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***NEW:  Hebrews: Chapter 8 (5/25/24)

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Eschatology Issues CXXVII

[posted 6/22/24]

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Question #1:

Politically Conservative Christians often make the excuse of "it's the much lesser of 2 evils", and while that may be true for most of their ideals and ideas, the enemy of your enemy is not often your friend. The Beast will be the one who slays Babylon after all. Siding with the lesser evil is still tolerating evil no matter how you excuse it, a lesson not many today are willing to learn.

I saw someone online today who's come to the same truth as us, that politics is just 2 legs of the same Satanic puppet. It always gives me joy to see people with eyes to see in a sea of Trump/GOP worshippers or woke cult zombies. Truth is rising up once again if the increasing frequency those who've seen through the political illusion of culture war are showing themselves is any sign.

Response #1:

It's a good point I'm sure many Germans rationalized voting for the Nazis out of a reasonable fear/hate for the Communists.

To that point, I would withhold applause of anyone rejecting Nazis if they immediately bind themselves to Communists instead. As you notice, if they are different, it is a difference without much of a distinction.

And in terms of "good signs", I confess to be missing any hint of any such. Were we not so late in the timeline, then perhaps I would be squinting a bit to try and make out some trace of good trends. As it is, the seeming total lack of interest on the part of the vast majority of Christians for any serious spiritual growth so as to be able to progress through testing and help others in ministry after being blooded seems to be getting no better. Worse, maybe.

All the more reason for those who do see and understand what is important to double down as we "see the Day drawing near" (Heb.10:25). We may not be able to save the country, but we might just be able to rescue ourselves and our loved ones thereby (Ezek.14:12-20).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Hi Bob,

Please correct me if I'm in the weeds. Starting with the notion that Satan was given dominion over the world (e.g. the temptation of Christ) my understanding is that Satan controls most of what goes on in the world.

Then, when the Israelites yammered for a king to reign over them and Samuel told them exactly what they would get (1st Samuel 8:11-18) it doesn't read like a benevolent way to run a country. In fact, it reads like the beginning of the loss of freedom. I get the impression that after the Israelite's demands, the Lord said, "OK, you asked for it!" It's only got worse since.

Fast forward to today after countless men and women were sacrificed in unconstitutional wars for things which were none of the US's business, the covid fiasco and the degeneration of government, that the Lord has also said, "OK! You asked for it!" Just reading headlines, I see the restraints being removed. I'm beginning to see the tenor of the Tribulation and it's bitter in my stomach.

Am I off in the weeds again.

As comments on the 6/15/24 post, I agree with the correspondent in #9. There's much I can't know in what's left of my life. I'll just have to wait and see,

Also, a theme that seems to come up fairly frequently in your posts as it did in this one, are comments made by others and the confusion they cause. If I were studying Latin or French again, I would hate to evaluate what a half dozen teachers had to say. I've found your teaching is always supported with scripture and you know whereof you speak. I appreciate that. I still check many of your cites because in that way, I learn. I've yet to read one, that I understood, that caused me any grief or confusion. When I taught French Horn, it would have been completely unworkable if a student had another teacher along with me. I don't advise it.

My advice to those seriously seeking answers, is to not distract yourself with a multitude of ideas. some of which may be right but, most, from my experience, only cause confusion.

Just my humble opinion,

Yours in our Lord,

Response #2:

Good to hear from you, my friend! How are you doing?

Another little electrical event today. About 7AM a big boom. We still had power. But within an hour or so, they had trucks out front working on a line that had zapped right in front of the school about fifty yards from my place. A good thing. Then they turned off all power on the block to work on it. Not so good. Did exercise and yard work. When the power finally came back on a few hours later, I noticed that my A.C. was not working. Long story short, the new electrical box is different from what I'm familiar with. I had switched off the A.C. breaker and switched it back on without result. An hour or so later I tried turning off all the switches and slapping them back on – it worked. I'm really grateful to the Lord for that! I sure wasn't looking forward to yet ANOTHER wait for workmen, in the heat this time, and wondering how much this one was going to cost.

On your question/observation, I do think as I believe I've said many times that the present trend of dysfunction is a harbinger of the Tribulation arriving sooner rather than later. Of course, I'm not a prophet. I can only say what the Bible says and/or gives me some latitude to interpret – and I have taken that latitude as far as it seems right to do (see the link). I do agree with you that people often do get what they ask for – and/or get what they deserve. That is my basic take on politics in general. God gives a nation the leadership et al. they deserve. Which is why my advice to any believer who is upset with the present situation is to get cracking . . . NOT with political engagement but with spiritual growth. The more salt in a country and the more savory the salt, and the more likely said nation is to be blessed and delivered by the Lord as opposed to cursed and abandoned (see the link). If we're feeling we're getting more of the latter pair lately, then by all means we ought to redouble our personal efforts at spiritual growth, progress and production. Complaining or worrying about it does nothing. Getting "involved" makes it worse. Putting things in the Lord's hands and being the sort of Christians He wants us to be is the only actually effective way believers have ever had to influence events.

The devil has a large measure of control, but his control is not absolute. He is the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph.2:2), a designation which gives us a clue as to the extent of his mastery: it's all around us, but it's not a total, physical control. The Satanic Rebellion series outlines all that in detail (as I'm sure you're aware; link). During the Tribulation, however, we will see the devil's son gain worldwide control and have a palpable, universal satanic regime for the first time in human history. That is a large part of what will make the second half of the Tribulation "great" (in the worst possible sense of the word). So if we are disturbed at what's happening, we needn't worry overly. It's about to get much, much worse.

"But he who endures to the end shall be saved."
Matthew 24:13 NKJV

Thanks for your good words as always, my friend! Keeping you in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hi Bob.

I'm sorry to hear about your electrical difficulties. I've had some of that here, too. (I hope your freezer held.) So far, though, nothing serious, here. I'm doing reasonably well. Thanks for asking. At this stage of my life, I'm just waiting.

I agree with you, which probably doesn't surprise you. The only point on which I might debate is when the Tribulation starts. Your explanation of "the days will be shortened" rings true, though how much shortened is unknown. At least to me. So far, we've had none of the nonsense in the headlines though Austin and surrounding towns have; shootings, murders, rapes and such. It's coming closer. I don't see how much longer this can go on. I don't know how much salt it would take to hold the coming troubles off, but I don't see all that much "salt" out there. Of course, I'm no longer out "there" much so I'm not sure my assessment is valid.

It's all in the Lord's hands and so far, He's protected me and mine for which I'm grateful. I scan the headlines but I no longer see much of relevance. The comparison to Sodom and Gomorrah, as Russia reportedly called us, seems reasonable. We seem to keep poking them in the eye, so we may end up in a real war instead of rumors of one. At the risk of complaining more, which does no good, I'll quit now.

Thank you for your prayers. You remain in mine daily.

In our Lord,

Response #3:

Things are humming away at the moment. A good thing too as it got close to 100 here today. Can't imagine what TX is like! I guess you can get used to just about anything, but it does make it difficult to function normally.

Re: "days shortened", this pronouncement by our Lord has to do with the very end of the Great Tribulation. Since the number of months is fixed and often restated (42; see the link), we can conclude that this shortening is a matter of days, weeks at the most (I note that about two and a half weeks is the residual from 42 months as against the solar years in question). So once the Tribulation begins, we've got about seven years to endure – unless the Lord takes us home early via martyrdom or otherwise. But at least then we do have the clock ticking, so to speak. Right now, time is short according to the interpretation published at Ichthys (link), but until we have the signs of the actual start, we can't know of a certainty (Rev.8:1-5).

Re: "I don't know how much salt it would take to hold the coming troubles off, but I don't see all that much "salt" out there". Unfortunately, I agree. I'm just saying that this is the ONLY godly way for believers to have an impact. And even if what we do in response to the Lord and His truth and on behalf of His Church is not sufficient to ward off the Tribulation or prevent this country from becoming Babylon, even so things will be better – for us and those we love and care about – for what we have done in a positive way than would have been the case otherwise. Not to mention, that this is also the way to glorify Jesus Christ and earn an eternal reward. So growth, progress and production is a "win / win" regardless of what others are doing, and even if almost all others are caught in a Laodicean morass.

I wouldn't worry about the Russians. Biblical indications are that they will be part of revived Rome and are therefore not to be more (or less) feared than any of the other power blocs which will swing into antichrist's camp with the commencement of the Tribulation. For anyone who sees this as unlikely, I can only adduce all of European history as an exemplar (e.g., Prussians allied with Britain against France under Napoleon, later becoming the bane of the British empire allied with France). Things will happen at a speed unprecedented in human history during the Tribulation – and given the pace of acceleration now on account of technology, that really is saying something.

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend – thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Hi Bob,

Actually, it's not so bad here -- yet. Highs in the upper 80s. lower 90s. Humidity now, at 6:50 PM., is 27%. Sadly, when I finally get used to the heat, it turns cold and visa versa. A part of old age. Humidity in your neck of the woods makes the 80s miserable. I can't imagine what 100 would feel like.

I understand the "number of days" but we're already insane. And, according to your timeline (with which I can't argue.) we still have 2.5 years to go before the curtain goes up. At this rate, I'm not sure there will be a US when we get there. And, I'm not sure I care. There's not a US now. At least not what I grew up with. If Russia decides to take out Ft. Hood (reputedly, one of the prime targets just up the road,) that's OK with me. Probably less painful than martyrdom. After consulting with all the experts, I've concluded I won't get out of this lifetime alive, anyway. I've satisfied all my worldly obligations as I understood them. so the only thing left is waiting on the Lord.

You raise an interesting point in having a Christian impact. I would ask the point? I find it nearly impossible to pray for this country or our "leaders" other than David did which was to take his enemies out of the way. The only prayer I can muster other than for people I care about is, "Thy kingdom come..." That's become a daily prayer. I look out there and there's now much I think I would miss, though I have no experience in the kingdom. My neighbors -- the swallows, the dragonflies, the rabbits, the spiders, the bees, the butterflies have become so much a part of my life that I think I would miss them. They seem to have adjusted to me and I certainly have adjusted to them.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not despondent or thinking of anything extreme. It's just what I think is appropriate for my time of life.

One question: what makes you believe the shortening of days is only at the end of the Tribulation. I recognize that the scripture comes near the end of Revelation, but does that necessarily mean it's at the end of the Tribulation? Much of prophecy seems to overlap. Could it also refer to the beginning of Tribulation? (You can probably tell I'm hoping what we're going through will be shortened.)

In any event -- yours in our Lord,

Response #4:

Re: "I'm not sure there will be a US when we get there", you could be right about that, of course. But then, mystery Babylon is NOT the US (yet). But it is hard to see how, at this point with so little time left, any other country could qualify, especially considering the description of just-destroyed Babylon in Revelation chapter 18. Economically, she is head and shoulders above the rest. Given that the top companies in the world in terms of market-cap are all here in the US, we would really have to see some sort of drastic turn around for things to change on this score.

Re: "I won't get out of this lifetime alive", LOL! That's the first thing they teach you in medical school: the mortality rate is 100%.

In terms of missing out, the entire Church will be involved in our Lord's millennial administration here on earth (nobody will be "cooling their resurrected heels" in the third heaven). So regardless of our personal "eschatology", we believers will all get to experience all of the wonders to come – and of course in New Jerusalem as well. All the wonderful flora and fauna of our Lord's creation will only be better in the Millennium and, I'm very sure, "best" in the eternal state. Just because we have very little information on that, doesn't mean that it won't be the case. Only sinful and corrupt things will be absent on the other side.

The "days shortened" scripture(s) is from the gospels (Matt.24:22; Lk.13:20), specifically in what is often called the Olivet discourse, where our Lord, just before the end, answers the disciples questions about "when will these things come to pass?" In that section of teaching, Jesus is speaking about the Tribulation. Now we know the general length of time – seven years – and the specific length of the Great Tribulation: 42 months / 1260 days (e.g., Rev.11:2; 12:6; 13:5; and frequently described elsewhere in Revelation and Daniel as "times, a time and half a time", meaning the same; see the link). So the shortening has to be seen in that context and, as mentioned, the only way I can square that circle is by extrapolating the extra days in the solar versus lunar calculations. That results in about two and a half weeks. Shortened number of days, but not months.

We'd all like to avoid the Tribulation. That goes a long way toward explaining the popularity of the pre-Trib rapture heresy. But "it is what it is", and we have faith that the Lord will bring us through it, if that is His will to do. Our job is to trust Him absolutely no matter what (Lk.18:8).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Hi Bob,

You raise good points. I never considered the difference between solar and lunar. Thank you. Although you did rain on my parade. I don't believe in the pre-Trib business when the Bible plainly puts the Lord's return at the end. I suppose I was hoping it would start earlier so it would be over sooner.

I still think the stability of the country is over. Those large corporations are moving out of the country, much like refugees are leaving California and New York. And, likely for the same reasons. I don't believe an election will fix things either; it never has in the past. We're in for an incredibly bumpy ride.

I hope your electric troubles have resolved painlessly.

In our Lord,

Response #5:

Re: "I was hoping it would start earlier so it would be over sooner." Don't we all! And for some of us, that may be the case. We're not all going to have to endure all seven years. The reward for doing so is participation in the living resurrection, having never experienced physical death; the price will be enduring everything the Tribulation has to offer, all the way to the end. But, as often mentioned, like the children of Israel in the exodus, we are counting on God's protection from all of the plagues and troubles sent by Him against unbelievers.

Re: "I don't believe an election will fix things": You are certainly right about that! The only true fixes come from the Lord, and I see no indication whatsoever that the remnant in this country is doing anything to recommend any such intervention. Just the opposite, in fact. But there is a benefit in continuing to do the right thing regardless of what the majority are doing.

“Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it. Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the Lord GOD.
Ezekiel 14:13-14 NKJV

The above is an example of the remnant failing. When Ahab and Jezebel ruled the north in Elijah's time, the Lord "reserved seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal" (1Ki.19:18). But in the example above, the remnant is tiny and insufficient. In such a case, even such great believers won't save it (cf. Abraham's prayer for Sodom on Lot's behalf). BUT "they would deliver [only] themselves by their righteousness". Being delivered if only ourselves is no small thing. If through our efforts to grow, to allow ourselves to be tempered through enduring testing, and to help others through ministry, we also manage to be salt for those we love, that would be a great, added benefit (Lot's wife and daughters were not destroyed by the fire and brimstone, at any rate).

Talk about bumpy rides, this summer qualifies. But things are settling down. I'm hopeful of being able to have a month or so of clear sailing to concentrate on research before summer is over.

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend – and thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

Hi Bob,

Your Ezekiel cite appears to be what's going on now with the rise in mortality, the war on food, the insane number of barges destroying bridges on distribution routes; all accomplished by men. That seems to be the main method of punishment throughout scripture except for times, like Sodom, when he was seriously angry. I can't help but wonder how close to Sodom we are today.

Thanks for your prayers. You and yours remain in mine.

In our Lord,

Response #6:

Thank you!

Prayers especially much appreciated.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Hi Bob,

I need your Biblical guidance about something that has already happened, whether I did the right thing or not...

I have been doing a lot of renovating on the house recently and the Lord has given me great success with these improvements to our living conditions. I have noticed though that the enemy has tried to bring this progress to a halt, multiple times. Anyway, to explain properly, I bought some furniture that when assembled was wrong so I had to disassemble it to send back. This is where the problem came in...the 'man with a van' who came around to pick it up, he started to really harass me in my living room, chatting me up, demanding to see my phone and told me that he wouldn't leave the house as we were 'meant to be together'. He deliberately took his time and stood right next to me asking lots of prying personal questions. I was like a rabbit in the headlights and was frozen solid not knowing what to do as it was all happening so fast.
Eventually he left and I called __ because I was really shaken up. ___'s friend said I should report it as he may do the same thing to other women who are on their own.

I phoned the non-urgent police but they didn't think it serious enough but then I phoned the company I bought the furniture from and they were very shocked by this and I have had an email from them since saying that he doesn't work for them anymore. I have since felt guilty as he has lost his job because of my report but at the same time I know that if I didn't say anything he would do the same thing (or worse) to other women.

Did I do the right thing? I suddenly doubted it and think that I have taken vengeance on this man? I know we are to leave room for God's vengeance but does that mean we shouldn't report people to the authorities if they are a menace to people and act outside of their duties in an unsafe and unprofessional manner?

I want to get this balance right as I know that the times are getting more and more lawless every day. Is self defence seen as vengeance? During the Tribulation will we be able to defend ourselves from lawlessness? I know there is a strong likelihood that the emergency services will be non-existent by then so was wondering what we should do during the anarchy of that time? I know that we are not to refuse or resist arrest or martyrdom during the Great Tribulation but what about evil doings from others in that time? Is it better to commit all these things to the Lord in prayer for our deliverance?

I didn't seek revenge, I just wanted to make sure that he didn't do this again (or worse) to another woman but now I feel guilty that he lost his job.

In Him,

Response #7:

Apologies for the delay in response, my friend. For some reason, my email server put your message into my spam folder and I only just caught it (it's taken to doing the same with emails from family, although anonymous emails telling me I've won the lottery if only I'll click their link have no problem getting through).

As to your email, of course you did the right thing! This conduct is not only unprofessional – it is evil . . . and probably highly illegal (it would be in the US). And you bet this was not the first time this character tried this. He probably does it all the time. But like the Harvey Weinstein case over here, serial criminals get away with things like this repeatedly precisely because no one wants to get involved and report things which really need to be reported. So do NOT feel bad for this cad. Over here, he'd be fortunate if he didn't end up getting pepper-sprayed or even shot – and not entirely undeservedly so.

Re: "During the Tribulation will we be able to defend ourselves from lawlessness?" We can't know everything ahead of time. One third of the Church will be martyred and many will be imprisoned. If the ones we would need defense against are the authorities, then there will be little we can do about that. But what we DO know – even if we do suffer such political persecution for the sake of Christ – and can never afford to forget is that the Lord Jesus Christ is our mighty fortress. He never EVER lets us down. He will protect us. So if we must suffer something, we can be sure that we have nothing whatsoever to be afraid of for He is with us and all that is happening is in the will of God. If God is for us, who can be against us (Rom.8:31)?

Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Psalm 46:2 NKJV

In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust;
I will not fear.
What can flesh do to me?
Psalm 56:4 NKJV

The LORD is on my side;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?
Psalm 118:6 NKJV

There are no policemen in New Jerusalem, and THAT is our true address. The one we have down here is only temporary.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

I agree Bob.

As you said before, I am trying to draw ever closer to the Lord now that the enemy fire is getting more relentless and pointedly at me engaging in Ministry. I knew this would happen of course, going majorly on the offensive would not miss the enemy's attention. I am hoping that these back to back tests will refine my faith so that I will be of maximum use for our Lord's service during the Tribulation. Amen!

Thank you so much for your tireless fellowship and ministry my friend. It really has fed my faith and you can see that I have grown under your ministry and I hope to bear fruit with my ministry very soon.

Keeping you, yours and your ministry in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Response #8:

That's right. As the old saying goes, the more flak you're getting, the closer you probably are to the target. It is important to keep it all professional when this sort of thing is happening, that is, we have to try and not to take things too personally. Getting slammed sure feels "personal", but when we remember that all believers are coming in for opposition – because we belong to Jesus Christ – that makes it a little easier to bear AND also helps keep our perspective, reminding us of why we are here: not for ourselves but for our fellow believers and for our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also."
John 15:20 NKJV

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
1st Peter 5:6-9

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 NKJV

It's an honor to have you as a fellow believer in Christ, my friend.

In Him,

Bob L.

Question #9:

Hi Bob,

I am fine than you. Thank you for your work, I am currently working through The Coming Tribulation series. I am not sure if what is happening in Israel is the start of something, but it has made me check out the scriptures!

It is quite distressing that the news coverage is now mainly about what Israel is ‘doing to’ Gaza with the initial slaughter of them being a distant memory.


Response #9:

Glad to hear it – and thanks for the update.

Re: "I am not sure if what is happening in Israel is the start of something, but it has made me check out the scriptures!" That is the right answer for us all! Would that every believer would make the same good decision as you! However long, it seems clear that we are not very far from the end, so we would all be wise to make spiritual preparation our top priority now more so than ever (Heb.10:25).

Re: coverage: It is annoying, but at least there have been sufficient voices allowed to speak so as to give any fair-minded person enough info to draw godly conclusions on all this. The main thing for we who love the Lord is to remember that everything is in His hands, and that even once the Tribulation begins, He will take care of us . . . "even unto death" if need be (Ps.48:14).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hi Bob,

I'm really happy to hear that you're getting some rest. I'm thankful for the rest I had on holiday. I needed that too.

On holiday a couple of years ago, I remember writing to you about watching the amazing sunsets by the sea. About how the Lord's creation is so beautiful to see and appreciate. And I still do appreciate it. I remember seeing people on the beach watching and admiring the sunset and I wondered to myself how many of them were thinking about the Creator and not just His creation. Probably not many to be honest.

This holiday I still enjoyed seeing the sea glistening in the sunlight and paddling as the waves rolled in and out. I enjoyed some coastal walks too - some that really challenge your fitness! But I always feel anxious if the path gets too close to the edge. Sometimes you can't see the beach anymore but only the deep sea for as far as you can see and I don't like it. I hate the thought of how deep it is and that if you were stuck out in the middle of that on your own you would die. But that's just me and how I think about it. Actually, it just reminded me of how extremely important it is to stay on the narrow path - stray too far off and the dangers are very real. But we have the Lord hiking with us on the narrow path and no matter how challenging it is, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Him we have nothing to fear.

When I look at the sea now I think differently about it for other reasons too. And that's since I learnt a lot about it in SR2. Including how in biblical symbolism, the sea is usually not a positive sign. You wrote - An imperfect world, a world in the grips of divine judgment, a world that needs a hell, has a sea. And then the lack of sea in the eternal state where you write, When evil has finally been banished from the universe forever and we inhabit at last the new heavens and new earth "where righteousness dwells", (2Pet.3:13), there will no longer be any need for a sea, either as a means of judgment or as a memorial to judgment past.

So two different holidays by the sea and different thoughts about spiritual things. But it's good that what I've learnt from your teaching helps me to see the truth about this evil world more clearly. But more importantly, it causes me to feel joyful about being with our dear Lord in the wonderful new heavens and earth to come!

I read in CT 2B - On that blessed and glorious day, the only thing resembling the waters below shall be waters of life which flow down from before the Lord, and the only thing resembling the frozen waters above shall be the crystal of which the New Jerusalem is built. Unprecedented blessing and fellowship with the Lord forevermore!

Continuing to pray for you.

In our dear Lord Jesus

Response #10:

Thanks for this, my friend! It always does my heart good to hear when believers are learning and applying the truth in wonderful ways like this. Sharing solid spiritual perspectives in this way is edifying and encouraging for everyone who has picked up their cross and is following Jesus. That's the purpose of the Body in building itself up in the faith (Eph.4:16; Col.2:19).

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV

"Probably not many to be honest." Probably not . . . but YOU are. And you are reminding others, anyone who'll listen, that this is the right way to be thinking. We're all going to need a lot more of this sort of thinking and cleaving to the heavenly perspective in the time ahead.

Grateful for you and for your friendship!

Wishing you a good weekend back home.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Doc, I have something i want to talk about...I've been in more than a few cults in my short 21 years in this world, but none have been as bad as the Living Church Of God, a cult that had me wrapped around its finger so thoroughly it could tell me the sky is red and not blue and i would believe them. It took a website dedicated to refuting it and its parent denomination the Worldwide Church Of God, and exposing the abuse and manipulation of its members (which I fortunately never actually attended, but truly wanted to for months) to break me out of its mirage, and even then I thought the site a slanderous accusation from "enemies of God" for some time. Turns out the leader of this church was an extremely greedy and narcissistic hypocrite who just as the site claimed of just about all of the WWCOG offshoots, was using his claim as a modern day prophet to manipulate and abuse his congregation of hundreds if not thousands of devoted followers, people who sincerely trust and believe him and his message. There's good reason to believe some of the WWCOG leaders, and possibly him too, didn't even believe in God and the Bible, that it was all just an act...at lease every other false teacher and prophet that shoved their dog bile into my ear truly believed what they were preaching, if this is true than he isn't even decent enough to just be a rotten heretic...he's a vile fiend who wears the skin of a believer! I take comfort in the fact that there's quite literally a special place in Hell for his ilk...yet the fact he does all this only makes me pity him more. By almost any worldly standard, he absolutely would never be worthy of forgiveness or redemption, yet in truth it's because of all he's done and continues to do that he needs to see the light more than almost anyone else, not just for the sake of those under his control but his own as well. I know the chances of him repenting are subatomically close to nil, but with God all things are possible right? I would like to request a prayer for him. Thank you for listening Doc, the truth you preach will shine on for eternity...not by your own efforts or because it comes from you, nay, the to Christ be all the glory forever and ever, amen.

Response #11:

I've heard about this cult before. Bad stuff indeed. You are well and blessed to be out of it.

There are a lot of sorry souls out there today who have been deceived and led astray. For all truly willing to be delivered, God provides. However, when it comes to the deceivers, this is what I read in scripture:

Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
2nd Timothy 3:8-9 NKJV

And when it comes to the unalterably deceived:

If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that.
1st John 5:16 NKJV

I recommend reading the following study:  Peter #39: False Teachers, False Teaching, and False Organizations: a Preface to 2nd Peter chapter two.

Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land of Israel:
An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.
Now the end has come upon you,
And I will send My anger against you;
I will judge you according to your ways,
And I will repay you for all your abominations.
My eye will not spare you,
Nor will I have pity;
But I will repay your ways,
And your abominations will be in your midst;
Then you shall know that I am the LORD!’
“Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘A disaster, a singular disaster;
Behold, it has come!
An end has come,
The end has come;
It has dawned for you;
Behold, it has come!
Doom has come to you, you who dwell in the land;
The time has come,
A day of trouble is near,
And not of rejoicing in the mountains.
Now upon you I will soon pour out My fury,
And spend My anger upon you;
I will judge you according to your ways,
And I will repay you for all your abominations.
‘My eye will not spare,
Nor will I have pity;
I will repay you according to your ways,
And your abominations will be in your midst.
Then you shall know that I am the LORD who strikes.
‘Behold, the day!
Behold, it has come!
Doom has gone out;
The rod has blossomed,
Pride has budded.
Violence has risen up into a rod of wickedness;
None of them shall remain,
None of their multitude,
None of them;
Nor shall there be wailing for them.
The time has come,
The day draws near.
Ezekiel 7:1-12a NKJV

The end of everything is rapidly approaching and will fall heavily on the heads of all who have chosen for the devil. What a blessing to be on God's side of history when it all comes to a head, not having succumbed to the influences of evil which are so prevalent in our day (and soon to more so under antichrist's religion; link). Glad you escaped!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

I think the evil one uses that tactic on me quite well, and even though I recognize it, it's extremely hard for me to "pull out" of it. Fear is strong, and definitely a struggle of mine.

Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I'm actually going to get to heaven. I'm afraid I'm going to mess up. It's hard to live with the hope of eternity when I'm constantly afraid. I do want to have eternity with Jesus and stand firm until the end.

I was going through the email posting from today and saw the verse about "forgetting what lies behind". This is hard when it feels like you are in the same fight day after day. Should you "pretend" that when you wake up, your struggle of yesterday isn't here today? I need shorter memory I guess. Or is my problem is that I'm not focusing on the positive things I am supposed to do?

I have considered the possibility of starting a women's Bible study and going through your Peter series, or some of it. It truly helped me. I think it would help other ladies, if they want to go that deep. But I also don't want to rush and do what the Lord isn't wanting me to do. Maybe I am not mature enough yet to be thinking of that. I think I could help but is it the right timing? Can you do the right thing at the wrong time? I want to do whatever ministry Jesus has for me, but I know it's important to grow up first. Are there different ministries for different times of your life? How will I know if Jesus is guiding me to something? Am I overthinking it? Will I just "fall into it" or will it be a decision on my part? I don't like hard decisions - I'm always overanalyzing and worried I'm making the wrong one. The positive things I am supposed to be doing, are they more general right now (like as you said, Bible reading, study, and applying truth)? Then when I get good at that, I can move on to a more specific ministry/way of serving Jesus?

On a different note, I was sorry to read of the opposition from some of your previous contacts. Please know that I am very appreciative and grateful for all of your solid, deep Bible studies and your kindness and genuine love. I have much respect for you and I know the Lord is using you to help believers grow! Thank you so much.

It made me laugh when the other gentleman in the email said he wanted to meet you in eternity and then you would say, "oh, you're the messed up dude that always emailed me!" I will add my name to the list of "messed up" people you have helped. Thank you for it all, Mr. Luginbill.

Hope you are well,

Response #12:

Re: "it's hard for me to believe that I'm actually going to get to heaven". Believe it! We are here to exercise faith, and Jesus who loved you enough to die for you tells you Himself that you ARE "going to get to heaven":

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."
John 14:1-3 NKJV

So, indeed, don't let your heart be troubled. ALL believers are saved; only unbelievers are not saved – and they are not saved NOT because they "made some mistake"; they are not saved because they have rejected Jesus Christ as their Savior.

"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
John 3:18 NKJV

You are on the winning team! Don't ever forget it! Don't ever doubt it! If perfection were the qualification no one would be saved. If there were any perfect people aside from our Lord, then the cross wouldn't be necessary. As it is, Jesus has removed the only thing keeping you from "getting to heaven": the barrier of sin.

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.
Ephesians 2:14 NIV

Our job is to believe in Jesus in the first place, then keep learning the truth and believing the truth thereafter in honor of Him. That is how we win the victory.

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
1st John 5:4 NIV

We who believe do have a right to take one day at a time. We are here for the Lord and He gives us one day at a time. We cannot change yesterday and have no guarantee of tomorrow. But "today, while it is called today" (Heb.3:13), we have an opportunity to redeem the time we have been given by doing the will of God and thereby adding to our eternal reward (Eph.5:16; Col.4:5).

Starting your own Bible study is an excellent idea. I would suggest putting this before the Lord in prayer and listening to the guidance of the Spirit as to the how and the when. First we believe that we have the Spirit – we do; then we believe that He is using the truth we have been given and believed to guide us – He is; then we grow more and more in our trust and in our ability to listen. It is a process, but we have to move forward from where we actually are, not from where we wish we were. We get better as we persevere; we gain confidence as we grow. So keep growing! If we do persevere, it's amazing how, before you know it, you turn around and look and that little mustard seed has grown into a mighty tree!

Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words regarding last night's posting. I greatly appreciate what you wrote.

For now I really live, because you are standing firm in the Lord.
1st Thessalonians 3:8

Re: "messed up", we are ALL messed up, as I wrote – just a matter of degrees and a matter of growth. We can ALL get better as we grow in the Lord and learn to walk closer to Him every day. That is my prayer for you, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Hi Bob,

Just another quick note to let you know that I countered every lie my friend sent me (unwittingly) with Biblical truth. So when she wrote that if I did Yoga then there would be people all over the world doing the same exercise with me, I countered this by saying that when I pray I know that brothers and sisters around the world are praying alongside me and are going through the same trials as me. I then backed up everything with scripture (1 Peter 5:9) and then even put a link in for your ministry and why we suffer in the first place.

So she was being strong in pushing the New Age so I met like with like by staying strong in the Word and countering her position with Biblical truth! Rather than pull apart Yoga and the New Age, I ignored it completely and pushed the Word of God towards her instead. She may be annoyed by this and may ignore what I wrote but it was good to know that even when suffering with depression, I can push back with the Word of God, the two edged sword and I never need be afraid or cowed by the enemy and his unwitting pawns. Amen!

As the song goes "Hallelujah! What a Saviour!"

In Jesus,

Response #13:

That's wonderful!

It reminds me of our Lord using Deuteronomy to refute the devil three times when He was being tested in the wilderness (link). We're supposed to walk in His footsteps, and that is just what you are doing!

He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
1st John 2:6

It is to this [sharing in the sufferings of Christ] that you have been called, for Christ also died on your behalf, leaving you an example so that you might follow in His footsteps.
1st Peter 2:21

Keep up the good work for Jesus Christ!

In Him,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Hello Bob again,

I have put aside the Reddit account as although it has a lot of traffic, I realised it wasn't the right audience. It's all very well advising people against cults but if they are not believers then it is only half of the story isn't it.

I think it better to have a blog or a website where I present the ministry, referencing your own ministry to refute false teaching and to deal with the harm these cultish and abusive relationships do to believers. If unbelievers benefit from the ministry then great! Hopefully it will be a witness to them and I can put a page link up about Salvation and then link to your own ministry about pursuing Spiritual Growth.

Just had two difficult situations where I was trying to tell the truth but ended up wrestling in the mud..

1) Discussing homosexuality on Reddit.

One person was using the verse of 'let no one judge you' Col 2:16-23 on eating meat or honouring a certain day is also about homosexuality. He said that he wasn't convicted that it is a sin for him so he can do it but that because it is a sin for me that I shouldn't do it. He also added that if a judged him for doing it then I was sinning as 'let no man judge you'. I pointed out that if this was true (God forbid!) then another person who was 'not convicted that murder was a sin' could be a murderer! Where would we draw the line? Of course this in nonsense and not what Paul was saying at all.

At a certain point I had to walk away from it. I was using scripture to back it up but it seems a common false argument now that as we are not to be judged over food or sabbaths then the laws on sexuality have also been removed also. Often when a person argues from this point they turn around and say 'if you eat shrimp or wear mixed cloth then you are a hypocrite.' Matthew Vines' 'teachings' on the sin of Sodom hasn't helped and emboldened many in their falsehoods. Would I be right in saying that this is nothing new but just more antinomianism or 'hyper grace' as some call it?

Paul addresses this happening at the time it seems when he writes:

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Rom 6:1-2

I had to walk away as this individual started swearing at me even though I had tried to keep it cordial and professional whilst still contending for the truth. I suspect that people argue the hardest when they have a vested interest in particular sins. Obviously salvation is open to all and the kind of legalistic Westboro hate has done a lot of damage here but also the liberal side who are basically saying it isn't a sin are muddying the waters for those who genuinely struggle against it rather than embrace it wholeheartedly.

2) On soul sleep and other false teachings on death

My old neighbour's mother has just passed. I have been praying for her salvation and now I am focussing my prayer for my friend. The problem is my friend is into the New Age and convinced that reincarnation is real so she described her mother's passing as 'beautiful'. I was troubled by the choice of word. I know I have to choose my words and moments wisely and it is probably better to rely on prayer and the witness of the life more. Is there ever a good time to talk about these things with the bereaved? It is difficult to juggle the sensitivity of their grief with a tactfulness but then again the Gospel always seems to be offensive to some people no matter the circumstances.

[omitted] I used the opportunity to witness to them but they were just as obstinate and uncomfortable as always. ___ saying 'it doesn't matter what you believe', while ___ holds onto the belief that all will rest in peace through soul sleep. When I tried to counter these arguments, I was told 'this is distressing me' so I had to stop.

It can be so infuriating. With some people it seems as though there is never a good time to talk about the truth. They are either too busy wanting to enjoy life to talk about death and even when death is right in front of them, talking about the need for salvation is a 'distressing' and even offensive subject.

Maybe it is because it is from me and they think they know me. Its amazing what people do to avoid though the obvious fact of life that we will all die one day. People really do believe that it won't happen to them and if they do cast a glance toward death's direction it is only in further defiance or utter folly.

It seems people believe that death is just like life in that you get what you want there. You want sleep you get sleep, you want paradise you get paradise, you want something that looks like the world, then that's what you get.

It's insane that people think this! That you can 'manifest' whatever you want and get your free will requests made on the other side. The entitlement of this astounds me.

___ quoted an old friend of theirs: 'death doesn't frighten me at all! I am looking forward to the rest!'. How defiant is that! I guess just as defiant as a person saying sexual immorality isn't a sin 'because I said it isn't'.

Obviously neither of these two examples deal specifically with the area I am to work in but it is good practice to be able to contend for the truth wherever the devil's lies are abroad (which these days is everywhere and about everything).

In Jesus,

Response #14:

That sounds like a good plan – then you can control things much better. Getting traffic for a website all your own, however, is no small feat, especially nowadays when 1) the web is awash with sites, and 2) a great many people have largely abandoned it for Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, etc., etc.

I think you've handled both the situations you ask about very well. People who are not interested in the truth are not teachable. There is some apologetic value in presenting the truth to those who won't accept it, especially if effective refutation will make an impression on others who are listening, but it won't help the hardened most of the time. If that is the ministry you've been given, it's something one can't be thin-skinned about. But if you're being called to help confused believers, you could be wasting your time with these individuals who could clearly care less.

Ministering to those who are hurting and open to the truth is a different story. Sorry to hear that most in that venue are not that way, but it's also good to consider that if you help one person out of 100, and that is what the Lord is wanting you to do, well then you've done your job. I'm not familiar with the workings of this site so I can't advise you on that. If it's pointless, then it's pointless and best to find another venue. Clearly, people who are swearing at you telling you that you are a sinner for not authorizing their gross sin are not likely candidates for godly help. Not much surprise on this side of the Atlantic that your __ aren't queuing up for your advice either. After all, even Jesus' siblings didn't pay Him any mind . . . until AFTER the resurrection.

I couldn't give any hard and fast rule about when to talk to people about the truth, the gospel to unbelievers or about spiritual growth to believers who are lukewarm. That depends on many factors, most notably who is doing the giving of the truth and who is doing the receiving. Best to listen carefully to the Spirit. Don't be shy about sharing but don't be presumptuous either if the Spirit is signaling you to hold back (Matt.7:6). We all have our tendencies to go one way or the other no matter what, but these matters are situation-dependent.

"It's amazing what people do to avoid though the obvious fact of life that we will all die one day." This is the fundamental darkening of the truth which is at the heart of all of the devil's lies. If unbelievers were unable to accomplish this hardening, it would be impossible for them to go on in this world (see the link). So the Lord allows it – to show that they prefer their own truth to THE truth. God has the ability to "shake up" anyone. But in my experience and observation, He often doesn't do so unless the person is really willing to respond. It is a commonplace that there are "no atheists in foxholes": many a soldier has offered up prayers for the first time in his life when finding himself under bombardment – but for many it is also the last time. People have an amazing ability to block out truth that was crystal clear to them not long before.

Now as [Paul] reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.”
Acts 24:25 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

I hope things are going well for you down there in Louisville. I especially hope and pray that you and your family are healthy. We are dealing with a tremendous amount of turmoil, it seems as though our family is being ripped apart by the enemy. My mother and I are of course Christians and I believe we are protected to some extent. A couple of my male siblings though are in trouble, one via addiction and the other through addiction and the potential loss of a career. I’m not sure why our family goes through so much, deliberate sin perhaps?

For my part I have made it a point to start removing anything in my life that has the potential to be sinful. I’m __ years old, have pretty nasty Covid infection and I am trying to draw closer to God. I am hoping and praying he gives me the strength and wisdom to deal with two very stubborn brothers.

I’m sorry I have not been in touch it’s been a tough stretch. That said I am grateful above all that I know I am saved, no one can snatch that out of my life. Thanks for listening Bob, you are in my prayers nightly. Again, I hope your job at U of L is going well. I know your ministry is, I drop in on your site a fair amount!

In Jesus Christ!!

Response #15:

I'm sorry to hear about the Covid and about your brothers. I do keep your family in my daily prayers, and I will add these concerns. As to "going through" a lot, well, we are all going through a lot, yourself and myself included. That is "life" for believers in the world (1Pet.5:9), and I have noted more than once that the friends and family of believers who are truly advancing in the Word are often targeted by the evil one to distract them from their good approach. That is not all bad, believe it or not, because God works that out to get the attention of the distracters often to bring them to the truth as well – which is of course our heart's desire.

As mentioned, things are challenging here. Your prayers for quick resolution are greatly appreciated.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Thank you so much my friend!

I am determined to knuckle down more in my study, spiritual growth and to get closer and closer to our Lord. Things are so very, very bad in this world now. It is hard to imagine how things can get much worse but I know it will do.

I went to a really spiritually empty Catholic funeral today (as a family duty). It was a pointless mix of empty ritual and trivialising worldliness that left me feeling angry and then flat. I then went with __ to the children's library to see an exhibition __'s children's school made. It was awful! Little children's drawings of burning rainforests and frightened looking Orang-Utans hugging one another in a desolate landscape. Other crayon drawings were of the world literally catching fire around some pregnant green earth goddess crying. Really stomach churning stuff. Like I said before, the evil happening around us is becoming palpable.

It's hard to keep our focus straight when we have all this nonsense boiling around us on top of our own personal tribulations. I do try to keep exposure to it at the absolute minimum (outside of ministry of course) but sometimes it seeps through even despite best efforts. You can look too much into this stuff, be disgusted and look away only to then notice that it really is creeping all around us.

I am just trying to keep on, keeping on. __ are starting to become frightened and depressed by all this stuff. I know I have to keep cheerful, hopeful and hold onto that endless joy there is to be had in Jesus Christ!


Keeping you in my prayers my friend!

In Jesus,

Response #16:

Yes, going to any sort of religious ceremony is very difficult for me to stomach as well. Even evangelical Sunday services (don't know whether to weep or spit). It's just a matter of degrees.

It is also quite true that the forces of evil have done a very effective job, starting with the X-ers, then growing in momentum in their corruption of the Millennials, Zoomers and now the Alphas (what you report), so that now they receive the propaganda with their mother's milk. Some of us older folks like myself sometimes have a difficult time imagining that "most people" out there really believe all the devil's tripe which is dominating the culture at present, because our experience was different. Other than family, many of us are not socially engaged with the younger cohorts. Since many of them look nice enough and behave nice enough (making allowances for outliers and rioters and the hyper-politically active), it's easy to allow oneself to be lulled into the comfortable notion that really there must be a great reservoir of support out there for "what's right".

As one who teaches college age students, I can affirm that they are "nice enough" all right – but a large percentage of them are also ready to go to war for all the wrong causes. This is loosely analogous to the situation right before the Civil War in this country where the moderate elder statesmen imagined that North and South there was just such a reservoir of reasonableness and willingness to compromise rather than to fight. But it turned out that in both regions, in the end, even the moderates' emotions were easily flamed into absolutism and a willingness to fight to the death for the justice of their cause (both sides of course felt that their cause was absolutely just) as the loudest voices came to dominate the discourse. I see similarities today. The next ten years or so ought to be interesting.

"It's hard to keep our focus straight when we have all this nonsense boiling around us on top of our own personal tribulations." While that is true on one level, it is also the case that both "problems", personal and societal, can get to the point where it becomes so obvious that there is nothing down here worth fighting for or saving – in the temporal realm – that we who have committed ourselves to Jesus Christ can feel ourselves liberated from fighting pointless fights and instead dedicate ourselves all the more to fighting the only one that was ever really important in the first place.

For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but are powerful for God, for the destruction of strongholds, destroying sophistries and every presumption that raises itself up against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought prisoner so as to obey Christ.
2nd Corinthians 10:4-5

So do not give the devil an opening (lit. "place" to attack).
Ephesians 4:27

For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against [angelic] princes, against [angelic] authorities, against the cosmic powers of this [present] darkness, against evil spirits in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

I give you this command, Timothy my child, in accordance with the prophecies that were made long ago about you, that you conduct a good campaign, one that is in keeping with them.
1st Timothy 1:18

Fight the good fight of the faith.
1st Timothy 6:12a

Endure hardship with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one on military campaign becomes involved in the affairs of normal life. [He avoids such things] that he may please the one who enlisted him.
2nd Timothy 2:3-4

Keeping you in my prayers daily, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Hi Bob, thanks for this,

Re: what you wrote about the Civil War in America: "But it turned out that in both regions even the moderates' emotions were easily flamed into absolutism and a willingness to fight to the death for the justice of their cause".

This is quite scary for me to read as I can see myself in this. I have had to admit to myself that there are two particular goads from Satan that really get my dander up (attacking children through LGBTQ and attacking women through transgenderism). As I have recognised that these two are very effective at making my blood boil, I am now trying my best to stay away completely from exposure to these two. I do though also realise that there may be a time when I cannot avoid it completely.

Both Noah and Job were surrounded by abominable behaviour of this sort and much worse besides. They would need to stay blinkered and focused on their faith throughout. Even when the sewage rises up all around us, we still can set our eyes and hearts on what lies above us and our future inheritance. This is something that I have to strive for more and more. We are not ignorant of Satan's devices but we have to plough on ahead regardless and blast through all opposition spiritually and I know that this CAN be done! Amen!

"It becomes so obvious that there is nothing down here worth fighting for or saving"

Amen! Why worry about the climate when it is all about to end soon anyway and all things will be made new! (I think climate change is Satan's lie about the Tribulational judgements. It will also be his excuse to peddle more gnostic lies and slander God because of the judgements, just as he will slander the two witnesses through the Antichrist.) Only human souls are to be saved here (not rainforests or dolphins) and that can only be done on a person by person basis when they use their God given free will to CHOOSE to be saved. All the saving work has been done. All they have to do is to say 'yes' and keep saying 'yes' until they leave here.

What can mere mortals do to us! Satan's fall from heaven has already been written down so it is a fait accompli, as also is his permanent residence in the lake of fire. It will happen and we know it will as the Bible tells us so. Jesus has already done all the work, Satan's fate is already sealed, it is down to us now to continue in faith and to reach the finishing line with hope of reward for the work we walk in and helping others to move forward in faith also. Amen!

In Jesus,

Response #17:

Re: "Jesus has already done all the work, Satan's fate is already sealed, it is down to us now to continue in faith and to reach the finishing line with hope of reward for the work we walk in and helping others to move forward in faith also." That is an excellent synopsis of our marching orders going forward, my friend! If only all believers in Laodicea adopted that as their creed, we'd be OK.

In terms of focusing your efforts where they are likely to be better received, I do think that is wise. Of course, we always have some contact with people we love and/or are related to, but they are often the ones least likely to "take it from us" . . . since they KNOW us, so how could we have anything new to offer them?

I'm keeping you in my prayers to get through this rough patch, my friend. And I sense from these emails that you are doing so with the spiritual resources you have amassed over the last few years. That is exactly what we are supposed to do as well. If a believer can think it, say it, AND do it, that person is well on their way to living for Jesus Christ as he/she ought to be doing.

In Him,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Thanks Bob,

I know this to be true but I really am going through the wringer at the moment. [omitted]

On top of this, people have been really hardening their hearts around me so I have been sore tempted to buy a one way ticket to anywhere on more than one occasion. Yes the urge to run away from everything is huge. I know what Jonah felt now. I know I have to stay and fight but I am struggling very badly.

I have a first appointment with a new doctor's surgery tomorrow. I don't have much faith in doctors (or humans for that matter) anymore. I am instead putting my hope and waiting on the good doctor instead.

In Jesus,

Response #18:

Sorry to hear about your health problems, my friend. Here are a couple of passages that have been on my mind lately in coping with the things I am personally going through:

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
1st Peter 4:12-13 NKJV

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.
1st Peter 5:8-10 NKJV

What I have found some comfort/perspective in is the remembrance that we are all "going through it". The only thing that distinguishes one advancing believer from another is what the "it" is, and what phase of the "it" we are dealing with is in. As challenging as my problems are, I know that with God's help I can handle them. And so I'd rather have my problems than the problems of someone else which I might not be able to handle. Also, I have learned from experience that these troubles come in waves. And with the crest, there is also the trough. You can't have one without the other. If things are terribly bad today, they may be even worse tomorrow, but God will bring the "way of escape" in time (1Cor.10:4). Our job is not to be like Job and give up just at the point when relief was on the way. That is always a mistake. The devil knows the relief is coming as well – so he has a tendency to hit us hardest right before "the cavalry arrives" so to speak. Human deliverance indeed cannot be counted on. But the Lord has never ever let us down, and we need to keep faith with Him.

In terms of small annoyances, I've also learned that in the middle of large tests, the smaller things can often take on out-sized importance and be the spiritual death of us, if we let them. It seems to me beyond all argument that after losing his children, his wealth, his status, his health, a few hours of annoyance from his friends who couldn't see things the right way was "small potatoes" for Job – but that was exactly what tripped him up.

I'm not big on making decisions based upon interpreting good or bad things that may happen. The Spirit and the Word together give us plenty of guidance. If whatever we are doing is not offensive to the Lord or leading us in a wrong direction, then I personally would resist over-interpreting such things. And after all, the Lord protected you from __. If you could have handled either one of those situations better, well, we all are being trained all the time, if we are willing to be trained.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
James 1:2-4 NKJV

Some people think that the apostle Paul was often overly direct, and occasionally that was true. But there is no one quite like James in this regard, truly "an Israelite in whom is no guile". James gives it to us right between the eyes. I've never met anyone who could read the passage above and not blush or get upset a bit. But in fact, this is the Word of God and it is true. Without testing, we cannot grow. And if we don't accept testing in the right spirit, we're not getting the maximum benefit out of it. And because we are human, it takes an awful long time in the Word and a great many prior failures to even get to the place where "bad news" is immediately embraced and accepted in peace, knowing that God's plan is perfect, that He is working everything out for our absolute good, that therefore whatever we see as "bad news" is actually good in ways we might never be able to imagine, even if there is pain and suffering in its wake – IF, that is, we are looking at our lives from entirely the divine, heavenly, godly perspective. I personally know that the above is true, and I have been given many instances of this sort of thing in my life with the "good" sometimes being made evident very quickly, sometimes only after a long period of time had passed, and sometimes, well, I'm still waiting on some of these (LOL), but I do trust the Lord that it's true . . . in my better moments.

We all stumble, but we who are trying to follow the Lord closely learn to get right back up, put our entire trust in Him, make the best of whatever comes our way, not giving up on our commitment, determined not to fail whatever testing we are under, and casting our cares upon Him, because He cares for us (1Pet.5:7; cf. Ps.55:22).

And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD. Then they said to Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us up out of Egypt? Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, ‘Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness.” And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Exodus 14:10-14 NKJV

Now in about five minutes after this, the Lord started to part the Red Sea and began for these faithless people the deliverance of all physical deliverances. Don't we all wish that they had possessed the patience to wait those five minutes? All they needed to do to pass this test was to have just a mustard seed's amount of faith. But they did not. Moses did. Don't we all wish we were more like Moses than that exodus generation who never got around to appreciating or trusting the Lord properly?

We get the chance to choose who we will be like pretty much every day. And some days more than others. We can have "joy" in testing, even it is a joy of peace and trust in the Lord which pushes back against whatever sorrow and pain we are feeling. The main thing is to focus on the former and never give in to the latter. That is the way to growth and a good reward -- and to setting a good example for others.

Keeping you and these issues in my prayers daily too, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

You were so right. If only I was like Moses, standing steadfast and not doubting or complaining at all. I do want to be like him and never fear of falter. Never get angry or think 'why me'?
I should know this by now. I feel as though I am not doing as well on tests as I used to do but maybe those tests in the past were simpler and less things piled on top? Maybe I have become battle fatigued. I hope it doesn't mean I have faltered in my faith?

The Lord has gracefully shown me also the areas in my life were I need to improve. He has shown me that I need to keep Him much closer throughout the day, talk to Him throughout the day, battle against the sins of the tongue (not to judge others or talk against them). He also shown me that my main problem is that I am not humbling myself, still am relying on myself and other people and not entirely on Him. Also I need to be quick to listen and slow to talk. Also slow to anger and quick to forgive. Amen!

I hope this finds you in a good place. That you have a good report very soon.

Keeping you in my prayers my friend.

In Jesus,
p.s. I actually now love the directness in the Bible now, I love it because it guides me and shows me where I need to improve. It doesn't soft soap me but tells me like it really is. Indeed it doesn't spare the punches but after all, only those who really love us tell us where we are going wrong. Iron sharpens iron after all.

Proverbs 27:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Response #19:

This is all wonderful news, my friend! And an encouragement to me as well. It's always terrific to hear when believers are growing and learning to fight the fight well. Yes indeed, we all need to be putting our Lord more at the forefront in all things at all times – and there is always room for improvement there . . . for us all.

Don't fret about not being perfect. This Christian life is like combat. And as Napoleon once said, if you want to make an omelet, you have to break eggs. In other words, combat is not simple or easy or smooth and there has never been such a thing as a perfect battle. We all make many mistakes, every single day. But true fighters like yourself always stay in the fight, whether things are going well or ill – because we know that in truth "the battle is the Lord's" (1Sam.17:47), and He will give us the victory in due time. We'd all like it to be "right now" and without any particular suffering, but it "is what it is" for our first best good, if we are only willing to trust Him.

So your victory is an inspiration to me – and a needful one.

Thanks again so much for your kind support!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Hi Bob,

I hope the after action glitches were minor (there are always after action glitches. I had too many all-nighters back when I was paid to do that.)

I currently read in the scroll-by headlines that colleges seem to be the breeding ground of the new Jacobins. I pray you're not troubled by that. It's disturbing; these kids have absolutely no idea what they're protesting. I think that will play a greater role as we near the Tribulation.

The only question I have today is: do you know of any conventional denomination that actually teach the Bible? As near as I can tell, most putative Christians don't even read the Bible?

In our Lord,

Response #20:

Re: "do you know of any conventional denomination that actually teach the Bible?" I certainly don't know of one I would recommend. There are some groups where it's really church-dependent on the degree to which that might be true (of course, it's always pastor-dependent, but some groups have more leeway or at least are less tradition bound by "order of service"). One of the problems of course is that "churches" mostly have buildings and that colors and eventually governs most everything, and "denominations" have tradition, and that usually takes care of ruining the rest. This has been a problem for a good long time.

I'm pretty happy with my job. That is probably because I don't have any close friends on faculty and never talk politics with colleagues or students (and only talk "truth" when someone expresses an interest . . . which is very rare). Otherwise, I really do have to watch what I say. Assuming that because someone seems nice enough that they would be tolerant of anything truthful is a very dangerous assumption to make. Good practice for the Tribulation generally.

Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips.
Micah 7:5 NIV

Thanks for your prayers!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21:

Hi Bob,

Well, I don't feel so bad. None of the "churches" that I've encountered seemed to have anything to do with the Bible, so I'll stop thinking about it. Outside of you, I've only encountered one or maybe two with whom I could have such a conversation.

I'm glad everything at U of L is good. I've pretty much come to the same conclusion -- I don't talk about politics or even associate much with people in general. I'm living much as an hermit. I don't eat locusts, though and normally wear jeans, but... Outside of the grocery, I rarely see people. And I don't feel bad about that.

Actually, I'm getting control of my mouth. Thoughts are another matter.

I'm happy you're found something you can continue. Many years ago, I gave up on the "modern" world and retired to gainful unemployment. God bless you for keeping up ichthys.com for those of us who rely on you for sound advice and understanding.

In Jesus,

Response #21:

Thanks for the good words and encouragement, my friend!

I'm very happy that the Lord granted you a good place to land. We'd all enjoy a bit more face to face, genuine and truly godly Christian fellowship . . . without having to be submerged in pabulum or put up with lies and legalism. Sadly, as you note, that's not so easy to achieve these days. Which is no doubt why Ichthys is on the internet and not in a building. Most readers have the same story in this regard: no others (or very few) in the same vicinity who are the least bit interested in learning and living the actual truth of the Word of God.

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend – and thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.


P.S.:  If you haven't noticed or already done so, please check out the list of wonderful ministry offerings on the Special Topics page, including Jordan Bomberger's new Bible teaching website: Bible Driven, Mike Ceja's new YouTube channel, "Everything is Fine", John Jackson's Hub pages (anyone with questions about the "church-visible" will find this helpful), the Expanded Index to Old Testament translations at Ichthys, Foundational Principles, by Odii Ariwodo, "The Peter series", Video presentations by Steven Tammen based on the SR series, and Steven's group studies of BB 6A (see also Steven's new website: BibleDocs).

*Special Prayer Request

  • Please pray for the salvation of Emma's family members and friends (Angela, Philip and Bruce) who all have cancer and are currently having chemotherapy. [6/5/24]

  • Prayers needed to deliver Rosemary from mental health problems and for her salvation. [12/14/23] Praise here! Rosemary has responded both to prayers and the witness of the life! Please keep praying for her deliverance and salvation! [update: 6/2/24: 'Had news that Rosemary has been admitted to hospital and receiving treatment. No word on her current condition yet. Please keep her in prayer.'][update: 6/19/24: Rosemary has throat cancer; prayers appreciated]

  • For our friend Yuhanna, just diagnosed with idiopathic optic neuritis and potentially chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  Our friend's eyesight is recovering.  Please pray for full recovery and for healing of his blood disease.  [4/23/24]

  • Please pray for our friend's newborn grandson who was born with two clubfeet.  If surgery is necessary (the family will find out soon), he will require a four to five year medical plan for correction. [Update:  he will need surgery on both feet the end of the month; continued prayer appreciated: 5/19/24]

  • From Chris: "If you and anyone you can think of could take a minute be praying for the Brice family. There friends of one of the guys living at my house. Their house burned down and two of their kids are in intensive care and are in life threatening condition. They are 3 and 6 and there family needs some prayer and Lord willing a miracle" [4/14/24]; Update [4/15/24]: The two children passed away; request now for strength and comfort for the Brice family.

  • For healing for David from major complications after surgery to remove a brain tumor; Update [4/7/24]: David passed away yesterday. The family would like to thank everyone for their prayers for him.

  • For Kathleen whose husband has just passed away after a short battle with dementia. Please pray for her comfort and consolation and that she is led out of the Catholic church to salvation. Also pray for the salvation of her two children Martin and Claire and their families [2/24/24][Update: 6/4/24: Kath has just suffered a stroke, please pray for her recovery].

  • For Gary, for recovery from bone marrow cancer and nerve damage from chemo and numerous blood and platelet transfusions [1/14/24].

  • For Belinda, for help and healing with memory issues [12/31/23].

  • For guidance and courage for Aleah, whose violent father is trying to gain custody of her siblings.

  • For Chris, for healing of a herniated disc in his back.

  • For Steve, who has grade 4 lung and pancreatic cancer; the disease has responded to chemo but please keep our brother in your prayers.

  • For Tricia, for comfort in bereavement and for help in overcoming her sense of loss and emptiness.

  • For Anna, for healing and victory in this health test.

  • For Sawyer, a young teenager who professes to want to be saved but says "God hasn’t dealt with him yet". Please pray for him to get the victory and assurance.

  • For our friend Leigh's father, a veteran with serious lung problems, for a correct diagnosis and successful treatment.

  • [12/10/23] For Bob and Debbie, for healing / coping with ongoing health issues.  For more spiritual growth and insight to get through our several tests and trials, and if/when called, be able to help others to grow more in the faith of the truth.  For the salvation of unsaved family members and friends.  For recovery / healing for family members and friends who are suffering from mental and physical illnesses, and for victory in overcoming spiritual battles.  For deliverance of family members who are entrapped in legalism and cultic false teaching ministries. [praise here for Debbie's successful surgery and treatment].

  • For our friend's son who is struggling with severe OCD and crippling anxiety.

  • For Walter and for his son Joshua who is struggling with "gender dysphoria" and is considering transitioning; *please also pray for Walter himself: he just lost his job.

  • For Michael, for his health and for his livelihood in providing for his family, and for his efforts in leading his family to the truth of the Word. [our friend is currently unemployed and his business is out of operation, so please pray for him for restoration of livelihood; *update 10/1/22 from Michael: "I have lost my livelihood. Please pray for me!"]

  • *For Joe, for recovery from a stroke on the right side of the brain.  Joe is presently being tube-fed and also has a urinary tract infection *[Praise here! "[Joe is out of hospital and] is working on getting stronger, walking and writing; he drove their vehicle two times a short distance on the private road that they live on; the doctor told him that only 12% of people have a stroke on the right side, and most of the people don't survive.  God heard all our prayers."].

  • For Aric, for healing and comfort with serious and possibly terminal health concerns.

  • Regarding prayers for my niece, Sharon and her husband Michael, I'm sad to report that the baby has passed; the family and I thank everyone who did battle for us in prayer on this; please continue to pray for comfort and peace.

  • [1/28/24] Please pray for Angel who has developed serious. crippling pain in both knees which is constant and excruciating *[update: Praise here!  Pain has lessened and mobility increased, but please keep up the prayer for complete healing].

  • Please pray for Curtis Omo's wife Amy. She went to the emergency a few weeks ago and now has learned she needs at least two operations. [update: Amy had her first operation; recovery was very difficult at first but change of meds helped; please keep them in prayer].

  • *For Femi whose legal issues are about to come to a head, for his deliverance and for his healing from diabetes and heart problems *[update 8/31/22: our friend is in distress due to insufficient funds to pay necessary legal bills; please pray for his encouragement and rescue from this terrible situation].

  • For Walter's wife Kim, for a good report on her recent biopsy [praise! benign report!].

  • For our brother Resi in Tanzania.  He is in urgent need of prayer support as his farming business is suffering terribly from the present drought (which has also caused his alternative source of income to dry up).

  • Mark and René Perkins' efforts in evangelism in Tahiti ( Evanelia).

  • For Mike and his family, for encouragement and help under pressure, and that he not lose his Medecaid.

  • For Leigh's friend Michele, battling A.L.L. leukemia for the second time (about to undergo a bone marrow transplant in July) [*praise here for a successful transplant last October; meds still necessary to prevent rejection] .

  • For Leigh's mother who has a tumor on her kidney & likely multiple myeloma. [*praise here for successful surgery and the cancer being limited to the kidney].

  • For Leigh, for her healing from surgery [*praise here for successful surgery and no spread of cancer]

  • For Carol, for deliverance from debilitating physical and mental disability, for spiritual growth and progress.

  • For Angel's father, for quick recovery from a debilitating hip injury, and for his mental and emotional encouragement.

  • [1/13/24] Please pray for Emma's deliverance through severe testing. That she will overcome and strengthen her faith. Also please pray for help in establishing her ministry and gaining employment for material provision to support it. Also prayer for her unsaved family members in the Catholic Church. Prayer currently needed for estrangement from sister. [update: 6/17/24: peri-menopausal systems are growing more severe and debilitating, please pray for swift healing].

  • [2/3/24] Please pray for Barry's lung condition, depression and alcohol dependency. Prayers are needed for his salvation (Update: praise here! Lung nodule has not grown in size since last scan! Praise here! Barry is now questioning his alcohol use! Please keep up prayer).

  • [1/13/24] For Emma's father Peter, for healing from arthritis, prostatitis and deliverance from a serious personality disorder. Please also pray for his salvation. Prayers for Emma's mother Judith, to give her the strength to cope with her husband's disorder and her salvation; update: 6/22/24: please prayer for Judith's healing from stomach issues.

  • [1/13/24] Prayers please for Jeanette who is suffering from an eating disorder, severe menopausal symptoms and is in a coersively controlling relationship. Also prayers needful for her salvation.

  • For Matthias, for the deliverance of his children abducted overseas by his estranged wife.

  • For my friend Carmen who suffered a broken left arm (both bones, compound fracture of the ulna) and a broken back (two vertebrae fractured) [Carmen is out of her cast and brace and making progress; thank you for the prayers!]; for her boy Josh's recovery from alcoholism and for encouragement for him to turn to the Lord for help [update 5/24: Josh has passed away; please pray for the family's comfort].
  • For Leigh's sister, for protection in and swift deliverance from a very dangerous domestic situation. Please also pray for her friend Michelle's healing from cancer.

  • For Tony, for healing from aggressive glaucoma.

  • [1/7/24] For Dawn's comfort on the recent loss of her daughter Daphne from chronic Lyme disease.  Please also pray for her granddaughter Fiona's salvation.

  • For Mewn, for healing.

  • For Jamie, for encouragement and support under pressure, and guidance in future ministry plans.

  • For Sylvia, for her strength and energy is supporting her grandchildren and great grandchild whose parents are unbelievers, and for her help in leading them all to the Lord.

  • For Carrie, recently diagnosed with cancer. She has three daughters. The family has already been through a lot, having lost their husband/father to cancer a few years ago. They are believers.

  • For Andrea's continuing progress in spiritual growth, for her daughter Juanita's salvation.

  • For Anna's brother who is in failing health, that he might be led to the Lord.

  • For our friend Yuhanna, for swift deliverance from his present situation [praise here - complete deliverance!].

  • For Ashley, for recovery of her health from a difficult to diagnose and serious condition [worsening with shortness of breath and tremors]; and for the salvation of her mother and her brother.

  • For Gill's sister, "for her continued recovery, as well as to demonstrate to the family the power of prayer and faith in Christ".

  • For our brother Abishai, for the restoration of his livelihood and reconciliation with family.  Please also pray for our brother's efforts to prepare for ministry.

  • For our friend Gaurav, for encouragement, health, and material deliverance. [n.b., Gaurav was the first one on this list years ago; he writes that he is still "hanging in" and staying faithful to the Lord, but he and his family are in greater material need than ever; please remember them in your prayers]; *please also pray for his health and his mother's health (she recently became blind in one eye from an infection and diabetes complications, neither of which have resolved as yet).
  • For David's wife who is entering hospice [*update: our friend's wife has gone to be with the Lord; please pray for his comfort].
  • For Abby for success and blessing in her new efforts in ministry, and for her cousin Danny's health. Please also pray for her health, strength and perseverance in stressful and challenging circumstances; please also pray for her mother's health.
  • For Ramsey, in his new position.

  • For the empowerment of our friend Curt's ministry.

  • For our friend John's family's deliverance from cult influence [praise for some good news here, but some members are still entrapped]. Please also pray for John's health and that of his wife as well.

  • For our friend Steve for strength, protection, providence and deliverance - more needful now than ever.
  • For Christian congregations being persecuted in Sri Lanka (please see the link).
  • For the healing from MS, blessing, encouragement and vindication of our brother, Nihal.  Please also protect him and his family and church family from the recent troubles in Sri Lanka.
  • For our friend Mike's encouragement and God's blessing on his livelihood to provide for his family.
  • For Helen's healing from cancer and for her comfort in the loss of her family members.
  • For Clyde's encouragement and deliverance in severe testing.
  • For Judah, for healing from brain trauma and other consequence of serious auto accidents.

  • For the salvation of Tom and his family.

  • For deliverance for John's friend from the JW heresy.
  • For our friend Anna and her family's comfort in the loss of her daughter, and for the comfort, encouragement and salvation of her two grandchildren.
  • For our friend Sheila's healing from the effects of a chronic condition.
  • For Leigh, for protection and deliverance from a dangerous neighbor, and for help in restoring her home and home situation.

  • [1/13/24] For Becca's mother, for healing from cancer, serious liver disease (requiring transplant which is not possible without recovery from the former), lung problems, and chronic pain (Update: she is on the list for transplant; please pray for a successful one ASAP).

  • For the salvation of John's two unbelieving sons.
  • For Charles' two granddaughters for their salvation and spiritual growth.
  • For Chris, for health concerns (memory and fatigue), and for blessing on his job.

  • *For Cary, for deliverance in persecution on the job for sticking up for the Lord and for the truth (special harassment for a Christian teacher in a state school where Mormons are in charge).
  • For Alex' and Chris' mother, for her salvation and the opening of her heart to the truth.
  • For Amber's continued spiritual growth and encouragement, and for her healing.  Please also pray for the salvation of her grandmother.
  • For Jeffery, for the salvation of his two sons.
  • For Kamil, a new believer, who has been unjustly accused because of his family's political activities.
  • For the spiritual growth and encouragement of Max and his family.
  • For Sam, for help and support and encouragement in moving away from a legalistic and controlling environment in order to seek and serve the Lord in a godly way.

  • For Lucille, for complete recovery from "long Covid", along with lung and heart problems related thereto.

  • More E-mails:       Complete archive of previous emails:  Ichthys' Emails

    Biblical Anthropology XI

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XX

    Eschatology Issues CXXVI

    New Testament Interpretation X

    Eschatology Issues CXXV

    Sin, Guilt, and Salvation VI

    Eschatology Issues CXXIV

    Church History IV

    Eschatology Issues CXXIII

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry VI

    Cults and Christianity XVI

    Believers in the World XIII

    Eschatology Issues CXXII

    Eschatology Issues CXXI

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions VII

    Gospel Questions XVIII

    Baptism: Water and Spirit XII

    Culture and Christianity XXVI

    Eschatology Issues CXX

    Eschatology Issues CXIX

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief IX

    Eschatology Issues CXVIII

    Marriage and the Bible XIII

    Christology Questions XIII

    Eschatology Issues CXVII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XIX

    Eschatology Issues CXVI

    Old Testament Interpretation XXI

    Eschatology Issues CXV

    The Battlefield Within III

    Eschatology Issues CXIV

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief VIII

    Eschatology Issues CXIII

    Eschatology Issues CXII

    Biblical Interpretation XVI

    Fighting the Fight XX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XIX

    Believers in the World XII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XVIII

    Marriage and the Bible XII

    Eschatology Issues CXI

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XVIII

    Fighting the Fight XIX

    Culture and Christianity XXV

    Fighting the Fight XVIII

    Eschatology Issues CX

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations XIII

    Legalism, Past and Present VI

    Sin, Guilt and Salvation V

    Eschatology Issues CIX

    Eschatology Issues CVIII

    Sin, Faith and Suffering IV

    Fighting the Fight XVII

    Marriage and the Bible XI

    Legalism, Past and Present V

    Eschatology Issues CVII

    Sin, Guilt, and Salvation IV

    Culture and Christianity XXIV

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation VII

    Cults and Christianity XV

    Cults and Christianity XIV

    Eschatology Issues CVI

    Mutual encouragement in Christ XVI

    Prayer Questions VI

    Eschatology Issues CV

    Marriage and the Bible X

    Fighting the Fight XVI

    Eschatology Issues CIV

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XV

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XVII

    Sin, Guilt, and Salvation III

    Eschatology Issues CIII

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers VII

    Church: The Biblical Ideal versus the Contemporary Reality IV

    Old Testament Interpretation XX

    Eschatology Issues CII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XIV

    Baptism: Water and Spirit XI

    Biblical Anthropology X

    Eschatology Issues CI

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry V

    Spiritual Warfare VIII

    Eschatology Issues C (100)

    Sin, Faith and Suffering III

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XVI

    Eschatology Issues XCIX

    Eschatology Issues XCVIII

    Eschatology Issues XCVII

    Eschatology Issues XCVI

    Old Testament Interpretation XIX

    Eschatology Issues XCV

    Eschatology Issues XCIV

    Old Testament Interpretation XVIII

    Mutual encouragement in Christ XIII

    Eschatology Issues XCIII

    Eschatology Issues XCII

    Christology Questions XII

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation VI

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XV

    Eschatology Issues XCI

    Christology Questions XI

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations XII

    Eschatology Issues XC

    Biblical Interpretation XV

    Eschatology Issues LXXXIX

    Eschatology Issues LXXXVIII

    Eschatology Issues LXXXVII

    Eschatology Issues LXXXVI

    Fighting the Fight XV

    Eschatology Issues LXXXV

    Fighting the Fight XIV

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XIV

    Eschatology Issues LXXXIV

    Biblical Anthropology IX

    Eschatology Issues LXXXIII

    Prayer Questions V

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XIII

    Cults and Christianity XIII

    Eschatology Issues LXXXII

    Culture and Christianity XXIII

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading VII

    Eschatology Issues LXXXI

    Church: The Biblical Ideal versus the Contemporary Reality III

    Angelic Issues X

    Biblical Interpretation XIV

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XII

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading VI

    Eschatology Issues LXXX

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading V

    Eschatology Issues LXXIX

    Eschatology Issues LXXVIII

    Eschatology Issues LXXVII

    Eschatology Issues LXXVI

    Eschatology Issues LXXV

    Eschatology Issues LXXIV

    Eschatology Issues LXXIII

    Fighting the Fight XIII

    Marriage and the Bible IX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XII

    Eschatology Issues LXXII

    Eschatology Issues LXXI

    Eschatology Issues LXX

    Eschatology Issues LXIX

    Church History III

    Gospel Questions XVII

    Eschatology Issues LXVIII

    Eschatology Issues LXVII

    Baptism: Water and Spirit X

    Eschatology Issues LXVI

    Eschatology Issues LXV

    Old Testament Interpretation XVII

    Eschatology Issues LXIV

    Eschatology Issues LXIII

    Gospel Questions XVI

    Eschatology Issues LXII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ XI

    Eschatology Issues LXI

    Biblical Interpretation XIII

    Eschatology Issues LX

    Eschatology Issues LIX

    Eschatology Issues LVIII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ X

    Eschatology Issues LVII

    Eschatology Issues LVI

    Eschatology Issues LV

    Confronting False Groups and False Teaching V

    Eschatology Issues LIV

    Eschatology Issues LIII

    Sin, Faith and Suffering II

    Eschatology Issues LII

    Eschatology Issues LI

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry XI

    Eschatology Issues XXXXX

    Christian Perspectives on Disease and Death

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ IX

    Eschatology Issues XLIX

    Culture and Christianity XXII

    Eschatology Issues XLVIII

    Eschatology Issues XLVII

    Eschatology Issues XLVI

    Eschatology Issues XLV

    Culture and Christianity XXI

    Eschatology Issues XLIV

    Theology Questions IV

    Eschatology Issues XLIII

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ VIII

    Eschatology Issues XLII

    Isaiah Questions

    Eschatology Issues XLI

    Eschatology Issues XL

    Eschatology Issues XXXIX

    Eschatology Issues XXXVIII

    Eschatology Issues XXXVII

    Eschatology Issues XXXVI

    Confronting False Groups and False Teaching IV

    Eschatology Issues XXXV

    Eschatology Issues XXXIV

    Eschatology Issues XXXIII

    Eschatology Issues XXXII

    Eschatology Issues XXXI

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry X

    Eschatology Issues XXX

    Eschatology Issues XXIX

    Old Testament Interpretation XVI

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief VII

    New Testament Interpretation IX

    Fighting the Fight XII

    Eschatology Issues XXVIII

    Spiritual Warfare VII

    Believers in the World XI

    Revelation Questions II

    Believers in the World X

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation V

    Biblical Interpretation XII

    Old Testament Interpretation XV

    Gospel Questions XV

    Fighting the Fight XI

    Apologetics and Legalism II

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry IX

    Gospel Questions XIV

    The 'Rapture' and other Eschatological Issues

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry VIII

    Marriage and the Bible VIII

    Believers in the World IX

    Biblical Interpretation XI

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief VI

    Cults and Christianity XII

    Eschatology Issues XXVII

    Theological Questions III

    New Testament Interpretation VIII

    Eschatology Issues XXVI

    Old Testament Interpretation XIV

    Politics versus Spiritual Growth IV

    Old Testament Interpretation XIII

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief V

    Biblical Interpretation X

    Fighting the Fight X

    Politics versus Spiritual Growth III

    Baptism: Water and Spirit IX

    Biblical Anthropology VIII

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation IV

    Genesis Questions IV

    Fighting the Fight IX

    Eschatology Issues XXV

    Angelic Issues IX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry VII

    Legalism, Past, Present and Future IV

    New Testament Interpretation VII

    Eschatology Issues XXIV: the 'Rapture' et al.

    Believers in the World VIII: Coping with Family

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief IV

    Believers in the World VII

    Culture and Christianity XX

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations XI

    Cults and Christianity XI

    Spiritual Gifts and False Teaching

    Angelic Issues VIII

    Christology Questions X

    Believers in the World VI

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers VI

    Atheism and Evangelism

    New Testament Interpretation VI

    Old Testament Interpretation XII

    Fighting the Fight VIII

    Spiritual Warfare VI

    Sin, Faith and Suffering

    Prayer, Vows and Confession

    Eschatology Issues XXIII

    Apologetics, Ministry and False Teaching

    Culture and Christianity XIX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry VI

    Church: The Biblical Ideal versus the Contemporary Reality II

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief III

    Fighting the Fight VII

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions VI

    Interpretation, Application, Exegesis and Ministry

    Biblical Anthropology VII

    Baptism: Water and Spirit VIII

    Text and Canon

    New Testament Interpretation V

    Grace versus Law II

    Apathy, Atheism, Cults and False Teaching

    All about Ichthys III

    The Battlefield Within II: Combating anger, fear, blaming God, blaming others

    Salvation Questions III

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation III

    Eschatology Issues XXII

    Cults and Christianity X

    Cults and Christianity IX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry V

    Fighting the Fight VI

    Marriage and the Bible VII

    Culture and Christianity XVIII: Substance Use and Abuse, Tithing, Politics and Environmentalism, Friendship, Self-Defense, and Work

    Paul the Apostle: Aspects of his Life and Ministry II

    Old Testament Interpretation XI

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ VII

    The Transitional Era of the Book of Acts and its Unique Spiritual Gifts

    Old Testament Interpretation X

    Marriage and the Bible VI

    The pre-Trib 'Rapture': so called 'imminence' and other false proofs refuted

    Encouragement, Spiritual Testing and Spiritual Growth III

    Eschatology Issues XXI

    Eschatology Issues XX

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations X

    Legalism, Past and Present III: Sabbath observance, tithing, dietary regulations and other issues

    Believers in the World V: Ministering, Mutually Encouraging, and Coping with Family, Politics, and Health

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief II

    Old Testament Interpretation IX

    Christology Questions IX: Christ and His Church

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ VI: Perseverance

    Science and the Bible III

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation II

    Eschatology Issues XIX

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry IV

    Bible Interpretation IX

    Marriage and the Bible V

    Gospel Questions XIII

    Biblical Anthropology VI

    Cults and Christianity VIII

    Fighting the Fight V: Dispatches from the Laodicean 'Front' II

    Old Testament Interpretation VIII

    Eschatology Issues XVIII

    Spiritual Growth III

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry III

    Sin, Guilt, and Salvation II

    New Testament Interpretation IV

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations IX

    Peace, Reconciliation and Salvation

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ V: Soldiers of the Cross

    Baptism: Water and Spirit VII

    Faith, Forgiveness, Salvation

    Cults and Christianity VII

    Old Testament Interpretation VII

    Sin, Guilt, and Salvation

    Eschatology Issues XVII

    Dangers of the Pre-Trib Rapture False Teaching

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations VIII

    The Infinity, Magnitude, Glory, Providence and Plan of God

    Eschatology Issues XVI

    Gospel Questions XII

    The Bible and the Canon: The Inspired Word of God IV

    Nephilim, Antichrist, the False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast

    Angelic Issues VII

    Prayer Questions II

    The Trinity and Messianic Legalism II

    Annihilationism, Universalism, Hell and Judgment II

    Atheism and Apologetics II

    Politics versus Spiritual Growth II

    Culture and Christianity XVII: Humor, Self-Defense, Pacifism and War

    Culture and Christianity XVI: Alcohol, Money and Dietary Issues

    Dreams, Visions, Miracles, Exorcism, Tongues, and False Prophets

    Calvinism, Catholicism and Ichthys

    Apologetics, Legalism, Cults and Philosophy

    The Law, Legalism, and Rome

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ IV

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers V

    Faith and Free Will in Trial and Testing

    Free Will and God's WILL in Salvation

    Jobs, Money, Finances and Giving: What does the Bible say?

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry II

    Eschatology Issues XV

    Dealing with Sin and Guilt

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ III

    Preparing for Tribulation II

    It is Better on the Other Side

    Family Matters

    Christology Questions VIII: The Deity, Humanity and Life of Christ

    The Lives of the Apostles and the Writing of the New Testament II

    Biblical People and Places: Eve, Cain, Noah, Abraham, Hagar, Esau, Joseph and more

    Biblical Anthropology V: Body, Spirit and 'Soul', Present and Future

    Satan, Antichrist, the False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions V

    Prophets, Prophecy, and False Prophets

    Christology Questions VII: The Life and Spiritual Death of Christ and Holy Communion

    The Bible and the Canon: The Inspired Word of God III

    Culture and Christianity XV: The Bible vs. some Sensitive Social and Political Issues

    Christology Questions VI: Christophany, Deity and the Spiritual Death of Christ

    Encouragement, Spiritual Testing and Spiritual Growth II

    Spiritual Warfare V

    Cults and Christianity VI

    Fighting the Fight IV: Dispatches from the Laodicean 'Front'

    Eschatology Issues XIV

    The Gift of Tongues: Part 3

    The Resurrection Body and our Eternal Future II

    Gospel Questions XI

    Blindness, Disease and Healing

    Ministry and Preparation for Ministry

    Should I go to seminary or not?

    Atheism and Apologetics

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations VII

    Church History II

    Salvation Questions II

    Culture and Christianity XIV

    Encouragement, Spiritual Testing and Spiritual Growth

    Judaism and Legalism in the church-visible

    Bible Interpretation VIII

    Apostasy, Sin and Salvation

    Confronting False Groups and False Teaching III

    Eschatology Issues XIII: Time of the Tribulation and the Resurrection, Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast

    Salvation Questions

    Theological Questions II

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions IV

    Old Testament Interpretation VI

    More Questions on the Book of Hebrews: Melchizedek, Esau, and the 'Impossibility' of Being Restored

    Believers in the World IV: Making Godly Choices vs. Following Man-Made Rules

    Guilt, Sin and Victory through Spiritual Growth

    Confronting False Groups and False Teaching II

    Cults and Christianity V

    Politics versus Spiritual Growth

    Christian Struggle, Perseverance and Deliverance

    The Bible and the Natural World

    Sin, Fear and Forgiveness

    An Extended Conversation on the 'Unpardonable' Sin

    Eternal Realities: Real Heaven, Real Hell

    Eschatology Issues XII: Babylon, Armageddon, Israel, 2026

    Ministers, Ministry, and Preparation for Ministry

    Evangelism in Principle and Practice II

    Gospel Questions X: Glory, John the baptist, the hidden talent, the Kingdom of God

    Old Testament Interpretation V: The Flight to Egypt, the Virgin Birth, Jonathan's Choice, Tyre in Prophecy

    Matthew Questions, verse by verse

    Marriage and the Bible IV

    Politics and Political Action on the Eve of the Tribulation

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading IV

    Spiritual Growth II

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ II

    Baptism: Water and Spirit VI

    Science and the Bible II

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers IV

    Culture and Christianity XIII: College, Dating, Marriage and Friendship

    Eschatology Issues XI: Trumpets, the Millennium, the Time of the Tribulation and the Resurrection.

    Sin according to the Bible: Hamartiology II

    Bible Interpretation VII

    Salvation and Sin

    Bible Interpretation VI

    Eschatology Issues X: Strong delusion, blood moons, 2026, imminence, apostasy & the mark of the beast

    Angelic Issues VI: Cherubs, Guardians, Elders and 'gods'

    Sin according to the Bible: Hamartiology I

    Bible Chronology, Aramaic and Interpretation

    Christians and Mental Illness

    Culture and Christianity XII

    Prayer Questions

    The Trinity and Messianic Legalism

    Anger, Anthropopathism, Eternity and Divine Motives

    Unbelievers, Free Will, and the Plan of God II

    Christology Questions V: the Baptism, Temptation and Spiritual Death of Christ

    The Bible and the Canon: The Inspired Word of God II

    Believers in the World III: Prosperity Gospel, Tithing, Cults and Legalism

    Gospel Questions IX

    Faith, Hope and Love: Virtue in Spiritual Warfare

    Trinity Questions II

    Some Sensitive Topics IV

    Finding a Church - or Something Better? II

    New Testament Interpretation III

    Faith vs. History, Archaeology, Philosophy

    Believers in the World II: Confronting False Groups and False Teaching

    The 144,000 and the Two Witnesses of the Tribulation

    Biblical Anthropology IV: Soul and Spirit, Image and Likeness, Book of Life, Life at Birth, Accountability and Infant Salvation.

    Spiritual Growth

    Predestination, Free Will and False Teaching

    Christophany and the Trinity

    Love, Marriage, and Divorce: Marriage and the Bible III

    Interpreting Dreams and Analyzing Prophetic Claims

    Culture and Christianity XI: Lying, Suicide, Tattoos, Investing, Drugs, Music, Family, Dating, Politics

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading III

    Eschatology Issues IX: Amillennialism, Trumpets, and the Seven Days

    Spiritual Warfare IV: Demons, Demonic Influences and Satanic Methodology

    Satan's Fall from Grace

    Atheism and Gnosticism: Denying the Truth about God

    Sin, Salvation and Forgiveness: Claiming the Mental and Spiritual High-Ground

    Struggling with Salvation . . . and Relatives

    Legalism, Past and Present II

    Ministry and the Ichthys Ministry II

     All about Ichthys II: Mutual Encouragement in the Lord

    The Book of Job and Christian Suffering

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers III: Creationism, Neanderthals, Fossil Record

    Christology Questions IV: Jesus' Birth, Baptism, Early Life, and Kenosis

    Third Party Testimony III: Near Death Experiences, Revelations and Tongues

    Third Party Testimony II: Charismatic Claims of Visions, Dreams and Prophecy

    Third Party Testimony I: We Believe God and His Word - Not People

    God Heals - in His way (not our way)

    Sanctification, Separation and Restraint

    Finding a Church - or Something Better?

    Culture and Christianity X:  Military Service, College, Politics, and Race Relations

    Contemporary Churches and Women Preachers

    Culture and Christianity IX: Politics, Tithing, Music, Crucifixes, Alcohol, and Gambling

    Marriage and the Bible II

    Biblical Anthropology III: Soul versus Spirit, "Soul Sleep", and the Interim Body

    New Testament Interpretation II: Who is equal? Grace in vain. Unequally yoked.

    Aspects of the Crucifixion II: Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?

    Aspects of the Crucifixion I: Carrying the cross, trials and rooster crow.

    Salvation Lost and Found

    The Canon: Content, Chronology, and Criticism

    Spiritual Warfare III: Peter's 'Angel', Saul's Death, and Strange Events

    Old Testament Interpretation IV: Gehazi's Leprosy, Tyre's Destruction, and Immanuel

    Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and Genesis 6

    Gospel Questions VIII

    Sin, Atonement and Forgiveness II

    Sin, Atonement and Forgiveness I

    Annihilationism, Universalism, Hell and Judgment

    When is the Rapture?

    Noah, the Flood, and the Nature of Animals

    The Tribulation: Timing of, Preparation for, and Conditions in

    Eschatology Issues VIII: Revelation, Tribulation and Judgment

    Antichrist: the Mark, the Number, and the Identification of the Beast

    Satan's Revolt and the Tribulation to Come

    Old Testament Interpretation III: The Name 'Jacob', the Mark of Cain, Jeshrun.

    Old Testament Interpretation II: Urim and Thummim, the Bronze Serpent, the Ark.

    Being Saved: Security, Apostasy, and the Sin unto Death

    Fighting the Fight III: False Teaching, Local Churches, and the Truth

    Fighting the Fight II: Struggling with Sin, Doubt, and Severe Testing

    Fighting the Fight I: Accountability, Faith, Sin, Forgiveness, and Reward

    Dispensations, Covenants, Israel and the Church II

    Dispensations, Covenants, Israel and the Church I

    Witnessing: Cults and Christianity II

    Witnessing: Cults and Christianity I

    Ministry and the Ichthys Ministry

    Biblical Interpretation V

    Baptism: Water and Spirit V

    Spiritual Growth, Church-Searching and "Discipling"

    Unbelievers, Free Will, and the Plan of God

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations VI

    Baptism: Water and Spirit IV

    Paganism, Idolatry, Mythology and the Occult

    The Lives of the Apostles and the Writing of the New Testament

    The Essence of God and Deity of Christ

    Parables and their Interpretation

    The Meaning and Purpose of True Christian Assembly

    Marriage and the Bible

    Spiritual 'ups' and 'downs'

    1st John: Text and Interpretation

    Eschatology Issues VII

    Perseverance in the latter days of Laodicea

    Babylon USA?

    Baptism: Water and Spirit III

    Prayer: the Persistence, Purpose and Power of.

    Paul the Apostle: Aspects of his Life and Ministry

    Gospel Questions VII: The Wedding at Cana et al.

    Israel, 'Lost Tribes' and the Star of David

    Israel and Antichrist in Eschatology

    Explaining and Defending the Trinity and the Person of Christ II

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions III

    Culture and Christianity VIII

    The Geography of Heaven, Hades and 'Hell'.

    Eschatology Issues VI

    Bible Interpretation IV

    Legalism, Past and Present

    The Resurrection Body and our Eternal Future.

    Christ the First-Born, High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek.

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading II

    Bible Versions, Bible Translation, and Bible Reading

    Hermeneutics, Typology, Christophany, Theophany and Anthropopathism.

    No, Hebrews does not teach that you lost your salvation.

    Gospel Questions VI: the Long Ending of Mark et al.

    Judas and the Betrayal of Christ

    Doubting Salvation and Questions of Sin

    The 144,000: God's Seal vs. the Mark of the Beast

    Atheism: Putting Truth to Death

    War in Heaven II

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions II

    War in Heaven

    The Holy Spirit: Pneumatology Questions I

    The Law, Love, Faith-Rest and Messianism

    Paul and the Law

    Genesis Questions III

    Sin and Salvation, Confession and Forgiveness

    Have I Lost My Salvation? (III)

    The Battlefield Within: Fighting the inner spiritual Struggle.

    Putting Christ in Christmas: Loving Jesus, the Star and the Magi, Wonderful Counselor.

    Old Testament Interpretation: Moses and Zipporah, David's disastrous Census, the Destruction of the Midianites, et al.

    Healing, Miracles, and Dreams: Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff by biblical Means

    153 Fish: Explaining some Difficult New Testament Passages

    Kenosis: Our Lord's Self-Limitation during the 1st Advent

    Biblical Anthropology II: 'Soul sleep', & dichotomy vs. trichotomy

    Biblical Anthropology I: The Nature of Human Beings and Human Life according to the Bible.

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers II.

    Culture and Christianity VII: Jury Duty, Witnessing, Biometry, Military Service et al.

    Culture and Christianity VI: Halloween, Holidays, Aliens, and Christian Applications.

    Angelic Issues V: Michael, the Angel of the Lord, Christophany, demons, cherubs, and Satan's revolt.

    Angelic Issues IV:  Satan's Revolt in the Plan of God.

    New Testament Interpretation: Melchizedek, 'Forsake not Assembly', 'Women Remain Silent', Water-Baptism, Tongues, Prophecy, Intervention of Departed Believers.

    Lost my salvation II?

    All about Ichthys: Mutual Encouragement in the Lord. 

    Genesis Questions.

    Fallen Angels, Demons, Nephilim, and the Devil's Methodology.

    End Times Interpretation II.

    Salvation, the Gospel, and Unbelief.

    The Bible and the Canon: The Inspired Word of God.

    End Times Interpretation.

    Grace versus Law.

    Communion and the Spiritual Death of Christ.

    Sinlessness and 1st John.

    Israelology, Anti-Semitism, the Remnant, Gentiles, Lost Tribes, Jewish Myths.

    "Soul Sleep" versus our true Heavenly State.

    Christology Questions III: The Angel of the Lord, the Lamb Slain, monogenes.

    Angelic Issues III: Demons, Satan, Elders, Female Angels and Guardians.

    Against Universalism III: Unbelievers in the Plan of God.

    Waters Above, the Firmament, and the Genesis Gap.

    Marriage "Matters".

    In Need of Guidance and Encouragement.

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations V.

    Servants, Slaves, Disciples, and Ministers.

    Baptism: Water and Spirit II.

    Bible Interpretation III: David's Anointing, Stephen versus Genesis, Triplets, This People, and more.

    Evangelism in Principle and Practice.

    Scripture versus Personal Experience.

    Calvinism, Covenants and Catholicism.

    Culture and Christianity V: Temporal Authority vs. Biblical Application.

    False Doctrine of Absolute Eternal Security III.

    The Dangers of Messianic Legalism IV: Unclean and Impure?

    Things to Come III: The Wrath of God and the Fate of the Beast's Army.

    God Works All Things Together for Good.

    The 7 Trumpets, the 7 Kings, Nephilim, Antichrist and Revived Rome.

    The Coming Tribulation and the Kingdom of God.

    Sin, Confession and Forgiveness.

    Mutual Encouragement in Christ.

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations IV.

    Culture and Christianity IV: Doing one's job as 'unto the Lord', the peril's of 'heroic medicine', Christian perspectives on legalizing marijuana, when lying is not a sin, and when life begins.

    Eschatology Issues V: "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons".

    Ichthys and Contemporary Christianity.

    Gospel Questions V: Help my Unbelief, Respecting our Enemies, etc.

    The Two Witnesses of the Tribulation: Moses and Elijah.

    The Apostles, the Jerusalem Council, and Legalism then and now.

    Aspects of the Christian Walk: Gambling, Lying, Christmas, Judging, Worrying, et al.

    No Rapture

    Believers in the World: Using our Free Will to Respond to the Lord

    Christology Questions II: The Serpent Lifted and the Cross, Jesus' Infallibility, Destroy this Temple, the Sign Spoken Against, His Glorification, the Spirit's Anointing, and the Necessity for His Humanity.

    Paul's Jerusalem Error, Worshiping Truly, the Priesthood of the Believer, and Peter's Vision of the Impure Food

    Christian Trials and Testing

    Gospel Questions IV: The Prophet, the rich man in Hades, Peter's wife, the 'eleven' and the 'twelve' apostles, 'the world could not contain' (Jn.21:25), and progressive revelation.

    Eschatology Issues IV: Israeli politics, 'This Generation', Signs of the Times, the Beast presently alive?, 'Flee Babylon', Preparing for the Tribulation, and 'was, is not, will be'.

    John's Water-Baptism versus the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    Eschatology Issues III: Over-focusing on Revelation, the Seven Churches, Enoch versus Elijah, and the Symbolism of the Menorah

    The Purpose of Chronicles, Cyrus the Persian, the Chronology of the Exodus Plagues, Qumran and Isaiah, Nebuchadnezzar's Madness, and Jeremiah 31:22, "A Woman will Embrace a Man".

    Aaron and the Golden Calf, Mount Zion, Moses and Zipporah, the high priest's attire, and the ark of the covenant.

    Aspects of the Genesis Curse on Animals, the Tree of Knowing Good and Evil, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, and Kainam.

    The City of David, the Star of David, Solomon's Wisdom, and the Song of Solomon.

    The Israelites at Kadesh and 'not entering the Land of Promise'.

    Genesis Gap: Questions and Answers.

    Sin and Spiritual Transformation.

    Cults and Christianity IV

    Cults and Christianity III

    Cults and Christianity II

    Cults and Christianity.

    One Baptism: the True Meaning of Peter's Words at Acts 2:38.

    Apostasy and the Sin unto Death, the Conscience and Sanctification.

    The Plan of God and Individual Salvation (excerpt from BB 4B)

    In Your Anger, do not Sin:  Ephesians 4:26 and the Sin Nature

    Bible Interpretation II: Easter, Abiathar, the Hyssop-Blood Cross, Baal, the Scarlet Thread, Names of God, Adiaphoria, and Mezentius.

    Spiritual Warfare II

    Culture and Christianity III

    Have I Lost my Salvation?

    On the Firing Line: Encouragement in Christian Trials

    Eschatology and the Old Testament

    Prayer and our Walk with Jesus.

    Issues of Canonicity II: Aramaic, Enoch, KJV, and the Pastorals

    Bible Vocabulary and Bible Word Studies

    Satan, his Demons, and the Gnostics

    Antichrist: Alive and Well and Living on Planet Earth?

    The Nature of Angels

    Our Eternal Future: Life after Death for Believers in Jesus Christ

    Giants and Nephilim, Sumerian Myths, and Sea Monsters

    Dreams and Visions II

    The Golden Rule

    The Divinity of Jesus Christ

    Free-Will Faith and the Will of God

    Some Sensitive Topics III

    The Spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy: explaining James 4:5.

    Faith: What is it?

    The Seven-Fold Spirit of God.

    Free-Will Faith in the Plan of God.

    Putting the Word of God First.

    Free-Will Faith.

    The False Doctrine of "Soul Sleep" II.

    The False Doctrine of Absolute Eternal Security II.

    The Plan of God

    The Dangers of Messianic Legalism III

    The Dangers of Messianic Legalism II

    The Dangers of Messianic Legalism.

    The Gift of Tongues: Part 2

    The Gift of Tongues: Part 1

    Mega-Churches, Emergent Christianity, Spirituality and Materialism.

    Epignosis, Christian Epistemology, and Spiritual Growth.

    Jephthah's Daughter, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.

    Christian Unity and Divisiveness.

    Death, Martyrdom and Resurrection.

    Blessing, Cursing, and Prayer.

    Freedom and Responsibility.

    Fighting the Good Fight of Faith.

    Only-Begotten, Mother-of-God, On-this-Rock: English-only Interpretation is Dangerous.

    The Greek Text of the New Testament and some Issues of Textual Criticism.

    What does the name 'Christian' mean?

    Some Jewish Issues.

    Christians Beware: Internet Frauds and the Need for Spiritual Discernment (part 2).

    Christians Beware: Internet Frauds and the Need for Spiritual Discernment.

    Sin and Forgiveness.

    Spring Special: The Millennial Regathering and Purging of Israel.

    Life Begins at Birth.

    Culture and Christianity II

    Culture and Christianity I

    The Saved and the Unsaved

    Last Things and Last Judgments

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry IV

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry III

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry II

    The Local Church and Personal Ministry I

    More on Antichrist and his Kingdom

    Antichrist and Babylon

    Prophecy Questions.

    Theological Questions

    Heavenly Things.

    Dysfunctional Churches.

    Some Sensitive Topics II.

    Christmas Special: The Judgment and Reward of the Church.

    What is God's Will?


    Thanksgiving Leftovers.

    Combating Legalism VI

    Combating Legalism V

    Combating Legalism IV

    Combating Legalism III

    Combating Legalism II

    Combating Legalism I

    Aspects of the False Doctrine of Institutional Security

    Chronological Order of the Books of the Bible II

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations III

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations II

    Biblical Languages, Texts and Translations I

    Gospel Questions III: Least in the kingdom, Millstones, Pennies, Pebbles, Babes, Rhaka, Tallits, and the Crown of Thorns.

    Gospel Questions II: Jesus' Turning Water to Wine, Sweating Blood, Walking on Water, Washing the Disciples' Feet, and the Promise of Freedom."

    Things to Come II: Genesis Rapture, Daniel's Weeks, Seven Kings, Signs of the Apocalypse, Tribulational Suffering, Seven Seals, the Bride of Christ, and Mystery Babylon.

    Things to Come: The Half Hour, the 144,000, the Book of Life, Rewards, the Beast's Kingdom, the Great Apostasy, and the so-called 'Partial Rapture'.

    Satan and the Existence of Evil.

    The Holy Spirit: Blasphemy against, Restraining Ministry, and Gender.

    Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Growth

    Christian Love, the Golden Rule, Christian Military Service and Self-Defense.

    Issues of Canonicity: Apocrypha, Enoch, and Inspiration.

    Church: The Biblical Ideal versus the Contemporary Reality.

    Numbers, Letters, and the Mark of the Beast.

    Gospel Questions I: Jesus' Life, the Gospels and Cherubs, and who Wrote Matthew.

    More Questions about Genesis.

    Naaman, Nero, Nineveh, and Senacharib.

    The False Doctrine of Absolute Eternal Security.

    Choosing Hell: Questions about Salvation and the Love of God.

    The Chronology of the End.

    The Route of the Israelites in Crossing the Red Sea.

    Some Issues of Transmission, Translation, and Transliteration: The Camel and the Needle, etc.

    Aspects of the Life of Christ: Jesus' siblings, the man born blind, et al.

    Jesus is God and man.

    Jesus is God.

    Redemption, the Blood of Christ, Christ our Passover, and The Passion of the Christ.

    Eschatology Issues II: Angelic bodies, heaven and hell, Satan and the Nephilim, etc.

    The Book of Job and Biblical Interpretation.

    Some Questions about Eternity.

    Who Controls our Thoughts and Emotions?

    The Day of the Lord.

    Sleep as a Euphemism for Death.

    Literal Hell.

    Christ's Preaching to the Spirits in Hell (1Pet.3:18-20), & Michael's Rebuke of Satan (2Pet.2:10-11 ).

    Recovering from Sin.

    The Timing of the Resurrection.

    Dispensations, the Church, the Rapture, and the Destruction of the Universe.

    Christianity versus Contemporary Kitsch.

    Purpose Driven Life, Oprah's New Age Religion, et al.

    Lot, Esau, and Cain: Learning through Negative Examples.

    Against Universalism II: Only Believers are Saved.

    Against Universalism I: Free Will and the Image of God.

    Courage in the Fight.

    Demon Influences.

    Sabbath Questions.

    The Seven Edens and the Eden of Adam and Eve.

    Opposition to the Genesis Gap from the Creation Research Institute et al.

    Mary 'Full of Grace'?

    Changing the Name of God?

    The Beast:  Some Questions about Antichrist.

    The Book of Revelation:  Some Questions.

    Red Hot or Lukewarm? Bible Teaching versus Sermonizing.

    The Last Judgment and the Great White Throne.

    Baptism:  Water and Spirit.

    Spiritual  Marathons.

    Christology:  Some Questions on the Life of Christ.

    Regarding Ichthys.

    Train up a Child in the Way he should Go.

    War, History, and Politics.

    Unbelief and its Consequences.

    Dreams and Visions.

    Explaining and Defending the Trinity and the Person of Christ.

    Free Will and Faith under Pressure.

    Angelic Issues II.

    Science and the Bible.

    Bible Interpretation I:  Academics, Versions et al.

    Faith in the Word of God: the Basis of all True Worship.

    Aspects of the Resurrection II.

    Faith and Encouragement in the midst of Fiery Trials.

    Some Sensitive Topics.

    Jethro, Amenhotep, Iraq, the Catacombs, and the KJV.

    Eschatology Issues: The Fig Tree, Ezekiel 38, Joel 3, and the Trumpets.

    Christ the Rock, the Rooster's Crow, and the Cross.

    Applying Faith II: Production, Forgiveness, Circumcision, Truth over People.

    Applying Faith: Eating, Drinking, and Vacation.

    The Tree of Life, Communion, and the Virgin Birth.

    Grammar Questions.

    Can Prayer Be Offered From Heaven? & Some Genesis Questions.

    Walking the Path of Faith through the Light of the Word of God.

    Salvation on the battlefield, truth revealed to infants, and damnation.

    Preparing for Tribulation.

    Divine Sovereignty and Divine Judgment.

    God's Free Gift of Salvation.

    Should Christians wear Jewelry?

    The Lord's Prayer.

    The Events Surrounding the Birth of Christ.

    Cremation or Burial?

    Zechariah, Demon Possession, Marriage, Spiritual Experiences, and Bible Prophecy.

    No Grounds for Divorce?

    The Shape of the Universe, Hominids, and the Genesis Gap.

    Taking Personal Responsibility: Interest, Bankruptcy, Gambling, and Employment.

    The Seven Churches, the Judgment Seat of Christ,  and other issues in Eschatology.

    The Canonicity of the book of Hebrews.

    Great White Throne, the Last Judgment, and the Outer Darkness.

    Political Action versus Biblical Christianity.

    Study Tools and Methodologies.


    The Gospel and the Kingdom of God.

    Pursuing a Deeper Relationship with Jesus and Christian Epistemology.

    The Origin and the Danger of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture Theory.

    The Divinity of the Spirit and the Percentage of those who are Saved.

    Should Christians ever consider getting a lawyer?

    Pastoral Authority, Popes, Pat Robertson, and Pelagianism.

    Some Questions on Church Polity.

    Apostles and Evangelism

    Luther, Arminius, Calvin, Kant, Ironside, Tutu and Thieme.

    Angelic Issues.

    Transmutation, Resuscitation, and Resurrection.

    Is the Soul a tertium quid?

    More on the Documentary Hypothesis and More on the Rapture.

    Enoch's Walk with God and Some Questions in the Gospels.

    The Influence of the Renaissance and Rationalism on the Church and Cutting off Arms in Malachi 2:3.

    Sabbath Observance.

    1st John 5:20 & Romans 6:23.

    Eschatology Questions.

    Baptism and Following Jesus.

    Where is Armageddon?

    Assurance of Salvation.

    The Cross, Sin, and the Devil in God's Plan.

    More on: Spiritual Gifts; Hats & Hair; the Age of Accountability.

    Daniel 9:25 and Daniel 11:30.

    Who will populate earth during the Millennium?  and  Asking for Wisdom: James 1:5.

    Was Judas Saved?, The Gospel of Judas, and Issues of Canonicity.

    Is 'My Son' Israel or Jesus in Hosea 11:1?  &  How do you Prove Sin to Someone?

    Did Matthew Write his Gospel in Hebrew?

    Christian Crowns, Pagan Names, and the Time of the Cock-Crow.

    Child-like Faith, Mark vs. Matthew, the Mahdi, and 'Who was with God in the Beginning?

    True Orthodoxy and False Creeds.

    Foot-washing, Bitter Herbs, Baptism, and Borrowed Faith.

    All Things Charismatic.

    Friday versus Thursday Crucifixion.

    Jesus' Cursing of the Fig Tree, Apostasy, and 'Feng Shui'.

    The Genesis Serpent, Using "it" to refer to the baby Jesus, and more on Tattoos.

    Combating Gnosticism.

    Resisting the Devil.

    Why did Jesus choose John over James to take care of His mother Mary?

    Antichrist's 'desire of women' in Daniel 11:37 et al.

    Do recent catastrophes have a divine origin?

    Does God really want us to be sick and poor?  Revisiting the prosperity gospel.

    Why did our Lord Jesus arise from the tribe of Judah?

    What will our relationship be in heaven with children who died young?

    The baptism of the Holy Spirit as distinct from speaking in tongues.

    The Grammar behind the Genesis Gap.

    The Great White Throne Judgment.

    Moses and Zipporah.

    The Victory of Faith.

    Does God's choice of us eliminate our free will?

    Why does God allow bad things to happen?

    The Bible as "divine", roof prayer, and tattoos.

    Character in Hebrews 1:3, et al.

    Exorcism, et al.

    "Are the children of unbelievers lost if they die before receiving Christ?"

    How not to get "left behind".

    "Is baptism necessary for salvation?"

    "The nature of life after death."

    "The personality of the Holy Spirit."

    "The dragon of Revelation 12 and the talking idol of Revelation 13."

    "Bound by Satan in Luke 13:16, language and the Tower of Babel, Daniel's 70th week, and the number 12."

    "Infirmities and Diseases in Matthew 8:17"

    "The Leftover Baskets of Bread and Fish in John 6."

    "Waiting for the Ascension" and "Amos 4:11".

    Why was Canaan cursed?

    Should Christians have a competitive attitude?

    John "leapt for joy" in the womb - or did he?

    Satanic Influence in Video Games and Television.

    Moving Mountains:  Matthew 21:21

    Not a hair shall be lost? Luke 21:16 versus Luke 21:18.

    The reign of antichrist:  7 years or 3 and 1/2 years?

    The Trinity in Scripture.

    The Ark of the Covenant.

    "Doubts about the Nephilim in Genesis 6" and "Ezekiel 9:4 and the Mark of the Beast"

    "Word Counts in the Bible", "Him whom they Pierced (Rev.1:7)", and "Necromancy".

    "Waiting for a Savior" and "The Direction East in the Bible"


    Is there a purgatory according to the Bible?

    Your desire shall be for your husband: Genesis 3:16.

    Have I committed the unforgivable sin?

    Is the local church meant to be a patriarchy?

    Why doesn't the Bible mention all of the prophets of the children of Israel?

    The True "Victorious Life".

    Tohu in Genesis 1:2 and the Cause of the Darkness.

    Why Doesn't God Prevent All Children from Dying?

    Why were Christians being regarded as "evil-doers" in 1st Peter 2:12?

    The Scofield Reference Bible.

    Phylacteries and the Mark of the Beast, and "What about Joseph?"

    Feeling desperate and alone.

    Is Tithing net or gross?

    Assembly of the local church, and Jesus' use of "I AM" from Exodus 3:14 in John 8:58

    The "burden of the Lord" in Jeremiah 23:32-40, and judgment for idle words in Matthew 12:36-37.

    The importance of spiritual resiliency.

    Does God use disease to discipline us?

    Recovering from Cult Exposure.

    Variability in Christian Testing and Personal Tribulation.

    Is there any value to the Apocrypha?

    The Communion Ceremony outside of the local church.

    The Christian Walk, the End, and Tattoos.

    Should Christians honor Sunday as the new Sabbath?

    Chronological order of the books of the Bible.

    Doubt, light, missed opportunities et al.

    Addicted to Sin.

    Corporate prayer in Matthew 18:19:  "when two agree on earth".

    What does the Bible say about humor?

    The value of cumulative prayer.

    Our Heavenly, Pre-Resurrection, Interim State.

    How could a loving God order the destruction of the Canaanites?

    Should Christians observe the Torah?

    Church Polity and three other passages.

    Walking with Jesus.

    Tongues: does 'no man' understand?

    The few saved, the door in heaven, visions of heavenly realities, and Christmas.

    Spiritual Warfare.

    Christian suffering and spiritual maturity.

    Aliens, antichrist, and eschatology.

    Does exceptionally sinful behavior indicate that a Christian has lost salvation?

    Should Christians celebrate Jewish festivals?

    The Deaths of the 12 Disciples / Apostles of Christ.

    Categories of Sin in Psalm 19.

    Some brief answers on a variety of topics.

    Pastoral Support, Pastoral Preparation, and the Purpose of Assembly.

    Eternal Rewards.

    Encouragement, Isaiah 6:11-13, and the Hope of Repentance.

    Questioning the Genesis Gap.

    Dinosaurs, the Nephilim, Noah, et al.

    How much should we pay our pastor?

    More about Women Preachers.

    Is it wrong for me to celebrate Easter?

    The Remnant in Isaiah 6:13.

    The Big Distinction.

    The Day of the Lord in 2nd Peter 3:10.

    The Day of the Lord.

    Church History.

    The Sealing of the Holy Spirit.

    Visions of Angels: Colossians 2:18.

    Waiting on God's timing:  patience in testing.

    "Your Throne, O God":  Psalm 45:6.

    Moses striking the Rock.

    Procreation and Creation.

    What is meant by the phrase "the Lord's footstool"?

    1st Peter 3:3-5

    A conversation about divorce and remarriage.

    Faith in the midst of the fiery trial.

    Hebrews 10:26 again, and two other notes on Arthur Pink and the Greek word diakonos.

    What is the correct translation of Isaiah 59:19?

    Is the star of Acts 7:43 the star of David?

    Some questions about Nimrod and Christmas trees, Tongues, and Healing

    Is Jesus the only One ever to restore sight?

    What happens to people who were born and died prior to the birth of Christ?

    Which is better, the King James Version or the New King James Version?

    What is the minimum necessary to be saved?

    How can we know whose interpretation of the Bible is right (Part 2)?

    How can we know whose interpretation of the Bible is right (Part 1)?

    Psalm 22:1, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

    The "Mind of Christ" in 1st Corinthians 2:16

    Simeon and Simon, and the two crows of the rooster

    Ichthys, saints, and the Last Adam

    Does Hebrews 10:26 teach loss of salvation?

    Eternal security: where does one draw the line?

    Who are Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39?

    How did John the baptist come to doubt Jesus?

    Is Jesus literally seated on the throne at God's right hand?

    Are the Celts the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?

    Whatever happened to the "Genesis Gap"?

    "The baptism which now saves you":  1st Peter 3:21.

    Hebrew Language Study Tools.

    What type of healing is being discussed in Isaiah 53:5?

    The Origin of the Four Seasons

    2nd Peter 3:5: Doubting the Tribulation

    Tent-making and Galatians 6:6

    A Question about Ichthys books

    Biblical Metaphors and Symbolism

    Faith and the Pre-Tribulational "Rapture".

    Faith Healing.

    Bible translation and John 8:58.

    Melchizedek and the high priesthood of Christ:  two questions et alia.

    In need of encouragement.

    The centurion and the Syro-Phoenician woman.

    Who is the Meshiach?

    A Sadducean Question

    What is "heaven" like according to Christian teachings?

    Acts 20:28: Whose Blood?

    1st Corinthians 11:  Hats or Hair?

    Confession of Sin, Fellowship, and the Filling of the Holy Spirit.

    A Miscellany of Questions and Answers (Nineveh, the beast, tongues, demons, Sadam, etc.)

    Some Greek Questions in the Gospels (John 1:3; 2:19; 8:58; Luke 23:43)

    Is Man trichotomous, and does that mean that salvation is three-tiered?

    Questioning the Trinity

    The blood of Christ

    Christ knocking at the door in Revelation 3:20

    The futility of memory without God and eternal life.

    The meaning of Jesus' words, "I am" in John 8:58

    What does the Bible say about Heaven and Hell?

    Peace in 1st Corinthians 14:33

    Salvation and Church Affiliation.

    Several questions on the book of Hebrews.

    Does the Bible prohibit women from preaching or teaching in the Church?

    Should Christian leaders refrain from drinking in public?

    How to use the Bible translations at Ichthys.

    The Worship of Jesus:  a proof of His divinity?

    An Extended Conversation about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

    Is water baptism required for Christians today?

    Are health and wealth a part of the gospel?

    Will those in Hades be able to see Christ's return?

    Feelings of Guilt about Remarriage.

    Who are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?

    What does "the Word was with God" mean in John 1:1-2?

    Three questions on three verses in Isaiah (Is.21:4; 28:10, & 66:24).

    How important is education for a pastor?

    Does Hebrews 10:26-35 ("deliberate sinning" etc.) mean that a believer can lose his or her salvation?

    Availability and use of Ichthys materials: several questions.

    Is there any difference between demons and fallen angels?

    Confronting atheism.

    Two questions about Judas Iscariot.

    Three Questions about Tattoos and Salvation.

    The Hebrew word for 'one' (`echadh) and the uniqueness of God.

    Did the witch of Endor really conjure up the spirit of Samuel?

    A Question about the "Waters Above".

    Why did God the Father wait so long to send Jesus into the world?

    How does being "slain in the Spirit" relate to being baptized in the Spirit?

    How do you prove the existence of God?

    Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?

    Is it ever Justifiable to Tell a Lie (part 2)?

    Seeing double in Matthew.

    Mary, Joseph, and Nazareth.

    Is the Westminster Catechism a Good Reference Tool?

    What does it mean "the spirit returns to God" in Ecclesiastes 12:7?

    Is there any Connection between biblical Gemstones and Moral Characteristics?

    Are Miraculous Gifts Operational Today?

    Jesus Christ in the Old Testament (Christophany: Gen.3:8).

    Can those in organizations which teach "salvation by works" be saved?

    Is "helpmeet" a wrong translation in Genesis 2:20?

    Our will and God's WILL.

    Cast thy Bread upon the Waters:  What do the seven and eight portions in Ecclesiastes 11:2 mean?

    Was Cain Satan's literal "seed"?

    The Demon Possessed Girl in Acts 16:16.

    The "Sin unto Death" in 1st John 5:16.

    Is death just a natural part of human life?

    Communion and the Blood of Christ.

    What does it mean in 1st Corinthians 7:14, "the unbelieving husband is sanctified"?

    The Re-institution of the Feast of Tabernacles in the Millennium.

    Secular Documentation for the Exodus.

    The false doctrine of "soul sleep".

    The Author of Hebrews and Jesus' Perfect Completion of His Mission.

    The Trinity in Isaiah 63:10-15.

    How old was Jesus at the time of His crucifixion and resurrection?

    Five Smooth Stones: 1st Samuel 17:40

    How can we know the Bible is true?

    The name "Jesus".

    Habakkuk's Prosperity Prayer: Habakkuk 3:17-19.

    Jeremiah 31:22: "A Woman shall Compass a Man".

    The New International Version of the Bible and some issues in Bible translation.

    Is "the Prophet" of Deuteronomy 18:18 Muhammad?

    The One True God and the Trinity in the Old Testament.

    Are those in Hebrews 6:4 who "crucify the Son of God afresh" lost?

    Are New Bible Translations Part of a Conspiracy?

    What exactly is the "red heifer prophecy", and how does it relate to the events of the end times?

    Where did the waters of Genesis 1 go?

    Interpreting Revelation

    Sin, Baptism, and the Book of Revelation

    Tithing and the Book of Life

    The Dangers of the Prosperity Gospel.

    English and the Tower of Babel.

    The "Seven Thunders" of Revelation 10:3-4

    The fate of the unrighteous dead in Isaiah 66:24

    Who are the "sons of the kingdom" in Matthew 18:11-12?

    Why does Judah get greater honor than Jerusalem in Zechariah 12:7?

    Are there Female Angels?

    Longevity in the Millennium.

    How is the date of Easter computed?

    What is the meaning of the 1290 days versus the 1335 days in Daniel 12?

    What Church era are we now in?

    The mark of the beast.

    Christophany in the Exodus.

    Can you explain "help my unbelief!" in Mark 9:24?

    What does it mean to "overcome" in Revelation chapters 2 and 3?

    Are women required to wear veils or hats in church?

    Is the world about to come to an end?

    Does the Bible ever describe the earth as being round?

    Pre-, mid-, or post-Tribulation rapture?

    Pearls before swine.

    Recognizing the Messiah.

    The gift of healing.

    The origin and fate of the "giants" in Genesis chapter six.

    Christian suffering - Christian encouragement.

    Is speaking in tongues biblical?

    Is speaking in tongues a sin?

    Can you recommend a good commentary on the book of Romans?

    Aspects of the resurrection.

    The recipients of Peter's epistles.

    Pre- or Post-Tribulation "rapture"?

    The lives of the prophets.

    The old prophet who lied.

    Animal sacrifice in the millennium.

    Is it ever justifiable to lie?

    Who wrote the King James version?

    The meaning of the divine name יהוה.

    The so-called "documentary hypothesis".

    The relationship between the books of Kings and Chronicles.

    David's disastrous census of Israel.

    Aspects of the Unseen Angelic Warfare and 666, the Mark of the Beast.

    The 200 million strong demon army of Revelation 9:13.

    Deliverance through Childbearing in 1st Timothy 2:15?

    Some questions about the Tribulation.

    More on divorce and remarriage.

    Divorce and remarriage.

    The antecedents of ICHTHYS.

    What does it mean to "remember the Sabbath and keep it holy"?

    The manner of the apostle Peter's death.

    Wasn't Matthias the thirteenth apostle?

    Forward progress necessary for salvation and spiritual growth.

    The "seven days" of human history.

    1st John 1:9 and confessing sin.

    ICHTHYS and the role of traditional Christianity.

    Can you recommend a good survey for the Old and New Testaments?

    Where can I find more information on the "Genesis gap"?

    Is Church membership an issue in salvation?

    Can you recommend a church?

    Are these materials available for purchase as books?

    A bit of autobiography.

    What is your opinion of the Abingdon one-volume Bible Commentary?

    What is the significance of the number "20" in the Bible?

    The 144,000 of Revelation chapters 7 and 14.

    What is your view on predestination?

    Who is "true Israel"?

    The chronology of the date 2026.

    Does baptism play a role in being born again?

    Why does the devil have access to God while man cannot stand in His presence?

    The structure of the book of Revelation.

    What is your view of the rapture?

    What is meant by the "10 days" of Revelation 2:10?

    Dragons in the Bible?

    Are there apostles in the Church today?

    What is the meaning of the word "chosen" in the Bible.

    The Passover.

    What are the most common Bible names?

    What is the biblical significance of the number forty?

    What does the Bible have to say about witchcraft?

    How can I protect myself from false teaching?

    Didn't the devil know he couldn't defeat God?

    Are the Masons wrong according to the Bible?

    Six Questions.

    Can the faith of "backsliders" be restored?

    Are there biblical origins to mythology?

    What does the phrase "sides of the pit" mean in Isaiah 14:15?

    Can prayer be offered in the name of the Son?

    Election and John 6:37?

    Is it valid to celebrate Christmas?

    Can you give me some information on divine names in the Bible?

    What is the significance of name changes in the Bible?

    Is faith a "gift of God"?

    Is there a "gospel of Thomas"?

    Is the nature of Man dichotomous or trichotomous?

    Will the temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem?

    Does the Bible teach a literal Millennium?

    What does the word "good" mean in Genesis?

    Who are "the dead" who "rise first" in 1st Thessalonians 4?

    Are the Greek tenses in John 7:34 correctly translated?

    Is the devil "mad" to oppose God?

    Does the Bible require supporting the pastor financially?

    How can Jesus be a man and God at the same time?

    How did people atone for intentional sin in Old Testament times?

    What is the symbolism of the Lamb of God in Revelation?

    Can you recommend some word study tools for Bible study?

    Can people who commit suicide be saved?

    Are tattoos biblical?

    Is it "ichthys" or "ichthus"?

    What is the difference between wisdom and discernment?

    Marriage of Believers and Unbelievers.

    Is hearing believing in John 6:35?

    How certain a date is 2026?

    Is Paul describing himself in Romans chapter seven?

    Is tithing required for salvation?

    What is the evidence for the "rapture"?

    Is there any validity to the "prosperity gospel"?

    Who are the "Nephilim" in Genesis chapter six?

    Church attendance.

    Is there a literal "devil"?

    What does the Bible have to say about reincarnation?

    What is the unpardonable sin?

    Believing the Bible for Spiritual Growth.

    Why was the New Testament written in Greek?

    What about those who have never heard of Christ?

    What about elders and deacons?

    Eternal Security and "sinless perfection".

    Eternal Security and "salvation by works".

    Does the Bible teach ex nihilo creation?

    When did Jesus first know He was God's Son?

    Are there prophets today?

    Despairing of life.

    How important is baptism?

    How could Christ have been three days and nights in the grave?

    Do Muslims worship the One true God?

    What can I do about spiritual fainting?


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