Series Key:
BB =
Bible Basics: Essential Doctrines of the Bible
CT =
The Coming Tribulation: a
History of the Apocalypse
EM = E-mail Response
GQ = Genesis Questions
HE = Paul's Epistle to
the Hebrews
HH = Exodus 14: Hardening Pharaoh's Heart
PE =
Peter's Epistles: Coping with Personal Tribulation
RB =
Read Your Bible
SR =
The Satanic Rebellion:
Background to the Tribulation
*Please also consult the Expanded Index.
Aaron and the golden calf, EM
not eating the sacrifice, EM
brother but not twin of Cain, EM
offers a proper sacrifice as opposed to Cain, EM
Abomination of Desolation
Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Moriah, BB 4A, EM, EM
Hagar test, GQ
Abraham's intercession on behalf of Sodom, EM
Abraham's Bosom
Christ's proclamation of victory to the fallen angels in Tartarus, EM, BB 4A, PE 35
access to the Father gained by Christ, BB 1, *BB 4A, BB 4B, HE 7
access to the Father, SR 1
access to the third heaven, SR 1
age of accountability before God for accepting Christ, BB 4B, SR 5, EM, EM
mental handicaps ensure salvation, EM, EM
accusation of believers by the devil, SR 4
Satan the accuser thrown down from heaven, CT 4
Acts, Book of
historical and transitional nature of Acts, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 6B
paralleled in OT history, EM
Adam's love poem to Eve, SR 3
fall of Adam, SR 3, BB 3A, BB 3B
Last Adam (Jesus Christ), BB 3A
not deceived as Eve was, EM
adiaphoria, a Stoic word for indifference is contrary to biblical thought, EM
Adonijah's odd request, EM
Jesus Christ is our Advocate, BB 4A
Ahimelech / Abiathar
Is it Ahimelech son of Abiathar or Abiathar son of Ahimelech? EM
Alcohol Use, Christians and (see also Wine)
are Christians forbidden from drinking alcohol? EM
the importance of spiritual alertness, CT 7
All (Hebrew col)
Altar (see also Tabernacle, and Temple)
brazen altar, CT 2B
golden altar of incense, CT 2B, EM
purpose and symbolism, EM
unhewn stones, EM
Altar Calls
emotionally manipulative and legalistic nature of "altar calls", EM, EM, BB 4B
Christ, the Great Amen, CT 2A
saying "Amen" in church today, EM
Amen not related in any way to the Egyptian god, Amon Ra, EM
seeming anachronisms otherwise explained, EM
Ananias and Sapphira
Angel of the Lord, The
BB 1, BB 4A, HH 6, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Jacob wrestling with the Angel of the Lord a Christophany, EM, *EM, EM
no New Testament appearances of the Angel of the Lord, EM
angelic conflict, EM, EM, EM, EM
angelic issues, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
angelic life on other planets, EM
angelic observation of Christian testing, PE 22, SR 1, PE 28, EM
angels differ from mankind, SR 1
angels are finite beings, SR 1
corporeality, lack of, *EM, EM
creation of angels, SR 1, SR 1(add.), BB 2A
female angels, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
general service of angels, BB 2A
guardian angels, BB 2A, EM, EM
heavenly horses ridden by angels, EM
nature of angels, BB 2A, EM, EM
order of battle of fallen angels, SR 4, BB 2A
organization of the holy angels, SR 4, BB 2A
operational sphere of angels, SR 1
pre-history of angels, SR 1
purpose of angels, BB 2A
realm of angels, SR 1
seven churches of Revelation, angels of the seven churches, CT 1
should neither be worshipped nor disrespected, BB 2A
similarities of angels to mankind, SR 1
special functions of angels, BB 2A
spirit-bodies of angels, EM
temporary superiority of angels, SR 1
watchers, EM
animal accounting demanded, EM
carnivore origin according to the Bible, EM, EM
fate of animals after death according to scripture, EM, EM, EM, EM
nature of animals according to the Bible, EM, EM
sacrifice of after the cross in Jerusalem, EM
high priest of Israel, Annas, and Christ's trial before him,
children who do not reach the age to accept Christ do not "cease to exist" but are automatically saved, EM
anointing of the Holy Spirit, EM
annointings of Jesus by Mary Magdalene, EM
anthropopathism in Romans 8:26, EM
definition of anthropopathism, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 3
God's hating of sinners, EM
Anti-Christ (see CT 3B)
antichrist now alive and well on planet earth? EM
antichrist's alliance with the state of Israel, CT 3B
antichrist comes from the sea, SR 2
antichrist to be distinguished from the "Mahdi", EM, EM, EM, EM
antichrist's lack of "desire of women" in Daniel 11:37, EM, EM, EM, CT 4
antichrist's seizure of power in mystery Babylon, CT 3B
antichrist's seizure of revived Roman empire, CT 3B
assassination of antichrist, CT 3B, EM
beast on whom Babylon rides, CT 5
beast out of the sea, CT 4
character of antichrist, CT 3B
charisma of antichrist, CT 3B
crusade of antichrist against the southern alliance, CT 3B
definition of antichrist, CT 3B
desire of women and antichrist, CT 4
Holy Spirit restraint of antichrist, SR 2, CT 2B
identification of antichrist, EM
judgment of antichrist thrown into the lake of fire, CT 6
man of lawlessness, CT 2B
mark of the beast, CT 4, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, CT 7
maternal origin of antichrist, CT 3B, EM
names of antichrist, CT 3B
national origin of antichrist, CT 3B
nephilim, antichrist a nephilim, EM, EM, EM
not an alien, EM
number of antichrist (666), CT 4, EM
origin of antichrist, CT 3B
paternal origin of antichrist (i.e., of Satan), CT 3B
prophetic types of antichrist, CT 3B
revelation of antichrist, CT 3B
rise of antichrist, CT 3B
rise of antichrist a possible sign of the impending Tribulation, CT 2B
session of antichrist in rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, CT 3B
symbolism of antichrist, CT 3B
worldwide rule of antichrist over the entire earth,
Antiochus Epiphanes (a representative type of antichrist)
BB 6B, SR 5, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
"those who say they are Jews but are not" explained, CT 2A
the apocrypha is not canonical, EM
WWJD?, et al., EM
apologetics and the Trinity, EM, EM, EM
apologetics regarding memory without eternal life, EM
atheism and apologetics, EM, EM, EM
defending and explaining the Trinity, EM, EM
proving the existence of God, EM
the so-called gospel of Thomas, EM
Trinity in the Old Testament, BB 1, EM, EM
where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?, EM
apostasy and the sin unto death, *BB 3B, EM, EM, HE 3
danger of apostasy, PE 26
Great Apostasy, the, CT 3A
process of apostasy, PE 26, CT 3A
sin removes our desire to "look Him in the face" or come to the light, PET 27
are there apostles in the Church today?, EM
deaths of the apostles, EM
'eleven' versus 'twelve' apostles in scriptural nomenclature, EM, EM, EM
Jesus Christ the Chief Apostle, EM, HE 3
lives of the apostles, EM
Matthias not one of the twelve apostles, EM, EM, EM, EM, PE 2
names of the apostles (dual names / two names), Mark
Other "apostles", EM
Paul the twelfth apostle, EM, EM, EM, EM
The 12 Apostles of the Lamb, EM
poles of, PE 17
reactive, PE 17
Aramaic Peshitta version, EM
Did Jesus speak only Aramaic? EM
New Testament not originally written in Aramaic, EM
Ark of the Covenant
see Tabernacle
Ark of Noah
see Noah
the invitation to the slaughter of Armageddon, CT 5
the winepress of Armageddon, CT 5
Arminius, Arminianism
blinding effect of arrogance, EM
in sinning, BB 3B
objective, SR 4
subjective, SR 4
Ascension, of Christ
believers accompany Jesus to heaven at the ascension, EM, BB 4A
false "two ascension" theory, EM
asceticism a form of legalism, EM
Assembly of the Local Church
Hebrews 10:25, "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together", EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
local churches and personal ministry, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
local church vs. denominations and Church universal in 1st Timothy 3:14-15, EM
planting a church, EM
where do you go to church? EM, EM, EM
Assurance of Salvation
Assyrian invasion of Judah as an analogy of the Tribulation, CT 7
astrology has no place in Bible study, EM
Hebrew alphabetic code "athbash", CT 5
Athletics and Christianity
"Desk Breaker" workout for combating sedentary habits, EM
definition of, BB 3B
means of, BB 3B
need for, BB 3B
unlimited, universal nature of Christ's, BB 3B, BB 4A
Atonement Cover
see Mercy Seat
Authorities (angelic rank)
the importance of remaining spiritually awake, CT 7
'Azazel (see "scapegoat")
Baal worship as recorded in the Bible, EM
meaning of the name Baal (or Ba'al), EM
Tower of, SR 5
English language and Babel, EM
meaning of "revealed to babes" in Matthew 11:25, EM
Babylon, the Woman who rides the Beast, CT 5
Babylon invaded, CT 5
characteristics of mystery Babylon, CT 3B, EM
coming judgment on proclaimed around the world, CT 4
distinct from the revived Roman empire, CT 3B
"Fallen is Babylon!", CT 5
hatred of Babylon, CT 5
heavenly rejoicing over Babylon's fall, CT 5
home country of antichrist, CT 3B
lament for Babylon, CT 5
mystery Babylon a definite geographical place, CT 3B
mystery Babylon not located in Europe, CT 3B
persecution of the Church by Babylon, EM
probable identification of mystery Babylon, CT 3B, EM, EM, EM, EM
EM, CT2A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 6
"baptism which now saves" in 1st Peter 3:20-21 is Spirit not water, EM, PE 35
baptism and laying on of hands explained and differentiated, HE 6
"baptisms" in Hebrews 9:10, HE 9
exodus generation baptized into Moses, HE 3
for the dead in 1st Corinthians 15, EM
Christ's water-baptism by John the baptist, BB 4A, EM, EM
Jesus never water-baptized, EM
Jewish versus gentile symbolism of water-baptism, EM, EM
John's water-baptism, BB 3B, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
legalism and, EM
Matthew 28 "Great Commission" is Spirit baptism, not water-baptism, EM, EM
Paul being water-baptized by Ananias, EM, EM
Spirit baptism: baptism of, with, and by the Spirit, EM, EM
water-baptism no longer required, EM, EM, EM
water-baptism not required for salvation, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Baptism of Fire
the 2nd Advent baptism of fire judgment on the nations who took the beast's mark, CT 6
the so-called epistle of Barnabas, EM
Basic Doctrines
catalog of basic doctrines in Hebrews, HE 6
Battleground of the Soul
see Anti-Christ
becoming a, PE 24
made near to God, BB 3B
made righteous in Christ, BB 3B
no longer darkness, but light, BB 3B
no longer of this world, BB 3B, CT 7
no longer sinners, but positionally sinless, BB 3B
no longer spiritually dead, BB 3B
no longer under the Law, BB 3B, EM
part of Christ's Bride, BB 3B
reconciled to God, BB 3B
redeemed from sin, BB 3B
sanctified, BB 3B
turned back to God, BB 3B
washed clean from sin, BB 3B
Believing Truth: Phase 2 of Spiritual Growth
Benefits of Salvation
example of, RB
the place of Christ's birth, BB 4A, EM
AMP or Amplified Bible version, EM
books of the Bible and chronological ordering, EM, EM, EM, EM
divine inspiration of the Bible, RB, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 5
eternal, EM
ESV version, EM
Farrar-Fenton translation, EM
how do we know the Bible is true, EM
inerrancy of scripture, EM
ignorance of the Bible producing vulnerability to cults, RB
importance of the Bible, RB
interpolations in the Bible (e.g., "Father, forgive them"), BB 4A, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
interpretation of the Bible, EM, EM, EM
King James version, EM, EM, *EM
King James version, who wrote the KJV?, EM
KJV "onlyists", EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
KJV not divinely inspired, EM
Law of Moses still spiritually valid, EM, HE 7
Messianic versions, EM
New International Version (NIV), EM, EM
NIV 1984 vs. 2011 "switcheroo", EM
organization and order of books in the Bible, EM
Recovery Bible version (Living Stream), EM
role of the prophets in producing the Bible, EM
Scofield reference/study Bible, EM, EM
strengths and weaknesses of Bible versions such as NIV, KJV, NASB: RB, EM, EM
texts and manuscripts, EM
versions of the English Bible, EM
Bible Reading
Bible Teaching
dearth of Bible teaching during the Tribulation, CT 3A
necessity for Bible teachers and Bible teaching, EM, EM, *EM
teaching ministry of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
curse of pain in giving birth, SR 3, BB 3A
date of Christ's birth, SR 5, BB 4A
point where life begins is birth, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM
"saved through childbirth" in 1st Timothy 2:15, EM, EM
see Pastors
Bitter Herbs
symbolism of bitter herbs at Passover, EM
saying "bless you" whenever someone sneezes is a questionable practice, EM, EM, HE 7
Blessing by Association
Blood of Christ
*BB 4A, BB 4A, PE 9, EM, EM, HE 5
EM ("sweating blood)
Blood, Sprinkling Ritual
symbolism to the Blood of Christ the reason for draining off blood, EM, EM
prohibition against eating blood, EM
Book of Life
CT 2A, CT 4, EM, EM, EM, *EM, CT 6, EM, *EM
book of life distinguished from the "books" of works whereby unbelievers are judged, CT 6
Born Again
*BB 4B, *PE 19, PE 26, PE 32, BB 3B, EM, BB 5, EM
Bowl Judgments (of Revelation 16)
Jesus the Branch, BB 4A, EM, EM
Jesus the bread of life, CT 2B, SR 1, EM
Jesus the bread of life as reflected in the name "Bethlehem", BB 4A
Bread of Presence
see Tabernacle
Bride of Christ
SR 5, BB 3B, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
Bunyan, John
physical death and burial of Christ, BB 4A
Burden of the Lord
Burning Bush
Jesus is the burning bush, EM
access to the holy of holies, EM
trial of Christ before Caiaphas the high priest, BB 4A
Jewish, SR 5
western, SR 5
Calling on the Name of the Lord
Calvin, Calvinism
the wedding at Cana attended by our Lord and Mary, EM, EM
Canaan, Canaanites
Why was Canaan cursed? EM
book of Enoch not genuine, EM, EM, EM, EM
book of Jasher not genuine, EM, EM, EM
canon of scripture, RB, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
canonicity and Roman Catholic tradition, EM
canonicity of Daniel, EM
canonicity of Hebrews, EM
canonicity of Revelation, EM
composition of the gospels, EM, EM, EM, EM
deutero-Isaiah, false theory of, EM
gospel of Judas not a part of the canon, EM
gospel of Thomas not a part of the canon, EM
literacy and the canon in apostolic times, EM
Marcion and the canon, EM
Matthew written originally in Greek, not in Hebrew or Aramaic, EM, EM, EM
Pastoral Epistles are genuine and really written by the apostle Paul, EM
Paul's epistles are a genuine part of scripture, EM
"Q" hypothesis and the dating of the gospels, EM, EM, EM
two Timothys two Pauls theory, EM
led captive (Old Testament believers accompany Jesus to heaven at the ascension), EM, BB 4A
Catastrophe, Catastrophes
divine origin of catastrophes, EM, EM, EM
Categories of Suffering
not all suffering is for punishment, BB 3B, CT 7
Celibacy [see also Marriage]
census at Christ's birth, SR 5, BB 4A
David's disastrous census of Israel, EM, EM, EM
census of "ransom" and the poll tax in Israel, EM
Centurion, the
our Lord's amazement at the amazing faith of the centurion, EM
Charity and charitable giving
Cherub, Cherubim, Cherubs
SR 1, SR 4, SR 5, CT 2B, BB 2A, EM, EM
the number of the faces of the cherubs, SR 5
Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
Christian child-rearing, EM, EM
disciplining children, EM, EM, EM
importance of children in the ancient world, EM
obedience of children to their parents, EM
proper number of children, EM
Christ *(see especially Bible Basics 4A: Christology)
age of Christ at the time of the crucifixion, EM
anointing of Jesus at Bethany, BB 4A
anointing of Jesus with the Spirit, BB 4A, EM
appearances of Christ in the Old Testament, BB1
ascension of Christ, BB 4A, CT 2B, EM
baptism of Christ by John the baptist, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
birth of Christ, BB 4A
birth of Christ prophesied, BB 4A
carpenter as Jesus' profession?, EM
celebrity eschewed during His first advent, BB 4A
central Person of history is Jesus Christ, SR 5
completion of the mission given by the Father, EM
coronation of Christ at the Second Advent, CT 6
crucifixion of Christ and events related thereto, BB 4A, EM
crucifixion date of Christ, SR 5, EM
crucifixion, method of, EM, EM
crucifixion not on Wednesday or Thursday but Friday, EM, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM
date of birth of Christ, SR 5
death of Christ predicted, PE 3
deity of Christ, EM, BB 1, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM
descent of Christ into paradise, BB 4A, EM
Door as symbolic of Christ, CT 2B
early life of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
faith in Christ necessary for salvation, PE 24
final statements of Jesus from the cross, BB 4A
firstborn; Jesus is the firstborn from the dead, EM, and of all creation, BB 4A, EM, EM
focusing on Christ, BB 6A, PE 35
form and content of Jesus' teaching, BB 4A
forsaken according to the Plan of God, EM, BB 4A
genealogies of Jesus Christ in the gospels, EM, EM, BB 4A, BB 4A
glorification of Christ, *BB 4A, EM
God's grace gift of Christ, PE 24, BB 4A
Head of the Body, Jesus is the Head of the Church, BB 4A
Holy One, Jesus is the Holy One, BB 4A
(Christ in our) hearts, PE 17
(true) humanity of Christ, EM, BB 4A
Immanuel, Jesus is Immanuel, BB 4A
incarnation of Jesus Christ, BB 4A, HE 2
incarnation necessary for the sacrifice of the cross, EM, BB 4A
indwelling of Christ in believers, SR 1
infallibility of Jesus Christ's words during the first advent, EM
Jesus is explicitly called God in the Bible, BB 4A
Judge, Jesus is the Judge of the world, BB 4A
judging of Christ of believers, PE 18
High Priest, Jesus is the, BB 4A, HE 3, HE 8
kenosis of Christ on the cross, BB 4A, EM, EM
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, BB 4A, CT 5
Last Adam, Jesus is the, BB 4A
Life, Jesus is the Life, BB 4A
life of Christ as a pattern and analogy for negotiating the Tribulation, CT 7
Light, Jesus is the Light, BB 4A
millennial rule of Christ, SR 1, *CT 6
manger not Christ's birth place but His cradle, EM, BB 4A
Mediator, Jesus is the Mediator between God and man, BB 4A
Messiah, Jesus is the Messiah, BB 4A
ministry of Christ paralleled by the 144,000, CT 2B
Mystery, Jesus is the mystery, BB 4A, SR 5
name "Jesus" and its meaning, EM, EM
name "Christ" and its meaning, BB 4A
names of Christ, BB 4A
obstacles to Christ's earthly ministry, BB 4A
Origin of creation is Jesus Christ, CT 2A, BB 4A
plot by the Sanhedrin to kill Christ, BB 4A
priesthood of Christ, EM, HE 5, HE 7, HE 8
Prophet, Jesus is the Prophet, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
physical death and burial of Christ, BB 4A
rebuttal of Jewish claims that Jesus was not the Messiah, EM
resurrection appearances of Christ, chronology of, BB 4A
return of Jesus Christ (2nd Advent), PE 27
Rock, Jesus is the Rock, not Peter (the pebble) SR 5, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
role model, Jesus Christ is our role model, PE 17
sacrifice of Jesus Christ, BB 3B
Savior, Jesus is the Savior of the world, BB 4A
secular historical evidence for the life of Jesus Christ, EM
seeing Christ with the eyes of faith, PE 23
sent by the Father, HE 1
Servant, Jesus is God's suffering Servant, BB 4A
session of Christ at the Father's right hand, SR 1, BB 4A
seven trials of Christ, BB 4A
Shepherd, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, BB 4A
sign spoken against is Jesus Christ, EM
sinlessness of Christ, HE 4
Son of David, Jesus is the Son of David, BB 4A
Son of God, a title of deity, BB 4A
Son of Man, Jesus is the Son of Man, the unique person of all history, BB 4A, EM
spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross, BB 4A, *BB 4A*, EM, EM
substitutionary death of Christ in salvation, BB 4A
suffering of Christ foretold in prophecy, BB 4A
teaching ministry of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
temptation of Christ by Satan, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM
test of Christ for evaluating teachers and teachings, RB
this Rock is Jesus Christ, not Peter, EM, EM
this temple is referring to Jesus' body, EM
three days in the grave, BB 4A, EM, EM
trials of Christ before crucifixion, BB 4A
triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, BB 4A, EM
triumphal entry of Jesus the Messiah into Jerusalem at the 2nd Advent, CT 6
Truth, Jesus is the Truth, BB 4A
unique earthly suffering of Jesus in Hebrews 5:8, EM
uniqueness of His Person, the "hypostatic union", BB 4A
victory of Christ, BB 4A, BB 5
Vine, the vine, a name for Jesus Christ, BB 4A
virgin birth of Christ, *BB 4A, BB 3A, BB 3B, EM, EM
Way, Jesus is the Way, the only path to the Father and eternal life, BB 4A
when did Jesus know He was divine (kenosis)?, EM, BB 4A, EM
Witness of Jesus Christ, CT 2A
Word, Jesus is the Word of God, the Logos, BB 4A, EM, EM, HE 1
worship of Christ a proof of His divinity, EM, BB 4A
the origin of the name Christian, EM
Christian observance of Christmas, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Christmas trees, origin and appropriateness for Christians, EM
date of Christmas, SR 5
is it valid to celebrate Christmas?, EM
BB 1, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
cases of Christophany in the Old Testament, BB 1
Melchizedek and Christophany, HE 7
Chronicles, book of,
see, "Documentary Hypothesis"
chronology of the books of the Bible, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
comparative chronology of the lives of Jesus Christ and John the baptist, SR5
on Paul's 430 years, EM
the Age of the Church, SR 5
the Age of the Church represented in the Jewish ceremonial calendar, SR 5
choosing a church, PE 13, EM, EM, EM
etymologies of the words "church" and ekklesia, EM, EM
finding the right church, EM, EM, EM
house churches, EM
mystery age of the Church, EM, BB 6B
polity and organization of the local church, EM, EM, EM, EM
rebuking members of the congregation not normally valid, EM
Sunday school, validity of, EM
time of the Church's beginning and the composition of the Church, EM, EM
what a local church should do, BB 6B
what a local church may do, BB 6B
what a local church should think twice about doing, BB 6B
what a local church may not do, BB 6B
what a local church doing things the biblical way might look like, BB 6B
Church Discipline
Church History
uncircumcised of flesh, biblical meaning of, EM
Cleansing from Sin
He is coming with clouds, CT 1, EM
Cock Crow
time of the third cock-crow, EM, EM, EM, EM
Code of Conduct
Christian, during the Great Persecution, CT 4, EM, EM, EM, *CT 7
Christian military service during the Tribulation, EM
preparing for great tribulation, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, CT 1, CT 4, *CT 7
communion and the blood of Christ, EM
communion ceremony outside of church, EM
communion: individual or corporate, and early church practices, EM
communion and Jesus' spiritual death, EM
confession and communion, EM
the Last Supper, BB 4A, EM, EM
leftover baskets of John 6, EM
the Lord's supper and confession of sin, EM
the meaning of the communion memorial: to remember Jesus, BB 4A, EM
wrong reaction to suffering, PE 26
tel- meaning completion (fulfillment/perfection) relating to spiritual maturity, BB 6A
tel- meaning completion (fulfillment/perfection) relating to Christ's mission, HE 2
tel- meaning completion (fulfillment/perfection) of the Law by Christ, HE 7
Conjunction of the Ages
as restrainer of evil, SR 4
and apostasy, CT 3A
Confession of Sin
BB 3B, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, PE 5, PE 15, EM, EM, EM
apostasy and, CT 3A
corporate, BB 3B
mechanics of, BB 3B
confession and communion, EM
Controversy over Words
Cosmos (see Satan's World System)
Cost of Discipleship, parable of
Counteracting the Devil's Strategy
Christian, PE 25
Court, of the Temple/Tabernacle
SR 5, *EM, EM, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM, *HE 1, HE 7, HE 8, HE 8
Christ the Origin of, CT 2A
ex nihilo creation, EM, EM, EM
of angels, SR 1, SR 1(add.)
"this creation", HE 9
the meaning of the phrase "from the beginning of creation", EM, EM
Creeds and Statements of Faith
divides history, SR 5
hyssop-blood on the door representing the cross at Passover, EM
Jesus crucified on a cross, not a stake, EM
making the sign of the cross, EM
see also Christ and Crucifixion
Crowns of Christian Reward
crown of righteousness, *CT 6, PE 18
should Christians wear crucifixes? EM, EM
crucifying the Son of God afresh, HE 6
date of Christ's crucifixion, SR 5
dividing of Christ's clothes at His crucifixion, BB 4A
final words of Jesus Christ on the cross, BB 4A
Friday not Thursday is the day Christ was crucified, EM, EM
Friday not Wednesday is the day Christ was crucified, EM
inscription on the cross ("INRE"), BB 4A
Jesus crucified on a cross, not a stake, EM
Jesus' instructions to John about His mother Mary, BB 4A
mocking of Jesus on the cross, BB 4A
supernatural darkness at the crucifixion, SR 2, EM
the two robbers crucified alongside Jesus, BB 4A
PE 13, PE 27, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
characteristics and dangers of, RB, EM
discernment necessary when dealing with cults, EM
Feng-Shui, EM
inoculation against cult influence, EM
recovering from cult exposure, EM
art and mimesis as spiritually questionable, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
role in Satan's world system, SR 4
the third and fourth generational curse, EM, EM, EM, EM
cursing by association, EM
Cut off your hand (pluck out your eye), meaning of
Decree of Cyrus and Daniel's 69 weeks, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Dan, City of
Dan, Tribe of
omitted from the 144,000, CT 2B
tribe of antichrist, CT 3B
Daniel and his friends as patterns for believers in the Tribulation, CT 7
date of the book of Daniel, EM
Daniel's 70th Week
Daniel's Vision of the Great Statue
the three hours of supernatural darkness at Golgotha, BB 4A
Dating, for Christians
chronology of king David and his reign, EM
chronology of king David's divine discipline, EM
David's time in the wilderness analogous to believers in the Tribulation, CT 7
role model for believers today, BB 6A, EM
son number seven or son number eight? EM
unappreciated by his family, EM, EM, EM
wrong to flee to Gath, EM
Day of Atonement
Day of the Lord
"Day of the Lord" paradigm, CT 1
meaning of Daniel's 1,290 and 1,335 days, CT 6
seven millennial days of human history, SR 5, EM, *EM
seven Genesis days of re-creation of the heavens and the earth, SR 5
Deacons and Deaconesses
Dead Sea Scrolls
see "Qumran"
death gives up its dead in Revelation chapter 20, CT 6
eternal, BB 3B
natural or unnatural part of life, EM, EM
of Christ, predicted, PE 3
physical, BB 3B
positional, BB 3B
power of death, HE 2
premonitions of death, EM
God's timing and death, EM
spiritual, PE 27
substitutionary death of Christ in salvation, BB 4A
three aspects of, BB 3B
Death Penalty
Death Shadow, Valley of in Psalm 23:4
see also "False Teaching"
analysis of the process of deception, HE 5
the dangers of deception during the Tribulation, CT 7
ultimate, PE 21
Demon Attack
Demon Influence
Demon Possession
SR 1, SR 4, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
demon legion's possession of the swine, EM
any difference between demons and fallen angels?, EM
demon attack on believers, EM, SR 4
God's employment of demons, BB 2A
imprisonment of demons, EM
incarceration of demons in the Abyss at the second advent, CT 6
judgment of the demons and their consignment to the lake of fire, CT 6
limits of demonic influence of our dreams, EM
replacement of fallen angels by believers, EM
resurrected believers' participation in incarcerating demons, CT 6
status of the demons during the Millennium, CT 6
Denying Christ
antichrist and "the desire of women", CT 4
desire of a wife for a husband in Gen.3:16, EM
Destruction of the Present Heavens and Earth at the End of History
Devil (see also Satan)
God's last olive branch to the devil, SR 3
limits of the devil's control of the world, BB 2A
literal existence of the devil, EM
names for the devil, SR 4
original deception of the devil, PE 27
strategies of the devil for attacking the believer, PE 26, BB 2A
tactics and methodologies of the devil, SR 4, BB 2A
thrown down from heaven, CT 4
world system of the devil, SR 4, CT 4
of human nature, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM
dinosaurs a pre-Genesis Gap satanic experiment, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Discernment, Spiritual
see Apostleship
see Divine Discipline
Discipling and Discipleship
emotionally manipulative and legalistic nature of "discipling", EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
parable of the cost of discipleship, EM
true biblical meaning of discipleship, EM, EM
disease as divine discipline, EM
demon-induced disease, EM
symbolic of sin, EM, EM, EM, EM
Dispensations, Dispensationalism
dispensational divisions of human history, SR 5, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, CT 2A, *EM, EM, EM, BB 6B, *HE 1, HE 3
household analogy in dispensations, HE 3
Divine Decrees
Divine Discipline
corrective divine discipline, PE 21
divine discipline for our good, BB 3B
divine discipline unbearable prior to confession, BB 3B
disease as a means of divine discipline, EM
effectiveness of divine discipline, BB 3B
perfect Father provides perfect discipline, EM
what does divine discipline look like?, EM
Divine Name
Divine Names
does divorce disqualify a pastor from service?, EM, EM
Documentary Hypothesis
discussion and refutation of the documentary hypothesis, EM, EM, EM, EM
Christ the Door (and symbolism), CT 2B
door to heaven, EM
Double Portion
dragon of Revelation 12, EM
dragons in the Bible, EM
interpretation of dreams and visions, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
interpretation of dreams, the gift of, EM, EM
dress code for church attendance, EM
biblical standards of dress and appearance, EM
distinguishing illicit and legitimate usage, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
related to demon possession, CT 3A
marijuana use by Christians, EM, EM, EM
Drunk with the Spirit
wings of, CT 4
creation of, SR 2
original, SR 1
rejuvenated, SR 1
earthquake at the crucifixion, BB 4A
earthquake at the Second Advent, CT 2B
Great Earthquake in Jerusalem, CT 3A
series of earthquakes of increasing intensity during the Tribulation, CT 5
Early Man
so-called "Adamic race" is a fiction, EM
How could Christ spend 3 days in the grave from Friday to Sunday?, EM, EM, EM
origin of the name 'Easter', EM
book of Ecclesiastes written by Solomon, EM
interpretation of Ecclesiastes, EM
role in Satan's World System, SR 4
Ecstasy, Prophetic
Adam and Eve in, SR 3, BB 3A, EM
descent of Christ into paradise, BB 4A
etymology of, SR 1
garden of, SR 1
illustrated by the tabernacle, SR 1
original, SR 1
paradise ("Abraham's bosom"), SR 1, EM
personal, SR 1
primordial and presence of God in, EM
Edom archetypical of all the gentile nations at Armageddon, EM
Egerton Gospel
angelic elders, SR 4, CT 2B, EM, EM, EM
heavenly worship of the angelic elders, CT 2B
human elders, EM
PE 8, PE 9, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Elemental Principles (ta stoicheia)
EM, EM, EM, *EM, HE 1, *HE 5, HE 5
ascension of, EM
Elijah, one of the two witnesses of the Tribulation, CT 3A, EM, EM, EM
Elijah in the wilderness a pattern for believers in the Tribulation, CT 7
flight of, EM
power and Spirit of Elijah, EM
sarcasm of, EM
tribe of Elijah, EM, EM (Tishbite)
Christian control of emotions, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, PE 29
encouragement of self and others, CT 7
Encouragement: Christian Encouragement in the Trials of Life
End Times
motivation and the end times, CT 1
spiritual, HE 6
book of Enoch not part of scripture, EM, EM, EM, EM
Enoch is not one of the two witnesses of the Tribulation, EM
environmentalism not in Revelation 11:18, EM
envy/jealousy the archetypical sin, HE 5
Christian epistemology, EM, EM, *EM, EM, *BB 4B, EM, BB 5
the "mind of Christ" in 1st Corinthians 2:16, EM
Error, "Empowerment of" (aka "strong delusion") in 2Thes.2:11
Essence of God
Esther, book of
Eternal Father
Eternal Life
nature of eternal life, CT 6, EM
need to protect eternal life, PE 27
passing away of the old in eternity, CT 6
Eternal Security
EM, EM, EM, PE 21, EM, EM, EM, EM
absolute eternal security a false doctrine, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 3, HE 3
assurance of salvation, EM
drawing the line on eternal security, EM
eternal security and salvation by works, EM
perseverance and eternal security, EM
Eternal State, the
the eternal state, the "Kingdom of the Father", CT 6
Eternally Begotten
see "Monogenes"
Eternity (of God)
ethics of using or consuming questionably produced products and foods ("I, Pencil"), EM
Evangelism (see also Witnessing)
personal evangelism should come from proper motivation, EM, EM
principles and practice of evangelism, EM, EM
creation and fall of Eve, SR 3, BB 3A
Satan's strategy in tempting Eve, SR 3, Pet 27
misquotes the Lord in talking with the serpent, EM
"appearance of evil" in 1st Thessalonians 5:23, EM
distinction between sin and, BB 3B
Eye for an Eye
Eye, Pluck out your Eye
Ex Nihilo Creation
Existence of God
how do you prove the existence of God?, EM
exodus generation an example of negative behavior to be avoided, HE 3
parallel between the Exodus and the Tribulation, CT 3B, CT 5, CT 7
plagues of Exodus and their timing, EM
secular documentation of the exodus, EM
supernatural darkness during the exodus, SR 2
see Propitiation
every eye shall see Him, CT 1
Eye of the Needle, parable of the camel and the eye of the needle
PE 17, PE 21, PE 24, EM, EM, EM
challenges to faith, PE 26, EM
child-like faith, EM
counter-virtue of faith, SR 4
definition of faith, PE 24
destruction of faith, PE 26
[faith] is divisive, PE 24
dynamics of faith, PE 24
etymology of faith, PE 24
fiery trial of faith, EM
free will and faith, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
future threats to faith, PE 27
hearing versus believing, EM
hope, love, and faith, PE 17, PE 19
[faith] in Christ - necessary for salvation, PE 24
intellect versus faith, PE 24
keeping the faith, PE 21
maintenance of faith necessary, PE 24
[faith] the means trusting God, PE 14
mechanics of faith, PE 24
[faith] must be protected, PE 27
[faith] must produce results, PE 14
[faith] necessary for spiritual growth, PE 14
[faith] not eclectic, PE 14
[faith] not the end, PE 24
principles of faith in Christ, PE 24
pruning of faith, PE 22
requires focus, PE 14
results of faith, PE 24
saving faith, PE 24
smelter of faith, PE 22
struggle of faith, PE 24
testing of faith, PE 22
what is faith?, EM
Faith Perspective
Faith Problems
Faith Rest
emotions vs. resting in faith, BB 6A
of God, BB 1
of Christ and of Moses, HE 3
Fall of Man
Satan's role in, BB 2A
Fallen Angels
see "Demons"
False Prophet, Antichrist's
false prophet's administration of antichrist's false religion, CT 4, EM, EM
judgment of the false prophet thrown into the lake of fire, CT 6
False Teaching, False Teachers, False Doctrine
PE 13, RB, CT 2A, EM, EM, EM, EM, *PE 39
Great Apostasy and, CT 3A
nature of, PE 27
Satan's world-system and, SR 4
Family Responsibilities and Problems
God, BB 1
"do not call anyone 'father'", EM, EM
Christian perspective on fear of God, reverence respect, CT 1, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 4
Feast in the Kingdom
Jewish, SR 5
should Christians celebrate Jewish festivals? EM, EM
Filioque clause
Filling of the Holy Spirit
fire is symbolic of Christ's death and judgment for our sin, BB 1, *BB 4A, EM
First will be Last, and the Last will be First
First-born, the
Jesus Christ is the First-born of all creation, BB 4A, CT 6
festival of, SR 5
Old Testament narrative technique of "flashback", EM
the flood as a type of the Tribulation, CT 7
pre-flood population of earth, size of, EM, EM
Foreknowledge of God
foreknowledge and the divine decrees, BB 4B
English word vs. biblical concept, EM
Forgiveness of Sin
forgiveness of sin at salvation versus forgiveness of sin for believers after salvation, EM
Forty Two Months
Four Horsemen
see Seals
Free Will
SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
freedom of the believers in Christ, EM
Friends of the Bride (Millennial Believers)
friends of the Bride are Christ's double portion as first-born, SR 5, BB 4A, CT 6, EM
judgment of the sheep, CT 6
place in eternity, CT 6
proportion shown by the Jewish calendar, SR 5
bearing, PE 18
fruit test, CT 2A
Full Gospel
see Genesis Gap
Garden of Eden
see Eden
gates of the New Jerusalem, CT 6, SR 5
twelve gates of millennial Jerusalem, CT 6
Gehazi (leprosy)
angelic ranks, the tribes of Israel and the breastplate gemstones, SR 4
gates of the New Jerusalem and tribal gemstones, *CT 6, SR 5
Generations and Generational Length
Genesis, Book of
see individual verses in the list of translated/exegeted passages, and also Genesis Questions Verse by Verse; Genesis Q's II, III, and IV.
Genesis Gap
SR 2, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
waters above, firmament, and the Genesis gap, EM
re: Creation Research Institute article by H. Morris dismissing the Genesis Gap, EM
(the) Age of the gentiles, SR 5
biblical meaning of the word "gentiles", EM
(the) evangelizing of the gentiles during the Millennium, CT 6
"do not go among the gentiles", EM
Jesus' prayers in Gethsemane, BB 4A, EM, EM
giants in Genesis 6 are really nephilim, EM, EM, EM
Gideon and the fleece, EM
God's free gift of Christ, PE 24
"give and don't demand back", EM
of God, BB 1, CT 2B, EM, PE 38, HE 3
glorification of Christ, BB 4A
man created for God's glory, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, PE 38
meaning of the word "glory" in scripture, EM, EM, HE 3
Gnostics, Gnosticism
SR 4, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *PE 39, *HE 1
astrology and Gnosticism, EM
modern-day cults similarity to Gnosticism, EM
verses in the New Testament which refer to the problem of Gnosticism, EM
advent of the Father, CT 6, EM
appearance of the Father, CT 2B
cognizance of God, SR 5
existence of God, PE 11
gender of God, EM
holy character of God, BB 3B
longsuffering, patient, gracious, CT 2A
names of God, BB 1, BB 1 (f.n.), EM
"oneness" of God refers to His uniqueness, EM, EM
unwilling for any human being to perish, CT 2A
'gods', referring to pagan deities, angels, human judges
God's Grace Resources for Coping with Suffering
Gog of Magog = antichrist's Armageddon campaign, CT 5
Fire on Magog at the second advent, CT 6
the Gog and Magog rebellion or Revelation chapter 20, CT 6
Who are Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39?, EM, EM
Gog-Magog Rebellion
Golden Rule
Christian love and the correct application of the golden rule, EM, EM, EM
Good (see also Goodness)
"do-gooding" not "good", EM
good and evil distinguished, HE 5
good works and salvation, EM, HE 9
why did Jesus object to being called "good"? EM, EM
Goodness (of God)
Good News (see Gospel)
*[see also] Matthew question, Mark questions and Luke questions
composition of the gospels, EM, EM
contents of the gospel, PE 24, BB 4B, EM, HE 4
essence of the gospel, EM
protoevangelium or "first gospel" in Genesis 3, EM, EM
reason for four gospels, EM
so-called prosperity gospel, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
what about those who've never heard the gospel, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
words "gospel" and "give-the-gospel" may mean more than evangelizing unbelievers, EM
believers are under grace not law, BB 4B
God's essence and, BB 1
grace of God is sufficient for us in testing, CT 7
Great Apostasy, the (of the Tribulation)
Great Commission, the
Great Persecution, the (of the Tribulation)
the 144,000, CT 2B
Great Tribulation
Great White Throne, the (last judgment of unbelievers)
*CT 6, BB 2B, EM, EM, EM, HE 6
Greek Language
Greek as the language of the New Testament, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Greek necessary for detailed exegesis of scripture, EM, EM, EM
Koine Greek versus Classical Greek, EM, EM
Grief and Bereavement
Groanings too Deep for Words
the Holy Spirit in Romans 8:26, EM
misplaced feelings of guilt, PE 4, PE 5, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Hades gives up its dead in Revelation chapter 20, CT 6
will those in Hades be able to see Christ return?, EM
hair and hats, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
hair length for men and women according to the Bible, EM, EM
long hair as a symbol of submission to authority, EM
'not a hair of your head will perish', EM
Half Hour of Silence in Heaven at the Seventh Seal
should Christians celebrate Halloween?, EM
Hand, Cut off your Hand
true vs. myth, SR 4
Hardening of the Heart
(see also Reversion, spiritual)
PE 21, PE 26, PE 27, HH 1-7, *BB 4B, EM, HE 3
apostasy and the hardening of the heart, CT 3A
apostasy and the sin unto death, BB 3B
Hardness of Heart: see Hardening of the Heart
biblical meaning of "hating" one's family, EM
hair and hats, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
the heads of the Dragon and the Beast in Revelation, EM
demon possession and, SR 4, EM
healing in Isaiah 53:5, EM
Jesus' healing by touch, EM, EM
center of the person, SR 3, BB 3A
fresh start for at the new birth, PE 26
hardening of, PE 21, PE 26, PE 27, HH
are departed believers in heaven able to see earthly events? EM, EM, EM
reflects the glory of God, PE 11, SR 1, CT 2B
transfer of believers from the paradise to the heaven at the ascension, BB 4A
war in, CT 4
waters of, CT 2B
what heaven is like, EM, EM, EM
see also Eden
Heavenly Throne (of God)
see also "throne of God"
Hebrew Language
Did Jesus speak Hebrew? EM
Hebrew lexicography, EM
Hebrew will be the official language of Christ's millennial government, CT 6
Hebrew word col, "all", EM
Hebrew word 'echadh, "one", EM, EM
Matthew written originally in Greek, not in Hebrew or Aramaic, EM, EM
tools for studying Hebrew, EM, Biblelinks, EM
why was the New Testament written in Greek and not Hebrew?, EM
book of Hebrews and its canonicity, EM
date of Hebrews, HE
explanatory outline of the first six chapters of the book of Hebrews, EM, EM, HE
Paul the author of Hebrews and the special circumstances of the book, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *HE
damnation or "eternal condemnation" lasts, literally, forever, EM
descent of Christ into paradise, BB 4A
Gehenna, EM
hell is literal, EM, EM, EM, EM
lake of fire, BB 2B
last judgment of unbelievers and their consignment to the lake of fire, CT 6, BB 2B
unbelievers go to hell of their own free will, EM, EM
vocabulary used for hell, EM
Helping: Phase 4 of Spiritual Growth
Herod the Great and his attempt to destroy the newborn Jesus, BB 4A, EM
Christ's trial before Herod Antipas, BB 4A
Herod Agrippa's sudden death, EM
biblical prophecy about the Messiah, BB 4A
biblical poetry, interpreting the book of Job, EM, EM, EM, EM
biblical typology, CT 1, BB 4A, EM, EM
Hebrew poetic form, EM
Old Testament interpretation exemplified, EM
proverbs, interpretation of, EM
prophetic foreshortening, CT 1, EM
Tribulation and, CT 1
History, Ancient, Biblical, and Church
historical descriptions in scripture are accurate depictions not endorsements, EM (see also "Acts, Book of")
Historical Background to 1st Peter
recipients of the epistle, PE 25, EM
Holiness (of God)
Holy Commandment
"holy commandment" of 2nd Peter 2:21 is the command to believe in Christ for salvation, BB 4B
Holy Kiss
Holy of Holies (see also Tabernacle, and Temple)
Holy Place (see also Tabernacle, and Temple)
Holy Spirit
*BB 5, PE 7, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
all believers have the Holy Spirit indwelling them, EM, EM
baptism of the Holy Spirit, EM, EM
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (see unpardonable and unforgivable sin), EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 5
divinity of the Holy Spirit or deity of the Holy Spirit, EM, EM, EM
empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit, PE 18
filling of the Holy Spirit, EM, EM, EM, EM
gender of the Holy Spirit (masculine though the noun pneuma is neuter), EM
gender of the Holy Spirit not feminine, EM, EM, EM
given to Christ without measure or limit, EM, EM
grieving the Holy Spirit, BB 5
guidance of the Holy Spirit, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *PE 36
heavenly gift of the Holy Spirit, HE 6
insulting the Holy Spirit, BB 5
lusteth to envy, the meaning of James 4:5, EM, EM
lying to the Holy Spirit and testing/tempting the Holy Spirit, BB 5
(the) millennial pouring out of the Holy Spirit, CT 6
mediation of the Spirit by the apostles, BB 5
ministry before the cross and resurrection of Christ, BB 5, EM
name Holy Spirit versus Holy Ghost, EM
prayer in the Spirit not to the Spirit, EM
prophetic ecstasy in the power of the Holy Spirit, CT 2B
quenching the Holy Spirit, BB 5
resisting the Holy Spirit, BB 5
restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit, SR 2, CT 2B, EM, EM, EM, EM
role of the Holy Spirit as our guide in conjunction with the Word of God, CT 7
role of the Holy Spirit in Christ's baptism, BB 4A
role of the Holy Spirit in Christ's spiritual death, HE 9
role of the Holy Spirit in eternity, EM
role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism, EM
role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual growth, PE 14, EM
sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit, EM, CT 2B
sending of the Holy Spirit, BB 4A
seven lamps of fire as the Holy Spirit, CT 2B
seven spirits of Revelation chapter 1 are the Holy Spirit, EM, CT 1
teaching ministry of the Spirit does not replace the need for Bible teachers, EM
Trinity and the Holy Spirit, BB 1
Home Schooling
Honor your Parents
consummation of the Christian hope, HE 6
counter-virtue, SR 4
eternal, PE 22
hope that anchors us, HE 6
true focus of Christian hope, CT 1
ten horns of revived Rome, CT 3B, EM, EM
Human History Timeline according to the Bible
specific chronology of the seven days of millennial "days" of human history, SR 5, EM, EM
Human Nature
Human Spirit
eternity of the human spirit, EM
human spirit is created by God at birth, SR 3, EM, EM, EM
nature of the human spirit, EM, EM
Humility, Humble
meekness, meaning, EM
Did Jesus use humor? EM
wrong for Christians to use humor at the expense of others, EM
Husband of One Wife
Hymenaeus and Alexander
Hypostatic Union
the meaning of the ichthys acronym
the spelling of ichthys, EM
Idle Words and their Judgment
idolatry and the ten commandments, EM, EM
Paganism, Idolatry, Mythology and the Occult, EM
prohibition of idolatry in the 10 commandments correlation to the Satan's 3 lies, EM
the wisdom of Solomon and his idolatry, EM
Image and Likeness of God
image and likeness of God, SR 3, BB 3A, SP, EM, EM, EM, EM
Imitation of the Faithful
Immeasurability (of God)
Imprecatory Passages in the Bible
so-called imputation of Adam's sin, BB 3B, EM, EM, EM
Christ's incarnation, BB 4A
incarnation of Jesus Christ foretold in prophecy, BB 4A
incense for the prayers of the saints in Revelation chapter 8, CT 3A
see also Tabernacle
as a facet of the human spirit, SR 3, BB 3A
Indwelling of Christ
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
I never knew you
Infant Salvation
all who die before reaching the age of accountability are saved, EM, EM, EM, EM
stillborn children, EM
the age of accountability, BB 4B, EM
the mentally handicapped are saved, EM
why doesn't God prevent children from dying? EM
present universe finite, EM
imperishable, PE 21
our inheritance in Christ, HE 2
Institutional Security
intercession based on Christ's victory, BB 4A,
Interim Body
see "Interim State of Believers after Death"
Interim State of Believers after Death
applications on the internet as potentially distracting to the Christian walk, EM
does Islam worship the One true God?, EM
is Mohammed the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18?, EM, EM
true orthodoxy and false creeds, EM
(the) Age of Israel, SR 5
"all Israel" meaning, EM
corporate nature of God's dealing with Israel, EM, EM, EM, EM
festivals of Israel, SR 5
flight of Israel during the Tribulation to the desert sanctuary, EM, EM, *CT 4
gemstones on the high priest's breastplate and Israel, SR 4, EM
hardness of Israel, SR 5
Israel is God's perfect standard, SR 5
Israel and the Church, EM
jealousy of Israel, SR 5
name "Israel" (meaning), GQ
priority of Israel, SR 5
reiteration of the naming of Israel, GQ
restoration ministry of Moses and Elijah to Israel, CT 3A, EM
return of Israel to the Land after the 2nd Advent, CT 6
(the) ultimate organization of the Church is Israel, SR 5
second advent fight against antichrist, CT 5
uniqueness of Israel, SR 5
Isaac blessing Jacob instead of Esau, EM, EM, EM
Jacob's wrestling with the Angel: the angel is the pre-incarnate Christ, EM, *EM, EM
(the) name 'Jacob', meaning and symbolism, EM
time of Jacob's trouble is the Tribulation, CT 1, *EM
James (book of) [see also "Faith" and related topics]
audience, EM
interpretation of James, EM, EM, EM
see "envy"
Jephthah's Daughter
millennial Jerusalem, *CT 6, SR 1
The New Jerusalem, *CT6, SR 1, SR 5
Jerusalem Church
suffering of, PE 25
Jerusalem Council
see "Christ"
the name Jesus, *EM, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
priest of Midian, EM
should Christians wear jewelry?, EM, EM, EM, EM
crucifix wearing, EM
see Gemstones
Jews, Jewish
see Israel
origin of the words Jew and Jewish, EM
meaning of the word 'Jews' in the gospels, EM, EM, EM
tribes and evangelism, EM
validity of the term, EM
Job (book of)
Johannine Comma
John the baptist
comparative chronology of the lives of Jesus Christ and John the baptist, SR5
ministry of John giving freedom of action for ministry of Christ, EM
John leaping in the womb, EM, EM, EM
John's doubts about Jesus while imprisoned, EM, EM, EM
John "least in the kingdom"? EM
Zechariah, John the baptist's father, EM
John's Gospel
the gospel of John is inspired and canonical, EM
verse by verse questions and answers on the gospel of John, JQ
John's Primer on Sin
Jonathan, son of Saul
Joseph, Jesus' Stepfather
death of Joseph, EM
Joseph and the events surrounding Christ's birth, BB 4A, EM
Joseph, the Patriarch
Joseph's dream of the twelve stars, EM
Joseph's robe of "many colors", GQ
Joshua as a type of Christ, HE 4
joy in the midst of tribulational suffering, CT 7
Christ's descent from the tribe of Judah, EM, HE 7
Judas Iscariot
"gospel of Judas", EM
Judas and the plot to kill Christ, BB 4A
Judas a type of antichrist, CT 3B
manner of Judas' death, EM
why didn't the other disciples realize Judas was the traitor at the last supper? EM
Jude's quotation of Enoch, EM
Judges, book of
Christ the judge, PE 18
context of judgment in Genesis chapter 1, SR 2
cycle of, CT 1
fate of the unrighteous dead in Isaiah 66:24, EM
God's judgment on the universe, BB 2A
judge not that ye be not judged, EM, EM
judgment of Adam, Eve, and the serpent, SR 3, BB 3A
judgment of the believer, judgment seat of Christ, *CT 6, PE 18, EM
judgment of Israel when regathered into the Land after the 2nd Advent, CT 6
time of, PE 18
the last judgment (of all unbelievers), CT 6, BB 2B
trumpet judgments of Revelation, the, CT 3A, EM, EM
Jury Duty
should Christians refuse jury duty? EM, EM
characteristic of God, BB 1, EM
see Cephas
Christ's self-limitation or kenosis (not "emptying"), BB 4A
harpagmos in Philippians 2:6-8: EM
keys of death and Hades, CT 1
key to the Abyss, CT 6
keys to the kingdom and "binding" / "loosing", EM, EM, EM
King of Assyria
representative type of antichrist, CT 3B
King of Babylon
representative type of antichrist, CT 3B
Kings of the East
King of the North
designation for antichrist, CT 3B
King of the South
Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of God
in opposition to the devil's kingdom, BB 2A
kingdom of God was among us but is not merely spiritual, EM
"seek first the kingdom", EM
"sons of the kingdom" in Matthew 18:11-12, EM
what is the kingdom of God? EM
Kingdom of the Beast (see also, Babylon, and Revived Rome)
Kings, book of,
see, "Documentary Hypothesis"
requires faith for application, PE 14
virtue of, PE 17
Kosmos (see Satan's World System)
Lake of Fire
*CT 6, BB 2B, SR 1, SR 5, EM, EM
supernatural darkness in, SR 2
Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world, EM, EM
Last Adam, the
Jesus Christ is the Last Adam, BB 3A, EM
Last Judgment, the
Last Rites
Last Supper, the
Law (see also "Law of Moses")
angels as intermediaries of, HE 2
as restrainer of evil, SR 4
Christians not required to observe the details of the Torah, EM
Christians not required to observe the dietary laws, EM, EM, EM, EM
gifts and sacrifices under the Law, meaning, HE 5
law fulfilled by Christ's sacrifice, EM
meaning of "Law", EM
meaning of "not one jot or tittle" shall pass away, EM
never actually followed, EM, EM
Paul's writings on the Law, EM
purposes of the Law, EM
Law of Moses
Laying on of Hands
Lazarus and the Rich Man (Lk.16)
not a parable but a true rendition of actual events, EM, EM, *LQ, EM
Least in the Kingdom (Matt.11:11; Lk.7:28): John the baptist
EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *HE 1
water-baptism as legalism, EM
should Christians observe Lent? EM
Levirate Marriage
is it ever justifiable to tell a lie?, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Satan's system of three essential lies, SR 4, BB 2A, BB 3B, CT 3A, CT 6, EM, EM, *PE 39
Satanic methodology of, CT 3A
characteristic of God's essence is life, BB 1
Jesus is the Life, BB 4A
human life begins at birth with God's creation and gift of the human spirit, EM, EM, EM, EM, SR 3, BB 3A, EM
making the most of our Christian life, PE 23
new life of rebirth in Jesus Christ, PE 19
Life after Death
see "Interim State", "Resurrection" and "Eternal Life"
Life Spans and Longevity in the Bible
Jesus is the Light, BB 4A
lights of Genesis 1, EM
spiritual enlightenment, HE 6
"like a lion" or "pierced" in Psalm 22:16? EM
Listening: Phase 1 of Spiritual Growth
Literacy in Apostolic Times
Living Creatures
see Cherubs
Living the Word: Phase 3 of Spiritual Growth
Local Church
Hebrews 10:25, "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together", EM
the local church and personal ministry, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Jesus Christ is the Logos, the Word of God, BB 4A, BB 4B, EM, EM, EM
meaning of logos, EM
primary name of Jesus Christ, BB 4A
Lord of Hosts
Jesus is the Lord of Hosts, BB 4A
Lord's Prayer, the
Lordship Salvation
heresy of "Lordship salvation", BB 4B, EM
Lordships (angelic rank)
Loss of Salvation (see also Apostasy)
PE 21, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
teaching of Hebrews 6:6 regarding "loss of salvation", EM, EM, EM, EM
teaching of Hebrews 10:26 regarding "loss of salvation", EM, EM, EM, EM
no, you have not lost your salvation, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Lost Tribes of Israel, so-called
are the Celts / Galatians the so-called "ten lost tribes of Israel"?, EM
Lot (nephew of Abraham)
escape of Lot from Sodom an analogy for believers in the Tribulation, CT 7, PE 40
moving to Sodom a poor decision, GQ
strange behavior and negative example of Lot, EM, EM
Lots, casting of
agape contrasted with philia, EM, EM, *PE 38
Christian love, EM
counter-virtue of love, SR 4
law of love, EM
love as a characteristic of God, BB 1
love of the brethren, PE 17, PE 32
love your enemies, EM
"light-bearer", title for Satan, EM
see individual verses in the list of translated/exegeted passages, and also Luke verse by verse
proper Christian attitude towards luxury and excess, EM, EM
the Magi and the star of Bethlehem, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
see Gog and Magog
purpose, creation and fall of, SR 3, BB 3A
nature of, PE 16
Man of Lawlessness
see Anti-Christ
Manasseh, King of Judah
Christ placed in a feed trough rather than born in a barn, BB 4A
"many mansions" in John 14:2, KJV, EM
Marana Tha (maranatha)
Mark, Gospel of
*[see also] individual verses in the list of translated/exegeted passages, and also Mark Verse by Verse
the erroneous longer endings of the gospel of Mark, EM, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, *EM, EM
date of Mark's gospel, EM
use of ethys, EM
Mark of the Beast
CT 4, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, CT 7
baptism of fire judgment upon those who take the mark of the beast, CT 6, EM
biometry and the mark of the beast, EM
do not take the mark of the beast, CT 7
not DNA or involuntary, EM
arranged marriages, EM, EM, EM
authority of the husband in, EM
shall cleave to his wife, EM
helpmeet in Genesis 2:8, EM, EM, EM
marriage is a civil institution because it is part of God's common law for everyone, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
marriage of Adam and Eve, SR 3, BB 3A
marriage of believers and unbelievers, EM, EM, EM
remarriage of Christians, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
"one flesh", EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
responsibility of Christian husbands in marriage, PE 35
undeserved suffering in marriage, PE 35
Martyrdom (see also "The Great Persecution")
do not fear martyrdom during the Tribulation, CT 7
eternal reward and martyrdom, EM, CT 7
harvest of the martyrs during the Great Persecution, CT 4
martyrdom is a prerequisite for the most exceptional eternal rewards, CT 6
mechanics of martyrdom during the Great Persecution, CT 4
precedence of the 144,000 in during the Great Persecution, CT 4
proportion of the martyred as one third of the Church, CT 4
the "10 days" of Roman persecution in Revelation 2:10, EM, CT 2A
Christ's appearance to Mary Magdalene, BB 4A
events surrounding Christ's birth, EM, EM
false "two ascension" theory and the appearance to Mary, EM
Mary "full of grace", EM, EM, EM
Mary, mother of Jesus – John chosen by Jesus to take care of her, EM
Mary not the "mother of God" (theotokos), EM
other Marys, EM
Masoretes, anti-Christian bias of, EM
see individual verses in the list of translated/exegeted passages, and also Matthew Verse by Verse
Matthew wrote the gospel of Matthew, EM
Matthew's gospel was not originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic, EM, EM, EM
Mediator, the
Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and man, BB 4A
Christians' use of medical care, SR 4, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
see Tabernacle
Mental Illness, Christians and
God's essence and, BB 1
of God, BB 3B
Mercy Seat
see Tabernacle
biblical prophecies about the Messiah, BB 4A
Messianic Movement
Michael (archangel)
Michael is not Jesus, EM, EM, EM
Michal (David's first wife)
Millennium, the
administration of the Millennium, CT 6, EM
children who survive the Tribulation, EM
economics of the Millennium, CT 6
justice and righteousness of the Millennium, CT 6
language of the Millennium, CT 6
life-spans expanded during the Millennium, *CT 6, EM
literal Millennium, EM, EM, EM
(the) Millennial Age, SR 5
nationalism during the Millennium, CT 6
peace and prosperity of the Millennium, CT 6
physical blessings of the Millennium, CT 6
population during the Millennium, EM, EM, EM, EM
sacrifices during the Millennium, CT 6, EM, EM, EM
spiritual blessings of the Millennium, CT 6
tabernacles celebrated in the Millennium, EM
millstone penalty for scandalizing young believers, EM
Ministry of the Believer
PE 10, PE 12, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
empowered by the Spirit, PE 18
helping, PE 18
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Christians need to believe the Bible rather than third party reports, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM
false miracles in the Tribulation, CT 3A, CT 4, CT 7
Jesus' cursing of the fig tree, EM, EM
Jesus' healing of the blind, EM, EM (double miracle)
miracles of the 144,000, et al., CT 2B
miracles of the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, CT 3A
Missions and Missionaries
believers' security not provided by money, SR 4
biblical viewpoint of money and finances for Christians, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
The word "only begotten" and its true meaning, EM, EM, EM, EM
Morning Star
Mosaic Law (see "Law of Moses")
author of Genesis rather than Adam,
body of Moses preserved for his later restoration ministry, CT 3A, EM, EM, EM
compared to Christ, HE 3
miracles of the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, CT 3A
Moses and Zipporah,
Moses striking the rock,
Mount Zion
see "Zion"
music and prophecy,
angelic music, CT 2B
false influence of music, EM, EM, EM
problems with Christian music, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 6B
Saul comforted by music, EM
Mustard Seed, Parable of the
Jesus is the Mystery of God, BB 4A
mystery of the Church and Christ, SR 5
mystery of God completed (Rev.10:7), CT 3A
mystery of lawlessness, CT 2B
mystery of lawlessness released, CT 3A
Mythology and the Bible
most common Bible names, EM
name changes in the Bible, EM
names of pagan origin versus names of Christian origin, EM
"new name" believers will receive in eternity, CT 5, CT 2A, CT 2A
of God, BB 1, BB 1 (f.n.), EM EM
of the devil, SR 4
as restrainer of evil, SR 4
Natural Revelation
*PE 11, BB 4B, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Nature of Man
Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus, BB 4A
Nazirite, Nazarite
Jesus was not a Nazirite, EM, EM, EM
Samson and the Nazirite vow, EM
7 year period of insanity, EM
type of antichrist, CT 3B
Necessity for Spiritual Growth
SR 5, BB 2A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
proof that the Nephilim are half-demonic, EM
final destiny of the Nephilim, EM
Nero the "sixth king who is now alive", CT 3B
New Birth
see "Born Again"
New Commandment
New Covenant
see "Covenants"
New Heavens and New Earth
New Jerusalem, The New Jerusalem
*CT 6, SR 1, SR 5, EM, The New Jerusalem, EM
outside the city (vs. "outer darkness"), CT 6
the city's rim and exterior wall, CT 6
the descent of the New Jerusalem from heaven, CT 6
the foundations of the New Jerusalem, CT 6
the gates and corresponding gemstones of the New Jerusalem, *CT 6, SR 5
the interior of the New Jerusalem, CT 6
the measurement and design of New Jerusalem, CT 6
the nature of the New Jerusalem, CT 6
the wall of New Jerusalem, CT 6
New Order
New Song
New Testament
New Covenant, SR 5
Newness of Life (in Christ)
a new creation, BB 3B
all believers are "in Christ", EM, BB 4B, BB 5
representative type of antichrist, CT 3B
SR 5, EM, *EM, EM, EM, **EM, EM, PE 35
Noah as a type for deliverance through the Tribulation, CT 7, PE 35
No one knows the day or the hour
Not for you to know the times and seasons
The meaning of Acts 1:7, EM
special meaning of gignosko in the aorist also at Hebrews 3:10, HE 3
Number of the Beast
Numbers, Numerology
Bible codes and other false systems of numerology and Kaballah, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
the number 12, EM
the number 20, EM
the number 40, EM
the 153 fish of John 21:11, EM
God's oath to Abraham, HE 6
role in Satan's World System, SR 4, EM
Old Testament
Old Covenant, SR 5
quotes from the Old Testament in the New Testament, EM, EM
Old Testament Salvation
how were people saved before the cross? EM, BB 4B, EM, EM, EM
Olive Tree
of Romans 11, EM
of Zechariah 4, EM
Olivet Discourse
omniscience as an encouragement to proper respect for God, HE 4
One Day at a Time
Order of Battle (angelic)
to Christian thinking, PE 17
to Christian life, PE 31
Origin of Human Suffering
see Pastors
pagan states and the challenges they present to believers, PE 25, EM
pagan names, EM
Parable of the Great Banquet
Parable of the Growing Seed
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Parable of the Persistent Widow
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Parable of the Shepherd and the Sheepfold
Parable of the Shrewd Manager
Parable of the Sower
Parable of Unjust Steward
Parable of the Talents
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Parable of the Willing and Unwilling Sons
Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Parable of the Yeast
Parables [*see also individual parable names directly above]
interpretation of, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
see also in loc. in Matthew Questions and Mark Questions
see Eden
parousia in Greek refers to the Second Advent, not a pre-Tribulation rapture, EM, EM, EM, EM
Partakers / Sharers
HE 3,
in the divine nature, PE 38
of Christ, HE 3
of the Holy Spirit, HE 6
"Passion of the Christ"
Christ our Passover, EM
dating of Passover during Passion Week, EM
hyssop-blood on the door representing the cross at Passover, EM
last Passover of Jesus before the cross, BB 4A
should Christians celebrate Passover? EM, EM
Pastoral Epistles
the Pastoral Epistles are genuine and really written by the apostle Paul, EM
authority of (pastoral authority), EM
bishops and overseers, EM
does divorce disqualify pastors?, EM, EM
education necessary for pastors teaching the Word of God, EM, EM
elders and deacons, EM, EM, EM
preparation necessary for pastors teaching the Word of God, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
support of pastors, congregational responsibility for, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
women as pastors according to scripture, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Paul, the Apostle
chronology of the life of Paul, HE
conversion accounts, EM
imprisonments at Rome, EM, EM, HE
matching his life to his letters, EM
mistaken journey to Jerusalem, EM
Paul's catalogs of suffering, CT 2B, *HE 1
post-resurrection appearance of Christ to Paul, BB 4A
Romans and writing about the Law, EM
BB 6A, PE 12, EM, EM, EM, *PE 41
God's essence and, BB 1
reconciliation and peace through the blood of Jesus, EM
Pearls before Swine
denarius and penny, EM
Perfect, The (1Cor.13:10)
Perfection (of God)
historical examples of, PE 25, CT 2A
pattern of future tribulational persecution, PE 25
PE 17, PE 21, PE 25, CT 2A, CT 4, EM, EM, EM
Personal Tribulation (see also Tribulation, the Great)
dealing with personal tribulation, PE 25, PE 26, PE 27
extreme personal tribulation, EM
historical examples of personal tribulation, PE 25
preparing for great tribulation, EM, EM, EM, CT 1, CT 4
principles of, PE 25
Peter (see also the series Peter's Epistles)
dons clothes to swim to the Lord, EM
(the) issue of legalism, EM
life of Peter, EM
(the) manner of Peter's death, EM
Peter's denial of Jesus, EM
Peter's 'learning curve' in Acts, EM
Peter's three errors regarding water-baptism (by B.W.), EM
Petros (Cephas) meaning of, PE 3, *EM, EM, *EM, EM
hardening of Pharaoh's heart, HH 1-7
representative type of antichrist, CT 3B, CT 7
woes pronounced against the Pharisees by our Lord, EM
Phases of Spiritual Growth
they will look upon Him whom they have pierced, CT 1
Pilate's Wife, dream of . . .
the two pillars of Solomon's temple, Boaz and Jachin, CT 3A
Pit, the
the pit as a synonym for Sheol and the Abyss, CT 6
Plan of God
*BB 4B, PE 3, PE 8, PE 9, PE 13, *SR 5, CT 4, *EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
roles of the Trinity in the plan of God, BB 1
Pluck out your eye (cut off your hand), meaning of
role in Satan's World System, SR 4
biblical Christianity opposed to politics and political action, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 7
though not biblically prohibited, polygamy is still to be avoided, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Pontius Pilate
trials of Christ before Pontius Pilate, BB 4A
Christians eating pork, EM, EM, EM
Positional Sanctification
Positional Security
false doctrine of, PE 27
Powers (angelic rank)
*HE 4, PE 17, EM, *EM, *EM, *EM, *EM, EM, EM
can prayer be offered from heaven?, EM
corporate prayer, EM
cumulative prayer, EM
eyes open prayer acceptable? EM
[prayer] for failing faith, EM
[prayer] for the dead not legitimate, EM
holding up holy hands, EM
imprecatory prayer, EM
length of prayers, EM
posture in prayer, EM
prayer offered directly to the Son, Jesus Christ, EM, EM, EM
prayer for wisdom in James 1:5, EM
reason for the necessity of prayer in the Plan of God, EM
the will of God and prayer, EM
see Pastors
see also "Plan of God"
Pride, Proud
the humbling of the pride of the wicked at Armageddon, CT 5
meaning of the word, "priest", HE 5
Priesthood (Levitical / Aaronic)
high priests under the Law, HE 5
Priesthood of the Believer
Princes (angelic rank)
Principles of Spiritual Growth
Process of Spiritual Growth
Christian, PE 18
inheriting God's promise, HE 6
Satanic system of, SR 4
double fulfillment, multiple fulfillment, EM, EM, EM, EM
foretelling versus forthtelling, EM
interpretation of prophecy, EM
no unfulfilled prophecy for the Church Age, EM, EM, EM, EM
spiritual gift of prophecy has ceased, EM
Prophet, the
Jesus Christ is the Prophet, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM
Prophets of Israel
lives of the prophets, EM
old prophet who lied, EM
prophets mentioned in the Bible, EM
Prosperity Gospel
nature of, EM
organization of, EM
Purging of Israel
Quadrants of the World
Qumran Scrolls
Rahab (monster of the deep)
Rahab (who hid Joshua's spies at Jericho)
Rahab's scarlet rope is a symbol of salvation, EM
Rainbow Glory
Raka, Fool
Ranking Priorities
PE 27, *EM, *EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Genesis rapture theory, EM
'imminence' as an argument for the rapture theory, EM
Jewish symbolism of the rapture, EM
origin and danger of the pre-Tribulation rapture theory, EM
partial rapture theory, EM
rapture "wrath" false proof, EM
The living resurrection at Christ's return (aka, the post-millennial "rapture), CT 5
spiritual readiness, CT 7
reconciliation of things in heaven with things on earth (Col.1:20), EM
reconciliation of believers, EM
Recovery from Sin
of earth, SR 2
Red Heifer
Red Sea
identification of, HH 1
the Red Sea is the yam suph or "sea of reeds", EM, EM
spiritual, CT 3A
Reflecting the Glory of God
Regathering of Israel
see "born again"
Regression, spiritual
see Reversion, and Hardening
reincarnation not biblical, EM
antichrist's false religion of the Tribulation, CT 4, *EM, PE 39
as opposed to Christianity, EM, EM
characteristics of antichrist's, CT 4
dangers of cooperating with antichrist's religion, CT 7
false piety of antichrist's false religion, CT 4
false prophet's administration of antichrist's false religion, CT 4
role in Satan's World System, SR 4
tribulational false religion of antichrist, CT 3A, CT 4
see "Divorce"
remnant of Israel in Isaiah 6:13, EM
refining of the remnant, CT 3A
identification of the remnant, EM
need for, BB 3B
repentance of Israel (at the second advent), CT 5, EM
Restraining Ministry of the Holy Spirit
restraining ministry as false proof of a supposed 'pre-Trib rapture', EM
*CT 5, PE 20, BB2B, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
as basic doctrine, HE 6
aspects of the resurrection, EM, EM, EM
"But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" at Rev.20:5b not a part of scripture, EM
Christ's resurrection foretold in prophecy, BB 4A
Christ's resurrection occurred early not late on Sunday, EM
chronology of Christ's resurrection, BB 4A
distinguished from resuscitation, CT 3A
pre- vs. post- tribulational rapture and, PE 27, *EM
*Resurrection of the Lamb's Bride (the Second Advent rapture), CT 5
resurrection of the friends of the bride (the sheep), CT 6
resurrection for judgment of the unsaved dead (the goats), CT 6
the resurrection body, PE 20, BB 4A, CT 6
time of, PE 20
resuscitation distinguished from resurrection, EM
the rising of the dead after Christ's crucifixion, BB 4A
canonicity of the Book of Revelation, EM
date of the Book of Revelation, CT 1
interpreting the Book of Revelation, EM, EM
progressive revelation of scripture, EM, EM, PE 28
prophetic revelation, PE 11
Reversion, spiritual
(see also, "Hardening of the Heart")
Rewards, Christian
rewards based on Christ's victory, BB 4A, BB 5
reward motivation legitimate, EM
rewards relative to circumstance and advantages, EM
spoils or plunder principle in Christian reward sharing Christ's victory, CT 6, CT 6, CT 7, EM, BB 5
meaning of rhaka in Matthew 5:22
of God, BB 1
River of the Water of Life
river of living water in millennial Jerusalem, CT 6
river of the water of life in New Jerusalem, CT 6
Christ the Rock upon which the Church is founded, not Peter, PE 2, SR 5, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, *EM
Roman Attitude towards Christians
Roman Soldiers
Rome, Revived Tribulational Empire of
seized by antichrist, CT 3B
Rulership of the World
Satan's, SR1, SR 3, SR 4, BB 2A, BB 3A, EM
Running the Race
SR 5, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 4
Sabbath observance is legalism, EM, EM, EM
Sabbath observance no longer appropriate, EM, EM
Sabbath Rest in Hebrews 4:9 (faith rest), EM, EM, HE 3
Sabbath years not a valid method of calculating the Tribulation, EM
sabbatismos, the new moment by moment Sabbath replacing literal seventh day observance, HE 4
Sunday as the new Sabbath, EM
what does "keeping the Sabbath" mean?, EM
Saint, Saints
all believers are "saints", EM
Saint Malachy's Prophecies
salt principle of believers blessing a nation by association, EM, EM
salted with fire, Mark 9:49, EM
Salvation (see also "Born Again")
*BB 4B, PE 9, PE 24, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
assurance of salvation, PE 21
baptism not necessary for salvation, EM, EM
benefits of salvation, BB 3B
church membership not necessary for salvation, EM
faith in Christ necessary for salvation, PE 24
how to be saved, BB 4B
God's conditions for salvation, PE 21, PE 27
God wants all to be saved, BB 3B, BB 3A
loss of salvation, PE 21, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
narrow door to salvation, EM
need for a Savior, BB 4A
not dependent upon denominational affiliation, EM
progressive salvation, EM, PE 28, BB 4B, EM
salvation comes by grace through faith, PE 6
salvation by works not biblical, EM
"soul saved" means whole person saved, PE 28
soldiers who die young and salvation, EM
substitutionary death of Christ in salvation, BB 4A
three tenses of salvation (saved, being saved, will be saved), BB 4B, EM, PE 28, EM, EM
ultimate prize of salvation, PE 25
what it means to be saved, BB 4B
Samaritan, the "good"
PE 8, *PE 13, PE 19, SR 5, BB 4B, EM, *PE 30, PE 32, EM, HE 2, HE 3
experiential sanctification, BB 3B, EM
positional sanctification, PE 13, BB 4B, EM
principle and process of sanctification, BB 3B
sanctification comes from the inside out not the outside in, EM
spheres of sanctification, our team, their team, JQ
remove your sandals command, EM
Christ's trial before the Sanhedrin, BB 4A
coup d'etat of Satan, SR 1
character of Satan, SR 1
consignment of Satan to the lake of fire, CT 6
incarceration of Satan in the Abyss for a thousand years, CT 6
limits of Satan's control over earth, BB 2A
original deception of Satan, PE 27
original status of Satan, SR 1
position of Satan after the fall, SR 4
rebellion and fall of Satan, SR 1, BB 2A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
replacement of Satan, BB 2A
revolutionary platform of Satan, SR 1
role of Satan as guardian cherub, SR 1, EM, EM
sin of Satan, SR 1
strategies of Satan for attacking the believer, PE 26
temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan, SR 3, BB 3A
temptation of Christ by Satan, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM
throwing down from heaven of Satan, CT 4
Satan's World System
Saul king of Israel and the destruction of the Gibeonites, EM
Saul comforted by music, EM
Saul – was he saved? EM, EM (see also EM, EM)
by grace through faith, PE 6
God wants all to be saved, BB 3B
how to be saved, BB 4B
percentage of those saved, EM
what it means to be saved, BB 4B
Jesus is the only Savior, BB 4A
Science and the Bible
DNA and Neanderthals, EM
DNA and the virgin birth, EM
Genesis "kind", EM
Hodge and Darwin, CT 2A
is the earth ever described as round in the Bible?, *EM, EM
origin of the four seasons, EM
space exploration and extra-terrestrials, EM
the problem of science and the Bible, SR 5, EM, EM
the shape of the universe according to the Bible, EM, EM
Scofield Reference Bible
Scroll of Revelation
the powerful angel with the little scroll, CT 3A
seven seals of, CT 2B
earthly (and primordial), SR 2
heavenly, CT 2B
heavenly sea an observation port for events occurring on earth, CT 2B
sign of divine judgment, SR 2
the sea gives up its dead in Revelation chapter 20, CT 6
see also Waters above the Heavens
Sealing of the Holy Spirit
Seals, of Revelation
seventh seal, the, CT 3A
Sea Monsters (Taniym)
origin of the four seasons, EM
Second Advent
Christ's second advent foretold in prophecy, BB 4A
earthquakes and other phenomena at, CT 2B
second advent not the sheep and goats judgment, CT 6
seven second advent judgments, CT 6
supernatural darkness at, SR 2
Second Death
Seeker Churches
biblical view of self-defense, personal and national, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
of Jesus by the Father, EM
the timing of the Father's sending of Jesus into the world, EM
Separation from God
how can the devil still enter God's presence?, EM, EM, EM, EM
Septuagint Version of the Old Testament (LXX, Old Testament in Greek)
quotations in the New Testament from the Septuagint, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
problems with the form of sermons in respect to teaching the Bible, EM
bronze serpent of Numbers chapter 21, EM
Egyptian magicians' staves changing to serpents, EM
judgment of the serpent, SR 3, BB 3A, EM
seed of the serpent (antichrist), CT 3B, EM
the serpent in Eden, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM, EM
the serpent not a mere metaphor, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Servant, Jesus is God's suffering Servant, BB 4A
servants, Christians as Christ's, EM
servant who knows more beaten more, EM
Session, of Christ
Seven Churches of Revelation
points in common in all seven messages, CT 2A
overview of the seven Church eras, CT 2A
Seven Days of Creation
literal days, EM
Seven Days of Human History
Seven Kings of Revelation
antichrist the "eighth king", CT 3B, EM
Seven Spirits of God are the Holy Spirit
Seven Thunders of Revelation 10
Seventh Day Adventists
Sharing the Suffering of Christ
*PE 36, SR 4, CT 2A, CT 7, CT 7, *EM, EM, EM, EM
Sheep and Goats Judgment
judgment of the sheep, CT 6
judgment of the goats, CT 6, EM
sheep and goats judgment does not occur at the second advent, CT 6
Shekinah Glory
procedures for separation from others, CT 2A, EM, EM
signs of the coming Tribulation, CT 2B, EM, EM
Silver, 30 pieces of
PE 15, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
addiction to sin, EM
amends, making amends for sin (restitution), EM, EM, EM, EM
apostasy and sin, CT 3A
arrogant sin, BB 3B
antithetical nature of sin to faith, PE 27
believers' dealing with sin, BB 3B
confession of sins, BB 3B
confession of sins and sacrifice for sins under the Mosaic Law, EM, EM
deliberate sin, EM
essence of sin, BB 3B
God's dealing with the collective sins of mankind, BB 3B
God's dealing with the sins of individual human beings, BB 3B
God's dealing with the sins of unbelievers, BB 3B
God's forgiveness of sin, BB 3B
lists of sins in the Bible, EM, EM
natural consequences of sin, BB 3B
nature of sin, BB 3B
proper attitude towards sin, PE 4
psychological consequences of sin, BB 3B
public confession of sin, BB 3B
physical consequences of sin, BB 3B
results of sin, BB 3B
results of permissiveness towards sin, PE 27
salvation and sin, EM
sin in 1st John, EM, EM, EM, EM
sins of action, BB 3B
sins of ignorance versus sins of cognizance, BB 3B, HE 9
sins of the heart, BB 3B
social consequences of sin, BB 3B
sins of the tongue, BB 3B, PE 35
universality of sin, BB 3B
will to turn away from sin, BB 3B
Sin Nature (indwelling sin)
corruption, BB 3B
definition and description of, BB 3B
method of operation, BB 3B
the "old man", BB 3B
total depravity, EM
Sin unto Death
Sinai the place of judgment and purging for returning Israel at the 2nd Advent, CT 6
Sinless Perfection
perfection as the "Christian job description", EM
Sinner's Prayer
biblically speaking, there is no such thing as a "sinner's prayer", EM, BB 4B
biblical view of slavery, EM, EM
slavery to sin, EM
slaves and servants used of followers of Christ, EM
see Serpent
role in Satan's World System, SR 4
would have repented if miracles done there, EM
Sojourner (theme)
the wisdom of Solomon and his idolatry, EM
Son of Man
Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)
the Song of Solomon as an allegory to Christ's love for His Bride, the Church, EM, EM, EM
Song of Moses
Sons of [construction]
Sons of God (angels)
Soul (see also "Dichotomy" and "Trichotomy")
nature of the soul and the meaning of the word "soul", SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
"soul sleep", EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
tertium quid: the "soul" is not an independent organ, EM
Sovereignty (of God)
parable of the Sower, PE 12, EM
Special Revelation
Spirit (see Holy Spirit, or Human Spirit)
Spirits (angelic rank)
Spiritual Death
the spiritual death of Christ on the cross in paying the penalty for our sins, BB 4A, EM, EM, EM, EM
Spiritual Fitness
Spiritual Gifts
PE 10, SR 5, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *BB 5, PE 36
are miraculous spiritual gifts still operational today?, EM, EM, EM
are there apostles in the Church today?, EM
are there prophets in the Church today?, EM
healing, EM
tongues, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
discerning of spirits, BB 5
Spiritual Growth
BB 6A, PE 1, PE 10, PE 12, PE 13, PE 15, PE 16, PE 32, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
faith (believing truth) necessary for spiritual growth just as for salvation, EM
mental, emotional dimension of spiritual growth, PE 29
process of spiritual growth, PE 13
requires a Bible teacher, EM
spiritual growth the solution to spiritual 'ups' and 'downs', EM
vocabulary for spiritual growth in Greek and Hebrew, EM, BB 6A
Spiritual Maturity
Spiritual Warfare
SR 4, BB 3A, PE 29, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 6A, EM
Spirituality (of God)
Spirituality (of the believer)
contrasted with prophetic ecstasy, CT 1
Star of David
the star of David is not the star of Rephan, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Starvation and Famine
believers protected from starvation and famine in the Tribulation, EM, EM
Steps to Spiritual Growth
see "White Stone"
Stones of Fire
Suffering (see also Personal Tribulation and Testing)
PE 1, PE 2, PE 4, PE 6, EM, EM
of Christ, predicted suffering of Christ, PE 3
believers' suffering, PE 4
blessing in suffering, PE 5
encouragement in suffering, EM, EM, EM, EM
Paul's catalogs of suffering, CT 2B, *HE 1
reactions to suffering, PE 26
Supernatural Darkness
at the Exodus, Crucifixion, Second Advent, and Lake of Fire, SR 2
biblical symbolism and allegory, EM, EM
Tabernacle, Tabernacles, Jewish Tabernacle (see also Temple)
ark of the covenant in the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B, CT 4, EM, EM, EM
brazen altar outside the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
comparison of the tabernacle/temple to the heavenly temple, CT 2B
court of the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
exterior of the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
heavenly tabernacle / true tabernacle, HE 8
holy of holies in the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
holy place in the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
inner court of the tabernacle, CT 2B
Jewish tabernacle, SP
feast of tabernacles, SR 5
golden altar of incense in the tabernacle/temple, SR 1, CT 2B, EM
lampstand, golden (menorah), in the tabernacle/temple, SR 1, CT 2B, EM
laver in front of the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
mercy seat in the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
no longer in existence, EM
outer (first) curtain of the tabernacle/temple, CT 2B
paradise illustrated by the tabernacle/temple, SR 1
table, golden (of shewbread), in the tabernacle/temple, SR 1, CT 2B
Talents, Parable of the Talents
see "Abyss"
see "Tallits"
Tasting Death
Bible teachers needed for spiritual growth, EM
role in Satan's World System, SR 4, EM
Tehom, the cosmic deep
Temple (see also, Tabernacle)
ark of the covenant, CT 2B, EM, EM
(of) believers, SR 5
brazen altar, CT 2B
cleansings of the temple by Jesus, two separate times, EM
earthly, CT 2B
golden altar of incense, CT 2B, EM
heavenly, CT 2B
holy of holies, CT 2B
holy place, CT 2B
inner court, CT 2B
lampstand, golden (menorah), CT 2B
laver, CT 2B
mercy seat, CT 2B
millennial temple built up by the Messiah, CT 6
reconstruction of a possible sign of the impending Tribulation, CT 2B
splitting of the temple veil at the crucifixion, BB 4A
table, golden (of shewbread), CT 2B
when will the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt, EM, EM
satanic method of temptation, SR 4
temptation of Eve by Satan, SR 3; SR 4, BB 3A
temptation of Christ in the wilderness by Satan, SR 3; SR 4, BB 3A, BB 4A, EM, EM
temptation versus testing, EM, EM
Ten Commandments
first commandment, EM
idolatry and the ten commandments, EM
murder versus manslaughter in the ten commandments, EM
numbering of the ten commandments, EM
prohibition of idolatry in the ten commandments and its correlation to the Satan's three lies, EM
Tertium Quid
the soul is not a true tertium quid, EM
angelic observation of testing, PE 22
Christ our example in testing, PE 17, PE 22, CT 7
danger of fainting in testing, PE 22, EM, EM
endurable testing for Christians, PE 22, CT 7
fiery furnace of testing, PE 22
God's support in testing, PE 22
limits of testing, PE 22
personal tribulation and testing, PE 25, PE 26, PE 27
"test yourselves" in 2nd Corinthians 13:5, EM
testing God, HE 3
testing is inevitable during the Tribulation, CT 7
testing of faith, PE 22
transience of testing, PE 22
variability of testing, EM
witnessing by angels of our testing, PE 22, PE 28
Testing of Faith
testing of faith, PE 22
Textual Criticism of the Bible
Themes of Spiritual Growth
method for questioning and constructing theology, EM, EM
see Christophany
Thieme, R.B. Jr.
Christian control of thinking, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, PE 29
transformation of, PE 16, EM, BB 4B
virtuous, PE 16
This Generation
"this generation" in Matthew 24, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, EM, *HE 3
Third Heaven
see Three Heavens
Third Party Reports
see "Thinking" and "Emotions"
Three Heavens
Three Unclean Spirits
Throne of God
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, EM
Thrones (angelic rank)
concept of now and in eternity, EM
Time-Line of Human History (see also 7 Days of Human History)
EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, HE 7
Christians and Torah observance, EM
Tower of Babel
Transfiguration of Christ
Transformation of Thinking
Translations and Bible Translation Methods
interlinear translations of the Bible, relative usefulness of, EM, EM, EM
methodology of Bible translating, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
use and origin of Bible translations at Ichthys, EM, EM, EM
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
tree of the knowledge of good and evil, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM
Tree of Life
tree of life, *CT 6, SR 3, BB 3A, EM
tree of life symbolized by the menorah, SR 1, CT 2B, EM
trees of life in millennial Israel, CT 6
fruit of the tree of life in New Jerusalem, CT 6, EM
Tribes of Israel
etymologies of the names of the eponymous tribal heads, GQ
tribes of Israel and gemstones on the high priest's breastplate and, SR 4
tribes of Israel and the gates of New Jerusalem, CT 6, SP
Tribulation, the (see also the series The Coming Tribulation)
antichrist and, CT 3B
antichrist's first campaign against the south, CT 3B
antichrist's second campaign against the south, CT 3B
as overlapping Church and Jewish Ages, SR 5, EM, EM, EM
believers protected in, EM
biblical sources for, CT 1
character of the Great Tribulation (the final three and a half years), CT 4
children, to have or not to have them prior to the Tribulation, EM
code of conduct for the Tribulation, CT 7, EM, EM, EM
date of the impending Tribulation, SR 5, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, *EM, **EM
deception during the Tribulation, CT 7
definition and overview of the Tribulation, CT 1
imminency of the tribulation, CT 1, EM, EM
fearing the Tribulation, EM
general character of the Tribulation, CT 1
hermeneutical issues and the Tribulation, CT 1
how to prepare for the Tribulation, CT 7
Jewish rebellion from antichrist, CT 5
persecution of believers in the Tribulation, PE 25
preparing for great tribulation, EM, EM, EM, CT 1, CT 4, EM
principles of conduct for the Tribulation, CT 7
Sabbath years not a valid method of calculating the Tribulation, EM
signs of the coming Tribulation, CT 2B, EM
temptation in the Tribulation, CT 7
unique pressures on faith during the Tribulation, CT 7
unpredictable nature of the Tribulation, CT 7
Tribulational Overlap
Tribulational Security
false doctrine of, PE 27
trichotomy of human nature, SR 3, BB 3A, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
trichotomy and "tiered" salvation, EM
advent of the Trinity, CT 6
apologetics and the Trinity, EM, EM
as God, Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity, BB 4A
defending and explaining the Trinity, EM, EM
how do we know the Bible is true?, EM
illustrations of the Trinity, BB 1
Messianic and law-keeping denial of the Trinity, EM, EM
modalism heresy, EM
questioning the Trinity, EM, EM
roles in supporting spiritual growth, PE 10
Trinity in Isaiah 63, EM
Trinity in the Old Testament, BB 1, EM
Trinity three not "four figures", EM
Were Shem, Ham and Japheth triplets (also Abraham et al.)? EM
Trumpet, Trumpets
Christ's voice compared to (and symbolism), CT 2B
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), symbolism of, SR 5, EM
"trumpet" of 1st Corinthians 15:52 and 1st Thessalonians 4:19 is not the seventh trumpet of the Tribulation, EM
Trumpet Judgments of Revelation, the, CT 3A, EM, EM
First Trumpet judgment, CT 3A
Second Trumpet judgment, CT 3A
Third Trumpet judgment, CT 3A
Fourth Trumpet judgment, CT 3A
Fifth Trumpet, the "first woe", CT 3A
Sixth Trumpet, the "second woe", CT 3A, EM
Seventh Trumpet, the "third woe", CT 4, EM
Seventh trumpet to be distinguished from the "last trumpet", EM
believing, PE 14
characteristic of God, BB 1
substituting lies for the truth, PE 26, EM
Turn the Other Cheek
destroyed or not? EM
prophetic of Babylon, EM
biblical guidelines for believers with, CT 3A
choosing hell, unbelievers prefer the lake of fire to bending their will to God's, EM, EM, EM, EM
how many are saved? EM
unbelievers in the Plan of God, BB 4B, EM, EM, EM, EM
Undeserved Suffering
Unexplained Phenomena
Union with Christ
Uniqueness (of God)
Unity, Christian
Universalism, heresy of ("All Saved")
Unforgivable sin
Unknown day and hour
Unpardonable sin
EM, EM, BB 3B, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, BB 5
Urim and Thummim
of the earthly temple, CT 2B
of the heavenly temple, CT 2B
of the heavens, CT 2B
women are not required by the Bible to wear veils, EM
Christians and vegetarianism, EM, EM, EM
Vial Judgments (of Revelation 16)
see "bowl judgments"
Victory, victorious life, victorious living
victorious Lamb, Christ's victory on the cross, CT 2B, *BB 4A, BB 5
Vintage of the Persecutors
Virgin Birth
virgin birth as prophesied by Isaiah 7:14 (Heb. 'almah vs. Gk. parthenos), EM, EM, EM
Virtue Thinking
counter-virtues, SR 4
progression of, PE 17
under pressure, PE 17
interpretation of dreams and visions, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
visions distinguished from revelation, EM, EM
should Christian women vote? EM
Vows (see also Nazarite Vow), Oaths, Swearing
Vulgate Latin version of the Bible (Jerome)
Christian walk with Jesus, BB 6A, EM, EM, EM
imitating Christ, PE 17, EM, EM, EM, CT 1
Wandering in Heart
Christian military service, EM, EM, EM, EM
Christianity, the Bible and war, EM, EM, EM
preemptive war, the biblical view, EM
War in Heaven
Watchers, angelic
Watchman Nee
water of the Word, water symbolizes the Word of God, our object of faith, EM, BB 5
Waters above the Heavens
CT 2B, CT 2B, CT 2B, EM, *EM, EM
Waters of Genesis
Water of the River of Life
see "River of the Water of Life"
Water of the Word
see "water"
Waters of Bitterness
Wedding Supper of the Lamb
Westminster Catechism
White Stone
eras, SR 5
perspective, SR 4
angels of the four winds, CT 2B
Wine (see also, Alcohol use)
Did Jesus drink the water turned to wine at the wedding in Cana? EM
Did Jesus drink wine? EM
Jesus' declaration about not drinking wine any more until the coming of the Kingdom, EM
new wine in old skins, EM
should Christians leaders refrain from drinking in public?, EM
Wisdom Literature
Witch of Endor
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic and the Bible
the two witnesses of the Tribulation, Moses and Elijah, CT 3A, EM, EM, *EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Witnessing (see also Evangelism)
true witnessing distinguished from political action, EM
three, the, CT 3A
woes in the gospels, EM
woes pronounced against Chorazin and Bethsaida, EM
biblical view of adornment for women, EM, EM, EM
equal opportunity for spiritual growth, EM
great women of the Bible, PE 37
hair and hats,
long hair as a symbol of submission to authority, EM, EM
remain silent in church, EM, EM
women as pastors not biblical, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
Wonderful Counselor
Word of God
Word of God is our guide in the Tribulation, CT 7
Word of God judges the thoughts and intents of our hearts, HE 4
doing one's job as 'unto the Lord', EM
the necessity of working and its desirability, even for Bible teachers, EM, EM
unbelievers are condemned according to "what they have done", that is, their "works", CT 6
true godly production versus human good works, EM, EM
hostility of to believers, SR 4, BB 3A
restoration of by God, BB 2A
the world to come, HE 2
see also Rulership of the World
see also Satan's World System
Worm (in Isaiah 66:24)
biblical meaning of the word worship and its application to Christian practice, EM
worship of the beast, CT 4
Wrath of God
wrath not a proof of any pre-tribulation "rapture", EM
Yom Kippur
Zechariah, John the baptist's father, EM
biblical Mount Zion as distinguished from what is now called Mt. Zion, EM
characteristics of the 144,000 and their ministry, CT 2B, EM
course of the ministry of the 144,000, CT 2B
miracles given to the 144,000 to perform, EM
not British or Celtic or 'lost tribes', EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM
sealing of the 144,000, EM, EM
1st John
interpretation of 1st John, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM, EM