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Bible Study for Spiritual Growth
Now grow up through the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
2nd Peter 3:18
***NEW: Hebrews: Chapter 10 (11/30/24)
Answers to your questions on the Bible, its language, its history, and its doctrines.
This week: Faith vs. doubt, mechanics and application of faith in life.
**Please check out the wonderful, new re-mastering of MP3 files now in process through the good offices of Chris B. and the generosity of Angel H.: MP3 Audio Files Re-mastered.
The Satanic Rebellion series now full and complete (sample: SR 2: The Genesis Gap)![please click here for special prayer requests]
In-Depth Exegetical Bible-Studies:
The Satanic Rebellion: Understanding the devil's revolt is essential background for any study of eschatology. This series examines the causes and conditions of Satan's rebellion and fall, God's judgment on the world as a result and the Genesis Gap, the purpose, creation and fall of Man, the devil's present tactics and world system, and the course of human history in God's plan of seven millennial days.
- Part 1: Satan's Rebellion and Fall (the end of the original Eden)
- Part 2: The Genesis Gap (judgment upon the original earth)
- Part 3: The Purpose, Creation, and Fall of Man (the garden of Eden)
- Part 4: Satan's World System (the devil's present kingdom and tactics)
- Part 5: Judgment, Restoration, and Replacement (the 7 millennial days)
The Coming Tribulation:
The coming apocalypse is investigated in detail in this
series by
means of a thorough exegesis of the books of Revelation, Daniel, and
other prophetic scriptures. Topics include the Seven Churches of
Revelation, Antichrist and his Kingdom, the Great Apostasy, the Great
Persecution, the ministry of the 144,000, the Second Advent, Armageddon,
and Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
Bible Basics: Designed to provide a solid, in-depth grounding in the Bible's essential teachings and doctrines, including, Theology, the Trinity, Eschatology, the study of last things, Angelology, Anthropology, the biblical study of Man, his creation, purpose, fall, and ultimate destiny, Hamartiology, the study of sin, Christology, our Savior's Person and work, Soteriology, the study of salvation, Pneumatology, the Holy Spirit, Peripateology, the Christian walk, Ecclesiology, the Church, and Bibliology, the doctrinal study of the Bible.
- Introduction: Biblical Sources for the Tribulation (Part 1)
- The Seven Churches: Trends of the Church Age (Part 2A)
- The Heavenly Prelude: Preliminary Events in Heaven (Part 2B)
- The Tribulation Begins: The Tribulation's First Half (Part 3A)
- Antichrist and his Kingdom: Antichrist and his Kingdom (Part 3B)
- The Great Tribulation: The Tribulation's Second Half (Part 4)
- The 2nd Advent and Armageddon: Christ's Victorious Return (Part 5)
- Last Things: The Millennium and New Jerusalem (Part 6)
- Preparing for Tribulation: A Tribulational Code of Conduct (Part 7)
- Theology: the study of God (part 1)
- Angelology: the study of angels (part 2A)
- Eschatology: the study of the end times or "last things" (part 2B)
- Anthropology: the biblical study of the nature of Man (part 3A)
- Hamartiology: the study of sin (part 3B)
- Christology: the study of Jesus Christ, His Person and work (part 4A)
- Soteriology: the study of salvation (part 4B)
- Pneumatology: the study of the Holy Spirit's ministry (part 5)
Peter's Epistles: This series provides a verse by verse exposition of the Petrine epistles, expounding the teachings contained therein and serving as an introduction to the basic teachings of the Bible as a whole. Special emphasis is given to the issue of Christian suffering in order to provide spiritual help and encouragement in our own personal tribulations.
- # 1: Introduction
- # 2: Peter the Apostle of Suffering
- # 3: The Plan of God
- # 4: Categories of Suffering
- # 5: Reasons for Suffering
- # 6: Grace in Suffering
- # 7: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- # 8: Results of our Election
- # 9: Faith & the Blood of Christ
- # 10: Spiritual Growth
- # 11: Natural & Special Revelation
- # 12: The Parable of the Sower
- # 13: Sanctification
- # 14: Faith & Spiritual Growth
- # 15: Confession of Sin
- # 16: Leadership of the Spirit
- # 17: Imitating Christ
- # 18: Eternal Rewards
- # 19: Spiritual Rebirth
- # 20: Resurrection
- # 21: Perseverance of Faith
- # 22: Testing of Faith
- # 23: Seeing with Faith
- # 24: Faith Dynamics
- # 25: Personal Tribulation
- # 26: Reacting to Tribulation
- # 27: Three False Doctrines
- #28: Personal Salvation and Progressive Revelation (1st Peter 1:8-12)
- #29: Maintaining a Sound Christian Offense in our Spiritual Warfare (1st Peter 1:13)
- #30: Sanctification in Time: Christian Defense in our Spiritual Warfare (1st Peter 1:14-16)
- #31: Basic Christian Orientation to Life and Eternity (1st Peter 1:17-21)
- #32: A Challenge to Grow Spiritually (1st Peter 1:21-25)
- #33: Three Analogies for the Christian Life (1st Peter 2:1-10)
- #34: A Christian Code of Conduct (1st Peter 2:11-25)
- #35: Undeserved Suffering in Marriage and in Life – and the Example of Christ (1st Peter 3:1-22)
- #36: Undeserved Suffering on the Cusp of the End Times (1st Peter 4:1-19)
- #37: Shepherding the Flock and Resisting the Devil (1st Peter 5:1-14)
- #38: The Primacy of the Word of God (2nd Peter 1:1-21)
- #39: False Teachers, False Teaching, and False Organizations: a Preface to 2nd Peter chapter two
- #40: False Teachers and False Teaching (2nd Peter 2:1-22)
- #41: The Day of the Lord Perspective (2nd Peter 3:1-18)
Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews: This series provides a verse by verse commentary on the Book of Hebrews, including a complete paraphrase of the text, a new translation of the book, and detailed doctrinal expositions of the major biblical topics as they occur.
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: The Son of God superior to Angels
- Chapter 2: The Purpose of the Incarnation of the Son
- Chapter 3: Jesus' Superiority to Moses and the Negative Example of the Exodus Generation.
- Chapter 4: The True Sabbath Rest, the Word, and our New High Priest
- Chapter 5: Jesus Christ our true High Priest, His sacrifice for us, and the reversion of the Jerusalem church
- Chapter 6: The Hope that Anchors us
- Chapter 7: Our New High Priest: Jesus Christ
- Chapter 8: Jesus Christ: High Priest of a Better Covenant
- Chapter 9: The Earthly Tabernacle versus the Entrance of Christ into the Heavenly One
- Chapter 10: An Appeal to Reject Willful Sin and its Consequences
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
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