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Believers in the World XII

Word RTF

Question #1: 

Hi Bob,

Yes it has been very rough. Many things that I have repressed have been floating to the surface a lot recently. God wants me to know the truth so that I can be set free from all the lies I have been told.

Thank you for dealing with this so sensitively. I also knew that there would be others with a similar story, that mine wasn't unique. I knew you would be gentle (and I greatly appreciate that my friend) I did have regret after sending it though and even looked for ways of unsending it (doesn't exist). Not because I told you anything false but I felt really uncomfortable being that truthful about things.

I realise now that I have "Stockholm syndrome" or Trauma Bonding. It's where you learn to protect or have loving feelings towards your abuser/captive as a sort of defence mechanism. It's a kind of "survival mode". I do look at it all differently now though as it isn't about surviving any more, it's about Jesus Christ. I don't need to look to someone else to survive or even to myself, I have salvation in Jesus Christ.

I wondered why I was thinking about the fiery furnace. It occurred to me that the fiery furnace is a mockery of God. After all hell is a lake of fire. Satan wants to be like the Most High so he wants his own lake of fire judgement too. So it was Satan behind Nebuchadnezzar craving worship because it is him and fallen angels behind ALL false idols.

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Also didn't they pass their children through the fire to Molech? Obviously this is Satan again and a mockery of hell fire. The good thing to know is that the children will be saved automatically but it would be up to the parents whether they would be saved or not.

In my mind this morning was the words "cult of Baal". I realise that my family is a cult of Baal. Obviously they don't tell me to worship Baal exactly but I have to worship __ instead and __ is a replacement for Baal. So Satan or a fallen angel is behind ___ and craves worship through ___. Idols are merely conduits then for demon worship. Merely proxies.


It makes perfect sense now that they don't want me to be a Christian and have sometimes been openly hostile about it. You can't serve Christ AND Baal after all!


I realise that people who have been abused in these family and religious cults have a really up close view of how Satan operates. That's why I know that family and cult abuse is my ministry.
You have a gifted knowledge about how God moves and His plan. I have a gifted discernment how Satan operates. All ministries are either leading people towards and teaching people the truth or exposing the lies.

I read yesterday about Narcissism, someone wrote that "you can't agree to differ when there is abuse involved". We have to take a stand when there is abuse. We have to point out that there are moral absolutes in this world. There is good and there is evil. The world says there is "fifty shades of grey". God says there is good or evil, no in between. Sin is failing to hit the mark. Hitting the mark is doing God's will, His works. Anything other than doing God's will is missing the mark, is sin.

The world can't stand this of course. We already have "neuro-divergence" so it is inevitably soon we will have "morally divergent" people demanding their rights and "freedom to express themselves as they really are." Rights for rapists and murderers because they were "born that way".

People have always had the freedom to do evil but what they don't like is having a pesky conscience getting in the way. They also hate the Bible and anyone who believes it's God's Word and upholds a moral standard that we all have to look to.

They will only rest easy when their own consciences are seared and when all opposers to evil are wiped off the face of the earth. I can totally see why people will despise the two witnesses and try to kill them.

Look how they gnashed their teeth at Stephen and fell on him in rage. I've caught a glimpse of this rage in my family when I say that what they are doing is wrong.

16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.17If the God whom we serve exists, then He is ablee to deliver us from the blazing fiery furnace and from your hand, O king. 18But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden statue you have set up.”


I am distancing myself now.


Jesus will meet me in the fiery furnace and already I feel strengthened spiritually knowing this. I know this is training for the tribulation. The pressure to worship the ultimate idol, the Antichrist, will be overwhelming. I need learn how to be strong in the face of idol worship now so I can stand firm later.

In the past I would caved __ just to keep the peace or to calm the anxious trauma bond in me. I was scared of losing my family and my family's "love" if I didn't. I now know that this is not love anyway so I don't have to fear losing them anyway because God gives me love and He IS love. Also God will give me a new family if I lose this one so I can trust Him about that.

Not saying it doesn't hurt. It hurts like grief hurts but the Lord is comforting me through the Holy Spirit. Amen!


Just when the Apostles were told never to preach Jesus after they were freed from prison, they immediately carried on. That's what I must do too!


In Jesus,

Response #1:  

This is very insightful, my friend. I think it's a powerful model that could be applied far and wide to many people and much of what is going on in the world today. I do think you have a lot to offer others in terms of ministry to those who are going through similar troubles. It does help to have the dynamics of dysfunction explained and laid out so clearly as you do here.

I hope you will refine this and make it more generally applicable since I'd like to post the idea of it some day. Recognizing the seed of antichrist's false religion and false teaching before the fact will be invaluable for all Christians once the Tribulation begins. Here are some links on that:

Characteristics of the New Religion of Antichrist

The False Piety of Antichrist's Tribulational Religion

The Anti-Christian Religion of Antichrist and its World-wide Expansion

The Persuasiveness of the Tribulational False Religion

The False Prophet's Administration of Antichrist's False Religion

As to your personal situation, you KNOW that the Lord can get you through it. What is required is trusting Him and taking the steps He wants you to take. If it's helpful to have a third party (a Christian?) confirm the obvious, well, as I say, I do know people who have apparently been helped by that approach. But since the Lord is the One directing and the Spirit is the One empowering, that would seem sufficient.

If you do go, I would recommend considering the experience also from the perspective of future ministry, since that is the sort of thing that you are contemplating helping others with as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2: 

Thanks Bob,

I know you are worried and concerned for me and I really appreciate that.

In the past I have been sceptical of therapy as they use New Age practices and mind control themselves!

I have asked for a consultation with an Exit Counsellor. He specialises in helping people who are in cults or are leaving them. He also specialises in coercive controlling and narcissistic abusive relationships (which is the same thing after all.) I will see how it goes. He himself was in a Charismatic "Christian" cult himself and was forced to speak in tongues and tithe. He is a licenced professional and a member of the BACP with a Masters degree specialising in Coercive Control. He also has training alongside the Police in countering slavery and trafficking so he knows his stuff!

I've realised that in this world you either become an expert on the mind of Christ or the mind of Satan. Now that I know that this is the mind of Satan, I have become something of an expert on his workings. I can use this insight not only for my own benefit but also to help others through ministry. I do now see this as my calling, exposing Satan's devices. Unlike God who is upfront and honest and doesn't hide anything, Satan is the complete opposite. He plays very, very dirty and I've realised that one of his main tactics is to attempt to severely inhibit free will. He gets to children when they are really young through their parents and uses their parents as a conduit to break the child down. If he can't get the parents to abort their child, his next best tool is child abuse. Yes it is very, very sick indeed. It is evil after all.

I have to "reprogram" my mind to the mind of Christ. There is no such thing as a free mind at all. You either have the mind of Christ or the mind of Satan. You are either indoctrinated into Satan's way of thinking (willingly or unknowingly) or you allow yourself to take on the mind of Christ.
There's no sidelines to sit on here, no bleachers to watch other people scrap it out. If you are living and breathing then you are indoctrinated either one way of another. There is no "vacuum" of thought and ideology at all! It's an illusion!

What people don't realise is that it is only by choosing Christ that you get to exercise free will consistently. We actually have freedom in Christ. A choice for the devil (either willingly or unwittingly) leads to an INEVITABLE erosion of free will: a good example of this is the Gadarene Demoniac. Whatever he was involved with at the beginning, you can bet that if Satan told him from the start "Great. Glad to have you on board. We'll soon have you naked in chains
and cutting yourself with stones!" Wouldn't be much of an "introductory welcome package" that would it? Whatever that person signed up for, it wasn't that was it!

That's the whole point though. Whatever he promises, he always reneges on the deal and gives you something foul instead. It always leads to the abuse of self or others (or both). If he can't kill us off, abuse is the next best thing. Mental, physical, emotional, sexual of spiritual, Satan doesn't care about the method, it's the end result that matters. Have you ever witnessed a Catatonic state? It's the closest a human being, without mental handicap, can get to almost losing their free will. Bed bound in an attic depending on people who did not have my best interests at heart is being in prison. It may seem like a bold claim but I know what hostage victims, prisoners and even people in concentration camps feel on a daily basis. I've felt it myself. It's called "learned helplessness".

There was a (horrific and unethical) famous experiment on animals were they kept giving them electric shocks so much that when they opened the door to the cage, they didn't even seek
escape from it. They were resigned to their fate. Understanding this is understanding why domestic abuse victims always go back. Fear of freedom is a real thing. No doubt those animals like battered spouses believe the world beyond the cage is worse than what they are actually enduring that there is no other option. There is an element of truth to this though. There are a billion choices here in life. Every single one apart from ONE CHOICE is a choice for Satan which leads to some form of torture on some level (self inflicted of otherwise.)

In Jesus,

Response #2:  

This is really good stuff, my friend! I'd like to post it someday (without personal identifiers of course).

From what you've written here and before, it seems to me as you are likely to know much more about this topic and understand it better (in a true, spiritual way) than any counselor you might pay to help you. That is your business, but, yes, I do worry about Christians being misled by these sorts and by these methods. As mentioned, I don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" in this area however.

Thanks for making these issues so very clear!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3: 

My pleasure Bob,

You know that it is the Lord who is guiding me and any insight is Holy Spirit led. So I can't take personal credit. It is clear this is my ministry.

I have a feeling that the Antichrist will employ all the cult tactics that I am now becoming aware of. Did you know these Seeker Friendly churches use loud music deliberately to get people into a heightened emotional state? Most of the lyrics are usually the word "love" said over and over again (basically lovebombing and psychic driving). Also hypnotic flashing lights can induce a trance state in a person which makes them more susceptible to the message being given. They also tend to pass the money bucket around right after these long emotional songs about love. They can even use songs that have NLP commands implanted in them to modify or "nudge" behaviour.

An example of this is they could play a song called something like "He gives us everything" or "He gives us his all" and those lyrics are repeated over and over again like brainwashing. It is actually a command to "give your all". At this point the money bucket goes around so then you know exactly what to do, you give everything, you give your all.

Notice these songs often do not refer to Jesus directly, they will just say "He". So this can have two purposes: 1) it's easier to internalise a message and think it refers to yourself when it isn't person specific 2) it is deliberately ambiguous. "He" can obviously be a reference to the coming Antichrist. He can easily "step into" all these references that herald him. He has many, many John the Baptist types in the world preparing the way for him.

I strongly suspect that this is EXACTLY how the Antichrist will operate. People were naturally drawn to Jesus because He spoke the truth with authority and had the fruits of the Spirit as well as true miracles. He was obviously gentle and loving.

The Antichrist will have NONE of these traits so he will have to fake them. Something abusers often do is "future faking" where they promise a beautiful future together. We know that our future is true and safe in Jesus. The Antichrist will have to future fake to win people over by making promises he doesn't intend to deliver on. Lovebombing will be a very obvious and immediate strategy deployed by him I suspect. He will also totally lack the truth so he will need to push the "big lie" audaciously. He will rely on lying signs and wonders and because he lacks the fruit of the spirit, he will replace them with "charisma" instead which I guess is where the "charismatic" church got its name from.

All these emotional songs and flashing lights in Seeker Friendly "Christian" cults have the exact same methods used on secular T.V. and secular rock concerts. It is because it is tried and tested ways of inducing emotional responses, bonding, feelings of love and belonging, group identity.  The whole kit and kaboodle.


Covid is another case in point. All the "safety measures" for Covid is EXACTLY the same as how cults work : 1) outside world is frightening 2) you are safe with us and can trust us : we will protect you 3) don't talk to other people, keep your distance and isolate yourself as other people may have THE VIRUS. (Obviously Covid is real but nevertheless these draconian protocols are manipulative, fearful, isolating, emotionally and psychologically abusive in nature and controlling through fear.)

Once you learn cult techniques you realise they are everywhere: in the workplace, in homes and families, on the TV, in churches. Not to sound paranoid here but it's everywhere and that is because it is HOW SATAN WORKS! This is under Satan's rule at the moment is it not. Well this is a huge part of how he keeps things ticking over his way. Like that dreadful song "My Way". They say that song is basically a satanic anthem.

I think the Antichrist rule and religion will be one giant WORLDWIDE CULT!

In Jesus,

Response #3: 


On the music angle, this is one of the reasons why the old hymns which don't have the same emotional effect are not as much in vogue nowadays, especially in a certain type of "church" (see the link).

For what it's worth, I think you made a good decision about saving your money. Not only do you know better from the Bible, you've probably read in your studies of psychology everything this person would say in any case. I think it's also true that while flawed pastors/churches are to be avoided, that doesn't mean that those bent on taking them down are necessarily not in Satan's pay.

Re: "I think the Antichrist rule and religion will be one giant WORLDWIDE CULT!" Indeed. There's a lot about this in Peter #39 (especially section 6: "False teachers and false teaching in the Tribulation").

Thanks for being willing to share!

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4: 

Thanks Bob,

I will start to put all these things down more formally onto a website or blog and maybe do videos too. I've just been thinking about this.  I've realised that when people downplay Satan's involvement in all of this, it is an incredibly spiritually dangerous position and a person can be greatly weakened and vulnerable as a result.

As this therapist says he is still a Christian, I felt urged to be bold about why I was cancelling. I didn't accuse him of anything. What I wrote was that I was having second thoughts mainly after watching his own video testimony. In this video he said that he "handed over his money without thought" to this cult, I echoed this by saying that I was exactly about to do the same to him with my own money. I told him that I was looking for a friend who understood what I was going through but could not afford to pay for a friend. I then said that talking to Jesus is free. I did thank him though for his testimony and the links to resources he provided. I have been praying for him that what I wrote will make him think.

Acts 4:32-37
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. 36 Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), 37 sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.

As Satan wants to be like the Most High, do you think that is what he is doing here? In these verses from the Book of Acts it shows that the believers were one in heart and mind and shared their possessions and money. Satan wants people to do this in his name also so he uses means to control people's hearts and minds to pool to give to one person instead. It isn't a move of the Holy Spirit though, it is brainwashing because that is all he's got. The Holy Spirit works alongside our free will whereas Satan seems to thrive when our free will is compromised in some way. Either that or we harden ourselves to sin and willingly led off by him.

I've learnt a lot from this. This therapist never mentioned Satan once in his testimony about leaving the cult and there lies the rub. A person who neither believes that Satan exists not that he has a hand in these false churches and teachers are doubly more likely to be deceived and used by him themselves. So that is error, failing to see that we wrestle NOT with flesh and blood. His denial of this plain fact has led him to a financially rewarding career that is leading him further and further into the world and further away from God. Sadly in his testimony, due to the financially exploitative nature of the cult he was in, he has proceeded to let doubt overtake faith and proclaimed that God cannot provide for people materially at all. I think that him believing this gives Satan the entry point to "provide" for him personally in the form of his now lavish career in outing cults. He himself was shocked by the amount of money these Pastors make and yet he could easily make the same amount himself from the rate he charges. He was also shocked at his meteoric rise with which his career both in terms of breaks, opportunities, money and fame. It happened really fast. God gives us an abundance it is true but Satan can give people things too. He can give countries and kingdoms to people who worship him.

I've taken your much needed advice. I've booked a holiday for a few days by the seaside so I may be away from the internet until the end of next week as it is my birthday on Monday.
It is long overdue as I find that the cracks are showing recently and I will break literally if I don't take a break.

God bless you my friend.

In Jesus,

Response #4: 

Nicely done, my friend! For what it's worth, I think you made a good decision.

Since you'll be away, happy birthday in advance!!!

Good to hear that you're going to be taking a much needed break from "the shot and the shell". I think that is a very good move as well.

Looking forward to the development of your ministry.

If you haven't already seen them, the following are informative about all of these matters:

SR 4: Satan's World System (the devil's present kingdom and tactics)

Peter #39: False Teachers, False Teaching, and False Organizations

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5: 


Response #5:  

Given how this always affects you in such negative ways, physically as well as emotionally, I think you're very wise not to listen to it. Listening is the beginning of the trouble. I had a situation with a former reader who was very gung-ho who later, for reasons I've never been able to figure out, started to blame me for all problems; starting writing the most insane and disturbed emails – which I deleted before reading fully and then blocked email access. I wish I could say that this was the only time that something similar had happened – but it was memorable. I'm happier for not engaging with people once they make it clear that there is no purpose in doing so except to allow myself to be abused. I get enough of that from life generally, thank you very much!

I also hear similar stories from other correspondents (and have for years), mostly from family members, the ones who ought to be supportive instead of destructive. So you are not alone. As you understand very well, the evil one is not pleased with believers making spiritual progress, and stirring up near and dear ones who are already prone to his manipulation is a tried and true tactic to try and distract us. Good for you that you're not willing to let it happen!

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

Good news about your ___! I'm keeping you and your family in my daily prayers as you know. The fact that you are still reading the site in spite of everything says a great deal about your love for the Lord.

Your friend in Jesus Christ,

Bob L.

Question #6: 


Response #6: 

"Whenever I get hit and I'm suffering it always makes me even more determined to keep moving forward spiritually." That is absolutely the right attitude. I appreciate your spirit and "fight" for the Lord, my friend!

David only had a relative few followers during those years in the wilderness, but they constituted "the mighty" whose names and deeds are preserved in the Word of God . . . while most of Israel was safe at home in their beds.

Glad you're feeling better. Do take care of yourself. We all have physical limits which we are expected to honor, even as we understand that if we are in situations where we do have to push ahead, God will be with us (Is.40:29-31).

In addition to Philippians 4:8 which you quote, here's another similar passage I like to keep in mind:

(1) Therefore since you have been resurrected [positionally] with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (2) Think on the things above, and not the things on the earth. (3) For you are already [positionally] dead [to all that], and your [true] life has been hidden away with Christ in God. (4) When Christ – your [true] life – is revealed [at the 2nd Advent], then you too will be revealed in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7: 


Response #7:  

I much appreciate your attitude, your love for the Lord, and all of your encouraging words. Thank you!

Yes, Philippians 3:13 is important to embrace as well: "Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead".

No worries about "not posting details".

Thanks for all of your prayers too, my friend. A very good day on the research front here today. I'm beginning to get into it. I may actually enjoy this summer after all!

. . . but Friday is still a blessing indeed.

First nasturtiums opened up today!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8: 


Response #8: 

After surviving and passing a major test, it's not uncommon for things in a believer's life to calm down into a more regular mode, analogous to getting one's "second wind" on a distance run where one settles in for the long haul. Sometimes things are more peaceful than ecstatically joyful after the flush of victory passes, but that doesn't mean that we are not thankful and appreciative of all the Lord had done for us. There is a time to buckle down and start doing things for Him, whatever He wants us to do, and that takes plodding along over time, more of a consistent Marathon approach than sprinting. The Israelites were joyously appreciative of their deliverance at the Red Sea (Ex.15:1ff.), but how quickly they fall apart spiritually soon thereafter! Better to keep an even keel with the ship sailing forward all the way to our desired safe-harbor on the other side.

Thanks for the updates – and all good news too! Keep that coming!

And thanks much for the prayers. We'll keep them coming from this end as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9: 


Thanks for the update, I'm now on Peter # 16: leadership of the Spirit & also studying the book of James by pastor- teacher Curtis Omo. May God continue blessing your Ministries

Response #9:  

Thank you!

Bible Academy is a wonderful site.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10: 

Hello Dr. Luginbill,

I found your Website about 7 years ago when I began to study the material you presented.

I can say that I have learned more in those 7 years than I have in the 42+ years of God's blessing of eternal life in January 1980.

I can rightly say that all the material I have studied these past years, was never taught in any of the churches I attended, and that is a sad commentary for the so-called church.

All the praise and honor belongs to my LORD and Savior, but I believe you will be indeed rewarded for all your tedious work you have done for the Kingdom of God while here on earth.

I cannot even begin to thank God and for Him using you in such a geat and mighty ministry. It was in His plan that you not become a minister anyway.

So, I want to just say thank you for the tremendous effort you have wrought for Him, and may you continue to flourish even more in His Kingdom. One day soon, we will meet each other, and then I can give you my thanks in person.

I know that God has used you in a mighty way while here on His earth, and what He will yet do through you is yet to be seen.

I have never in my Christian life with whom I had the pleasure of studying with than yourself.

May God so richly bless you and yours for His great work you are accomplishing.

I just remembered that I wanted to tell you that since 9/20/16 I have kept every email and reply to and from yourself. I also share your material to those who really want to learn, which is few and far between. I have but 2 people who I share with [update: more have joined in the last several years]. Just something I believe is important enough because I go back to them when I remember that we conversed about a subject via emails.

As of today, 201 emails with responses.

Bountiful grace and blessings to you always,

Your friend,

P.S. I have accumulated over 1,300 teachings in my catalog, and most of them are yours.

Response #10:  

Thanks so much for these encouraging emails, my friend!

I certainly wish that more were as enthusiastic for learning the truth as you are – and in that "I think I also have the Spirit of God".

Your friend forever in Jesus Christ,

Bob L.

Question #11: 

I'm never going to change, not because I don't want to, but because I can never find true motivation to. Don't you see it's hopeless Doc? I'm questioning if I even truly want change spiritually. At this point I'm so wicked . . . Sorry for that image, it's the only way I can describe how far gone I am, with how much I know I need to change yet can't find the motivation to. Now I know the title of this email is "Just give up already". .but I know that's not going to stop you from trying to help again. You really are something special Doc. .I mean that. Never have I met someone so dedicated to helping someone as depraved as me be a better person. But at this point I really think you may just be wasting your precious time and energy on me. If you're still going to continue, I know I can't stop you. .but know that it might be all for naught in the end.

Response #11:  

No one's patience is unlimited.

We all have bad days. But we only have so many days. Life may seem a long and even endless proposition, but in a few blinks of the eye we will all be standing before the Lord. At that moment, we won't regret anything "fun" we gave up for Him; we won't regret anything we've done in terms of spiritual growth, progress in facing and passing tests through faith in the truth, or production in helping our brothers and sisters in Christ. What we will regret is wasting time – and we all waste time.

But the unbelievers cast into the lake of fire will have massive regrets.

Show me, LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.
Psalm 38:4 NIV

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
Hebrews 11:13-16 NIV

My advice to you, my friend, is to stop "Baal dancing", halting between two opinions. As Elijah said, " “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (1Ki.18:21 NIV).

In Jesus who is the only way, the only life, and the only truth.

Bob L.

Question #12: 

Another 3 emails before this one. .yeah I've had a lot to say over these past few days. Doc I just realized. I never really fell in love with Jesus.   never really loved Him at all. I only really was "saved" because I didn't want to go to Hell. .Did I tell you this before? I forgot, but the issue still stands. I'm too apathetic about actually doing what's right to get out of this pit, only superficially caring about good and evil, hence why I'm uncomfortable in this pit. .no, the real reason I've realized is. I only want what I want to be evil to be evil, and ignore every other decree of God. I'm just like a criminal, obeying the law (God's commands) when it's convenient. and breaking them when they're inconvenient. I've realized I don't even truly care about Jesus because of all this. I never truly followed Him as Lord, only doing things in His name because it made me feel good or for the reward I thought I would get, never out of love for Him or obedience to Him. .What do I do Doc? I believe nothing can be done for me. I have become too empty, too dead to truly care for anything or anyone but myself. I even only help others because I don't want the guilt of knowing I didn't. It's why I can't bring myself to fix my situation, because I can't even truly care the things I'm tempted by are wrong. .why do you think I give in so often. .keep going back to the things that cause it? I'm sorry Doc. I wasted so much of your time. .

Response #12:  

You haven't "wasted my time". I am concerned that you could be making better use of your own, however.

Fear of death and damnation IS a legitimate reason for seeking God – and this leads many people to the gospel (see the link: in BB 4B: God’s Plan to Save You).

As to loving the Lord, yes, this is where we want to get, loving Him "with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matt.22:37). But that is not automatic and it is not instantaneous. Whenever a person who has been a believer for a long time but has been slacking off for many years and then finally "gets cracking" – my own youthful experience as well – the "time in grade" doesn't necessarily help. Reconstructing a foundation of spiritual growth often has to begin anew (along with casting out all manner of rotten timbers that have accreted in the interim).

So please don't get depressed. Take it one day at a time. You may not be capable of loving the Lord the way you want to yet, but let me assure you that HE loves YOU – more than you could ever imagine. He's already paid for you, the entire price of all of your sins.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 NKJV

Christians in your situation, and I have met many, need to do what I always counsel to do: concentrate on day by day spiritual growth, become consistent with that, and put on blinders to everything else. Have you sinned or failed or faltered in the past? Confess it and be glad you're moving in a different direction now. Do you sin or fail or falter now? Confess it, and determine to do better.

And keep fighting the fight. If you do, things WILL get better and you WILL make spiritual progress.

Reward motivation, by the way, is also legitimate (link). That is why there are rewards, namely, to help us motivate ourselves to do what the Lord wants us to do.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV

In Jesus our dear Savior,

Bob L.

Question #13: 

I was getting really impatient waiting for you, but as they say, God's timing is always perfect.
How do I bring myself to forgive people I feel genuine hatred for? It can't be as simple as just letting it go in that case. Also I forgot your answer for this, sorry for my bad memory, where do I start with getting back on track spiritually?

Response #13: 

On forgiveness: like the commercial says, "just do it!" It doesn't cost anything or even hurt. Jesus is the One who paid the price for you to be forgiven. Everyone and everything will be dust soon enough so what does anything else matter other than your relationship with Him? You'll get better at this as you grow too.

On getting back on track. try to set aside an inviolable time every day (first thing in the morning is best) where you read your Bible according to a plan, where you pray your prayer list, and where you are working your way through the Ichthys studies (I recommend starting with the Peter series; at the link).

Signing off for the night – try not to be impatient.

Keeping you in my prayers,

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14: 

Hi Dr. Luginbill.

I know it's been a while since we last communicated and I how you are doing well. I've been really busy with college and also working a part time job. I would like to request a prayer for my family. My brother has been having trouble with some members of his girlfriend's family. I won't go into details as I don't have all of the information myself, but it seems that someone has been threatening him and his home. Again, I don't want to make claims that are not true since I don't know all of the details, but I would like a prayer for my family. I'm also concerned about some of his ideas about Salvation. He is afraid to defend himself if the situation arises and he is afraid that he will go to Hell if he were to kill someone. My parents were talking about this and I explained to them that Salvation comes from belief in Jesus and that, while killing someone can be an awful thing (self defense or not), it's not going to make someone automatically go to Hell with no chance at being redeemed. Many Christians do bad, even downright terrible things, but they are still Christians. This also segues into another topic that I would like to know your thoughts on, if you don't mind. My family and I seem to disagree on many interpretations of Bible verses, and, while I often don't talk to them about Bible verses, sometimes it troubles me to hear about some of the things that they believe (like my brother's belief about going to Hell over killing someone). I tried talking to my family members more about the Bible, but I don't know if they will really listen to me.

Thank you for your time and I hope to communicate with you soon.

Response #14: 

Good to hear about you, my friend.

Working while going to college is no easy road. I have plenty of students who do that here at U of L, and I admire them for it. Of course, in such a situation, you really have to keep the ol' nose to the grindstone so as not to get overwhelmed.

I have said a prayer for your brother – let me know if you'd like something put on the website prayer request list (and how you'd want it phrased).

Everything you've written seems to me to be absolutely on point in terms of biblical understanding of the issues. When it comes to family, even if they are believers, your experience is much more the norm than the exception. As we grow spiritually, we do so day by day and the difference in us is not always obvious to us (it is more so to others). But as we change, the world does not, only our perception of it and the things in it.

In terms of people we know and love, it is also not always immediately obvious to us how just much we are growing away from them in spiritual terms. We are moving forward. They are staying put (or regressing) – at least that is often the case in Laodicea. So we do frequently get unpleasantly surprised when old friends or family members do things that demonstrate to us just how lacking they may be in biblical understanding – a reflection of a lack of the same sort of growth that we are experiencing.

What can we do? It usually doesn't do any good to lecture them. There will be times when we have a chance to put in a good word for the truth, but less will be more here (Prov.25:11). If they are not hearing us when we really hit the nail on the head, they will probably stop even trying to listen if we make a habit of hammering away. There is a right time for everything (Eccl.8:6).

We can pray for them, that they will finally stop with the lukewarm approach and get serious about the truth. Sometimes it happens! But we have to be patient and realistic.

We can also continue to give them the best possible "witness of the life" we can. They certainly will notice how much "better" we are acting. That can yield positive results as well.

And of course the more we grow spiritually, the better everything becomes – not producing a total end of tests, challenges and trials that come to those who are trying walk closely with the Lord, but resulting in more effective prayers for one thing. And wherever pressure increases, blessing increases as well.

So keep on running your good race, my friend! That has positive effects across the board both here and now and definitely in the life to come – even though at present they often may only be dimly appreciated.

In Jesus our dear Savior,

Bob L.

Question #15: 

My sister is very far left politically and also an atheist and supports the LGBT grooming of children in schools...she's even friends with a very young girl who she facetimes, and she's currently on a trip visiting that girl's family. I'm very concerned she may get involved with teaching her LGBT stuff (grooming), since the girl's already being slowly indoctrinated by her adoptive family, right now being just being told that some people go by they/them...my sister's explained her family plans of going deeper with this, I haven't gathered any info on when yet.

If she does get involved, how do I handle this?

Response #15:  

While of course we want to try to guide everyone we love to the truth directly and immediately, the most effective way for believers to help others, since we all have free will, is the following two-pronged approach:

1) The witness of the life. If we are really walking as Jesus walked, this gets the attention of others as no mere words can do. This requires serious and consistent spiritual growth to be effective.

2) Blessing by association. The Lord honors and blesses mature believers, especially those who are pushing forward also in spiritual progress and production. Part of that is His blessing of any and all associated with such a believer, including in particular family. And as we grow, our prayers for them become more effective as well.

So, as always, the answer is a deep commitment – and follow through – on growing spiritually, passing the tests that come the mature believer's way, and moving into the productive ministry the Lord has for you. Everything else is, in the end, merely superficial "wheel spinning".

I'll say a prayer for your sister.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16: 

Hello Dr.,

In your DropBox you should find the audio files for Hebrews chapter 1 (link):

Good stuff here, great application to the modern church, I’m really looking forward to finishing Hebrews with you. Thanks for all the hard work!

Things are going ok here, keeping busy with Bible study, home, family and work. I recently attended a family wedding, most everyone there was supposed to be Christian. It was a wonderful occasion as you would imagine, lovely young couple, Christian ceremony, beautiful event space, well dressed guests, and good food, but my sense was that things were a bit off. It was the usual Laodicean scene, a lot of Christian people completely unprepared for what is soon coming upon this world, I found it to be quite disturbing. While everyone was celebrating, happily entertained and living in the moment, I was thinking of the near future and how horrible things are going to get for those of us who will be here to experience it. My thoughts drifted to how these Christian parents didn’t do any favors for the young Christian couple being married, raising them in churches that taught nothing but fluff. Common to the conversation: “Money and all the creature comforts it affords must surely be a blessing from God”, yes, but... “If Bible doctrines pertain to a non-salvation issue can't we just agree to disagree”, yes, but... “No one can know the day and time of His return so...” , yes, but... You posted over the weekend that you would rather go ahead and just get all this over with, I’m with you on that, but this is not bravado, this is from a desire to be with the Lord. I take comfort in knowing that He will not put more on us than we can bear. While my heart may be broken due to the state of the Church these days I am not down, I’m looking up because our Savior's return gets closer with each passing day.

How are you sir? It can be hard to tell from the weekly postings since post them from different times past. I hope you are well, I've got you in prayer here daily.

All the best!

Rev. 22:20

Response #16: 

Thank you!

That was fast.

Interesting about the family wedding. Pretty much what many believers are experiencing to one degree or another. Makes us all the more grateful for those family members who ARE positive to the truth (I certainly am). Your personal application is right on target – and is a pleasure for me to hear.

Keeping you guys in my prayers daily. How are things in your neck of the woods?

Thanks again, and also for the prayers, my friend; they are needful and appreciated.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17: 

Things in our neck of the woods are fine, even though life grows increasingly more dysfunctional by the day. Passing the time surrounded by unbelievers and the lukewarm is quite a test in itself. The satanic gloss that covers this world system has the majority of the population hypnotized, brainwashed, deceived and delusional. We have been and are being lied to by every major institution in the world, even our own family members. Although not always intentional, those who pass on the lies that they themselves have been fooled by and choose to believe are guilty of not doing their homework and opting to live a life of quiet unease and acceptance. We have gotten to the point individually and globally that bucking this trend is to choose for oneself the status of pariah. This cosmos diabolicus holds little if anything of value for the true believer, except for the opportunity to serve our Lord, but few are interested in that. However, this is the way it must be. We were meant to live in this time and we must make the best of the opportunities that the Lord provides. What man thinks of the true believer is meaningless, we must be determined to work for that “well done”, no matter what the cost to us personally. While the necessities of life are consistently rising in price, so will the cost of true faith in just a few years. As you know, we are standing at the threshold of the Tribulation and few are prepared. I’m not sure I can ever be prepared enough, so I continue to motivate myself to keep up my spiritual preparation. I get it, this is serious business down here. We are in battle daily, but never alone, He is always with us. So there is truly nothing to fear as long as we reverently fear Him. The war is won, it’s just a matter of time, which passes so quickly.

Other than that no complaints here. __ is doing well. God has given me the strength and favor needed to make it through the daily trials of life. Looking forward to the resurrection here. However, if the Lord decides to take me sooner I wouldn’t mind trying out one of those interim bodies that I’ve heard so much about!

How are you sir? Wokeism has got a pretty good hold of the colleges as well as the local government in this area, how’s it going in your neck of the woods?

All the best,

Response #17:  

I'm pleased to have you as a fellow Christian warrior, my friend!

This is exactly the right mind-set – and one not that easy to maintain when the flak is flying fast and furious (which it always seems to be).

Things are challenging at the uni. Prayers always appreciated.

How is your job going?

Keeping you guys in daily prayer – thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18: 

The job is ok, I don’t mind the work, however, people… Since learning that I was considering other job offers last year the attitude of my boss has gotten better. He is an emotionally impulsive person so sometimes he loses control. I know his triggers pretty well and stay away from them, but others in the department don’t and when he’s irritated I’m the guy who hears it. However, it’s ok, being the senior guy here part of my job is to keep things in our Division running smooth in the field so he doesn’t have to deal with it and I’ve got pretty thick skin these days so the problems don’t bother me as much. The City has also hired a couple of Diversity, equity, and Inclusion specialists which are currently indoctrinating the Department and Division heads in their propaganda. It won’t be long and the rest of will be getting our turn …oh boy. This manufactured economic mess we find ourselves in has the residential and commercial markets once again on thin ice and the bubble could burst at any time. The few that are paying close attention are nervous but most are living in a normalcy bias bubble, it’s common to hear “ things are going to be bad for my children or grandchildren”, if they only knew. Fortunately we have the benefit of knowing, thanks to our Lord. He has graciously warned us of what is to come. I thank you for all the hard work you have put into Ichthys and for all you continue to do. The Lord led me to Ichthys because I knew that there was only one living God (the Trinity), I knew that He provided only one Book (the Bible) and I knew that there had to be some place out there that was teaching it accurately (Ichthys). Real Bible teaching has changed my life by changing me. I’m deeply grateful to the Lord for providing your ministry.

What people like us have in common is the want to. We have a desire to know the truth of what our Creator has provide for us in the Scriptures, even if it may be unpleasant at times. I walk around with the knowledge that most likely by the first part of the next decade (or sooner) I will be dead or in prison, not a pleasant thought for most, but a reality that I have to incorporate into my daily thinking. I could be classified as having a psychological condition for this type of thought process, but it is reality and I accept it. The true Christian lives a dual existence. While our feet are on the ground here at planet earth, our hearts are in Heaven ( or they should be). My faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I keep your employment in prayer daily Dr., what are they doing to you there? Anything you would like specific prayer for? When do you think you’ll have the next installment of Hebrews? I thought about doing a nutshell version of the Coming Tribulation and made a twenty minute version of an hour and a half for those less inclined to long teaching, but it didn’t seem right so it went to the cutting room floor. Everything needed for salvation and spiritual growth is already easily accessible at Ichthys, people just need to have the want to.

All the best

Rev. 22:20

Response #18: 

I appreciate you, my friend! This is fantastic application on your part. I am sorry to hear that the woke-monster is sniffing around your place of employment. It's well established on mine – but of course you would guess that, since it's a university. I will say that U of L is not as bad as the horror story "elite" places one hears about, but it is bad enough, especially certain parts of it (in the language department, there is a certain amount of built-in objectivity since we teach languages, not societal or psychological theory).

We had a bad stretch after the Floyd riots when our president at the time decided that U of L would become "the country's premier anti-racist university". She left about a year and a half later. People do that at U of L . . . if they can. It's a bit of a backwater stepping stone. Anyway, I'm not sure what becoming "that" would look like. Nothing much changed besides hiring another set of vice presidents and sending more of our meager resources down the drain. Which is all fine. I keep my head down and so far that has allowed me to just do my job and then go home and work on the ministry. The load has gotten heavier though, for a number of reasons.

In terms of production schedule, I have been trying to keep up the momentum daily (not Saturday). Chapter two is more involved in what I'm wanting to say and explain than was chapter one; on the other hand, it didn't require an expansive introduction like chapter one did [posted now at the link along with chapters 3 and 4). I'm shooting for three months since the last posting but will settle for four if that is what it takes. A lot also depends on how much time the other parts of the ministry take (variable) and how much life is interfering (also variable). I got the last two parts done quicker that what I budgeted for. My main concern was not to have anything hanging when the Tribulations starts. Also, I'd like a little time to do some sort of special series before that. We shall see.

In your case also I wouldn't discount the possibility of making it through all the way to the second advent. 1st Thessalonians 4:17 and other passages which speak about the resurrection make it sound as if there will be a sizeable number of believers still around when the Lord returns – which fits with the "one third" principle. Somebody will have to put up with the entire seven years. If you find that an annoying prospect, odds are that YOU are one of them. Personally, I'm not sure if I'll even make it to the line of departure. But since I also find the prospect of bumping along through the entire Tribulation unappealing, maybe I'll be showing up on your doorstep in spring of '33 and we can catch a boat to Israel together. Whatever happens, it's unlikely to be boring.

Thanks for being such a good friend and strong comrade in arms for the truth, my friend!

You are a great encouragement to me.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19: 

Hello, Dr Luginbill (I'm not sure if I should continue addressing you as "Bob", I have just been imitating what my son refers to you as.)

I am just reaching out to you to say, 'hello'. I hope you and your family are all well. We are well, pushing through and keeping our eyes on our sweet Savior, Jesus.

Keeping you in my prayers. God bless you.

Response #19:  

Good to hear from you!

"Bob" is just fine.

I'm very happy to hear your good report. I do keep you and you son in my prayers daily, my friend.

Things are going well here. Thank you for asking! Getting ready to start the new fall terms, so I'm very busy with that. Trying to get infrastructure and yards and all manner of admin tasks in good order so that I'll be in good shape for when things really heat up during the first couple of weeks.

I hope things are going well with you too, my friend.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3rd John 1:2 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20: 


How is everyone? I read that your classes made. I think that is amazing considering the situation today. But I remember how some students would take the Latin and Greek just to have it and take on the challenge. Is there some age, they force you out? Anyway, I think about you and your family.

[family health reports omitted]

I finished posting the Life of David. There were a lot of good insights for being a leader and father. As you know, David had his hands full, including his failures but was still great. So there is still a chance for us Bob.

I do take notice what __ are doing. I do hope and pray he is having some success on the serious side, if you know what I mean.

Bob, the Lord has us ministering in a key point in history. Like some of the prophets of old-- thinking of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, how unpopular they were among the "priests and false prophets (not that I really care)," not to mention the people of their day. Old Zeke and Jer had it tough but what a service they did when there was so much going against them. We could talk about this all day but we would each be talking to the choir which you don't need anyway.

That will be all for now. Say hi to everyone.

In His service,

Your old pal,

Response #20:  

Yes – thank you! First day went very well. Hopefully I didn't scare too many of them off. Looks like a nice year ahead. Plenty of students, and they seem relatively happy and responsive . . . and I can see their faces now without masks! Most of them, anyway. What a difference! Also, I managed to get off of personnel – God is good! I may survive after all. I have colleagues (or had) who were in their eighties, so, no, they can't use that as a way to bump you. There is post-tenure review process whereby someone who is not measuring up can get canned, but it is rarely used. Also, I do my job, so there is that.

Thanks for the update on your family. I'm keeping them in prayer.

Seems like whatever place we are tested, we keep getting tested in that same place, even if we are passing the test. An interesting pattern, almost as if the Lord is saying to the devil, "You can hit believer X there again and again, but you won't break him/her".

Congrats on the David series [link]! I'll be sure to send anyone who mentions an interest your way for that one. Don't know of anyone else who's managed that besides Spurgeon and Col. Thieme, so not terrible company. I'm sure yours is the best of the three.

As to our seminary colleagues, I pray for those two in Tahiti on that score too (link). I heard from him that ___ is in a lot of pain from cancer (prostate, I believe). Still scratching my head about ___ falling off the grid all of a sudden about a year or so ago. We get older and things get rougher – good thing we've also gotten tougher! I want to be like the guy with the bumper-sticker: "I want to die in my sleep – not screaming in terror like these passengers of mine here".

Meanwhile, we "endeavor to persevere". The Lord has us here and every day is a spiritual opportunity. So we fight on.

Keeping you all in my prayers, old pard'.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21: 

Thank you sir Robert! Now even in darker times sir. Please pray for me!

Response #21:  

Hello __,

I am and have been praying for you, my friend!

I'm distressed to hear this. Updating your prayer request on Ichthys as well.

May God give you strength to get through this test – and grant you a quick deliverance.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #22: 

Am I sinning if I refuse to talk to certain family members anymore? Prayer, maybe yes. But not talking to them? Because after __ contacted me and then stopped responding I am again at the same place I always am of being disappointed, fighting childhood messages of worthlessness, and stressed out at a time my work is making me account every moment to them. And other believers suffer too when I put this baggage on them like now. And some Christian pastors may say I have to keep taking it and trying. But they won't take me in if I lose this job due to stress from them. They won't pay for therapy. __ was trying to tell me (private messaging) that I couldn't do that, but I said the same to him: would he take me in and feed me when I break down because I can't handle all this stress and baggage anymore? Doubt it.

Am I sinning if I refuse to talk to them anymore? Please tell me.

Response #22:  

Good to hear you are in communication with __.

I pray for you daily NOT to get sucked back into dysfunctional and spiritually dangerous family relationships. Not providing for your children would be a sin. Not allowing yourself to be abused by those who have proved at every turn over many years unworthy of your fellowship and dangerous to you in many ways is merely spiritual common sense, not sin.

It is important to have a relaxed mental attitude about these things, that is, avoiding dredging up the past, getting angry and upset, etc. There too, keeping your distance, as much as possible (and mentally/spiritually as well as geographically) is the best thing you can do to help with that process.

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus Christ our dear Lord and Savior,

Bob L.

Question #23: 

Hi Bob,

I have hit a wall and feel very discouraged. People around me keep saying the same thing over and over. Help me but keep God out of it. I can't Bob, I can't. I don't mean that I am refusing to help them. I am helping them with either common sense advice or helping them with whatever material needs or struggles they have. I can be a listener and encourage them but ultimately this is not real help.

How can I leave God out of it? I know that every single question that is out there, no matter whose lips that question speaks through.. the answer is always the same. The answer is Jesus Christ. My family has a tyrannical 'god' ruling over it. The answer is to put Jesus Christ on the throne ruling over hearts, minds and lives and then there is freedom from that tyranny. He is the only answer, He is our only hope. How do I give hope to the hopeless without mentioning His name? The Name above all names.

If a person is sat in the darkness and they say they are sick of the darkness but they refuse to open the curtains and let the light flood in? I have been doing this all wrong. I have been trying to make the people I love comfortable with this fallen world. Comforting them despite this world is the opposite of assuring them that this world is all there is. Our hope is not of this world and not from it. This world is perishing. Even people who are spiritually dead can see that the world is falling apart at a tremendous speed. That it is all unravelling before our eyes.

On the eve of this world's judgement, what comfort can I give that is not from the Comforter? The Comforter who teaches us of Jesus Christ and exalts Him before us. I can recommend structure to the day, a balance of work and relaxation. Regular exercise. A healthy diet with regular meals. Being sociable to ease loneliness. Enough sleep. A reliable routine but with some variation now and again to refresh the mind.

I can say all this and even follow this advice myself (I mostly don't) but the truth is that if that was all it takes then no one would suffer. If healthy food, sleep, exercise, structure, routines, socialising and variation was all that was needed then we wouldn't need the Bible at all would we?

In the West we have access to an abundance of all these options, they are not hard to have these things. They are just 'lifestyle changes' but they are not life changing. Only Jesus Christ can do that. There is no Christless Gospel. The right amount of sleep won't save you. Kale smoothies won't save you. The perfect job or Instagram account won't save you. Even a balanced life with 'perfect' friends won't save you.

There is no perfection in the absence of Jesus Christ. Seeking perfection without Christ is to try to rebuild Eden again without acknowledging that Eden wasn't just a beautiful garden but was paradisiacal because God was there. God makes paradise paradisiacal. Without God there is no paradise, there is no perfection as only God is perfect. Everything else is a hollow counterfeit. A sounding gong and a clanging cymbal.

I have been helping people in the flesh and have become mired in the things of this world as a result so that has dragged me down. I need that professionalism, realising that we are at war here and soldiers in this war. That we are deployed to carry out specific instructions and not to deviate from them.

I have deviated from them. I have let my family's problems distract me from my study and also take the central focus of my life away from my ministry.

I am to minister to the Body of Christ not unbelievers. My gifts are not evangelism. My gifts are to minister to people who already believe who have either been abused or fallen foul of false teaching.

I do know though the advice to the Body is the same as to my unbelieving family. That putting a man or woman on God's throne will result in tyranny which leads to despotic control, abuse and misery. That is a loveless rule under a ruler who will show no mercy but always his displeasure. It is the rule of a 'stern faced king'.

The only answer is to put Jesus Christ on the throne even if that means dethroning an idol.
This will not be received gladly by idols or idolators alike. It is the truth though and only the truth sets you free.

When I have asked you for advice you always ultimately say the same thing, read the Bible and seek spiritual growth from a trusted ministry. After a while this sounded like a stuck record but I realise it had to be. You were showing me the only way to move on as a believer and to mature.

I need to be a "stuck record" too with my family. Whenever I hear "why is your family like this?" "How can things get better?" "What can I do?" All I can say over and over again is to take the false idol off the throne and put Jesus Christ there.

In Jesus,
p.s. I saw in your emails that you have a good registration for classes! That is such great news! Praise the Lord! More answered prayers!

Response #23: 

Thanks – I appreciate your prayers in this regard!

Sorry to hear that you're having the same problems with your family, the same ones you've been having since we first started emailing.

You have been banging your head against this brick wall for a very long time. From where I sit, you don't ever have seemed to have gotten much of anywhere by doing it. It might be wise to consider whether or not you are over-invested there. Doing right by one's family is important (1Tim.5:8). You have certainly gone over and above. Expecting them to appreciate it or turn to the Lord as a result is probably a mistake. They may eventually turn to the Lord, but that will be as a result of their choice responding to His intervention. People do occasionally change, but it's a good idea not to hold one's breath waiting for them to do so (Jn.2:24-25).

Meantime you have other issues to attend to – yes indeed, personal spiritual growth (there is no other way forward, it is true), and also whatever direction the Lord will take you in as far as ministering beyond the confines of your family is concerned.

I am keeping you in prayer on all this, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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