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Question #1:


Recently my wife approached me about a YouTube presentation she watched. It was presented by a pastor who claimed that a guy named Howard Pittman received a message from God during a NDE. She was very concerned about some of the things Pittman was saying and she felt convicted. We are both long time believers and, although I have a Masters Degree in Theology, I still seek sound Biblical teaching. I listened to this man’s testimony and the “message” he claims was given him concerning the church today. I was immediately skeptical for a number of reasons. Not the least of which was his claim that he basically died and was given a second chance in order to deliver a message to the church. A message by the way which had clearly and with authority, already been communicated to John in Revelation (with the severe warning not to add anything). I wondered what had to be conveyed that had already not been covered in God’s Word. There were other troubling things, too many to mention (his witness of only 50 out of 2000 souls being allowed into heaven, etc.) He also was very vague and I couldn’t quite understand what his point was. After reflecting on what Pittman was saying, I concluded that there were serious issues and this man was likely either deceived or lying. Either way, I figured him to be a false prophet. That said, I did a little research and found your site and discussion regarding this man. I 100% agree with your assessment and thank you for your thoughtful response. It upsets me when one’s faith can be challenged by a person who claims a special and unique revelation from God. Aside from those who communicated God’s Word in the sealed Canon, I find those who lay claim to a personal and metaphysical encounter with God, and bear a special message from Him, to be highly suspect. They are very clever in the way they present these revelations. Sarah Young comes to mind. Very troubling.


Response #1:

Good to make your acquaintance.

Obviously, I agree with everything you have written here. The book of Revelation closed the canon nearly two thousand years ago, and, since that time, there has been no special revelation, messages for the Church about anything not already in scripture, given to anyone, regardless of "special circumstances". NDEs are all the rage at present, probably because Christians tend to be gullible and tend to believe what people tell them, especially if said people claim to be Christians themselves. Also, there is very little interest in the deep doctrinal truths of scripture at present, a prominent feature of our current era of Laodicea (see the link)

When it comes to this particular version of satanic deceptions, one of the "tells" is exactly what you complain about, namely, vagueness and lack of specificity about the most important details. For if they were specific about "what it means" and "what you should do" and "where you can go to get further information", then it would become immediately obvious what they were trying to do – knock Christians off their solid basis of faith – and they would have less success. Leaving much to the imagination – to guilt and fear – is a standard evil technique.

As you note, I have heard about this particular deception before. I discuss it in the first of the three related links below, but the others may be helpful to you as well since they are on the same essential topic. What all these supposed "out of body experiences" have in common is 1) they are not from God, not in any way; 2) they cannot be verified at all; 3) they always conflict with scripture; and 4) they are generally not even coming directly from the person who allegedly had the "experience"; i.e., they are third or fourth party testimony.

If we are talking to a person in person who claims to have died and come back, we can interrogate them and, in the case of a prudent person like yourself, can easily discern that they are hallucinating or lying or both. But when we read it on the internet, not so, and especially if we are reading (listening) to someone else, not the person him/herself, who supposedly saw such things. Believing that sort of tripe under those conditions takes more faith than believing scripture – but badly misplaced faith (Matt.10:16).

Third Party Testimony I: We Believe God and His Word - Not People

Third Party Testimony II: Charismatic Claims of Visions, Dreams and Prophecy

Third Party Testimony III: Near Death Experiences, Revelations and Tongues

Do feel free to write me back about any of this.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #2:


Thanks for the response and your continuing perspective. A few years ago, my brother-in-law and father-in-law touted a book called Proof of Heaven. I read it to see what they were reading. It was full of unbiblical garbage but what made it worse, it was being studied in the Men’s Bible Study Group at their Methodist Church. I wasn’t too shocked as I knew what mainstream UM had become, sadly. Same thing with that Jesus Calling stuff. It was all being promoted in their church. No amount of counsel convinced these two or my sister-in law of that. Very deceitful junk. No doubt, we are living in perilous times when it comes to orthodox Christianity and sound doctrine. I will remain interested in your forums. So far, and largely based, at this point, on how you engaged that Pittman fan, I believe you are solid in God’s Word. I’d be interested to navigate into any teaching you might have on eschatology, particularly Israel’s place in God’s plan. Not sure how your site works yet. Is there a link that you can send me?

Follow-up, Just read your credentials. I now live in AZ. I moved here in a December from Colorado, but I grew up in Whittier CA., moving out in 1997. BIOLA was a place I wanted to attend but just never quite pulled the trigger. I became a L.A. County Deputy Sheriff in 1983 and then finished a 34 year LEO career in Colorado. I received a Master’s of Theology from Colorado Christian University in 2018, decades after taking a tour of BIOLA. Anyway, instant respect for you. I regret not attending BIOLA.


Response #2:

34 years in the line of fire! That is most impressive. Thank you for your service.

Talbot was a good choice for me for seminary, but it turned out that way mostly on account of the fellows I met there who were likewise dedicated to the Word. I'm not sure I could recommend the place today (or any other place, for that matter).

It is indeed sad, but far from atypical, to hear of "Bible studies" where there is no "Bible" or where what little of the Bible there is is completely misunderstood and/or distorted – and that this passes for all the "teaching" the "church" in question provides. That explains in no small part why this Bible teaching ministry is on the internet.

In terms of your question, the main eschatological posting is The Coming Tribulation series (see the link). It is very long (well over half a million words, all told).  There is a shorter version you might want to start with in the Basics series:  BB 2B: Eschatology (at the link: approx. 386 pp. single-spaced).

In terms of Israel, you might check out the Subject index (at the link), and also these links:

Israelology, Anti-Semitism, the Remnant, Gentiles, Lost Tribes, and Jewish Myths

Israel: God's Perfect Standard

The Uniqueness of Israel

Thanks for your good words. Do feel free to write back any time.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #3:

Good afternoon,

I need help. I am unfortunately going through a severe crisis of faith following an NDE I watched.

For some background, I am Christian who believes in Jesus and understands the importance of repentance. When I was younger, I read a bunch of NDEs that were pleasant, then I encountered hellish ones on a website called Divine Revelations. Fast forward today, I’ve always been quite uneasy about my eternal destination, but I really messed up after watching an NDE about a boxer going to hell after he attempted to commit suicide. (By the way I’m not suicidal at all).

This is the video:

What’s shaking me up is that, even though suicide is a serious sin, he should’ve been covered by grace since, according to the Bible, he was sealed. Instead, he got thrown into a fiery pit even though he was a believer. Also, I remember reading about how people will experience varying degrees of punishment in hell, yet in his testimony, they’re all suffering in the same pit of lava with demons laughing above.

I feel nauseous just typing this. I honestly wish I weren’t born so I wouldn’t have to live in fear anymore.

Response #3:

Dear Friend,

Good to make your acquaintance.

First, I can tell you that everyone who dabbles in internet Smorgasbord-ing (as I call it) is going to give themselves serious spiritual indigestion.

All truth is in the Bible. God is NOT giving us independent revelations as in the past because the Bible is now complete and we have the Holy Spirit. So anyone who claims to know things not in scripture is lying. The best that can be said for any personal experience is that it does not contradict the Bible. But if it does so in ANY way, then the Bible is right and the experience is wrong – even if it is our own experience. Peter said that the Word he had been given to write was "more certain" than the legitimate vision of transfiguration he has seen with his own eyes (2Pet.18-19). That should give us all pause.

There is another problem when it comes to the internet (or any other venue where you might find these "reports"). That is that as one very smart lawyer remarked to me one time, "In my experience, people lie". And even if they don't have full consciousness of the fact, people stretch the truth. Add to that the fact that most of these reports are not even from the people who allegedly experienced them. You didn't experience it. The person reporting it didn't either. The person who supposedly did . . . well, who really knows what he/she saw (or if he/she really saw anything)?

Christians tend to be kind. Therefore Christians tend to be gullible. But Jesus told us that while indeed we should be innocent as doves we should also be wise as serpents (Matt.10:16). This world is a dangerous place run by the evil one, and he is the father of lies (Jn.8:44; cf. Gen.3:4). Therefore it's no surprise that lies abound in this world. We who believe in Jesus Christ should make it our business to give our attention to the truth, not to lies. That is the purpose of this ministry, and you are certainly welcome at Ichthys any time. The Basics series and/or the Peter series are good places to start (see the links). Growing spiritually is the only way to put an end to fleshly fear and come into the peace and the joy Jesus Christ has for you (but it does take effort).

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4 NIV

Here are a few other links directly related to your question:

Third Party Testimony I: We Believe God and His Word - Not People

Third Party Testimony II: Charismatic Claims of Visions, Dreams and Prophecy

Third Party Testimony III: Near Death Experiences, Revelations and Tongues

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #4:

Good evening Mr. Luginbill,

Thank you for your timely response. My apologies for not responding myself as quickly. I’ve been busy with work at the moment.

I’m trying to grow in my spiritual maturity, it’s just that fearful “what if” lurking in my head. Like what if that man is right and one intentional sin, and I’m eternal toast (as my job could potentially involve me in a dangerous situations military wise). I will say, I completely forgot about that verse you mentioned. When I think about it, it really helps ground me when I start getting nervous.

There’s so many extra biblical revelations online that can seriously disjoint Christian as myself.

Lastly, (I seriously promise this is my last question about extra biblical revelations because you’re a busy man who runs a whole ministry), are you familiar with the Art Bell Hell sounds? I heard these sounds a few years ago and they’ve haunted me ever since. An audio engineer, who’s a Christian himself, said it’s obviously looped but I wanted to get a second opinion from someone else who’s also a Christian.

The video of sounds of hell (starts at 2:11):

-Thank you so much for your time!
p.s., I also wanted to add on that for the looped parts in the video, while they do sound the same, they sound slightly different. For the first looped examples of the woman wailing (it’s the first scream you hear in the hell audio clip), the second scream sounds the same as the first one, but slightly more drawn out. For the second set (there are three screams), the second scream sounds a tad bit clearer and higher pitched at the end of it than the first or the third screams.

Response #4:

Hello Friend,

Spiritual growth is about believing the truth – about faith. If a person concentrates on "what if?", then they are by definition not affirming, "Yes, I believe!" Only the truth one believes is converted by the Spirit into epignosis, the only knowledge, "full/complete knowledge", knowledge that is true and that one believes, that is valuable and useful to the Holy Spirit in guiding and comforting us (link: Faith Epistemology).

What the Bible says is true. What unbelievers say on the internet is of no use whatsoever. It doesn't agree with scripture? Of course not! So why pay attention to it? The devil has all manner of ploys to distract believers from the truth and the internet is flush with them. My advice is to stay away. I don't have to look or listen to any of this to tell you it's dangerous nonsense. You already know that too. Believers do NOT go to hell; only unbelievers are lost (Jn.3:18). So if you're scared of hell, well, why wouldn't anyone be? Only the grossly uniformed are not. Death and judgment are God's ultimate reality that lead us to Jesus Christ in the first place – and in Him alone can we have freedom from the fear of death which the devil uses to great effect.

(14) Therefore since "these children" (i.e., believers given to Christ by the Father: v.13) are flesh and blood, [Christ] took on the same [flesh and blood] in a very similar fashion (i.e., not identical only in that He was virgin born and so without sin), in order that through His death He might put an end to the one possessing the power of death, that is, the devil, (15) and might reconcile [to God] those who were subject to being slaves their whole lives long by their fear of death.
Hebrews 2:14-15

All the more reason to focus on the truth and stay away from lies of any kind. FYI there is nothing in the Bible about sounds in hell, nothing whatsoever. So how COULD any of this be true? This "knowledge" would have to come from somewhere other than the Bible, but only the Bible contains truth. So by definition this has to be untrue. And we can certainly guess who is behind these lies: the evil one who is the father of all lies (Jn.8:44).

In terms of the solidity of your salvation, please remember that Jesus Christ died for all of your sins so that you could be saved and that the Father judged Him for each of your sins that you might have eternal life. God LOVES you. God is NOT trying to find a way to damn you . . . having done more than you can imagine to save you.

(6) For not only did Christ die for us while we were helpless – He even did so at the critical time, [dying] on our behalf, ungodly though we were. (7) For scarcely will someone die on behalf of a righteous person; and perhaps someone might also risk death on behalf of a good person. (8) But God commends His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (9) So how much more is it not true that now, after we have been rendered righteous [through faith] in His blood, we shall be saved from the [coming] wrath through Him? (10) For if when we were His enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, how much more is it not true that [now], since we have been reconciled [to Him through Jesus' death], we will be saved by His life?
Romans 5:6-10

Christians are not "lost" for making one mistake (see the link: Apostasy and the Sin unto Death).  Gross sinfulness does damage faith, but there is no one "magic sin" that damns a person.  As long as faith abides, so does salvation (1Jn.3:9; see the link: Perseverance).

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
1st Peter 1:3-5 NKJV

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #5:

Hi Bob,

I am sorry to report that I have heard today that __ passed away yesterday. I hadn't heard from her for a while as I know the cancer was very bad. She died in hospice and she didn't want to people to know how ill she was or see her that way. The last time I had word was at Easter when I sent some chocolate over to her and a card.

__ was Catholic but I tried to give her the witness of the life and did try to mention the Lord as I did with her husband Jack before he died. When I hadn't heard from her for a while, I was even thinking about writing a letter to her about my faith but I was unsure how she would take it. I regret not sending that letter now and not being bolder about my faith and changed life.

__ is really shocked and frightened at the moment as someone shouted 'go back to your own country' at him today. He thinks it is because the person saw he is Jewish. He is becoming more and more unsettled. Will the Lord want him to go to Israel at some point?

Things are moving so fast here. We can have good news in the morning and tragedy by evening.

Your friend in Jesus,

Response #5:

Re: "I regret not sending that letter now". I would bet that your letter would have post-dated her passing. Besides, you gave her the truth and a good witness of Christian love. And we never know just how people respond right at the end. Since you're not sure how she'd have "taken it", it might have worked out better the way it worked out, however it worked out. You did your part for the Lord.

I'm appalled at the rise of antisemitism in the UK, but it's not as if that's not happening worldwide, certainly also here in the states. Though those who think that way are still in the minority, it is becoming an ever more visible, vocal and influential minority.

I don't know what to counsel someone in ___'s position . . . except of course Acts 16:31.

Another sign of the times for sure, as is the acceleration of the pace of things as you note. One important verse from our Lord to keep in mind as we "see the day approaching" (Heb.10:25):

"Have no fear of what you are about to suffer."
Revelation 2:10a

Keeping you in my prayers.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #6:

Hi Bob,

You know that my ministry is dealing with false teaching and in particular, how people can come to harm and harm others with the lies from the enemy? Well it seems I need to minister to myself first. It's embarrassing that I am struggling with things that I should have mastery over myself by now. How can I minister to people when I struggle to have the courage of my own convictions?

The reason all this has come to a head: I think it was really wrong of me to rejoin Facebook again. People expect me to be the exact same person I was before. They haven't changed at all, how could they? I realise that the whole therapy and life experiences 'mellowing' people is all bunk. If people change without the Lord it is only to get worse. People can only change for the better by being born again. Anything else is just an illusion.


In Jesus,

Response #6:

I wouldn't be that hard on yourself, my friend. No doubt FB has changed since you were last active on it. Nothing ever stays the same, especially not with the accelerating trends toward evil as we grow ever nearer to the Tribulation. In fact, I would say that you have had a victory in recognizing the trouble this was causing you in a timely way, that it was outweighing any potential benefit it might have, and then withdrawing sufficiently fast to protect yourself.

These are very emotional sorts of tests that social media lobs up – because everything is personal and about one's online "image". No one likes to be bullied or put down. Putting oneself into that situation is like getting into a time-capsule and zapping back to high school – and who in their right mind would want that? Just because we get emotionally upset about something that has disturbed us doesn't mean that we have gone backwards spiritually in some major way. We may have sinned (if so, we confess and move on); we may have made a mistake in judgment that embarrasses us (if so, we should leave that behind ASAP, forget it, and move on).

If we have wasted time over something not profitable, well, show me even a mature believer who doesn't do that to some degree every day? We are all fighting the fight here, and the fight is not pretty. If we haven't fought perfectly today, that is par for the course; we should be grateful for the victories the Lord has given us and resolve to do better tomorrow, not looking backwards. Otherwise, tomorrow will dictate today, and that really CAN lead to a downward spiral.

If FB et al. is not the way forward with your ministry or your career, no worries. With God's help you will find the right venue and the right avenue. You are making good spiritual progress and these experiences, negative as they may be, are no doubt also on some level grist for the mill of the ministry you are working on. So please take my advice: give yourself a break, rejoice in all the good things the Lord has let you accomplish, and resolve to make the most of things going forward – keeping in mind that perfection is impossible and should never be allowed to become the enemy of doing the best you can.

(12) [It is] not that I have already gotten [what I am striving for], nor that I have already completed [my course]. Rather, I am continuing to pursue [the prize] in hopes of fully acquiring it – [this prize for whose acquisition] I was myself acquired by Christ Jesus. (13) Brethren, I do not consider that I have already acquired it. This one thing only [do I keep in mind]. Forgetting what lies behind me [on the course] and straining towards the [course] ahead, (14) I continue to drive straight for the tape, towards the prize to which God has called us from the beginning [of our race] in Christ Jesus. (15) So as many as are [spiritually] mature, let us have this attitude (i.e., of focusing on our spiritual advance and reward and not getting hung up on what lies behind: vv.13-14), and if in any matter your attitude is off-center, God will reveal that to you (i.e., assuming you are mature and are advancing as you should). (16) But with respect to the progress you have made, keep on advancing in the same way!
Philippians 3:12-16

Keeping you in my daily prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.
p.s., of course even our Lord was dis-respected by those who knew Him, His family and those in His hometown in particular – so you couldn't be in better company.

Question #7:

Thanks Bob,

I really appreciate what you have written and it has really encouraged me, you are right these are highly emotional tests to be sure.

An old friend has contacted me and I really don't know how to handle it.


I don't really know now how to deal with people from the past. They think they know me. It reminds me of this verse...

1 Peter 4:4
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you


In Jesus,

Response #7:

It's my pleasure.

Rather than be overly concerned about how your old friend will take it, I would be more concerned about what the Lord wants you to do. If it's His will for you to ignore __, that is what you should do, and have no concern whatsoever about the consequences. Mind you, I do not speak for Him. It's your job to figure it out. As I have said before, our job is to figure out, with the help of the Spirit and the truth of the Word of God, what the right thing is to do – then do it. It's just that simple (and just that hard, sometimes).

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #8:

Hi Bob,

I feel that the Lord is prompting me to ignore __ and move on. The good thing about this bad experience is that it has brought to the fore all the memories of toxic mind games, coercion and abuse from the past and while it has obviously been very painful to re-experience, it will be invaluable grist for my ministry mill. It is wonderful how the Lord can use evil for good isn't it!


And that is where I have found myself. Surrounded by people who I have been delighted to see and hear from again but also it has unearthed the people who have only ever been a blight on my life and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

So I guess this hasn't been a complete waste of time as I have learned a lot more about the enemy through it. As I often notice about the enemy, he can't keep his cards close to his chest forever, at some point he has to show and play his hand. Yes his hand may cost you the shirt off your back but you do learn something about the kinds of hands he plays and what effect they are supposed to have on us. The best way to respond to the enemy is to not be ignorant of his devices, to it go looking for trouble from him but not be overwhelmingly afraid either. It's best to ignore his flak the best we can and instead busy ourselves with the work our Lord has set before us. We know that as long as the weapon the enemy has currently forged against us isn't prospering then he will suddenly have to dispose it in search of another one that does.

So I suppose a completely mature Christian who is truly running the race with little slowing them down have become immune to Satan's devices! Oh to become that spiritually strong and rich in faith! It is wonderful to know that it is possible though!

All things are possible with the Lord!


In Jesus,

Response #8:

I'm very glad to hear that you've figured this one out so well and so quickly. Indeed, once we take a step back and see "what is going on" for what it truly is – that is, from the perspective of our place in the invisible conflict raging around us – then everything becomes clear. That is also the best way to approach things so as to deal with them in a professional way, disengaged from seeing them in a purely personal way as most people do. We are soldiers in a battle. Yes there is incoming. Why wouldn't there be (link)? So we do the best we can to plan the best advance we can rather than exposing ourselves to fire unnecessarily. When we do have to face the shot and the shell because there is no other way, we do it courageously, trusting in the Lord.

So I'm very pleased to hear how you've navigated this and learned from it too. Not only that. But you've also gained some important perspective for your ministry. Well done you!

Only one quibble. Re: "So I suppose a completely mature Christian who is truly running the race with little slowing them down have become immune to Satan's devices!" We will be vulnerable as long as we are in this world regardless of our spiritual progress . . . the very second we let down our guard. Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Peter, Paul . . . great company, but they all made mistakes upon which the evil one capitalized. We need to humbly accept that we will only have "arrived" when we rise in resurrection to meet the Lord on that glorious day to come. Until then, we keep our heads down.

(24) Don't you know that all the runners in the stadium run the race, but that only one receives the prize? Run in such a way so as to achieve what you are after. (25) And again, everyone involved in competition exercises self-control in all respects. Those athletes go through such things so that they may receive a perishable crown of victory, but we do it to receive an imperishable one. (26) So as I run this race of ours, I'm heading straight for the finish line; and as I box this bout of ours, I'm making every punch count. (27) I'm "pummeling my body", one might say, bringing myself under strict control so that, after having preached [the gospel] to others, I might not myself be disqualified [from receiving the prize we all seek].
1st Corinthians 9:24-27

So keep running!

Keeping you in my prayers, my friend – and thanks so much for yours!

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #9:

You have a lot of great material. I was hoping to be able to search your site but found no search function. I looked at the contents but couldnt find anything re your thoughts on the so called rapture of the Church. Can you direct me to where in your writings it might be? I am looking for the Lord's singular second coming, not an escape from the tribulation.

Response #9:

Good to make your acquaintance.

No, there is no search box for searching (Google dings small sites for these, calling them "unsecure", and I have enough trouble with them listing Ichthys pages already).

Ichthys is a very large site and it takes some getting use to to be able to navigate it effectively.  Here's one place for help:  "FAQ #6: 6.  Navigation:  I am having trouble finding what I need on this site.  Can you help?

Since you ask specifically about the false doctrine of the pre-Trib rapture, I'll give you some direct links here (many of which will lead to other links as well):

The Origin and the Danger of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture Theory

No Rapture

Dangers of the Pre-Trib Rapture False Teaching

Peter # 27: Three False Doctrines that threaten faith

The 'Rapture' and other Eschatological Issues

Eschatology Issues XXIV: the 'Rapture' et al.

The pre-Trib 'Rapture': so called 'imminence' and other false proofs refuted

When is the Rapture?

Thanks for your interest, and do feel free to write back at any time.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #10:

Hi Bob,

Thank you for the swift reply!

I'll be listening, as I did today, to the British AI recite what appears to be a comprehensive body of knowledge, compiled on your website. By the way, the gentleman in question has a YouTube (or as I call it, "WokeToob") channel called EverythingIsFine.

Since I'm sure you're a busy man... in the interest of not wasting time with too much needles back-and-forth, I'll be sending you an email with as many questions as I can think of; for ease of reference, I'll number the questions. Now, that's not to say that my feeble, curious mind won't have more questions as I delve into your e-ministry.

I have so many questions that I can't seem to find adequate answers to. And, when I do find answers to said questions, said answers almost invariable seem to ruffle the feathers of the modicum of discernment that the good Lord has blessed me with. So, more often than not I'm back at square one... or so it seems.

Neither the paradox of knowledge, nor this one life we're given to live, are for the faint of heart. This much I know.

Take care, and we'll be in touch, kind sir!

All the best,

Response #10:

I'm sorry to just be getting back to you, but by some fluke I checked my Proton-mail account today and found this message from you. I never use that account to receive mail (so I don't check it), only to send mail when some service is blocking Ichthys (which happens not infrequently, for some reason). So before I get started, please always write / reply to address above (questions2@ichthys.com).

On the MP3 files, everything on YouTube is also available at Ichthys in this new re-mastered audio format (at the link). Thanks to the generosity of Angel H. and the hard work of Chris B., most of the major studies are available in this format. There are some licensing issues afoot at present, so it may be a while before studies not re-mastered are also available.

Feel free to write any time (to the address above).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #11:

Hello Bob,

I was actually listening to an MP3 audio file on ichthys, specially the one on worship, when I checked my email and saw your note.

I think we're caught up for now, as the email you just replied to was accidentally sent to your other email address. I saw that you wanted me to send messages to questions2@ichthys.com after I sent said email, so I immediately copied/pasted the contents, sent it to the correct address and received a prompt reply. Thank you for that!

I still have many questions... also, some miraculous things have happened in my life that I'm in the process of processing (God put it on a near complete stranger's heart to buy me a car about 10 days ago, something I've been praying for, for about a year), and anyway I've been in regular phone contact with our friend from EverythingIsFine in Montana.

I'll reach out to you again to in the future, as there are some questions I have that you might be better suited to answer, and that's not taking away anything from our friend whatsoever. So, there you have it.

I hope all is well.

God bless,

Response #11:

OK, great! Thanks for clearing that up.

Our friend's ministry is terrific! Glad you found it.

Feel free to send questions here too any time.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #12:

Hi Bob,

Just received another one of these leaflets through the door! Considering I live in a working class, post-industrialist Northern English town -- it's wild to think people here need 'deliverance from Jinns', 'voodoo' and 'black magic'!!

It's like when we started to hear about 'detransitioners' and then realised that we must have already eclipsed the tipping point of the number of people 'transitioning'. What on EARTH is going on behind closed doors that people need 'Jinn removal' from their lives??! Absolutely unbelievable!

Please could you update your prayer list. [omitted]

I am feeling a pretty flat today. You did tell me in the past that things will be up and down when we try to help people and that we won't always receive gratitude.


I will try not to take it personally but it is particularly galling when you try to help above and beyond with someone but they still find something to nitpick and throw back in your face.

In Jesus,

Response #12:

People will believe just about anything – just as long as it is NOT true. The truth is what people seem to have trouble accepting, even in the case of "believers" (how else do explain the pre-Trib rapture et al.?).

Your country does seem to be "ahead" of us here. But then, I live in Louisville. I'd probably have to go to Chicago, NY, LA, San Fran or some other big town to see evidence of this sort of thing (it's no doubt there). I did receive a letter sent to my work, photo of a handwritten screed, "warning" about the Tribulation . . . but preaching the rapture! Straight in the trash (probably tracked me down from the internet – not hard to do).

I've updated the prayer request. On that note, yes, please do not take it personally. It's very important for anyone doing what you are trying to do, that is, minister to the unbelieving for the glory of Jesus Christ, not to lose sight of the dynamics involved. What we do we do for Him; if they reject us, they are rejecting Him.

“Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
Luke 10:16 NIV

Diplomats are trained in the art of ignoring personal snubs for the sake of the country they represent (or certainly should be). We are "ambassadors for Christ" (2Cor.5:20), and we seek to represent Him to the unsaved, so we too should be careful not to take snubs personally. The evil one is always trying to undo what we are doing, but God is in control of everything. So whatever is going on in the battlefield of their hearts, we have to keep a professional distance. It's very important not to hand our emotions over to others so as to "live or die" with their mood swings. Our happiness is in our own hands in the Holy Spirit because Jesus Christ is our happiness – now and in eternity.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #13:

Hello, I recently read your article on Hebrews 6 something I’ve been struggling with. I would love if you do ever have the time for us to have a call if at all possible. My question is, a bit of background, I grew up Catholic and essentially a very ritualistic but aware of Christ, but not really believing as I got into my mid to late 20s I started to wanting to know more about Christ especially since my older son when he became sick when he was three years old, we prayed and he was healed

I started going to a Christian church even reading my Bible for the first time. At church it’s hard for me to say that they mainly taught about forgiveness of sin and how Jesus died and his was raised for us, but not the complete gospel. I did say I believe that Jesus is our savior, but along with that I started developing severe OCD and being very ritualistic feeling as if I had to bring my Bible with me and tap it multiple times a day to receive salvation. A very unhealthy mindset. I was also not in a place of repenting and unaware of multiple things I was doing that was outside of God and not even wanting to get baptized during this time that I was trying to get a closer relationship with God, I started having severe anxiety feeling like I’m not good enough to be saved developing extreme ritualistic anxiety when it came to faith when I was praying doing the sign of the cross multiple times a night doing repetitious prayers and reading the Bible to fulfill the quota that I had to do for the day or else I would be damned. I ended having a mental breakdown and therapist were telling me that Jesus wasn’t real and I’m putting myself into a place of debilitating anxiety to the point where I might be institutionalized I got to the point of so much confusion of what was real because in my opinion, I don’t think I had any true fellowship with the Lord and praying was much more ritualistic than having an intimate relationship with him. I ended up praying to God I don’t know at this point if you are real God but I think I have to walk away for my own sanity, but I have faith that if you are real, you’ll bring me back to you one day and put away my Bible in my drawer, until I started feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit a few months later and I came back to Christ. I was recently baptized and have actually started to develop a healthy relationship actually in my opinion fully understanding the gospel of what Christ actually did for us, and how he heals and delivers us something I honestly did not know before. I’ve watching daily watching sermons daily, trying my best to actually sanctify myself in constant repentance for the sins of my past, reading the scripture. Then I came across this verse and watched your teaching on it give me so much fear. That my salvation is completely lost. I was just wondering if you could give me clarity. I’ve been researching and spoken to many pastures. The one thing that gives me a bit of peace is during this time. I don’t think this was a deliberate act of disobedience as it pertains to being an apostate from what I read it’s a willful for rejection, active disobedience, and rebellion to Christ done in almost arrogance from what I read. Where I believe I was as a point of weakness of not really knowing if God was real or not, but I never denied him in the sense of me saying, I reject you Jesus that you are not real and I want nothing to do with you. I just said I don’t know if you are real but I have Faith if you are real bring me back to you one day it sounds more to me like a backslid, but I’m not certain. 2 Timothy 2 11:13 give me some hope in this regard.

Response #13:

Good to make your acquaintance . . . but you write something here that confuses me. When you say "Then I came across this verse and watched your teaching on it give me so much fear", I have never done any videos of any kind, so you must be confusing me / this ministry with someone else. I do have postings on Hebrews chapter six (including a full exegesis of the entire chapter at the link), but no videos. If you will read this link (or any of the other shorter ones at Ichthys, e.g., "No, Hebrews does not teach that you lost your salvation."), you will see that there is nothing for a believer in Jesus Christ to fear from these verses (in chapter six and ten) which have caused so many so much angst. These verses do NOT say that there is no forgiveness; they DO say that, for the Jerusalem church of the first century, there would be no forgiveness as long as they were putting Christ to shame by continuing with sacrifices that proclaimed a Savior not yet come – after Jesus had already died for them and for us.

Your testimony is similar to many I have heard before. The short R/x for your situation is solid Bible teaching from a sound, orthodox Bible teaching ministry. Sadly, in this late Laodicean age, not many of these are to be found in physical churches. Most of the ones of which I know are on the internet only (as Ichthys is; I also recommend Bible Academy at the link), In order to properly distinguish between what is false and what is true and to inoculate oneself against what is false, one needs a deep knowledge of the truth. The Holy Spirit uses what we know of the truth and have believed. So I would encourage you to read Ichthys. The Peter series and the Basics series are good places to start.

I am happy to address any of the issues you broach here via email (I don't do phone counseling). I do want to assure you in closing, however, that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you ARE saved. Do you believe in Him now? Then you are saved NOW.

"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
John 3:18 NKJV

None of the objections and concerns that you raise here are biblical (though I have heard them all before many times). All believers sin because we are still in this world and still have sin natures, but we are forgiven our sins when we confess them (1Jn.1:9), and Jesus Christ Himself is our Advocate in vouchsafing our forgiveness (1Jn.2:1-2).

The Christian life is about moving forward, not looking backward. So repent (you have done this clearly), confess, forget and move forward with spiritual growth, progress and production under the guidance of a good Bible teaching ministry. Ichthys is at your service in this regard.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #14:

Thank you so much, Robert. I sent it by mistake in reference of the videos. I was on voice note. Your email is so great. I think this was the issue, though I had started going to church. It was a church that I think unfortunately was not being completely transparent about the gospel kept it very surface level and I had only been there for very little and started reading my Bible for very little I think at that time I never truly experience salvation as I was doing very ritualistic things like tap my Bible multiple times a day doing the hand of the cross multiple times, having to read a certain amount chapters of the Bible during the day or else I would be condemned, this gives me somewhat peace that I feel like I never was truly enlightened into the truth just exposed especially since I was never baptized. I did try going to concealing at the church a couple times to remedy this feelings, but when it got so severe that I started having intrusive thoughts and was believing that I was demonized and I called the counselor to ask for help she told me to go to the hospital and take medication. Not to Come to the church for deliverance or at least having the Pastors pray over me. This is where I think unfortunately a lot of churches negate responsibility when people are in extreme critical mental state they would rather them go see a psychologist who then taint their minds which is what happened to me making him feel Like they shouldn’t be believing all of these things. That to say what’s giving me a lot of hope in this case because as you know on the Internet, there’s very extreme points of view on Hebrews 6 and 10. Both sides of one saved always saved, and versus eternally losing salvation is when it comes to an apostate. It seems very clear. It’s a whole hearted, willful departure and denial of faith and Christ, which gives me hope because even in the mist of all my despair I remember praying not that I no longer believe in you Jesus more that I’m confused about if you’re real anymore, and I feel like I need to step away for the sake of my mental health, but I have faith that if you’re real, you’ll bring me back to you one day. And what I really think was, I was stepping away from the ritualistic, worshiping and checklist of what I thought would save me, but I never threw my Bible in the trash, rather put it in the drawer so I would stop obsessively tapping on it almost every day. I always felt that I wanted to keep the door open and hope that God would bring me back to him one day so it kind of brings me to the verse and James when it says Whoever converts, a brother who has wandered from the truth will have saved a soul and it’s making me believe that maybe I didn’t actually truly deny the faith, but rather was in doubt and wandered and didn’t fully give up my faith as not even my husband knew that I had this conversation with the Lord thank you so much. This gives me a lot of hope , that is truly to come back and repent wrongdoing. There is hope in Christ.

Response #14:

No worries. I just didn't want the message confused.

Yes, of course, these things you mention, tapping the Bible and all sort of other non-biblical rituals are anathema to developing strong faith. We believe the truth and the truth is what sets us free from all of the fears and worries of this life as we look forward to and long for being with our Lord forever (Jn.8:31-32).

Meanwhile, as long as we are here in this world, our job is to glorify Him. And how do we do that? By producing for Him. But we can't produce until we have been tempered by testing. And we can't stand up to testing until we've grown up spiritually. And we can't grow up spiritually without spending a good deal of time learning AND believing the truth of the Word of God. And that is not possible without accessing a good teaching ministry which will guide us into the truth and not burden us instead with lies, false doctrines, rituals and legalistic regulation. You are certainly welcome at Ichthys (as mentioned, Bible Academy is also a good, safe place; see the link).

You believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore you are a believer. The next order of business is spiritual growth, progress and production. So I urge you to commit yourself to a consistent program of learning, believing and applying the truth of the Word of God. That is ultimately the answer to all of our problems here in this life – the one's the Lord wants us to resolve, at any rate.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #15:

Thank you Bob, yes I will read those. This is such an intense part of scripture where people are extremely divided on what the meaning is some people are saying from what I read online. It means that you will never be forgiven, even if you were to come back and repent and want to accept Jesus Christ again you wouldn’t be allowed too, terrifying idea all others as I mentioned believe in once saved always saved and there’s nothing you could do to lose it. so I think that’s why it’s so important for people to be careful with their sources. It wasn’t like the times when the Bible was written and you had the direct apostles and disciples of Christ teaching the doctrine there’s so much misinformation out there. It’s actually terrifying, especially for people who were new coming to the church like me .

Response #15:

Re: "people are extremely divided": Yes, mainly because so many have so little regard for what the Bible actually says. What verses do they adduce to prove either OSAS or "once lost, lost forever"? Neither things are true. Believers are saved. Unbelievers are not. Scripture is very clear about this. So it's not "all up to us", because God is great and He loves us. But we DO have to maintain our faith in Christ to maintain our salvation. That is why there are so many warnings in scripture in this regard (see the link).

(3) May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised, who has in His great mercy caused us to be reborn to a hope which lives through Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, (4) and to an inheritance which will never be destroyed, defiled, or dimmed, but which is being guarded in heaven for us, (5) who are ourselves also being kept safe by God's power and our faith in Him to an ultimate deliverance ready to be unveiled at the end of time.
1st Peter 1:3-5

If a church is deliberately instilling fear, that is a pretty clear sign that on is in the wrong place. Analogously, suggesting there is nothing whatsoever for believers to be concerned about – because of OSAS and/or the pre-Trib rapture fallacy – is also a sign of trouble. As is often the case, the truth lies between. We believe in Jesus Christ and by grace through faith we are saved (Eph.2:8-9); so we let go of that faith to our very great peril.

Then He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”
Luke 7:50 NKJV

Therefore building up faith through spiritual growth is the very first principle of the Christian life. The Peter series is one good place to start.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #16:

Hi Bob,

I just finished this week's post. 116 already! I just read Rev.18 again and it finally struck me like a ton of bricks -- That's Us! While I realize we're not there, yet, the realization that it will come to us finally sunk in at gut level. It was no longer an abstraction. I don't know if the Spirit was involved in that realization though I suspect so. It's been my experience that when I'm ready to understand, He'll show me.

The discussions about various sects/churches/cults was disappointing. I hadn't realized things have sunk that low. I've found Ichthys to be infinitely more inspiring than any sermon I've heard and your responses to others have answered many questions banging around in the back of my mind. Thank you.

I think your comments on AI are spot on. I was first exposed to MIT's tinkering in the 70s. At the time, it was a joke, but it's actually progressed to the point of being dangerous. A recent scroll-by headline announced a new AI program that was a discussion between God and Satan -- so people could make up their minds. I didn't read the piece so I have no idea who would play God and who would play Satan, I don't doubt AI will play a huge role during the Tribulation. If students can get answers and completed homework from AI, will there be any intelligence left during the Great Tribulation? But, then, I'm old fashioned.

I just started listening to the remastered SR series. If that was text to speech, the technology has come a long way since I had anything to do with it. Thank Chris and Angel for me. I would be curious to know how it was accomplished and with what. Also how much tinkering with the text was required to get the diction right.

I pray all is well with you and yours. Winter is beginning to settle in down here.

In our Lord,

Response #16:

Thanks for this, my friend.

Re: "It's been my experience that when I'm ready to understand, He'll show me." It really is all about willingness and perseverance. If we are willing, and if we persevere to the point of critical mass of epignosis, things do indeed start to fall into place. Most Christians today, I'm sorry to say, are able to assess Ichthys in a matter of seconds and conclude that it has nothing to offer them (some do take a bit longer to come to that same conclusion).

On not realizing, I deal with many Zoomers in my classes, and things really are "different" down the generational line in ways that old fogies like myself are often out of touch with, just because we know some history, have had some experience, and have a hard time imagining what it's like to know zero about history and have no experience of serious trouble (even 9/11 is merely a footnote). Covid is the big event for them.

On AI, I'm not sure it is intelligent. It is good at sifting information and following patterns. But I have to say that my undergraduates' essays in that comparison I mentioned were not only obviously human but also much more intellectually interesting, evincing genuine curiosity and insight I've not seen on the AI front . . . yet. But then, I don't usually have anything to do with it since I don't have to (thankfully).

The remastered MP3's are a good example of something positive this technology can contribute. I've not seen Chris put these together but I know that he works right hard at it, listening to files carefully over and over and noting mistakes, training the program to correct them. Proper emphasis is hard to get right and apparently the program has a good deal of trouble with numbers. But the tech really is very good – and I'm grateful too (and will pass on your thanks as well).

Thanks for your prayers, my friend. Getting back into things tomorrow promises to be tough but no doubt much worse for my students. I'll have to remember not to be too hard on them. Maybe a good day to sing "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" in Latin.

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #17:

Hi Bob,

(Question at the bottom)

I can remember when I first started reading Ichthys, you wrote some things that made me think you couldn't be right. But I checked your references and discovered, by George, you were right and I was wrong. (Don't spread that around:) You opened up a whole new world for me and I've been thankful ever since. There is an incredible amount of misinformation out there.

I don't know all the labels for the generations, but you're not alone. Young people don't seem to want to work a real job. At least that's what business owners tell me. I'll even pick out the mature clerks in the grocery so I'll have someone ringing me up that I can have at least a little faith they'll get it right. If you have students willing to learn what you teach, you are truly blessed.

As far as AI goes, it's definitely artificial. If you saw the original language of AI, you'd question the intelligence of the "scientists" developing the language and AI -- Lisp -- though I have no idea if it's still being used. I've had too much experience with programmers to trust anything they do. I want nothing whatsoever to do with AI.

A question I forgot to ask when I started this thread is: a week or more ago you cited a verse in the weekly email posting that basically said, trust no one not even your wife. What was it? I can't find it. (My search skills are pathetic.) I'd like to read the context.

Thank you for all you do.

In our Lord,

Response #17:

Thanks much for your willingness to learn, my friend! There have been many over the years who have had that "this can't be right!" moment and instead of putting that particular bone aside and giving this ministry the benefit of the doubt (either way, namely, "I could be wrong", or "Even if he is wrong about this, the other stuff is pretty good"), used that as an excuse to break fellowship and move onto something else. Of course, if a person has this attitude toward what they don't agree with at Ichthys, it's hard to imagine them having any more humble attitude towards any other Bible teaching ministry. So eventually they will gravitate towards some place where nothing much of substance is taught (so they don't get offended) or else a place that teaches the same mistaken things they already have decided are right (the "itchy ear" syndrome of 2Tim.4:3).

On young people, there have been many very good young people who've come to this ministry over the years, way too many for me to want to make any blanket accusation. After all, we are all individuals to the Lord, and anyone of any age is welcomed by Him if they are willing to accept the truth and walk with Him. For all such, of all generations, we are "children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Phil.2:15 NKJV).

Also, considering what they are being taught in school, what they are being exposed to in cyber space and in the media, what they are having to cope with in the society in general and from the interaction of their peers, it's a wonder that there ARE so many great young people out there. It's the proportion that's the problem, but this is Laodicea, and in terms of spirituality, their elders are no better. Finally on this point, when I look back to my own teenage and young adult years, I do have to blush . . . quite a bit.

Re: "I want nothing whatsoever to do with AI". Right, but I think it was Trotsky who said, "You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you" (or words to that effect). This technology is quickly expanding into every nook and cranny of our lives, so we're going to have to get used to it being there, and learn how to take care.

Here's your verse (and a couple of cites other similar ones):

Do not believe a friend. Do not put your confidence in a companion. Guard the entrances of your mouth from her who lies in your bosom. For a son will treat his father disgracefully, and a daughter will rise up against her mother, and a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law. A man's enemies will be those of his own household.
Micah 7:5-6 (cf. Jer.9:4-6; Matt.10:34-36; Lk.12:51-53)

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #18:

Thanks, Bob, for the cites. Thanks also for pointing up a weakness I need to work on regarding my study. The Olivet Prophecy I was reasonably familiar with but never connected it with Micah or Jeremiah. I need to memorize those two. It is true today in spades. It never ceases to amaze me how relevant the Bible is to life today. But as you've said before people have always been like this.

It seems most of what masquerades as "church" is little more than feel-good nonsense. The last decent preacher I remember in the Methodist church survived the 2nd wave on Omaha beach. He clearly had a real come-to-Jesus moment. He would read an entire chapter and then expound on what he read. I have encountered many nice, pleasant pastors. But none other than you, that drilled down on scripture and you don't have the time restraint he did. Thank you. I can understand a certain amount of argument when someone truly wants to understand scripture, but some of your correspondents seem to care less about understanding than pushing their own beliefs and egos.

I realize there are good young people out there and I encounter them from time to time. But I also encounter the other kind as well. I do wonder what they're taught.

I forgot to mention one of the features of Lisp was the ability to modify it's own code. One of the design goals was the ability to "learn." Given the way people are, it's chilling to think of what AI might learn. It's been many years since I looked into it but as near as I can remember, there was no moral or ethical ballast associated with it.

In our Lord,

Response #18:

My pleasure as always, my friend.

Re: "the ability to modify it's own code". That is interesting. The thing is, self-determination and consciousness is something only creatures with the image of God could ever possess. Even approximating animal spirits seems to me beyond the reach of anything AI. That doesn't mean, of course, that it couldn't be used like a weapon by someone tasking it, whether human or (fallen) angelic. Our real adversaries and enemies are a lot more dangerous than any computer system.

Re: "you don't have the time restraint he did", by which you mean that a congregation will only sit still for sermons that don't go too long in their estimation. But that is at the heart of everything that is wrong with "church" in Laodicea. That whole way it has evolved is wrong. But it is so ubiquitous and "normal" that anyone trying to do things differently than what we see (unless it is to raise the "entertainment value") will run into trouble. That is the thing that most impressed me about my mentor, Col. Thieme. He taught for an hour. And then on Sunday after a break, he taught for another hour. Then another hour Sunday night. And also sessions during the week, all about an hour long. If one is teaching face to face, that is the way to get things done, not fifteen minutes once a week, no matter how good the material is. But your old pastor probably would have been fired if he tried to go that route. That's one of the main reasons this ministry is on the internet and not between four walls (and the "four walls" are also a big part of the problem, "building worship" being inextricable nowadays from what "church" must be in the eyes of most).

Freezing up here at present and I'm fighting off a relapse. I may skip the jog tomorrow (even if that is "the rot").

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #19:

Hi Bob,

I don't know if Lisp ever developed that capability. I haven't paid any attention to it since the late 70s. The best AI could do in any case, is imitate what it's fed. Apparently it's getting quite good at imitating people for movies, porn and news broadcasts. Judging from what I see in the scan-by headlines, I'd hate to see mobile robots imitating that. Besides, we have enough AI in congress as it is.

Yes, by time constraint, I meant exactly that – or do what one Methodist congregation did near where I grew up and bring in rock bands and keep free coffee brewing so that people could have a cup whenever the mood struck them. I don't have much use for them – of any flavor.

Sorry to hear about the freezing and your malaise. It has to be climate change (which has to be real since we see it twice a year without fail.) May I recommend vitamins C & D. D particularly since it's required to build immunity and I don't imagine you get a lot of sun through the winter. In Ohio it would cloud up in September and clear up sometime in June.

Stay well. You're in my daily prayers.

In our Lord,

Response #19:

I've had some success dis-investing from all these goings-on, socially and politically (technologically too). So I'm trying just to observe with interest and compare against likely soon-to-come future events, rather than get upset about things which are not only out of my control but everyone else's as well, truth be told – everyone except the devil in his deluded imagination and the Lord in reality.

Never been a coffee person myself, so that ploy wouldn't work with me (not much of a music fan either).

Yes, I'm taking my supplements, and trying to get out a bit even under the circumstances. It was sunny today, but I was so bundled up I'm not sure that I absorbed enough to make much "D". It's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow.

Thanks for the prayer support as always, my friend (keeping you in mine too).

In Jesus,

Bob L.

Question #20:

Hi Bob,

These are only a curiosity questions so please take care of more pressing issues first,

When did Herod die? How did he die? What, if any, was the relationship of his death to the destruction of the temple? Why was the temple destroyed? Was there any relationship to Paul's death as a Roman? I assume the Lord had a hand in the temple's destruction, if nothing else, to encourage acceptance of the New Covenant?

I pray all is well with you and yours and your difficulties at U of L are easing. Are you able to keep your pronouns straight there at school? I'm afraid I'm one of those old boomers who don't "get it" and likely never will.

In out Lord,

Response #20:

Pronouns are no problem. I just call everyone by their name (when I can remember it correctly). A couple of difficult days ahead though, so thanks in advance for your prayers.

On Herod, it depends on which "Herod" you mean. Here is something from the not-yet-posted Hebrews Chapter 7 [now posted at the link]:

Herod the Great, had been installed by Rome as king of Judea in 37 B.C., i.e., the same Herod who ordered the murder of all infants in the region of Bethlehem with the objective of eliminating our Lord: Matt.2:1-18 (other rulers of the Herodian family mentioned in scripture include: Herod Philip II: Lk.2:1; Archelaus: Matt.2:19-23; Herod Antipas [the man who imprisoned John and to whom Pilate sent Jesus]: Matt.14:1-12; Mk.6:14-29; Lk.3:1; 23:7-12; Herod Agrippa I [who killed James and imprisoned Peter]: Acts 12:1-24; and Herod Agrippa II [who witnessed Paul's defense]: Acts 25:13-32).

If you mean Herod the Great, according to Josephus, he died a horrible death, being in so much pain that he attempted to end his own life (here's a link to a translation of the passage where Josephus talks about it). This took place ca. 4 B.C., so probably before Paul was even born. But of course Paul did give a defense before another Herod (Herod Agrippa II) before he was shipped to Rome. We don't know anything more about Paul's final defense during his second imprisonment than can be gleaned from scripture (and commentators disagree on even the fact of a second imprisonment). Here's what I write about this in Hebrews Introduction:

After his conviction, Paul was executed, most likely in the winter of A.D. 59/60. Tradition has it that Paul was beheaded, suffering the penalty reserved for Roman citizens rather than crucifixion.

Romae Petrus passioni Dominicae adaequatur, Paulus Joannis exitu coronatur.

At Rome, Peter suffered a death like his Master's, where Paul was crowned with an end like [John] the baptist's (i.e., crucifixion vs. beheading).
– Tertullian De Praescript. Haeret., c. 36

Paul's death thus occurred almost exactly a decade before Jerusalem, the temple, and everything else in that city was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. at the conclusion of their suppression of the Jewish revolt which had begun several years earlier (A.D. 68).

In terms of the temple's destruction, clearly, the Lord can prevent anything from happening. There is no New Testament commentary about the destruction of the second temple (a strong argument for dating Revelation as I do ca. 68), but we know that the first one was most definitely destroyed because of the disobedience of Israel. So it makes perfect sense that the same was true of the second one. As you note, given the penchant even for believers to become sucked into the legalism of continuing the temple rites which Christ had fulfilled and rendered obsolete (i.e., the whole purpose of the book of Hebrews is to discourage this deadly practice), one can see how the continued existence of the temple could well have been disastrous for the expansion of Christ's Church. We have enough legalism abroad today without it!

It will be fascinating to see the third temple go up under the supervision of Moses and Elijah. One of the bright spots for those of us who are "privileged" to experience the Tribulation. And best always to keep these words of our Lord in mind when we contemplate what is coming:

"Have no fear of what you are about to suffer."
Revelation 2:10a

Keeping you in mine daily, my friend.

In Jesus,

Bob L.


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