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Fighting the Fight XX

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Question #1:

Good evening, Professor!

I hope you are not overly busy as I would hate to bother you. It's hard for me to tell sometimes from the emails how you are getting along since I know many of them are older. I do hope you are doing well and are cruising down hill in the last stretch of the school year.

I don't think I have updated you to the fact that I am "home-schooling" my grandkids. I do bible study with all three but formal school with the oldest. Just wanted you to know that this came about as a result of a conversation we have previously had. I think you were fussing at me for something else, but I got your point and applied it to what was most likely my issue all along. I was scared of the responsibility of teaching the children.

Here is what you said, " It's not wrong to take prudent measures on account of its probable proximity (focusing on spiritual growth with a renewed sense of purpose, for example), but if it's right for us to do something today, we should do it today irrespective of the date of the Tribulation. That is my view, at any rate, for what it's worth."

I think I had been double minded up until that point. If the Tribulation didn't happen when expected, and I wasn't good enough to educate the children as well as public schools, then they would suffer for my foolishness. However, if the Lord wants me to keep them home and teach them today, then it is something I should do irrespective of the date of the Tribulation. Once all parties involved became sure that this is what we should do I ran with it. This has been the greatest challenge of my life! The Lord has managed to pull me along each day. I am grateful to Him for giving me this opportunity to serve in this way. The 2 oldest have learned about and memorized the fruits of the Spirit, almost all the books of the New Testament, and many bible stories and bible verses. These are "special needs" kids and I'm not a teacher! This is the pure work of the Holy Spirit; Glory be to God! The youngest (almost 2) folds his hands when we pray, mumbles the whole time I'm praying then shouts AMEN when were through, Haha! I didn't come to truly know the Lord until my own children were nearly grown and I missed out on such an opportunity with them. I don't know why He has given me another chance but am glad He did.

I was thinking about that mustard seed tonight. I can see a seed was sown in you many years ago, and that seed was producing fruit in my sons living room today in these 3 little ones. I talked to our friend on Saturday, and you also have fruit in __ (link). I talked with __ also on Saturday, you have fruit in ___ (link). I watched our friend on video this evening, and you have fruit on his channel and in his home.

I know you know this is the way this all works. It's just that I could see it all so clearly tonight. What joy this has brought me, and I hope that also brings you joy and encouragement also.

In Christ our Lord,

Response #1:

I sure hope I don't "fuss" at you too often, my friend!

For what it's worth, this seems to me to be an excellent application – and the results and satisfaction you're getting surely bear that out. Of course I'm also sure it's a load and a lot of hard work, even though blessed in every way. Our friend Curt Omo and his wife home-schooled all of their kids from the beginning, I believe, so he might be willing to give you some pointers and direct you to some good resources (Bible Academy at the link).

As to fruit, I am deeply gratified about all of the many individuals who have taken this ministry and "run with it" – you and your husband being among that number (here's a link to the Special Topics page where some more are listed).

I only wish that there weren't so many who had also "run away from it" over the years, especially how close we are getting to the end, but we all have to make our own choices in this life. We are left down here to see whether or not we are really willing to put the Lord first.

Also sad – and something I unfortunately expect to intensify as we do get ever closer to the end – are the growing number of individuals who have actually dedicated themselves to tearing this ministry down. It's also a bit of a "head-scratcher" for me since I haven't changed, this ministry hasn't changed, and it hasn't let anyone down as far as I can see.  I keep doing my best to provide solid Bible teaching for spiritual growth, encouraging those who get in touch with me as best I can, and praying also consistently for their spiritual welfare.  I don't ask anything from anyone – except for prayer.  So how have I harmed them?  Some of the things people have written to me would peel paint off the wall.  And that would bother me too . . . if there were a scintilla of truth to them.  But I've never sought to control anyone else' life in any way.  And after all, it's not as if, e.g., I've been hypothetically failing to properly employ financial gifts received – since I don't take donations AT ALL. So how have I – how could I – have wronged these individuals? I only hope and pray that said individuals are not allowed to deceive and thus to ruin the spiritual growth of others, even if they are determined to destroy themselves (see the link: Peter #40: False Teachers and False Teaching). It always comes down to arrogance. Arrogance is the most powerful deceptive – and self-deceptive – force in the world (link), but through true humility (in putting the truth first), I am confident that all who really love the truth will be delivered (2Pet.2:17-22).  I dearly hope that you and all others are keeping your distance from all such malevolence.

Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.
Romans 16:17 NKJV

Don't be deceived: "Associating with evil corrupts good character."
1st Corinthians 15:33

These men are dividers – men of this natural world who lack the Holy Spirit.
Jude 1:19

Thanks so much for your great message of encouragement, my friend! It's a real "shot in the arm" and much appreciated. What you are doing for the Church of Jesus Christ is really important.

Keeping you and your hubby and family and Bible study group in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Dear Teacher

I was going to bellyache about our lot if not even you could attain to the likes of Elijah, but then I remembered that the Bible says to judge nothing before the time. I'm quite impatient to see how well I'm doing, but then I doubt that it is wise to hurry that day any more than the Lord has planned it. I do recognize that every new day down here is a precious gift of grace for us to have something good to look forward to on that day. So, probably best to not measure ourselves yet.

I'm very comfortable with . . . [omitted discussion on life planning]

Thank you so very much for your counsel. It has been my testimony for years now that God comforted me after decades of painful spiritual isolation with fellowship, and I tell them too. They have been friends that stick closer than brothers. I couldn't be more grateful for them. I expect that as we continue to grow spiritually, we will grow closer in agreement in our individual understanding of the truth.

Thank you very much, Sir, for standing by us through everything. Continuing to keep you in our prayers here.

Your student in Jesus

Response #2:

On not looking for some "scoreboard" in this life, that's what Paul says too, after all.

But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God.
1st Corinthians 4:3-5 NKJV

On the other hand, not to name names, but certain individuals who engage in "mutual admiration societies" are only fooling themselves (that is the very opposite of true, biblical humility).

For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
2nd Corinthians 10:12 NKJV

Re: "I expect that as we continue to grow spiritually, we will grow closer in agreement in our individual understanding of the truth", that is certainly my heart-felt prayer for you all. It saddens me to think of the by-now large number of individuals who had once expressed undying fellowship and esteem for this ministry and have utterly turned aside now – for no other apparent reason I can see except out of some internal rebellion against the truth – to complete disregard for this ministry and even to slander and open hostility. I pray for your protection and for the protection of the entire group from the likes of such.

. . . having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
2nd Timothy 3:5

Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.
Titus 3:10 NIV

And it's not as if I ever told them how to live their lives or asked them for money or to do anything whatsoever for me . . . except to keep this ministry in their prayers. But there is plenty of scripture about all that (1Cor.11:19; Phil.3:18; 2Tim.4:10; 2Pet.2:20-22).

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.
1st John 2:19 NKJV

I fully expect for this sort of thing, namely, attacks from those previously supposed to be "brethren", to get much, much worse once the Tribulation begins. For putative Christians who can turn into rabid attack dogs during good times for no other apparent reason than to justify their negativity to the Lord, there's every reason to believe that they'll be happy to turn us in for punishment to the beast and company once the darkness falls (Mk.13:12; cf. Mic.7:6; Matt.10:21; Lk.12:51-53; 2Cor.11:26b).

"They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God."
John 16:2 NIV

So in the meantime, we need to keep in mind that subtle (and not so subtle) attacks on what we believe are at their base originating from the evil one.

If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.
2nd John 1:10-11

The truth is divisive (Matt.10:34; link). But where can we turn if we turn away from the truth?

From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”
John 6:66-70 NIV

I appreciate your prayers! Keeping you in mine daily as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

Thank you, this has helped. When you say:

"As we grow, we get better about doing this, so as not to engage in dangerous things out of undue innocence, and not to avoid largely innocuous things out of undue trepidation."

I hope I get good at this soon! Unfortunately I seem to be a candidate for trepidation. I think I need a spiritual growth spurt to help me with all of these pesky little problems/questions! :)

I appreciate the prayers for my health. Testing seems to show I have a tick borne illness, and I am still waiting for test results on other things.

Hope you have a good Friday and weekend!


Response #3:

The evil one is good at using things that frighten us, especially in using the fear of death on unbelievers (cf. Heb.2:14-15). But for we who are confident in life eternal with Jesus Christ, what do we really have to be afraid of?

"But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!"
Luke 12:5 NKJV

We believers respect, honor, revere and have a godly fear of the Lord – not terror; rather we have a reverence that we would have for a perfect father, loving him but also being wise enough not to disrespect his authority. So, really, when we believers are thinking straight, the only thing we have to be concerned about in this life is whether or not we are pleasing Jesus Christ. If we are, then we have nothing to fear. But if not . . .

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience.
2nd Corinthians 5:10-11 NIV

We believers are concerned with earning a "well done!" from our Lord. That is why we are left here after salvation. But if it is His will to take us home, we are eager to be with Him.

If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.
Philippians 1:22-23 NIV

So we've only got good things to look forward too! Eternal life, a wonderful resurrection body, being with our Lord face to face, being with each other in peace and happiness and bliss. We really have no idea how marvelous things are going to be on the other side.

But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
1st Corinthians 2:9 NKJV

Still, it is true that we who are "in the body" are subject to the trials of this life. We have contend with the sin which infests us, the devil who opposes us, and the world system he has set up to capture us (link). This is a fight down here, and none of us is perfect in fighting it. But we can improve day by day! So keep up your good walk with the Lord! And I promise to be keeping you and your health in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

How are you? Hope that classes are going ok for you!

I have been reading through the link you sent me for Peter #34, and it has been encouraging and a good reminder.

My question is, should Christians use social media? I don't like or agree with the owners of these companies and my concern is that I don't want to be supporting evil.

I am thinking about starting my own business, but everyone says you need to be on social media and I am reluctant to do that.

Even my current job needs me to do social media posting (although my work situation is still in the air). I just want to do the right thing. What do you think?


Response #4:

I'm no expert in social media and certainly not in business. This ministry is on the internet but the only social media presence it has is if readers share things (on FB and etc.). My sense of things is that it all depends on what business you go into. I never go on social media, so, for example, if I like a certain store, etc., it doesn't matter a whit to me whether or not they have some catchy videos on Instagram or FaceBook etc. (since I'm never on them). I might check out their websites if I want to order something online – but that is different from social media. I suppose some businesses have "made hay" through using these sites, but my experience at the university is that these things are far overrated. My students go on these sites for fun, not to evaluate businesses. We spent a lot of time and effort last year doing videos for Instagram and it seems to have had zero effect – because students go the university website for info about the university, not social media. Again, these are not really my areas of expertise.

As to the right or wrong of it, if we only frequented businesses with whose owners and operators agreed with our spiritual perspective, we would never be able to buy anything at all. If we feel that a particular company, e.g., is engaging in particularly egregious activities, well, there is no reason why we need to patronize that company . . . unless they have an effective monopoly (like our local water company). But if, say, we take offense at the way China treats Christians, I think it would be virtually impossible to find any product anywhere that doesn't have some small Chinese connection. Even an apple is likely to have been produced on a farm using equipment of at least partially Chinese manufacture, e.g. As interconnected as the world economy is today, I think it's impossible to apply any such standard across the board. As I say, if a person doesn't like how FB is operating, for example, there is no reason why said person should patronize it. But if a person needs to use it because, e.g., this is the only way certain family members are willing to interact, I think we have to take the whole picture into account.

There are plenty of things in this world which are definitely sinful. The Bible is clear about those things (see the link: BB 3B). And there are many things which are not by nature sinful at all. In between, there are a lot of gray areas in this life which require the application of wisdom, that is, Bible knowledge learned and believed which an experienced believer puts into practice in a godly, prudent way in closely following the Holy Spirit. As we grow, we get better about doing this, so as not to engage in dangerous things out of undue innocence, and not to avoid largely innocuous things out of undue trepidation.

Keeping you and your health in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

There is a part of a verse that says that love keeps no record of wrongs. And I was wondering what that means. There is also a verse Acts 15:38 that it has to complement with. What do you think?

Response #5:

If you're asking me whether or not I think Paul was wrong about refusing to take John Mark along on the second journey (and getting into a furious argument with Barnabas as a result), based upon what we know from hindsight about John Mark, I think he probably was. Later on, Mark and he were reconciled (2Tim.4:11); on the other hand, in that instance, it was also a case of picking the best possible "personnel" for a specific job. We are not violating 1st Corinthians 13:5 if we fire someone for cause, for example, or chose not to hire someone because we have legitimate misgivings (if we know that they failed previously for example). That verse is talking about our relationships with other Christians and telling us not to bear grudges against them. It's telling us to forgive, forget and move on. But it is also not telling us to abide or return to abusive situations or ignore reality in, for example, continuing to associate with individuals who we know are bad for our spiritual health (if they are bad-mouthing what we hold dear, for example). That would be a mis-application of the principle (all principles can be mis-applied as well as correctly applied, after all). The point is not to have a vengeful spirit; but that does not mean that we are to suspend our wisdom, common sense, and prudence . . . on the other side of the coin.

Example 1: estranged and often emotionally and physically abused wife to separated husband asking for forgiveness: "I forgive you and wish you the best . . . but I'm NOT letting you back into my life because I'm not stupid".

Example 2: believer with whom we formerly enjoyed sweet fellowship who now opposes the truth we hold dear (Ps.55:12-14): "I forgive you and wish you the best . . . but I'm NOT letting you back into spiritual fellowship as long as you are in spiritual reversion".

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

I was reading a dialogue with someone who is tortured by yet attracted to the occult and asking why not just indulge?

I wanted to also add other reasons why not. The occult leads to the worship of Satan doesn't it, it also has the lure of 'forbidden knowledge'. The truth is though there is no knowledge there at all, no wisdom, only death. Satan only deals with lies, he seems to either completely invert the truth so it is upside down or he twists it a little so the lie goes unnoticed. Either way he has to use the truth to tell his lies as there is no vacuum here, no 'other truth'. There is only The Truth and many, many lies. So the irony is that when people go to Satan for truth, all they get is an inversion of the Bible or a twisted version of it! Why not go straight to the Book that Satan is compelled to steal from!

So for all the lure of the occult, it is all just deception to get you to worship the devil but there is only lies there, no truth. I think that is why there is an addictive quality to these lies. He has to use some sort of physical reaction to keep people coming for more as there isn't anything else going for it, there is literally nothing there (I found the same thing with conspiracy theory).

Your advice was spot on for me and for your correspondent. Cold turkey and aggressive spiritual offense is the only way out of the holes we dig for ourselves. Prayer is also incredibly important in warfare isn't it.

I actually find that it is best for me to limit media and online use to only use it for work purposes or spiritual growth. Anything else I have to take myself in hand to stop myself to wander back to dangerous ground.

If your correspondent is not motivated at the moment in that we are to obey God and only do what glorifies Him, I'm sure that at least he/she would prefer to avoid suffering and pain. Following Satan through occultism only leads to suffering and pain. Having Satan as a master is to be a slave to Satan. He is a terrible master, in fact he is a taskmaster who only seeks our misery and destruction! Who would want a master like that! We would never want such a human master like that either through marriage, family or through work so why would we want to be led spiritually by a creature who seeks to steal, kill and destroy?

Why not go to our Father in heaven instead through our beloved Saviour Jesus Christ, who loves us enough to die for our sins, who forgives us and shows us mercy and kindness and understands us and seeks only our good and what is best for us! Who only ever disciplines us when we go towards what is bad for us like a willful child. That discipline is only sparingly used for our good and not to break us. Contrast this with Satan who is merciless and actually seeks out our suffering and pain as he actually enjoys it!

Who wouldn't want a loving and kind king for a father, rather than an evil king of demons who only wants to see us wiped off the face of the earth. (Hopefully this will help them to see the battle for what it is using the kind of vernacular and culture they are accustomed to.)

Like you said, that feel good thing wears off. As a recovering addict to conspiracies, I can assure your friend that in the not so distant future, after cold turkey and spiritual growth, they will feel only revulsion over the occult just as I do with conspiracies and will regret all the time they wasted on it (you never get that time back you know.)

Ephesians 5:15-16
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

On a personal note I feel in a much spiritually stronger position and sticking to walking in the Spirit as much as I can and people have noticed the difference!

Thank you for all you have invested in me! Your hard labouring over me is paying off and I feel as though now I can see clearly how to get forward and keeping on in the Lord! Amen! Amen!

In Jesus,

Response #6:

Thanks for this trenchant email, my friend. I know it will be a help for all the next time I post something on this subject. This life is, after all, all about the truth – which means that it is all about Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6 NKJV

But the world in general has little use for the truth and prefers their own version of it, or to profess ignorance (even though in their heart of hearts they know very well).

Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?”
John 18:37-38a NKJV

And as you say, the heart abhors a vacuum and will suck in whatever is "out there" in place of the truth once the truth is rejected. That means sucking in what the devil and his system offer in place of the actual truth.

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.”
John 8:44-45 NKJV

In this life, God provides the true way to salvation: Jesus Christ. If that truth is rejected, the devil provides myriad alternatives – which as you correctly suggest are really just one way, the way of the lie: the devil has many idols and systems of idolatry which may be painted up to be pretty on the outside but are filled with only sorrow and unhappiness on the inside. Happiness apart from obedience to God and acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ is actually impossible; only pseudo-happiness, "myth happiness" (link) as I am wont to call it, can be had on this earth apart from the truth which is in Jesus Christ alone.

I'm very gratified that you have stuck close to the truth and to the Lord, my friend, especially with so many falling away as we get close to the end!

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord.
1st Thessalonians 3:7-8 NKJV

In Jesus our dear Savior,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Hello Dr. Luginbill,

Just a note to give you an update on several things, and to ask your opinion of some other notes.

1. The two people that I had been teaching suddenly dropped out of the Bible Study with no reason, at least I was not informed of any. I received no notice as to why they disappeared.

2. Our friend we've been praying for has gone into eternity, but the status with the LORD is not known. I prayed for quite a while that God would open a door for me, to talk with her about Jesus, but I did not make much headway with her. She was a devout Roman Catholic believer which are difficult to reach, they have been so brain washed with it's false doctrine of works, instead of grace alone. I did what I could, but I don't know the outcome. I was with her when she passed away.

I have begun to pray in earnest that, if it be God's will, I would be willing to teach the Roman Catholics the "true" Gospel, be that His will, and that He will somehow open the door for me. "God makes a way, where there seems to be no way." "Nothing is impossible with God" concerning His word and servants. Please, help me pray for this desire to become a reality.

Other observations I wanted to get your opinion on:

1. What do you think about the NLT Bible translation? Do you think it is a good translation of the Hebrew and Greek?
2. I watched a video on Youtube which just did not set right with Scripture, concerning a certain doctrine. The person presenting this doctrine, is convinced that a Christian cannot be possessed with a demon. He quoted Colossians 1:12-13.
I don't agree with his statement and here are my reasons:

a. 1 John 4:1-4; Matthew 12:43-45; and especially John 14:17, and 23.
b. The abode of God within us, is it not the spirit where they dwell, and not in our fleshly body, which is sinful.
c. Our spirit has been regenerated, which is now indwelt by God, and not in our sinful flesh.
d. It is the sinful body which is possessed by the demon when we fail to continue in the faith of Jesus Christ, is it not?
e. Do I have my thinking correct?

In today's Bible Study we looked at a reference in the Book of Romans, chapter 5, verse 13:
"for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law:.

We both know the meaning of this, because we studied your piece on "Conscience". I am curious why Paul would write something like this, for many Christians do not understand what this means

They are not aware that the "Law" was written on their conscience, these are a few examples, Cain's murder of Abel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis chapter 6, and so forth.

Further, Paul states that these sins are not imputed where there is no law, and again, many Christians do not understand this.

I always appreciate your kindness and help in responses you always give.

Again, please lift up my request to the LORD for my desire to teach the Roman Catholic people, as I once was.

Thanks so much,

Blessings be with you always,

Your Friend,

Response #7:

Good to hear from you, my friend – although I am sorry to learn of your "drop outs". If it's any consolation, this sort of thing has happened to me throughout the Ichthys ministry and has reached a crescendo in recent times – at least I hope it doesn't get even worse. Here we are, on the cusp of the Tribulation, and some with whom we once enjoyed sweet fellowship are not only turning away from the truth but doing their best to take others with them down the broad and narrow way that leads to destruction (Matt.7:13-14; Lk.13:24).

"I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them."
Acts 20:29-30 NIV

I'm also sorry to hear about our friend. I was praying for her. You gave her the truth, so she had an opportunity that otherwise she would not have had, and there were people praying for her. We can never know whether or not such individuals have a "moment of clarity" right at the end when there is no more question of what is going to happen. Human beings are natural procrastinators. I'm pretty sure that there will be plenty in heaven who "waited until the last possible second".

On your prayer, I'll put that before the Lord as well.

On the NLT, it's a highly interpretive version. That means, when they have interpreted what the original Greek or Hebrew really means correctly, it often gives a very nice rendering. But when they are wrong about what the original really means . . . So it's a bit like the little girl who "when she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad she was awful" (see the link).

On demon possession, I don't know about this person's reasoning, but for my own reasons I also do not believe that believers can be demon possessed. The Holy Spirit whom we have been given indwells our body and it seem incongruous to me that He would share our bodies with a demon. Also, I know of no instances of believers in scripture being demon possessed. Believers can, of course, be afflicted (Job is a good example of that), but we believers are here to exercise our free will in following Jesus Christ and that would be impossible if a demon has taken over in the manner of the Gaderene demoniac, e.g. The main place where this is covered at Ichthys is in SR 4: Satan's World System, section V.4, "Demon possession" (at the link).

On Romans 5:13, what this passage means is garbled by the word "imputed" and the false technical sense given by Augustine (and largely followed by even Protestant theologians ever since). What this section means is that sin was always sin – but people didn't necessarily recognize sinful things as sin before the Law spelled them out as sinful. So "sin reigned" from the fall onward even without the Law; the Law's true purpose is to convict us of sin (e.g., Rom.3:20; even though the Law also does not give a comprehensive accounting of, e.g., mental attitude sins). For more on this please see in BB 3B: Hamartiology: "The so-called imputation of Adam's sin" at the link.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Hi Bob,

Love the emails this week!

It's great to see others stepping out into their own ministries. I recognise quite a few from similar comments and discussions to what you post in the emails.

I must admit I didn't know that the way most people learn nowadays is not through reading and that it's a lost art. I have no problem learning through reading or listening. But I do appreciate that we're all different and it's very important for everyone to find what best suits them.

I had another good session on CT yesterday and I'm also listening to Curt's new lessons on 2nd Corinthians (link). All good stuff!

Praying for a good week ahead for you, Bob!

In Jesus
p.s. I just want to say please feel free to share with our friend what I wrote to you - but only if you'd like to. It's not the first time I've read his emails and been helped and encouraged by them. Does my heart good!

Response #8:

It is indeed a great blessing to see the seeds that this ministry has sown sprout in such wonderful ways! Sadly, however, sometimes the trees have gone bad and the fruit has turned sour. This saddens me – and worries me a bit too, because those who once professed fellowship have, on that basis, led others astray with them, and because they have also been producing this bad fruit which those who knew them previously might be tempted to eat. I can only take comfort in the fact that all bad fruit causes serious spiritual indigestion, and that anyone who has spent a fair amount of time with this ministry will have the discernment to realize when they are being deceived in this way. And that is why we are still in this world, after all:

For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
1st Corinthians 11:19 KJV

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
1st John 2:19 NIV

As to reading being a lost art, things are no doubt a bit different on your side of the pond.  The statement was more a reflection of how things are over here in the colonies.  Based on my experience with freshmen, the observation probably applies more to the alphas and the zoomers than to the boomers and the ex-ers. Not sure about the millennials (a bit of a mixed bag). I will say that some of the words I use in my first year classes are "puzzlers" to many of my students – but not to all of them. Some of them must read. It must be tempting nowadays though to just hang out on social media and YouTube etc. I will also say that there are now some Ichthys folks who have (link) and who are in the process of turning these materials into YouTube videos . . . so all bases are in fact being covered.  And I am so very grateful to all those out there who are conducting Bible studies in their homes based on these materials.  We are all in this fight together, regardless of the ministries we've been given and the media we're using to engage in them.

Glad to hear you're pushing on with CT too!

Keeping you and yours in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:


Are there, or will there be books available for purchase?

This is very good work.

God bless.

Response #9:

Good to make your acquaintance.

No, there are no books available for purchase. For the reasons for this, please see FAQ #1: Books: Are these studies available in printed format?

However, there are multiple electronic options (i.e., HTML, PDF, RTF, even WordPerfect), MP3 audio files of most of the major studies (thanks to Chris B.: see the link), and it is possible for readers to print out these studies on their own or at places like FedEx-Kinkos (I have no problem with folks doing that).

Thanks for your good words! Do feel free to write any time.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hi Dr. Luginbill:

I hope that you are doing well and that you have summer break in sight. Soon!

Please see attached.

Mocking from another "believer." Sigh. The same one who has mocked before when I post something from Ichthys. Sad, sad state of affairs. I did kindly ask him to post his CV, asked him which languages he had mastered, asked him if he had actually spent time diligently reading the Bible study (in the short time since I had posted), and told him to please be helpful - mocking wasn't, and wished him well. I'm certain when he sees and responds to my post he will be all over me (angry, machismo type).

One foot in front of the other... Praying for those that are truly seeking and hungering. I know that they will find Truth.

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

Response #10:

Your response in the posting is very well done!

Blessed is the man who does not walk in in the counsel the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
Psalm 1:1 NIV

There are lots of trolls out there in cyber-space these days. Always best not to interact with them, even if they claim to be believers.

"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."
Matthew 7:6 NKJV

This person's post is near gibberish in any case. It reminds me of these verses:

The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
Proverbs 15:2 NIV

Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool bent on folly.
Proverbs 17:12 NIV

It is to one's honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 20:3 NIV

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
Proverbs 26:4 NIV

Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.
Ecclesiastes 10:3 NIV

We are close to the end, and Laodicea is coming into the full bloom of its lukewarmness. That, we must remember, is the essential characteristic prophesied for this era among believers, not unbelievers. As degenerate as the world is and as bad as things are becoming, the really sad thing is the lack of interest by believers in the truth – or in some sad cases their actual hostility to it (as you experienced). And in terms of this ministry, I'm sorry to report that this even includes some with whom "we once enjoyed sweet fellowship" (Ps.55:12-14). From the beginning of this ministry, I have experienced believers who were enthusiastic for it later dropping out entirely. And lately also a fair number even becoming hostile to it and attempting to destroy it by pulling others who love it away from it to follow themselves instead (Acts 20:30). But God knows their day is coming: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal.6:7 KJV).

So don't let this sort of thing get to you, my friend. Trust in the Lord and leave these things to Him. Life is too short and we have too much to do for the Lord to agonize over those who are determined to do what is wrong in spite of all of our best efforts. Delete, forget and move on (best advice).

Yes, I'm into summer mode (still lots to do; last week was busy and I haven't done much on the research yet).

Hope you and your family are doing well. How is __ getting along?

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Thank you, and completely agree. My heart is simply sad at the state of affairs, especially when I have known someone for a length of time as a fellow believer.

__ is doing much better. [omitted]. Praise the Lord!

Thank you, Dr. Luginbill. I so appreciate you.

Response #11:

It is always good to remember that for genuine believers, regardless of any disagreement or rancor here in this present world, we will all be one in glory together with no hard-feelings in the presence of our Lord in New Jerusalem forever.

Good news about ___! Keeping up the prayer.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:


Response #12:

Living in this world is, for a believer, just the sort of challenge you suggest. We are surrounded by unbelievers who have no clue about our true priority. And, sad to say, that is true of most believers we know as well. They usually "don't see the need" for dedication to learning and living the truth. But we do. We who really are pursuing the truth and a closer relationship with the Lord know who we are really working for, and that it will all be worth it in the end, even when and if it means some painful sacrifices here and now (and it always does: 1Pet.1:3-9).

Thanks for your good wishes and prayers, my friend!

Keeping you in mine as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Thanks Bob, your words are so true. And the point you made about most believers is sad. I wonder how someone can call themself a Christian if they don't "see the need" to dedicate their life to learning and living the truth. It seems a very ungrateful, indifferent and unloving attitude to have after everything the Lord has done for them. They're happy to believe in Him but they're not willing to allow Him to be Lord of their lives. It isn't about what we think - it's about what the Lord thinks.

In Jesus

Response #13:

It is sad. I do think that there are plenty of Laodicean Christians who on some level realize their deficiency. But in all too many cases they "make up for it" by "nodding to God" (i.e., going to church a few times a year and giving some money) or by "getting involved" (doing works for organizations which are not doing much if anything for the Church of Jesus Christ). If they take the next step and get proud about any of that, they are really on the wrong path.

Sadder still are those who were once enthusiastic for the truth but have now turned away . . . and, not content with abandoning the right way themselves, feel it incumbent upon themselves to try to turn others away as well, often towards some "ministry" of their own making which can't actually produce spiritual growth. I can only hope and pray that anyone who really is benefitting from this ministry will be loathe to trade it for "a mess of pottage".

I'm grateful for your good approach, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Dear Prof, how are you sir?

I'm very reasonably ok now.

I just wanted to say thank you for your love manifested in care, counsel and prayers labour. I feel privileged and blessed. I appreciate you. I also keep praying for you sir.

The Lord keep you, bless you, cause His face to shine on you and yours.

Thank you sir.

In Him

Response #14:

I am "hanging in there" – thanks for asking.

I'm praying for your situation, my friend. There are reasons for "long tests". I've had a number of those in my life. And I can gratefully say that, in the end, the Lord has delivered me safely through them all in wonderful ways. At the time, they were not fun, but the experiences did bring me closer to Him. That is the silver lining – and it's no small one, if we take pains to keep a good attitude of trusting Him no matter what.

(3) And not only this, but let us glory in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience, (4) and patience produces proven character, and proven character produces hope – (5) and this hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us.
Romans 5:3-5

Hoping to hear of your complete deliverance soon.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Hi Bob, Great to hear from you! I have been meaning to reach out to you and let you know what's going on. Hoping you are doing well, and happy new year too. I'm praying things stay on the "plus side" on all fronts for you. We are hanging in there, a day at a time, and not currently overwhelmed with our physical "problems". So that is good news in that category! The usual near "family" issues are still persistent, unfortunately. I very much appreciate your prayers and know they are "availing much", thanks to our dear Lord. I know all of us are dealing with our particular trials and tests, but I am confident we will be victorious in all things, by keeping our eyes on the Completer-Finisher of our one Faith (Heb. 12:2). I have to admit sometimes I get distracted, (momentarily, a bit anxious or worried) before putting the "brakes on", realizing that He has everything worked out for us and Is in complete control. So, I'm just going to trust God has worked it out, through it all (whatever "all" is), and not yield any ground to the enemy naysayers (Rom. 8:28). Looking forward to tonight's email posting, which is a "spiritual elixir" for all of the Ichthys family, and any visitor who might happen to find the site. Be of good cheer, Bob! (John 16:33).

Your friend in Jesus,

Response #15:

Great to hear back from you also, my friend. And good to hear that you are still bumping along (bumps and all). Pretty much the same here.

Are you busy collecting up animals two by two out there? At least all that rain on the coast is making news.

Thank you for your encouraging words as always, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

It's not our turn for that (yet?).... and I certainly hope to not see the waters rise that much as it has in CA.! A lot of suffering and losses going on everywhere...another sign of the times, I reckon. We did get one 8 inch snowfall event (normal climate change), with temps dropping into the teens...but not our usual wettest months of Nov.-Dec. So, no ark was built, but we still have that canoe (for two) just in case! Winds seem to be pestering us occasionally with grid service problems here, so we're getting a 14KW Generac set up for (the "essentials") standby emergency power. You never know when the lights will go out, in addition to no hot or cold water, no heat, no flushing toilets, and all the other modern conveniences (been there, done that.... too many times!). I like those "comforts" along with hot coffee and toast, or what have you. Thank God for His Providence, even in troubling times!

Of course we know what's in store coming real soon, and all the disturbances are merely a prelude to it, to a "T". I can't fathom the mindset of those in charge...None of it is OK. Seems like they've crossed the line into a reality disconnect (no need to dwell on all the particulars, in every category of idolatrous nonsense...with no acknowledgment of our Creator...their "baptism of fire" is coming soon, and we'll be happy to see it). In the meantime, we're better off looking unto our Lord for better "answers". We have so much to be thankful for, knowing and living in the Truth! Probably would be a good time to "stir up my remembrance" on the things that count. Back to revisiting your studies.... my next order on the agenda. Looking forward to that better Day! Thanks, Bob, for your immeasurable help to all of us, for our spiritual growth to sustain us in life's storms.

In Jesus,

Response #16:

OK, thanks for the update! I did get canoeing merit badge back in Boy Scout days but switched to kayaks later on. Not much for the water these days. The only thing we have around here is the Ohio river and it's not too tempting (as well as highly treacherous).

The standby plan for long term outages here is to head for the Holiday Inn (or equivalent). That has always been my preferred method of camping anyway ever since the USMC educated me to the fact that hiking and camping are not fun and are not supposed to be fun.

"Reality disconnect" pretty much says it all. We might want to add a qualifying adjective such as "malevolent", because, after all, Satan does not have our best interests at heart. Blessedly, we work for One a lot more powerful than he (1Jn.4:4). Important perspective to keep in mind as we are about to head into the real storm (Rev.13:10).

Thanks for the good words as always, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Thank you, Bob, for helping me to understand all the implications. I definitely need to have access to a good pastor/teacher, to fill in the blanks to get a fuller understanding of those ramifications, which were not obvious to me at first (an answer to my curiosity). I'm glad to learn more about the Plan of God for His creation, especially learning more truth, believing it, and trying to apply it to my actions in my Christian walk (as we all need to do). If God is for us, who can be against us?...if we remain faithful...nothing will hinder the outcome of God's perfect Plan for us. Thank God for second chances! I have messed up and "missed the mark" more times than I'd like to report. He knows...but I'm happy to know our God is all about love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness when those that belong to Him do fall short...and then "come to a right mind" deciding to revere His character, then confess our failing(s), repent and come back to Him after staying in that "far country"...and the quicker "facing the music" the better also! It's always better to obey His Word and stay in the mindset that He is watching everything take place (what we say, do, or think...all things are opened and laid bare to the eyes of Him). In the end our temporary light afflictions will be worth it all...riding it out with our Lord's help in our time of need. He will never leave or forsake us, as long as we "keep" trusting Him. (otherwise it won't happen...He can't deny Himself...He remains faithful). I will endeavor to keep the "eyes of faith" properly focused and respond correctly....our "reasonable service", according to His Will. A "well done" is the motivator to make the right choices in "the fight of faith", and the time of the sand is running out for us to obtain the three rewards available to every saved believer. All service done with His help and strength, and the encouragement of fellow believers like you, Bob. Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to explain the workings of the Plan of God. This is another step forward in the right direction, which I plan to incorporate my part in His integral Plan...I'll strive to do better, keeping faith in action...so important!

On the homefront, situations (family and friends) are in flux...some to the good, some to the resistant status quo, and some heading in the tailspin wrong direction (a large volume of events). I'm praying that things will eventually turn out, but realize everyone has to exercise their own freewill to move in the right direction. I observe that there is a lot of "heart trouble" in some of the "unpleasant" behavioral cases, but of course, I don't have all the details...that's God's prerogative, not mine. As the sand in that hourglass is nearly drained out it appears that the "many are called, but few are chosen" will be the end result. I still believe that "with God all things are possible"...He knows the final outcome...so I'll leave it there. All I'm left with is prayer, and know that God is sometimes a game changer in a lot of situations. I'm living proof of that! He rescued me after dwelling in that "far country", after which all that foolishness, I came to my senses to His Truth. God is good! Keeping you in prayer, Bob, that all is well. Have a good one!

Your friend in Jesus,
p.s. I did introduce several to your ministry, but as yet, have not received any feedback (obviously their loss.... in the "you can lead a horse to water"... scenario....more of the "Laodicean Syndrome"

Response #17:

And thank you as well for your good words and insight as well, my friend. The Satanic Rebellion series has a lot of this same information (in far greater detail; at the link).

On the sharing front: I very much appreciate it. I'm not terribly surprised about the lack of response. That seems to be the most likely outcome when people are told about this site. But it's good of you to share it in any case! Especially as more and more of the "saints" are "marching out" instead of in where this ministry is concerned (following various pied pipers playing deceptive tunes).

On the personal front, is there any prayer request you have or want updated? I do keep you and your family in my personal prayers daily.

Thanks so much for YOUR prayers!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Very good, Bob! It's been a few years since I studied "The Satanic Rebellion" series....who knows where the time goes? So it's probably time for another run. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying to glean as much as possible from you and your ministry, (if I'm still here) before things become more serious and unpleasant. Maybe I can be of some help to encourage another curious soul looking for answers?

[omitted update on family and effects of cult influence]

They need prayer as well, after drinking so much kool-aid. Boy, there's a lot to pray about! There's a lot more....so I appreciate your prayers as well. Where there's life, there's hope.....I'll keep praying. All the best to you, Bob!

Your friend, in the Only One who can heal broken hearts, our dear Lord and Savior,

Response #18:

I'm sorry to hear about ___. I will keep praying. Also, it certainly is true that the devil can do a lot of damage in any family by getting his hooks into just one member. It seems to me that you have done your best to do what you can reasonably do to address the situation. Beyond that, prayer is not nothing. Prayer, oftentimes, is everything.

As to "it's probably time for another run", as I often remark, I reread these materials as well. It's true that I've had a hand in writing them (thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit!), but I've learned, am learning, intend to keep learning from them too. I didn't learn Greek by reading a grammar once. It takes quality time and effort and plenty of repetition to move forward with anything worthwhile – and there is nothing more worthwhile than the Word of God.

Keeping you and yours in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Thanks, Bob! Prayer is everything....our lifeline to/from the One who cares and can move mountains. I've received so much good by asking the Father...not always immediately, but He always delivers when we ask in faith (all things "beneficial"...probably not a dozen donuts or another bowl of ice cream!). But seriously, He knows what we and the ones we are persistently praying for need, and will break every yoke of bondage. The only yoke we need is the yoke of Christ, Who affirms "my yoke is easy"...whom the Son sets free is free indeed! He is the Giver of life (abundantly)...and how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those that ask Him?

So, I'm encouraged by your words and the Word of God...such a blessing!...to have all we truly need...from you and all our fellow believers, as well as our best Friend, Jesus! (John 15:15).

Thanks for your prayerful support. You are in ours as well, Bob.

In Jesus,

Response #19:

It's my pleasure!

Thanks for your prayers, encouragement and support as well, my friend.

And thanks for staying faithful.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Brother Bob,

I’ve been wanting to reach out to you and say congratulations on 25 years! My company is in its busy season and it’s been hard to just send an email at times. I’m confident that your ministry has touched thousands of lives. I know it has mine. We may never meet this side of heaven but you are one of the ones on my list that I want to walk up to in heaven and say Thank You! Then you will say, oh you are the messed up dude that always emailed me! LOL!

God Bless!

Response #20:

Thanks so much for this enthusiastic vote of confidence, my friend – greatly appreciated!

We're all "messed" up down here (it's only a matter of degrees and "flavors"), but we'll all be perfect, perfectly happy, and perfectly "one" with each other in a blissful way as yet unimaginable on the other side . . . in the presence of the Lord we love so much.

Since there are no perfect Christians, we can afford to "forget what lies behind" (Phil.3:13), and concentrate instead on making our best effort today to put something into our heavenly treasure chest – we'll never regret that!

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV

"His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.' "
Matthew 25:21 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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