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Eschatology Issues CXXV

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Question #1:


I was reading your post on the Red Heifer (link) and found it very insightful. Thank you for your work on that subject.

In the second to last paragraph you talk about Moses and Elijah returning to "reconstitute the temple worship in a correct and godly way" and I wanted to share with you the good word that this has happened and that temple worship in its fullness has been again reinstated by the Almighty hand of God!

I would love to share more with you if you are interested.

Your's in Christ

Response #1:

I assure you, the third temple has not yet been built, Moses and Elijah have not yet been brought back to life, the 144,000 have not yet been called out . . . and the Tribulation, when all these events will occur, has not yet commenced. When it does, the Lord will leave us in no doubt about that:

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
Revelation 8:1-5 KJV

These manifestations of God's power will be seen, felt and heard around the world. There will be no doubt about it. At present, these events are still a few years in the offing (for the best interpretation of the timing, see the links: "The Chronology of the Bible", for the long version; "When will the Tribulation Begin?" for a shorter explanation).  For the details about the Tribulation from start to finish, see the multi-part series, Coming Tribulation (at the link).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

It's been a long time since I reached out to you, I've been dealing with a lot of family-related stuff but as I'm sure you know, I still keep you in my nightly prayers. I hope things are going well for you.

A lot has happened since the last time we were communicating including the Israel-Hamas war. A lot of people here locally and across the country are standing behind Palestine in this conflict but I continue to support Israel. I am wondering what your thoughts are on this. My understanding is that as Christians, we should support Israel. Aside from that, I can't see turning our back on an ally. It's disconcerting to see so many people, even a lot of right-leaning folks, not supporting Israel. As always, thanks for reading my emails, my thoughts and prayers are with you in these turbulent times.

In Jesus Christ,

Response #2:

Good to hear from you. Thanks for the prayers! I pray for you and your family daily as well.

First, there is no question but that antisemitism is something believers should stay away from like the plague. Here are some links on the subject:

The Dangers of Antisemitism (in BB 6B)

Satan's attack on the line of the Messiah (anti-Semitism) [in SR 5]

Jewish Issues


Israelology, Anti-Semitism

Israel and Antichrist in Eschatology

Zionism II

Who is Jewish?

Lost Tribes?

The word "Antisemitism"

The question is whether failing to be politically involved in politically supporting the secular state of Israel is antisemitic. It is not. Now calling for its destruction certainly IS antisemitic and will most definitely bring down God's discipline on any so involved (e.g., Gen.12:3). God wants everyone to be saved, and Jews most particularly (Rom.1:16; 2:10; 11:28). But the number of believers in the present state of Israel is negligible (roughly parallel to the number of believers here who are truly red hot for the truth). God will reconstitute Israel as a divine nation under her true Messiah after our Lord returns (link). Until then, there are Jews scattered throughout the world, including a remnant of them who DO believe. For them as well as for us gentile believers, the issues we face here in this world, the issues, that is, with which our Lord Jesus is concerned, are spiritual, NOT political. Getting involved in politics, even for what seems to be (and may indeed be) a "good cause" is always a trap. God takes care of geopolitics. Individual believers are charged with taking care of our personal spiritual growth, progress and production. If we do the latter, all will be well – even for our nation since the remnant here will grow (see the link: "Be Salt"); but if we become fixated on the former, our spirituality will suffer . . . and so will our nation as the salt loses its savor.

So while in principle I certainly agree with you, in practice, we need to remember what is coming. In very short order, antichrist will represent himself as Israel's "savior", her "messiah", even claiming to be "Christ" (hence the beast's name: anti- [substitute] -christ). But half way through the Tribulation he will turn on Israel and attempt to destroy her (best link: CT 3B: Antichrist and his Kingdom). By linking up with the wrong movement (any political movement is problematic), believers will risk throwing their lot in with the beast. We can always pray. Nothing wrong with that! But becoming upset with political events or, worse, getting politically involved, is a course fraught with grave spiritual dangers – and with no discernible positive effects: WE are not going to change the plan of God; we are here to fulfill the plan of God . . . for our own lives.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your informative and timely response. As always, your perspective on things sheds a much different light on how I view the world, especially the spiritual realm. The need to care less about the world and more about God's plan is vital, sometimes I forget. One thing I noticed is that getting wrapped up in politics evokes a tremendous amount of anger. I could bring up examples but I don't need to, I'm sure you know what I mean. This is especially true in an election year. Satan uses emotions to try and manipulate us and draw us away from God.

I've never been an antisemite but I can think of a few folks that come to mind when I read the links. I'm not nearly as well-versed as you when it comes to history but I took a strong interest in World War 2 in my younger years and did a lot of reading about it, including the holocaust. I was shocked when I did a deep dive into not only that but the war crimes committed by Japan. I've had my fill of that though. I had a friend on the internet years ago who was a Messianic Jew, few and far between as you said.

Thanks for the reminder about the Antichrist and I agree, this will happen sooner rather than later. Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. I can't count the number of times the Holy Spirit has comforted me in times of need. I find it sad that so many people (including my siblings) are not saved. I pray for them too every night. Thanks again my friend and I'm happy that you are well.

In Jesus,

Response #3:

Yes, the Japanese got off very easy, considering the horrors they wrought. That was MacArthur's doing, to avoid too much controversy.

I would also be VERY wary of Messianism in any form. In its worst manifestations, said groups essentially deny the deity of Christ – so they are not saved and are preventing others from being saved (cf. Matt.23:15; and here's an important link on that: about half way through the file: "The Dangers of Messianic Legalism I"). The other major problem is that said groups are essentially doing all the things that Paul upbraids his contemporaries in Jerusalem for in the book of Hebrews. I mean, if you celebrate Passover now you are ignoring the fact that "Christ" is our "Passover" and that He has already been "sacrificed for us" (1Cor.5:7), saying by that action that the cross was "not good enough". That, after all, was precisely what the legalists in Jerusalem were doing, and Paul tells them in no uncertain terms that they cannot be restored as long as they keep "crucifying the Son of God afresh" (Heb.6:6; cf. Heb.10:26-27). Here's a link on that ("The Dangers of Messianic Legalism IV"), but really I would counsel you to read the Hebrews series (eight parts now through chapter seven; chapter eight in production).

One might also point out that many of the people in these "roots" and "Messianic" groups are not even Jewish. So they are going down the same road as the Galatians did. All legalism is inimical to faith (link). No doubt antichrist will have all the trimmings of the Law adorning his false religion. These things appeal to many people, the same way the rituals of the RC church (essentially a re-working of the Law: priests, temples, altars, holy water, etc., etc.) appeal to many, while others prefer charismatic carrying on or lots of high production value music (pick your poison). What they all have in common is their distance from the truth . . . and thus from the Lord.

Stay safe. Read Ichthys. Read the Bible. Pray. And keep your mind focused on heavenly things, not the things down here (Col.3:1-2).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:


Not surprised that was MacArthur’s doing. I would assume most high-ranking military officers of that era would have acted similarly but maybe I'm wrong. Shiro Ishii should have been held accountable. On the other hand, he's faced judgment from God by now.

Thanks for your good words and sound wisdom, I appreciate it. Insofar as I know, she is the only Messianic Jew I’ve conversed with. I tend to research most things but I’ll be darned if I never looked at Messianism. If they claim that Christ dying on the cross was not good enough, that tells me all I need to know. It wouldn’t be remotely possible to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven if you believe that. Them speaking about Jesus would be like someone blind from birth speaking about colors. Very good to know.

Good Bible-based churches in my neck of the woods are few and far between. Not a fan at all of the music you speak of. Truth be told, I used to listen to a lot of music but as I’ve aged I am less fond of it. Thanks for reminding me of Colossians 3, very fitting in these times!

In Jesus,

Response #4:

My pleasure!

There are all "flavors" of Messianism, so it does really depend, but denigrating Christ on the one hand and being legalistic in the worst and original sense of the word on the other are two trends that few such groups completely avoid. God allowed the second temple to be destroyed for a reason. Given how hard it has been for Christians to escape the pull of the now fulfilled Law even so (e.g., the RC religion is just pseudo-law keeping, after all), I can't imagine the damage done if there were still festivals and sacrifices going on in Jerusalem today.

Re: "Good Bible-based churches in my neck of the woods are few and far between." That is true throughout the world, so no surprise. This is Laodicea, and things are getting increasingly lukewarm as we get nearer to the end; not the other way around as we might have hoped. The Tribulation will force everyone to take a stand.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Thanks Bob and I agree (to your last reply),

I have realised now that all unbelievers are potential snares to us and sadly even lukewarm believers are too. I should've seen this coming, it is pretty immature of me to not do. Thankfully I have managed to extricate myself from things very quickly and have moved on. What is good for us is that when we engage, then we see just how big, bad and deep the snare is, good for us that we can see it -bad for them because they can't see it and yet they're stuck in it. Only those who realise they are trapped and look desperately for a way out would appreciate a life preserver (and if they want to get out!)

On another matter, I feel the Lord has given me added insight this morning that I wanted to share with you and your ministry.

The whole world now is turning on Israel. Support for Palestine globally far outweighs support for Israel. It occurred to me that only a person of faith could still put hope in change for good coming through Israel. It also occured to me that only Jews and Christians have hope for Israel. Despite what our eyes are telling us and what the whole world is shouting at us, we know that the Lord will keep His promises with Israel and there will be a faithful remnant like there always is and we know of the coming ministry of the Two Witnesses and the 144,000.

I really have been given insight this morning on faith and our faith being tested. I realise that this is a big test for believers around the world. Will we throw in our lot with the world and curse Israel like they all are doing? Or will we trust in God and have faith that in the end it will all come to good?

Sadly, I already know of believers who are failing this test of waiting on the Lord about Israel. We know through the Word and our faith in the Word that the Lord is not done with Israel and we the wild branches have not replaced the natural branches that have been cut off. They will be grafted in when they turn to the Lord.

I really do see now why the Lord tests our faith and how important it is to remain faithful to Him and to have trust and steadfast faith in Him and His promises no matter what the world and our eyes tell us.

I have also noticed that when I trust Him despite what my eyes tell me, that I receive blessing upon blessing from Him, that the more I trust Him, the more He reveals Himself to me through the Holy Spirit, scripture and your blessed ministry!

It is a true joy to behold when we trust the Lord and are richly rewarded for it by His drawing of us closer to Him, to know Him more and His purpose for us in Him! Amen!

We need to stay faithful and put our full trust in the Lord no matter what happens!

In Jesus,

Response #5:

Good observations as always, my friend!

You are right: this is a test. And it's a test for us all. On the one hand, antisemitism is horrific (link). There is no quicker way to bring judgment down on oneself than getting involved in this particular satanic operation. Israel will be restored to the land when our Lord returns (link). Those who were hardened against Him will, in the main, repent and finally believe when they see Him return in glory. Those who still refuse to believe even so will not be allowed to reenter the land of promise. So millennial Israel will start with believers!

Today, however, you'd be hard pressed to find a single believer in the secular state of Israel. Also, the regathering was not miraculously occasioned by the Lord as will be the case in the Millennium but a human effort, a largely political one. Of course, this does not mean that God had nothing to do with it. It was necessary for there to be a Jewish nation in the land for the prophecies related to the Tribulation to take place. But that is a far cry from Israel being "His nation". The Jewish people specially do belong to Him, even in their hardened state, but this people exists all over the world, not just in Israel, and in fact Israel contains a minority of the Jewish people at present, representing roughly half of the worldwide total (with just about an equal number living in the US). There are believers here in the states who are Jewish and around the world as well. God has always reserved a "remnant" (Rom.11:5) in spite of the "hardness in part" (Rom.11:25) that has continued to characterize "this generation" from our Lord's day until the present time – and that will continue until He returns (see the link; the 144,000 and those they manage to reach being the major exception).

Believers need to avoid antisemitism at all costs (Gen.12:3). Our Lord, after all, IS Jewish in His humanity . . . as are all of the prophets, apostles and writers of scripture. We gentile believers are the "wild olive branches" of Romans chapter eleven who have been grafted into the root of Israel – the root which supports us and not the other way around. On the other hand, while not criticizing or attacking the people or the state of Israel in any way is prudent in the extreme, we also can't be ignorant of the fact that these individuals, beloved by the Lord as they are "for the sake of the fathers" (Rom.11:28), are still not believers. Wrapping oneself in the Israeli flag is just as much a mistake for believers who want to grow as is engaging in hyper-Messianism. We love the Jewish people. We should. We desire their salvation with all our heart. But engaging in politics, any sort of politics, including the politics of supporting the secular nation of Israel is something we should avoid – just as we should avoid the politics of attacking it (and in fact ALL politics of any sort).

Antichrist will be a crusader in favor of Israel. Those who oppose her in the early days of the Tribulation will be equally detestable to the Lord and should be to us. But the fact that one side is clearly abominable does NOT mean that their opponents are "on the side of the angels". There are plenty of devils to go around, and Satan is frequently pulling the strings on BOTH sides of any political divide. That will definitely be the case during the Tribulation. Those who have gone "all in" in support of the secular nation of Israel will find that the one person who most energetically supports their cause will be the beast. Of course he will CLAIM to be Christ. Getting too emotionally attached to the object of his crusade now will only make weak and immature believers all the more likely to be vulnerable to being coopted by antichrist then.

It's terrible what happened. I'm happy to see the terrorists getting what's coming to them. I'm not pleased that my country is being two-faced about its support. I find the political action in favor of the murderers to be repulsive. But I would counsel all serious believers to stay on the sidelines and not become involved in any way, and all the more so to the extent that they are emotionally motivated to resist the clear evil . . . because the forces of resistance are not Simon-pure either.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

Somewhere you wrote that it would be America’s emotional attachment to Israel that would facilitate the rise of the Antichrist. You were right:

[Call to political action against H.R. 6090 by G.A.B. omitted]

Let us boldly and unapologetically proclaim the truth of God’s Word, even in the face of opposition and adversity.

Jesus is King

Response #6:

Good to hear from you.

These are trying times, and I expect them to become more so as we approach the end. If, as this ministry teaches is probable, our country is destined to be the mystery Babylon of the Tribulation, then her association with antichrist is not something that can be avoided – and certainly not through any sort of political action on the part of believers.

As a reader of this website, I am sure you know that I have always counseled believers to stay away from politics. Political action will never supersede God's plans, but it can derail any given believer's pursuit of His plan for their individual life. That is because political concerns are extremely distracting, and political involvement is often fatal to any serious effort towards spiritual growth. We only have so much time and energy. Burning these with pursuits that are not of God can never substitute for what He would have us to do. And isn't that the only needful question? What does the Lord want us to do? The answer to that is very clear to me and I believe to any Christian who looks at scripture objectively. We are not here to "fix the world". Trying to fix it through activism and politics, left, right or center, can never succeed . . . because this world lies in the lap of the evil one and will continue to do so until our Lord returns (this is the theme of the Satanic Rebellion series; see the link). The combat we are involved in is spiritual and invisible. To the extent that we commit ourselves to the material and visible instead, we take ourselves out of the true fight.

While I would quibble with your characterization of what I have written, it is true that antichrist will begin as a proponent of Israel, but in the end he will seek to destroy her – analogous to his rising from Babylon but in the end destroying her. In the soon to come Tribulation, involvement with the beast or against him actively and politically will both come to grief. Only those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ have any hope of deliverance, whether surviving to the living resurrection at the end of the seven years or being martyred before that. Virtually everyone else is going to be swept up in the beast's deception (or opposition to it).

So I would counsel you to stay away from dangerous organizations like the one which wrote this screed. We certainly all have a right to our own opinions. But when you say, "Let us boldly and unapologetically proclaim the truth of God’s Word", I would vigorously agree . . . but point out that lobbying Congress or protesting politically or engaging in any sort of activism is not doing so. Sharing the gospel, spreading the truth of the Word has nothing to do with politics whatsoever . . . and politics has nothing whatsoever to do with the Word of God or God's plan for us as believers.

In Jesus our dear Savior,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Hi Bob,

Revelation 1:7 says, in part, “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him..." Does this mean literally what it says in English or does "even those who pierced him" refer to Christ deniers at the time? (Strong's wasn't helpful.) If the former, there's a lot more to the supernatural world than I suspected. (Which is true in any case.)

Also in reading the letters to the angels, it seems they all end with the injunction to maintain the original faith. Is that a correct understanding? Should I also understand that as a warning for what we're about to face?

I just want to verify what I understand or think I understand. As you know, I've been in the weeds before.

In other headlines, a teacher reportedly framed his principal with an AI image depicting the principal in compromising circumstances. We live in an erebusic world in which there is very, very little that can be trusted. At least nothing official I can think of. In thinking about your prior comments on the ancient world being more fluid in their perversions, we seem to be reverting to the same perversions of the ancient world with newspeak like transgender and same-sex couples. et.al. But maybe I'm just grumpy. Do you suppose this is similar to the decay of the antediluvian world? Minus the nephilim?

I pray all is well with you and yours.

In Jesus,

Response #7:

This part of Revelation 1:7 is a quotation from Zechariah and thus describes the fulfillment of the prophecy therein:

And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
Zechariah 12:10 KJV

So the "those [people]" are the unbelieving Jewish people who are still alive when the second advent begins. They, and all of the other Jewish non-believers who constitute those of the "hardness in part" predicted to continue until our Lord's return (Rom.11:25), are the "this generation" to which our Lord frequently referred (e.g., Matt.11:16; 12:41-42; 23:36; Mk.8:12; Lk.7:31; 11:30-31; 11:50-51; see the link). That is to say, not a "generation" in the sense of a 20-40 year cohort, but a "type" which has and will continue to dominate in the majority of those of the Jewish nation until they see with their own eyes our Lord Jesus return in glory (see the link in CT 5: "The Repentance of Israel").

"Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things (i.e., end times events in the context) have happened."
Matthew 24:34 NIV (cf. Mk.13:30; Lk.21:32)

It is important to add that there has also always been a "remnant according to the election of grace" (Rom.11:5), a contingent of believers who are Jewish in every era of the Church Age, just as in our Lord's day and in the time of the apostles the believers who formed the nucleus of the great expansion of the Church were mostly Jewish.

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
Ephesians 2:19-20 NIV

In terms of our Lord's messages to the seven the churches of Revelation, this is the one common injunction given to all: "“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” As I say about this admonition in CT 2A: "This sober advice (given by our Lord) serves to impress upon us all the importance of paying attention to the details given in each description, for even though the remarks are directed to a particular era of the Church, the principles discussed by our Lord concern us all." For the other common features (not identical wording) in all of the messages, see the link.

Things are pretty dark (nice word, erebusic!), but they have been dark before. As with all other such things, my advice is to note the trend and prepare. It does seem as if things cannot go on this way for much longer, lest, as in Noah's day, all light be squeezed out by the darkness. But God has His perfect plan and perfect timing. While I'm sticking with the interpretation posted to Ichthys, we believers need to be ready for all eventualities. Whether the timing stretches out farther than we might imagine . . . or things come to a head quicker than we had hoped. Either way, we're here on this rock to glorify our Rock, however He sees fit to have us do so.

We're still on hold and waiting here. I appreciate your concern and prayers, my friend! I will most definitely let you know once I know.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the explanation and reassurance. Finally, my understanding wasn't that far off. That's a milestone for me.

It appears that there is a great falling away underway today and the hostility of the college kids, which I don't understand, is out of hand. I hope you're not dealing with that at U of L. When I was in college, the thought of rioting and destroying buildings never entered my mind nor my classmates'. There was a time when I thought I understood the world. Now, I realize I understand nothing. The world has passed me by -- and I think that's a good thing; a relief.

I will probably reread Revelation when I get through the current pass. There's so much there to understand and I feel like I've only scratched the surface. Your explanation of the structure of the letters, in the link, was helpful and expanded what I understood. Thank you.

In our Lord,

Response #8:

Nothing of that sort really happening here. Students are mostly gone. We end early at U of L (I've already turned in all my grades and am ramping up for summer research). I do have to make one more "pass" down to campus to send out the outstanding student awards for our high schools – make that "high school". Louisville is now down to only one place that teaches Latin anymore. Just lost the big one this year (they had two Latin teachers at one point). I'm pretty much the last man standing for Classics at U of L too, and I'm pretty sure that if I were to retire (the present plan is "feet first"), they wouldn't replace me with a tenure track line. This is all right in sync with your observations. Near complete ignorance about the past (and disinterest in it as well) is certainly a contributing factor to being disoriented from reality.

*The Coming Tribulation series is essentially a run-through of the book of Revelation (newly translated from the best manuscript evidence), and it also brings into view and focus all of the other eschatological information and passages in scripture which deal with the events described therein. The book of Revelation provides the framework and, as it happens, is essentially chronological in its relation of events.

Keeping you in my prayers my friend – and thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

Hi Bob,

You wrote that in ancient times, perversion was associated with religion. I imagine you've encountered this but to get it off my chest:


This was the church I grew up in. I certainly will never darken their doors again. It's amazing they haven't read the Bible. Romans 1 struck me as unmistakably clear; even in English KJV and NIV translations. They join the company of the Episcopalians and Lord alone knows who else.

Any plans to worship at the Church of Derby this weekend?

It's so sad to see classics dwindling and relegated to the dustbin of our culture. If we don't know where we came from, how can we possibly know where we're going? Though, as I think of it, it seems we have no idea of our past or future and don't seem to care. Latin helped me understand much in both English and French though sadly, today I only remember some of the declension of agricola from 60+ years ago. Such is life.

I have gained much from the CT series, but sadly, that's only parts and pieces. My old eyes won't take much on-screen reading. I will have to rely on Chris' mp3's. My only sustained reading is the Bible every evening and that, typically only is 2 or 3 chapters depending on the sequence and I'm thinking of investing in a Bible on CD. Even recipes are getting difficult. C'est la guerre!

In the current scan-by headlines, many young people are suffering strange cancers and diseases and I'm thinking of the plagues described in Revelation. Apparently, we're about to have an unprecedented plague of locusts/cicadas emerging. They will be coming out of a pit, though a very shallow one. The AI invasion of news, porn and Lord alone knows what else, is resembling lying signs and wonders. It's beginning to look like what I've read in Revelation. I'm beginning to get a picture of the coming Tribulation and it ain't pretty.

As a suggestion only, it would be nice if you posted links (if such exist) to your published research for those of us who are interested.

Thank you for your prayers. You and yours remain in mine. I'm happy your school year is winding down. for others, it doesn't look so good. I'm mystified why the reported behavior is tolerated.

In our Lord,

Response #9:

Saw a humorous take on this, something to the effect of "United Methodists demonstrate why they are no longer 'united' ". But sad for anyone with a rooting interest. I grew up in the Presbyterian church. Similar things happening there, but I have long since ceased to care.

That is one of the great advantages of Latin. How anyone can really understand at a structural level the grammar of English without taking Latin mystifies me. That is why you couldn't graduate high school in this country before WWII without Latin. Latin IS how we understand the way language works – not to mention the vocabulary building help it provides or the historical and cultural context it fills in. But I guess I'm preaching to the choir on this.

In terms of the Bible on CD, the best rendering I know of is the Alexander Scourby KJV. I had it on cassette tapes and used to listen while commuting (no longer have a vehicle with such a player). I believe it is available on CDs, but it's also free to download from the web at this link. Also there are full playlists of the entire translation on YouTube (at the link).

In terms of the terrors of the Tribulation, it is important to remember that just as the Lord protected the children of Israel during the ten plagues that befell the Egyptians and brought them up out of the land of Egypt all safe and sound, so we have a right to expect that same level of protection and support. After all, the exodus is a deliberate paradigm of the Tribulation (with Pharaoh as a type of antichrist; see the links: Ex1; Ex2; Ex3). It is true that a great many believers will be martyred for our faith and we will all be persecuted to one degree or another, but with great opposition comes greater grace (Jas.4:6). As always, if we are truly fearing God, then we truly have nothing to fear.

The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 NKJV

I do have a linked listing of all of my secular publications on the website (here's the link); some of these are older and may not work very well, however. Also, some of these journals / presses don't allow free access (not in my control).

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hello Bob,

I have a question that will not only help my ministry but help me personally. Does God have 'favourites'?

I know that we have free will but also the Bible says that God created both vessels for honour and dishonour. Also God said He loves Jacob but hates Esau. I have read some commentary saying that in this context hate means love less or does it mean hate? Esau wasn't a believer was he. Does that mean that God's favour comes when we choose Him? When we have faith?

I know that the God we serve is perfectly fair and just. I have heard people say that the choosing of the Jews was the 'scandal of particularity' which created jealousy which also gave rise to anti-Semitism.

They way I understand it is that God created the Jewish people. He chose Abraham out of a Gentile nation and created a Semitic nation. God had to start with someone to forward His plan of the ages and Abraham was that someone. Abraham acted with great faith. Because of that whole hearted response it made me wonder if Abraham was chosen because God knew Abraham would listen rather than a complete random choice. I can't understand anti-Semitism in the light of scripture as it is clear that we have been blessed through them. I understand though that this preference has caused a lot of jealousy.

With Cain and Abel, Abel gave a better offering. Abel used his free will to show faith whereas Cain had a 'works' Gospel. So God's judgement here was perfect and reflected the response of the two brothers.

The reason I ask this is that I can see the satanic influence on families and one of the main causes of attack is through favouritism. This though does not glorify God but creates enmity and bitterness between siblings. As I have seen it and experienced it, a parent sets themselves up as a god over the family and chooses one person as the favourite. They choose to shower the favourite with love and reject the other child. This is not what God does though. God's favour is to do with our responsiveness to the truth is it not?

I would really appreciate your knowledge on this Bob. At times the issue of seeming favouritism in the Bible has been a bit of a stumbling block for me given the unfair upbringing I have had.

Does Gods favour comes first or our faith?

In Jesus,

Response #10:

God is most definitely "no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34; Rom.2:11; Eph.6:9; Col.3:25), and favoritism is specifically condemned in scripture (Jas.2:1-9; see also this link).

In terms of "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated" (Mal.1:2-3; Rom.9:13), God's "choice" is not independent of man's free will. That is clear in all the examples you adduce and also throughout the Bible. God chooses those who choose for Him. Sometimes scripture emphasizes God's choice, but more often it emphasizes ours – that is why there are on virtually every page of the Bible so many commands, encouragements, words of guidance to lead us to do what is right and not to do what is wrong.

Just because God knew ahead of time what we would choose does not make His choice of us who choose to believe arbitrary and unfair – and it is certainly not favoritism because Christ died for all, even for those who would make the wrong choice.

Human beings are often unfair and often play favorites. God never is and never has. Search the scriptures and you will see that His greatest blessings have always gone to those who love Him the most, and that He has always been merciful and patient and longsuffering, even with those who didn't appreciate it (cf. Ps.103:8-13).

Believers can be absolutely confident that our judgment to come at Christ' bema will be absolutely fair: we will not fail to be rewarded for a single solitary thing we have done right in responding to the truth – and we will also be fairly evaluated in whatever reproaches are due when some of our false works are burned up. That really should stimulate us to "fear the Lord" (cf. 2Cor.5:9-11), and determine to spend whatever time we have left making Jesus Christ and His truth and His Church our top priority.

Abraham is remarkable for his faith. And God's choice of him was thus absolutely fair. All who resent that and resent his offspring need to remember the Lord's promises to him (and see the link: "The dangers of antisemitism").

"I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Genesis 12:3 NKJV

We should also remember that the prime means of blessing is always through the Word of God, the very "mind of Christ" (1Cor.2:18), and it is in response to the Lord, to His words of truth, that Israel historically shined. All who would be blessed like Abraham was blessed need to follow in his footsteps.

What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God.
Romans 3:1-2

Therefore, the promise [of salvation] comes through faith, so that it may rest on the basis of grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring – not only to those who are of the Law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all.
Romans 4:16

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Thank you Bob,

I hope you weren't offended by the question. Iron sharpens iron. You don't know how much your ministry has fed me and kept me away from error and false teaching. I know I can rely on you and your ministry going forward and it will be a great help when I begin my ministry.

In Jesus,

Response #11:

No worries on this end, my friend! I quite understand where you are coming from. Just giving you the benefit of what I know about this from scripture. There is much evil in the world, and even those who are supposed to be God's representatives are often very deficient and defective. So we can't draw conclusions about much regarding proper behavior from observing human beings – except to see what is obviously wrong. Parenting is another good example of this. We may have had great parents (I did) or rotten ones – but none of them was perfect. Yet through considering the concept of parenting we have a good idea of what God the Father is like if we approach this issue the correct way, that is, NOT imputing human frailties to Him, but understanding through comparison what exactly a perfect parent would be (based upon our knowledge of the "job") and realizing that this is what He must be.

You will always be welcome at Ichthys.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for asking. It's been really, really rough. My parents have got COVID now too (I was staying with them when I got it).

Hopefully now though the main symptoms are starting to fade. I haven't coughed so much. It was mainly fever for me, aches and pains and a horrifically painful sore throat with something called 'Covid tongue' which is as horrible as it sounds. It has made swallowing a real difficulty. There was one night in particular that everyone thought I was a-goner. I am hopefully on the right side of it now in that the symptoms are lessening in impact rather than gaining. Utterly exhausted though, have to do the stairs in three parts and rest each part of the way. Have been throwing the kitchen sink at it and the mouthwash tip you gave was really good thank you. Have also being using an analgesic spray which has helped on top of dosing with paracetamol and then ibuprofen at measured times. My mum has had it more as a deep head cold and dad has seemed to have had it mildest of all but it still has been an ordeal for them too.

I have been drawing closer to our Lord through it.

I have noticed people's hearts hardening around me so that, if we are growing closer to Christ every day (as we should) we will be more and more of a sharper contrast to the rest of the world who will be getting darker and darker as time progresses. They will hate us for that contrast though won't they, as darkness hates the light. Hopefully though, those who recognise the light for what it truly is will want to come toward it.

Thank you my friend.

In Jesus,

Response #12:

Your symptoms sound similar to what some near and dear had – I'm glad you are on the mend but will keep up the prayer!

Yes, people seem to be doubling down on spiritual decline. As things get worse in the culture, economy, political climate, international relations, etc., people usually tend to get worse – without a very good and stable government informed by adherence to the natural laws God has made for all to live by. Hard to find THAT anywhere anymore, so the general degeneration across the board is not at all surprising. Not that this makes it any easier to put up with. Life is terrible – which is the whole point. But when the "terrible" begins to land on one's doorstep it does make getting through it that much more difficult. And I'm sure you are right: it won't be long until believers are made scapegoats for whatever the problem de jour may be.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Hi Bob,

How does this email find you? I hope you are in good health and that the extreme weathers of Louisville have settled down and that the problems at the University have been fully resolved.

We are just about coming out of the worst of COVID but I have to say it has been a very rough ride. At one point I would have rather had been taken home early given the pain and inability to move or breathe with the fever. I then panicked and feared death so I prayed to live. I was in a very muddled and confused mental state. This morning, I still have a heavy head cold that I cannot shift and we all struggle with lethargy and weakness with dizzy spells. I have been worried about my mum as she has not been able to shift the cough from her chest. I have been worrying about secondary infections but I know the Lord tells us not to worry.

It has hammered us mentally too. I did feel my faith wobble in the thick of it but I have grabbed onto the Lord tighter than ever. I know bad illness can attack our faith but it has shown me the weakness and folly in our sin natured bodies. I know now that it is only by the Holy Spirit through Christ that we have life and everything else is perishing until that glorious day of the Lord's return!

I haven't been well enough to study, I have a Bible MP3 player so was listening to that under my pillow during the worst of it. Yesterday though I felt starving hungry for the Word and for study and so I devoured a normal week's worth of study in one day! So I managed to catch up with the week I missed yesterday as I was so starving hungry for teaching! I couldn't get enough of it!

One of your emails this week really spoke to me. It was someone who has been recently bereaved. S/he talked about feeling as though they needed to be at the basics again and unsure how to proceed. I felt like this this morning. The enemy saw his chance and told me to follow what my parents are doing but I know that my parents are not heading in the right direction. It tempted me for the moment as it seemed easier to follow them but I have snapped back into drawing my study plan for next week. I am very glad that I started this way of planning years ago, it is very important to me now to have these guidelines and guardrails in place. I felt genuinely frightened this morning as I knew that my flesh cannot be trusted (due to sin and sickness) and so it will call upon greater faith for me to go forward now. I know though that I can completely trust the Lord despite the fear I feel.

I just have to get back to where I was before, so confident because I saw the Lord opening doors to me for ministry and my business. I know that the Lord can do all things through me, I just have to continue to put faith into practice.

As COVID has battered my mind and my body and taken all fleshly confidence from me, I have to trust the Lord more and more. The last few days I have found myself thinking that I can only trust what the Bible says about anything and everything. I felt trust in my own will and thoughts flee from me and all I kept thinking over and over again is 'what does the Bible say about it?' 'That is what I must do!'

I feel like I am at the point where I trust the Bible more than I trust my own mind, heart and will. In fact I don't trust my own mind, heart and will at all. The Bible is what I trust now about all things. I don't know what I would do without my Bible and your ministry.

2 Peter 1:19-21
We also have the word of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt. And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation. For no such prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 3:5-7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

There is also that other scripture (but I cannot find it). Peter talks about how that even though he saw the transfiguration of our Lord with his own eyes, that he trusts Scripture more than even his own eyes.

I feel like I am at that place now. What my eyes are telling me is that I cannot trust my eyes at all and that is quite a fearful fact to consider. However I can trust the Lord and His Word and it is through Him that I will overcome this tribulation. Amen!

Thank you so much my friend!

In Jesus,

Response #13:

You really DID have it bad! Good thing you were in good health for it. I have probably had the thing at least a half a dozen times. The J&J shot I got (different tech from the Pfizer and Moderna) seems to have actually done me some good (even though I only got it out of not being willing to try teaching in a mask). Whenever I feel odd (as happened about a week ago), I draw in my horns a bit and load up on vitamins and sleep. Seems to have done the trick again this time. Tomorrow it's back to work after a good "spring break"; worked most of the way through on various projects, so a good productive one. Now we're into the last lap (six weeks). Then it'll be gardening and research – and some updates to the website.

*I'm very impressed by the way you handled this obvious test, my friend. It is absolutely true that when we are feeling ill or are ill – especially if we are definitely VERY ill – we aren't at our best. But if we can learn to trust the Lord and rely on Him to get us through in those times (as you most certainly did!), then we are really getting somewhere in spiritual growth. I'm particularly happy to hear about your focusing in on Bible study just as soon as you were able. That really is "the ticket".

Keeping you and your family in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., The passage you're thinking of is 2nd Peter 1:19:

(16) For I did not follow concocted tales in making known to you the power and the coming return of our Lord, Jesus Christ, but was an eyewitness to His majesty. (17) For when He had received honor and glory from God the Father, these words sounded forth to Him from God's majestic glory: "This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased." (18) And these words I myself heard as they were delivered from heaven, for I was with Him on the holy mountain (cf. Matt.17:1-8). (19) Yet I consider the prophetically inspired Word (i.e. the Bible) even more reliable (i.e., than what I saw with my own eyes). You too would do well to pay the closest attention to this [prophetically inspired Word], just as to a lamp shining in a dark place (cf. Ps.119:105), until the day dawns, and the Morning Star rises (i.e. the Living Word, Jesus Christ, returns), (20) pondering in your hearts this principle of prime importance: no single verse of prophetically inspired scripture has ever come into being as a result of personal reflection. (21) For true prophecy has never occurred by human will, but only when holy men of God have spoken under the direction and agency of the Holy Spirit.
2nd Peter 1:16-21

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Hello Bob,

Things have been very rough at this end. Have had a big bust up with my parents but it seems to have cleared the air and they have realised how much they are going down the wrong path, they are really lost without Jesus and the Word.

__ picked me up two days ago in the car to drive me back home and we missed a fatal car crash by seconds. A man had a medical emergency behind the wheel right outside while we were driving away. Thank the Lord we did a detour as the car was parked facing away from where we needed to go. If the car was facing that way we would have been in that accident, it was that close.

Everything seems to be piling up and it feels as though the enemy is breathing down my neck now that I am pushing for ministry. I think he hoped that having things rough with COVID and then with dad would force me out but I am hanging on in there. Makes me wonder if that car smash was meant to take me out as I will be making trouble for him. Is that how it works? Do we get more near misses when we really engage in this battle?

I think this car accident and the big row that came before it has really made my family think. We just don't know how long we have here and recently my family has been really caught up in the weeds. Politics are making us all crazy and being cooped up with COVID has added the pressure on. Thankfully I feel the Lord has given us a breakthrough.

I have spent the last couple of days trying to get my head around the mess we are hurtling through from a Biblical perspective before the Tribulation.

This is just a theory but the Lord has been guiding me. I think I know how things are developing. Things may change of course but I have a feeling that things are splitting into two camps: the left and the right. For a while I thought the Antichrist might be on the right but now I am not so sure.

I thought that maybe all the left wing 'progressive' stuff (LGBT, New Age, Eastern Religion, Conspiracy Theory, Charismatics, Prosperity Gospel and Emergents) would be adopted by the Antichrist. I then thought of what you wrote about the Southern alliance under the Mahdi. It occured to me that the Mahdi could lead the right wing 'reactionary' stuff (tradition, nationalism, dominionist, Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.) It occured to me that the Mahdi could lead an 'Abrahamic faith' based ecumenism that will tolerate these faiths as long as people abandon the Gospel.

With this model there would be no room for real believers. No room for them with the progressive new agers with the Antichrist or with the traditional 'orthodoxy' of the so called bearers of the Abrahamic faiths. Already I have heard of them saying we have so much in common with Islam, Catholics and Judaism. The only problem is that Jesus Christ will be the stumbling block of Ecumenism.

It occured to me that the apostasy could have two parts to it. Those who wish to be back in the world again and embracing sin under the antichrist and those who are desperate for some sort of dogmatic and reassuring traditional fellowship in 'religion'. As these two sides of legalism and licentiousness are at war with each other, maybe people will choose between the two only that Satan is behind both. In this way if we rejected both the Antichrist and the Mahdi, I can see how this would make us hated by all nations.

I have seen how much of a devastating spiritual snare politics really is. The Nashville shooting is so divisive pitting the gun lobbyists and Christians against LGBTQ...this is not going to lead anywhere good.

Hope this finds you well my friend.

In Jesus,

Response #14:

Good to hear from you – I was wondering how you were doing.

Good points about the possibilities going forward. We'll just have to wait and see on the specifics. Best policy is to observe carefully but not let oneself get wedded to any particular scenario.

When this story first broke, I was amazed that "a woman" had done it. Then I heard, "trans-woman who identifies as a woman" and I thought that was a mistake, a slip of the tongue or something. Then I finally realized: a man did it; they just don't want to say it. This is where we are at that no one is willing to call a man a man and a woman a woman for fear of . . . getting shot, I guess (somewhat worse than getting canceled). Considering the insanity of the copy we're being read on this story, no wonder there are errors. Maybe some AI chatbot is writing it (they get things wrong, but as the Microsoft CEO reminded us, "Yes, but it's useful mis-information").

In terms of just being missed in that accident, no I don't think that such things are unusual for believers who are advancing, not at all. No doubt the devil is out to stop all such in any way possible. But I would focus on the fact that the Lord delivered you: belonging to Him, you have nothing to fear, and this sort of thing merely emphasizes that important truth.

Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
Psalm 91:3-8 NIV

I draw great encouragement from you perseverance in studying the Word, pushing forward with ministry, and sharing the truth with others, my friend!

Keeping you in mine daily – and thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Hi Dr. Luginbill!

That answer highlights why it’s still such a struggle, because I’m not quite mature in that department.

Lord willing, I’m making good progress; thank you for the prayers!

Do you have any resources on Luke 9:26? I checked the Book “commentary “, and I believe I’d checked some of the other Gospel’s parallel passages also and hadn’t found anything.

Thank you kindly!

Response #15:

I think you're doing well, and thanks for the positive "progress report"!

Regarding Luke 9:26, no, I've never been asked about this verse specifically (nor its companion verse, Mark 8:38). In both contexts, our Lord has been talking about those who love the world and seek to gain the world, that is, unbelievers whose desires are focused on the here and now and who have no desire to be the Lord's disciples. As the Mark passage says, expanding things a bit from the Luke parallel . . .

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
Mark 8:38 NKJV

So we are clearly talking about unbelievers here (as is clear from the preceding contexts of both verses). Our Lord puts things the way He does because He is talking to His own countrymen the majority of whom were of "this generation/type", not a chronological group but a characteristic group, a group characterized by hardness of heart, prophesied to dominate in Israel until His return (see the link). They of all people should have been overjoyed to receive their Messiah, but instead they largely rejected Him, being ashamed of the cross even while desiring the crown (i.e., they wanted a glorious, conquering King, not a suffering Servant). So their being "ashamed" has to do with their rejection of Him, their unbelief. That is what will cause them to be rejected in turn at the last judgment.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Wow Bob!

That is a lot you have on your plate! Hopefully not all in the same week?! (I jest of course) Seriously though, I wonder how you have time to eat or sleep let alone put so much work into this ministry... I just don't know how you can do it! I don't even do a third of all that and yet I still seem to be shattered most of the time!

So I will pray for you for the following..

• your current semester and end of term preparation
• preparation for autumn semester
• house renovation
• injured shoulder
• gardening and research

Is that okay? Did I miss anything out?

You must have a really great system of personal organisation to know where you are with all that work and planning. I don't know how you don't feel overwhelmed by all that commitment but I guess you are a seasoned pro at all this so it is just a normal day at the office!

I have to say that I struggle to fulfill a normal week's load of work now that I am peri-menopausal. Some days I feel I have to flog myself (boom) because the day after I know I will flop (bust). I probably overdo it on my good days and that leaves me totally incapacitated on my bad days. With this in mind I figure my own business will be the best way to go as a regular job will not be kindly towards me taking so much time off when I am exhausted. My sister gets a lot of mercy shown to her at her own job for the same condition only because of her senior service there.

On a completely different subject, I was looking for Easter cards to send neighbours, friends and relatives and was really hard pushed to find a shop that sold ones with Christian messages in them. I know I shouldn't be surprised at this. What upset me is that one of my local supermarkets though had a huge display for Eid instead and the hypocrisy of it really stunned. I actually felt quite angry and a bit jealous that the false religious cult of Islam is celebrated and Christianity is either mocked or trampled on from every side in this country.

I need to re-read in the Coming Tribulation about the Mahdi (as false Christ) fighting against the real Antichrist (their Dajjal). It knocked me over when I first heard it but only listened through once so will need to re-study. There can be a real danger then if we get too tied up with a pre-occupation with Islam when the main threat is the one who wages war against it. Am I right on this?

Keeping you in my daily prayers my friend,

So looking forward to going home. Some days it is just too exhausting here.

In Jesus,

Response #16:

Thanks for any and all prayers!

We all have a load we're given to carry (Gal.6:5). I wouldn't want to trade with anyone else, and I know from experience that a lot of believers are carrying much more but not being as vocal about it as I sometimes am.

Thanks for your prayers. We have to wait for some shoes to drop. I know that nothing is impossible for the Lord.

On the Tribulation, whether or not things pan out precisely as set forth in the Coming Tribulation series in terms of the scenario in the middle east we will have to wait to see . . . by which I mean that if the Tribulation were to take place a thousand years from now, we could expect things to be different in certain ways on the geopolitical scene. I don't anticipate that much of a delay (in fact I believe things are getting fairly close; see the link), and I stand by the suggestions in CT that most likely the opposition to Israel will be an Islamic phenomenon because it is definitely a case of middle eastern nations combining against her that sets in motion the early tribulational events.

As things stand today, it's hard to see how the above would be possible without the precise religious aspect I've suggested to the future attack on Israel. I will say too that things are a lot further down the road to a potential "unification" with that religion over there than what we have seen so far here in terms of alignment against it. But if contemporary events are any guide, we are headed that way, namely, towards the complete polarization the Tribulation will manifest – and then no doubt to an even stronger reaction against it here in the states, especially if there be any sort of catalyst. We saw what happened after 9/11. I can't imagine what might happen if anything on a comparable scale to October 7th occurred over here.

So of course you are right. If the west becomes petrified of a real and present threat from a united Islam, one can easily see how falling right into the lap of someone who seemed ready and capable of doing something about it might be possible. And especially if that "person" intimated that he was Christ.

It might not be long now.

Thanks for those prayers!

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., beautiful garden! Not long before I have to get out there myself as well.

Question #17:

On a side note, your 2024 elections are not going to be boring Bob! Looks like they have a real circus planned.

Joking asides we have recently had an MP voted in close to where I live and he got in on the pro-Palestine/Anti-Israel ticket ALONE!

Also noticed on your side of the pond...be wary of who is contending Biden in the Democrat primaries...Marianne Williamson is an occultist whose only claim to fame is pushing the channelled book 'A Course in Miracles' which claims to be 'new' revelation from Jesus Christ and pushes blasphemous anti-biblical new age teaching.

I was very, very shocked to see her name listed as she is quite a notorious new ager with a huge Tik Tok following with teenagers as she promotes a lot of 'woo woo' stuff.

Aside from the usual suspects running you also have Robert F Kennedy Jnr who is huge on conspiracy theories. His video on his campaign website pushes a really weird spirituality which is a mix of pantheism and nature worship.

You also have some even wilder cards running. Cornel West is a mix of Black Panther and Southern Baptist.

You couldn't make it up Bob! Looks like you get to choose from either crazy, scary or woo woo (or a combination of all three).

I can imagine once they push forward on elections here later in the year it will likely be as colourful and carnivalesque as the big show planned stateside!

It won't be anything like the 'big show' that the Antichrist will rattle together though will it. It will likely be a nauseatingly but heady mix of 'all of the above'! Crazy, scary, woo woo but also with blasphemy, threats of violence and all manner of perverse evil thrown in for bad measure.

All the more reason to emotionally detach from the clown show and sideshow barkers more and more each day. We know what's going to happen and for how long and a rough idea when.

As you already put, nothing can stop the coming judgements, nothing can stop the Second Advent and nothing can stop the New Jerusalem! Hallelujah!

All the rest is just noise!

In Jesus,

Response #17:

All of our candidates for top dog have this in common: they are all Satan's cats-paws. And any believer foolish enough to get too excited about any of it is only going to have their peace compromised at best, their spirituality undermined at worse. It will be "interesting". I'm wondering if we're not going to have some sort of coup come winter, one way or another. The only question seems to be which side will launch it (that is, whichever side loses). On the other hand we may be in for a couple of peaceful years before the darkness falls. That is certainly my preference, but all of this is in God's hands. And, in any case, He is fully capable of giving us believers peace even if the whole world is being turned upside down.

So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.
Exodus 10:22-23 NIV

I put up your prayer request.

Keeping you in my dailies as well, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Hi Bob,


Everyone's eyes are on Islam at the moment as the main threat to Christianity and life in general and although this threat is very real, I am seeing more and more that it is a spiritual decoy for the more pernicious and stealthy threat of Hinduism. I watched a video series recently about the Emergent Church (someone called it the Merging Church) and it was mainly about the New Age infiltration of the Church Visible. The New Age is basically Hinduism.

The world and his dog does Yoga now without batting an eyelid and believe it to be a physical exercise despite it being a yoking/union with Hindu deities. People say 'namaste' without even knowing what it means (Sanskrit for 'the god in me bows to the god in you').

In this documentary someone said that we seem to be forced into either choosing Islam or the New Age and I agree that these will soon be the only two choices. Catholicism is already New Age and people who hate Vatican II are already calling for the merger between Catholics, Muslims and Jews. It's funny because the roots of Islam are pagan again because the crescent moon is venerated and they kiss a meteorite at Mecca as part of the Kaaba. So with Satan it is always paganism obviously (worshipping the creation or him).

Something else drew me to the Hindu threat though... At CERN they have a huge statue of Shiva doing the 'cosmic dance'. I think that there is a hint that the god particle they claimed to have found points to Shiva. Quantum Theory also seems to agree with Hinduism that there is a creative and destructive dance going on at a molecular level. There is always a link between 'Science' and Hinduism at every point. Did you know that Evolution is also a Hindu teaching in the idea of a life-death cycle called Samsara? Reincarnation is basically the same teaching as Evolution through something called Karma.

So 'Science' isn't really science at all but disguised Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism. Seeing as the Kundalini thing is getting bigger and bigger and apostate Christians embrace it, science celebrates it and with adherents to Hinduism supporting Jews against Muslims over Gaza...I realise how much of a real threat Hinduism/ Eastern Mysticism and the New Age really is because it is a stealthy threat rather than a hulking obvious one like Islam.

I am starting to see Islam as a spiritual decoy. While we all keep our eyes on the wild boar at front and centre, the snake has got in through the back door and is offering to help us with the boar at the front. It is dangerous to make spiritual allies no matter how big and real the physical threat seems. In the Word, Israel again and again sought help from pagan nations when they were threatened by other pagan nations. They took their women as wives which led them to spiritual adultery.

Our eyes need to be sharp to all spiritual deception, not just the most loud and obvious one.

In Jesus,
p.s. Just wanted to add that Satan is subtle in his deception. There is nothing subtle about Islam. It is like a blunt tool bludgeoning everything in sight with its Jihadism. Hinduism however IS subtle because on the surface it seems peaceful and quiet compared to the noise and visceral violence of Islam. Both Islam and Hinduism are both weapons of the enemy but the more subtle one, we really need to be very, very wary of it. An example of how deceptive Hinduism is...'laughter yoga'. What could be seen as harmful as uncontrollable laughter? We see this in churches as 'drunkenness in the spirit'. This is the spiritual deception we really need to keep our eyes fixed on in my humble opinion.

Response #18:


On the neighborhood situation, I'm not sure what you could do, beyond prayer. We are supposed to be helpful and loving to others, but we are also not supposed to involve ourselves in other people's business beyond measure (Prov.26:17; 2Thes.3:11; 1Tim.5:13; 1Pet.4:15). Things that fall into the middle between those two principles are matters of personal application, informed by prayer and the Spirit.

Great observations on religion as usual, my friend! If things pan out the way suggested in the CT series, a united Islam under a Mahdi whom the beast will style "the antichrist" will indeed present the rest of the world (or at least the West) with a polar opposite of "everything else", that is, all other religion which bands together under antichrist to oppose this "threat". And while that might seem difficult to imagine happening in the next few years, I think the events of the last several months have made it appear a lot more possible.

It is good not to be on the side of those who oppose Israel (as God opposes all antisemites: Gen.12:3); but that doesn't mean that the putative saviors of Israel will be actually and genuinely putting her interests ahead of the devil's concerns – this is how antichrist rises to power, after all (see the link).

Keeping you and all these situations in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Thanks Bob,

I felt the sting of the rebuke from scripture in those verses, but that is not a bad thing if it corrects me in my walk.

Proverbs 9:8
Do not rebuke a scoffer, or he will hate you; Rebuke a wise person and he will love you.


I have long come to the conclusion that my ministry is not for unbelievers so I am concentrating on my ministry but am also learning how to juggle other commitments and not to hide my light under a bushel with neighbours, family and friends. It is work doing all this isn't it. Unbelievers only have to suit themselves so it is easier for them but we are resisting the fleeting pleasures of sin.

All in all though I am getting on with the work the Lord has set before me but there is always plenty of room for improvement!

Many thanks for the support my friend and the prayers!

In Jesus,

Response #19:

I certainly didn't mean citing those verses to be a rebuke, my friend! We all have to make these applications for ourselves, based upon our personal level of spiritual maturity and listening to the Holy Spirit. You're the only one who has a chance to determine the best course in such a "disputable matter". My job is to point out the boundaries wherein applications are made. Scripture does give us those.

Re: "I have long come to the conclusion that my ministry is not for unbelievers". This seems prudent to me as well. An evangelizing ministry is something quite different from one which is designed to help believers recover from false paths. Both are valuable, obviously, but they are not necessarily headed in the same direction since the "commodity" one is dealing with is seriously different in either case. True, there are similarities between wayward believers and unbelievers, but I think the differences are greater. A believer who is off into conspiracy theory (instead of Bible study) or one who is recovering from a bad experience of that sort, is at least someone who at one point followed the Lord. The spark is still there (1Jn.3:9), unless and until it is extinguished and then said individual is a believer no more. Helping someone rekindle it is different from helping them turn away from the world in the first place. Unbelievers who are determined not to turn away are not a fertile ground for any ministry, evangelism included. Only God knows the heart, but we can determine fairly quickly by observation of words and deeds the likely state and trajectory of those we are in any sort of contact with.

Keeping you in my prayers for all this, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Thanks so much for your teachings, they are a true blessing

I have a question that's bugged me for several years and just can't shake it. In Part4 one of the verses used to describe the dangers of nationalism Deut 32:8 the verse says ... number of the sons of Israel. Even though this is a bit outside of the scope of the points being made in this section I've always wondered how the nations could have been divided according to the number of the sons of Israel when Israel supposedly didn't exist yet, or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks for any reply

Response #20:

Good to make your acquaintance.

As to your question about Deuteronomy 32:8, consider also this passage:

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."
Acts 17:26-27 NKJV

This has to do with the plan of God, a plan which is perfect in every detail and which includes every detail of every event, no matter how small, which has, is, or will happen in the world since the creation until the end of history.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will."
Matthew 10:29 NKJV

God is in control of things so small we take no notice for the most part. How much more entire nations, even before they came to exist?

There's a lot about this in BB 4B: Soteriology, section I, "God's Plan to Save You".

Of course, Israel is special:

For this is what the LORD Almighty says: "After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye—I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me."
Zechariah 2:8-9 NIV

I can't imagine anything more reckless than poking the Lord in the eye – but that is exactly what anyone who gets involved in antisemitism on any level is doing.

Please do feel free to email me back, especially if I've missed the import of your question (that happens).

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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