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Life-Spans During the Millennium

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Question:  Bob, Could you tell me what Isaiah 65:19-20 means as pertaining to the Millennium? Thank you.

Response:  This passage is generally misunderstood (and so mistranslated) in most of the versions. Here is how I translate Isaiah 65:19-20 in SR#5:

I will rejoice over Jerusalem and be filled with joy for My people. The sound of weeping and the cry of distress will no longer be heard in her. No longer will there be there any infant that perishes in his youth, nor any old man who fails to live out his days in full. For a man will be accounted but a youth should he die at a hundred, even the sinner a hundred year old who suffers this curse.
Isaiah 65:19-20

Some have taken this to mean that no will die of natural causes in the Millennium, but that goes a bit farther than what these verses actually suggest. Millennial believers will still be "of the earth". Even in the pre-flood days, people did die, even if their life-spans were generally much longer than today. The passage above does teach that - especially in Israel, the seat of divine blessing in that time - disease will be unheard of. And, no doubt a part of the unparalleled conditions of blessing worldwide, life-spans will increase to such a degree that a death at age 100 will be considered a remarkable thing (like a death at age 20 or 30 today). Furthermore, the reason for those "premature" deaths which will occur (and here is where most translations drop the ball in my opinion) will be excessive personal or criminal behavior (which the Messiah's administration of perfect justice will effectively eradicate and prevent from taking root). That is what is meant by the phrase "even the sinner a hundred year old who suffers this curse".

You will find much more on this subject and on the Millennium in general at the following link:

Last Things: The Millennium and New Jerusalem (CT 6)

Yours in Christ,

Bob L.

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