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Eschatology Issues CXXIX

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Question #1:

Doc, in case you haven't heard someone tried to off Trump yesterday...I'm telling you this isn't going to end well for anyone, much less true believers. A powder keg of this size doesn't go unfelt by anyone in this world when it goes off, if you know what I mean. Could this be a catalyst for some end times things is what I'm saying? Support for Trump and tensions between both wings have already gone sky high from this and Trump's Project 2025 still has me very anxious.

Response #1:

My advice to all my brothers and sisters who are upset by recent events – or upset by politics generally – is to remember who is in charge. The Lord is in control of all things. According to Leviticus chapter 26, if a nation (Israel being the exemplar) acts in a godly way, then good things happen; if not, then there is an ascending series of disciplinary actions from the Lord until it reforms, and complete destruction if it does not. Important to note here is that "acting in a godly way" has nothing to do with politics or the policies of the government. As the context of that chapter make clear, it is our individual responses to God and His truth that are at issue. We are not Israel, of course, so we collectively as a nation are not responsible for being godly. It is the BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ who are responsible for what happens to the nation in question. If the believers are acting in a godly way by and large, pursuing spiritual growth, progress and production as our Lord wants us to do, blessings follow. If the opposite is the case, then the nation receives cursing upon cursing until it is eventually destroyed, absent repentance.

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."
Matthew 5:13 NKJV

The "earth" here is not dirt, nor is it planet earth; rather it is "the land" the people in question are living in (that is what ge in Greek translating 'eretz in Hebrew often means). Believers are the salt-preservative of their nation. If WE are doing what we should be doing, then our nation is blessed along with us; if not, then the opposite happens.

So what should we be doing? What is acting in a godly way? Anyone with even a tangential familiarity with this ministry knows what it teaches. We are here to glorify our Lord through doing what He wants us to do.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
Matthew 16:24 NIV

To do what our Lord requires, we need to let go of personal aspirations, prejudices, hatreds and the like, commit ourselves to what He wants us to do – grow up spiritually, progress in testing and growth, help others through ministry – and stick with it, following Him to the end.

So what can we believers do? Will getting involved in politics help? Not at all. Politics is the devil's game. The least bad thing that will happen if we let ourselves get wrapped up in these events is that we will neutralize ourselves spiritually by putting other things in first place in our lives. We will reduce our "saltiness" if we have any in the first place. God is going to do what He is going to do with history and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. But we believers CAN have an influence on that – and we are the ONLY ones who can! How? By being the best BELIEVERS we can be, committing to growth, passing the tests that come by trusting Him, and helping others do the same through committing to the ministries into which the Spirit leads us.

So we have an opportunity. There is none greater. We can dither and do nothing except get upset. We can join in and become part of the problem. OR . . . we can do what the Lord is asking us to do. That is what we should have been doing all along anyway. And that is the only way also to have peace in difficult times.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Good morning brother. Though my mind can be like a bad neighborhood, I still wanted to share this thought that came to mind shortly after the assassination attempt. Revelation 13.

I wasn't trying to connect it, it just happened. Probably something I ate, but, well there you have it. Peace brother, the only peace that's eternally ours in Jesus Christ.

Response #2:

It's an understandable connection to make. I don't think you need to blame the cook!

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
Revelation 13:3 NKJV

It's important to note about the above, however, that this event happens during the Tribulation, not before (at it's mid-point, actually); that it won't be a case of a near miss but an actually (or apparently) fatal blow after which there is an (apparent) resuscitation to life; and that this event will occasion the worldwide Great Persecution in retaliation. There's much more at the link: in CT 3B: "The Apparent Assassination and Resuscitation of Antichrist".

No doubt, the closer we get to the Tribulation, the more that we will be experiencing things which are very close to the events of that difficult time, in order to help us prepare if nothing else. For example, the similarities in situation between the recent pressure to be vaccinated and the mark of the beast have been covered on the website ad nauseum. Just as we learn about people's intolerance for non-compliance from the latter, we can see the band-wagon effect of seemingly miraculous signs and events from the former. A good reminder for believers to keep our eyes on the Lord and His truth, and to believe Him and it regardless of anything we hear or see in this world. After all, it's not as if we haven't been warned.

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Matthew 24:24 NKJV

He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.
Revelation 13:13-14 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hi Bob,

Just to say that I am really sorry to hear about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump over there. I am not a fan of any politician but it is really awful to see such things happen and is just more signs of how late in the day we really are now. No doubt this will whip up the division in America all the more.

Hope you are keeping well my friend.

In Jesus,

Response #3:

Re: "just more signs of how late in the day we really are now". That is right on the money. No one could have predicted this, neither the event itself, nor the way it played out, nor the consequences . . . which are still up in the air. It just goes to show how innumerable the possibilities of what could happen in the next two plus years really are. We are given to know the broad outlines of what will happen once the Tribulation begins. But since we aren't given the "granular details" we can't really say that this or that fits into what will transpire once the time begins.

And, in any case, as I have often remarked, one of the hallmarks of the Tribulation is that things will happen en tachei, that is, with rapidity (Rev.1:1; NOT "shortly" but "with speed"). So even if all was calm and peaceful with no indication of the earthshaking events the Tribulation will bring anywhere on the horizon, it could, it WOULD still happen, right on time and just as we've been informed. The fact that we can at least see, as you notice, that these are signs indicating that we're "late in the day" is a blessing in and of itself, since it is additional motivation not to waste the little time we have left.

Keeping you and your health in daily prayer as well, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

On antichrist's genealogy, I was thinking that in the case of our Lord whom he mimics, Christ has two genealogies in scripture. You wrote:

Jesus is David's literal “son” as a direct descendant through the mother of His humanity (Luke's genealogy: Lk.3:23-38), and legal heir as a direct descendant through His step-father Joseph (Matthew's genealogy: Matt.1:1-17).

Is it possible that antichrist's Jewish genealogy could be fulfilled in the legal sense of Christ's heirship through Joseph? In that case, Jewish lineage through the father could fulfill the prophecy just as well as through the mother. In other words, antichrist's mother would not have to be of Jewish descent as long as his father's line was.

What is your take on this?

Response #4:

I think this is an excellent point.

One other thing to keep in mind is that the beast's father is the devil.

(14) So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you are accursed, more than any beast or wild animal. You shall go on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. (15) And I shall place hostility between you (i.e., the devil) and the woman, that is, between your seed (i.e., antichrist) and her Seed (i.e., Christ). He will attack you head[-on], but you will attack Him from behind" (lit., "His heel").
Genesis 3:14-15

So antichrist will be what in the Old Testament is called one of the "nephilim".

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and afterwards as well. For when the sons of God (i.e., the fallen angels) went in to the daughters of men, they bore to them those "mighty-ones" (i.e., the Nephilim) whose names are famous from ancient times.
Genesis 6:4

Since these hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women were "mighty-ones" and "men of renown", what can we expect of Satan's very own son? It seems to me that he would exceptional – in every bad and evil way of course. In other words, it's hard for me to fathom that the beast, when he is revealed, will not seem to be extraordinary beyond anyone we have seen before. And that "revealing" will not come until after the Tribulation begins.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (i.e., the second advent) shall not come, except there come a falling away first (i.e., the Great Apostasy), and that man of sin (i.e., antichrist) be revealed, the son of perdition.
2nd Thessalonians 2:3 KJV

So the beast's revelation is one of the key markers of the Tribulation itself. That, and as mentioned, the fact that this person will be beyond uncommon in his abilities (again, in the service of evil; cf. Rev.13:4), leads me to believe that it is unlikely that any present personality could be antichrist.

Of course, as I have said many times, we do need to keep an open mind about these things and take care not to wed ourselves to any particular scenario before the fact. At the rate things are progressing, we are likely to know for certain soon enough.

There is plenty more about all this at the link: CT 3B: Antichrist and his Kingdom

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Dr. Luginbill,

Hope you are well. I just wanted to share an observation, though I assume you have observed the same. I feel like 2 prominent current events are blessings from The Lord to give His faithful a taste of what is to come, and what to expect, similar to the blessing we will have with the extra half year of preparation.

I always felt like the pressure on people by various governments to take a covid vaccine that some did not want to take was a not so subtle preview of the pressure people will be under to take the mark of the beast, though the pressure to take the mark will be much greater. I of course do not view the vaccine as being the mark or being sinful; I do, however, view the pressure placed on people as sinful, as it was rooted in a lack of faith. Jobs were threatened and lost, friendships broken, families at odds with each other. I was gravely concerned that some members of my own family would not allow unvaccinated family members at family events. Immediately I knew that this might be a wakeup call, that I better get to that point where I love The Lord more than anyone because family will turn against family when it comes to the mark. It really seemed like a foreshadowing of future events. Meanwhile, I just made the decision I made on the vaccine, and trusted The Lord that since I was not putting him to the test with my decision, not "playing in traffic" or jumping off a mountain expecting him to save me, that The Lord would work it all out for me; and of course He has.

A 2nd current event that gives us a bit of a preview of things to come would be the attempted assassination of Trump. Like the vaccine, everything about it was lesser than the future event, but from this event we see how the antiChrist's miraculous recovery from a head wound will bolster his claims and his popularity, and how emotional and visceral that reaction might be. I received a text about what had happened, but when I watched the replay I was caught off-guard by my own emotional reaction to the event. It was just a surreal thing to watch, and even the most vehement against Trump admitted that his standing there with a fist in the air and blood on his face will be possibly the most iconic photo in the history of mankind. Someone in Italy made what the news referred to as a "nativity scene" type image of that moment. Imagine multiplying that reaction times 10, and it might look like something similar to that future event. Those on their way to destruction will be in absolute awe of the beast, even more than they were before.

My 2 cents; in Christ,

Response #5:

Thanks for the excellent observations, my friend. I've had similar thoughts about both incidents. I appreciate the fact that you are discerning enough to see that these are parallels to what is coming, not the events themselves. And they are both very illuminating parallels, as your excellent insights show very well. Both situations "test us" and show us where we are in the pressures to conform or be judged along with people's reactions in the first case, and in the temptations to be swept along emotionally or to react with visceral opposition in the other case. But both "tests" should find us who are looking to the return of THE King at peace in this dark world, walking in the light given us by Him who is the Light of the world, neither overly terrified by plagues or government intrusion, nor overly enthralled or appalled by the winds of political change which are nothing compared to what lies ahead.

In short, I agree with your analysis entirely. What we are testing are our own tendencies as to how we are inclined to react in both situations absent reliance on the Lord. And what we are witnessing is how the world DOES react under these intense stimuli. The greater the intensity, the greater the reaction . . . and things are definitely going to get more intense.

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., how is your "situation"? I've been praying for your, my friend.

Question #6:

I suppose my work situation is better. The boss and I have come to an agree to disagree type arrangement, and it has been very civil. I think he is a believer, but of course cannot be sure. Sometimes when I think of moving to another job, I am reminded that this might be a good place to be when everything kicks off in about 2 years. So it's hard to know. I would like to change careers entirely, but I question the timing due to what is coming. I have an MBA that I have never really used, and I also have enough blue collar experience to fast track becoming an electrician, which frankly interests me quite a bit.


Thank you for your prayers, they are always needed. I continue to pray for you, my brother in Christ.

Response #6:

Re: "Sometimes when I think of moving to another job, I am reminded that this might be a good place to be when everything kicks off in about 2 years. So it's hard to know. I would like to change careers entirely, but I question the timing due to what is coming." I believe I have always counseled Christians to live their lives to the Lord one day at a time regardless of where we are (or think we might be) on the eschatological clock. We don't know how much time we have as individuals (cf. Eccl.9:12; Lk.12:16-21); and we don't know when and if things will change so radically that these decisions you are contemplating will be no longer of any avail.

As I have written elsewhere, during the Tribulation life will go on. Granted, there will be great loss of life. Granted, there will be great dislocations, economic and otherwise (cf. Rev.6:6). But people will still be earning their living by the sweat of their brow. It's likely to be harder no doubt. But economic activity won't come to an end.

"I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left."
Luke 17:34-36 NKJV

So irrespective of the date of the coming Tribulation, we who enter into it will still have be working to earn our daily bread. That will only come to an end if we are imprisoned or martyred of otherwise taken out of this life.

And I hasten to add that the 2026 interpretation is just that: an interpretation (link). The number itself is not in scripture for obvious reasons, one of which of course is that this system of dating did not exist in antiquity. If the putative date of the crucifixion/resurrection is later or earlier, that would move the date. If there is no overlap with the last seven years of the Jewish Age, that would move the date. As mentioned at the link, this interpretation is based upon a number of assumptions which are not specifically spelled out in scripture. Mind you, I do believe they are true, otherwise I wouldn't teach this. But it is an interpretation.

In any case, I believe the Lord wants us to do our best and make our best decisions for His glory no matter that we only had one day left or a hundred years. So I dearly hope you won't let this interpretation overly influence you one way or another. If the Spirit is leading you to go one way or another, that is obviously what you should do (Jas.1:5).

I'm sorry to hear about this other problem continuing. I assure you that I am praying for you about this. Also for your friend in leading him to the truth.

Thanks so much for your prayers too, my friend! They are greatly appreciated.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Good morning Bob.

I thought of you, so now I send this message and hope it finds you well.

Reading Judges this morning, (which usually has me shaking my head) and pondering the questions I have, let alone the questions of others on chapters like Judges 20. Thank goodness for prayer to One who knows, and the grace of another day to share with you brother.

We are all well here, attending a small Sunday service with many young people. Grateful for the absence of mood lighting, smoke machines and head pounding music volume.

Take care my friend. Know I appreciate you, and again hope you are well in body and spirit.

Response #7:

Good to hear from you, my friend.

In terms of Judges 19-21, this final set of chapters exemplifies very well the conclusion to the book with which the Spirit sums up this period:

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25 (cf. Judg.17:6).

It's not a bad summary for present day events in our country either, adjusting for "yes we do have government (comparable to a king)" but "that government is often not effectively supporting what is righteous". And yes we will have an actual king very shortly, a "stern-faced king, well versed in deception (i.e., antichrist)" (Dan.8:23); but blessedly he will in short order, a mere seven years later, be replaced by THE King of Glory. And in the administration of His righteous kingdom we who have chosen for Him will all have a part (e.g., Rev.2:26-27; 3:21). Hallelujah!

Re: "Grateful for the absence of mood lighting, smoke machines and head pounding music volume": you are bucking the trend, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:


Response #8:

In terms of your situation, as you know, I've always personally preferred the "set track" when it comes to secular matters. On the spiritual side of things, however, I definitely went the other way myself, to complete independence.

I can sympathize on the time issue. When I decided to leave seminary (switching to the two year academic as opposed to the three year pastoral course), it took me a long to time to get my next M.A. and my Ph.D. in Classics, and a long time thereafter to get to the point of having the time and the opportunity to start Ichthys. All told, between the time I made the decision not to go the denominational route and the time Ichthys launched was a little over fifteen years.

So in terms of it being hard and time-consuming to get going with the career and career path you have chosen, getting frustrated with that is possibly not a clear sign that it's the wrong way to go. That is something you have to decide (I don't know), but in my personal experience, having to detour a long way in order to set up the base needed to study and teach without being supported to do so (if that is your goal) is not unusual. Our friend is working manual labor (his preference) and while that is quicker to get into, it has its own challenges and drawbacks. We are all different. There's no one right answer. The Lord has a plan for your life. We know that includes ministry of the Word. Reverse plan from there would be my main advice.

In terms of 2026, as you well know, this is an interpretation and not a direct message in the Bible (link). I'm not backing off on the interpretation, but I always feel constrained to remind folks that this is just what it is. And I have always also been consistent, I believe, in advising people to live their lives one day at a time in the same fashion they would do so as if they had no inkling of that interpretation . . . EXCEPT to take the lesson and use it as motivation to get as well prepared spiritually as they can.

"Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
Matthew 24:40-42 NIV

We all understand that the Tribulation will involve a horrific loss of life (e.g., Is.13:12; Rev.9:16). But as the passage above indicates in describing the situation just prior to the second advent, that does not mean that economic activity will come to a halt. People will still have to work for a living AND people still WILL be working for a living all the way to the very end. Will that include us? Hard to say, but in the passage above, half the people in our Lord's example are in fact believers . . . who are working for a living right up until His return. We don't know if we personally will be martyred or so ostracized that this becomes impossible, but it seems likely to me that those who do survive to experience the living resurrection will be earning their bread by the sweat of their brow right up until that glorious moment.

All the more reason, it seems to me, to expect "regular life" to continue until we are taken out of this life one way or another. And the conclusion I draw from that is that we need to be taking it one day at a time all the way to the end, doing what we think it is the Lord is leading us to do regardless of the times. The Tribulation will be indescribably hard, no doubt. But life will continue for those still alive. So I would argue that it's a mistake to think everything will come to a grinding halt in two years or so, even assuming the interpretation correct.

So for me it really is a case of what the Lord is leading us to do. If in your case it is to change course to something else or persevere on your present one, either way, listening to Him and the Spirit is what you ought to do of course. I hear what you are saying about ministry. I think that any local church determined to actually have a Bible-teaching pastor would be blessed to get you two. But unfortunately I don't know many of those. When it comes to ministry, my preference would be to let the real inform the reality, rather that the hypothetical/desirable drive the decision-making. In other words, if you find such a church – or if such a church finds you – then indeed I personally would only want to make sure in the Lord that it really was from Him. Col. Thieme was a grad student at Dallas when he got asked to help at Berachah on a temporary basis. When it became clear to him that this was the place for him, he never looked back.

These are tough decisions. I'll be praying for you, my friend, for your guidance . . . and for your success in all things.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:


Response #9:

I'll definitely be praying for you two to find just the right way forward. Your situation is obviously quite different from anything we over here have experienced.

I am very confident that the Lord has a teaching ministry for you. The journey from "point A to point B" is one that none of us really sees with absolute clarity before the fact. There wasn't even an internet or the hint of any such thing when I resigned my commission in the USMC to go back to school to prepare. Getting Col. Thieme's lessons on tape was wildly "new tech" when I was getting started, and now look where we are.  There are no doubt more amazing things coming . . . and some of them may even be good (or at least capable of being used for good like the internet).

Do keep me in the loop, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:


Response #10:

Since FB is not essential for your ministry and since it was causing you so much grief, this seems a godly decision.

Re: "There is only sanity, reason and wisdom to be found in the Lord and the truth of the Word". Amen to that! Everything else in this world is nothing but darkness.

"No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light."
Luke 11:33-36 NKJV

God is light (1Jn.1:5) and His truth is light (Ps.119:105). Jesus Christ is the Light of the world (Jn.8:12; 9:5). But men prefer darkness because their deeds are evil (Jn.3:19). Light is meant to be seen. We are made and meant to seek the light and not to hide it, but to love it and share it, not to hate it and hide it. But if we turn away from the light and our hearts become dark, how terrible is that darkness, ending in the darkness of the lake of fire.

"But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Matthew 6:23 NKJV

That is where the world has always been, following the prince of darkness to the dark end he has chosen for himself and all who throw their lot in with him. But we are looking for a blessed future where there is only light in New Jerusalem and no darkness ever again.

There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.
Revelation 22:5 NKJV

Meanwhile, we who have chosen for Him who is the Light are navigating this dark world through the truth of His Word, paying close attention to it "just as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises" (2Pet.1:19). For us who crave the Light, this verse gives us our marching orders:

Who among you fears the LORD?
Who obeys the voice of His Servant?
Who walks in darkness
And has no light?
Let him trust in the name of the LORD
And rely upon his God.
Isaiah 50:10 NKJV

. . . and for those who do not:

Look, all you who kindle a fire,
Who encircle yourselves with sparks:
Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled—
This you shall have from My hand:
You shall lie down in torment.
Isaiah 50:11 NKJV

Re: "[The Tribulation] will be tough to get through." But you are right that nothing is impossible for the Lord. And He WILL bring us through, one way or another, through martyrdom or through escape from Babylon and then rising to meet Him in the living resurrection at His return. We only need remain faithful, and keep loving and seeking the Light.

“and I will give him the morning star."
Revelation 2:28 NKJV

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star
Revelation 22:16  NKJV

In Jesus, who is our true light of dawn,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Hi Bob,

I know that you are keeping me in your daily prayers. Things are very difficult here. I don't want to complain about it but the weight of everything on top makes it really difficult to move forward. I have an impossible weight on top of me and no doubt it is because of my moving forward with ministry.

We have so much to get done on the house, everything is a complete mess here and we haven't really got our strength back since Norovirus. I realise that I have three people in their 70s to look out for and I am wondering how I can do it.

I am not in peak health myself and I have to say that some days it feels like drowning. I know with some tests they will go on for a while and we have to go through them in faith and trust in the Lord for the long haul so that is what I will endeavour to do. It is easier on paper than to do it in reality but I have to realise that this is really good training for the Tribulation and I need to trust the Lord will get me through it.

I knew I would get aggressive push back for going forward with my ministry so this should have been expected. It is difficult to face though Bob and sometimes I feel so overwhelmed I start to panic. I feel I have let some of the weeds crowd in and I realise that some things have dragged on my time and shifted my spiritual outlook so I now have to fight to get it back.

I have to remember to 'Be still and know that Jesus is Lord'.


In Jesus,

Response #11:

You certainly do have almost too much on your plate (almost: 1Cor.10:13). I am and will continue to be praying for you, my friend.

Re: "It is easier on paper than to do it in reality". That is right. The spirit may be willing but our flesh is not made of iron. All the more impressive then when a believer like yourself hangs in there in spite of everything. It's like walking through a hurricane sometimes. When the wind is at its peak, about all we can do sometimes is lean into it. Then when it backs off a bit we can take a few steps forward. Of course it's not going to be the same progress we'd make if there were no wind at all. But strong believers like yourself keep heading into the wind in spite of all, trusting that the Lord will keep us upright and give us respite soon enough (even if it often doesn't seem soon enough).

So do keep "fighting back"! And don't blame yourself for not being perfect. Don't ever let lack of perfect effort or minor failures color what you need to do "right now". Every good thing we do, every truly godly thing, is safely locked away in our heavenly treasure chest (1Tim.5:20; 2Tim.1:14). Our job is to keep filling it day by day. If we didn't do so good a job yesterday, let's NOT let that affect the job we do today. We can't change yesterday. We are responsible for what we are doing NOW.

Re: "I have to realise that this is really good training for the Tribulation and I need to trust the Lord will get me through it". That is SO true. Talk about a head-wind. A Cat-5 for sure. But the Lord never ever lets us down, and He has designed the entire course of human history with us in mind. Anyone who doesn't believe that just needs to remember the cross.

. . . for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:5b-6 ESV

Keeping you all in my daily prayers as well, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

Hello Dr. Luginbill,

I have had a number of so-called teachers during my lifetime of 85 years, but no one comes even close to you. I just want to 1st Thank the LORD for directing me to your Website and making your acquaintance. I don't have words that I can express to Him for getting to know you and the Website. We were talking about you this morning while studying your study on Theology. Everything you have written is simply beyond explanation and above excellent, thanks to the LORD. He has given you a very unique talent and an extra-special ability to develop the teachings you have, and present them to others. The LORD has truly and thoroughly blessed you and us with the knowledge He has given you.

We are extremely thankful to the LORD we serve, and to you and the ministry that He has given to you and us. I just can't put it in words to express how blessed you are and especially how I have been blessed by your teachings, that are a tremendous help and assistants to others and Dagmar and myself.

May the Good LORD bless you and keep you always, and may He cause His grace and LOVE to fill your heart always. Not many people have the opportunity and the teacher that God has blessed me with.

2 1/2 years left., and you know what that is.

May the LORD be praised for all He has done.

Your friend,

Response #12:

Thank you so much for your encouraging words, my friend! I greatly appreciate them – but I appreciate you more. It is rare these days to be able to have fellowship with believers who love the truth and who are willing to stay true to it.

It is getting close! At this point, I would be happy to have it all over already – or postponed for another seven years or so. But we don't get to dictate the timeline. Our job is to learn what the Lord has given us to learn, then to live it and help others do the same.

Praying for you and your family, for health and growth and all other good things.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:


I have to say that being on Facebook after a ten year absence is quite a terrifying eye opener! Pro-Palestinianism is everywhere and is resounding dominant voice. Anyone who is pro-Israel is either mocked or bullied or stays silent.

The amount of Paganism on there as well really is head spinning. People I used to know who would have been considered as atheists before have embraced paganism with a zealous religious fervour that is mind boggling. I guess this is because most of my friends are my generation and weren't brought up in church and most of them are liberal left leaning and also interested in the arts. I can't believe the take-over of them! It is like watching a horror film unfold.


I can't believe someone I grew up with and was once very close to could celebrate a sentiment so vile and diabolical! How can someone be as lost as that? How can someone overcome the natural revulsion we all feel to paganism, idol worship and human sacrifice? I wondered whether it would be right for me to be so loud about my Christianity on there but instead to show it in my treatment of others and keep my ministry separate? I don't think I would last 5 minutes on Facebook comfortably if I was very bold about my faith.

It is shocking how fast things have deteriorated. I definitely think that the Antichrist will embrace a pagan new age religion with a few Christian words thrown in to dupe the lukewarm. Judging by the temperature of things on social media, even the most seemingly mild mannered of folk do not seem to need too much of a push now to start calling for blood. It shows how dangerous hardening the heart can be and also when you start mocking government and authority (no matter how bad it is) that this oils the wheels even faster.

I was reviewing the CT (link) again yesterday whilst continuing to work on the labelling and it was chilling to think how close it will be and how terrible it will be. Especially what you wrote about how the already lukewarm may become completely cold whilst the hot may actually cool off!!All the more reason now then to become hot and stay hot!! We really need to pull out all the stops to progress with growth, study, passing tests to maturity and production. We HAVE to make our walk with the Lord as best and as close as we can make it, make it better and closer each day!

Marana-tha! Looking forward to that great day - the Day of the Lord!!

Your friend in Jesus,
p.s. comforting scripture study this morning from Luke 8. Our Lord says 'Fear not: believe only'. These are good and true words to carry with us into the Tribulation!

Response #13:

Good observations here as always, my friend. Yes, I do see all these negative religious trends melding more and more into one molten mass of malevolence. A sure harbinger, I would say. See the link: The Tribulational Relgion

I'm not surprised by your report re: FB. As mentioned, I'm not on social media much at all. At one point, there was an FB counter on Ichthys, but no more. If folks want to share the site, I'm happy for that, but it's their business how and when and to whom. Any venue where bullying can take place with such ease is one believers might want to avoid. None of us appreciates that and it can lead to all manner of negative emotions not to mention dangerous confrontations.

Re: "It is shocking how fast things have deteriorated". This is one of the reasons why I'm inclined to believe that the Tribulation is likely to begin sooner rather than later. As our Lord says after teaching about that terrible time to come:

"Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Luke 18:8b NKJV

Your points about prepping all the more now are well-taken. I've been "preaching" this for years. It seems an obvious no-brainer: we might be able to get through the travails of the world in its "normal" iterations without being spiritually mature and not lose faith, but for someone to try to get through the Tribulation on a shoe-string of faith and little truth believed seems to me to be a very dicey prospect at best. Which is why I imagine that many will have to take a crash-course in doctrine when the balloon does go up (if they are going to escape the Great Apostasy; link). And why I imagine that many of us will be busier than ever once it does.

In terms of fear, however, while we are right to redouble our efforts on this account, and while it is true that the Tribulation will be "unlike anything that has happened from the beginning of the world until now, or ever will happen" (Matt.24:21), we should remember that the Lord loves us, that He protects us, that nothing is impossible for Him, and that if it is His will for us not only to enter the Tribulation but to make it safely through to the other side of that impassable sea, nothing in this world can prevent us making it through, even if He has to part that sea for us to be able to do so.

Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.
Psalm 108:12-13 KJV

Learning truth and believing it should bring us closer to the Lord and increase our confidence in His superintendence of us and our lives in every way, not cause us to fear. We trust in Him. So we have nothing in fact to fear at all, as long as we revere Him.

Let those who fear the LORD say: “His love endures forever.” When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them down. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the LORD I cut them down. They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them down. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me. The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.
Psalm 18:4-14 NIV

Thanks for all your prayers, my friend! Keeping you in mine.

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., great verse!

Question #14:

Hi Bob,

John 9:4...I read the darkness that is coming as the Tribulation and the work that must be done is the spiritual work that God has prepared for us to walk in.

When this verse says 'no man can work', does this refer to the fact that most will reject our ministering work as they have embraced the Antichrist instead (or the lawlessness before) or that the Antichrist will physically stop our ministries through arrest or martyrdom? Could it be a combination of all three?

So it is best to grow now to maturity and make sure we are ministering to people now as it will become harder and harder (if not impossible) during the dark days of the Tribulation?


Response #14:

On praying for unbelievers, I rarely pray for more than for their salvation and spiritual growth thereafter, but I do occasionally pray for other things, depending on the person and situation. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, even though of course they need the Lord first and foremost, and any blessing they receive in this world without being saved is pointless in the end. I do think it's important not to get overwrought about it though. God can do anything and He does always hear us. People, however, have to make their own decisions. When it comes to those we love, this is sometimes a heavy load on our hearts. We can't do much about that if we "inherited" these people. But when it comes to anyone else we chance to get to know, it's wise to keep an emotional distance.

On the darkness to come, I do feel that there is a direct reference to the Tribulation in John 9:4, but the primary one is to our Lord's imminent departure. As He says, the work is the work of the One "who sent Me", and in the next verse, "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world" (Jn.9:5 NIV). After receiving the gift of the Spirit, indeed we continue to work and better than ever, exploiting the victory He has won at the cross, and we will continue to have the Spirit even during the Tribulation (for those believers who enter into it). No believer can do anything without the Lord – and we see how the disciples scattered when He was arrested; but when they received the Spirit, they were visibly empowered as the book of Acts testifies.

I have opined that the Tribulation may provide a time of opportunity for believers who presently see no response to their ministry efforts, but John 9:4 does say what it says. As to "no one can work", we do know that the 144,000 will definitely be "working" during the Tribulation's first half, so I would attribute this "no work" period to the Great Tribulation, when the complications you mention will all apply.

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Hi Bob,

Hoping the leak in your new pump will be fixed soon. We've had teething problems like this when we've had new central heating systems installed. The odd leaky pipe that needed to be repaired.

Not having a sewer line or electrics must have been terrible but it's great to see how you got through it so well. Must admit Bob, one of the first thoughts I had was that as well as trusting the Lord I guess it was a test in being uncomfortable for a little while. Even having to leave your home. It was a little reminder to me too. I know these things are necessities to us but just the thought that we get so used to our comforts and it's not exactly going to be comfortable during the Tribulation (putting it mildly!). We don't know what is going to be taken away from us or where we're going to end up - maybe even prison. I'm not being negative in any way just being realistic - it's the truth. But it's also the truth that our God is with us always and through every situation we have to face. We can learn to be content whatever the circumstances. (Phil.4:11-12) We can endure all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil.4:13). He works everything together for good. (Romans 8:28) And He knows exactly what we need and will provide it. (Matt.6:25-34, Phil.4:6-7, Phil.4:19).

So it was your test Bob (might still be ongoing?), but it's been encouraging to me again to see you remain strong in your faith in the Lord and continue to be faithful in what is most important. Serving the Lord and His Church. So thank you, Bob! It's always a privilege to be able to pray for you in these testing times. It also got me thinking about the times ahead and about the truth of His Word to help us through.

I had some great study time today as well. Just love His Word.

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

In Jesus

Response #15:

Leak fixed – they also fixed the only other major one in the basement (coming from a place they hadn't worked on), so all to the good! So thanks for the prayers!

Re: "it's not exactly going to be comfortable during the Tribulation". British understatement, I'm sure! Right. These mishaps are just little tune-ups. Latest one is hands burning and itching from some sort of allergic reaction to working around the rose bushes . . . again. You'd think I'd learned my lesson by now. I didn't wear the leather gloves. I was very careful . . . but not careful enough. Oh well, a couple of weeks and back to normal if past is prologue.

Thanks for these wonderful words of encouragement!  I'll try to keep them in mind during the next sure-to-come "hiccup". 

Keeping you and yours in my daily prayers as well, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Water back on! Will continue to pray for your street issues to be resolved soon.

It's a difficult thing, working as a believer. I do know it is what we all should be doing but I also have personally struggled realising that whatever time and effort we invest here in employment, we have to be willing to walk away from it all when the time comes. Of course that is true of everything, working on the house, relationships etc.
This is true of all of us as we all die but I guess this reality is all the more keenly felt for me knowing the Tribulation is only round the corner and I won't know until I am in it, what the Lord wants me to do. Nevertheless, that shouldn't stop me from doing what is right now even if it only proves to be temporary (on loan so to speak).

There is a line in scripture (Matt 24:40-41) that says someone will be taken from a bed and another grinding at a mill. Obviously the bed in this verse could be a prison bed but it might not be. I have pondered for a long time over the 'grinding at the mill' verse. It made me wonder whether, due to the huge global changes at that time, we will be abandoning our modern way of life and returning to an agrarian type of society whereby using mills to hand grind will be common place (whereas today it is only seen in Third world countries). This also suggests that maybe electricity won't be available then and this big threat of an AI Robotic and Technocratic future is one big hoax.


Your friend in Jesus,

Response #16:

You have a good heart, my friend. Getting disappointed just comes with that territory.

Glad to hear you got water back. Not much we can do in the modern world without plumbing! Electricity too. No progress here on that front. I think someone dropped the ball. Everyone else seems to be back to normal but they don't even have the street properly blocked or even marked on the city closure map. I made a couple of calls. I'm sure God will work it out in any case. It's another major annoyance, however, right on the heels of no sewer for a week. It's tough to get anywhere with the car or to get back to the house now, and there are still about half the houses on the street without power.

Re: "I feel weary Bob." This happens to us all from time to time. At those moments, it's really important to step back and remember how short all this is – and how unimportant in the end everything in this life is that doesn't have a direct spiritual import.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV

The Holy Spirit really does "pick us up", just as long as we remain willing to let Him do so.

On the return to prior technology, to some sort of "dark age" during the Tribulation, I don't imagine that will be the case. For one thing, it's hard to see how mystery Babylon could have any impact on what goes on in the middle east if we're all reduced to wooden ships again. Things will happen fast in the Tribulation all over the world. Technology would seem to be what makes that all possible.

Thanks for your prayers! Keeping you and yours in mine daily as well, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

I hope you are doing well and that the semester is wrapping up without too much craziness for you. As to this email, I've struggled with a problem for a long time and I need help.

I've never studied your Eschatology studies on your site cause it scares me so much. Although my terror (it's not an exaggeration) has calmed some the more I've read on your site and understand God more, I'm still super scared of that. To top it off, I keep having these thoughts like I'm "on the enemy's side", which I don't want anything to do with. My thoughts are stopping me from otherwise normal activities. Sometimes I'm even scared to touch or read my Bible in places where the super evil stuff is talked about.

I want to stay true to Jesus no matter what. I have to get this issue to go away. I know the truth sets me free, but I'm scared to study that part. Can you advise me? Where am I going wrong?? I've had stress over this since I was young. It's hindering me daily and I need to know the correct approach to conquering it, through the Lord's power.

Thank you,

Response #17:

The Bible commends fearing God (e.g., Ps.19:9; 111:10); that is essentially what "godliness" is (e.g., Tit.1:1). If we revere the Lord, not feeling terrorized but having a deep and abiding reverence and respect for Him, then we have nothing to fear from anyone or anything else (see the link).

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise — in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Psalm 56:3-4 NIV

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Because if God is for us, who can be against us (Rom.8:31)?

It's important to remember that the Word of God has been given to us for all good purposes, not to terrorize us. And if the Tribulation will be "bitter in the stomach" to experience, it is also true that it is "sweet in the mouth" to hear about ahead of time (Rev.10:9).

The Plan of God is set. You, as a believer in Jesus Christ, cannot be prevented from your eternity in New Jerusalem. The resurrection will happen right on time, and your eternal reward is certain – it can only get bigger and better as you grow, advance and produce for the Lord. Just as long as we maintain our faith in Christ (2Jn.1:8), nothing can prevent all the glories to come, regardless of what happens in the meantime. God is the One to fear, not the evil one or any of his minions, seen or unseen.

"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him."
Luke 12:4-5 NIV

When and if you feel like trying it, I would recommend just doing a little bit at a time on eschatology. You might just try reading a page or two of BB 2B a day. It starts out with the background before the actual Tribulation is discussed. However, studying scripture should always be a joy. There is plenty at Ichthys to study without venturing far into eschatology (before you feel ready for it).

Do please feel free to write me back about this.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

I am sorry that I am just now replying to you. I was working and then out of town Friday evening through Monday morning. And I wanted to collect my thoughts prior to writing you.

I have been trying not to be afraid of things as you said. And this part helped me:

It's important to remember that the Word of God has been given to us for all good purposes, not to terrorize us.

I am not afraid of the Bible. I do want to keep walking with Jesus though, and then when I have those wrong thoughts, it does scare me. [omitted] Can I safely ignore the thought and continue, or should I stay away to avoid giving any room to that? I don't want the evil. Now I'm avoiding things that aren't evil in and of themselves.

Thank you for helping me with this. I want to get past it.


Response #18:

It's no problem.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4 NIV

We might not always be able to be affirmatively joyful – even Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus – but we can at least always have peace.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27 NIV

A lot of believers take their time in modulating between trying to do too much and doing nothing when the sweet spot is in the middle. As we get better at focusing on Jesus Christ and not the little things of this life, looking to eternity and our reward rather than the noise and churn of this world, our perspective broadens out. Like learning to ice-skate, we go from slipping and sliding and veering out of control to the left and the right to easily steering in the direction we want to go with minimal course corrections. But the only way to learn how to do that is to keep on skating.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Hello Dr. Luginbill,

Long time no write to you. Me not an indian, even though I live in Indiana. LOL

I just have a quick question. I am writing a teaching on "Scriptural Words that are Often overlooked". I am using Matthew 17:1, which I doubt not many believers know what this is referring to. Here is what I wrote in part: Matthew 17:1-2.

1“Six days later[that would be the seventh day, ] Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. 2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white and light”.

This scripture in Matthew is a symbolic foretelling of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ return to earth upon the completion of the seven year Tribulation and Satan is bound and thrown into the abyss. See Matthew 24:29-31; See also Revelation 201-3.

The second paragraph above is my question: I think I am correct in my thinking, but I want to make sure, so I am asking you if I am correct. My entire teaching is based on being able to recognize the word like: and, but, therefore, then, etc., etc.

Thanks so much for your review and answer. I hope you are in good health, and are being blessed which I know God is doing. You'll be way ahead of me when we get to our resting place with Jesus our LORD.

Your friend,

Response #19:

Good to hear from you, my friend. LOL "me not an indian" either although I was born there.

The mount of transfiguration is definitely a preview of the second advent (Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses of the Tribulation spoken of in Revelation chapter eleven), so seven days as analogous to the Tribulation makes sense (covered in CT 3A at the link: "The Two Witnesses").

Incidentally, Luke 9:28 says "eight days after this" while we have six in Matthew 17:1 and Mark 9:2, but Luke was counting inclusively after the Greek system while Matthew and Mark were not. So it's the same "seven" for our purposes.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Hi Bob,

After reading Acts more carefully, I'll sit down and be quiet. So far, few of us have been stoned or killed. Punishment is increasing but not at the levels the Apostles endured. I get the impression that the Sanhedrin was equivalent to congress and the Pharisees and Sadducees were equivalent to our republicans and democrats -- with all the flaws of all political parties. While I still think things are ramping up to the Tribulation, I have to admit things are not nearly as bad as it will be. (I still don't like it, though:)

I praise the Lord I was lead to this quiet little corner of nowhere. God willing, I have a few more years of peace. I have become quite the hermit. I just don't like being out there anymore. Austin is going down the road of NYC which was a delightful place to visit. I had many friends up there though we lost touch years ago. Now, Like San Francisco (which used to be pleasant, too) has become a cesspool. I have a cousin in Oakland, just across the bay that I worry about.

I pray your difficulties at U of L are easing.

In our Lord,

Response #20:

An interesting comparison. Never thought of it that way before. Of course, the words Democrat and Republican have different connotations for me at present than was the case when I was a young pup, bad going to worse in both cases, parallel as you note to the decline of some previously nice cities. I've never spent time to speak of in NYC, but I did like SF back in the 70's. Chicago is where I grew up. I really liked the place in my college years and was a booster of sorts in the years that followed. Not so much anymore.

I'm happy for you that you've found a happy "hermitage". Whatever peace we can have between now and when things start up is a blessing and a boon. If we have the option of not having to have our faces ground into the mess which is brewing up, we're wise to take it, in my opinion. Look too close at what is happening and it can disrupt one's inner peace. And we do need to concentrate on the peace we have in Jesus Christ in order to keep growing, keep progressing, keep ministering. The more upheaval in our hearts, the harder it is to stick to our knitting. We don't get rewarded in eternity for letting ourselves be upset.

Lot was upset, "distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless" and "tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard" (2Pet.2:7-8 NIV). Of course Lot chose to live in Sodom. I think he would have been happier if he'd stayed out in the wilderness with his sheep. This doesn't mean we should all "head for the hills". We are mostly where the Lord has put us for the reasons He's put us there.

But we can have peace by keeping the divine perspective on things. All "this" is very short in duration indeed. It won't be long before the Lord returns and fixes everything – and we will be part of the fix, ruling with Him, if only we stay faithful and endure until the end (2Tim.2:11-13). Meanwhile all of these dangerous and despicable trends are nothing in comparison to the glory of the Lord.

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff.
Isaiah 4o:22-24 NIV

That is the divine perspective, and we'd all be better off seeing things this way, as if we were seated next to our Lord and watching things from that heavenly vantage point – which in fact we really are.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:6 NIV

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1 NIV

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21:

Hi Bob,

I have a tendency to think of Democrats and Republicans, when I think about them at all, as Bosheviks and Menshiviks, but my attitude isn't the best. I began life in what was left of the US after WWII. I will end my days, it seems, in New Argentina.

I enjoyed San Francisco when I was there in the early '90s, though my most enjoyable times were spent in Chinatown. I never went to Haight-Ashbury where the writers were but I did venture down Market Street once. That was when I was convinced there were truly alien life forms on the planet. A little like 42nd street in NYC. There was not nearly the crime. I spent many days there without being accosted. Food was good. I didn't make it to the Wharf, either. Most of my time was spent at IBM downtown and walking. I always liked to walk when not working and Chinatown was the most interesting.

The world is different now. I think it was safer being in uniform in South Vietnam during Tet than to be in one of our larger cities today.

As I look back, I realized that the Lord has blessed me in so many ways. After my career as a musician was destroyed in the Air Force, I was bitter for many years. But I turned to other things which was much better for me and my family. Had I continued in that career, and I was offered a seat with the CBC in Vancouver when I was drafted, it would have degenerated to what's now called "music" and I would most likely have, too.

How are things at U of L?

In our Lord,

Response #21:

Another good example, my friend. I would detest living under Hitler or Stalin. Hating one or the other so bad that one allies with the other is the exact opposite of where we believers need to be. Detaching ourselves from the upheaval of this world now as much as possible, not committing oneself to total ignorance of it or trying to leave it altogether which is impossible and counterproductive (1Cor.5:10), but keeping our eyes focused on Jesus Christ and all the glories to come. If we do the latter, we will be more highly motivated to keep growing, progressing and producing for Him. That is why we are here. That is what brings reward and His "well done!" which we all crave.

Living in this world has always been a test. Living in today's world is arguably tougher than at many times in the past, although perhaps for different reasons. We may have a roof over our heads, clothing and enough to eat, more so than believers of the past. But the sheer evil which is percolating around us and in such volume, getting worse and more unbelievable day by day, is enough to torture the soul, as in the case of Lot.

. . . and [God who was] turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)—then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority.
2nd Peter 2:6-10a NKJV

Of course Lot could have left Sodom before he was led out of it – and undoubtedly should have. I'm not sure for us at present there is any sort of refuge in this world. In terms of degeneration, it really has become "one world" in a very parlous way. Plus, we know that during the Tribulation antichrist will gain control of the entire world (Rev.13:7). So it seems pointless to seek temporary physical respite when in short order geography won't make any difference whatsoever. The best we can do, it seems to me, is to trust the Lord that He will take care of us in spite of all these things which vex us to our core. After all, He always does, being absolutely faithful and in His perfect integrity never otherwise.

In my anguish, I cried to the LORD; he answered me by setting me free.
The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.
Psalm 118:5-9 NIV

And all the people said, Amen!

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., I'm hanging in there. Next week looks ugly since I have to review my 1/3 share of over forty merit cases, write letters for each, and then endure an all evening meeting where we edit each others work and decide on final evaluation rankings (I seriously doubt we can get it all done in one session). Somehow or other I do plan to get to posting the weekend after this in any case. Thanks for those prayers! [and of course God worked it all out fine]



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