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Mutual Encouragement in Christ XIX

Word RTF

Question #1:  

-Dear Bob-

Thank you for your response – it will be profitable to me. There was a second question in the second paragraph of my email of today, that being:

Is it probable that with the Spirit’s help and guidance, a given Scripture passage could have several legitimate different applications to various readers, while still only having one true meaning, especially doctrinal?

Thanks for your response.

Response #1: 

Sorry I missed this one.

My answer would be that the Spirit uses scripture to guide us but always based upon actual truth we have believed (epignosis in our hearts). Many scriptures touch many areas of truth and elicit all manner of remembrance of principles of truth, so we all find encouragement from scripture when we read it – even if the thing/principle/point that gets our attention on a particular reading is not the "main point" of the verse or part thereof we're reading. Spiritual growth and the application of truth are absolutely objective but they are also dynamic and defy pigeonholing. We surely never ought to underestimate the fantastic benefit it is to us to have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.

"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you."
John 14:16-17 NKJV

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you."
John 16:7 NKJV

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth."
John 16:13a NKJV

More about all this in BB 5: Pneumatology

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:  

Hi Bob,

Yes I did notice the new MP3s today actually and it surprised me as it was under the MP3 tab that I click on everyday to listen in. I thought I was going crazy for a moment as I thought "I'm sure that wasn't there before! Must be new!"

Indeed it is! Wow! Congratulations Bob! 25 years what an amazing achievement! I feel very honoured to be a follower of your ministry and thank you so much for that personal note. You have always made me feel very, very welcomed in your ministry and always made me feel a member of the body of Christ through your tireless and patient fellowship over the years.

I really do not know what I would have done without your Ministry. You really have fulfilled over and beyond with our Lord's calling to feed His sheep! I have been so very blessed and benefited so much from all your hard work under the Spirit.

Looking forward to the time I can be cheering you on when you receive your great reward from Jesus Christ Himself! Won't that be the day above all other days! We won't regret a single second of our labour then will we, my dear friend!

In Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
p.s. I'm just putting out dinner for my parents. We always say a prayer before meals now due to my influence which has been due to your ministry. You see your feeding me spiritual food has fed other people in my family too and friends and whoever I have shared teaching from your ministry with. You have fed so many that you are not even aware of. So to give thanks to the food you have given us, tonight we will raise a glass of wine to you and toast you and give thanks to God for you and your ministry. Amen!

Response #2: 

Thanks for all those wonderful words of encouragement, my friend!

I'm thrilled to see how the truth has helped you and that you are now helping others in turn.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
2nd Timothy 2:2 NIV

And thanks for those prayers!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:  

Hello Prof. Bob!

Happy Thanksgiving! I really appreciate your response, and those wonderful links. I've been reading on the site a lot.

Coming out from under bad or misunderstood theology is no picnic, but your website has been an encouragement.

Take care!

Response #3: 

Thank you!

And a happy Thanksgiving to your whole family as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:  

Happy Turkey Day to you Bob. Look forward to the eternity of that friendship, having no sin nature and a new body. With age comes the greater appreciation of promises. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

Response #4: 


Question #5:  

A Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. Every day is Thanksgiving for me. No turkey for me though. The boys brought back some sea trout they caught in the Gulf. No, not spending the day with them or the rest of the family; I'm just not up to eating that late.

I'm thankful for your friendship, too, as well as Ichthys.

In our Lord,

Response #5: 

We're eating mid-afternoon . . . depending upon the oven with a mind of its own. I'll have an extra slice of turkey for you, my friend.

"Every day is Thanksgiving for me." I love that attitude, my friend! And I know the Lord does too.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:  

Hi Bob,

I'm happy to hear the event went very well for you. You've got two good students there helping you out! It's nice to be able to do our part and then leave it in the Lord's hands. That's the opposite of being anxious and when we trust in the Lord with that comes peace. Ever since I've been writing to you I've seen how He has worked this all out for you each year and helped you through. Even in those tough times working from home in the pandemic. It was really hard for you but He got you through. He is faithful and I know He will do the same again. I'll keep praying.

As far as my work goes, well it doesn't matter about any appreciation from them. I don't expect much of anything from the people of this world anymore. Love, respect, appreciation, honesty, fairness or anything else - I expect nothing. That way I'm not disappointed. This is the devil's world and they belong to the devil after all. As long as I'm working as for the Lord, not for men, (Colossians 3:23-24) as long as whatever I do, I do it all for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) and as long as it's pleasing to Him then that's all that matters to me.

The verses you gave to me (John 17:15-17) were the exact same ones I had been thinking about. And everything you said about being in the world but not of it is what I've been thinking about and feeling even more just recently. I can't say I passed this recent test very well but I'm forgetting what is behind and pressing on towards the goal (Philippians 3:13-14). I'm focusing on the truth. And I'm staying alert for when the next test comes my way and striving to do better!

I'm sure I'll get through the "command performance" (love that!) in one piece as well!

In Jesus
p.s., Sorry Bob - I sent you an email yesterday as well which I don't normally do. Thanks for the encouraging / interesting emails again this week. Looks like I'm not the only one who's been going through the tests then! That has to be a good thing for all of us!

Response #6: 

No worries about that! I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, but yesterday was busier than usual, even for a posting day – and you're not the only one who emailed me yesterday (by far!).

Yes, it is a blessing to have some good students. And, indeed, the Lord has always been with me in helping in this job from the very first day I embarked on this journey. With all that has happened, I'm still standing, and that is ALL the Lord.

Thanks for that great email! It was really encouraging and a good reminder to me. Your perspective on all these matters is the one we should all have. "I expect nothing. That way I'm not disappointed" – is great! Our "great expectations" have to do with the Lord and being rewarded by Him when we stand before Him, with the resurrection, with New Jerusalem. Everything down here, even if it were wonderful and somehow insulated from the evil that abounds in this world would still come to an end in the blink of an eye. What good is that? I hate the temporary – but I love the eternal. I hate the incomplete and partial – but I love the perfect and complete. In short, I love the Lord and His glorious kingdom – but everything down here in the kingdom of this world is bound to disappoint, sooner or later.

It's wonderful to have kindred spirits such as yourself, my friend, fellow believers who are also trying to put the Lord first in all things, recognizing that that is where true happiness lives – and will live forever.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:  

Hello Bob :)

All is well with my soul and Glory to God that the glorified bodies are just one of His wonderful promises to look forward to! I pray all is well with you and yours, also.

Since I had cataract surgery a few months ago; it has made reading much easier, PTL! So, to continue delving into Hebrews is a joy:) My oldest son Paul is named after this Apostle and bold servant of Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Bob, for being a such a blessing to me by your gifts and abilities that He has endowed you with to share His Word.

God Bless You,

Response #7: 

I'm glad to here it!

And thank you so much for the update - and for the encouraging words.

In Jesus,

Bob L

Question #8:  

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

I'm a little sad and discouraged today. Feeling a little lonely too.

Will you please keep praying for my health? I'm having some symptoms return - so far they are mild, but I am still not well.

I'm also fighting a spiritual battle and it's hard and long. Will you please pray that Jesus will help me know how to fight and get victory?

Life is good though. My boss, just had a baby and I will be running the shop while she's on maternity, plus I'll get to see the little one!

Thank you for listening to me.

How are you? I hope your classes are going well. Will you have a rest soon with Thanksgiving coming? Looking forward to this week's email posting.


Response #8: 

I'm sorry to hear that you are having some ups and downs in this fight. That is not unusual. It's good to remember the example of David where after the sack of Ziklag his men were talking of stoning him, but David "encouraged himself in the Lord" (1Sam.30:6). That is something we all need to do from time to time – in fact, there is rarely a day when any of us could easily get to feeling down with the pressure all Christians face. But we have a wonderful eternity to look forward to, and that is where we should be focusing even as we make our way through all this "noise and churn" down here on planet earth.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:1-2 NIV

I have been and will continue to keep you and your health in my prayers, my friend. Thanks for the update . . . and for the GOOD news!

It was a tough week dealing with this bug I got and also migrating to a new computer, but T-day is coming and I'll be able to catch up. One more week. Hope you have a blessed one!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:  

Hi Bob,

I just finished your 3/4/23 post, First, it's reinforced my desire to avoid churchianity. In the sampling I did years ago, I couldn't find one that was truly Bible based which is why I washed my hands of all. Secondly, you connected more dots for me I finally saw the connection between John 20:21-22 and Genesis 2:7. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit was there tapping me on the shoulder when you cited those verses. Sometimes I can be an incredibly slow learner.

The one thing I did enjoy in churchianity was a Lithuanian orthodox funeral service in Connecticut. The choir was in a high loft in a nearly cathedral-like sanctuary. The music was sung a cappella and the acoustics were a major part of the music. Much like medieval plain chant was written specifically for the cathedral's acoustics. Other than that, the flicking of water on the icons struck me as strange and the endless reading of the rosary nearly put me to sleep. I never understood praying to Mary or icons or statues. C'est la guerre...

It seems almost every time I read the Bible and/or your weekly posts, I learn something new and gain a deeper understanding than I had before, so I want to thank you for all your work. It's been very valuable to me.

I hope the cruft from the train wreck hasn't caused you problems. Cincinnati has apparently shut down their water intake. Sorry about the fence. I've been there, done that:)

In our Lord,

Response #9: 

Thanks for the encouraging email, my friend! Much appreciated.

Interesting about the "Lithuanian orthodox". In the end, religion is religion – and following Jesus Christ is something else again.

From what I've heard, Cincinnati has reopened its intake (for a couple of weeks now). I haven't grown a third ear yet so I guess it's OK downriver here as well.

That fence collapse was last year, so we're good on that. Actually, this morning, the other fence was leaning over, but I managed to prop it back up. So we're good to go for a bit, anyway.

Hope things on the prairie are going well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:  

I'm delighted you're well though I'm sorry about your fence. The Lord takes care of us though not without some work on our part. I've gone through another spate of mechanical (some bodily) failures myself. It just reminds me of my mortality and the transience of all things. Nothing serious on the bodily failures -- just old age.

All is well here on the prairie, We've been in the 70's and 80's now most of the past month. I'm just waiting for my family of swallows to return to our little Capistrano on the prairie, I left their nest up all winter, figuring it would take less time for them to clean it out than rebuild.

My grandsons are reading the Bibles I gave them so I have great hopes. The oldest, is in varsity high school base ball and doing well. The youngest, is in 8th grade playing lacrosse which seems to suit him. As far as my ministry, whatever that may turn out to be, I don't come in contact with many people but my neighbor goes through periods of angst that people are not seeing the writing on the wall. The Spirit has moved me to share some scripture that seems to have helped her. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I was brought here? Or maybe I was brought here to protect me from myself?

In any event, all is well here on the prairie. I pray all is well with you and yours (sans the fence, of course) and U of L is going smoothly.

In Jesus,

Response #10: 

U of L also goes well enough. Not the easiest year or semester, but the Lord is getting me through.

I hear you on "wearing out". Just before my old Volvo died, I did a mental list of all the things that were wrong with it and stopped when I got to about two dozen. But the old girl kept on doing her job until she stopped working at all. I'd be happy for the same.

Lots of people still without power here in L-ville and even more without internet. So I'm very grateful for your prayers and those of others. Don't think I could have "worked around" to get up a posting if that happened on my street.

Glad to hear the good report from down Texas way. Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:  

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your encouragement. You said I'm ministering to you and that means a lot to me. I often think about our rewards and crowns but I don't feel that I've done anywhere near enough for the Lord so far. I'll be continuing with my spiritual growth and CT studies in preparation for if the Lord wants to use me to help others in the Tribulation. To be honest, I think we should all be doing that anyway.

[omitted] . . . and I know the onslaught from the enemy you experience when first coming out of something like that. He will fight like mad to keep you from the truth and it's absolutely horrible until you resist him, and he flees from you.

It must be lovely to see the hummingbirds and butterflies on the zinnias. I read that the hummingbirds like zinnias because they grow quite tall. The flowers are the perfect height for them because they don't want to be too close to the ground. They seem to be the perfect match. Bright colours and some of the richest in nectar. But I know you already know that! Shame we don't get hummingbirds on this side of the pond.

In Jesus

Response #11: 

As I have probably said before, while a life well-lived is a balancing act for anyone, for the positive believer it is all that much more so. Because while we are responsible to the Lord to do all things well in the secular realm as His ambassadors (Col.3:23-24; cf. 2Cor.5:20), we are also charged with doing the other more important spiritual things – prayer, Bible reading, Bible study, ministry – to which unbelievers devote no time. The good news on that is that God definitely honors us in the secular realm if we are doing our level best to put in the effort in spiritual growth, progress and production. I have seen that many times – and experienced it over and over again in my own life as well. In terms of ministry in particular, I have no doubt that He will give you expanded opportunities when the time is right. That is probably true of us all, given where we are on the eschatological clock. In the meantime, it's important to be faithful with what we have been given, like the man whose mina earned ten and received ten cities for his faithful service. David was a faithful shepherd to a small flock of sheep before he became king over all of Israel.

Today. Waiting for the plumber in the sun room, we watched three hummingbirds battle it out for control of the nearer zinnia patch this morning.

Keeping you and yours in my prayers, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:  

Thanks Bob, you've helped to sharpen my focus on today. It's all I have anyway. I'll be faithful in everything the Lord has already given me to do each day. Pray, read my Bible, study, help you out when I can, look after my family and go to work. Doing everything with all my heart, as working for the Lord. It's my heart's desire too. That's probably more than most lukewarm Christians do anyway. Being realistic, I don't have time to fit anything else in and I can't see that changing any time soon. I'll rein in my zealousness and won't torture myself anymore. I'm at peace with it now. It's what the Lord has given me and I'm very thankful to Him for that.

In Jesus

Response #12: 


Your prescription is just the right one for spiritual growth! And being at peace in the eye of the storm is exactly where we all should be. So you are a wonderful example. It's also important in not being lukewarm to also not be over-zealous. Both extremes are to be avoided. We strive to do a good job for the Lord every day on every "front", one day at a time, looking eagerly forward to that great day of days, knowing we are one day closer "today".

Thankful for you, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:  

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

I went to life group tonight and we were studying Luke 14:25-35, a passage on counting the cost of being Jesus' disciple. Even though the passage isn't maybe exactly talking of this, my mind went to your email and the concept of suffering. I feel like my health is what I am giving to the Lord, like letting Him have control. In July, when food started getting more difficult and before I knew any of what would happen in this past month, I prayed and said, "Lord, you can have my health" and things have been in constant fluctuation since then. And I was getting gas for my car awhile ago and it hit me, that I wasn't here to further my own agenda, but to serve the Lord (I knew this in my mind, but apparently it hadn't hit quite deep enough yet). Unfortunately I did not get it until I experienced it myself. :)

And I'm not even suffering that much (yes, it's hard sometimes, and there were moments when it felt just awful). Comparatively, though, to other people's problems, my struggles are nothing. I get down sometimes though, even when I shouldn't. Now I just have to remind myself of all this when those times come.

I will try to wait for my deliverance - though the Lord has been very good to me through it all, giving me a wonderful boss who has had problems like mine and can help me tremendously, and a very good doctor too. I shouldn't complain.

Thank you for the encouragement. You're right, I do need to grow every day. I am not good about doing that consistently. I'll put in more effort.

The verse in Psalms you gave me was encouraging also. Thank you for putting up with me with such kindness and long-suffering!

Response #13: 

I'm very encouraged by your excellent attitude, my friend!

I will be praying for your health issues and I have posted a prayer request for you on Ichthys.

I love your godly thinking! A clear indication of spiritual growth.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:  

Thank you for praying and for putting up the request! It is encouraging to know people are praying for me. (Funny that we just talked about that, huh?)


Response #14: 

It's my pleasure, my friend! I especially appreciate Christians who are "fighting the fight" and moving forward like you are.

Re: "Funny that we just talked about that, huh?" Just goes to show that nothing in the plan of God is an accident.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:  

Sorry to message again..

I have been so distressed and confused and angry and fearful that I have taken myself off to a quiet room and poured my heart out to the Lord. I have prayed about all that I have learned about Him and what I have studied and then realised that all these things that seem to dwarf me are absolutely tiny things for the Lord to handle. They seemed to tower above me and I really felt cornered but instead I thought of how the Lord will get me through no matter what.

The Lord suffered here too and so He knows more than anyone of what I am going through and all this is in His hands and He loves me. My sufferings are nothing compared to His so He will be my comfort and strength. I now feel that peace again that defies understanding. I feel that gentleness in my heart again and the fear and chaos and confusion has gone and I feel comforted. I have reasoned that this test will either push me to apostasy (or going home early) but instead I have been determined to hold onto the one I love above all, my Lord and God.

I felt that I was wrestling with something that made no sense and was getting more and more chaotic. It just seems a distraction to me now to take me away from what I should be doing, especially ministry. I look back to before these tests happen and I was on fire for the Lord and I felt I was striding towards ministry with great enthusiasm. Then I had a family party that soaked up all my attention and now this. Cornered in a spiders web. It's incredible that we can feel as though it is all over but then we look to the Lord and we are back in the fight again. When I come through this I hope to be stronger in faith and trust of the Lord and His provision and power more than ever.

Thank you for your fellowship Bob. I have often said this before but I don't know how I could manage without your encouragement and ministry.

In Jesus,

Response #15: 

I'm certainly happy to have this second email from you, my friend.

Life is one big test. It seems that just as soon as we let our guard down we get slammed.

It's good to remember that we have one foot in New Jerusalem and that we are anchored there by an unbreakable cable of hope (Heb.6:19), confident in the fulfillment of all we know is soon coming to pass, the resurrection, the reunion of the entire Church in love and harmony forever, and all of the wonderful rewards that are coming our way, including the inheritance in New Jerusalem that will fall to the lot of every believer in Christ.

Please don't get down on yourself. If you could have handled this test better, you certainly could have handled it much worse. This is combat down here on planet earth, and combat is never pretty, never clean, never perfectly engaged in. If we make it out the other side of the current scrap with our momentum intact and our attitudes none the worse for wear, we can and we should be grateful for that, move on and forget. And not to worry: we'll be getting another chance to prove our mettle very soon, just as long as we are still in this world.

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33 NKJV

Keeping you in my prayers daily, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:  

Thanks Bob!

Yes, I'm digging in deep with my studies and your responses in this week's posting have given me even more encouragement to continue on with this. Life is busy with what seems to be even more distractions everywhere but I'm determined to keep Bible study on my priority list. I'll be even firmer in defending my time in this if I need to be.

I haven't read "Down with Skool" but I found a little preview to read - so funny! I love the illustrations too and Molesworth's spelling. That would take some proofreading!

Keeping you in my prayers, Bob and wishing you a great week ahead!

In Jesus

Response #16: 

Thank you!

I always appreciate your sharp eye.

Very proud of you coming through this latest testing period without compromise. That's never ever easy to do. But that's what we're called to do.

"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions."
Matthew 24:45-47 NIV

Wishing you a good, peaceful week ahead!

Also, yes, that's probably the reason I like Molesworth. His spelling makes mine look pretty good by comparison!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:  

Dear Brother Bob,

Thank you for this update.

I want to comfort and encourage you, by letting you know that I am praying for you that your petitions be granted, in accordance with His perfect plan. So I will continue praying, as we both know and trust that the Lord will work things out for good for those who love Him – and I know that you love the Lord.

I look up to you as my Bible teacher, and for good reason, I am convinced. You give good witness when you steadfastly say: "We trust in the Lord . . . no matter what." And I say, Amen! And my thoughts and prayers are with you, my dear brother in Christ.

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
-Habakkuk 3 : 17 - 18 NIV

Yours in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

Response #17: 

It's my great pleasure.

Thanks so much for this encouraging email, my friend!

I love this verse, too! We endeavor to rejoice in the Lord no matter what may betide, because this is not our world, not our kingdom, not our home. We are looking forward to a city whose architect and builder is God (Heb.11:10).

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4 NIV

Your prayers are VERY much appreciated – keeping you and yours in mine daily as well, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:  

Thank you for the much needed prayers, brother Bob! You are always in my mine.
And thanks for your very encouraging witness to the good fight of faith, which we are all honored to fight as soldiers of our Lord.

Yours in our Savior Jesus Christ,


Response #18: 

Thanks – and good to hear you got my email. I had to resend directly; hotmail (and some other services) gives me trouble sometimes, so please keep that in mind if it ever seems I don't respond.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:  

Hello Doc!

25th anniversary, wow! I am aware that Ichthys has been online since 1997; but it became this hugely important resource to me in late 2015. To me, it's a beacon, a lighthouse, a compass, a radar screen, a library, to me, Doc. Ichthys is a lot of things. I congratulate and thank you at the same time. I have avoided a lot of spiritual pitfalls because of Ichthys. I have shown some people where the right Christian path lies because of Ichthys. It has enabled me to make some truly important spiritual decisions; it has given me this certainty about some decisions I have made since I became a Christian, this new born-again person who belongs to the family of God. Thank you, Doc., for Ichthys.

My prayers are always with you Doc. In our Lord Jesus who guides us with His mighty hand,

Response #19: 

I appreciate this very encouraging email, my friend!

Keeping you in my prayers every day.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:  

Thank you, Bob. Amen to that. I so enjoy your teaching. God bless.

Response #20: 

Thanks for the encouragement, my friend!

Question #21:  

Hello Dr.,

As always, greatly appreciate the teaching here, keep it coming. I’m currently following along in Revelation with Pastor Omo and started reading through your subject index [link] a little every day in alphabetical order. I find the more I try to learn, the more I realize I have a lot more to learn. The tribulation will be here soon and as you know there's no such thing as being overly prepared spiritually, it’s impossible to be so! Life in general is ok. I seem to move from one dysfunctional event to another, however the skin is pretty thick these days and I’m not bothered much by this evil clown show we find ourselves in the middle of, God has it all in hand. [omitted], prayers appreciated. Since finishing the work on house I’ve been working outside more this year planting trees, bushes and flowers. Can’t say my thumb is green at this point, maybe with time, thinking about building a greenhouse next year if finances are agreeable, well see.

How are you Sir? Hope your knees are holding up for you as well as everything else. I know I could use a tune up myself, may look into a couple of procedures next winter. Got you in prayer here daily.

All the best,


Response #21: 

Thanks for these! "Johnny on the spot" as always, my friend. And this was a fairly long one too. Much appreciated.

I have been keeping you in my prayers about this. God knows what He is doing and always works things out for good – but when the answer is not the one we want, it can be tough. Sometimes even when we get the answer we want it turns out not to be the answer we want. Abraham managed to negotiate the Lord down to "ten righteous" re: Sodom . . . but got the surprise of his life when he looked out the tent flap the next morning. What he REALLY wanted was for Lot to be saved. And the Lord did do that. So He knows us better than we know ourselves, and has ways of helping us and healing us we could never dream of. I can testify to that in my own life. God is good. He never, ever lets us down. Sometimes for the sake of building up our faith we do have to wait. Abraham had to wait until he was 99 for his heir. We don't know the details of the future. We do know that if we stay faithful to Him and trust Him that all will be well – and blessedly so. I'm continuing with the prayer.

Meanwhile, I could use your prayers. There is a "situation" here at the university which will come to a head the middle of next week. We've already received some strong signs of deliverance – and of that I am absolutely confident. But I would appreciate you "doing battle" with me on this one (sorry to be obscure about it). I'll let you know what happens. [note: the Lord did bring about a wonderful deliverance! Thanks so much to all who have been praying for us].

Gardening here is going well. We planted poppies for the first time and they have added a very nice splash of color before the zinnias and nasturtiums come into their glory.

Physically doing well. Getting back into shape and losing weight at this age is a bit more of a challenge however. But I endeavor to persevere.

Thanks again, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.



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