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Eschatology Issues CXXXVIII

Word RTF


Question #1:

I have another thing to discuss with you. I'm assuming you believe NYC is mystery Babylon..but what about Jerusalem? Revelation 18:24, Luke 13:31-34 and the repeated reference to Israel as a harlot. I can't remember the verse but God also refers to what I believe is the antichrist "You destroyed your own people." Which I think coincides with the antichrist being Jewish. Not that I doubt that God is also going to judge America..in fact I believe, especially with this president, that America will be shipping off Christians off to Jerusalem. I honestly believe God will judge us not because of unbelievers but because of us Christians. Just your thoughts on Jerusalem. It's pretty amazing that Israel is still waiting for their messiah, but they are also waiting for Elijah the prophet to come before him, this the false prophet.

Thanks as always,

Response #1:

Lot's to unpack here! All of these and similar issues are treated in the Coming Tribulation series (link). There is also a shorter version which includes other related information: Bible Basics 2B: Eschatology (link); as well as many emails. See for example the Eschatology Issues series (at the "previous postings" link). But I will try to answer the gist of your questions here.

1) No, mystery Babylon is a country, not a city. The Bible calls it a "polis" which, in ancient Greece was a country, often led by a city. So Rome, for example, was and is a city, but it was also a country – the Roman empire. Mystery Babylon has not yet emerged because that only happens during the Tribulation, but if the Tribulation were to begin tomorrow or shortly thereafter, there is little doubt that the only country able to qualify (for a host or reasons) would be the USA (see the link).

2) Re: "Revelation 18:24, Luke 13:31-34 and the repeated reference to Israel as a harlot". The whole of Revelation 18 is talking about the destruction of Babylon in the final months of the Tribulation but before the battle of Armageddon. Since Jerusalem is the focal point of that battle and the place to which our Lord returns, obviously, Jerusalem cannot be Babylon. Jerusalem is devastated; but Babylon is totally destroyed. The harlot of Revelation chapter 17 is Babylon, but again, not Jerusalem; rather, Babylon is the nation which provides the beast with his initial base of operations (which is why she "rides him"), after which he comes to dominate the revived Roman empire (the ten kings).

3) Re: "You destroyed your own people." Israel is rescued by the Messiah. Babylon is destroyed by antichrist in conjunction with the other kings who form the leadership of his revived Roman Empire (Rev.17:16-17). So "your own people" refers to the inhabitants of Babylon who follow the beast and so fail to heed the command to "flee Babylon" near the Tribulation's end (see the link).

Here are two verses which conclusively show that Babylon is THE world power (not Israel):

Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues."
Revelation 17:15 NKJV

“And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”
Revelation 17:18 NKJV

There is no way that these details of world domination could apply to Jerusalem.

Not sure exactly what you mean by "America will be shipping off Christians off to Jerusalem", but if you mean the imprudent "Israel right or wrong" attitude many political Christians entertain, that is just as dangerous in its own way as adopting an antisemitic stance and criticizing that Jewish state incautiously. As mentioned previously, staying out of politics altogether is the only safe course for Christians to adopt – if we want to do what Jesus wants us to do, that is: grow, progress and produce for Him.

Re: "I honestly believe God will judge us not because of unbelievers but because of us Christians." On that we agree. Believers in the USA today have been blessed in so many ways, especially in comparison with generations and civilizations past, that it's difficult even to express the wonderful advantages to learn and grow in the truth that God has given us. And yet, so very few are taking any serious advantage whatsoever.

"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked".
Revelation 3:15-17 NKJV

Re: "It's pretty amazing that Israel is still waiting for their messiah, but they are also waiting for Elijah the prophet to come before him, this the false prophet." Some are. But most inhabitants of modern day Israel are completely secular at present. And we know from scripture that while some of "this generation" (link) will respond to the 144,000 and believe, others who are "waiting" won't even accept the Lord as the Messiah when they see Him return with their own eyes (link). As to Elijah, as our Lord said, "Elijah does come first" (Matt.17:11) – along with Moses. The two witnesses (link) will complete their ministry before the false prophet arises to spread the religion of antichrist. People will reject the truth first before they accept the lie (as is always the case).

As mentioned, this is just the gist; please see the first two links above for the details.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Dear Robert,
I don't mean to challenge you and I hope that this letter doesn't seem to. I'm just trying to be as accurate as I can be in studying what the Word seems to imply. I have been wrong in many cases but when I was a young Christian I had many scriptures thrown at me that were taken out of context so I learned to look them up myself and to get as clear a picture as possible. In the Bible, Jesus said that it was impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem in Luke 13:33. He also said that the people of Jerusalem would kill and stone those he sent to them in Luke 13:34. I did as best a study of the word polis as was available to someone like me. I pray I don't offend you, it certainly isn't my intention. I admit I'm not as learned as you and I greatly appreciate your contributions to the Word and your intense study. I know that you do this with a great desire to open our eyes to what is coming soon upon this world and your desire is that we would be ready. Please keep me and my children in your prayers. Thank you.

What does polis literally mean?
citadel, city
The Greek polis means "citadel, city, or community," from a root meaning "citadel or hilltop."
Go to Parallel Greek
The Greek word polis (πλιςpi lambda iota sigma) means "city" or "city-state". It also has connotations of citizenship and community. In ancient Greece, polis referred to a city-state, which was a social and political organization. Polis could also refer to citizenship and the body of citizens Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Syracuse, Aegina, Rhodes, Argos, Eretria, and Elis were all important poleis. POLIS https://www.vocabulary.com/
Other forms: poleis" In ancient Greece, a polis was a completely independent, self-governing city. Each polis had an urban center with shopping areas, temples, and government buildings.
A Greek polis was composed of territory that included a dense city, usually surrounded by protective walls, and the countryside around it. A temple near the center was often set on a high hill. The whole country was divided into these city-states; at the height of this era, there were about 1,000 poleis. Among the most famous were Athens and Sparta.
polis Greek city-state Actions Also known as: poleis Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Article History: POLIS, ancient Greek city-state. The small state in Greece originated probably from the natural divisions of the country by mountains and the sea and from the original local tribal (ethnic) and cult divisions. There were several hundred poleis, the history and constitutions of most of which are known only sketchily if at all. Thus, most ancient ancient Greek history is recounted in terms of the histories of Athens, Sparta, and a few others.
Bible Study Tools: Polis Definition NAS Word Usage - Total: 162
• a city
• one's native city, the city in which one lives
• the heavenly Jerusalem
• the abode of the blessed in heaven
• of the visible capital in the heavenly kingdom, to come down to earth after the renovation of the world by fire
• the inhabitants of a city
I'm also including some screenshots of information I wasn't able to copy and paste.

Your sister in our Lord,

Response #2:

No worries. You're certainly free to believe anything you wish. I do think that if you had a close look at the prior links these things would be clearer.

Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified.
Revelation 11:8 NIV

Beyond all argument Jerusalem is where our Lord was crucified and this is also where Moses and Elijah conduct their ministry during the first half of the Tribulation. Jerusalem, called a great city above (polis), is not praised here but rather compared to "Sodom and Egypt" (cf. Jer.23:14) – but not to Babylon.

I don't disagree with anything you've pasted in here. If your read it and what I said carefully, none of it contradicts what I wrote you before (except possibly the bit about the etymology of polis which is speculative and of no particular import because words "mean what they mean" in any language as they are actually used, not what they may have been derived from once upon a time).

The key point is that when we say "city" today we mean New York or Chicago, large metropolitan areas, not countries. But the word polis in antiquity meant the latter and not exclusively the former. Athens was a polis (i.e., a "city-state") which governed a large territory which included other towns; Athens was also a city in our terms (an asty, that is, a "city proper" in the same way we use that word today). Rome furnishes a good example. Rome was a city proper but also a very large city-STATE. When we speak of "Rome" in terms of antiquity we often don't mean just that urban area place in Italy behind the walls of the pomerium. We mean the empire. Similarly today when people around the world say "Washington", they often don't mean just the city itself but the regime headquartered there and thus the USA by metonymy. That is the sense in which Babylon is used in scripture. And it's probably important to note that historical Babylon was also more than a city – it was also an empire, that is, more than just the capital city behind it's main wall.

Since Babylon acts throughout eschatology not as a single city but an empire, it can't be a single city (like New York).

I'm not sure what Luke 13:33-34 have to do with this discussion – except to say that Jerusalem is prophetically important. Obviously it is, and her role in the Tribulation is huge. It's only to say that Jerusalem is not Babylon which is completely destroyed before the Lord returns (cf. Revelation chapter 18), while the Lord returns to rescue Jerusalem. E.g.,

"Like birds hovering overhead, the LORD Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will ‘pass over' it and will rescue it.”
Isaiah 31:5 NIV

(2) For I shall gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against her. The city will be captured, its houses will be sacked, and its women will be ravished. (3) Half of the city will be taken away captive, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will go forth, and He will fight against those nations as when He fights on a day of battle. (4) For His feet will stand on that day on the Mount of Olives which lies before Jerusalem on the east. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in its midst [into] a very great valley [leading] east and west. For half of the mountain will recede [out of the way] to the north, and half of it to the south. (5) Then you will flee by way of the valley of My [two new] mountains, for the valley between the mountains will reach directly over to [you] (i.e., in Jerusalem).74 Thus you will flee like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uziah king of Judah (i.e., swiftly). And then the Lord my God will enter [the battle], and all His holy ones with Him.
Zechariah 14:2-5 (cf. Lk.17:28-33)

None of the above makes any sense if Revelation chapter eighteen applied to Jerusalem. Much more about this a the link: in CT 5: "The Second Advent and Armageddon". See also in CT 3B: "Probable Identification of the Future "Mystery Babylon".

Apologies in advance if I've misread your question and concerns. Do feel free to write me back about any of this.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Thanks Bob,

I am taking your advice and taking time out from all the things which have become distractions and to prioritise what is important. Just as a side note...

The following about Donald Trump
• he has his own Bible now with the constitution printed in it (Dominionism)
• he also is backed by his own gnostic cult called QAnon (which declares that we are our own saviours : the Q drop for this has now been scrubbed from the internet and not even on the
• he has ties with the Moonies
Moon declared himself to be the Second Coming.
(Sometimes wonder if pre-existing cults are beta runs and training grounds for the fallen angels to learn to perfect the Antichrist cult during the Tribulation whilst prepping us to accept it)
• his face was printed on Temple coins in preparation for the Temple rebuilding project.
Many Jewish religious leaders said Trump is like Cyrus
• people are now saying that they actually pray TO Donald Trump (not for)

At the very least he has become a huge idol in your country. I know that some people think he is the Antichrist and that the assassination attempt was a confirmation of that to some people. I suspect that he is a placeholder for the Antichrist, that he will build up the fervour for himself and a new religion mixed with politics and false teaching only to then stand aside somehow (maybe even assassinated or arrested). The scary thing is that if he was arrested or killed in the line of duty then he may be seen as one of the first martyrs of the Tribulation and the outrage and hysteria would then focus his followers' hope on what stands behind him which I suspect is the Antichrist.

When I became a conspiracy theorist and remained so for a while as a baby Christian, it had a really bad affect on me spiritually. I even felt that the Lord allowed me to give myself over to it for quite a while until I realised how mentally sick it made me. What really snapped me out of it was being in contact with a relative of mine who has spent most of his life following conspiracy theories and he gave me a dvd that was meant to basically tell you the lowdown on what was really happening in the world. This dvd made me sick to my stomach as it basically said that the dystopian coming New World Order was the Jew World Order and even went as far as to blasphemously state that the 'Old Testament God is evil' (God forbid and forgive me for even writing that down.) I didn't know then as I do now that conspiracy theory is a branch of Gnosticism and that Gnosticism inverts the Bible to say that Lucifer is the saviour of mankind and freed us from the prison planet that God put us in. Basically Gnosticism is Satanism, there is no other way of putting it. There is also a lot of nonsense about Sophia and Aeons and the Pleroma and it stands in direct opposition and conflict with the Bible. It may be edifying for people in your ministry to read up a little bit on Gnosticism to see what they need to be on watch for.

This link below gives an account of Gnosticism but it isn't from an anti-Gnostic stance though.
From my experience though, so called Christians who debunk Gnosticism then go onto promote arguably worse heresies then Gnosticism. I was going to link you to Michael Heiser (now deceased) as he was meant to be a Christian who gave a powerful reputation of Gnosticism but he himself believed crazy things such as God being one of a pantheon of others which is simply ridiculous. So sometimes when refuting something it is better to provide a source that is unapologetically supportive of that false standpoint (at least they are being honest) rather than a false Christian who claims Christ and then goes on to promote worse error down the road.
There is nothing new about Gnosticism, it is a very old lie that began in the garden of Eden. Satan's lies never change, he just changes the window dressing slightly but he always sells the same old, same old. You probably know all of this already but I wanted to share this with your ministry as although most of us are already very tired and worn down by our own personal fights and tribulations, we need to be more vigilant than ever as the time is at hand.

In Jesus,
Something I wanted to also add. I watched Trump's inauguration speech and I thought about how no politician or leader could ever deliver on any of their promises. The only times this ever happened was when the hand of God was directly involved with Israel's kings and prophets and priests. So God is the only one who can keep His promises as human beings cannot know what will happen from one day to the next outside of God and His Word. It occured to me though... The enablement of error! Could it be possible that God will allow Trump to deliver on all of his promises to such an unprecedented degree that people will have no other option but to accept that he is being enabled and empowered by God? Could this then give the false impression to the world that Trump is God's man? This in turn will further the enablement of error which will lead to the worship of the Antichrist. Lying signs and wonders are prophesied to help the enablement of error. Could it be that a president delivering on all of his promises from inauguration day be part of the enablement of error going forward? Part of Trump's speech was his belief that he was 'saved by God (from the assassination attempt) to rule the country'. It could be that this is actually the truth but to run the country right into the hands of the Antichrist and the establishment of America as Babylon. Just some food for thought...

p.p.s. Another thing though..
I have presented some compelling evidence but how do we not know that the Antichrist will be a reaction and rejection against Trump with a false peace scenario? I noticed that the American political system has a pendulum now furiously swinging from one extreme to the other that the Antichrist may seem to be a rejection of these old ways when in truth be a combination of both directions that sin can carry a person towards (licence Vs legalism). The reason I am also pondering this other scenario is that Trump has become the voice of Evangelical America and has done more to damage and taint that voice than any other president. Yes of course the Democrats were running wild but that doesn't mean the authoritarian pushback will be Godly.
Another example of maybe how the Antichrist may be the opposite of Trump is offered by this video. This video claimed to outline Fascism (and that Trump is a fascist) Whilst watching through the video though, I realised that everything they listed as being 'Fascistic' could be a very twisted reading of Scripture or basically how Satan sees God and His plan.
The video says the following and I will give the Biblical counterpart...
1) rejection of democracy in favour of a strongman
Jesus Christ will rule over the world with a rod of iron theocracy during the Millennial Kingdom.
As a god-man, Jesus could be described as as strongman
2) stoking rage against cultural elites
Jesus questioned and stood against the Pharisees and religious and cultural elites during His ministry. He warned the people of them
3) nationalism based upon a superior race and historic bloodlines
Israel is a special race of people chosen by God and is determined by bloodlines.
4) extolling brute strength and heroic warriors
God often called upon Israel to fight against the pagan nations around them. His most successful men could be called heroic warriors
5) disdain of women and LGBTQ
Obviously LGBTQ does not honour God and homosexuality is a sin and a perversion of God's order. Women are not disdained in the Bible though as part of the curse women have a men ruling over them. Though this curse will be removed eventually for women to be equal (though women are now equal in faith) Obviously I am not saying our faith is fascistic of course not! I am pointing out that everything on that list becomes fascism under Satan as he tries to be like the Most High. Though everything on this list can be seen as a skewed version of the plan of God. What else was Hitler but one of Satan's many false messiahs? When Satan tries to imitate God, we get fascism but when God carries out His perfect plan.. we have holiness. The sad thing is that these kind of videos, seen without a Godly context and faith can be seen as confusing people and conflating God's plan (which is holy and good) with Satan's imitation of God's plan (which is evil and wicked). The problem is that if people automatically think everything on that list is automatically evil then they will be rejecting a lot of what the Bible has to say. Satan is very slick. He makes the counterfeit so imitative yet odious that people will then reject both the counterfeit AND the original that the counterfeit was stealing and then twisting away from. I realise we have to be watchful of everything now and be like the Bereans and compare everything with scripture whilst emotionally divesting ourselves or either fear of fascination of any political changes we see before us!

Response #3:

N.b., I've been asked about Heiser before and indeed he had a such low view of inspiration, being carried away by his fanciful interpretations of Old Testament scripture, that I would be reluctant to put much stock in anything he had to say.

As for current events, it's a unique phenomenon, that's for sure. As I've mentioned before, I'm agnostic about the possibility and have my doubts for two main reasons in spite of the timing. The first is that in my reading of scripture, the beast has a Jewish mother (link; and we know who his father is: link); the second is that as a nephilim sired by the evil one himself, we are right to expect a level of charisma and astounding capabilities which no one yet on the scene (and certainly not this person) seems to me to exhibit. But when it comes to application of truth, we all need to be flexible since we don't know all the facts (and very many fact patterns could fit the schematic we are given by the Bible). We are likely to be relieved of all doubt soon enough.

As to Gnosticism, thanks for the info and the links. I've actually done a good deal with this in the Hebrews series. Here is the main link: "Gnosticism (in HE 1)".

In terms of promises, antichrist will promise his followers eternal life. But of course he won't deliver – he can't deliver. And in terms of scenarios, there are all manner of possibilities. We could spend the entire remaining time before it all comes to pass speculating and not come up with "the" right answer. Blessedly, it doesn't make any difference to us who are following the Lord closely. We know a good deal about the Tribulation and about the beast – as much as we need to know, everything that it's really important for us to know. We know enough not to get suckered into any movement or any reaction to any movement so as to prefer politics to spiritual growth. We know to stay away from it all, observing and considering but focusing on our Lord and His truth. After all, our job is to continue growing, progressing and helping others do likewise, NOT take up the physical fight against this side or that side. If we do the latter, we'll be wrong whatever we choose – and we stand to be tragically and eternally wrong if we are not careful.

Re: "has become the voice of Evangelical America and has done more to damage and taint that voice than any other". It's certainly true that to the extent that any believer is getting more rather than less involved in politics on this or any account that they are damaging themselves even as you rightly observe they are sending the exact wrong message to others about what biblical Christianity ought to be. But as I have often observed, the Laodicean church-visible is little concerned with the truth in any case, so that anything "exciting" has a tendency to capture its attention and substitute for what is really important all the while thinking it is doing great things.

"You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."
Revelation 3:17 NIV

Re: "compare everything with scripture whilst emotionally divesting ourselves". That is certainly my advice! Otherwise, if it's easy to get sucked in now, what about when the Tribulation actually starts?

“If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?"
Jeremiah 12:5 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Hi Bob,

From reading the Coming Tribulation can I just confirm with you that the mark of the beast will take the form of a highly visible tattoo. This will be either on the forehead or the hand.

Thanks for your help, Bob.

In Jesus

Response #4:

My pleasure!

In terms of what the Bible says about the mark, yes, it will be a visible tattoo on the forehead or on the right hand (Rev.13:16). Here's a short link on this, and here's another one. Over the years, I've dealt with all manner of questionable theories about "what is the mark?", but scripture is very clear that it is a tattoo, accepted by the recipient rather than forced (even though there is plenty of coercion, a person will have to say "yes" to receive it). It's not something in the water or something implanted in our body against our will or DNA alteration or any such thing. It's a mark, a tattoo given to those who agree to receive it. The fact that it won't be anything more to the naked eye will no doubt have something to do with the willingness of people to receive it. But we believers know better.

Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Revelation 14:9-11 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Thanks Bob. And thanks for the very helpful links as well.

The way I see it, is that the Bible is absolutely clear about what the mark will be. The Lord isn't hiding anything from us. It isn't some kind of puzzle that we have to figure out. I think all the theorizing about what the mark might be just causes distraction, confusion and fear and that certainly does not come from the Lord. The devil will do anything to lead believers away from the truth and that includes what form the mark will take. It seems to me that trying to look for something far more technical or complex or spiritual is dangerous. Believe the Bible - it says what it means and that's it.

Have a great weekend, Bob!

In Jesus

Response #5:

That is absolutely correct. The Bible says what it means and means what it says. When it comes to the book of Revelation, the allegorical school of interpretation goes back to very earliest of the church fathers and continues to this day. I remember one famous-at-the-time individual (Hal Lindsey) interpreting the locusts of Revelation chapter 9 as Russian "Hind" helicopters. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, that ship has certainly sailed, even for the "this can mean anything I think it might mean" school of interpretation.

Revelation had to be a short treatment of events on the granular level of detail precisely because the events were not destined to happen until several millennia after the time of writing, with technology and political geography completely different today than was the case in the past. Are e.g., the chariots in Revelation 18:13 and the horses in Revelation 19:18 actual chariots and horses? Possibly not (we can entertain some equivalents as changing with the times), but there is a limit. Horses and chariots are means of transportation so that positing mechanical equivalents is reasonable. A locust is not a helicopter in any fair way of thinking about it nor is a tattoo a computer chip (etc.). Once people break free of all reasonable canons of interpretation, they can use Revelation to prove anything (and the rest of scripture too, for that matter).

So it's a blessing to HAVE an English Bible and check these things out for ourselves. It's not a substitute for teaching; it's a necessary complement to it. So sad so few actually ever getting around to reading it (or accessing good teaching either for that matter).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

Dear Robert,
I'm so sorry to bother you again. I know you don't believe in this, but for some reason in 2021 to 2022 I told my children that in the fall of 2023 something was going to happen that would start the countdown to the end of this world as we know it. I don't know why I said it and I can't say I heard a voice telling me that, but since I can't afford cable and I've stopped watching the news for years, cable or not..I didn't know what happened in the world until December 2023. However as soon as I heard about what Hamas did and how Israel responded, I realized that this was the incident I was warning about. Now please understand, I do not contend that this is absolute truth and I have been wrong about a lot of things in my life, (just ask my kids..though being hard on them, rather than permissive, has produced better grown-ups than most). Anyway, through most of my life, having been saved at the age of eighteen, I believed that if I ever had a ministry, it would be yelling from the rooftops if America ever stopped supporting Israel 100%! Now instead, my heart is terribly grieved about Israel's response in what seems in my mind and heart, that their objective is certainly a total genocide. I'm not so foolish to believe that everything..or most things I read on the internet are true. Though in my search, I found out that America warned Israel that Hamas was planning something big and Israel chose to ignore that. Not only ignoring that information but moved that Nova concert, (a concert meant to put you into a trance), two days before they were to start, to the border of Gaza, knowing that the Palestinians would be upset about this. Then they gave the border patrol six hours leave. I also learned from Jewish historians themselves, that since before 1917, the Zionist objective was always to find a way, or excuse, to remove or destroy the Palestinians. Yet, in a way that they could convince the world that they were justified. Also, I recently found a YouTube video, (created by Aljazera..hope I'm spelling this right..and in this case, we know that they are a bit one-sided) that tells the story of a Naval ship called the Liberty..forgive me if I forget certain details, sadly what was a rather intelligent mind has been slipping more and more as I age. In 1967 this US ship was stationed in international waters by Egypt as a spy ship, to gather intelligence to see if Russia was going to involve itself in the problems going on in the Middle East at that time. Since Israel was supposed to be our ally, they had the same frequencies as we did. Five times the Israeli jets that were dispatched to fly over the Liberty, identified the ship as American. Yet they were given orders, that were recorded and released by the freedom of information act, to sink the Liberty, with over two hundred US sailors aboard. They not only shot, bombed and torpedoed the ship, they shot up the sailors and raftboats, while the sailors were trying to escape the napalmed and burning, sinking boat. The crew either heard right then or after the recording was released that Israel was trying to cover up the fact that it was they that started the six day war and not the Arab countries that they have lied about for decades. They then pressured Lyndon Johnson to keep the media out of it and for the President to sweep it under the rug or they would make sure he wouldn't be reelected. After Johnson did as they asked, they had wealthy and prominent Jewish Americans donate large sums to his re-election campaign. The two officers who were awarded metals of honor because of this tragedy, were threatened to keep silent while receiving their medals behind closed doors and without the usual presence of the President. The Palestinians have lived in a virtual prison for decades, and because of the wrath of Israel, children are operated on without anesthesia, women and children are dying, babies are freezing to death, reporters and aid workers are being bombed as well as the refugee tents. I'm heartsick to hear and see what Israel is doing and continues to do. One 4 Israel, a Messianic Bible College I once supported financially, until I found out that the head of it, Pastor-Doctor Erez was making a quarter of a million dollars a year and after I watched a new video where he called the Palestinians "Philistines" and how the Old Testament commanded Israel to kill all of them. I also don't understand how Evangelical Christians support their return to Israel when I can't find one scripture that claims God will call His people back to Israel before the Day of The Lord. I guess I'm just so surprised and heartbroken that a people I had so much love and respect for could respond with the cruelty and callousness that they have. I'm also frightened that I might end up on the wrong side of Yahweh, if I continue to believe they are wrong and/or unrighteous in they're response. I know what Hamas did was horrific! As bad as they have had it over the decades, there is no excuse for what they did. But Israel's response and certainly what appears to be genocide, is worse. However, I have seen first hand, that not all Jews believe they're government is right, or righteous. Through it all there are many Israelites that are supporting and helping the Palestinians the best way they know how. I have even watched Jewish Professors who have taken a stand and lost the right to ever teach in Israel again. I believe our government should support Israel because they are God's chosen people, and because our Messiah is Jewish. But I also believe we have a responsibility to take a stand when that country..and ours, causes such atrocities. Am I wrong? Am I going to anger God? I did call One 4 Israel to account when they posted that video, but I’m not sure if I am standing on the wrong side of history. I don’t want to die and stand before God to be rebuked for feeling the way I do. One 4 Israel just sent me a letter asking for more money, crying about the antisemitism that I personally believe their government brought upon themselves. I know you are a man full of wisdom and you might have some words for me, one way or another.

On the brighter side, about three or four months ago, my youngest son called me to tell me that he said the Arabic prayer, converting to Islam. I told him that he could never do anything that would ever change or end my love for him. When he hung up I cried and then prayed against the demonic spirit of Islam. I then prayed that God would bring younger Christians into his life that he would respect. Two weeks later he called me to tell me that he found a church in virtual reality, (never knew there was such a thing), and the pastor there explained things to him in a way he could understand. Two weeks after that, he accepted the Lord and renounced Islam!!! He has been a joy to me, helping me financially when he can and calling to ask his mom, where in the Bible does it explain that or this!! Keeping me on my toes..he admitted that during the last couple years when he would argue with me about everything that had to do with God, it was only because he felt so convicted everytime I talked about God. I only talked about God because He has been so good to me..a sinner, the kind of sinner that almost all Christians wanted nothing to do with. If you tell me I'm wrong, I will certainly and prayerfully take it under advisement.
Again, it is a joy to write to you again and I pray that you are in good health and as carefree as possible.

Your sister in the Lord,

Response #6:

First, that's wonderful news about your son! You had told me in the past that your family was generally not behaving properly towards you, so this is good news and an answer to prayer.

On the other topic, these are political questions. Whether the US is acting in an honorable or dishonorable way in our opinion has nothing to do with the Bible or with our job as Christians. We have no control over that. We do have control over what we do as individuals. We are here to learn and believe the truth, to pass the tests the Lord sends us, and to minister to others according to the gifts we have received. We are not ignorant of politics. We do understand that at least indirectly these things might affect us personally, but getting emotionally involved is never spiritually productive; instead it is fraught with spiritual dangers. Thinking we CAN do something and "getting involved" is only playing the devil's game. And if that is true today (and it is), how much more so in the soon-to-come Tribulation!

The Israel of today is a state composed almost entirely of non-believers. So on the one hand the extreme that wants to put her on a pedestal is gravely mistaken. On the other hand, even the unbelieving physical seed of Abraham is under God's special purview (Rom.11:28; cf. Gen.12:3 and see the link: in BB 6B, "The Dangers of Antisemitism"). They may suffer grievously (as the Jews did during the holocaust), but woe to those who are involved in causing their suffering (just ask the Nazis). The current situation you reference strikes me as being along the same lines.

We are not required as Bible believing Christians to have political opinions (it's rare not to have them, of course, but we do need to understand that these have zero to do with what Christ wants from us unless we make the mistake of getting too attached to them and act on them). We are not required to tell people that nation X is right or wrong or that group Y is right or wrong or that our country is right or wrong. In fact, it would be a mistake to think of things in these terms. In short order, should the Tribulation begin in a few short months, our country would then become the Babylon of eschatology, the home base of antichrist. And the rulership of Israel in that time is prophesied to be closely allied to the beast. Further, the "other side" will provide the main impetus for the crusade antichrist launches in the middle east whose main effect will be the consolidation of his power worldwide. In that scenario, in terms of politics there is NO good side, and NO foreign policy a Bible-believing Christian could safely get behind without grave spiritual peril. During the Tribulation, our job will be to stand up for the truth of the Word when the whole world is involved in war and politics more dramatically than ever before.

So now is a good time to start, it seems to me.

Re: "I've stopped watching the news for years". Not a bad policy! But watch it or don't, we believers who know something of the truth need to stay emotionally disengaged from politics since we don't control world (or national) events, and since we do have a job to do for the Lord – one which getting overly involved emotionally or, for worse, actively and personally, will only undermine . . . and perhaps even destroy. It certainly will for any who end up get involved with the beast out of a desire to "support for Israel", or with the Islamic opposition for the opposite reason. The devil will be behind both sides. The only safe course is to stick to our spiritual "knitting" and set our hopes on the Lord's return.

Keeping you in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Good evening Bob,

I have been reading through the bible teachings here since about 2021. I am a newly single divorced mother to three preteens, coming out of a very dark marriage by a man who wore a mask and let it come down slowly. My exodus was ___ and my treasures from the LORD was my freedom and three beautiful and precious children! This is a very difficult trial but I am believing (most of the time) that this is very good and the LORD has permitted this path (didn’t cause the abuse) to continue to work out my salvation and experience the riches of His love, care, and goodness.

Would you read my post below to let me know if I understand things well?

“I have yet to hear the book of Revelation being taught from the pulpit. From Chapter 1:1 through Revelation 22:20-21 (which is the final two verses in the Word of God. What I hear instead since I was a kid is, the lie that it is too difficult to teach, learn, hear. Pastors who have told their audiences that there are many interpretations and it is controversial. *This is a lie from the Serpent, our Adversary.

The LORD tells His children how important and crucial it is to know and even more so because we the current church that is here on earth is Laodicea.

The LORD declares we are neither HOT (fully devoted as His) nor COLD (fully against Jesus Christ) and tells us he in verses 16-18 “

16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

There is no Rapture! Satan has used men to teach us to believe our current lukewarm Christianity is going to be taken out of the fire so that we don’t suffer, yet His Word declares us to work out our own salvation to the finish of our life! Every where else in His Word, God uses trials to refine the darkness and lust and pride our of our hearts. He also tells us that we were not only called to be saved but also to suffer for Christ Jesus. And we lukewarm Christians have it all so wrong to not take hold of this truth when God has laid it out for us to read ourselves and ask, seek, knock as you seek Him to reveal the truth and expose the false teachings. For those unprepared to persevere by faith in Jesus to carry you through in the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ will come suddenly “like the man on a white horse “ - and this is not Jesus Christ my Lord!

Revelation 1:1 reads, “The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,”

Chpt 1:3 reads, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”

The final chapter and last two verses of Revelation 22:20-21 read, “He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.””

In Him,

Response #7:

Great to make your acquaintance! Divorce is never easy but in situations like the one you describe it can be a deliverance from the Lord. It's very difficult to grow spiritually or even maintain spiritual equilibrium if stuck in some dark and troubling situation. The Lord works things out for us who love Him, and that "working out" takes many forms (1Cor.10:13). I am happy to hear that you are on the far side of the storm now, and I pray for some peace and clear sailing ahead.

Wonderful piece! This is exactly the case. We can hypothesize all day about what in the world so many – even intelligent people who read scripture, even leaders and professors – are so intent on clinging to this obvious false doctrine (link). I have had a number of people coming to this ministry with the same story: they read the Bible and see no pre-Tribulation rapture then can't find any place that doesn't teach it anyway. It is amazing how strong the pull of tradition is, stronger for some than the pull of the truth. There's a great deal of that in Hebrews (link to series homepage). Ultimately, it "feels good" to be able to put all of the information the Bible gives us about those most difficult seven years that are coming right out one's mind and imagine instead a happy and blessed end without trouble. If that is the case, we might as well just do our best to enjoy ourselves here and now. No need to be concerned about spiritual preparation. Of course we'll keep "nodding to God" by going to some church and singing a lot once or twice a week, might even give some money or help with the picnic. But no cause for taking any of this very seriously.

Life doesn't work like this, however. No one is going to give you a diploma BEFORE even matriculating just because you've been accepted to some school or program. It would have been nice just to "fast forward" through OCS all those many years ago, I suppose, but challenges like that (and we all get them of one sort or another) are the making of us if we but trust the Lord to bring us through. The same is true of the Tribulation. No one wants it. But it would be sad to think of all those who really ARE preparing not being able to demonstrate that preparation and their love for the Lord by meeting that challenge.

Please do feel free to write me back any time.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Dr Luginbill,

I received your encouraging email when you sent it and kept forgetting to go back and respond.

Thank you so much and I have been reading Hebrews at your suggestion. I get side tracked and have my hands on Hebrews, The Coming Tribulation, then some times I hand print the scriptures and teaching. I learn best when my pen writes on paper.

I love the teaching on salt of the earth, also the salt added to the incense made and I love the oil and lamp for 10 virgins. Now I understand what Jesus was teaching us and I have been storing up oil for my lamp. I am contacting friends to ask them if they would meditate on that passage and then call to talk about it. My friend from Uganda is currently in Venetia is doing that and we will talk. I keep planting seeds.

Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice - that I’m sure is your response to Christ Jesus’ greatest and ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

In Him,

Response #8:

Thanks for the encouraging words!

Very much appreciated.

Happy 4th!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

Doc, what do you think about virtual reality? You've probably heard of it but in case you don't know a computer (in the shape of a wearable headpiece) renders a 360 degree environment for you to see through the goggle lens on it to let you see as if you were in that virtual world. Thos is used for many purposes but I actually have a headset (or rather I borrow my brother's) and use it to play some special video games, or watch things in a virtual movie theater, using it for a screen in the virtual environment far larger than I would have access to otherwise, and it's quickly become my favorite way to watch or play things.

There are less savory uses for VR that I avoid, like online chat rooms/"social activities" or role-playing with avatars in the digital world (largely an issue because it's more often than not is filled with players commiting gross degeneracy, trying to replace their real life with a virtual one, or both), or the aforementioned trying to live my life in VR as if it could be some kind of escape from actual reality.

I personally feel it's like the internet. Can be used for good with the right intentions but because of its nature it naturally becomes used for far more evil. I try to moderate how much I use it, and like any reasonable user i recognize it's just a digital landscape thrown through a screen, and that nothing can replace the real world we live in no matter how "immersive" It may feel in the moment (some users sadly can't seem to properly grasp that).

What's your take on this though? How do you see the "virtual world"?

Response #9:

Of course I've heard plenty about it, but never "experienced" it, whatever that may be like. To be honest, the idea of it doesn't really appeal to me. Not making judgments, just stating the fact. As Christians, we have enough "real reality" to cope with in this life without the "virtual" kind.

Re: "I personally feel it's like the internet." I understand the similarities in some regards, but the internet has some positive aspects. Don't know exactly what those would be with VR. I can certainly see some negative ones (i.e., amplifying bad experiences).

It is yet another example of the swift and significant changes we're experiencing through tech. Believers need to be all the more focused on the Lord and the truth as a result. Getting into that mindset of putting Him and His truth first now will be beyond helpful once the Tribulation begins. So to that extent, VR and AI and whatever else can be good – for us – if we let these new developments keep us sharp by reminding us that the end is getting ever closer. Alternatively, if they are only distractions (as the internet certainly can be), to that extent we ought to open our eyes to the dangers and assess accordingly. We know why we are still here – or should.

"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done."
Revelation 22:12 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hi Dr L,

Okay I have a weird question. I know the Lord may come back in the next few years. But let's take the possibility that He choose not to for a century. Or at least a long time.

I notice that for some reason the Protestant groups seems to just sort of be falling apart. And it isn't like both Protestants and Orthodox and Catholics all have issues. But the latter two are still going strong comparatively. And I think it is because they know how the building is built, and so their systems keep chugging. And you may say, well we don't need that. But the truth is that isn't most of what we have thanks to many of these systems? That we have the manuscripts, the translations, the doctrines, the everything, I mean even with the Protestants, they did not last long on their own, and I am thinking they were successful for a while because they had the bones left of what they left. And I am NOT saying Catholicism or Orthodox is right or a hundred percent right. Just, and maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me like Protestant groups may not be around much longer, or at least will just turn into tiny splintered groups with no real power (read ability to learn what they need and grow).

I mean we have some great pastors like you, but it is rarer, and most know less and less of the languages and history. Whereas, I mean orthodox is not even a behemoth and they are still going. They still have their Scriptures and in Greek and their families structures. And if someone says, well they have issues, find me the group that doesn't the point is Protestantism seems like it may just die out or become so weak. And the main thought I am following is that the traditions get abandoned and the family gets abandoned, and we just don't have the basics anymore because of that. Now we have, well you know. But I just want to emphasize in particular the community breakdown, I mean even the seculars see it in the mainstream culture.

There is no community or society because families can't even count on family to do basic things. And when you don't have the most basic relationships down and every one is out for themselves, you can imagine and even see it now. Okay I am sorry, I am not sure if I am communicating well.

Are my observations just way off?
PS: It is just, I feel like everytime I find someone in the public sphere who I start to admire things about, they always seem to end up being Catholic or Orthodox with a strong foundation and education and background and family. Whereas, no offense to my fellow Protestants, but a lot of us, myself included, seem to be barely hanging onto our own sanity because everything for us is just gone. And I know there are still some Protestants with those things, but it is less and less, and maybe I just don't see them in any of the spheres (though to be fair I read stuff and look stuff all over the place so maybe I am just missing them?)?
PPS: I am sorry if this came off badly. You are certainly an exception, and there must be others.
PPPS: I feel like I was rude. Because you have done a lot with ICHTHYS and being a pastor. I will tell you exactly what happened recently. I don't even know how I got onto this. But you know I read history. And you do say a number of times that studiers of history will recognize certain things. And so I think you would agree it is a good idea to know what happened and not fall for traps. So I happened upon an interview with someone about Russian history around the time of the Revolutions (because it wasn't a one time and done deal). And of course, among other things they bring up the Bolsheviks and communists. And hearing some of their tactics...well now you will see some people claim certain tactics are being used. And you want to think, no one would do that. But knowing certain groups HAVE used those really messed up tactics, yes, people would. I am learning from it in other words. But see if i hadn't started to learn what exactly these Revolutions were about on the ground, well it helps me not be persuaded into the wrong thing. There is a book coming out soon that is a history of Communist uprisings that explains the same tactics being used each time, and far as I can tell, just straight lying is a common one. I mean everyone seems to acknowledge that at this point (the whole "We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying..." from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn). But this is the kind of work that can be helpful for believers to know these sorts of tactics and not fall for them. I am not saying they should get involved. But when the Bolsheviks come to their door, or the Antichrist, and make their promises, well they always do that and never deliver. Except delivering death of every kind. Anyway it was just that this person is Catholic and it just seems like it is often people of this sort of background that so easily put together works like this, with intellectual rigor and calls to consider the virtues in hard situations, whereas I often feel like from Protestantism it is...well it wasn't fair of me to say what I did. There have been a lot of great thinkers and scholars, and of course ICHTHYS. I am sorry if you feel like I ranted at you.

Response #10:

The Muslims seem to be very well organized as well (different sects thereof, of course), and the Buddhists as well. Problem is, none of them is saved. They may provide "community". That is in the eye of the beholder (and the one who experiences it). Giving up everything, the truth and any chance to draw close to the Lord and do what He wants us to do in this life, is precisely the trade-off people make when they attach themselves to any religion or denomination or "super church" – or even a small group, for that matter, if said small group is not really all about the truth of the Word of God. The RCs are very attractive to many because 1) they are big; 2) they have a system (no matter that it is completely inconsistent, cobbled together over many centuries, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible); 3) do contain a lot of wonderful people . . . who, while they tend to be moral and well-grounded, are mainly not believers: once people actually do come to believe in Christ, that particular religion becomes very untenable. Protestants in old-line denominations are sinking because they have "abandoned their first love". But it may be better to be on a sinking ship than one which has been on the bottom for many centuries.

Personally, I don't think that the Lord is going to wait much longer before bringing things to a head. You have no doubt read the interpretation at Ichthys which, if correct, would mean that there are not many months left now. If there were a century or more still to go, it is hard to see how biblical Christianity would survive based upon current trends. We would need some sort of major revival (a genuine return to the truth, NOT what passes for "revival" in evangelical and charismatic circles today), but that would be directly at crosscurrents with the trend of Laodicea which scripture relates. It may be the case that things can get a whole lot worse before the end. A hundred plus years of intensifying spiritual decline as we are witnessing today without the eradication of faith from the earth seems unlikely.

It is a sad commentary on the state of the church-visible that RC celebrities often do tend to be the ones sticking up for basic morality, but we must remember that politics is the devil's game. No doubt Satan is very pleased to have the public face of "Christianity" standing against clear evil be provided by individuals whose salvation is questionable and who are allied to a works religion that is inimical to the truth and which makes genuine spiritual growth impossible at the very least.

Anyone with a willingness to reject lies can easily see that Communism, e.g. (along with its many fellow-traveling ideologies which dominate the political left these days), is a satanic evil straight from the pit of hell. But that doesn't mean that the other side is godly or that the people opposing ungodly trends are good. They may not be as bad, but if they lead others into a legalistic trap (RC-ism), then perhaps in the end they will be found to have done more harm than good.

Biblical Christianity puts Jesus Christ and His Word first, ahead of politics, ahead of "community", ahead of organizational success – ahead of everything. That is what our Savior told us to do, and that is the perspective we who belong to Him have to defend at all costs – even if it costs us everything (community included).

Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels."
Luke 9:23-26 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Hi Dr L,

I appreciate what you said. And the way you said it. Thank you.
PS: I meant to say, I see what you are saying. And it does make sense. So thank you for taking time to write all those details.

Sometimes when I look at Europe, I don't see any believers, but there must be some, I suppose they are fewer and underground maybe. I do think there are some believers here. But I don't think any of us are in 'power' anywhere so it is like this for everyone. Even the NT community would get attacked and dispersed and move about.

I didn't mean to get stuck on communism. It's just the sheer, I don't know, murderousness plus straight and hidden deceit, and twisting of everything, but I think if you are following God He would let you know when you need to know.

I also liked your analogy of the sinking ship and the ship already at the bottom of the ocean.

Please take care of yourself,

Response #11:

It is amazing how Europe went from being the epicenter of Christianity to a nearly complete dead zone. But that has happened around the world, with small exceptions, and it's not like we're red hot for the Lord over here – with blessed exceptions like yourself (for which I am abundantly grateful!).

The temptation to throw in with the RC's because they support conservative points of view is gaining in momentum among Christians for whom politics are of utmost importance, and joining with them adds that whole patina of traditional institutional respectability as well. This is one of the reasons some think that antichrist will rise from the right as a response to the godlessness of the left. But of course no one in world history will ever be as godless as the beast. So we do have to take care about any worldly alliances. As the old Texas convenience store sign I'm so fond of quoting proclaims: "In God we trust. All others pay cash".

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
Isaiah 13:12 KJV

To our knowledge this has not occurred, recognizing that prophecy has a "primary fulfillment" and a "secondary fulfillment" e.g. Adam's death began the day he sinned and ended 960 years later. I would appreciate any thoughts you may have to illuminate this terrible prophecy

In his name,

Response #12:

Good to make your acquaintance.

Correct: this prophecy, like most prophecies which deal with eschatology, has not come to pass in full as yet. It will shortly, however, during the Tribulation.

(6) Howl, for the Day of the Lord is near, all destroying from the Almighty. (7) Therefore will every hand hang slack and every human heart melt, and they will be dismayed. (8) Convulsions and pain will seize them, and they will writhe like a woman about to give birth. They will look at each other in astonishment, their faces ablaze. (9) Behold, the Day of the Lord is coming, a mighty day of anger and intense wrath, to make the earth desolate and remove her sinners from upon her. (10) For the stars of heaven and the constellations will not flash forth their light. The sun will grow dark on its course and the moon will not pour out its light. (11) Then will I punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. I will bring an end to the arrogance of the proud and bring down the haughtiness of the ruthless. (12) I will make men more rare than gold, and mankind than the choice bullion of Ophir. (13) Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth will quake from its place on account of the anger of the Lord and on the day of His fierce wrath.
Isaiah 13:6-13

Isaiah 13:12 is part of the "burden of Babylon" which, especially in the part quoted above, has its main reference to the mystery Babylon of the Tribulation (cf. Rev.17:5), the nation which launches antichrist, one of the two legs or pillars of Daniel's statue (in Daniel chapter two) upon which the kingdom of the beast stands. As one can see from the passage above, this great reduction in worldwide population will happen in the lead up to and the commencement of "the Day of the Lord", in other words, massive mortality during the Tribulation and also including the slaughter of Armageddon (along with the baptism of fire following the second advent). These matters are all discussed in "The Coming Tribulation" series (at the link).

Do feel free to write me back about any of this.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Thank you for your prompt yet brief reply. I was pleased to find your site especially to see the Greek acronym for fish. Often I find few who can discern the "meat of the word." The congregations where I have attended throughout my life have felt that eschatology is too difficult to comprehend and simply avoid all meaningful discussions of the topic. I believe from reading Revelation 17, 18, there are clues to the "whore of Babylon" being destroyed by those who have given themselves to the "beast" and how that God would put its destruction "in their hearts" Rev 17:17-18 to destroy her. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the whore is New York, NY. and the Adversary is Islam. In Rev. 18:9-10 names the "kings of the earth" which makes me think of the United Nations which was a demonic reading of the medium Edgar Cayce aka "the sleeping prophet." During Woodrow Wilson's final years of his Administration, he was debilitated by a massive stroke. Mrs. Wilson consulted Edgar Cayce out of desperation and the UN was originally called the "League of Nations." There is a great work called the "Islamic Antichrist" written by Joel Richardson, and expounds upon the beliefs of Mohammed and Islam. Under Islam belief in Jesus and the Holy Spirit are punishable by beheading. Chapter 18 of this work has a comparison of Islam's 12th Imam (Savior) and the "Beast" in Revelation. Fideli certa merces means "to the faithful the reward is sure." It's on the bottom of the USMC DD-214 or discharge papers. I have been meaning to change it to fideli tu ta merces which means to the faithful man the reward is secure. Another item I would like to address is the prophecy Jesus made of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If you look into the prophecy within the Dome of the Rock on all of the cardinal points N,S,E,W, NE,NW,SE,SW there are inscriptions instructing all to deny the Father and the Holy Spirit. I stumbled upon this by asking my question given the stark and devastating eternal penalty why anyone would risk such a sin. Let me know what you think as I remember in the 1970's how many ministries claimed the "inside track" on knowledge of the tribulation and how it would unfold. Of course, they were wrong.

The U.S. has "cheapened" the blood and grace of our Savior that most people are sure they will simply slide into heaven instead of I Peter 4:18. 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

Please check out what I have said and ply me with questions as "we all set in a circle and suppose, while the Lord sits in the middle and knows."
In his name,

Also read Revelation 6 and note the color of the horses, white, red, black, and pale which is a vibrant green, then look at the flags of the United Arab Emirates and those being swung in support of Gaza on U.S. Universities and it will show you the origin of the Tribulation.

Onward Christian soldiers!

Response #13:

On the colors of the four horses, see the link: "The Seven Seals". The first six represent trends of the Tribulation and the seventh the final "opening" of the book. So they are all previews of the entire seven years in broad strokes. Nothing about flags in Revelation. The green of the forth horse is a pale-green, the color of mortality. Also, as mentioned, attempting to correlate contemporary events with the situation in the Tribulation is not profitable since none of the prophecies therein are meant to be applied until the seventh seal is broken and the seven years of the Tribulation begin.

Of course, we would all wish to see how things are shaping up ahead of time, but much can happen between now and then – and so quickly as to easily turn prior predictions on their heads. The Bible tells us much, but as a schematic. Trying to fill it in with the details ahead of time risks making oneself partial to interpretations which are bound to be proven wrong in the end (as in the case of Hal Lindsey's famous equating of the locusts in Revelation chapter nine with Soviet "Hind" helicopters, or "Rosh" in Ezekiel 38:2-3, 39:1 as "Russia").

In terms of your first email, it does seem that mystery Babylon must be, at this late stage, or at least is more likely than not to turn out to be the US. Not just one city. A "city" in Greek, a polis, is a country (the word for "city proper" is asty). I also concur that the most likely adversary for antichrist's realm – which includes not only Babylon, his home country, but revived Rome – is some future Islamic confederation which will unite all branches of that religion under a putative "Mahdi". But again, just how this will all play out, we cannot really know before the fact. What role the UN might play in the beast's machinations is unknown, but it wouldn't surprise me if this body is used as one of his vehicles for uniting his confederation worldwide. Again, we'll know soon enough.

In terms of salvation, all believers are saved . . . but ONLY believers are saved.

"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
John 3:18 NKJV

The implications of this are fundamental. During the Tribulation, one third of actual believers (not speaking of the church-visible and self-styled "Christian" religions which are such in name only) will apostatize (2Thes.2:3; see the link: "The Great Apostasy"). That being the case, how critical it is for believers who wish to maintain their faith – and thus their salvation – in spite of that most difficult of times to come to be preparing spiritually for the crucible here and now!

"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Matthew 24:24 NIV

There won't be anything "easy" about the Tribulation. But the "easy listening" nature of most churches in present day Laodicea is producing a very vulnerable crop of Christians – vulnerable to deception since they know and have believed very little of the truth.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:


I wanted to thank you greatly for the subtle manner in which you informed me that the motto that I was using was typographically in error. While it was a needed admonition requiring change, the manner that it was delivered did not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

Grace and peace to you.

BTW it may be that Grammarly and LT are signs of the beast (conformity.)

Response #14:

Thanks for being patient with me as well.

Re: "BTW it may be Grammarly and LT are signs of the beast (conformity.)" Like many other things, they do indicate that "all this" can't go on much longer.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

I agree with you. Yet it appears in the smallest facets and once you realize the significance, it glares like a diamond. Years ago prior to the introduction of the internet I worked with a Systems Engineer at General Motors who had his oddities but he sat down at lunch one day and explained in detail that it was nothing more than the Tower of Babel to bridge the language barrier and that's been 40+ years ago. Yet, it still raises the hairs on the back of my neck. Ten years later while in Plano, TX I went to a Chamber of Commerce meeting where the head of Frito Lay's IT department provided the history leading up to the internet. All I though I was doing was purchase/lease analysis of GE4252 switches and the best place to position them around the
globe. This was when I realize that an angle can have more or less that 180 degrees. That is flat plane geometry. Yet, they still try to frighten us with the EMP scenario. This is why I posed my initial question regarding Isaiah's prophecy. To live is Christ, to die is gain!

We'll talk again soon!

Also, have you noticed that you cannot login in to anything without being asked to "sign up" for CPT-4?

Response #15:

I think that may have something to do with money – which is, I guess, the one reassuring thing about all this. Namely, greed is still king so human nature remains predictable.

Question #16:

Sorry for the late response Dr. My eye is stable. It is not getting any worse which is great news. The swelling has been reduced but it is too early to see if the damage is permanent.

Thanks for asking and just wanted to let you know you are always on my mind in prayers.

2025, we are almost here. It is exciting but also terrifying at the same time. I have reached on your 7 yr of human history and believe in it's teaching and can not wait until its fulfillment.

Maranatha Lord Jesus.

Take care and may the Lord shine his face upon you and your family.

Response #16:

I'm glad to hear it's not getting worse! Praying for a complete recovery.

Re: "can't wait", that is the right attitude we'll all have to vigorously embrace once things begin for certain. One good thing about the Tribulation is that we won't be in any doubt about how long we have to wait until our Lord's return and our resurrection. The very end will be slightly shortened "for the sake of the elect" (Matt.24:22), but the first and second halves are both 42 months. So the clock will be ticking once it does start, and that is a blessing (in spite of all the trouble).

Thanks for your prayers as well, my friend!

Praying for your family too.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Hi Bob,

I am trying to get through this tough time through seeking Him and the things above. I will try to limit sending you emails about my family as basically nothing really has changed for the better for them though I won't give up hope. Will still keep them in prayer but I don't want to be guilty of the sin of moaning and complaining about them all the time as we supposed to take it patiently to be 'buffeted for doing good'. I realise how much I struggle with this but as you point out it is selfish to say 'no thanks' to the Lord so I really need to learn how to do this in faith.

My country has been rocked by the scandal of Mohammed Al Fayed, a billionaire celebrity who courted the Royal Family who has now been exposed as a serial rapist. My family are very shocked and frankly very disappointed that another rich person has been shown to embrace evil. I think they are frustrated that all this scandal tarnishes the money they do lust after.

I was meditating on Scripture today about the love of money being the root of all evil. It struck me that I never really fully understood this verse. What I mean is that I just thought it was about financial greed and that was it, about making money an idol. But when I thought about it, the verse actually says that it is THE ROOT of ALL EVIL. (Some Bible translations though says 'a root' of all kinds of evil. The emphasis is different. Some translations say this is THE root whilst others say it is one of the roots).

I was thinking of the root of a tree. The tree is not just the root but the root is part of the tree, one of the essential 'primary' parts of a tree to get the tree growing and to strengthen it. So then allowing a love of money to take root in your heart then gives root to all different types of evil through growth of more and more evil (like an evil tree with bad fruit). The Bible says ALL evil. Not just some evil but all.

I thought this very pertinent as Al Fayed is currently notorious for his sexual degeneracy and abuse of women though he isn't notorious for his love of money. Though isn't that where the evil started for him? After a humble start, he lusted after money enough to become an arms dealer (filthy lucre), kept marrying various wealthy socialites and adopted a phony title (al).

Knowing what giving yourself over to a life of sin can mean, that eventually a person becomes reprobate and with a seared conscience, it seems clear to me that in these cases there is also some sort of demonic possession involved. It also makes me wonder whether being possessed and having a seared conscience is part and parcel of the same thing. That if a person shows to God that they want to embrace all that is evil in this world by loving and lusting after money, that they are given over more and more to evil until they are consumed by it. No doubt that Fayed thought he was royalty of some kind or probably even thought himself as a god, this probably was the reason why he didn't take a 'no' from a woman lightly and then took so many by force.

I just see that this is quite a depressing obvious broad road if you look at it. Idolising money ultimately is idolising self. First you believe money itself is a god and then if you have enough of it, because it can outwardly make a person seem different to others, you then believe yourself to be superior through it, a god. With this kind of delusion of grandeur then it is clear to see how a person can think 'I am a GOD! How DARE anyone say NO to me!'. Of course this is an insanity, a kind of psychosis or psychopathy but more and more I see this diagnosis in spiritual terms.
The unbelieving world would say he was a psychopath but it seems clear that he gradually became what he was with time, with sin, with lust for money. It shows that believing in lies, that money and a title would make him into a god, deceived and deluded him so much that there was only darkness to be found in him, then he gave way to lust for the worst type of sexual abuses (other gross sins).

People want to comfort themselves by saying that he was 'born a psychopath' and then it comforts them to think they could never become like that but as we see with Scripture we have to diligently fight to walk in the light and wrestle against sin or we backslide like Saul or David did.

It also occurs to me about the comparison on the mustard seed of faith vs the root of all evil. Before a root grows, there is a seed. A seed is tiny but just as a tiny mustard seed grows into a great tree of faith, so can a little seed of sin, if not plucked out, can take root in the heart and grow bigger and bigger into a life of embracing sin (just like leaven). When the Bible talks about love of money being the root, that is saying that it has gone beyond just being a seed of sin but has sprouted and allowed to root in place. The seed of it could be an unhealthy reliance or regard of money which, left unchecked, grows then to become a root and that root is the fully bourne love of money which the tree of evil grows from. The Bible says that money caused even believers to wander from the faith and be pierced with many sorrows.

It is a constant battle against sin while we are in these fleshly bodies but some of us never even try to fight against the flesh but constantly give way to it more and more to then fully embrace evil which is being conformed to Satan's image rather than our dear Lord's.

We should never be self satisfied or complacent against this battle against sin. God told Cain that 'sin was crouching at the door'. Our enemy is always looking for a foot in that door. We know though that Jesus is the door and as long as we have the door open to Him and to follow Him where He wants us to go, day by day that we will overcome and endure.


In Jesus,
Just some other points..God says we cannot serve Him AND mammon (money) and the Mark of the Beast is specifically about money so it behooves us (as you might say) to check ourselves now about our relationship with money. Another thing...as the vast majority of people neither believe in sin or fallen angels, I was just thinking. Psychology batted away concepts of evil under the 'mental illness' label so that even mass murderers were labelled psychopathic and that 'they were born that way' and 'couldn't help it'. I thing this psychological whitewash is beginning to wear thin and the enemy knows that with the overwhelming tide of evil we will see break on all our shores, the enemy will another lie to replace it. This may be the lie about how some people are not human but 'archons'/'reptiles' under the demiurge.

This will solve multiple 'plot holes' at once for the enemy. He will be able to seduce humanity to think that they can't be evil (only the inhuman archons are) whilst hiding the existence of his army of fallen angels (by accusing the elect angels of being archons) and accusing God for all the things he has been doing here since the garden. People in droves will embrace this as they will believe that sin is not real and they are incapable of it anyway and when they embrace evil, no doubt they can do some 'spiritual practice' such a labyrinth walking or Yoga to deal with any residual guilt in their conscience, thereby fulfilling the very likely scenario that the end times will be populated by both legalism AND licentiousness which will forge together to form the Antichrist's religion. If he successfully convinces everyone that there is no human sin, no hell but we are already gods and the only evil comes from the archons and their leader then what is to stop people from doing their worst and call it good?
Another thing.. (linking the two messages together) Wouldn't be easier for people to accept that Mohammed Al Fayed wasn't human? They are already abandoning the psychological whitewash so then would it not be easier to say 'he's an evil archon reptile'! And then be distanced away from him? Rather than admit the truth that he was just an ordinary human like the rest of us who was caught up in progressive sin which then became gross sin and then a reprobate mind?
All of this latter description would fit a Biblical diagnosis but not one the world would accept because then it makes it clear that we all could've embraced the same road he took if we had similar opportunities to and the same weaknesses to certain sins?

Response #17:

One small note: the Greek text says that the love of money is "A root" of all [sorts of] evils; meaning that there are others. But putting money first is definitely one of those major roots that supports the tree of everything wrong that human beings run after. Here's a link on that: "Greed"

On this individual and attitudes related to him/it, it is very true that materialism is one satanic philosophy, but so are all manner of "spiritual" philosophies. I have opined in the past that the beast's religion will likely be syncretic, allowing all manner of what seem to us to be self-contradictory beliefs (here's link that leads to more on that). After all, the devil and his antichrist are not interested in consistency or anything approaching "truth"; all they want is control in order to carry out their evil plans. However they get there will be fine with them. So it truly is all about how people react and respond to these lies. In the devil's world system, there's no need to have only one "way"; many ways are in fact preferable from a pragmatic point of view. It's only when we are speaking of the actual truth that it becomes clear that there is really only one WAY to be saved – the one WAY unacceptable to the devil, to the beast, and to those who choose to follow them.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6 NIV

Keeping you in prayer to get through this week, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

So Doc,

I hear there's an influx of people joining the Faith purely because "it's cooler/sounds better than the other religions" or "Christian ideals are better than what most people these days have", as if these people want to have some kind of religion like it's some kind of club or something they can have to seem cooler than an atheist. you ask me this brings into question if they're true believers even if they agree on the surface with the tenants of the true Gospel, after all acknowledgement of Christ as Lord and the need for salvation is key to a relationship with the Lord. I do feel though the fact they chose the Christian faith over all others in spite of this shows they have some level of desire for truth, and this is an opportunity to bring them fully into it. What do you think?

Response #18:

This is a new one on me. Everything I've read – and seen – suggests that in the US, the number of people who are not in any religion at all is growing notably fast. Church attendance even in "mega churches" also, I had heard, has been down since the pandemic. So I'm not sure who these people are – or where they are.

But regardless, it does no good to join a church or the RCs or other group reputedly Christian if a person is not a believer. Only genuine believers are saved (Jn.3:18). As you say and know very well, without saving faith, all such legalistic activity is absolutely pointless. During the swiftly oncoming Tribulation, there will be a lot of "joiners" since antichrist's religion will not only be popular but a necessary involvement for those who want to avoid persecution (link). Between now and then, for the rest of us – believers who love the Lord and the truth – there's nothing better than continuing our spiritual preparation. We won't regret a moment of that once the time arrives.

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1 KJV

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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