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Eschatology Issues CXVIII

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Question #1:

Hello Dr. Luginbill,

A brother from the States sent me the link to your website. Which I think is good and interesting.
I am also a Christian and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, I would like to ask whether you also have videos or sermons on various biblical topics?

I live here in Germany near Stuttgart.

I also wanted to ask whether you know any Bible-believing house churches or simply Bible-believing Christians near Stuttgart or in Germany that you are in contact with?
Because I'm looking for Christians to meet or have fellowship with.
Maybe you know someone I can get in touch with?

I would look forward to an early reply.

Kind regards and blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ

Response #1:

Good to make your acquaintance! And thanks for the kind words about Ichthys.

No, I have no videos but there are many MP3 files for the major Ichthys studies (at the link). Also, there are a number of individuals connected with this ministry who have done and are doing videos of various types which may interest you. You can find a listing of these at this link (n.b., not everything on this list is video). I am also pleased to recommend my friend Pastor Curt Omo's Bible Academy at the link, which is all video (in the Khan Academy style).

Also, there is an Ichthys "forum" where a number of believers get together and fellowship and go over Bible teaching weekly – I would be most happy to forward your name to the moderator if interested.

I'm sorry to say that I know of no one in particular in your area, much less of any group. But I have to say that this is not surprising. Ichthys is on the internet for a reason, namely, the dearth of Christians truly interested in spiritual growth nowadays, and that certainly includes my country as well.

Do feel free to write me back any time, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

The Satanic Rebellion: Background to the Tribulation: Part 2: The Genesis Gap by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill

Most outstanding and detailed , biblical Understanding on this subject. Clarifies And connects truth from myth. I ve spent Much study lately on pre Genesis and Election . Also refreshing to see religious sites and leaders finally picking up on this . Well done, bless you .

Student of Bible and your writing

Response #2:

Thank you!

*You might be interested to know that, thanks to the efforts of Chris B. and the generosity of Angel and Rodney H., this study is now available as an audio MP3 file with a really great narrator (i.e., NOT me). Here's the link.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hello Dr.,

In your DropBox you should find the following audio files:

SR3 – pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4

This voice reader sounds great but the production process is a bit buggy. The audio edit function has a problem with, of all things, numbers! It does well on most everything else but start feeding it a bunch of numbers and things can get messy. Since there are so many Bible verses (all necessary) even with cutting down on comparatives and multiples that fall into the rubric of the teaching it’s difficult to know if the final mix is straight until I hear it in it’s entirety post-production. Also from time to time the reader takes an awkward pause for no apparent reason, nothing distracting and it happens rarely, mostly around numbers. It seems the software is a relatively new program and the engineers are still working the bugs out (we just got a file delete button added this week). Because of this there may be an audio glitch here and there, but I’ll be listening to all of these in there entirety and I’ll provide re-edits where needed (already did one for SR3-pt.2, and have my ear on a couple others). The glitches I’ve noticed up to this point are few and far between, go by fast and have no negative effect on the teaching (some people might not even notice) but I’ll fix what I can.

As far as YouTube in concerned there have been no additional views this week and no new subscribers. I haven't uploaded any new playlists but do plan to get the SR series up in the near future. This is my first experience with YouTube, sure looks like people got a lot of time to waste!

Hope things are well with you Sir. Got you in prayer. More coming soon, I’ll be in touch.

All the best,


Response #3:

Great! It was a real pleasure to load these up today. I've just gotten a new computer. After 13 years, the old one was getting a bit twitchy and I've learned by experience that it's better to have your old one still functional while migrating.

It's been a tough week! We got sick (if not Covid, bad colds) and I bumped into a number of teething problems with the migration right off the bat. But, blessedly, tonight after a restart my HTML editor was working! So I've added these to the website and they test out very nice. I did manage to get all my classes taught (though I missed my office hours yesterday) and have plans to survive the week (we have our honor society initiation and party after teaching all regular classes on Friday). So my momentum on Hebrews has taken a bit of a hit, but managed to hold onto everything else (except for exercise, understandably).

I so appreciate all the hard work you're doing on this, my friend! If there aren't many listeners on YouTube, that is no loss – and no reflection on your great efforts. As mentioned before, from my stats page on the website it seems that the MP3s were very popular even before Russell. When I get a few more things figured out with this transfer, I've got it on my list to do my (late) monthly "top ten" and I'll see what's what there (it's not perfect stat-wise since it doesn't capture all browsers, and Google analytics doesn't capture the MP3s so we just have to "guestimate").

Hope things are going well for you this fall. I keep you guys in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Hello Dr.,

In your DropBox you should find the following audio files:

Hebrews ch.2 pt.1

Hebrews ch.2 pt.2

Hebrews ch.2 pt.3

Great teaching here! The application of legalism and the Gnosticism applies very well to what I encounter on a regular basis here in the middle of the Churchianity crowd. It doesn’t matter what denomination or non-denomination, one of these two or a combination of both along with apathy toward the actual truth contained in Scripture nails it. It makes one feel like a stranger in a strange land, but the Bible prepares us for that. If I was fitting in I’d have reason to be worried!

Things are going ok here. We have had some setbacks due to health issues lately, but nothing that the Lord won’t get us through, just slows us down. Business has been steady post Covid and were very thankful for that. My job is ok, growing a bit tired of it at this point, which is natural after over twenty years of doing the same thing. However, I’m very grateful to God for providing a job that I can do as I grow older that is not very physically challenging.

How are you Sir? Spring has sprung. Have you been busy outside with gardening? How's the knee doing? I spent all day yesterday out fixing up the yard and I felt it getting out of bed this morning. Got you in prayer here daily.

All the best,


Response #4:

Thanks! For the encouragement and for the MP3's of course. I'm always appreciative of what you've done in taking on this task, my friend. Files uploaded and functioning AOK.

There are indeed a lot of parallels between then and now, the incipient physical destruction of everything we see being one of them (i.e., "flee Jerusalem", "flee Babylon").

Sorry to hear about the health troubles, my friend. I do keep your collective health in my daily prayers.

We're in the final stretch here at U of L. I'll be getting out in the yard in three or four weeks. Not much use in planting before then. Everything else is set to go, except that I'll have to get the mower out earlier than expected on account of this early spring.

Classes were canceled today on account of the shooting – but not until I was done teaching all four of mine. That's just as well. I have a lot for them to sleep through before finals.

Thanks for the update!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Dear Bob,

I do hope you’ve had a good Christmas celebration, and a rest. Thank you for your eloquent reply. You run rings round me, but in a good way! I need to be more considered in my language.
(Then I deleted things that I discovered are repetitious and I started over)

Thank you for your seemingly endless supply of patience, and I thank God for giving it to you! I come shamefaced for my appalling memory, as much as anything! And the work it’s caused you. I was reading the link you sent me, and then carried on and eventually found the email messages link on the home page and recognised my own pleas to you (which stopped me in my tracks!). But I kept on reading which showed me again your valuable answers. I’d lost all those from my email threads, even though I flag things from you. I shall archive them instead in future. Now I see I am in a loop, repeatedly asking you the very same questions and forgetting your Godly reassurance. Typical spiritual OCD, I must be right about that! I’m so sorry! I’ve got it now, and as I predicted before, I may relapse, but because you’ve published my questions, I have them down.

Worryingly I feel my memory slipping through my fingers, and it’s scary because my mother went the same way, but the Lord knows, and I must try to simplify things, keep to what’s important. Get more sleep. I think, after many years keeping her going I’ve mapped myself onto her decline, although there may be something in that, but I’m nowhere near her end state, not yet, so I mustn’t get depressed. Not nice to see the early stages though. I’m still grieving her loss, so also to be gentle with myself a little? The poor memory together with this painful thing I struggle with, what a combo! I can dig deep, but then rapidly forget what I’ve learned. Your replies and some of mine, were like new discoveries!

May I ask you please to pray for my memory because some days I can’t remember whether I had a quiet time with the Lord today or was it yesterday, because all the days are the same. Although I usually chat away to Him, thanking Him for this and that, but I mean taking proper time. And in reading the Bible and other substantial things, like your teachings, I have a struggle to absorb and retain things, although reminders bring some things to the surface, and unfortunately this time it was a relapse into this fear! And I wrote again because I trust you, your knowledge and kind heart. Thank you brother! I’ll keep on plugging at growing in faith. Paul said to persevere.

I like the mp3 files you’re doing because sometimes I find it easier to listen than to read. Thank you for those. Yes I find it hard and tiring these days, and then feel guilty when I fail. I’m used to not keeping up physically, but I can add mentally to that problem!

So, know that the sum of your words to me leaves me reassured and released. Unfortunately I may relapse, seems I do, but I shall try and organise things so I find your advice quickly. I’ve added the other gentleman to my prayers, for his daughter caught in COG (link). I keenly feel that whole mess but I’m glad he’s got more lick than me!

May God bless all

With agape to my friend in Christ

Response #5:

I will keep this issue in prayer and have added a request for you on the Ichthys prayer list (do let me know if you want it modified in any way). It's very good of you to pray for our friend. I know he can use the prayers. [note: for those with prayer requests up on the site (link), I also very much appreciate updates to keep the list timely and to rejoice mutually answered prayer]

I do have to say that I don't see any evidence of the problems you're worried about from your solidly constructed emails. In terms of repetition, if you were the only one to keep asking related questions, you could probably reduce my email postings by two thirds at least! All of us have a tendency to focus on the things that matter the most to us or on the things that bother us most, and it's no different when it comes to scripture.

Also, very few of us have perfect memories when it comes to fairly detailed prose we have created or read. As a Greek/Latin professor, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that this is not merely a function of age! I have a thing I call "the rule of twelve", by which I mean, I have to broach certain concepts a dozen times before the light bulbs over the heads of my students start to flicker on. John Stuart Mill might "get it" the first time, but the rest of mere mortals sorely need repetition to learn anything well.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2024!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:


I just thought that you may not get regular physical feedback of what your ministry achieves day to day so I thought of one way I could share personal feedback is to show you my study notes and planning. I have used different plans and methods over the years but now have found one that is doable for me.

Weekdays, first up, I pray through my prayer list then I listen to your email MP3s in the morning when getting ready. Then later on I read through two verses of the Old Testament (with the Unger Commentary -am currently in Jeremiah) and also I study a Gospel Harmony whilst rereading the Gospels (as I have finished the New Testament now).

In the afternoon I spend half an hour on the Satanic Rebellion and half an hour on the Coming Tribulation (again using the MP3s). I find studying these side by side most helpful as there is so much overlap (indeed they often refer to one another.) I have almost finished the Satanic Rebellion now but have a bit more of CT to do as it seems to be a longer series.

After that I try to pray through my prayer list last thing at night too. This is the ideal that I try to stick to. Of course life being life throws me off at times and sometimes testing means putting things into immediate practice and this often makes study at these points nigh on impossible. Then again, students can try to cram even until the last minute but when they are in the exam, all study time is over for that time and I feel that happens to us as believers too (until we pass through the testing.)

Saturdays, I tend to read an Epistle in one sitting and dip into your site more on an interest basis. I also do a generalised study on this day (current one is on Humility) and if I can fit a Psalm in and a Pastor Omo video in too, even better.

Sundays I like to listen to hymns, read through your emails and then have communion and pray through your prayer list and then plan ahead for next week's study plan. I also make adjustments to my own prayer list on Sundays.

Hope you have had a good weekend my friend and hope for a good week ahead!

In Jesus,
p.s. I was just doing a puzzle in my puzzlebook and stumbled on a quote that sums up the human condition with a rarely truthful insight from a worldling's position from the mouth of the somewhat notorious Tallulah Bankhead: "If I had my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner."

Response #6:

This is encouraging – thank you! Your organizing of the materials is impressive as well. That is always a great way to get things done.

It's a boost to know that there are some people out there who are determined to "keep up". My impression is that it's pretty rare, especially since Covid (when I would have expected the opposite).

Doing what you are doing, committing to spiritual growth in this intensive way, ministering too at the same time, is always sacrificial. After all, it's not as if we have unlimited time and energy. Our secular lives don't come to a halt because we determine to put the Lord and His truth first. We still have to earn a living, keep up relationships, be concerned for our health, exercising and the like, keep up the homestead, balance the finances . . . and deal with the bombardment of extraneous worries of life and temptations from the world. Putting the truth first and giving up things, things that are not sinful but which are not as necessary, in order to have the time to do so, is what our Lord means by "denying yourself" (Matt.16:24; Mk.8:34; Lk.9:23) – NOT acting like a monk and not refraining from doing anything "fun" just to deny oneself all pleasure, but rather carving out time and energy for the really important things the Lord wants us to do, time and energy that we used to fill with things we find "fun". Giving up some of the latter for the former is the kind of choice that separates those who truly love the Lord from those who are only lukewarm about Him.

Moreover, we who have committed ourselves to Jesus Christ not just in a halfhearted Laodicean way but fully and completely understand that we are not losing out on anything. None of the things of this world, even perfectly fine and non-sinful leisure activities (of which there are a myriad in this world), are going to matter to us on the other side, especially not when we hear "Well done!" from our Lord for all the times we did choose what was good instead of what was truly unimportant in the light of eternity (Lk.10:41-42). Meanwhile, if we are keeping pace with the Spirit and not lagging behind or running off ahead of where we are ready to be, we will find that there is a great deal more genuine joy in doing what the Lord wants than in doing what "we want". If we persist in what is good, with every passing day there will be less and less daylight between the two – and that is the way to fill up our heavenly thesaurus/treasure chest to the brim . . . to the glory of our dear Lord who gave up everything for us.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
2nd Corinthians 8:9 NKJV (cf. 2Cor.6:10)

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Oh yes Bob,

This is the study plan on top of all my other commitments. My study takes priority of course but not to the point that I don't do anything else (like a Monk). I already have the plates up that you mentioned up in the air spinning. The plate that needs to go up next is my gainful employment plate and I want to get that firmly up in the air before the end of the year. Is there room for improvement with every plate? Indeed there is. I tend to lurch from boom to bust and back so I am trying to make things now as smooth, continuous and consistent as possible.

It took me a while to get over being legalistic about hobbies. I realise that legalism never just tends to rest on yourself but itches to contaminate everyone around you. I am not legalistic about hobbies like I used to be, I just don't seem to find the time. I have agreed to go to the Museum over the next few Thursdays but that is in lieu of other stuff that people do at the weekend.

I crash in front of the TV at nights and would rather not but most of my hobbies are either more work (gardening) or need mental concentration such as knitting or crafting. The annoying thing about TV is what it also excels at. A waste of time that takes no effort to use and can sometimes disguise itself as a hobby.

You don't have to worry about me. You know that historically I am very hard on myself. It's true that I haven't had a job for a while now but hopefully that will be remedied soon.

I am also very aware that whatever we do over the next few years, whether it is work on our houses or building relationships or working at our jobs, the Tribulation will be stripping all these things from us. This is of course not an excuse to do nothing now of course. We are to work until we can work no more. There are dangers though in being overly proud and possessive over our jobs, houses and occupations. Job lost everything didn't he. I suspect it will be the same for us during the Tribulation.

I can imagine that if we become too enamoured with anything (family, house, job) even though these are legitimate pleasures. The Lord will take all these things away from us whether through tribulation, The Tribulation or through death.

I can imagine the Antichrist taking property from people who don't conform (the Nazis did this) and I doubt most employers will want us without a marked forehead or hand. Then our families will be disowning us when we don't go along with the crowd.

So yes I try to do all but with the knowledge that that 'all' will soon enough be taken away. If I put too much emotional attachment into this 'all' now though, we are more likely to fail this spiritual test aren't we.

So yes we must do all things for the glory of God but also be ready to have these also taken away from us without us cursing this. It's a very fine line and will be hard for us.

So I have to do all I can now in the full knowledge that when the balloon goes up I am likely to lose it all. Though we do lose all we have here in death anyway.

So in a sense, apart from sleep. We do have continuous labour here but only those things laboured for the Lord and in the Spirit will last.

In Jesus,

Response #7:

I'm not worried about YOU, my friend! With a commitment to a study plan like that, you can hardly go wrong.

I think that you are right about taking advantage of opportunities to remind ourselves that everything here on the earth is so uncertain. The only thing, the only PERSON we can rely on is the Lord, and we can rely on Him absolutely, so it is good to get into and stay in that mindset always.

Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
1st Timothy 6:17 NKJV

You don't have to be rich to need to be reminded that the material is temporary and only the spiritual eternal, unchangeable and untouchable. Only our heavenly thesaurus can't be touched by thieves and corruption (1Tim.6:20; 2Tim.1:14). But even we who are not greatly well-off need to remember that the little we have is only ours because the Lord gave it to us, and if it is His good pleasure to let someone take it away, we have to remember that the plan of God is perfect and that there are good reasons for everything that happens. We can't expect to be living "the life of Riley" during the Tribulation, after all.

“Thus you shall say to him, ‘Thus says the LORD: “Behold, what I have built I will break down, and what I have planted I will pluck up, that is, this whole land. And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I will bring adversity on all flesh,” says the LORD. “But I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go.” ’ ”
Jeremiah 45;4-5 NKJV

Even here, we have to consider the possibility that it will be the Lord's will for us to honor Him through martyrdom. If so, we can take some solace in the fact that 1) this is indeed a great honor and guarantees a wonderful reward if we comport ourselves honorably in the experiences (Heb.11:36-40), and 2) we will be "done" with the Tribulation at that point and will not have to "endure until the end".

I suppose it would be nice to "have a good life" with no trouble, trials or tribulation. But that is not why we are here on earth (Jn.16:33; 1Thes.3:4; 2Tim.3:12). We are here to glorify Jesus Christ, to do what He wants us to do (Jn.7:18). Those Christians who get "a good life" but do so because they are sitting out the combat will not be any happier for it on the other side. In fact, I'd much rather have something to put before the Lord on that day, wouldn't you? I guess it all boils down to whom and what you love the most and to whom and what you fear/respect the most. If Jesus Christ is the One we revere and the One we love with all that is in us, "the good life" is not so important – and not to be pursued in any way to the extent that it compromises our walk with Him. If we do put Jesus and His Word first, we can be assured that whatever we suffer there will be the blessings of God's great comfort in that suffering (e.g., 2Cor.1:3-7) – and that we will be winning the victory in heroic fashion (rather than sitting out on the sidelines for lack of courage).

Fight the good fight of the faith.
1st Timothy 6:12a

Endure hardship with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one on military campaign becomes involved in the affairs of normal life. [He avoids such things] that he may please the one who enlisted him.
2nd Timothy 2:3-4

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Before you read this email, I don't mean to question your teachings and especially not to slander or insult you, in case you think I'm doing that. I kind of use this as a litmus test for very obvious false teachers, because this behavior is very similar to that used in cults.

I forgot your answer to this, there is logic behind every spiritual and Biblical Truth, yes? In my view God is one of reason, and if there isn't some kind of fundamental reasoning that's consistent and lines up with what we see and experience behind a belief or idea, that idea is just nonsense, madness even. I've been having suspicions for quite some time now that you're...you know, one of those dogmatic teachers who insist truth is truth, even if it's completely illogical or contradicts everything we can perceive and know, they try to hide that they're saying that by mixing it with logical truths or just calling those who question them fools or otherwise pressuring them into believing whatever they say, but that's what they're insisting in the end...besides, if Truth is like that, can we really be sure anyone else with completely different, even non-Christian beliefs, who acts like this, isn't right?...I truly hope you're not one of those people, I don't need another Faith crisis because another person I trusted wholeheartedly for doctrine is another false teacher...no offense, Doc.

Doc, I try to forgive people but it's just impossible-STOP SAYING IT'S EASY. I've been trying to forgive people for the worst things, but such things are just so bad I'm incapable of looking past them, they destroyed people's lives and any form of innocence or happiness they could ever have. Even knowing all this is going to be dust, it's not something that can just be done just because you want to. Also, if someone did something like that to me, that means I can never be forgiven by God again because how does anyone forgive someone for creating such lifelong trauma and despair!? I was traumatized by people, utterly mentally obliterated, and even after I made friends with them and made them change their ways, I still hold resentment for them no matter how much I want to not. You can call me a fool or an ignorant heretic all you want, that's just because you probably don't understand what it's like to have yourself be utterly shattered and destroyed in such a way. If you have experienced something like this, I'll gladly hear it. I would like to not have to live with this hate, but it's not like I can just let go of total psyche destruction.

Response #8:

I hope you take into consideration that instead of trying to jam things down your throat, I only ever answer questions you ask me.

As to forgiveness, what exactly are you talking about? We don't have to "forgive" Hitler or Stalin, for example – since WE did not suffer from either of them personally. The only people we have to worry about forgiving are the ones who have personally offended us, not in an imaginary or virtual (news, TV, social media) way, but "right in our face", so to speak.

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Matthew 6:14-15 NIV

We have to forgive, but we don't have to forget to the point of stupidly maintaining contact with people who have wronged us terribly. I would never recommend that; I would recommend just the opposite. Forgive and forget . . . them. The only exception might be close family, but even here discretion is advised, depending on what it is we are talking about. If our second cousin tries to kill us, e.g., we ought never to have any contact with him again, even though he is our relative, even though we forgive him.

Cults try to control people in order to exploit them. I am certain that I've never asked you for anything – and I can't imagine why I ever would. The Lord apparently sent you to me for help. You certainly don't need to stay in contact, if you feel that way.

All that said, I don't apologize for saying that Ichthys is a place where you can find the truth of the Word of God. I've devoted my life to that principle. Not saying I'm perfect (far from it), but the site is the best I can make it – and the proof is in the pudding. I always do my best to make sure that the biblical basis for what is taught here is made clear. It's "the truth" because it's in the Bible – not because I say it is. I also stand ready to answer reasonable questions about things people don't understand or if they want to know "how I got that".

As to logic, well, one person's reason is another person's irrationality. To me, everything about the plan of God and the Bible makes perfect sense – if you have any idea of just how big and how good God is. And I am happy to try to explain to others who have trouble with this or that aspect of the truth just why it does make sense. However, just because a biblical teaching doesn't "make sense" to someone's parti pris notion of "logic" doesn't mean it's not true. After all, modern "science" doesn't believe in anything beyond the material realm. They are materialists, just like the Marxists, so that anything which has a spiritual dimension is "illogical" to them. Given that the Hand of God is writ large in the whole fabric of the universe, it takes a lot of unbelieving "faith" to believe that sort of tripe – and to me, anyway, that is "illogical".

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

Doc, there's a game I play that lets you design your own character to play as, like many games. [omitted] Another problem is that I'm badly overweight, no doubt obese at this point, and still am gaining weight by eating way too much. I do sometimes try to eat less and exercise more, but that never lasts long. I'm worried at this point I'll become like those people on 600 Pound Life if this keeps up. In both of these issues please pray for me.

Your answer for everything else is good, but the logic section is just making me doubt more...I meant that most people can agree on basic truth about the world and reality, because it lines up with what they actually experience...I agree that people who believe say, that their pet dog controls the weather or that a fictional character can somehow affect actual reality for example, are delusional and are either denying or cannot see what's actually happening in the world around them, and these things are still clear to their senses, but in mind and heart they once again, are willfully denying or outright are not processing it. I was asking if the Truth of the Bible lines up with what our senses tell us, the basic truths of reality that anyone who's not completely insane can see. From what you have said so far it seems you do believe that...And I'm starting to question my own sanity or at least my willingness to even see reality as is, because if that's true than all my doubting and anger about the truth is really just unwillingness to see things as they are.

Response #9:

In terms of "lining up with our senses", indeed, everything about the physical world – and also the spiritual world as it is revealed in human behavior – is designed by God to demonstrate His existence, His perfect character, and the need for salvation. This is called "natural revelation". But unbelievers, especially those who have hardened their hearts and who have bought into the religion of science or some other religion have blotted those obvious truths out of their hearts. This is a VERY short summary of what you will find in BB 4B: Soteriology . . . please read that.

As to things that tempt you, you should stay away from them. That seems to me to be clearly what the Spirit is telling you to do since you ask me about it and ask for prayer about it.

As to anything health related, when that can be addressed by our own reasonable and positive actions, we should take those actions, clearly. If we do not, who else do we have to blame? At some point, we have to take control of our free will and start doing the things that make for health, both physical (of some use) AND spiritual (of eternal worth).

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
Proverbs 25:28 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Doc I feel like I deserve only Hell, that that's the only thing that I should strive for after all my evil acts...What do I do?[omitted]...Please pray for me.

I read your section on Natural Revelation...You don't seem to give any evidence, just insisting that everyone who's ever looked up at the stars has concluded in the existence of specifically the God of the Bible?

Sorry Doc, you can't just make such an outrageous claim without evidence...i agree once again that anyone who looks at these things honestly will see that they must have been created by a God of some kind, but how do they get to the God of the Bible specifically from there? Yes I am questioning something you teach, and please defend it, I want to believe what the Bible says, the whole Natural Revelation doctrine is pretty much the only thing I have a problem with, I would like to believe it in fact, because it's certainly better than people being sent to Hell for truly believing something else through no fault of their own, but if everyone knows these things to be true in their heart of hearts at the very least, that leaves no room for unaccountability, which gives more proof of God's justness...but if I can't bring myself to believe something from the Bible, how am I to ever get out of this pit, let alone improve as a Christian?

Response #10:

As far as "deserve", we are ALL only deserving of hell – but we who believe have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, His death for us on the cross.

As far as the past is concerned, if a believer has confessed, then it's best to let it go. Our job now is to press ahead spiritually, growing through the Word and turning away from the world.

As far as "you can't just make such an outrageous claim without evidence" is concerned, as mentioned, and as you seem to agree (?), the Bible says that everyone comes to a knowledge of God through what He has made (e.g., Ps.19:1-6; Rom.1:20-21). And we are talking about God here. He knew before He created us everything we would decide; so He has arranged all things in history for the sake of saving all who would be saved.

(24) "The God who made the world and everything in it, He is Lord of heaven and earth. He does not dwell in man-made temples, (25) nor is he waited on by human hands, as if He needed anything from us. He is the One who gives us all life and breath and everything else. (26) From one man he created all the nations of mankind – that they should come to inhabit the whole face of the earth. He fixed and determined the specific times and extent of their habitations, (27) to the end that they should seek out this God, that they might go in search of Him and so might find Him – for He is not far off from any one of us."
Acts 17:24-27

Jesus died for EVERYONE (1Jn.2:2). God wants EVERYONE to be saved (1Tim.2:4). Doesn't it make sense to you that God would then arrange things for everyone to be saved – who is willing? The fact that we have very limited knowledge does not in any way constrain the glory of God.

In terms of resistance, the only good way is to push forward with spiritual growth.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Thank you for explaining Doc, I think I understand now...but how am I to forgive myself for that thing I did? It was a few years ago, but I'm only in so much agony over it because I just realized how big of a mistake that was [omitted].

Response #11:

All of us have regrets about things we did in the past. Paul was responsible for the arrest and persecution of many Christians. Did he ever forgive himself? He accepted the Lord's forgiveness of Him, and no doubt his past was a prod to keep him working "harder than all the others" for the Lord (1Cor.15:10; 2Cor.11:23).

So my advice is to forget it, since you've confessed it and been forgiven. And if it does bother you, use that as motivation to start and keep doing the good things for the Lord you know you should be doing, being grateful for the forgiveness you've received (rather than allowing yourself to slip back into self-indulgence).

For whoever lacks these qualities (of vv.5-8) is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.
2nd Peter 1:9 ESV

As to "lucid dreaming", I don't really know what that is. I do know that dreams mean very little, pace modern psychology, unless they clearly come from God (and that is generally not the way He is communicating to us at present since we now have the Holy Spirit and the complete Bible; Heb.1:1ff., and see the link).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

[much omitted]...sorry for writing so much again, I really have a lot I'm troubled with. I feel like whenever I sin, I can never truly confess, not just because I only momentarily feel bad about it, but I can't even feel any sympathy or empathy for God for these sins, even knowing He's the one I'm truly sinning against...it's like I can't bring myself to feel bad for Him just because I can't see Him...How am I even to START spiritual growth if I can't even confess to get back to Him? And I still have trouble forgiving others truly. Please help.

Response #12:

I do think you overestimate my ability to absorb information.

I will remind you, however, that the Christian way of life is NOT about feeling. It is about believing.

So believe that you are forgiven when you confess (Jas.1:6). Because you ARE forgiven when you confess. Jesus told us that (Matt.6:14). It says that in the Psalms and in the epistles (Ps.32:5; 1Jn.1:9). God's great mercy is sung on every page of the Bible (cf. Ps.103:8-13). It is the truth.

So please believe what God tells you even if you don't "feel it" at the moment. What you feel is unimportant. What you know for a fact through believing the truth is what counts. This is fundamental to your spiritual growth.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Doc something you say confuses me. You say being saved is all about belief and not behavior, but I remember you saying somewhere else on the site that certain sins are a pretty much sure sign of apostasy...like for example if a Christian is saved but becomes a prolific devil worshiper, they are almost certainly no longer a believer, because if they do that can we really say they follow God at all anymore? I believe that's what you meant when you said devil worship is something no believer can do, or at least for very long and remain one, correct me if I'm wrong. I also think you could agree then that a prolific rapist or murderer is not a believer, even if they were before. What's your position on this?

Response #13:

I never said it doesn't matter what you do or say or think; of course that is important.

True faith is not knowledge but commitment and always produces results (see James chapter two).

If a believer starts acting like an unbeliever only bad things will result and, if said person perseveres in said bad behavior, they are going to be flirting with the sin unto death (or apostasy, if they abandon their faith under the pressure of discipline; see the link).

So what confuses you is not something I said. Yes, we are saved "by grace through faith", but then we are responsible to "bear fruit worthy of repentance" (Matt.3:8; Lk.3:8).

If we believe in Jesus, we want to be with Him and serve Him; we want to follow Him. We know from the Spirit (and from the Bible) what following Him looks like – and we know what the opposite looks like.

Everyone sins, but believers who are advancing spiritually learn to put away the more egregious manifestations of the sin nature (Heb.12:14); we get better at policing ourselves so as not to have to suffer the pain of discipline (Heb.12:4-13; Rev.3:19). But no one in a corrupt body is completely without sin (1Jn.1:10); so we all need to confess (1Jn.1:9) – which is why confession is in the Lord's prayer (Matt.6:12-15; Lk.11:4).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Doc, I feel like your Peter Series explanation of Natural Revelation...finally quashed any doubts about the idea. It makes so much sense to me now, thinking about how the cosmos is structured, even the very fact we all have some sense of right and wrong, even if at only a young age in certain ultra heavenous cultures, we all come to the conclusion there must be a truly good God at some point, even if it's under heavy doubt almost immediately or even immediately, if just because of worldly nurture they've already been through. I was praying a while ago that God would explain it in a way that truly makes sense, that that He did lead me to. I feel like I can trust Him much more now...thank you Doc. There still is a bit of nagging doubt, but now that I have a logical, concise explanation, it's hard not to believe it. I'm sorry I doubted it for so long, I guess I just wasn't seeing past what most of the world sees or wants to believe.

I'm so scared of the Tribulation, will it really be so much worse for us than even the unbelievers? Also I feel like I'm done with any kind of entertainment, any kind of fiction...you see, I read part of your Coming Tribulation series...it truly made me see all these things I loves, the games and shows I did...they're only there to serve the purpose of building up to and once it comes, accelerating the Great Apostasy and the ecumenical Beast religion's growth. I'm scared of these things now, I can see these characters in them as only actual demons now, not only because of the temptations to worship them(!?) but also because they were almost certainly come up with under demonic influence...please pray I'll be able to overcome all this despair, and the desire for worldly things.

Response #14:

First, it's good to hear of you starting to read into these materials and gaining some confidence thereby. Good for you!

Honestly, if you want to have more confidence about the Bible, please read BB 7: Bibliology. I think you'll find that it contains many good reasons to believe the Bible as the truth of the Word of God.

As to the Tribulation, one thing to keep in mind is that most of the horrific things that are mentioned as happening therein happen to unbelievers, particularly those who persecute believers. The exodus is a good parallel there. What sort of bad things happened to the children of Israel? Nothing bad at all . . . from the Lord . . . and He delivered them from the persecution of Pharaoh (who is a "type" of antichrist; link)! Of course, they failed to trust the Lord to deliver them time and time again thereafter. Our job is not to be like them (1Cor.10:1ff.).

It is true that those times will be hard, but they will be also times of great opportunity to trust the Lord, to see Him working our deliverance in many wondrous ways, and to minister to other believers. So it can be a time of spiritual profit – for those who prepare for it.

There is time. Keep on doing what you've started to do. Don't worry about the past. Don't worry about how you feel. Just keep learning the truth, believing the truth, and acting on the truth. You'll "feel better" by and by – very much so.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Doc, I need help...[omitted]

A few more questions: Doc, is it really sinful to want to just spend time with and bond with my family? I want to bring them to Christ of course, but I couldn't bear the isolation that would come from having to leave my family just because they're unbelievers and don't want to accept Christ. My mother is the only member of my family who's possibly saved, I asked her if she believes that we can only be saved by grace through faith, and she says yes, but she's Nazarene, and they teach that sinless perfection is attainable in this life...she also doubted some core doctrine of the Faith when I asked her about it at one point, forgot what it was...please pray for her and the rest of my family.

I've once again turned back to entertainment when I was bored...because I can't seem to help myself, I must be addicted. [omitted]

I know you might be tired of hearing me say this, but I REALLY don't want to go through the Tribulation. [omitted]...I know the eternal rewards for going through it though will me more than worth it, so why am I so scared? I would gladly be martyred for Jesus if it came down to that, but I don't seem to want to go through the pain of the 3 and a half years beforehand.

Do I just want to have my cake and eat it too with these issues? Maybe. It seems I don't truly realize how pointless the things of the world are, I can't really comprehend how glorious eternity is and how that's the only thing that truly matters. Can you please help me understand?


I feel like my spirits are completely broken Doc...over the last few days, [omitted] I think it's because I don't want the endless struggle of the Christian life...after all I've been through. I don't want to struggle or fight anymore, I just want peace. That's why I feel like ending it all, because I don't want either way, neither the world's or God's, both I see just endless struggle and suffering in...please help me Doc. I've actually come close at times, please pray for me. and also is it wrong to want to love, to spend time with and bond with your family? I of course want to lead them to Christ, but I don't know how I could live if I had to isolate myself from them just because they aren't believers...i couldn't bear that kind of loneliness, that isolation.

Thank you so much Doc!...how do I get started again? What balance do I find of reading the Bible for myself and reading Ichthys? And what if it turns out Ichthys isn't for me eventually? Do I try Omo's Bible Academy?

Response #15:

First, we fight this fight one day at a time. My advice to you is to stop worrying about the past – you cannot change it – and stop worrying about the future. The future will take care of itself. God gives us today, and we are responsible for making the best of things . . . today.

To that end, if you would try to calm down, sit down, and start reading into Ichthys and/or listening to Bible Academy (Ichthys has MP3's you can listen to as well; links), making learning the truth your priority, all of these things that vex you would get better. Not overnight, but gradually and noticeably. Faith grows step by step just like a mustard seed. So you need to grow . . . through learning the truth and believing the truth one principle at a time, just like you did with natural revelation.

You can fret and fret and fret – but that won't change anything. Only actual action will do that.

I never tell people NOT to spend time with their families (?!).

As to watching things that you give you spiritual heartburn . . . don't watch them if you don't want the heartburn.

As to the Tribulation, it hasn't started yet – and won't for some years. So worrying about that is a waste of time. In fact, if you would take all this energy you're investing in worrying and fretting and place it instead into spiritual growth, who knows how much you might grow spiritually in a few years? You might find (in my book, you would find) that you are no longer afraid, that you are prepared, and that you are able to take advantage of the opportunity to win glory for the Lord – and reward for yourself.

You keep asking me "how?". I keep giving you the same answer. It's a question of do it or don't do it – and that is the fundamental issue of choice we are all down here to face and address.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

I just listened to your Controlling Our Thoughts, Words, And Deeds MP3 and it made me so scared Doc...I feel like I'll never meet up to the standard it sets, like I'll never even be able to truly have a heart for the Lord. How do I fix this? Any passages I read meant to encourage us to stop sinning only scare me about judgement. And how do I listen to the Spirit? I've never understood how we do that.


Also, I'm getting doubts, no doubt by the enemy, asking me "is the devil really that bad of a guy?" I know in my heart, yes he is, but this doubt is trying to draw me into doing these things I'm tempted by for the worst idolatry possible...direct worship of the devil. Please remind me why he's so evil so that I won't be tempted anymore.

Response #16:

"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
John 8:44 NKJV

These are words of our Lord.  They seem pretty clear.

As to the MP3, I don't know why that posting should upset you. It's meant to help you. It's not giving an impossible standard; nothing is impossible for the Lord. We all need to learn to let Him help us do what we can't do on our own.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2nd Corinthians 12:9-10 NKJV

In terms of listening to the Spirit, He "speaks" to us via our consciences through the truth we have learned and believed. The more truth we learn and believe, the clearer His "voice" becomes; the more closely we begin walking with the Lord, the more clearly we "hear" the Spirit's directions in leading us. In the early going, it is common for believers to confuse emotion with the Spirit's voice, but the way to tell the difference is the confidence and peace we feel when we accede to the Spirit's direction – and if we check any impulse we feel against the truth we know and have believed, that will also be a sure guide as to which is which. As I say, once a believer gets to a certain point, this ceases to be an issue. There is an entire portion of the Basics Series devoted to this: BB 5: Pneumatology, the study of the Holy Spirit (and see also BB 6A: Peripateology, the study of the Christian walk).

It's like I always say, my friend, the more time you spend studying, believing and applying the truth, the better; agonizing about the past or about things you are in the process of changing and understanding is something best put to the side.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

I feel like I'm starting to slowly see all these things of the world as what they are...meaningless. Even if they have some kind of artistic or even "life lesson" value, they don't matter and could never stack up against the Word of God. I have one important question here: Are believers truly happier than unbelievers, in spite of all the challenges they go through? I see no reason why God wouldn't make it so...He is a good God after all and knows that if we just suffered for following the truth, it would be hard for even the best of believers to stay where they are, let alone keep growing. Do you see it as so? It seems you agree that as we grow, in spite of the ever mounting challenges, it actually becomes easier and we become more willing to keep going to grow even more...As for me, I want to grow spiritually more than ever, even with the very little I have, only making small progress in digging myself out of the grave I've made for myself rather than truly growing in Him, if only because I'm finally learning truth that gives me more motivation to resist the vile sins I've been in.

Response #17:

Let me assure you that a peace and joy are available to believers which unbelievers can never even appreciate. These blessings are available, however, they have to be claimed by faith and embraced in spiritual growth (see the link).

Of course we ALL want to "feel good". And believers can "feel good" in the Lord, even under intense pressure. But again, that takes spiritual growth. What also happens with growth is that we come to realize, accept and, eventually, act on the truth that the things which unbelievers strive for do not make for true happiness, but that following the Lord the right way is also the best path – the only true path – to what will make us happy, make us "feel good" truly.

Apologies for the brief response. First day of classes tomorrow.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Read my last 2 emails please. Doc I found the apologetics I was looking for...it's pretty harsh. Apparently without God, without some absolute being to standard justice and morality off of, there can be no such thing as morality, in fact, without a God, everything we call good and evil are just personal opinions and nothing more...yeah I felt pretty stupid when I realized this, because if God does things because it's good, He's no longer God, that standard is God, that's just how being God works. I know I could never be God, so that means I was just being dumb by questioning Him...Since I have so many immutable proof of His existence, and especially of the God of the Bible being the true one, I have no reason not to follow Him knowing this. Just because I may not agree with how He runs things sometimes doesn't mean He's wrong, it actually means I'm just objectively and factually wrong...it's been a quite humbling experience for me...the idea that if He said a different standard of good, it would still be good doesn't sit well with me though. Like...doesn't this mean that if He said murder or rape was good, it would be then? Or is that stretching this idea of Him being justice and good itself too far?

Doc, how exactly do I trust God to let me spiritually grow? How do I trust Him in general?

Doc, I was just in a cycle of dreams tonight, seemingly waking up over and over again, but each time it was just another dream...it got so long and so seemingly inescapable that I was actually scared I would never really wake up. it got so bad I literally had to cry out to Jesus to save me from it to get out of it...these happen a lot, please pray I'll be protected from such nightmares.

Response #18:

I am praying for you.

I wouldn't worry about dreams. Their importance is highly overrated by the contemporary culture and – unless they are a direct and obvious communication from God, rare in our age – they have no spiritual significance (try not eating spicy food just before bed).

I'm glad to hear that you are learning to trust the Lord better. Keep reading the Bible and keep reading Ichthys and this will continue. Hypotheticals such as the ones you ask about here are not my forte. That is "theology" along the lines of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin". Best to stick with what the Bible actually says and what may be gleaned positively from scripture, in my humble opinion.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Doc I'm truly convinced I'm no longer a believer...I know, you've heard this a lot, but this time I see no realistic way I can still be saved. I'm sorry I even bothered with all this...because now I'm probably worse off than if I never believed. Am I just letting my feelings get to me again? It is about a bad failure again, which I won't tell what it is because you know I'm insecure about telling people these kinds of things.

Response #19:

We all fail, my friend, and we all sin. When we do, we should immediately confess these sins to the Lord (1Jn.1:9).

And don't worry: the Lord is fully capable of giving us just the divine discipline, the perfect punishment, we need to help us to straighten out (Heb.12:4-13; Rev.3:19). So we needn't worry about punishing ourselves (always a mistake) or saying we're not worthy any more to be believers. That was exactly what the prodigal son did, but his father was happy to have him return.

“The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate."
Luke 15:21-24 NIV

So return to the Lord with all your heart, and thank Him for His great mercy and forgiveness. Jesus has already paid for all of your sins.

“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."
Luke 15:7 NKJV

And when the discipline begins to sting, make a mental note NOT to go down that road again because it hurts too much.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Good stuff! Looking forward to going through the rest of Hebrews with you. One of my brothers told me last week that he has been studying material on Ichthys, I was pleasantly surprised, he usually sticks to the latest popular trends and books. I had to take him down a notch or two about a month ago when he tried to contradict the truth according to Scripture, he asked (again) where I study, I told him (again) and now this, hopefully he will keep it up, if you would like to say a prayer for him. Not much new to report here at this point, just waiting for some parts to arrive so I can finish up repairs on a couple vehicles, trying to tune out the non stop political blather, keeping my Bible studies going and waiting for antichrist to take the stage, nothing unusual.

Hope you are well Sir. Got you in prayer here daily.

All the best,


Response #20:

I've said a prayer for him. Sometimes, if we are persistent in speaking the truth and keep praying . . . well what do you know?! Good for you!

Best wishes on the vehicle repairs!

And thanks again for the MP3s. You've been doing this for me a long time now! Much appreciated, my friend. Thanks for those prayers too.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

How much should I distance myself from the world? I'm thinking of how to work for myself, perhaps online, but I am hesitant to use things like YouTube or social media cause there are bad things on it and it feels like, even if I'm not participating in it, I am supporting the evil by using the platform - I don't want to support evil.

I know we are supposed to be "in the world not of it" and that to avoid all evil we would have to "leave the world" as Paul says in 1st Corinthians 5. I know I can't be perfect, I just don't want to be involved in something evil or wrong especially as we get closer to the end.

I wish God would tell me what path to take in terms of business so I could go down it in confidence that He was ok with my pick.

How do I keep a proper perspective on the world when we're so close to the end? I know it's right to earn a living (as long as you are being honest and Christ-like). Sometimes it feels disappointing to know we don't have much time left and I feel like I'll be working on something only to have it taken away. But I think you said once in an email to someone that we should do what we have today regardless of that fact.

I just want to do God's Will for my life, in job, ministry and personal.
How do I find that on which path I should take and have confidence that I'm on the right one? I don't want to waste time on what Jesus doesn't want.


Response #21:

The first thing to note is that I always encourage believers to take things one day at a time, and to do today what the Lord wants, not worrying about how many tomorrows may be left. Because there may be none or there may be very many more than we have any idea (cf. Jas.4:13-17).

When it comes to longer term commitments, this is still the best policy. According the best interpretation of which I personally am capable, all the indications are that the Tribulation is getting very close. But a) that is an interpretation; and b) the Lord is the One who decides these things; so c) we should do what we purpose to do for His glory and good pleasure regardless. Which is to say, if we ought to get married/have children/start a business/go to graduate school/join the service/etc. if the end was decades away, then we ought to do the same even if we suspect that it might start tomorrow. That is my opinion, at any rate, carefully considered.

The second important thing to say is that these are questions of individual application of the truth. We believers are given massive amounts of truth in scripture, but they are generally principle-related rather than rule-related. If we are acting in love, we are carrying out all of God's rules correctly (Rom.13:10). When it comes to specifics, whether the decisions are small and seemingly inconsequential, as in, "should I walk to school today or ride my bike?", or large and fraught with great consequences, as in, "should I marry person X or not", those are applications of the truth we have learned which depend on a great variety of circumstances which only we personally can "crunch" (ideally from a point of spiritual maturity, with the help of the Spirit and with prayer). No one can make these decisions for us and we are the ones responsible for them in any case. And a good deal of "the right answer" has to do with us personally, who we are and where we are "at", spiritually speaking.

I will say as I have often said before (here is one link to where I go into some detail), that in this world it is impossible to do what monks and hermits in the past tried to do, namely, to essentially "go out of the world" physically.

I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world.
1st Corinthians 5:9-10 NIV

Just as we can't operate in the world and have zero contact with evil people, so also we can't ever hope to have zero contact with things evil people have made. The internet is not evil, but it is often used for that purpose. On the other hand, without the internet, Ichthys would not exist.

I do understand your concern, and I am certainly not telling you what to do! We have to be solid in our own hearts about such things (Rom.14:23). We may not feel good about the way people are using the tents we are making, for example, but tents are neutral and the fact that some people use them for evil does not make tent-making evil, not at all. Working for a living is godly.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, we give you this command in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ: Stay away from all believers who live idle lives and don’t follow the tradition they received from us. For you know that you ought to imitate us. We were not idle when we were with you. We never accepted food from anyone without paying for it. We worked hard day and night so we would not be a burden to any of you. We certainly had the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.”
2nd Thessalonians 3:6-10 NLT

Paul was making tents in the quote above (Acts 18:3); he didn't concern himself with what use the pagans who bought them made of them.

"I just don't want to be involved in something evil or wrong" Amen! Certain things are clearly wrong (criminal activity), while others are plainly innocuous (tentmaking). In today's world, it is pretty difficult to have a successful business with no exposure to technology . . . in fact I would say it's impossible (tentmakers have websites too, no doubt). In terms of YouTube, while I've never posted on it, Chris B. has put up a lot of the new series MP3's there (he cleared it with me first and I don't have any problem with it); in terms of FaceBook, I do have a page, using it almost entirely as an access point for the Classics honor society I serve as advisor to in my day job. I've been on Instagram once or twice (we did a promotion video for ancient Greek when our dept. was making an enrollment push and it was suggested that that medium was the best way to reach our students). Never been on Tik-tok, but apparently that is where some huge percentage of young people are getting their "news" nowadays. I'm sure there are plenty of other sites and apps that I've never even heard of. Unless the medium is expressly devoted to something sinful or evil, I'm not sure how using it would be fundamentally wrong . . . but we should also definitely avoid resisting our consciences as well.

Re: "How do I find that on which path I should take and have confidence that I'm on the right one?" The short answer to this is "spiritual growth". The more we grow, and the closer we grow to the Lord, the more confident we become about what it is He is guiding us to do. Prayer is a big part of that (e.g., Jas.1:5); and also learning to listen to the Spirit's still, small voice.

I do promise to pray for you for guidance on this issue. Wanting to be independent and gainfully employed is certainly godly, no matter how long we have left. And, after all, it's not as if there won't be the necessity of working even during the Tribulation. Here is a scripture which gives us a snapshot of life just as our Lord returns at the end of those seven years:

"Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left."
Matthew 24:40-41 NKJV

This verse is talking about the resurrection where only believers will be taken up to meet the Lord . . . but it does show that they and the unbelievers left behind were at work when it happened.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #22:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

This was helpful and encouraging, thank you!

When you say we should avoid resisting our consciences, I want to make sure I have the right application - I know right and wrong, but when it comes to using the internet I am hung up on this. I can't figure out what to do about using social media - I'm afraid to use it because of the evil people behind it (who will only get more evil) and if I use it, that would be agreeing with evil. But I also want to avoid getting legalistic/misguided in my application. How do I tell if this is a true prompting from Christ or if I'm not looking at it correctly?

In James, when it says pray and not doubt, is that talking about trusting God will get you where He wants you?

If I pray for wisdom but inside I'm still scared, worrying about what to do, is that doubting?

When I pray, how can I tell if God is answering me in terms of life direction? I want God's favor on my life and to honor Jesus in what I do.

Merry Christmas!


Response #22:

On the social media issue, one could easily say the same thing about the internet. Don't know what the stats are now, but back when Ichthys was launched, something like half of internet traffic had to do with pornography. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more evil than neutral out there on the net today as well, but I'm grateful to have the venue for this ministry, and I don't let the fact that others use the internet for nefarious purposes dissuade me. That's my application, anyway. We all have to be comfortable in our own hearts when it comes to all "disputable matters" (Rom.14:1ff.).

In terms of prayer, God always answers us. Our job is to be confident that this is true. We know that we are not always answered on our terms through being granted specifically what we may wish and in the time frame we desire, but we can trust Him absolutely. Think of it this way. We have a problem/worry/concern, we put it in His hands and ask Him to take care of it, then we stop worrying, confident that He will do as He says, so that we don't have to be concerned any longer about the issue, or about the means He will use or the specifics of the solution or its timing either.

You are on the right track! Don't let lack of perfection throw you off your good course. We all stumble, so we all need to confess and get right back up and continue moving forward. No one is perfect. Abraham asked the Lord to spare Sodom. He didn't get what he asked for specifically, but he did get what he really wanted, namely, Lot's protection and deliverance. God knows what we really want and need, and the best way to work things out. We do know that. Our job is to believe it too.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
Psalm 55:22 NIV

Merry Christmas!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #23:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

Wow, this was so helpful! This part especially:

We have a problem/worry/concern, we put it in His hands and ask Him to take care of it, then we stop worrying, confident that He will do as He says, so that we don't have to be concerned any longer about the issue, or about the means He will use or the specifics of the solution or its timing either.

This takes the pressure off - as long as I'm doing my part and walking with Jesus, making the wisest decisions I can, I don't have to figure it all out. Jesus will direct my life in His plan. Is that right??

Thank you for helping me understand!


Response #23:

That is exactly the way I see it, my friend!

Now we just have to "do it".

Keeping you in my prayers – and wishing you a wonderful 2024!

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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