the cult (which may be all you have ever known) but also lose your biological family if they remain inside it. Again we also have the True Believer phenomena that even though the idyllic promises the cult made never materialised and they are not living in a utopia, they still believe it will happen. They are still waiting for the impossible to happen. They are still holding onto that initial hope or they embrace the lie so fervently that it creates a type of insanity in the believer whereby they override their cognitive dissonance to see the dystopia as a utopia. This can only be described as delusional.

So that is an overview of how cults or totalistic systems work. They all ultimately are the same despite the purported differences in dogma, so the way the Moonies or the Communists or the Nazis run things are not really different at all. They all have scapegoats, heroes, punishments and rewards. All that differs is the degree to which these things are meted out. Some cults can withhold privileges or shun a person for non-conformity, whereas others can torture and put people to death.

Back to what I was alluding to initially, that it is easier for millions (if not billions) of people to embrace the same ideology or 'big idea' (lie) and the enigmatic leader who pushes the big idea when we live in a complete dystopia. Things are already very bleak at the moment and we know that through the Tribulation things will get much, much worse in that things will be worse than they have ever been before. There will be pressures like we have never had before.

It will be much easier for people to embrace the Antichrist when society has collapsed and law and order has been abandoned. When the glue that holds families and communities together through common values and beliefs become unstuck and then ripped apart. What else keeps people moving forward and hold them together during a crisis? Only faith or a belief in something bigger than ourselves can do that. The Antichrist will present himself as strong and capable and will have all the answers during our most weakest moment (think of Hitler seizing control after the collapse of the decadent Weimar Republic).

When we have a complete dystopia then people will cry out for something, anything, anybody to take charge. People will be so frightened and confused that they won't know where to turn and if they historically have trusted in money, government, judiciary etc instead of God then they will realise that all these things will forsake them so they will need SOMEONE ELSE. We see this in the Bible over and over again when Israel panics and seeks pagan nations for help rather than turn to God.

God will expose these idols one by one for us to discard (doctors, celebrities, politicians etc). It is already apparent that these idols are found wanting and are shown up to be fallible and therefore unreliable and disappointing. At that point a person should embrace the truth instead by turning to Jesus Christ. We know though that most people instead will actually choose the ultimate idol: the Antichrist.

After this time though, where this alleged utopia is actually revealed to be the worst dystopia we have ever seen on earth, the people will then shout out 'peace and security' because at this point they will have already used the Great Tribulation to either subdue (through imprisonment) or annihilate (through beheading) believers who reject the Antichrist. Ironically they will think peace on earth has been finally achieved at that moment but instead the worst is actually in store for them as the Day of the Lord WILL mean peace and security for US but will mean certain and sudden destruction for them.

After all these things we will see real peace and security in the true Theocracy of the Millennial Kingdom which will be a true idyll, a true utopia.

Even then though I realise that there will be dissenters and grumblers who won't be able to satiate their evil desires as our Lord will rule over us all with perfect rule. Even despite perfect living conditions and Kingdom blessings dissenters will form a rebellion once given the opportunity. So even in a time of perfection, we won't be all of one mind.

So I have realised that true peace on earth can only be achieved when all dissenting elements are removed so we are all truly of one mind. The Antichrist will have his counterfeit peace on earth when all believers (and other dissenters) are removed or quashed. Our Lord will have true peace though when all the obstacles to peace, through unbelief, are removed (the removal of unbelievers from the earth) so we then will truly have heaven on earth, the perfect idyll, a true utopia. Where the inner peace through saving faith matches the outer peace of true and peaceful reign.

In Jesus, the bringer of perfect peace to earth,

Response #2:

It's a very nice synopsis of cult behavior and cult indoctrination.

Indeed, the peace we believers seek – and can possess – has nothing to do with what's going on in the world and instead everything to do with turning away from the world and toward the Lord (link).

'Tis the season when so many are quoting this verse:

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Luke 2:14 KJV

But here's a more accurate translation:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
Luke 2:14 ESV

And the peace mentioned above, moreover, is not peace between sinful man and sinful man but the peace of reconciliation with God that is ours through the birth and subsequent sacrifice of His Son on our behalf. Seeking peace between nations is pointless.

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."
Matthew 24:6-8 NKJV

This refers to the Tribulation, the end of which is the greatest battle in world history, Armageddon, wherein our Lord will fight against the forces of antichrist and destroy them. THEN there will be peace on earth . . . through the power of the coming Messiah's conquest.

He (i.e., the Messiah, Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords) will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2:4 NIV

And despite the wonders of the Millennium, where there will be no war, no strife, only peace between nations in the most prosperous time since Eden, just as soon as they have the chance, mankind (with few exceptions) will again follow Satan in a rebellion against the King of Kings (Rev.20:7-10).

So "let us take hold of the peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom.5:1), and leave this secular "peace-making" to the followers of the evil one. As you rightly point out, their eventual "success" will only come through the crushing of all that is good and decent on this earth when the beast reigns . . . temporarily only, God be praised!

Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.
Revelation 19:20-21 NKJV

Good to see you digging into your ministry, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Exodus 23:21 God said he wouldn't forgive them if they sinned.

2 Kings 24:4 states that God didn't forgive King Manesseh for all the baby killings and Molech worship. However he repented, destroyed the idols and it said he came to know the true God.

Did he kill any of God's righteous Israelites?

A limit to the mercy of God?


Response #3:

Actually, if you read the context, the Lord says He won't forgive Judah (consistent with 2Ki.24:3).

When it comes to individuals, only death removes the opportunity for repentance. When it comes to groups of people/nations, that is a different story. God would have spared Sodom "for the sake of ten righteous", but the only righteous person there was Lot. God did rescue him, but he was unable to save the city by his own righteousness. That is the principle of "the remnant". If there are enough positive believers in any country, they act as preservative for it, "salt". But if there are not enough . . .

Here's a link on that: Politics and Political Action on the Eve of the Tribulation

Good for us all to keep in mind as we get closer to the end and see most of our fellow Christians not holding up their end in Laodicea. All the more reason for us to get – and stay – serious about spiritual growth (so as to be "salt" for our respective nations).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Frightening if Trump gets in again

Response #4:

Frightening either way, if you ask me. But then, we're supposed to trust the Lord in all things. We are very late in the eschatological clock. People have asked me before if he's the antichrist. My gut instinct is that he's nowhere near smart enough or gifted enough or charismatic enough to fill that bill. But then, I also don't see anyone else out there with a high media profile that even seems likely. What are the scenarios? Seems to me there are plenty. Whichever of the two likely individuals gets elected, will they serve out their terms? Will the VP (or someone else) replace them and who will that person be? Will there be a coup – could happen if either one gets elected if there is enough resentment on the other side, enough irregularity, enough economic (or other) dislocation (that is how Hitler got in, after all). Any and all of these permutations play in the devil's favor. Catastrophic disruption of some sort would seem to be necessary to put the beast into a position to assume absolute authority whoever that person is. We are likely to find out.

Meanwhile, our job is to prepare spiritually for what's coming, especially if it does come in the next few years. The best perspective is to find it all interesting but not upsetting since 1) we certainly can't do anything about it except to grow and produce for the Lord, trying to be the best "salt" we can be, and 2) we ought to remember that the Lord is looking out for us and therefore we have nothing whatsoever to worry about, even if "the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea" (Ps.46:2). He is faithful.

. . . because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
Hebrews 13:5b-6 NIV

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Oh I agree. I wasn't thinking he's the antichrist.

Just that him being president again is a very scary thought

Stay well Robert

Response #5:

Re: "I wasn't thinking he's the antichrist." Understood. But we are very close to the point when the beast will be revealed, and it's reasonable to suppose that a likely candidate will at least be on the radar screen before the Tribulation starts. If it does all begin in 2026 (and I have no reason to alter my interpretation; see the link), it's hard to see how no one connected to the beast will be involved in all the political doings and machinations later this year. But, given the following passage, we may have to wait until the Tribulation does start to know for certain.

(3) Do not let anyone deceive you in any way. For [the 2nd Advent cannot come] unless the Apostasy [the great falling away of the faithful in the first half of the Tribulation] has already occurred, and the man of lawlessness [antichrist] has been revealed, that “son of destruction” (cf. Jn.17:12 of Judas), (4) the one who will oppose and exalt himself against every so-called god and object of worship to such a degree that he will take his seat in the temple of God and represent himself as being God. (5) Don’t you remember that I was telling you these things while I was still with you? (6) Even now you know what it is (i.e., the Spirit) that restrains [antichrist] so that he will be revealed [only] in his own time. (7) For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work – it is only the Restrainer [who keeps things in check, and will] until He moves out of the way. (8) And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the Spirit of His mouth, and will annihilate with the appearance of His coming.
2nd Thessalonians 2:3-8

Until then, we all really ought to be grateful for whatever respite we may receive (i.e., if we do get a bit more time). Regardless of how much dysfunction we are experiencing in our society, the Tribulation is certainly going to be worse.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

Thanks Bob!

Will be praying for that as well then. I can't imagine what IS considered orthodox in academia these days. It is a strange form of puritanism now isn't it but they are trying to protect things which were pretty dubious assertions to start off with, with even more dubious motivation behind them.

We have talked before how the Antichrist's reign will be licentious and legalistic. I've noticed that these are the two camps we inevitably fall into when not walking by the Spirit according to our sin nature. The licentious campaigns to protect sin and demands endless mercy for it merely to protect their own vested interests. The legalists frown on sin in public, demanding perfection from others, acting morally superior whilst doing worse behind closed doors.

Something else I have noticed. There has been a lot of visible preparation for the Antichrist. They are using the same cult techniques that I have been studying myself. Something to make you think about:

There is a lot of hollering from those Dominionist "7 mountain" people on your side of the pond, banging a drum to say 'we need to take back control and bring the Kingdom of God in ourselves'. They also love the John Knox statement 'Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God'.

Also this article has food for thought given the above.. people who professed Christ persecuted for not joining the revolutionary war in the US (I guess this would be conscientious objectors and I would like to know the biblical stance on this.)

Something shocking to comment on. I was watching a film last night from the 50s about how a communist cell convinced some Londoners to attack their own power stations to bring the economy to its knees. This sort of thing sounds more like fact than fiction these days. In fact I saw news footage yesterday of teenagers in the UK smashing fuel pumps and spraying graffiti over them. What was chilling was the familiar strap line that all cults use to lure people in 'we'll make the world a better place for all of us'. Sound familiar?

It suddenly made me realise that I have had been subject to this specific style of cult brainwashing in the past and it shocked me how it was done. In my Moonies research, they forced newcomers into sitting through hours and hours of lectures full of word salad and fast moving ideas. Interjected into the spiel of how bad the world is getting (yes we have all noticed on that one) they would posit ideas from various thinkers as a contrast to the world's insanity. Sometimes they even gave our Lord Jesus a mention but only as a 'wise man amongst others' (Theosophy). After many sessions though, the unsuspecting brainwashed victim then found themselves bowing before a photo of a little Korean man and his wife. This idea was too terrifying to think about but not as rare as one hopes.

Unless we are heavily grounded in the Word and a trustworthy Ministry, we will go wandering off for 'food' elsewhere and another shepherd and there are plenty of false teachers waiting with their doors wide open. You are right that politics is the worst snare that there is and it is not as obvious as a competing false religion. Many Christians think it fine to go full on politico. Look how Trump was deified by many, many Americans and they keep holding on to him coming back. This is very scary stuff indeed. He probably will get in again. Did I tell you that the megalithic conspiracy theory movement 'Q' that Donald Trump himself pushes once said as part of one of his 'Q drops' : YOU are the saviours of mankind. It is easy to see where that mess is now heading.

If anyone laughs and says 'they won't snare me', they nearly got me at one point. True, I was neck deep in conspiracies myself and only a baby Christian and not pushing forward as I am now but they nearly got me! I was following a conspiracy theory channel on YouTube (which has now been deleted but there are many, many others now saying exactly the same thing) that was so convincing and seemed so intelligent that I was devouring every episode. I found myself nodding away in agreement with the corruption of the Federal Reserve, wondering about what happened at 911, nodding along at all the usual corruption and falling societal talking points. At the end of the day though, it's all under Satan so it's all a given isn't it. This is the scary bit though. I nodded away for weeks and months on end at how bad it has all got, not knowing where this narrator was heading with all this until it finally arrived at the destination where we were always heading all along! Who is the answer to all this and the saviour of the world? Donald Trump.

I kid you not. When they finally unveiled who they were pointing to all along, I felt very confused. Thankfully I had enough scripture under my belt to doubt this was all true but I was wavering for a moment. The show kept showing film footage of Trump lovingly putting the cap back on a Marine's head that had blown off. There was a rhapsodic and patriotic narration over the images and a stirring emotional soundtrack. Despite my doubts, I felt pulled, I really did.

Bob, this is no different than what the Moonies pulled. If Moon really was some CIA asset then who knows, maybe they were beta testing for the big one. The cult of Donald Trump is very real and the horror I feel now looking back at that programme I believed was the truth, unveiling Trump as the answer to all our problems is no different at the horror I feel seeing hitherto atheistic men and women bowing down to photos of Sun Myung Moon. I think that the more ludicrous and laughable the leader, shows how effective the brainwashing really is! I'm sure there is some very proud and boastful people out there, praising themselves on both Moon and Trump. No doubt the same techniques would work around Bozo the Clown!

Just sharing my thoughts with you and to put this on the radar for you and your ministry.

The deception is thick now. Better walk very closely by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
p.s., I posted on Reddit that I used to be a conspiracy theorist and that people can ask me any question they want. This is on a Q anon recovery board and people have lost their family to it and they have no help at all. They are very appreciative that I am helping them with cult advice and the best thing about it is that I am able to show them that despite appearances Q Anon and the Trump cult is teaching the opposite of Christianity so I am able to defend the faith and what the Bible truly stands for! 4.3K views in the first 48 hours! Maybe Reddit will be a good place to start this ministry?

In Him,

Response #6:

First, big congrats on the ministry re-set! 2.15K views per day is at least double the Ichthys' traffic, so well done you!

Thanks also for the other email. Very interesting! On our former president, I don't wish to be either dismissive or disparaging when I say that my impression of antichrist from everything I've read in scripture is of a uniquely exceptional person who will dazzle just about everyone (cf. Dan.7:8; 7:24-26; 8:9-12; 11:21ff.) – with the exception of Christians who are very strong in the Word and their relationship with Jesus Christ. Antichrist will present himself as the Savior, but I have to say that in my humble opinion I don't think anyone out there on the political scene anywhere in the world presently even comes close to filling that role. We shall see soon enough. And as you describe it so well, the techniques are there and already being used to make a persuasive case for just about anyone the devil should wish to advance – so just imagine how powerful and effective these forces of propaganda will be when there is (apparent) substance behind them. If nothing else, the Tribulation should be very interesting.

As to being a conscientious objector, I personally have no problem with that, but in Roman times there was nothing like a "draft". By the time of the writing of the New Testament, Rome had long since had a professional military which was, in terms of the population, quite small. The passages in scripture which require obedience to authorities have to do with paying taxes and obeying legitimate legal directives. Clearly, worshiping the emperor was not one of those, nor would any law which required believers to refrain from talking about Christ or otherwise practicing Christianity (spiritual growth, that is) have been legitimate. As Peter and John tell the Sanhedrin, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). In terms of requiring men to serve in the armed forces and thus possibly be involved in killing others in combat, personally, I see no biblical problem with that. In this country in the past we developed what seems to me to be a reasonable compromise (not always evenhandedly administered) whereby conscientious objectors were required to serve but could do so as non-combatants such as being medics. This was, in WWII anyway, at least just as or sometimes even more dangerous than being a combat infantryman, the most likely M.O.S. to get you killed. It's not an issue in this country at present because although we still have a skeletal selective-service, no one has been drafted since right after Vietnam. Given the cratering recruitment our armed forces are currently experiencing, however, that may have to change in future.

Keep up the good work on the ministry! And please keep me in the loop on that.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Thanks Bob,

I don't think that has anything to do with me though, Reddit just happens to be a site with huge traffic passing through and it just happened to be on a SubReddit that also has a lot of current footfall. You see Q Anon is the biggest and fastest New Religious Movement/Cult the world has seen (if you leave out all the other major false religions out there.) It has been very successful in sweeping up evangelical Christians, particularly after the whole pandemic/lockdowns/vaccination debacle.

Q is not led by Trump but he is in cahoots with it and has recently fully endorsed it. I have never thought the antichrist is Trump or any current world leader. I do think he will be more like Zelenskyy than Trump. I also expect him to look like the Catholic iconography of Jesus (beard and long hair). There have been a lot of gurus recently sporting this look.

At the end of the day, if people (even Christians) believe in Trump, how will they react to the real antichrist who will be far more credible, seemingly capable and charismatic (by the world's standards)? No offense to your country, but it they believe in the clown at the front of the tent collecting tickets, then what will they make of the main event in the big top? The mighty man of great renown? The beast himself?

What I did is start a SubReddit on a Q board and told them I used to believe in conspiracy theories but now I don't and that anyone could ask me any question and I would give them an honest answer. It has occurred to me that people cannot have this kind of open dialogue with loved ones trapped inside, so people have been really curious about what happened to me and how to help their loved ones. There is a very real and urgent need for these people who have lost family and friends 'down the rabbit hole'.

I raised the following points

1) how I got in and the fact that faith got me out
2) how I got in in the first place (vulnerable with smashed worldview)
3) what I was thinking whilst in it (not much thinking at all: zero critical thought, zero discernment, all emotional 'thinking')
4) that Q is NOT Christianity despite what most onlookers say and even many Christians think. That Q is thoroughly Gnostic in its beliefs and doctrines.
5) that it temporarily posits Trump as a type of saviour for the United States whilst covertly pushes that we all are the saviours of mankind
6) that Q anon is a cult and uses 'thought reform' techniques that have been deployed both by the CCP and the Moonies (Unification Church) respectively.
7) that unbeknownst to most Christians, Q Anon is not incompatible with the New Age belief system but actually propagates and promotes typical New Age thought and doctrines (Gnosticism)
8) that Q anon has disastrous effects on mental health, on a person's productivity and social/family life. That like all Cults/abusive relationships, it leads to suspicion, mistrust and estrangement. That it breaks down families, fractures the ability to communicate and changes the person completely and overnight (snapping).
9) that a person under this influence is no different to a person under the influence of any addictive and harmful substance or a person in a controlling and abusive environment/relationship

So that is what happened. I tend to do a lot of my thinking whilst writing so this was almost like a public brainstorming of what needs to be done to help people. Obviously my ministry will be for believers but if unbelievers benefit from my ministry then there is a possibility that they will be more receptive to the Word of God. I will be linking people back to your site for them to learn the real truth about this world and our lives here.

Thank you so much for your continual support and guidance in these matters my friend.

I know that the enemy will come after me even more now that I am pushing forward more aggressively into his territory. So prayers specifically for my ministry will be very needful going forward please.

In Jesus,
p.s., what do you think about Reddit as a venue?

Response #7:

Great stuff as always!

Can't help you with Reddit. I only ever tried going on there by request once or twice, and I think they wanted me to sign up to see anything (this is something I generally resist doing; for one thing, I already have about four million passwords and good luck remembering them all exactly; for another, I already get about ten million junk emails a day – OK, slight exaggeration, but still).

One thing to keep in mind on these conspiracy theories, often there is a grain of truth involved in some of them or in some aspect of them. There is plenty of actual evil out there, after all. The prevalence of child abuse of a sexual nature among many of those in power is a real thing (if the Epstein affair taught us anything), and the fact that being powerful often protects these individuals (two systems of justice) is not a myth either.

The main problems as I see it with conspiracy theories are 1) I've never known any TWO people who could keep a secret between them, so good luck with keeping that wider conspiracy of yours quiet; and 2) the ability of people to actually carry through grand plans is limited enough when the plan is open and universally agreed upon; how much less so when it's being put in place by a secret cabal? So while I have no doubt about the sinister nature of many groups and powerful people in the world or about their desire to put their evil plans into place, I have my doubts about their ability to do so and to do so secretly to the degree that conspiracy theories tend to claim. The Spanish civil war offers a good example of this. Stalin and the Comintern most definitely did wish to take over the country and engaged in all the same sort of intrigues, repression, lies, propaganda, use of secret police, camps, imprisonment, torture, lies upon lies, etc., but in the end they never got complete control of the republican side (and of course they lost to the nationalists). And lest we forget, the Lord is the One who is in final control of everything.

"Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass, that you have turned fortified cities into piles of stone. Their people, drained of power, are dismayed and put to shame. They are like plants in the field, like tender green shoots, like grass sprouting on the roof, scorched before it grows up. But I know where you are and when you come and go and how you rage against me. Because you rage against me and because your insolence has reached my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came."
Isaiah 37:26-29 NIV

There's no question but that the devil is pushing all manner of evil schemes in this world, and anyone can see how evil generally is accelerating, gaining an ever greater hearing from more and more people, becoming ever more main-stream, and in many cases even becoming the only politically correct view it's safe to openly express any more on many issues. However, human agency is limited in what it can conceive and carry through. And the devil is more of an opportunist than a grand strategist. His grand strategy seems to be "make the most of every opportunity" (how else do you explain Stalin AND Hitler?). Because of the times we are in and because of the evaporation of any sort of interest in the truth around the world things have gotten and are getting worse. But as a wise person once said (you), "we ain't seen nothin' yet" (nice employment of American dialect, by the way!).

Keeping you and your situation and your ministry in my daily prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Here is the link: https://ichthys.com/2B-Eschato.htm#group

On this link, if you press the buttons ctrl + f (at the same time) and type in "would be represented by two letters and a symbol, namely, chi, xi, and stigma"...it should be "sigma" right? At first I thought it was a different symbol I hadn't seen yet (called s-T-i-g-m-a), but you gave the symbol for sigma later on in the paragraph.

I didn't vote because I find I am happier when I don't pay attention to politics, and it is better to focus on individual people in your own life. I was asked at the game group if I voted and I didn't know what to say. Maybe I will just say that next time. And that I find it is better to just focus on individual people and God. But I hesitate to say God. Is that bad? I don't want to shrink but also don't want to cast pearls. But how do I know if it is the Spirit?

Response #8:

Stigma is correct. A "stigma" is the Greek numerical symbol for "6" in the Attic system. It looks like a sigma on steroids but is actually a ligature of a sigma and a tau (first two letters of stigma combined and meaning "mark"). So that is part of what "666" would look like in Greek numerical notation, namely, chi, xi, and stigma (i.e., as χξϛ). N.b., the mark of the beast will bear no resemblance to Arabic numeral notation "666" (at least there's nothing of the sort in scripture; see the link).

There is nothing wrong with not voting. When people say that voting is "your civic duty", my attitude is that, no, it is a right – and you have a right to exercise that right or not. Now, serving your country, THAT is a duty – but how many people even ever considered that in their lives, especially among the younger generations? How you answer questions like that are up to you. It is often better not to "get into it" with people who don't understand, so I certainly can't fault your choice there. Sounds to me like you probably did the right thing.

As to how do we know it's the Spirit, that is a confidence that comes over time through trusting the Lord and growing spiritually. In the early going, sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between emotion and the prompting of the Spirit. But the Spirit always uses the truth to guide us, not guilt. So the more truth we learn and the better we learn it and the better we get at applying it – spiritual growth – the easier and more certain this becomes. There's a lot about this in BB 5: Pneumatology (at the link).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

Hi again Bob,

I was just thinking about our behaviour during the Tribulation. I know you have written about our conduct already. I would presume that our MO and marching orders will be the same then as they are now only more so:

1) Spiritual growth through our walk with Jesus
2) Passing tests with faith
3) Glorifying God in all we do
4) Witnessing (both with the Word and with our life)
5) Bearing spiritual fruit
6) Sanctification
7) Ministry
8) Prayer
9) Avoiding politics and joining false groups
10) Avoid taking popular thought and opinion seriously
11) Take the Lord and His Word very seriously
12) Be blinkered to the goings on in the world but focused on Christ (Remember that this is passing away but the future with Him is forever)

So other than doubling down on our previous position in the body of Christ, our behaviour should not alter at all (only so far as it becomes white hot for the Lord).

So it really is all about keeping calm and professional in our faith at all times and keep on keeping on until we join our Lord in the air.

In Jesus,

Response #9:

A good list . . . and very good advice too.

Here are my links on that:

Our "plan" for surviving the Tribulation

A Brief Christian "Code of Conduct" for the Great Persecution

A Tribulational Code of Conduct (in CT 7)

On your point #10, "Avoid taking popular thought and opinion seriously", this is very important but we should add "any and all 'information' coming from supposedly authoritative sources".  After all, "the big lie" is a real thing, and we have seen its effectiveness in this country of late and also historically of course.  It's especially effective, moreover, when all alternative sources of information have been eliminated (we're getting there in this country as well).  Here's a quote on the situation in Spain when the communists finally were able to put their own man in at the top and then not only immediately squelched all alternative points of view, but also began fabricating and disseminating the most outrageous lies about their opponents (on the republican side, that is, their erstwhile allies against Franco and the nationalists): "As many disillusioned communists later acknowledged, the greater the lie, the greater the effect, because only a committed anti-communist could disbelieve it"; "The very brazenness of the lies had an initial effect of disorienting people.  They were tempted to believe what they heard on the grounds that nobody would dare to invent such allegations" (A. Bevor, The Battle for Spain, 268-269).

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hello Doctor,

It’s been awhile since I’ve emailed you. Hope all is well. And since I’m on my phone, I will keep this short.

I keep hearing from the critics that the Bible condones slavery. And I just can’t believe this can be correct. May I ask your view point or direct me to a response you have already given.

Thank you so much and God bless,

Response #10:

Good to hear from you.

In terms of slavery, it is important to keep in mind that the idea of a country how much less a world without slavery only emerged during the 19th century. And of course there still is slavery, just not institutionalized. There are probably millions of slaves in the US and more every day. The main difference between their status and that of slaves under the Mosaic Law is that in that earlier situation slaves had a measure of legal protection. Slaves in the US today (and around the world) have no rights at all and are treated as disposable items – because in legal terms "it doesn't exist", although it clearly does in actuality.

In the context of the ancient world, there WAS slavery. Israel was a small nation surrounded by other larger and more populous nations, all of which practiced slavery. But what the Law of Moses did was grant rights to slaves, limiting that terrible institution's capacity for evil.

“Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”
Matthew 19:7-8 NIV

Seen correctly, as our Lord explains, the Mosaic Law does not condone or empower divorce – but in a world where there IS divorce it acts to give the divorced woman a measure of protection. Slavery under the Law should be seen from the same point of view. The Law doesn't condone it; the Law regulates slavery – for slavery surely did exist throughout the period when Israel was "in the land".

The New Testament does not condone or approve of slavery either. Does it condemn it? That is not the Bible's job. If a person wants to get into politics, let him/her look elsewhere than scripture. The NT does tell slaves to "do a good job" because they serve Jesus Christ through their witness. It also offers encouragement to those who happen to be slaves.

Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave. You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
1st Corinthians 7:21-23 NKJV

So, no, the Bible doesn't condone slavery – and it doesn't condone politics or political action or activism either (see the link).

If the person making the false claim you report has any arguments you wish me to address, I'd be happy to do so. Meanwhile, here are a couple of other links at Ichthys to where this topic is discussed.


Slavery II

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Hi Bob,

I'm very curious that you say "There are probably millions of slaves in the US and more every day." "Slaves in the US today (and around the world) have no rights at all and are treated as disposable items – because "it doesn't exist", although it clearly does."

I don't understand who you are referring to.

Response #11:

From a state dept. report: "This report also estimates that 49.6 million people were in “modern slavery” at any given time in 2021."

From deliverfund.org: "The United States ranks as one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking, with an estimated 199,000 incidents occurring annually."

Note: the above was written before the current meltdown in enforcement at our southern border (so it's probably gotten exponentially worse).

Question #12:

Is it possible that when we see the term “slave” or “slavery” in the OT, it’s more meant to be thought of as an employee or contractor?

Critics are so hard when it comes to so-called slavery in the Bible but isn’t it just a misunderstanding?

Response #12:

Re: "Is it possible that when we see the term “slave” or “slavery” in the OT, it’s more meant to be thought of as an employee or contractor?", I deal with what the Bible says, not with theoretical interpretations (that is "theology" and usually leads to no good).

If you have any passages which to you seem to suggest this, I'd be happy to discuss them. As far as my reading of the Bible goes, slaves under the Law received more rights, a definite set of limitations on what masters could do (e.g., Deut.5:14-15). In the New Testament, the epistles have a good deal to say about how believing masters should treat slaves and about how believing slaves should behave, but the treatment of slaves throughout the Mediterranean world at that time was governed by Roman law which was far less beneficent than the Mosaic Law on this topic – but still in many ways and in many cases far better than what those illegally enslaved through human trafficking in our country today are experiencing.

Re: "Critics are so hard when it comes to so-called slavery in the Bible but isn’t it just a misunderstanding?", that depends on what critics you're talking about and what they are saying.

As a general rule, as a believer, I could care less what unbelievers say or think . . . unless they express to me a willingness to be saved. Trying to defend the Bible in the public square is the work of apologetics, and that is not what this ministry is about (nor am I gifted in apologetics). If we are having a conversation with an unbeliever, what that person needs is the gospel. No unbeliever can receive the truth – except the truth about salvation through Jesus Christ. That is the only truth (beyond naturally revealed truth, see the link) which the Spirit makes understandable to unbelievers. So I always try to steer such conversations around to Jesus Christ; if a person is not interested in being saved, they are not going to be receiving any other truth either, and we'll just be casting our pearls to the pigs.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Hi Bob,

“Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”
Zechariah 11:17 NIV

I don't understand this. The woe, I get, but the strike in the right eye and arm, I don't. Was that just an expression like "may your toast burn" or was there more? Thanks.

Yours in Jesus,

Response #13:

Re: the curse against the worthless shepherd (Israel's pro-antichrist premier during the Tribulation; see the link for where this is discussed), this expression seems to mean the deprivation of the most needful things we human beings have, our sight and our ability to do much of anything. Our Lord also used this same trope for similar reasons, namely, to express strongly how important salvation really is:

"If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire."
Matthew 18:8-9 NKJV

Of course, in resurrection, our bodies will be perfect; and, of course, we would gain nothing by mutilating ourselves (and that is NOT what our Lord is calling for), but it WOULD (contrary to fact) be better to be mutilated in this life . . . if that avoided condemnation. We know, and our Lord has made clear in all He's told us, that only by trusting in Him is there salvation and deliverance from the lake of fire. But in both passages, these extreme statements get one's attention and make the point.

Hope you are doing well, my friend. Keeping you in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Hi Bob,

Excellent point. I never considered that. (Another dot that fell of the wagon before connected.) Thank you.

Sorry about the frustration at U of L. I had a conversation with a friend not long ago about whether we ever had a productive meeting. Nothing came to mind, but later it came to me that I actually had one. It was a management meeting about something that escaped me long ago, but when I got carried away and said, "But. it's only common sense that..." that a senior salesman turned to me and said, "Common sense is only the sum total of our experience." That's stayed with me all these many years and, given current headlines, is beginning to scare daylights out of me.

One thing I believe, all Javascript programmers and most current programmers, in fact, will be consigned to the lowest circle of hell if hell actually corresponds to Dante's description. Javascript is a metastatic social cancer spread via the internet. If civilization depends on computers, we're doomed.

I hope your semester was rewarding in spite of the meetings and Adobe. I hope your Christmas holiday is pleasant and, if possible, merry. Thank you for your prayers. You remain in mine daily.

In our Lord,

Response #14:

No worries. I've learned to roll with the punches. It's a blessing to have a job I don't hate or dread. And it keeps Ichthys "on the air"!

Re: experience. The quote does remind me of the one about Frederick the Great's mule who learned little about tactics and strategy in spite of being on all of his major campaigns. Some people experience a lot and never seem to "get it". That is the only way to explain unbelief in the face of death, as far as I am concerned.

I promise to keep all Java programmers at arm's length!

Wishing you a merry Christmas too, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Hello Dr. Luginbill:

I hope and pray that you are doing well, and at least enjoying some down time during break.

Quick question: I assume natural death, just like childbirth, will occur during the Tribulation. If 1/3 of true believers will apostatize, 1/3 believers are martyred, and 1/3 alive at the Second Advent, could this point to divine covering when entering the Tribulation for all of the above until the numbers are fulfilled? Or, with natural death occurring during the Tribulation, they are simply excluded from any one category above?

Thank you - and Happy New Year!
(Ever closer to that glorious day of our king's, Jesus Christ, return.)
NVM. Silly question. Sorry.

Response #15:

Not at all! I'd like to know the answer too. We may have to wait on this one, however. Scripture only breaks things down into thirds and doesn't address this issue. We do know that the mortality rate during the Tribulation will be excessive (the fourth horseman trend; link). So, assuming that there are natural deaths of believers during the Tribulation (a reasonable assumption) and that possibly there may even be a greater than normal mortality rate among believers as well (why wouldn't there be? except of course that we will be protected from Gods judgments which are directed at unbelievers), then how does that relate to the three divisions? Certainly not apostasy for those who are not apostate. And if these individuals do pass on during the Tribulation, they would not be among those who survive, obviously. Perhaps they are reckoned in the number of martyrs since they did have to put up with at least part of those seven years (especially if they would have lived longer absent the stresses of the Tribulation); perhaps the three sections are reckoned not including these individuals; it is also possible that the Lord will see to it that every believer winds up in one of these sections regardless (nothing is impossible for the Lord).

In my opinion, we can't know the specific answer beyond considering the possibilities above. It's probably not a bad idea to ask the question however, since for those of us who are called upon to endure those seven years I'm sure it'll come up just as soon as anyone we know (or think) that any person who is/was a believer passes away.

For the rest of us, the mission is clear: endure until the end, unless and until the Lord takes us home by martyrdom (or in any other way).

He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Revelation 13:10 NKJV

Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12 NKJV

Wishing you and your family a blessed 2024!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Hi Bob,

Life seems so jam packed and right at a time when I really need to be preparing and focusing on what soon lies ahead for us - the Tribulation. I have to make sure I guard my time for what's most important no matter what is going on in my life. Not allow other things to take over. That's how it feels sometimes. It's probably another test isn't it? As much as I love my family and try to help where I can, it's the Lord who comes first. And I have to think about my own spiritual health. Once I get through the next couple of months, I'll be able to come up for air. Maybe it's like the end of a "semester" being in sight! I know you're praying for me Bob and I'm very grateful. We'll get there.

I loved reading Chris B's emails in this week's posting. It's just so good and encouraging to see other believers thinking exactly the same way as I do. Just confirms I'm not going nuts as well! It's this world we live in that drives us nuts. But as Chris says, "I'm looking up because our Savior's return gets closer with each passing day".

Keeping you in my prayers too, Bob.

In Jesus

Response #16:

Sorry to hear that things have been tough. Going through some things here as well. I'm determined to try and "make" classes go better tomorrow (we shall see). A long faculty meeting at the end of the road there so I'll be doubly grateful when it's all over. Some good news on the job front (I think): we're getting a new chair and the one I would have picked from within our dept. It'll leave us a little short on personnel but just for the fall (two more cases there and we should be done until spring).

I'm praying for your family and of course for you too!

Re: "Life seems so jam packed and right at a time when I really need to be preparing and focusing on what soon lies ahead for us - the Tribulation." I do know what you mean, and I also think that we are being not only tested but prepared. I imagine that the Tribulation will be "more of the same" only just more difficult, with the same sort of balancing acts necessary there, only with less margin for error. So "all this" probably is good preparation. The Lord is graciously providing it. It's just that sometimes it's difficult to appreciate the truth of that – difficult for us all. But when we "compare notes" and see that, indeed, other "believers throughout the world [are] undergoing the same kind of sufferings" we are (1Pet.5:9), then we can be assured that there is a point to it, and part of that point, I am convinced, is to help us get "up to speed" for the big test ahead.

Chris is the best! I thank the Lord for wonderful believers like him . . . and you . . . with whom I'm greatly blessed to be in contact through this ministry.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Scripture doesn't go into salacious detail, but from what I gather, little has changed since Sodom. I don't remember much of anything of Roman history after Caesar crossed the Rubicon with barbarian legions -- or even if that's true -- much like the current regime seems to be doing. Methodists were particularly fond of the Nicean creed, which doesn't seem to agree with scripture, as I recall from growing up in the Methodist church. Constantine seems to be a typical politician who corrupted everything after.

Am I off in the weeds again?

In our Lord,

Response #17:

Well, there are four centuries from Caesar to Constantine, and if we're talking regimes and councils that's Roman history and church history. That's a whole floor of the library, my friend!

I will say that human nature has always been the same. It's merely the cultural manifestations of it which change. A society wherein discipline and hard work are generally rewarded while laziness and crime are generally effectively punished tends to be a much nicer one in which to live. But that is all relative from place to place and time to time, after all. The Rome of Caesar was a lot different from that of Constantine, just like the US of the founders is different from the US of today (about a half century less time than the Roman example). I will say that Augustus reformed the government very effectively for regularity and legality, but all systems ultimately depend on the flawed human beings who run them. Paul should have been let go by Felix and then by Festus, but they both put their own self-interest above what was right – not absolutely (or both would have handed him over to his Jewish enemies).

Caesar overthrew the (dysfunctional) government and then reformed it. During Augustus' day, before he completely took charge of the process of elections late in his reign, there was still bribery going on in electioneering, so fierce in fact that a law was passed to try to combat it. Constantine turned Christianity into a state religion and that did begin a very long downward spiral – with which we who love the truth are still coping.

If we think things are corrupt now, we probably have an education in store for us once the Tribulation begins.

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Hi Bob,

I apologize for my simplistic and somewhat inane question. I should have known. My education on this is high school level -- which was a long, long time ago. The understanding I get from scripture is that people are the same today and have always been so. Extrapolating what I see today, we're in for a truly rough ride in the Tribulation. I THINK I understand how people can be eating and drinking when the end comes but I need to be careful of what I think I understand since I have no idea what I actually understand and what I think I understand. (Sorry for that convoluted sentence. Gettin' old is tough:)

I pray that when the Tribulation comes, if I'm still here, I have the strength and will to endure.

I am curious how the barbarians in the legions changed the empire. I wonder how the illegals in our military will change our empire. Maybe it's already changed?

I apologize for wasting your time. You answered my question in that nothing has changed in all the centuries past.

You remain in my daily prayers also.

In our Lord,

Response #18:

You know a lot (must have been a pretty good high school)! It's a good question – just difficult to answer with any specificity.

As to the composition of the legions, this was less of a problem, it turns out, than the loyalty of the generals, consulars coming from the elite in Roman society. As Tacitus says about the deposing of Nero, "evulgato imperii arcano posse principem alibi quam Romae fieri", meaning, "the secret was out: an emperor could be made elsewhere than in Rome". This led to the "year of the four emperors", culminating in Vespasian's rule and the establishment of the Flavian dynasty. The legionaries could do nothing without a general willing to lead them against whomever was in charge, but at various times in the empire, starting in A.D. 68/69, there were all too many willing to do so. So it takes the two elements: troops willing to rebel and a leader willing to abet them. Whichever is the more forceful or more likely in that equation in our day, I don't think we're quite there yet on either side of it.

Re: "I pray that when the Tribulation comes, if I'm still here, I have the strength and will to endure", we are ALL praying that prayer, my friend . . . remembering that the Lord never ever lets us down.

"Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Luke 21:36 NKJV

Thanks for those prayers – keeping you in mine as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Hi Bob,

Wow! I could have searched wikipedia and the world wide sewage ditch for endless hours and not understood as much. Thank you. You also answered a question I just sent before this came in. You are an amazing man, my friend, and I truly appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge.

It's curious to me that the decay in Rome began, or was grown, about the end of the apostolic age. I wonder what, if any, conclusions we can draw from that?

It's been said, "Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it" and it appears top be true. It appears also I didn't learn much:(

Thank you for your prayers. You and yours remain in mine.

In our Lord,

Response #19:

On Rome, many people see the Flavian dynasty as a revival and an improvement on the later Julio-Claudians (Caligula and Nero, anyway). It's important to note that the system Augustus set up for imperial administration turned out to be fairly just and robust. And when things started to go haywire in the upper end of it, the system itself survived without much trouble, much better than was the case during the prior century of civil wars where average citizens often bore the brunt of repeated battles, invasions, plundering and confiscations.

I think you're quoting Santayana (who was paraphrasing Hegel). Here's what Thucydides says:

". . . the sufferings which revolution entailed upon the cities were many and terrible, such as have occurred and always will occur, as long as the nature of mankind remains the same."
Hist. 3.82

Thanks for your good words as always, my friend!

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

One other thing I just thought of to ask you... It seems obvious to me why using the kings and prophets of Israel in the Old Testament for proof as to why most believers can and should be involved in politics is utterly wrong and misleading for multiple and obvious reasons. I would like to push back and argue against that notion as effectively as I can. People seem to think that just because Israel had kings and had to "negotiate" with other nations to some extent means that believers are called to political action today (here is the proof some say). All this despite the fact that we are not Israel (their calling and situation was quite a bit different that what we have and see today) nor are we directly commanded by God to take matters into our own hands (as the crusaders foolishly did). David was king over Israel and subdued many of the nations surrounding his kingdom, so why shouldn't more believers try running for office today? I think many of the answers as to why this thinking doesn't work is obvious, but just in case there is some really "juicy" argument(s) that I may not be thinking of (many of the ones you mention will probably be some of the ones I already have in mind), I wanted to ask you about some of the reasons and arguments you would use to push back against this type of misguided thinking. Your own insight would be helpful in further establishing and confirming my own views. How would you respond to their arguments?

In His grace and power,

Response #20:

On this issue, it is certainly the case that evangelicals are getting way out in the weeds over politics more and more today. The current situation in the US in particular seems tailor-made to suck the immature into these sorts of discussions, tempting them to throw their support to all manner of ill-conceived potential political ventures. And it is, of course, indeed "tailor-made" . . . by the devil.

If 2026 is the start, it would seem to me very likely that some great political upheaval will be part and parcel of that, directly after if not immediately before (and perhaps getting started this fall). Getting involved with any such thing is only playing into Satan and antichrist's hands. For me, that's the biggest argument against any and all political involvement, just basic spiritual common sense. For those who don't have that, I'm not sure that a clever argument is going to be their salvation.

You do a nice job of rehearsing the basic objections. We are not Israel. The Old Covenant has been replaced by the New. The New Testament gives no indication that theocracy or any universal denomination imposed thereby is justified – just the opposite. And yet we did get both in the earlier centuries of the Church Age (and we know how that turned out, terminating in the R.C. church). The only king to rule everything before the coming King is going to be the devil's son. Something even these evangelicals ought to understand. But I guess if you believe in a "pre-Trib rapture", you feel free to wash your hands of that. Big mistake (link).

Keep up the good work, my friend. Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21:

Yes, I got the email and when I email you in the future I will always check spam folder if I don't hear from your. For now it looks like it is fixed. On this last email and the In terms of the last passage above, did you mean it to say the world's unbelievers and not believers, just to clarify?

What a gift the Lord has given you, Dr. Luginbill, to be such a patient teacher and a good and faithful servant. Thank your for all you do.

A question from the email sent about The mark of the beast, if the CBDC goes into effect and we all have to sign up for the system of banking and government oversight of everything we buy and sell and cash is no longer accepted would you sign up for this? If this is not the 'mark', but buying and selling without participation in that system gives me concern. It may not be the Biblical mark directed by the antichrist but it does not seem like we should participate in it. Your thoughts on signing up or having a very difficult time in "the world system". From what I understand of it someone working would not have a payroll direct deposit into their account, or a social security check would not be deposited unless someone had their CBCD in order, so to not be in the system you basically could not buy or sell. I suppose an underground system would come into play for those who did not sign up but, and I know not to worry about things because God has it all in control, but it would make me nervous to be in this system. So that is my concern, not worry : ).

So, as always, thank you for your response. I have given you link to a couple friends, not sure if they will seek you out but most of the people here are pretrib and most will not engage in conversation about not being removed before the tribulation that I find best not to argue. It seems that people what you "in the church" and then you are accepted and no matter where you go then at least you are 'in the church'. But I have your wonderful sight to learn from. It has been 18 years that I first found Ichthys and for that I am most thankful.

Have a very blessed day in our Lord.

Response #21:

Great! It is very annoying but it does seem that various email services either block Ichthys entirely (even though it is a secure website) or send mail to spam (seems as if the HTML links have something to do with that). I appreciate you persevering with this!

As to your question, I don't know a lot about it but from what I've heard I don't see how it (CBCD) is much different from what we already have. Almost everything I do, the salary I receive, the bills I pay, etc., is done electronically now. Shopping too. To be honest, about the only thing I use cash for anymore is getting a haircut. Otherwise, it's all "out there". And, of course, in terms of cash, that's just paper with no intrinsic value except what people are willing to give it (believe it or not, in Mid-East suqs, an uncirculated 100$ US bill is worth about twice what a beat up one is worth).

The Bible tells us not that money is a problem but the love of it (1Tim.6:10). Money is a technological tool just like an axe. Both can be used for good or evil and everything in between. God knows we need to make use of money in the modern world (less so axes for most). The Bible never condemns technology, merely the misuse of it.

The mark of the beast as you know will not be money or any form or regulation of money per se. It will be a visible tattoo on the forehead or right hand of the persons allowing themselves to be marked. Revelation 13:17 says that one reason for the beast and devil's institution of this system is so that "no one may be able to buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name". It doesn't say that every seller (or buyer) will abide by this rule, merely that commerce and the ban from it will provide the impetus for getting the mark. Will these new technological developments be used as enforcement mechanisms? Possibly. Hard to tell before the fact.

We believers can expect to have great difficulty engaging in commerce during the Tribulation on account of our refusal to be marked. Precisely how this will play out, we really can't know in detail ahead of time. We have to be resolved NOT to take the mark no matter what (Rev.14:9-12; see the link). That is the long and the short of it. We're not told that we can or can't have multiple or alternative bank accounts or crypto-currency or extra cans of tuna fish in the basement for barter. But I have opined that all such efforts to game out the Tribulation ahead of time are probably pointless – and they are definitely distracting from our only real means of preparation: spiritual growth.

So as to digital currency provided by the government, as mentioned, I'm not sure that this is a problem for believers (even if we see it as a very bad idea, an infringement on liberty, and a potential means for persecution in the future – and it may be all of these three), in that I don't see anything wrong with doing what we have to do to get along in this world when it doesn't violate the Lord's decrees. Compare:

“Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? “Show Me the tax money.” So they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” They said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Matthew 22:17-21 NKJV

Money is of this world. We are not of this world. As long as we are "rendering to God the things that are God's" and not violating any of His commandments in so doing, then, while we can see which way this world is going, we don't have to be concerned on the spiritual side of things because of what we are having to do on the worldly side (like, e.g., pay taxes). Things may be unfair and invasive of liberty, and possess a clear propensity to evil developments. But we trust God and use what He has given us to fight the fight He has given us to fight. We do NOT take the mark. We DO trust the Lord to provide for us when normal commerce is shut off from us and we from it (see the link). AND we are not afraid to die for the Lord if that is what transpires (link). Since we have no fear of death, having complete faith about what is next, all of these machinations of the evil one are just "signs of the times" for us who believe, reminding us that the time is near – the time of our Lord's glorious return! – even if we have to endure seven terrible years first (or be released from part of it through martyrdom instead).

Thanks also for your encouraging words, my friend. I appreciate them very much!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #22:

Got the email and thanks. I use cash mostly now and do have a few extra cans of tuna : ), but will never take the mark so will carry on in this world until He returns.

Response #22:

Sounds like a plan!

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., please pray for our friend who just lost her daughter after a long struggle with Lyme disease; please also pray for the salvation of her granddaughter.




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