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Bible Basics

Essential Doctrines of the Bible

by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill

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This seven part series is designed to provide a solid, in-depth grounding in the Bible's essential doctrinal and theological teachings, including:

*See also Steven Tammen's group studies of BB 6A

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   Part 1:  Theology:  the study of God  (257K;  word count:  16K) 

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   Part 2A:  Angelology:  the study of angels  (471K;  word count:  56K) 

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   Part 2B: Eschatology:   the study of the end times  (1,987K; wordcount: 201K) 

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   Part 3A:  Anthropology:  the study of Man  (488K;  word count:  57K) 

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   Part 3B:  Hamartiology: the study of sin  (636K;  word count:  80K) 

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   Part 4A:  Christology: the study of Jesus Christ  (966K; word count:  115K

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   Part 4B:  Soteriology:  the study of salvation  (628K; word count 74K) 

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   Part 5:  Pneumatology:  the study of the Holy Spirit's ministry  (649K; wordcount: 79K) 

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   Part 6A:  Peripateology:  the study of the Christian walk  (1,352K; wordcount: 134K) 

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   Part 6B:  Ecclesiology:  the study of the Church  (931K; wordcount: 92K

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    Part 7:  Bibliology:  the study of the Bible  (658K; wordcount: 56K

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  Archives of the entire series:

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Linked Outlines

Part 1:  Theology:  the study of God
I. The Essence of God:  Nature and Characteristics
        A. Infinity
        B. Perfection
II. The Persons of God: the Trinity
        A. Definition of the Trinity:  One in Essence; Three in Person
        B. The Trinity in the Bible
        C. The Trinity in the Old Testament

Part 2A:  Angelology:  the study of angels
I. The Purpose, Creation and Nature of Angels
II. Satan's Rebellion and World Rule
    1. The Occasion of the Rebellion
    2. God's Judgment on the Universe
    3. God's Restoration of the Earth
    4. God's Replacement for Satan
    5. Satan and the Fall of Man
    6. The Limits of Satan's World Rule
    7. Satan's World-System
    8. Satan's Strategy
    9. The Angelic Order of Battle
        1) The Current Heavenly Truce
        2) The Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of  Satan
        3) The Organization of the Elect Angels
        4) Special Functions of Elect Angels
        5) General Service of Elect Angels
        6) The Organization of the Fallen Angels
        7) God's use of Evil Spirits
        8) Angelic Combat
        9) Believers versus Unbelievers
    10. Satan's Tactics

Part 2B: Eschatology:   the study of the end times
1. God's Plan for Human History
    A. Judgment, Restoration and Replacement I: Positional Victory
    B. The Focus of God's Plan, Jesus Christ, His Person and His Work
    C. Things to Come: Judgment, Restoration and Replacement Phases II & III
    D. God's Disposition of Satan: A Historical Overview
2. The Tribulation Defined
3. The Seven Churches of Revelation
4. The Tribulation's First Half
5. Antichrist and his Kingdom
6. The Great Tribulation
7. Armageddon and the Second Advent
8. Last Things

Part 3A:  Anthropology:  the biblical study of the nature of Man
I. The Purpose of Man
II. The Creation of Man
    1. The Image and the Likeness of God
    2. The Creation of Adam
    3. The Human Spirit
    4. The Dichotomy of Man
    5. The Creation of Eve
III. Status Quo in Paradise
IV. The Fall of Man
    1. The Temptation
    2. The Fall
    3. The Judgment
V. Status Quo in the Devil's World
VI. The Last Adam

Part 3B:  Hamartiology, the study of sin
I. The Fall and Human Sinfulness
    1. The Three Aspects of Death
    2. The Sin Nature
    3. The Conscience
II. The Nature of Sin
    1. The Essence of Sin
    2. The Universality of Sin
    3. The Results of Sin
    4. The Distinction between Sin and Evil
    5. The Distinction between Sin and Crime
    6. The Distinction between Expressly Prohibited and Non-Expressly Prohibited Sin
    7. The Three Types of Sin
    8. Relative Accountability for Sin
    9. The Ten Commandments
III. God's Dealing with the Collective Sin of Mankind
    1. The Holy Character of God
    2. The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ
IV. God's Dealing with the Sins of Individual Human Beings
    1. God's Justice and Mercy
    2. God's Forgiveness of Sins
    3. The Natural Consequences of Sin
    4. The Fact and Purpose of Divine Discipline
    5. Principles of Divine Discipline
    6. Apostasy and the Sin unto Death
    7. God's Dealing with the Sins of the Unbeliever
V. The Believer's Dealing with Sin
    1. Repentance, Confession, and Forgiveness
    2. The Principle and Process of Sanctification

Part 4A:  Christology:  the study of Christ
I. The Person of Jesus Christ
   1. Jesus Christ is truly Divine
   2. Jesus Christ is truly Human
   3. Jesus Christ is truly Unique
   4. The Names of Jesus Christ Reflect His Perfect Person and His Perfect Work
   5. The Life of Jesus Christ
II. The Saving Work of Jesus Christ
   1. Our Need for a Savior
   2. The Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on our behalf.
   3. Unlimited Atonement
   4. The Blood of Christ
   5. The Spiritual Death of Christ
   6. Propitiation
   7. Redemption
   8. Justification
   9. Reconciliation
   10. Summary of the Work of Christ in Effecting Salvation

Part 4B:  Soteriology:  the study of Salvation
I. God’s Plan to Save You
    1. Free-will faith and the Will of God
        a. The purpose of God's creation of man
        b. God's desire for all to be saved
        c. The essential nature of mankind
        d. The sacrifice of Christ proof-positive of God's goodwill towards all
        e. The inevitability of disobedience if freedom is really free
    2. The Plan of God for the Salvation of Individual Believers
        a. Foreknowledge and the Divine Decrees
        b. Predestination, Calling and Election
        c. Sanctification before salvation
        d. Justification
        e. Glorification
II. How to be Saved
    1. Responsibility
    2. Natural Revelation and Accountability
        a. Natural Revelation
        b. The Sin Problem
        c. The Problem of Unbelievers
        d. Phase One Hardening of the Heart: Darkening of the Truth
        e. Phase Two Hardening of the Heart: Rejection of the Truth
        f. Phase Three Hardening of the Heart: Perversion of the Truth
    3. Providence
    4. Repentance
    5. The Gospel
        a. The Gospel of the Kingdom
        b. The Gospel before the Cross
    6. Faith
        a. The Etymology of Faith
        b. The Definition of Faith
        c. The Essence of Faith
        d. The Mechanics of Saving Faith
        e. Faith Epistemology
        f. False Issues
    7. Spiritual Rebirth
        a. How to be Born Again
        b. Our New Position as Reborn Believers
        c. Our New Orientation as Reborn Believers
III. What it Means to be Saved
    1. Deliverance
        a. Born Again
        b. Forgiven
        c. Redeemed
        d. Reconciled
    2. New Position
        a. Adoption
        b. Bride of Christ
        c. Citizens of Heaven
        d. Cleansed in our Conscience
        e. Heirs of an Eternal Inheritance
        f. Justified
        g. Sanctified
        h. Sealed and under God's own Guarantee by the Pledge of the Holy Spirit
        i. Under Grace
        j. Union with Christ and Oneness with the Father and Spirit
    3. Present Advantages
        a. Access to God as Priests of Jesus Christ
        b. Fellowship with God
        c. Divine Protection
        d. Spiritual Gifts
    4. Future Blessings
        a. New Jerusalem
        b. Resurrection
c. Reward

Part 5: Pneumatology: the Study of the Holy Spirit
I. The Person of the Holy Spirit
   A. The Holy Spirit is a Person
   B. The Holy Spirit is God
   C. The Holy Spirit's Chosen Role in the Plan of God
      1. As described in scripture
      2. As illustrated by symbols
         a. Oil
         b. Fire
         c. Seven Spirits
         d. Seven Lamps
         e. Seven Eyes
         f. Seven Seals
         g. Dove
         h. Sword of the Spirit
         i. Pledge
      3. As Illustrated by His names
         a. The Holy Spirit
         b. The Spirit of Truth
         c. The Spirit of Wisdom
         d. The Spirit of Christ
         e. The Spirit of Life
         f. The Encourager
II. The Ministries of the Holy Spirit
    A. Ministries to the World
       1. Creation
         a. Initial Creation
         b. Reconstruction
         c. Individual Creatures
         d. Eternity
      2. Genesis Gap Restraint of the Devil
      3. Pre-Flood Striving of the Spirit
      4. Restraining Antichrist
      5. Law and Order
   B. Ministries for Believers and the Church
      1. Pre-Salvation
         a. Sanctification
         b. Natural Revelation
         c. Gospel Infrastructure
         d. Direct Provision of the Gospel
            (1) Conviction
            (2) Gospel Epistemology
      2. The Salvation Ministries of the Spirit
         a. Regeneration
         b. Baptism
            (1) Into Christ
               (a) Definition
               (b) The Basis of the Spirit's Baptism of Believers into Christ (baptism "by the Spirit")
               (c) The Results and Significance of Baptism into Christ (baptism "by the Spirit")
                  1) "in Christ"
                  2) "of Christ"
                  3) "fellowship with Christ"
                  4) "Christ in us"
                  5) "Christ's Body"
                  6) "Christ's Bride"
                  7) "Adopted
                  8) "One"
            (2) Indwelling
               (a) The Prophecy of the Gift
               (b) Baptized "with" the Spirit (as opposed to "by" the Spirit)
               (c) The Gift of the Spirit
               (d) The Pouring out of the Gift of the Spirit
               (e) The Residence of the Spirit "within" us
               (f) The Anointing of the Spirit
               (g) The Sanctifying Work of the Spirit making us a Temple of God
               (h) The Preeminent Sign of the Spirit's Work
               (i) The Universality of the Indwelling of the Spirit
               (j) Results and Effects
               (k) The Means of Imparting the Gift
               (l) Progression of the Gift
         3. The Post-Salvation Ministries of the Spirit
            a. Spiritual Growth Infrastructure
               (1) Bible
               (2) Spiritual Gifts Supporting Bible Teaching
               (3) Spiritual Growth Epistemology
            b. Empowerment of the Believer
               (1) Fellowship and the Filling of the Spirit (Responding to the Spirit)
                  (a) The Filling of the Spirit
                  (b) Being Led by the Spirit versus Resisting the Spirit
               (2) The Teaching Ministry of the Spirit (Spiritual Growth)
                  (a) Definition
                  (b) Epistemology and Spiritual Growth
               (3) Walking in the Spirit (Spiritual Progress)
                  (a) Guidance
                  (b) Motivation
                     (i) Encouragement
                     (ii) Hope
                     (iii) Joy
                     (iv) Love
                     (v) Endurance
                     (vi) Fellowship with other believers
                     (vii) Zeal
                  (c) Specific Empowerments
                     (i) Prayer
                     (ii) Worship
                     (iii) Sanctification
         c. Security of the Believer
         d. Ministry of the Believer
            (1) Spiritual Gifts
               (a) Communication Gifts
                  1. Evangelist
                  2. Pastor-Teacher
               (b) Support Gifts
                  1. Service
                  2. Encouragement
                  3. Giving
                  4. Superintendence
                  5. Charity
               (c) Temporary Gifts
                  1. Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith
                  2. Healing
                  3. Miracles
                  4. Prophecy
                  5. Discerning of Spirits
                  6. Tongues and Interpretation
            (2) Empowerment of Ministry
         C. The Example of Jesus Christ
                  1. The Incarnation
                  2. Indwelling and Filling
                  3. The Baptism of Christ
                  4. The Temptation of Christ
                  5. The Spirit's Empowerment of Christ's Ministry
                  6. The Cross
                  7. The Proclamation in Hades
                  8. The Resurrection of Christ
         D. Things to Come

Part 6A: Peripateology: the Study of the Christian Walk
        I.  Principles and Practice
    (1) Our Objective (Recruitment and Enlistment)
    (2) Our Methodology (Training)
        A. Spiritual Growth
            1. The Water of the Word
            2. The Centrality of the Word of God to the Christian Life
            3. The Virtuous Circle of Spiritual Growth
            4. Bible Teaching
            5. Bible Teacher
            6. The Holy Spirit and the Truth (epistemology and epignosis)
            7. The Result of the Process:  Spiritual Maturity
        B. Spiritual Perspective
            1. Peace and Joy
            2. Alertness
            3. Emotions
            4. Clear Eyes
            5. Virtue Thinking
            6. Focusing on Christ
            7. Transformation
        C. Spiritual Discernment
            1. The Process of Discernment
            2. Areas of Discernment
                a. Self-Examination
                b. Family
                c. Job and Business
                d. Great Matters
                e. Ministry and Relations with Other Believers
            3. Impediments to Discernment
            4. Wisdom
            5. The Law of Love
    (3) Our Warfare
        A. Spirituality and Sin
        B. Testing and Temptation
        C. Personal Tribulation
        D. Spiritual Warfare
            1. Our Objective
            2. Our Opposition
            3. Our S.O.P.
                a. Growth progression
                b. Testing of our control
                c. Holding our position
                d. The example of Christ
            4. Readiness for Spiritual Combat
            5. Meeting the Threat
            6. Calling for Support
            7. Intense Spiritual Combat
                a. Comfort and Encouragement
                b. Eternal Rewards
                c. Team Spirit
                d. Joy and Peace
                e. Everything is Always Over
                f. Fellowship with Jesus Christ in the Fiery Furnace
                g. Anchored by Hope
            8. Recovering from Defeat
            9. Spiritual Victory
        E. The Christian Walk
II. Biblical Vocabulary, Analogies and Role Models for Spiritual Growth
    (1) Spiritual Growth Vocabulary
    (2) Spiritual Growth Analogies
        A. The Physical Body and Athletics Analogy
        B. The Plant Analogy
        C. The Building Analogy
        D. The Military Analogy
        E. The Pilgrimage Analogy
    (3) Biblical Role Models

Part 6B: Ecclesiology: the Study of the Church
I. The Universal Church
    A. Definition of the Church
        1. Etymology and Meaning of the word Church
        2. Composition of the Church
        3. The Body and the Head
        4. The Bride and the Husband
        5. The Living Stones and the Rock of Foundation
    B. The Church Age and the New Dispensation of the Truth
        1. The Spirit and the New Dispensation of the Truth
        2. The Old and New Covenants
        3. The Mystery Age and the Mystery Complement
        4. Israel in the Church
            a. Predictions of Gentile Inclusion
            b. Biblical Descriptions of Gentile Co-equality
            c. Jewish Surprise and Resistance to Gentile Inclusion
            d. The Present Jewish Remnant in the Church
            e. The Dangers of Antisemitism
            f. Reassertion of Jewish Leadership prior to Christ's Return
        5. The Time of Transition versus the Present Status Quo
            a. The Dispensation of the Spirit
            b. The Need for a Transition
            c. The Nature of the Book of Acts
            d. Acts Chapter by Chapter
            e. The Perfect Word of God and the End of the Transition
    C. The Future of the Church Universal
        1. The Resurrection of the Church
        2. The Reward of the Church
        3. The Role of the Church in Christ's Millennial Rule
        4. The New Jerusalem
II. The Local Church
    A. The Assembly of the Local Church
    B. The Pastor-Teacher
        1. The Spiritual Gift of Pastor-Teacher
        2. The Calling and Responsibility of the Pastor-Teacher
        3. The Qualifications of the Pastor-Teacher
        4. The Preparation of the Pastor-Teacher
        5. The Duties of the Pastor-Teacher
        6. The Heart of the Pastor-Teacher
        7. The Pastor-Teacher as Exemplar
        8. The Authority of the Pastor-Teacher
        9. Selection of a Pastor-Teacher
    C. Organization and Functions of the Local Church
        1. Government of the Local Church
            a. Apostles
            b. Pastor-Teachers and Elders
            c. Deacons
            d. Apostolic Era Gifts
            e. Membership
            f. Ownership of Property
            g. Discipline
        2. Legitimate Functions of the Local Church
            a. Edification
            b. Pastoral Support
            c. Worship
            d. Missions and Evangelism
            e. Giving
        3. Other Issues
            a. Communion
            b. Water-Baptism
            c. Confession and other rituals
            d. Sabbath or Sunday Worship
            e. Women in Leadership
            f. Christian Unity

Part 7: Bibliology: the Study of the Bible
1. The Word of God (Jesus is the truth: The Message of God in Christ; God-side of truth)
2. The Revelation of the Word
       a. Natural Revelation
       b. Special Revelation
              (1) Etymology of "Revelation"
              (2) The Gospel
              (3) Types of Special Revelation
              (4) Special Revelation throughout the Dispensations
3. The Nature, Perfection and Inspiration of the Bible
       a. The Nature of the Bible
              (1) The Bible is a book entirely about Jesus Christ
              (2) The Bible divides like a Sword
              (3) The Bible is a divine Light
              (4) The Bible is the very Word of God
              (5) The Bible is the very Truth
              (6) The Bible is God's testimony of Life
              (7) The Bible is the very Mind of Christ
       b. The Perfection of the Bible
       c. The Inspiration of the Bible
       d. The Authority of the Bible
4. The Transmission of the Bible
       a. The Completeness of the Bible
               (1) The Bible is not a Textbook
               (2) The Bible is not a History Book
               (3) The Bible is not an Archaeology Report
               (4) The Bible is not a Scientific Journal
               (5) The Bible is not a Church Document
       b. The Present Form of the Bible
              (1) Assiduous Modern Scholarship
              (2) Universal Oral Tradition in Ancient Times
              (3) Meticulous Ancient Practices
              (4) Abundance of Early Evidence
              (5) Divine Superintendence
              (6) Current State of the Text
              (7) Assurance of Accuracy
       c. The Canon of Scripture
              (1) External Evidence that our Canon is the Canon
              (2) Internal Evidence that our Canon is the Canon
       d. Chronological Order and Composition of the Books of the Bible
              (1) The Issue of Chronology
              (2) Dates of Composition and Issues of Authorship
              (3) False Theories of Composition
       e. The Languages of the Bible
              (1) The Written Languages of Scripture
              (2) The Spoken Languages of the Bible
5. The Interpretation of the Bible
       a. The Translations
       b. The Method of Interpretation
       c. The Teacher
6. The Word of Truth
7. The Water of the Word

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