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Eschatology Issues CXXVIII

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Question #1:

Hi Bob,

I did get to Florida. I was actually off work for quite a while this time. After spending a week in Florida, I visited __ in New Mexico (also for about a week). I was wearing shorts in Florida, and then at least two layers top and bottom when at an elevation of ~7,000 feet in New Mexico. That was quite a shift. It'll be in the teens tonight (and even colder with wind chill), and that is down here in the south! Where __ is in Wisconsin is quite a bit colder.

[omitted discussion of communication options]

I will be upfront that it is unlikely that we will shift to some of the more extreme open-source and privacy-focused alternatives due to the simple fact that not everybody is tech-savvy enough to make these tools a great choice. Personally, while I've pondered the idea of encrypted communications and so on as it relates to the antichrist's oppression of believers, I am not all that convinced that spending time trying to be completely untraceable will really work when that time comes. Completely effective OpSec is ridiculously difficult for a number of reasons, but even more than that, we may well get ratted out by (so-called) friends and family anyhow. Perhaps that sounds a bit fatalistic, but basically, I don't think any time spent here nor complex procedures will ultimately save us if it is to the sword we shall go. I guess being a bit well-read on some of the privacy matters might make it somewhat easier to communicate without being compromised under the beast's oppression (similar to how many people around the world even today use such tools to avoid the censorship and snooping of their oppressive governments), but moderation in all things, right?

I hope your holidays were relaxing and productive. I got some things done and relaxed some, and have determined to let that be that and look at it no further. We can always do more...until we can't.

I appreciate your prayers!

Your friend in Christ,

Response #1:

My stepson lives in Gallup and the high desert really is different. Even when it's hot out during the day, it can be freezing at night.

Yes, I agree with your take on this completely. Perhaps a computer wizard like yourself might be able to evade and stay invisible during what's coming, but as you say, there are plenty of ways we wouldn't be able to avoid being "caught", even with a lot of tech sophistication. In any case, I think for believers the entire "secret squirrel" approach to the persecution coming during the Tribulation is a mistake. It's just a high-tech variant of putting lots of canned goods and ammunition in the basement. We don't do stupid things, but we are not counting on our own abilities or cleverness to keep us safe. If the Lord has marked us out for martyrdom, do we really want to adopt the mindset of avoiding that at all costs? We're not willing to take the mark of the beast (obviously); we need to be willing to endure whatever it is our Lord has us slated to endure – and to do so courageously to His glory. Here's an important pair of links on this:

A Brief Christian "Code of Conduct" for the Great Persecution

A Tribulational Code of Conduct

I got sick towards the end of break and so had a bumpy start. Back in the mix now, but now the weather is freezing (sub-freezing, actually). No cancellations at school either (though Friday promises to be brutal with freezing rain turning into snow, falling to the teens with 20-30 gusting, so you never know).

I'll be on the lookout for the questions (and I have __in my prayers – and you too, of course).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:

Hi Bob,

Thank you for this - it's so helpful.

I read your email early this morning. As I read the verses you gave to me the Spirit was speaking to me. He speaks in a still, small voice but every word I read was coming through loud and clear. The Spirit has been bringing some things about the situation with __ to my attention and your email just said it all. __ has never listened to anything I've tried to say about the truth, but is holding on tight to the false teaching __ believes to be true and if anything has gotten deeper into it and in my view is leading others down a wrong path. It's a path that doesn't bring believers closer to the Lord or to spiritual growth, but as I see it, further away from the Lord with zero spiritual growth. It's been nagging at me for a while now. Everything you said about the church-goers is right. And it's so obvious to me that the type of church __ attends and works for could so very easily be deceived by the antichrist.

The truth is divisive and although __ would love me to believe what __ believes, I never will. And so far, I can't see __ budging at all in __ beliefs. I'm still praying but I think what I'm trying to say is that as sad as it is, we also need to be very aware that friends and family might not end up making the same decision for the truth as we have. It's all there in scripture too.

Great to hear you're making progress on Hebrews chapter 5. Looking forward to it whenever it's ready.

Very busy day at work today (they all are!)

Thanks so much for all your prayers. Keeping you and yours in mine too.

Have a lovely weekend, Bob!

In Jesus

Response #2:

Good to hear it. This is a pretty common situation today, especially regarding people we know and have known, and who know and have known us. The amount of zeal for the truth out there in the entire world today is not great. That can be seen from the lack of supply of in-depth Bible teaching. Because if Christians generally were eager for it, they would "beat a path to that door" (to paraphrase Burns), especially in our day and age where doing so would not require pulling up stakes and moving half way around the world (you just have to go online). But it's not happening.

Absolutely the most shocking – and illuminating – thing that's happened in recent times is the drop off in interest in the truth since the "pandemic". I would have thought before it happened – and did think at the time – that, surely, something like this would shake many lukewarm Christians into a more zealous attitude. Instead, it seems to have pushed many "on the fence" types that one hoped were zealous or getting closer to warming up, back into lukewarmness. Not a good "omen" for the Tribulation; an indication, rather, that those who do get fired up once things begin may be fewer than hoped, especially in the early going. People who love this world make their peace with it; people who hate it are driven to find something better – and there is only one "something", one Someone who is better. The latter explains us; the former, the vast majority of the church-visible. Still, the pressures of the Tribulation will be so intense that it is possible that we will see some surprises from the former camp; our job is to make absolutely sure that in our "latter" case, no matter what may happen we will stay faithful to the end.

Thanks so much for the prayers! And good to hear that work went well for you too. Very good teaching week here. Students are getting tired, but I'm just hitting my stride. So glad that it's Friday, however!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Hi Bob,

I hope you've had a good weekend. It's been a tough and tiring one here for me. I'm going through another test with very close family (been going on for a while now) where I need the Lord's help and deliverance. It could take a few months. I'm sorry to have so much I need prayer for but I appreciate it so much. Putting my complete trust in the Lord again to work it all out and get me through.

Thanks again, Bob. Keeping you in my prayers too.

In Jesus

Response #3:

It was a pretty good one, all said and done (still have the Bible session to push through tonight, but then it's over). Our personnel committee chair took it upon himself to do the rush through merit case needing to be completed before our new chair starts Monday, so all the rest of us had to do was read and edit and sign. One more "big thing" on that committee this fall, and then we're done until after the new year. Air conditioning problems ate up Thursday but it's working without a complete overhaul or new system. Good exercise this morning and the weather is super. Trying to keep on a more stringent diet. It's Yom Kippur today . . . meaning three years left. So I'm trying to take things up a notch on all fronts. Plenty of opposition to that all ready. Sound like you're getting that too. I am keeping you and your family in prayer daily, my friend. Hang in there – you're an inspiration!

"Putting my complete trust in the Lord again to work it all out and get me through." Amen! That is what we all need to keep on doing.

Wishing you a better week and following weekend ahead, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Thanks Bob! Lots of good news there.

I was going to ask how your exercise was going and whether the injuries were behaving themselves. The weather was lovely today. I keep planning on walking back home as well (it's all uphill) but so far __ has been giving me a lift home. I'm going to be good and tackle the monster hill tomorrow - it's good for me! And I need to get back to my sit-ups, dumbbells etc.

Definitely getting the opposition coming my way ... but ... can't quite believe it (although I do) I actually had a bit of a breakthrough today with the family thing I mentioned to you yesterday. That was quick! Thank you so much for your prayers, Bob. Still a way to go but a good start. I'm hanging in there!

I didn't realise it was Yom Kippur yesterday. I'm joining you in taking things up a notch - no matter how busy I am or what the opposition is. I agree with you about the drop off in interest in the truth since the pandemic - but I don't quite understand why.

And you wrote, "Our job is to make absolutely sure that in our "latter" case, no matter what may happen we will stay faithful to the end". That's the part I'm remembering.

Keeping you in my prayers, Bob!

In Jesus

Response #4:

Great news! We'll keep praying.

Glad to hear that you are hanging in with the exercise. I'm attempting to do the same since the mechanics are working OK at present. Really need to lose weight, and I'm finally getting serious about that as well.

Monday out of the way. Not as stellar as last week. Students are a bit tired with fall in the air. And were in the wrong time zone here in L-ville. It's still mostly dark at 8 AM! And the change is another five weeks away! It's be dark at 9 AM by they time they shift it back. One of my older students told me that the reason why north in Indianapolis is central and south in Nashville is central but Louisville is eastern zone is because of General Electric: they have a hub in Cincinnati and lobbied the city fathers to be in the same zone here for that reason. That company is a shell of its former self but we are stuck with it. Oh well. At least it's still light at 9 PM . . . when I'm thinking of going to sleep.

Keep hanging in there! And I'll do the same.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Hi Bob,

I got my two walks in today. There and back - up the monster hill! I think diet and exercise takes some real focus to start with. But then it's great when you start feeling the benefits. It helps to give you the incentive to keep going with it. We'll stick with it, Bob! Christmas will be here before you know it and we'll all be scoffing too much!

That's amazing it still being pretty much dark at 8 AM! I can understand why your students are feeling tired. It's dark now when I get up for work in the morning and it's definitely more of a challenge. I woke up one morning last week and I thought it must have been about 3 AM. I turned over to go back to sleep but then my alarm went off. That wasn't much fun!

It's a strange feeling isn't it Bob, when those around you are thinking ahead and making "plans" for the future and we're preparing for something completely different. Something they have absolutely no clue about. I've always felt it but the past few weeks I've felt it more. I have to be involved when it's close family but then I'm a bit torn because I know that ultimately it's all a waste of time, it's meaningless. So although I can't escape from it completely, at the same time I have to make sure I'm doing what's really important. Preparing for what I know is really coming in the future. It's just a bit weird. I support them because I love them but it's actually not that easy to travel along with their "plans" too. It's because we don't belong here. This isn't our home. But I know the Lord will give me the strength to get through, to be a good witness and to glorify Him too.

I'm so very grateful for your prayers, Bob. Praying for you and yours too.

In Jesus

Response #5:

That's super! Good for you! I'm trying to stick with it (teaching days are the toughest).

Yes indeed. The more we grow, the closer to the Lord we get and the farther away from the world we are – and feel. But we keep doing what we are supposed to do, even though a lot of it is not going to endure for much longer. And of course nothing whatsoever lasts very long (link: in SR 4, "The Vanity of Life").

Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: he bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it.
Psalm 39:6 NIV

Still, we are working for the Lord in whatever we do.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.
Colossians 3:23 NKJV

Knowing we have a better home and a better body, "eternal in the heavens" (2Cor.5:1) is encouraging and clarifying. So we strive to be pleasing to the Lord here or there (2Cor.5:9). In one sense, nothing done here really matters; but in another, everything we do as believers DOES matter . . . very much.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
2nd Corinthians 5:10 NIV

Praying for more breakthroughs!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

I read through a link you posted titled "Is it ever justifiable to tell a lie (part 2 link)? and saw how similar that topic was to a discussion I was having with one of our brothers the night before I read that. I'm not sure how much different this question is to the one asked in that thread, but we couldn't come up with an answer on this.

I read a true story in a book where a daughter was being tortured in front of her father. The father was told that if he denied his faith, they would stop tormenting his daughter and would let them both go free. His daughter cried out to her father begging him not to do such a cowardly thing as she described it. He didn't give in to his captors demands.

Now, I saw what you said concerning Rahab doing the right thing in the situation she was in. Of course it was the right thing for her to do! But what about people who lie about their faith in order to save a family member? As in, they tell their torturers they deny their faith (only by words) but in their heart they don't mean it? Their motivation is to save their loved one. Would such an action be sinful and is that even possible to begin with? I do think these types of things have happened before, so I don't see this as purely hypothetical. I guess the gist of my question is, would it be legalistic to say that someone who did something like this has sinned even if they still held onto their faith in their heart? Of course, such a move could still backfire on the individual when the captors lied and still end up torturing or killing them anyway.

Response #6:

Of course, as believers, we would dearly love always to tell the truth, and that is our "default setting" or should be.

Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor” (Zech.8:16), for we are members of one another.
Ephesians 4:25 NKJV

For the rare exception, consider the example of the Jewish midwives who, technically, lied to Pharaoh. They lied to a vile unbelievers in order to protect innocent lives. But what they lied about was not God or their relationship to Him.

Lying about our faith or saying anything untrue about the Lord is substantively and critically different from any of the biblical examples of "righteous deception" one might adduce.

We should never ever even consider denying the Lord or our faith in Him. Swearing allegiance to antichrist "with fingers crossed" would be even worse, in my opinion. None of us is perfect. Peter denied the Lord three times but he repented of it . . . which makes it very clear that he was wrong to claim he didn't know or follow Jesus Christ, just to protect his own life.

Our faith and our life eternal is more important than our physical lives. It seems to be a commonplace nowadays to posit a situation where in order to protect those we love we are put in the sort of situation you ask about. I know of no such situation in the Bible. I also think that it is a trap and a snare to be worrying about impossible situations. This leads to no good but can be disruptive to peace and faith – or lead to dangerous false conclusions. As I often say, there are no hypotheticals in the plan of God, only what actually happened. And, God being who He is, we can have absolute faith and confidence that He will never put us into any situation we cannot in truth bear up under (1Cor.10:13).

As to the story you relate, I wasn't there so I don't know if it really every happened, but I would have my doubts for many reasons (see the link: "third party reports"). If I were to play this game, I would say that it would be permissible to lie to such people – but not about faith and not about the Lord. One could say, I suppose, that one has a relative who is ex-CIA who will devote his life to destroying these people if they persist; or that one has a stash of gold coins that one will hand over if they cease and desist (cf. the ten men who saved themselves from Ishmael son of Nethaniah: Jer.41:8) – or anything else that suggests itself if such an impossible situation were to occur. But we don't want to do the WRONG thing (especially, as you very rightly point out, we can't count on evil people to honor their worthless word in any case).

After all, nothing is impossible for God, and that is what we should be concentrating on in any time of trouble and pressure.

"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"
Matthew 26:53 NIV

Do you not think that God could cause fire to proceed from heaven and destroy people like this, if that is what we actually needed at such a time?

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done."
Matthew 21:21 NIV

We have God the Holy Spirit indwelling us – and we should be walking hand in hand with Jesus Christ. He loves us and will never leave us in the lurch – even if all manner of horrible things are happening all around us during the Tribulation.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #7:

Your answers were helpful and I agree with them but I need to sort a few things out. To clarify, I was only asking you about this type of situation because I was leaning toward the truth that we should never lie about our faith. But someone dubbed that as possibly legalistic, and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being legalistic. I never concluded my thoughts on this matter, however, which is why I asked you. However, are you saying that it is impossible to deny Christ in word but not in heart? Is that what you mean by an "impossible" situation? As in, you can't have one without the other because they both go hand in hand? If you deny with words, then you deny in your heart. Was this the case with Peter in that he did both? What exactly do you mean by "impossible situations?"

Regarding the story, it doesn't have much to do with this discussion simply because the man never lied about his faith (he never denied it either) and chose martyrdom instead. I can't remember whether they killed him or not. I'm of the opinion that the story is true. However, I only brought it up because that is what started this discussion me and our brother had originally. It's actually unrelated to what I asked because it describes a different situation than what I asked you about. It was at this point that the hypothetical "what if he had done this or that" came up. Our discussion went from there. So I was letting you in on how this all started. We weren't sure if it is even possible to lie about one's faith (saying one thing by mouth but not meaning it in the heart). That's where my question stems from.

Response #7:

My pleasure.

By "impossible situations", I mean that it is very easy for anyone with any sort of imagination to concoct some scenario which would seem to thwart whatever present thinking a person has about hypothetical testing. God gives us tests and He gives us the way through; He knows what we personally can handle and what we cannot; so we will never be in any "impossible situation" . . . as long as we are walking closely with the Lord.

Legalism is terrible. But refusing to deny Christ is not legalism. I think we can stipulate that when the Lord told Peter that he would deny Him three times, Jesus was not giving him carte blanche to do so but was instead warning him. So what Peter did was wrong. But Peter did just what you are asking about, it seems to me – because he was worried about getting arrested and maybe crucified himself. That was a valid concern – but what he did about it was dead wrong. He should have trusted God to protect him in that situation instead . . . and he clearly regretted immediately that he had not done so and had lied instead.

But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are saying!” Immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Luke 22:60-62 NKJV

Certain things are fundamental: faith in Christ is the bedrock of our lives. There is a difference on the one hand between button-holing everyone who comes within our ambit to proclaim our faith, and on the other denying it outright when asked about it. Why would we do that anyway? No "impossible situation" that I can think of justifies such a thing, including the one reported. Denying Jesus Christ is exactly what Christians will be pressured to do during the Tribulation, and accepting the mark of the beast will be the tangible sign that they have done so. Scripture is very clear that doing this is apostasy – the death of faith. Makes sense. Denying Christ with one's mouth is impossible to do without also doing it in one's heart:

For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:10 NKJV

Now I would never sell short the mercy and the grace of God or His capacity for forgiveness. There is a difference between what Peter (and the others: cf. Lk.22:31-32 where the verbs in v.31 are plural) did and what Judas did. But scripture is very clear about what happens to those who give allegiance to antichrist, denying Jesus by what they say and what they do:

Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Revelation 14:9-11 NKJV

So it seems that in the critical case above, the speaking and the doing absolutely must reflect what has gone on in their hearts. Since in this soon-to-come analogous situation there seems to be no divergence of the kind hypothesized, I think it better to stick with the principle of "don't go near that and don't even think about that".

[But in contrast to those who receive the mark of the beast and worship him], the saints have perseverance, [even] those who in this way (i.e., by refusing to receive the mark or worship the beast) keep God's commandments and [retain] their faith in Jesus (viz., even though it may cost them their lives).
Revelation 14:12

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Revelation 12:11 NKJV

So as to possibilities, you have a point – but from my perspective that point is that by denying Christ with one's mouth a person therefore brings it about to deny Him in his heart as well.

Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
1st Corinthians 12:3 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:


Response #8:

Thanks for the update.

I'll be praying for you to find something good that suits you – which I understand is not at all easy in this economy.

I certainly wish that there was a face to face Bible teaching church "track" for you fellows who are preparing to be pastor-teachers, but that only happens in denominations, and getting involved with one of those never amounts to anything good.

The Lord will work it out for good, though. Just keep on doing the good things you are doing, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

I just wanted to share with you something else that I have been led to recently. I was trying to help __ to socialise and get out more. The only thing really going on in the locality at the moment for seniors/ retired folk is something called the 'University of the 3rd Age' or 'u3a'. Have you heard of it? To be honest I always had misgivings of that title and always thought it smacked of 'New Age' talk. I thought I was being legalistic about this though so was looking into it but the Lord has shown me I was right to be cautious. To cut a long story short, it's actually a Freemasonic front to get elderly people into the New Age (all their AGMs are in Masonic halls and are used as recruitment drives into Freemasonry). I guess we shouldn't be too surprised by this given how late in the day we are (and have you ever known Satan to care about the elderly and vulnerable?) I thought it was too good to be true, all these people wanting to help struggling old folk, yes it is too good to be true.

The Lord has shown me that the word 'Om' which is a 'sacred sound in Hinduism' looks a lot like the characters 'u3a' when written in Devanagari script (it is also interesting that the word 'Om' in Tamil script is of a skull blinded in one eye.)


I am sure that this logo for U3A will look more and more like 'Om' as time progresses.

So where am I going with all this. Well the two main 'hobbies' that are pushed through the U3A are Yoga and something called Kundalini Laughter (sometimes known as laughter yoga or laughter exercises.) We all know the ubiquitousness of Yoga in the West now and (hopefully) know that it isn't exercise at all but a spiritual practice to 'yoke' (the word Yoga means to yoke) with Hindu deities/ demons.

What I wanted to draw your attention to is the 'Kundalini Laughter'. This is referred to as 'Holy Laughter' in the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches and accompanies all those other demonic manifestations of being 'slain in the spirit', 'drunk in the spirit' etc. Indeed it was your ministry that led me to the documentary 'Kundalini Warning' that shows that all these things that are part of Charismania are also present in pagan cults and Eastern religions.

I watched a talk last night debunking 'Holy Laughter' called 'Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion' by Warren Smith (an ex-New Ager.) He gave 15(!!) arguments why none of this is Biblical at all. The most shocking evidence of all is that if you look at a Bible concordance and look up the word 'laughter', most of the references are pejorative towards laughter and not commendable or celebratory of laughter at all. See Eccl 2:2, 7:3, 7:4, 7:6, Prov 14:13, Jas 4:9

The promoters know this and that is why they have repackaged it and said it is 'joy from the Lord' instead. They realise that laughter has many bad connotations in the Word (i.e. mockery, derision, scorn and revelry) but there are not these connotations with joy so they have claimed that is what they are doing. When we walk closely with the Lord, we come to know this joy as being of a part to that quiet inward peace and confidence in our Lord. Yes at times this joy may be outwardly shown as a loud gladness and rejoicing in the Lord but it is never like this rolling around with shrieks and cackles.

Another interesting point to note is that Buddha is always depicted as laughing hysterically (much like that emoji of a face laughing until it is crying.) We know from experience that when people laugh hysterically then it is usually at something sinful (indeed most that passes as humour in the secular world is based around sinful jokes or behaviour.)

Not saying this to be legalistic or to say that there can be no levity in our lives but that we should be cautious about these things. If we laugh so much that it is hard for others to tell whether we are drunk or sober then this should give us some pause.

I just wanted to close with some research I have found of the effects this Kundalini has on people (either yoga or laughter). The article states that a Kundalini Awakening usually is indistinguishable from psychosis.

That the symptoms of it are;
• energy sensations moving in body (sometimes visable)
• shaking, jerking and spasms
• spontaneously involuntary adoption of yoga poses
• sensations of intense cold or heat
• loud rumbling sounds or musical harmonies
• sensory overload
• seeing reality differently (similar to psychotropic drug use)
• speaking in tongues or other involuntary vocalisations
• intense waves of bliss and bodily pleasure

I really do feel that this (Kundalini awakening/ serpent power) will be a huge part of the Antichrist's religious system as once you know about this then you see the preparation for us to accept these practices are everywhere now. Even, sadly, in social groups for the elderly and vulnerable (I saw laughter yoga advertised for people who suffered with anxiety and social isolation.)

The enemy and his followers are really doubling down because a) he knows his time is short b) his followers know that their leader (the Antichrist) is soon to be revealed on the world stage.

We need to double down too with our Bible study, spiritual growth, passing tests and production!

Your friend in Jesus,
p.s. also worth noting what the Bible says about how we will be when we meet out Lord (not before)

Luke 6:21b
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.

Luke 6:25b
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.

Response #9:

On U3A, I've never heard of that but new-age terminology is ever in flux. I have heard of the Kundalini thing (it's been around a while). You do a good job nailing down the key points and exposing these thing for what they are as always. It is certainly true that antichrist's religion will make use of all such things – and co-opt traditional "religion" as well, no doubt dressing it up with such things as your report (here's a link on that).

On the advice, let me point out that the ministry you are setting up for is focused on believers who are recovering from deception, yes? If an unbeliever is involved in such stuff, no amount of common sense or reasoning will likely do anything more than direct him/her from one pointless activity to another . . . because it's all pointless down here apart from Jesus Christ. Including an evangelism element in any "for believers" ministry is always a good thing – since occasionally unbelievers will "show up" (e.g., 1Cor.14:23-25).

So, honestly, I don't know what good can come of explaining to unbelievers that demons are real and dangerous, e.g. Unbelievers need the gospel, when and if they are willing to accept it. Without any real interest in the truth, all such good advice and well-meant warnings are likely to be trampled under foot – and I fear for you lest you be trampled with them (Matt.7:6).

Keeping you in prayer on all this, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Thanks Bob,

About your Coming Tribulation series and the Antichrist Vs the Muslim Mahdi...I can see how this all fits together now.

I couldn't understand before how the enemy could use both the weapons of LGBTQ and Islam at the same time as they do cancel one another out but it has occured to me more recently as Satan only sees these two groups of people as 'useful idiots', then he won't have any qualms about throwing one of them 'under the bus'.

Then again after conquering and defeating Islam then he might extinguish LGBTQ as well.

For a while now I have noticed that we're only being given one of two options (ultimately) and that is to eventually embrace Islam or the New Age religion (with its many tentacles.) Another bit of evidence of this is that Hindus in India are now vocally supporting Israel. Well Hinduism is basically an occultic religion that has already invaded the church visible with Kundalini practices.

As the use of Kundalini in the Charismatic circles shows no sign of abating (and given that the Emergent Church also embraces Catholic or 'Ancient Future' mysticism which is just another flavour of occultism).. it does indicate to me that the Antichrist religion will be very occultic and New Age though may have some 'Biblical sounding' words thrown around.

Obviously I am not wedded to any particular outcome and am staying vigilant but I thought that it was worth commenting that Hindus are now being brought into the fray as friends of Israel and that should give us pause given what they believe spiritually.

As per my last email about not getting bogged down with anything that wastes our time here.. these two verses are good to keep us all focused and alert on what really matters; our Lord's second advent and not to be distracted, deceived or discouraged before He returns.

1 Thess 5:1-2
Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

Luke 12:35-36
Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning. Then you will be like servants waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for him at once.

Luke 12:45-46
But suppose that servant says in his heart, ‘My master will be a long time in coming,’ and he begins to beat the menservants and maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day he does not expect and at an hour he does not anticipate. Then he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers.

Chilling words to read Bob! We really do need to stay vigilant and ready every day! Things are moving so fast now!

In Jesus,

Response #10:

I know what you mean regarding wondering about the spiritual status of individuals who are in old line denominations such as the C of E and Episcopalians.   Some good people often, but are they saved?

Good observations here. I have opined, as you note, that the beast's religion will attempt to be all things to all people, highly eclectic, only rejecting true, biblical Christianity as an option (link to list of links). As long as people are willing to worship antichrist (and the devil), it seems likely to me from what scripture does say about these matters that pretty much everything else will be "go". That makes sense too considering that religion is Satan's invention; all religion is hostile to the truth of Jesus Christ, hence by definition friendly to the evil one. This is why there can be no friendship between us and the world (Jas.4:4; 1Jn.2:15-17), and that natural hostility will boil over into unprecedented persecution during the Tribulation's second half.

Good verses to keep in mind indeed! Here's a related one to give us some encouragement.

He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near."
Luke 21:29-31 NIV

Since we have "the script", we can take heart even from the troubling things that are going to happen, because we can see from them that we are getting ever closer to the return of our King.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Dear Bob,

I was doing my reading today, and I am at the book of Matthew. I have gotten to the part in Matthew 8:21-23, where Jesus is describing a group of people who will claim to have 'done miracles' and 'prophesied', and yet will be turned away on the final day. I was wondering who these people are being described?

Trying to reason this out with my own understanding, I think it is fair to say that such people are not actually believers, but are people merely claiming to be so? Given the context of the rest of Chapter 7, Jesus is describing knowing people by their fruits. So, am I correct in concluding that these are deceivers, who try to lead God's people astray?

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Response #11:

Good to hear from you, my friend. Hope you are doing well.

Here's a link to where I treat this passage: https://ichthys.com/mail-Golden-Rule.htm#Matthew 7:21-23

In a nutshell, I agree with you. While it is, I suppose, possible to suggest that these are apostates who once believed but then fell away, the reasoning you supply (and see the link above) suggests very strongly that these individuals were never believers. Did they prophecy? There are false prophets. Did they cast out demons in Jesus' Name. The sons of Sceva pretended to do the same (Acts 19:14). Did they "do" miracles? Only God can do a miracle – but even antichrist's false prophet will perform miraculous signs (cf. also Matt.13:22). And of course it is also a good possibility that whatever these individuals did was not real but deceptive – and even self-deceptive.

What I also know for certain is that what Christians sometimes worry about when they read this passage, namely, that somehow when they are evaluated by the Lord they will be cast out because they have committed some sin or other or otherwise not lived up to their potential, is NOT the case. ALL believers are saved; only unbelievers are not (Jn.3:18). Believers who haven't performed well in this life have a legitimate reason to "fear the Lord" because of their coming big bonfire of pointless works in this life (1Cor.3:12-15; cf. 2Cor.5:11), but they have NO reason to doubt their salvation . . . as long as they hang onto their faith in Christ come what may.

The latter will be more difficult than ever before during the pressures of the Tribulation. Whatever else any lukewarm believer might get from this or any other godly ministry or from occasionally reading scripture, they need to remember this principle: Whatever you do, "Do Not Take the Mark of the Beast" (link).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:


I have had a real shock as a friend of mine from London is now running for Mayor through a pro-Palestine party (under George Galloway). He was always an old school Socialist but he really is in deep now. I am still praying for him despite how deeply deceived he is. He wanted me to run for hustings on a local level when I was last in London. So glad I never went the political route now. In this video he is getting support from a local Rabbi who claims 'God is on (their) side'. Considering this new political party is very pro-Islam then I can't imagine how he can think that.

I must say that all your study on the Mahdi is becoming more and more relevant and on point everyday.


I wonder if my hunch will prove correct too...that Islam is the obvious threat at the front but that Hinduism/New Age is the subtle threat from the rear. It would make sense if the Antichrist merges all the other religions together against Islam whilst apostate Judaism and Christianity may also merge together under the Mahdi. This already seems to be happening. So Satan does seem to be playing both sides. All of it is deception and it takes knowing the Word well enough (and your ministry) to see through it all.

In Jesus,

Response #12:

We all tell ourselves we'll get right back "into it" when we get back from vacation or a necessary trip, but we mostly all need some resetting first. I hope the temps moderate for you soon. It's the first really hot and humid day of the summer here today, but we are used to it . . . and couldn't survive without A.C. My century and a quarter year old house has lots of windows but almost none of them open any more. They don't have to. But if there were not air conditioning . . . Do take care of yourself. Some can take the heat. Some can take the cold. We all have to be careful if we're in the opposite.

If a person were going by the newspapers, it would seem that Russia, China, NK and Iran would be the likely "evil empire" against which antichrist crusades, with much of the rest of the world unaligned. That is not what scripture suggests. As you know from reading CT (link), scripture has the beast as the head of Babylon and revived Rome, the two legs of Daniel's statue. He does battle against "the south", the confederacy of the "three horns" which fall before the little horn, conquering the (today) largely Muslim world in two campaigns as Israel's putative savior, then turning on her at the Tribulation's midpoint, taking his seat in the temple in Jerusalem as the then ruler of the world (Rev.13:7), and commencing the Great Persecution under the religious leadership of his false prophet.

As close as things seem to be at present (based upon the interpretation I've advanced; see the link), it is hard to imagine how things could shift around in that direction so quickly and suddenly from the international alignments we are presently witnessing. Then again, no one predicted Covid or the previously unbelievable reaction to it. So we shall have to wait and see. But I do know from the Bible and from experience that impossible things do happen.

Praying for your health and for all other good things, my friend. Thanks for yours as well.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Hi Bob,

I have written this before that I have noticed that the subject of death (our inevitable mortality) is often in conflict with faith. I know that my __ really hardened his heart against God when his own __ died when only in his twenties with a young family; it was a sudden death and a great shock.

I suspect that when we are not spiritually prepared for death then this can be both a stumbling block and a snare for believers and unchecked could lead to apostasy. It would seem that not just false teaching and a cavalier attitude towards sin contributes to a falling away from God, it can also happen when we misjudge and accuse God's character, then the hardening of heart can happen against God which leads to loss of faith.

Given the widespread loss of life in the Tribulation then it would be prudent to spiritually prepare ourselves now for the time whereby men will become..

'scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.'
Isaiah 13:12

It is good to constantly remind ourselves that we are actually in a war here against agents we can't even see (Ephesians 6:12) and that if Satan had the chance, as you often point out, none of us would survive a 'New York minute' here.

I keep having to remind myself that I am part of a spiritual army and should act in a professional enlisted manner at all times that is pleasing to our Lord and not to get bogged down with civilian matters (the weeds).

My life is no longer my own. I lost my life the moment I became born again.

If it is God's will for us to go through the Tribulation then it is absolutely imperative that we do really know God's spotless character and perfect and unfailing love and mercy, His greatness and holiness. We have to have the correct attitude towards death that does not malign God in any way or cause a stumbling block for our faith in Him and His will.

We have to remember that Satan and his cohorts use both death and illness as a weapon forged against us but if we respond to both these tests with faith which glorifies God, knowing full well that death was swallowed up in victory at the Cross, then we will overcome our true enemies and this weapon will not prosper against us (Isaiah 54:17).

I know personally that my own death is not a fear to me but I have always (since a child) been fearful of losing those I love. This is something we all must work on. It is absolutely imperative that we have the right attitude towards death, knowing that 'the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord' Job 1:21.

That we cannot have eternal life here and so we shouldn't expect it. Most people DO live as though death will never happen to them. There, after all, were two parts to Satan's lie to Eve
1) You shall not die
2) You shall become as gods

So Satan promised both immortality and godhood to Eve. Many people still vehemently believe in this two part lie. As Christians, more than anyone else, we should know the truth about this lie and not be surprised that people die and do not live here forever in this condemned place which is passing away.

It is very likely that the Antichrist will offer these lies again as truth during the Tribulation, that his followers will receive eternal life here and become as gods.

If many people we know die before the Tribulation begins, if even a great many die, then it is part of God's perfect plan and each person was given perfect opportunity to be saved before their passing from this life. I believe that God, both in His infinite wisdom and His infinite mercy, knows who would stumble to accept Him during the Tribulation and so they may be taken away now as the opportunities for their hearts to soften to the truth are better for them before the Tribulation than during. The Tribulation will be both a snare and a stumbling block for the many. God also has the right as the Sovereign God to allow the very hard hearted to be vessels of dishonour during that time to test and try His vessels of honour (the Church) to His glory.

We always have to keep in the forefront of our minds and hearts that God wants all to be saved and paid a very high price for the world's salvation. Also though, we should not set our hearts on this place being a permanent home for either ourselves or our loved ones but always keeping our eyes on the Lord and the coming of the New Jerusalem, His perfect Kingdom on earth.

In Him,

Response #13:

Wonderful observations as always, my friend. Brings this passage to mind:

The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.
Isaiah 57:1-2 NIV

Death is meant to get the attention of unbelievers (see the link). How they react to it, however, depends on their own free will. How can anyone be "prepared for death"? No one wants to die (but we all do so eventually). No one wants to cease to exist (and no one will, despite satanic lies to the contrary). Being terrified of the darkness, the grave and death is just reasonable. Everyone should be and is . . . unless as an unbeliever they harden their heart against these truths or as a believer they come to trust that the Lord will take us to Himself thereafter so that there is nothing to fear: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil.1:21). But what unbelievers SHOULD indeed fear is God's judgment on them and the lake of fire which awaits all who spurn Him and His great Gift, Jesus Christ.

"And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!"
Luke 12:4-5 NKJV

The devil and his world system use this fear of death to manipulate mankind (see the link), so that religion is definitely the devil's main tool in falsely assuaging this fear so as to keep those who buy into his lies from drawing the correct conclusion: only the One true God has the solution to our mortality.

Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
Hebrews 2:14-15 NKJV

So your words are well spoken. The Tribulation with the great increase in mortality will no doubt be a spur for many to embrace antichrist's syncretic religion in false hope (see the link) – and, we dearly hope, for others to see that Jesus Christ is the only solution.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Hi Mr. Luginbill,

How are you? I hope you are well. I read the most recent email posting this morning. I usually read them on Saturday, unless they are eschatology (as we've emailed on, that scares me and sometimes I read it, sometimes I just don't).

I am supposed to get on a plane on Saturday to fly to __ and stay with our friends over the summer. There is a highway and roadsigns up there with the same number as the one pertaining to the enemy. Should this concern me? I had to drive on that road last time we visited. Part of me thinks this is just a trap from the enemy, as I get so terrified over it, but I don't want to do anything wrong. This just scares me.

This issue has worried me since I was a kid and it's part of the thought war I have to fight all the time. I'm trying to ignore and push out the wrong thoughts when they come, and slowly parts of this fight have gotten easier and I sort of feel like God is freeing me from some of this. I just need help.


Response #14:

No, it's nothing whatsoever to worry about. It's just a number. The number in Revelation is a fail-safe code to remove any doubt about who the beast is so as not to take his mark/number, but any believer worth his or her salt will surely have figured out that antichrist is antichrist before there's any need to use that final litmus test:

[Antichrist] will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
2nd Thessalonians 2:4 NIV

The above will be hard to miss, but the six hundred sixty six test (NOT "666" in Arabic numeral depiction which didn't exist when Revelation was written; see the link: Antichrist: the Mark, the Number, and the Identification of the Beast), will take away any excuse from anyone who wants to claim ignorance as the reason they got marked.

Re: "slowly parts of this fight have gotten easier and I sort of feel like God is freeing me from some of this": Good for you! That's an answer to prayer. Keep fighting this good fight.

I'll say a prayer for you about this, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:


Thanks again for responding to my email…I have simplified the summary for you attached.

First, there are a few Watchmen that have identified the Beast to be “Prince Mohammed bin Salman” per Biblical reasons. So, I felt called to count the number of his name.

Second, I will help you with the math..

8/31/1985 = .00013000731

God knows the beginning and the end, He knew the calendar would change, so in the beginning He already knew how to count the number of his name per Revelations 13:18 (Here is Wisdom) I have taken out the Biblical meanings of the numbers out, so not to bring confusion. Gematria is taking letters to numbers, God uses primes (link to prime definition in the summary)…God also gave us some beastly primes in 1988 to prove it.

Prince Mohammed bin Salmon = 666 in prime number gematria

Prince Mohammed bin Salmon – 1371 in reverse prime number gematria

I hope this helps…I reduced the summary to less than 1 page, hopefully you will take the time to find understanding per Revelations 13:18 (let him that hath understanding)

In His Armor,

Response #15:

With respect, as I think I mentioned before, the purpose of the mark of the beast has to do with the Tribulation entirely and is not meant for any applicability before it starts. Who antichrist is will be beyond obvious to any genuine Christian by the time we reach the Tribulation's midpoint and the marking begins. As it says in 2nd Thessalonians chapter two:

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4 NKJV

If a believer is dense enough not to realize who the beast is after three and a half years of the Tribulation, when antichrist takes his seat in the temple in Jerusalem at that point and proclaims himself to be God, setting up the talking cult statue and only then demanding the mark on all of the world's inhabitants, those events will leave not a scintilla of doubt. However, in His matchless grace, in order to take away the shadow of a shadow of doubt, scripture gives the ultimate litmus test which demonstrates how to know for absolute certain that this mark is not benign but is instead the mark of the beast – by giving us the famous calculation.

That all having been said (and for the details see in CT 4 "The Mark of the Beast" and "The Number of the Beast" at the links), there is no profit in trying to calculate these things before the fact. In these links and the others I have given you, I have demonstrated that it's not the numbers that are the problem but the assignment of numerical values to letters that is the issue. So, for example, what system of enumeration are you using to calculate the number value of MBS's name? I assure you there are various ways of doing it.

As mentioned in the last email, there is no "1988", for example, in the Bible, since that is a modern system of dating not invented or used until the sixth century A.D. (they used A.U.C. in the west in antiquity in John's day; link). These things being the case, depending on the system one adopts, it is possible to assign the number to thousands, perhaps millions, of individuals before the fact. But as I say, that is not the purpose of the number at all. The purpose is to act as a fail-safe certainty provider at the half-way point of the Tribulation. That is to say, not until we see THE MARK can we use the test. Without the exact formulation of the name IN THE MARK ITSELF, any attempt to use the test will be necessarily invalid.

As to antichrist, if you will read CT 3B: Antichrist and his Kingdom (at the link), you will see that the beast 1) is Jewish (on this human side, that is, his mother's side), and 2) hails from mystery Babylon (most likely identification: the US; see the link). These two points disqualify MBS. Also, as noted, the south, that is, the Muslim world, will be the opponent of antichrist's western coalition which will seek to destroy Israel during the first half of the Tribulation – and lead to the beast's control of the entire world in the process of his successful campaigns against it.

As to "Watchmen", I only know about Ezekiel. And he was appointed by the Lord Himself (Ezek.3:17). Since that is not happening at present, there are no such individuals nowadays. The Spirit is giving no such gifts. The Lord has not personally appointed any such individuals. And inasmuch as there is no prophecy being given today – we have the complete Bible – any individual who claims to be providing "new information" not in scripture is by definition a false prophet. So I would counsel you to keep your distance from all such people and find instead a good Bible teaching ministry which will provide you with the truth you need to grow spiritually.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Hi Bob,

Thanks again for your well thought out response. I do respect your knowledge with this subject. It was just uncanny how all this came to me (over a 7-month time frame) and how the numbers just fell into place without having to manipulate anything (I could write a book). Along the way, I put my name and my wife’s birth name into the gematria calculator; and we both came up 665 with prime numbers (what are the odds?). Then, my name in reverse prime came in at 942, the number of instances Jesus is mentioned in the King James Bible. Not saying I am anything special, because I most certainly am not. An old farm boy originally from Northern Minnesota. Also, my wife’s sister passed on 8-31-2007 and her mom passed on 8-31-2012, same day of the month of MBS birthday (weird).

I attached my final copy of the summary (for your records if you like) . Going to rest now and see what happens, I have taken this down the rabbit hole as far as it can go. I also attached the pdf that Bob Dubner sent me. He and his dad Harvey discovered the beastly prime numbers (this helped me with the discovery date). He’s a good guy willing to help; and even though he is a devote atheist, he is amazed at all the coincidence here.

Lastly, from what I understand; if MBS (death, hell) confirms the covenant (they call it normalization) with Israel, the tribulation begins. My gut tells me that Trump will be a part of getting this peace deal done (Jarad Kushner is tight with MBS), time will tell.

Thanks again, it’s been a pleasure discussing this with you.
p.s., Sorry to bother you again, I noticed I spelled Dubner wrong. I was getting ready to send this summary to him and noticed that. He has been such a great help in all of this; and I feel like he is getting close to understanding what I have been saying. He has a great mind; in that he developed the software and hardware to count large prime numbers, his dad was the large prime number guy.

Anyway, I have been asking him what the odds are of these numbers working out like this…the clearer I can make this for him, the more I hope to get a response (smile).

My hope is that this summary, will bring the clarity needed to convince Bob Dubner (a devote atheist), that it is literally 1 in infinity…that these numbers work out this way.

Interesting times for sure.

In Jesus, my Lord and Savior,

Response #16:

I had a look at the "gematria calculator" and it has the problems I suspected. The main issues with using this system are (as possibly already mentioned):

Problem 1) The spelling/form of the name to be investigated. For example, is it "Trump" or "D. Trump" or "Donald Trump" or "Donald J. Trump" or "Donald John Trump" or "Donald J. Trump, Jr." or "President Trump", etc. These are not the only possible variations and each one will yield a different numerical result, obviously. This is true of all modern names.

Problem 2) The conversion of the name into another language. When it comes to vowels in particular, this can be problematic. Do we use a strong "u" written with a waw when converting Trump's last name to Hebrew or a weak "u" which will not have a numerical value? This adds another level of potential confusion.

Problem 3) What language are we converting to? Many of the examples given in the links and your emails use Hebrew, but Revelation was written in Greek, and the numerical designator for 666 is chi, xi, stigma, demonstrating that conversion to/from the Greek system is likely to be the preferred method. Latin might also a possibility since that was the official language of the empire at time of writing of Revelation.

So before we get too excited about any such possibility, it is good to consider that we have to know first just what FORM of the name it is we are going to analyze, and just what LANGUAGE we are going to convert it to using what SYSTEM of conversion. Given the variables, I can render my own name and titles dozens of possible ways (at least). If we are talking about someone whose name is Arabic, as in your question, there is the additional level of potential confusion mentioned above.

Also, even if today we were to run the test against the name of a famous person, this would be misleading. Only after people start getting marked will we see the actual mark and the actual number. Then and only then will the test be legitimate. After all, people change their names. If "Augustus" were the culprit, we would get nowhere by trying to calculate "Octavian", e.g. So once again, the "Six hundred and sixty six" litmus test can ONLY work if applied to the actual mark of the beast. As no one has seen the actual mark yet, no such test can legitimately be run and everything else is idle speculation at best, and dangerously misleading false information at worst. Q.E.D.

Finally, again, on birthdays, the present year is 2,777 A.U.C., the system which was in use in the Roman world when John wrote Revelation. So shouldn't we use that year and not the one from the system that didn't even exist until half a millennium later? When it comes to individual days, the Julian calendar was the one in force when John penned this book; do we use those dates or Gregorian calendar dates? In any case, I'm not sure what gives us the right to use birthdays as the signature method of "the number of the name". As I read Revelation, the name is to be converted into the number system (Greek), and we will know the form to use because this is the tattoo that the false prophet is requiring (so no guessing about all the problems mentioned above). If this is the case, then birthdays have nothing to do with it (and, as mentioned, if they did, we're using the entirely wrong system for years and for month/day calculations).

You're not the first person to suggest Trump as a likely candidate for the beast. As I have already possibly mentioned, his mother was Scottish but antichrist's mother has to be Jewish. So unless there is a grand conspiracy with his genealogy, "that dog won't hunt".

For all those curious about this subject, it's important not to get too excited about potential scenarios before the fact. Revelation gives us a tremendous amount of information as does the rest of scripture (all brought together "under one roof" in the Coming Tribulation series; see the link). But of necessity, since Revelation was written nearly two thousand years ago, it had to be given in largely general terms without giving the specifics of names, either of individuals or nations that didn't yet exist. In my interpretation of things, it won't be long until we find out all the specifics. Christians should be preparing spiritually to meet the challenges that difficult time will face us with.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Thanks, Bob, for this well thought out response, just to clarify…Trump in not even in the running to be the beast. He may help negotiate the deal between MBS and Israel, however certainly…he is just a satanic puppet at this point, nothing more. At this moment in time, I think I will just sit and wait…like I said before, we will know soon enough. Thanks again for taking the time to review…

Response #17:

It's my pleasure, my friend. Many Christians today have similar questions – at least many of those who have not been snookered into complacency by the false pre-Trib rapture theory.

Apologies if I missed part of the main thrust of your analysis. The Abraham Accords and/or any other treaty or agreement which might be moved forward and concluded before the Tribulation begins is not at all the same as what we find at Daniel 9:27 (see the link: Antichrist's Alliance with Israel). As mentioned, there is no prophecy for the Church Age. This is the mystery age (link). All the prophecies in the Old Testament which speak to the end time will be fulfilled only beginning with the onset of the Tribulation.

In terms of the treaty/covenant of Daniel 9:27 in particular, this is a device used by antichrist to further his crusade against the Mahdi and in support of Israel (the secular state). This is one of the ways that the beast will proffer his bona fides as "the Messiah" (see the link). But it will not be inaugurated until after the Tribulation has already begun (which blessedly hasn't happened yet).

Re: "we will know soon enough": I do believe that is true (here's a link to where my interpretation of the likely commencement date is expounded).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Hey Bob,

Thank you for all this…

However, unless you were in my shoes, and experienced the awestruck moments as I went down this path of discovery; you will never get it.

Believe it or not, I was listening to this Watchman tell his listeners that using Prime numbers MBS = 666 and so I was wondering why Prime numbers. A short time later I was following an Amazon semi, and there was an arrow pointing to prime. Didn’t think too much about it but it certainly caught my attention. Then I woke up one night and was pressed to look up the Amazon Logo. It was the Amazon name with the arrow underneath pointing from the A to the z. I though, letters to numbers, A-z pointing to Prime (the numbers). That was just the start of a 7-month journey looking into prime numbers which led me to check out the Prime definition. One of the many definitions that caught my attention was dawn or first light; interesting as I looked up Lucifer, Isaiah 14:12 came up as the only time Lucifer was mentioned in the Bible. Isaiah 14:12 – How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! So, the definition of Prime’s “dawn or first light” touched on Lucifer,” son of the morning”.

This is just a small sampling of what I discovered along the way. I have pages of writings on all of this. Many nights I would lay awake, and God would show me something else.

Anyway…like I said, unless you were in my shoes over the past 7 month; you would just think of me as a nut case.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond. At this point, with all the sleepless nights and awestruck moments…I think I will just wait this out and see what happens. Maybe God will show me something else, in the meantime…I just need some rest.

Thanks again,

Response #18:

The word "prime" is a Latin derivative (from primus, meaning, "first"). This designation we owe to a sixteenth century translator of Euclid (who first discussed the concept) through his translation of Greek protos ("first") as "prime". So there's nothing magic in the word "prime", and it has nothing to do with "dawn" either in Latin or the original Greek.

Re: "unless you were in my shoes, and experienced the awestruck moments as I went down this path of discovery; you will never get it." I try not to question other people's experiences as God gives us all many things in this life to guide us and encourage us. When it comes to interpreting experiences, however, Christians need to always do so by the measuring stick of the truth of the Word of God. If what we experience lines up with the Bible, well and good. If it seems not to, then we are making some error in our interpretation of that experience. As Peter tells us, the written word is superior to all experience, even, as in his case, superior to one of the most dramatic visions ever given a living human being, namely, the transfiguration.

(16) For I did not follow concocted tales in making known to you the power and the coming return of our Lord, Jesus Christ, but was an eyewitness to His majesty. (17) For when He had received honor and glory from God the Father, these words sounded forth to Him from God's majestic glory: "This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased." (18) And these words I myself heard as they were delivered from heaven, for I was with Him on the holy mountain (cf. Matt.17:1-8). (19) Yet I consider the prophetically inspired Word (i.e. the Bible) even more reliable (i.e., than what I saw with my own eyes). You too would do well to pay the closest attention to this [prophetically inspired Word], just as to a lamp shining in a dark place (cf. Ps.119:105), until the day dawns, and the Morning Star rises (i.e. the Living Word, Jesus Christ, returns), (20) pondering in your hearts this principle of prime importance: no single verse of prophetically inspired scripture has ever come into being as a result of personal reflection. (21) For true prophecy has never occurred by human will, but only when holy men of God have spoken under the direction and agency of the Holy Spirit.
2nd Peter 1:16-21

Many people find numbers fascinating. Personally, I've always just found them difficult and confusing. But I can tell you from much experience with scripture and its interpretation that anything approaching numerology (be it "angel numbers" or Kabbalah or all manner of Gnostic systems) is at best a significant drain on one's time and energy (as in ruining one's life trying to figure out "Beale's code", for example [do NOT look it up; it was always a scam]), and at worst a gateway into many dangerous things which have nothing to do with the Bible.

Letting this go and waiting to see what happens is not a bad plan . . . if you combine it with sufficient spiritual growth necessary to be prepared for what is to come. That is the purpose of this ministry, and you are welcome to its resources any time (here's a link to the Basics Series).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Hi Bob,

Was reading the first email of this Sunday's posting and it kind of sent me somewhere where the Lord was already leading!

It was a very good reminder that the number of the Beast is not 666 but Chi Xi Stigma or χξϛ

The reason for the excitement is there is a possibility already around that may be how this number will be presented. You know how the New Age is very much doing the rounds, that it has already infiltrated the church especially through the Kundalini?

New Age often comes up in my research on false teaching on cults and I realised something today. I really believe the Lord led me to this because it is so deeply hidden and no one else seems to have picked up on it.

I was shown that the Chi Xi Stigma actually forms the Crown Chakra of a 'Kundalini Awakening' which really is the main teaching practice of the New Age. It is the main point of Yoga, to open all the Chakras to attain godhood or Guru (god-man).

You can see all three make up what the New Agers call Sahasrara. Another word for this apart from Crown Chakra is the noise or 'mantra' it is related to which is known as OM which is claimed to be the 'sound of creation'.

They believe that if everyone chants OM and opens the Crown Chakra that they will all become gods and be co-creators of the new earth/new age. Of course this is all serpent lies and actually leads to demonic possession or what is known (even in New Age circles) as 'Kundalini Psychosis' whereby people completely lose control of their own bodies and eventually their minds.

I have attached images of how Chi Xi Stigma is hidden in the Crown Chakra Sanskrit.
It makes sense that this could be a tattoo put on people's foreheads to show they have 'opened their minds' and 'achieved godhood'.

Obviously we can only be sure when the time comes but it is worthwhile knowing beforehand as a possibility. This could easily go undetected by so many as it doesn't actually say '666' as people expect it to. Satan is subtle so it makes sense that the mark would be subtle to those who are not alert to it. Something to be wary of!

Will be adding this to my ministry when it goes live as I really think people need to see this!

In Jesus,

Response #19:

Interesting observation on the possible presentation of the number of the beast in his mark. I've opined on this as well in CT 4 ("The Mark of the Beast" and "The Number of the Beast" at the links).

One thing to keep in mind is that the mark/name will not be a "trick". There will be no marking until antichrist proclaims himself to be God and takes his seat in the temple of Jerusalem (2Thes.2:3-4) while his false prophet sets up the "abomination that causes desolation" in the temple court and demands that the world worship it: that is the context of the mark et al. (Rev.13:11-18).

So it won't be a case of anyone being deceived into accepting this marking. There will be pressure and compulsion, but anyone who is conscious with an I.Q. above plant-life will understand what this mark means and whose it is. And just in case there is anyone who has any doubt, we are given the test in Revelation thirteen for exactly this reason, namely, as a definitive means of removing any possible excuse that anyone "didn't know" what this mark was or whose it was.

The devil is the master of lies and deceit. But he wants the world of that day to willingly worship him and his son – even if "willing" includes pressure to the point of starvation, torture and death.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Hello Doc,

How are you holding up so far this year?

I had a notion a while back that hasn’t subsided and although, with your help, I’ve calmed down on trying to pinpoint certain players in the end times (the antichrist specifically) one guy has stood out more and more to me and I wanted your take.

What are your thoughts on Barron Trump?

I know Daniel omits much information about Antiochus’s personal life, but is the fact that he was “royalty adjacent” potentially a likeness he and antichrist will also share? Neither of them were/are “in line” for the throne, and in fact I’ve heard many say Eric or Don jr. should be president, but his (Barron’s) age, unique build (super tall and VERY Hebrew features-nose specifically) and so far unspecified points of view and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have any disqualifying characteristics leave me guessing..

Family is doing great; __ is getting big; things are moving along. The YouTube Channel seems be having spikes in popularity between the suppression of view, comments and detractors, but I keep going.

Look forward to hearing from you, Brother.

Response #20:

Good to hear from you, my friend. Glad to hear the family is doing well. Also that your ministry progresses (good for you!). How is work going?

On the question, if the Tribulation begins in just a couple of years, it is hard to see how anyone under around thirty or so (the traditional age of maturity to qualify for serious endeavors in ancient calculations) would be eligible for this diabolical distinction. Another problem with the Trumps is that antichrist will be Jewish on his mother's side (his father is the devil). This would also seem to be a disqualifying fact.

While is may seem amazing that this close we don't really have a clue as to the beast's identity, as I have been reminding folks lately 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-10 makes it clear that he won't be "revealed" until after the Tribulation begins. So it is very unlikely that anyone could be "sure" of who it is before we are clearly in the Tribulation. At that point, as I have often affirmed, things will move more quickly than at any prior time in human history. The speed of change will be one of the factors that makes the great Tribulation "great" (in a negative way of course; see the link).

Keeping you and yours in my daily prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #21:

The job is insufficient overall but we’re getting by, nothing new. Pretty sure I won’t be escaping mediocre employment before I die.

I don't think it’s a far stretch that someone could “discover” their Jewish lineage last minute. Also, what about the fact that he is said to confirm the covenant of 7 years with the many? Won’t that reveal him to us paying attention?

Aside from the Jewish question, Barron seems a likely candidate, but we’ll see.

Response #21:

In terms of discovering, it's hard for me to conceptualize antichrist not knowing who he is early on. His Jewish parentage will be a benefit to him because it will help cement the myth that he is Christ. He is called "anti-Christ" not just for his opposition to the Lord but because he will overtly pretend to be Him. If the beast were not unquestionably Jewish, there is no way he could pretend to be the Messiah. So the scenario where some genealogist finds some tenuous connection in the distant past doesn't work, as I see it.

In terms of Daniel 9:27, this treaty will not be put into place until after the Tribulation begins. By that time, I do think it will be obvious to all Christians who have been studying the scriptures that the beast is the beast: the ruler of mystery Babylon who supports Israel (temporarily) in two major military campaigns in a crusade against the Mahdi (deemed "antichrist' by the beast and his followers). All that (and more) will be very hard to miss.

In terms of someone so young (only 21 or so when the Tribulation begins), that also seems unlikely to me. Our Lord did not begin His public ministry until He was thirty not because He couldn't have done but because thirty was the minimum age to be taken seriously (cf. Num.4:3-47; 2Sam.5:4). Even under our constitution, one has to be 35 to serve as president.

Of course, perhaps you're thinking that the Tribulation is still a considerable distance away? Not in my view. Granted, 2026 is an interpretation (link), not a teaching of scripture directly present in the Bible. But I do think it's a correct one.

I'm glad to hear that you are "getting by". I'll keep this in my prayers. Thanks much for your prayers too, my friend!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #22:

I’m with you on the timeline, for certain.

My studies on melania’s background show an Austrian/Czech ancestry and both counties have had significant Jewish populations, on top of the fact that Trump is quite friendly with the Israeli powers that be, perhaps just in my mind, make the possibility of a “spontaneous” discovery of his(Barron’s) background at some point possible, but still pure speculation.

We’re definitely seeing the political tides change in Europe with all the issues surrounding immigration and Israel is certainly tempting the south to rise up over a potential (and likely) Temple Mount takeover so like you’ve said, he will come to the surface at some point not long from now. I’m hoping the backlash over said takeover in the west stays away from the faithful when it does because it won’t be pretty, but will certainly aid the antichrist in his rise.

Your works are still the most comprehensive and I believe factual on the matter and I always defer to you, but it is hard not to speculate especially considering the lateness of the current hour. Now about these folks who think Trump is the antichrist.. man are they way off.

It’s been good talking with you, thanks once again for all you do in our Lord God.

Response #22:

Thanks for the good words.

The descriptions of antichrist in Daniel certainly paint a picture of a sinister character, but that of course doesn't mean that many people won't be enthralled by him – clearly they will be.

And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Revelation 13:3b-4 NKJV

A highly charismatic figure filled with righteous indignation portraying himself as Christ bursting forth on the scene in the first days of the Tribulation jibes with what scripture tells us. No present person of celebrity of whom I am aware seems to fit that bill. But we ALL need to keep an open mind and not become wedded to any specific scenario. The Bible and Revelation in particular gives us a tremendous amount of information, but it is in the nature of an outline rather than the granular details which can only be known after the Tribulation begins.

Thinking about these things can be profitable . . . if it leads us to redouble our efforts in spiritual growth in order to get properly prepared for what is soon to come.

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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