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Fighting the Fight XXII

Word RTF

Question #1:

Thanks Doc. I know I need to get going spiritually, that I'll even be far happier than I could be otherwise if I do...yet I can't bring myself to give up the things of the world. I've said this before, but how do I move past this?

Response #1:

The Christian life is not about "giving things up" – unless they are outright sinful. If they are, then we better give them up or we are in for increasingly severe discipline. The Lord will help us modify our behavior there if we are unwilling to do it ourselves (Heb.12:3-11; see the link).

For "things of the world" that are not particularly sinful in and of themselves, well, this world is chock-full of distractions of every sort, with more and more variety and content of distractions day by day. For believers, it is a constant challenge to put spiritual things first so as not to let ourselves be overwhelmed by "fun things to do" (and "fun" will be differently defined for us all). There's nothing wrong with model-railroading, for example . . . unless a person becomes so fixated on it that it leads to sinful behavior (as in squandering the family finances, losing one's job to stay home and work on it, etc.), or unless it so completely occupies all leisure time that spiritual momentum ceases. This life is all about such choices. We need to remember as I've often said that the smallest measure of our Lord's good pleasure at the judgment seat of Christ is worth more than the entire present universe, and infinitely and eternally so (link). The more we internalize this truth (and all of the many truths that support it), the easier it will be to keep our heads on straight and make better use of our time. God does not begrudge us some relaxation. But what we do with the precious time we have says a lot about our priorities. What we need to do is to train ourselves to see and understand that we are really happier NOW when we spend time with the Lord; that we will surely be happier tomorrow if we've done so today; and that we will be even happier in eternity – with no regrets – for all such good decisions we made while still "in the body".

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:8-9 NIV

Merry Christmas!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Hi Bob,

Your response, on #6 (10/1), if I remember right, was quite helpful. Thank you.

You wrote in an earlier email that you were "preaching to the choir." I admit, there were times when I wondered where your response came from. I understand, finally. If my sometimes sophomoric questions give you an opportunity to "preach to the choir," then I'm all for it. You know your congregation far better than I do, so if it helps others, I'm more than happy for you to preach to my choir.

I suspect that you were preaching to a choir, also, in this week's email posting. I was surprised to see our recent correspondence included in this weeks posting – but as I read further, I understood. So, Bob, if my questions give you an opportunity to preach to the choir, please do so and don't apologize. If my fumbling around helps others, let it be so.

In our Lord Jesus,

Response #2:

I always appreciate your willingness to share, my friend!

On some level, we are all "fumbling around" down here – but as long as we are fumbling forward and not backward, we can take heart in that.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1st Corinthians 13:12 NIV

You always ask good questions. It has been a trademark of this ministry from the beginning to give correspondents what I think they (and others) need to hear rather than necessarily what they thought they were going to hear – and I appreciate those who are patient with me in this method.

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Doc, how do you feel about the "Law of Noncontradiction"? It's one of the fundamental bases of all rational logic supposedly. As the name says, it says 2 truths cannot contradict each other. If they did, how would we know either of them is actually true? I'm not so sure about this, because the Bible contradicts what a lot of people truly believe to be rational. How do you feel about it?

Response #3:

You are correct.  This sort of thing is not my cup of tea. What I will say is that unbelievers who look at an English translation of the Bible may think that two things said therein are contradictory when in fact, rightly understood in the Spirit, they are not contradictory at all. THAT happens all the time – even believers who are not trained and experienced pastor-teachers can get confused on that score sometimes.

In terms of the Bible "contradicting what some people feel to be rational", well, what IS "rational"? Is it rational to go to hell when that is not necessary? Is it rational to blame God for things when one knows in one's heart of hearts that He is nothing but good and loving? Is it rational to pursue all manner of sinful things that have only ever destroyed others and are now destroying the doubter in question? One could go on and on. Nothing about following the devil instead of God is "rational" – except in the re-definition of actual truth into something one prefers. Nothing was ever more irrational than for the devil to think that he could outfox and outfight the Creator, and those who follow him in this insanity cannot be commended for trying to reverse reality and call us who follow the truth irrational.

As Plato showed clearly enough, this sort of game is all about definitions. But believers recognize that the actual truth is something on which God has a complete monopoly.

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” “What is truth?” retorted Pilate.
John 18:37-38a NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Hey Professor,

I wanted to get your thoughts on some of my goals that I have with regards to my studying and future ministry plans.

So, as of right now, I'm doing very well spiritually and mentally. I think that I'm right with the Lord, generally speaking, and that I do have a calm peace of mind, and that I haven't let external forces distract me too much.

That said, I'm trying to push myself even harder to be more productive and more efficient. The problem is, as I've been trying to push my limits, I generally get more tired and will sometimes fall into sin, because I get stressed out and lose focus. I feel the need to keep pushing myself because I don't feel that I'm growing at a fast enough pace to the point where I'll eventually feel confident in ministry, but I don't want to do more harm than good.

I'm trying to split up my time between my job, my spiritual growth, and my finances. It's a lot to do, and I'm questioning if I even should be working, because I simply don't need the money, and I feel like I need to be preparing for ministry. I do think I'm called to teach, but I am VERY far off from that. I'm just "physically" not strong enough. At the same time, part of me feels like I should be out in the world being a good witness. I also feel like giving kids opportunities through my work might be a form of service, but I'm not entirely sure how to think about it. At the same time, managing my investments is also work, and I'd be communicating with people. What do you see in scripture on all this?

So, in short, I'm curious to know how you think I might be able to maximize my efficiency and spiritual growth while also knowing my limits and being wise about it. Would you say that the ability to kind of "go extra hard" is a gift, or do you think that's something we can all cultivate? Managing my time is also obviously important, but it's not something that is a huge concern yet, because I'm not sure I have the capacity yet to make like every hour count, even though that'd be great.

Let me know about all this. I know it's a lot.


Response #4:

Learning how to balance our necessary priorities is something we get better at as we grow. As I have often said, it's not much use to "go all out" for a couple of days if it results in "crash and burn" for many days thereafter. Better to find a good pace you can maintain. As you become comfortable with that pace, you can experiment with increasing it gradually. There aren't too many people in the history of the world who could just "turn it on" and go full speed and never look back. Julius Caesar comes to mind, but this his amazing effort was energy of the flesh fueled by worldly ambition writ large. We see this also in all manner of celebrities in our own day. Becoming famous and successful in the worlds of sports, entertainment, politics, business, etc., requires just such maximum effort, but for what? We believers are looking for a good report from Jesus Christ. That is what we need to remember and focus on (link). So instead of adapting to human norms, we need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and walk then run in His power, not our own.

Setting priorities is also important. Our priorities say a lot about who we really are and about how much we really love the Lord. But we have to be careful. Following Him may involve giving up certain things, taking a sacrificial as opposed to an easy road, etc. However, following Jesus Christ is NOT "giving things up and making life hard on oneself". That is putting things backwards. We only give up superficial things in order to focus on more important things – not for "giving things up" for their own sake. We believers only take a harder road because it leads to the place we have chosen to go. Decisions like these have to be taken in great confidence after much prayer and consideration.

From what I know, you seem to be making good progress. We'd all like to do more and get farther faster, but we also have to be realistic about what is really sustainable for us personally. We need to avoid two extremes: being complacent on the one hand and being unrealistic on the other. Somewhere in there is a "sweet spot" for you as with us all. So keep growing, keep pushing (but reasonably so), and keep praying: the Lord will make all this clear to you if you continue to make spiritual growth a priority in your life.

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
Revelation 3:15-16 NIV

The Lord loves those who are "red hot" for the truth . . . but consistently so, not haphazardly.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:


Okay. What would you say about the other parts? I'm not asking you to decide for me, but I'm trying to discern whether or not doing my secular job could really be considered spiritual service. I mean, helping kids get off the streets and playing golf, and giving them scholarship opportunities, for example, is a nice thing to do, but they obviously need Christ, and these kids don't know that there's a Christian (me) working behind this with some kind of Godly intention in mind. I think for a while my gut has kind of told me that this is not truly service, cause we shouldn't be engaged in "making the world a better place". On the other hand, I could maybe see serving unbelievers by providing the basic necessities of life as caring for the poor and needy, and could be effective if the gospel is attached to it. But that is obviously not what my non-profit is doing. I also just don't really get up excited to do it, especially because I don't need the money. And I know we are to work hard and unto the Lord at our jobs.

With money management, I'm also ambivalent about it. I could just kind of ignore what I've been given and focus more on the teaching. But this also does not exactly excite me and I sometimes feel that it is somewhat of a burden just because I have it.

Let me know

Response #5:

As you know, I'm reluctant to give specific advice. But your reasoning here seems "reasonable" to me. So keep growing, keep praying, and keep "chewing" on this in the truth. The Lord will lead you into the right direction. This is the process I went through when I decided to go to seminary . . . and also when I decided to leave seminary (after a two year degree) and head back into Classics to earn my bread. Both decisions were risky (as was leaving the USMC to go back to school), but I am very glad I took the risk in each case (otherwise there probably wouldn't be an Ichthys – not having to do with me, anyway).

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

-Dear Professor Luginbill-

I felt compelled to send you a brief note to let you know how much I have profited from reading the Sacred Scriptures and your excellent commentary and exposition. Since February 1 of this year, I have completed the following: Any suggestions as to what would be an appropriate sequel?

Completed Ichthys.com Lessons

Pneumatology: the study of The Holy Spirit (95% complete)

Hamartiology: the study of sin (part 3B)

Theology: the study of God (part 1)

Peripateology: the study of the Christian walk (part 6A)

Soteriology: the study of salvation (part 4B)

Christology: the study of Jesus Christ, His Person and work (part 4A)

Growing in Christ Jesus,

Response #6:

You've been busy!

As to sequel, you mean after the Bible Basics series? From your list, it seems you've still got five installments to go. After that, I'd recommend the Peter Series (link), if you haven't already gotten to that. I also have the Satanic Rebellion and Coming Tribulation, two long series at the links, both of which have very pertinent information considering the lateness of the eschatological hour in which we find ourselves. Then too, I've just recently begun the book of Hebrews now through chapter ten at the link). There are also some important resources on the Special Topics page (link). Finally, there are also worse things than re-reading these postings, especially the major ones. I do that myself. It's hard for mere mortals (as we all are) to really "get" everything the first time through (or even the second time).

Thanks for the update!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Hi professor!

How are you doing?

[Love] keeps no record of wrongs.
1st Corinthians 13:5b NIV

1) So I have been struggling a bit with this verse. I am sure you know of people who are just 'takers' and take advantage of others. And I was just wondering, if someone keeps a record in their mind of times a person did that to them, not to take revenge but so they will be careful not to be taken advantage of, is that against this verse? Does this verse actually indeed mean keep no record of wrongs as in to keep no record for the purpose of revenge. This first question I mean in a more light and casual sense. Say you are part of a group and you are always doing the clean up and someone else is always the party-er and you decide that you aren't going to clean up for awhile and just have fun too since it is an uneven thing.

2) I really needed a record in my mind for a while of certain things my parents did. There is only so much a mind and psyche can take of being lied to and harmed in every sphere and taught evil when they are at their most impressionable before they break, but of course everyone will blame that person when they finally explode (barring a few rare persons). I was reading a verse recently that mentioned normal things people do and referencing how to relate to God (that He was counting on that)-if I remember right. And I prayed that I wouldn't do those things because I was taught not to. Think of a kid in a communist country taught to not allow themselves to think things (you can indeed do this, and I won't pretend there are absolutely no silver linings to doing that), whether it is that they are in pain, or that x-y, just to make it through the day. And I prayed that is seems that I am put at spiritual risk here because I won't act like a normal person thanks to my parents. But I suppose He would know that and do different for me and others in the same boat. But you know I wouldn't realize that if I hadn't noted that my parents did indeed do x and y and z and that it was evil. As an example of needed keeping record of wrong at least for a while.


Response #7:

As to your first question, "if someone keeps a record in their mind of times a person did that to them, not to take revenge but so they will be careful not to be taken advantage of, is that against this verse?" Not at all. We're not supposed to be stupid. Just the opposite (e.g., Prov.14:15; 27:12; Matt.10:16). It would be foolish to put oneself into the hands of anyone who has a track record of lacking integrity or being dangerous, and the Bible always commends wisdom and condemns foolishness.

On the second one, I know you had a very rough childhood. The fact that you have turned out so wonderfully well is a testament to your faith in Jesus Christ and God's power and mercy. Rather than focus on hypotheticals, I think that continuing to be loving and continuing to be forgiving and merciful while growing in Christ will solve all such issues.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1st Peter 4:8 NIV

In terms of your past and in terms of people who have or are likely to be abusive, we are NOT required to have anything to do with them . . . even if they are believers (however doubtful).

I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
1st Corinthians 5:9-11 NIV

Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.
2nd John 1:9-11

Hope you'll be getting some time of for Christmas! Just about done with the semester here.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:


Just wanted to write to congratulate you on today's posting! It was so particularly encouraging to read today! Such spiritual food! I was so very blessed from it! Thank you!

Just to add, as with your other sheep who said they really benefit from your food (even when others wander off). I can chorus the same, I am never leaving your pasture either. As long as you are here (and beyond) I will be glad to make full use of all your provision!

I say beyond because I have quite a lot of your site printed off now. I use your online site to study from but it is good to know that I have a hard copy should your site be pulled in the future (or should the internet stop being readily available when things get very serious!)

I also wanted to let you know (as encouragement) that many of my private prayers are being answered. I am seeing signs of progress with people who are very hard hearted so this is a great encouragement to me! I have seen people who I would never expect to change to start slowly changing in response to diligent and persistent prayer! Like the persistent widow, I keep praying on and on about the same seemingly immovable situations come rain or shine, I keep praying and praying and Bob! I see movement! I see change! The mountains ARE moving! He does reward persistent prayer!

No matter what happens I will keep going and keep fighting the good fight! Change IS possible if we hold onto our hope and keep trusting Him! He NEVER lets us down and prayer is a mighty and powerful spiritual weapon in the hands of those who BELIEVE in Him!


Keeping you in my prayers my friend!

In Jesus,

Response #8:

That is wonderful news!

I'm praying that this will "take" and be repeated throughout your whole circle.

Keep pushing forward with your personal growth and ministry preparations too. As good as this news is, don't let it sidetrack you. There is no "finish line" until we see the Lord face to face.

Thanks so much for your good and encouraging words, my friend! They are greatly appreciated.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:


Response #9:

I'm sorry to hear all this, my friend. However, it's not like it's "news", exactly. People have to want to change before they do so. If you weren't related to them, separating yourself entirely would be the best outcome. Since you are, well, probably "less is more" . . . which I may have said before.

I am praying for ___ and ___ and of course for you and I have added both of these new requests to the website as well.

The evil one always tries to oppose whatever progress we make. But "we are not unaware of his schemes" (2Cor.2:11).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hi Bob,

I'm sorry to hear you're still not quite 100%. I hope you can get some rest over the weekend.

Thanks Bob. It's 2025 now - feels like time is running out. Still no response from ___ but I'll keep praying. Hopefully the Lord is pleased with my perseverance while having no other believers around me. I couldn't do it without His help and staying close to Him. I need to draw even closer. I've had some very tough spiritual battles recently too. It's hard but I'm pushing my way through. Fighting the good fight - far from perfectly - but still fighting.

Take care Bob and thanks for all your encouragement.

Staying faithful.

In Jesus

Response #10:

Doing a little better tonight – thanks for those prayers!

Thanks also for the typo help, my friend.

I've put up the prayer request as indicated. I'm praying as well.

I also hear you on the need to stay close to the Lord and get closer still. It's not easy to be perfect – or even close – day by day. This will always be a struggle until we see the Lord face to face. As long as we never the let the cross drop from our hearts, remembering also the crown He has for us, we will always be coming back around to dead center, in spite of the centrifugal forces that seek to pull us away. This life is distracting and we are fighting on many fronts at the same time. We just need always to remember which is the truly important one and keep that priority solid, even when we are falling short in application because we are tired or distracted or really being pressured.

In the end, there is nothing whatsoever for us to worry about. Everything down here that seems insurmountable at present is actually very small . . . just as long as we're keeping our eyes on the Lord. It's all about our perspective, and even seasoned spiritual warriors can occasionally get a bit rattled on that score when the distractions mount – and often it is the little things (or one last little thing) that causes us to "blow our cork". But as long as we hold onto our Lord's hand tight, not pulling away to the left or to the right, He'll lead us to the good pasture we're headed to. There is no doubt about that.

"If the LORD is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us—a land which flows with milk and honey."
Numbers 14:8 NASB

Keeping up the prayers on this end too, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Thanks Bob for all of this,

I have had such a busy time of it recently and what with all of this running around just after coming through COVID and then the holiday, I am afraid to say that I didn't have time to do any study and it all went out of the window..


Thanks for what you wrote. Witnessing my faith to others has never been a problem but now I need to learn when to be quiet and humble and wait on the Lord and take that peace and trust that it isn't about me but about Him. Hopefully now I have the time again to continue with study I can bring my epignosis of the Lord's continual faithfulness and deliverance to the table in my continuance of my study and spiritual growth.

Is there anything in particular you wish me to pray for you my friend? Anything for your family or your classes?

Keeping you in my daily prayers.

In Him,

Response #11:

Looks beautiful! We have nice vistas over here too . . . but no Roman monuments!

From where I sit, you are doing fine. We all have problematic tendencies, one way or another, which we need to learn to recognize and compensate for. These are also places where the forces of evil love to attack.

I'm thrilled to hear that your patience and prayer has paid off, my friend! I know very well what it is like to have problematic living situations and how that militates against getting important things done. And I also know what a relief it is when they finally resolve. So I can appreciate your joy and gratitude to the Lord.

Prayers for the job, health . . . and of course ministry . . . are always appreciated.

Keeping you in my prayers too, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

Hi Bob,

Thank you so much for your comforting words! I have all prayers for family and friends in a little book that I go through in the mornings. I update your prayers with the info you give me and will pray every morning with this.

I am realising that this is a war of many, many fronts and it can appear very daunting when on the brink of ministry. It is as much as working out what it is not or what works to what it is. I also have to realise that I only need fight it on the one front, the front the Lord has given me. Reddit was quite good for gathering research in terms of how cults affect real people but I realise that it is NOT a place for ministry.

If you post anything on there to suggest that the Bible is the only truth and Jesus is the only way then you get blasted from all sides. For suggesting that Gnosticism is the belief system behind Q anon, I have been blasted by the Gnostics, the New Agers, the Hindus, the Atheists etc.. I was getting flak from all sides for saying that and it was getting relentless trying to fight off false teachings from all sides. Like a free for all! It was like an online equivalent to all those Ephesians shouting 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians' for two hours!

Well I don't think I will be doing that again! You have the right idea having a website without a comments' section and that you deal with believers and attackers one by one via email.I can't imagine what you have been through over the years with the naysayers, the belligerent to the downright abusive. Yes I will use your own communication method as an example (if I may) of only fielding one comment or objection at a time.

It also occured to me that places like Reddit are just an open public forum where every voice is given equal weight and validity. I cannot use the Bible as my authority there as I literally get torn to shreds, they will not hear any of it. It is far better for people to come to me for this ministry rather than the other way around. It has to be a ministry to help believers get out of false teaching and abuse. Of course if non-believers enjoy the fruit of the ministry then I can lead them to the truth of the Gospel but I can see that I have to have short shrift for those who have no time for the truth whatsoever. I know at the same time I need to not get angry and give a good witness at the same time. This is hard to do when you are in a crowd of unbelievers screaming at you.

I still get a bit triggered when people attack my faith and when I uphold the Bible. I feel my heart race and I start to panic a little inside when they come at me. I hope with practice in the right environment and with growing faith and assuredness in the Lord's protection and sufficient grace that I won't feel this fear in the weeks and months to come. Prayers over this will also be appreciated my friend.

In Jesus,

Response #12:

You're most welcome, my friend.

"I also have to realise that I only need fight it on the one front, the front the Lord has given me." That is the case indeed. We have been deployed in our positions by the Lord of Hosts Himself, and He knows why He put us where we are. Our job is just to keep on persevering with the mission He's given us, no matter what. Everything else is, in the end, irrelevant.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to be attacked, nor does it mean that it isn't wearing to carry whatever load we have to carry to keep doing what we've been charged to do. But the Lord ALWAYS sees us through. We just have to keep firmly in mind that this is all about Him, not us.

It does seem that you are well out of that particular venue. It might be "the ticket" for some apologetic ministry which is meant to be confrontational, but not for what you have in mind. I am praying for you about this.

Thanks for your prayers as always too, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

[pressured to engage in social activities because of work]

Response #13:

There are unfair pressures like this on virtually all jobs of which I am aware. And you are correct that there are unwritten penalties for not going along. This one you mention seems more out of line than the obligatory on-site or geographically close party. I can't advise you what to do. I share your sense of the unfairness of it. You should do what you feel the Lord wants you to do and trust Him that He will work it out, one way or the other, if you are acting in trust of Him.

I promise to say a prayer about this for you.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Well I wasn't going. Then I decided to. And I avoided that person (sort of inadvertently) and I did have a lot of fun. [omitted]

Anyway, how are you so patient and generous? I honestly don't know anyone as patient with me or personally with anyone as you. I mean I don't mean to press on you, I really don't, and I do realize that I can be accidentally too much and definitely get overemotional.

Please take care of yourself,

Response #14:

I'm glad you had a good time. And good to hear that you were able to avoid the irritant.

As the Latin proverb goes, assidua stilla saxum excavat – a constant dripping can hollow out the hardest rock. Everyone's patience has its limit. In this ministry, I'm blessed to have time and space in my replies, being non-instantaneous as they come through email. But thanks for the good words in any case!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:


Response #15:

Everything you say here makes sense, my friend. I'm mainly concerned for your spiritual safety and momentum – because I know that the best way to help your ___ is by being a good prayer warrior, one to whom the Lord listens because of your dedication to Him and to the truth (Jas.5:16b-18), rather than by rolling up your sleeves and getting deeply involved with trying to "fix it" yourself. The former takes faith and sacrifice and can also take time; the latter almost never ever works – but often does damage the person trying to do the fixing.

Keeping you and this situation in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:


Response #16:

It's a tough situation. I think you are handling it as well as anyone could. When we are subjected to pain, it hurts, and emotional pain is often worse than the physical sort. We shouldn't get down on ourselves for hurting when things hurt. But we do need to do as you are doing and move on as best we can out of the line of fire when 1) that is possible, and 2) no further godly purpose is to be served by subjecting ourselves to such pain any longer.

Keeping you and ___ in my prayers about all this, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:


Whenever I try to turn away, it just ends up triggering something in my mind that makes me even more willing to do bad things. I don't know what to do...please help me, I don't want to end up being apostate.

Response #17:

My advice: then don't let yourself get "triggered". Learn how to say "no!" to all such questionable and potentially destructive things. You are not a robot. You have free will. You can decide for yourself as someone who has the image of God what you're going to think and feel – and certainly what you're going to say or do. See the links:

Who Controls our Thoughts and Emotions According to the Bible?

Faith, Hope and Love: Virtue in Spiritual Warfare

Maintaining a Sound Christian Offense in our Spiritual Warfare

You have to "own it", my friend. Then if you do fail, confess it, forget it, move on . . . and keep fighting the fight.

There is no other way. Jesus is the only Way.

In Him,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Hi Dr L,

If the car issues get worse then I will.

Besides God/The Lord, Paul is my favorite because when I was in the Home, I had no one and was so totally rejected, and when I read him, he seemed like he really loved the people he was talking to and I thought he would have accepted and cared about me too. (I mean it is God through Him of course).

Thank you for your kind words and support!

Response #18:

Hoping the car will behave for a while [prayers appreciated for car issues on this end too!].

Paul is great! He really did love the Church and sacrificed his whole life for it (link), in emulation and in honor of our Lord.

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1st Corinthians 11:1 NIV

Hope you don't have to work this weekend too!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:


Sorry I keep repeating myself in messages like I just did in my last one...There's not much for me to talk on other than my issues is all. You can still read it if you want though. I've already talked over and over about these things...the only thing left to do is get going. And if I really am at rock bottom, the only way left is up right? Please pray again that I'll find the motivation I need. I've been working on stopping these bad things in my head from happening, and I feel like I'm finally making a bit of progress. Please also pray I'll be able to overcome these things.

Response #19:

Re: "the only thing left to do is get going" – Amen!

I am praying for you.

Please do keep in mind, however, that spiritual offense is the only way to ever get good at defense. You can't win a ball game by only keeping the other team from scoring. Rough analogy only. Because spiritual offense is really the only way to get better at defense. Coming to have a good measure of control over one's heart so as to consistently reject bad thinking of all sorts is in many respects the "last frontier" or high ground believers have to conquer; it's not the stuff of spiritual immaturity (see the link). We have to be strong (holding off the bad: defense) and courageous (taking it to the enemy: offense).

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 21:6 NIV

So do keep fighting the fight, but don't get distressed if you're not perfect. And whatever you do, don't let the fact of some spiritual defeat in the heart (we all have them) stop you or even slow you down from doing the good spiritual growth things you need to do – that is a mistake too many Christians make.

Also, everyone is a sinner. You don't owe me an explanation – and you confess your sins to the Lord alone (Ps.51:4; cf. 1Jn.1:9). And when you do, you are forgiven.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.
Psalm 103:8-13 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Dear Teacher

__'s condition has continued to worsen, even with the new antibiotic. We might end up in surgery and we are preparing in case she might be delivered as well.

I also want to ask about 1Tim2:15. I have actually wondered about it for a while. I was thinking that it is a blanket statement for all believing women, but just now while checking to make sure of the verse number, I saw that there is the condition of continuing in faith, love, and holiness. I assume that to refer to spiritual growth and ministry. So, it's not a blanket statement then? In short, while I have been praying the Lord to grant mercy to my wife and deliver her through all this, I have been trying to prepare my heart for any eventuality. Still, I would rather things went better than that, that she and our little one will come through hale and hearty and this will only be a test that she passes. [n.b., the Lord did deliver, fully and completely]

Your student in Jesus

Response #20:

Get back with me when you can. I understand you are likely to be busy for a while and will be very tired once the situation is successfully resolved (as I am praying it will be).

"I would rather things went better than that, that she and our little one will come through hale and hearty and this will only be a test that she passes." Amen! I am certain that is what is going on. And I know you both have the faith to pass the test. As to "abiding in faith, love, and holiness with prudence", I can't imagine a couple who more fulfills this mandate than you two do. So trust the Lord. He is able to deliver you and I am confident that He will do so.

No unbelief made [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.
Romans 4:20 ESV

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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